The American Board of Pediatrics Apps

MOCA-Peds | Pediatrics Exam 1.3.4 release
Answer questions almost anywhere with the MOCA-Peds mobileapp!Thanks to the work of more than 10,000 board-certifiedpediatricianvolunteers, the American Board of Pediatrics (ABP) isoffering away for you to earn MOC Part 3 (Exam) and MOC Part2(Self-Assessment) credit: the Maintenance ofCertificationAssessment for Pediatrics, or MOCA-Peds. MOCA-Peds isan online,non-proctored assessment of and for learning. PrimaryFeatures [+]Answer questions on-the-go. [+] Use resources like theinternet orbooks (but not your colleagues) to help you answerquestions. [+]Receive immediate feedback including where youanswered thequestion correctly or incorrectly, and why. [+] Submitcomments tothe ABP on any question. The MOCA-Peds mobile app offerstheability to answer questions on-the-go. For the fullexperience,which includes features designed to help you learn, useMOCA-Pedson the web at! To use the MOCA-Pedsmobile app,you must be eligible to participate and have activatedthe app inMOCA-Peds on a desktop or laptop computer. To checkyoureligibility or activate the app, log in to your ABP Disclosure [+] The American Board of Pediatrics(ABP)certifies pediatricians and pediatric subspecialists andevaluatestheir medical knowledge on an ongoing basis. The ABP’smobile appand content includes medical descriptions and images ofchildanatomy, some including genitals, in order to educate andassessthe medical knowledge of pediatricians andpediatricsubspecialists. In some cases, there may be images ofgenitalinjury; however, none of these medically based images aresexual innature and none depict actual abuse of children.