WatLoN Pro 0.7
I don't have time anymore to maintainthisapplication. So it is possible that it doesn't work in thefuture.Thank you for your comprehension !---------------------------WatLoN Pro is an application that allows quick access tothecontents of the Watchtower Library wol.jw.org available onthewebsite, official website of Jehovah's Witnesses.You can enjoy the content in all languages on WOL!WatLoN Pro does not include any content and therefore requiresaninternet connection (wifi or data).The first time you use this app, please select yourmainlanguage.If you want to display a second language, please usethesynchronize function. It will remember your choice.If you want to change your main language, please go to :Settings/ Apps / WatLoNPro / Clear DataThis is NOT an official application of WatchTower Bible andTractSociety of Pennsylvania Inc.
NWT Street Bible 0.997
I don't have time anymore to maintainthisapplication. So it is possible that it doesn't work in thefuture.Thank you for your comprehension !---------------------------NWTStreet simultaneously displays the New World Translation(NWT)of the Bible in two languages ​​to choose from 89languages​​available ! This translation is published by Jehovah'sWitnesses.Whatever the origin (or almost) of the people you meet onthestreet or with whom you study , you can show them the messageofthe Bible in the language of their hearts !Scrolling is synchronized in both languages. You can pinchin/outfunction to decrease/increase the size of the text. There isswipeleft and right gesture to quickly view previous or nextchapter.There is also a landscape view.You can also display only one language on the screen ifyouwish.NWTStreet does not include data , and thus requires anInternetconnection ( WiFi or cellular) to gain access to jw.orgsite forthe contents of the Bible , whatever the language. Thedisplayspeed is related to the speed of the connection.IF THERE IS SOME TROUBLES WITH LINKS, PLEASE DON'T HESITATETOSEND ME AN EMAIL. THANKS!