TradeAuthority, LLC Apps

QuikTrade Mobile 2.0
QuikTrade Mobile provides for the typeofconvenient usage of the QuikTrade Barter Management System thatmaybe needed when away from the typical computer interface. Itallowsfor the conducting of POS Transactions, Gift CardTransactions,Load CRA, Directory capabilities (with mapping anddirections onGPS enabled devices), and basic balances as found onMY Info. It isnot designed to perform all functionality as found onthe fullsystem, but access to the full system is provided. Inaddition,QuikTrade Mobile also allows an easy way to input bartercardnumbers through barcode/QR code scanning functionality (codesfoundon the back of most member barter cards). Membership inaTradeAuthority member or affiliate barter exchange is required.Goto for more information.
Moxey Mobile App
More Customers. Better Cash Flow.