WGBH Digital Apps

PEEP Hide and Peep 1.0
WGBH Digital
Play hide and seek with Peep! In this Hide andPeep app, that lovable chick, Peep, and his friends are hiding. Canyou find them all?Peep and his friends peek from their hiding places in the toolshed. Kids then tap the screen where they think each character ishiding. Since every good scientist needs a keen eye, this gamehelps kids practice the observation and memory skills integral toscientific habits of mind.The first level of this game has three characters hiding. Ifthey are all found, the lights go out and the characters hideagain, ready for the next round. The difficulty increases only ifthe previous round was successfully completed without mistakes.ABOUT PEEP and the Big Wide World Hide and PeepThe PEEP and the Big Wide World Hide and Peep app from WGBH wasproduced by WGBH, the producers of PEEP and the Big Wide World,with additional development work by CloudKid. The animated seriesPEEP and the Big Wide World gives wings to the innovative idea ofteaching science to preschoolers. Wry and distinctive visual humor,charming plotlines, and lovable characters combine with acomprehensive science curriculum to attract and engage kids threeto five years old.For more exciting PEEP and the Big Wide World content, visithttp://www.peepandthebigwideworld.com.
PEEP Trash Stash 1.0
WGBH Digital
Are you ready to Stash some Trash? In this appfrom PEEP and the Big Wide World, which features the loveable andplucky robin, Chirp, one bird’s trash is another Raccoon’streasure. Since Chirp is in a “sorting mood,” kids get to helpChirp make order of her world starting with Raccoon’s junk.In this Trash Stash app, kids practice their categorizationskills by sorting objects using increasingly sophisticatedcriteria. The game begins simply with sets of colors but as kidsare successful, it gets trickier with more complex sets like ThingsYou Can Eat and Metal Things.Players might notice that objects can fall into more than oneset. A red apple might be in the Red Things, Things You Can Eat,and Things That Grew sets. Older kids may also get a kick out oftrying to guess what the set will be before it's announced. Theycan do so by watching the items as Raccoon hurls them from hishideaway.The PEEP and the Big Wide World Trash Stash app from WGBH wasproduced by WGBH, the producers of PEEP and the Big Wide World,with additional development work by CloudKid. The animated seriesPEEP and the Big Wide World gives wings to the innovative idea ofteaching science to preschoolers. Wry and distinctive visual humor,charming plotlines, and lovable characters combine with acomprehensive science curriculum to attract and engage kids threeto five years old.For more exciting PEEP and the Big Wide World content, visithttp://www.peepandthebigwideworld.com.
PEEP Quack's Apples 1.0
WGBH Digital
Get ready to make a splash! In this Quack’sApples app, which features, the hilariously quirky duck, Quack,kids roll apples into the pond for his fish museum. Watch out forthe rabbit holes! (Bunnies don't seem to share.)In the Quack’s Apples app, kids can have as many tries as theyneed to perfect their route for the getting Quack’s apples to rollinto the pond. Quack has an unlimited supply of apples, thoughthere seem to be an unlimited supply of sticks too! By encouragingkids to keep testing and tweaking their designs until they get thatapple in the pond, they are practicing the engineering designprocess integral to scientific thinking.Players can't get rid of the sticks that block the apples fromrolling into the pond, but can tap on them to turn them indifferent directions to create a path for the apples to roll intothe water. Once they get it, the next setup will be a littleharder.The PEEP and the Big Wide World Trash Stash app from WGBH wasproduced by WGBH, the producers of PEEP and the Big Wide World,with additional development work by CloudKid. The animated seriesPEEP and the Big Wide World gives wings to the innovative idea ofteaching science to preschoolers. Wry and distinctive visual humor,charming plotlines, and lovable characters combine with acomprehensive science curriculum to attract and engage kids threeto five years old.For more exciting PEEP and the Big Wide World content, visithttp://www.peepandthebigwideworld.com.
PEEP House Hunt 1.0
WGBH Digital
Get ready for the ultimate match-up! ThisHouse Hunt app, which features the lovable chick, Peep, puts a newtwist on a basic matching game. Kids turn pairs of leaves bytapping them, not to find identical pictures, but to pair animalswith their homes. Can you help Mole find his way home?The House Hunt app has been carefully constructed to demonstratethat some habitats (such as trees or water) are home to manydifferent animals. However, on any given round, kids will be askedto match only one animal to any particular habitat. This game canbe played using skill or trial and error.The PEEP and the Big Wide World House Hunt app from WGBH wasproduced by WGBH, the producers of PEEP and the Big Wide World,with additional development work by CloudKid. The animated seriesPEEP and the Big Wide World gives wings to the innovative idea ofteaching science to preschoolers. Wry and distinctive visual humor,charming plotlines, and lovable characters combine with acomprehensive science curriculum to attract and engage kids threeto five years old.For more exciting PEEP and the Big Wide World content, visithttp://www.peepandthebigwideworld.com.
PEEP Which Fish? 0.1
WGBH Digital
Eight fish swim gently in a line. In thisWhich Fish app, kids must observe the pattern the fish form andselect which fish, from a choice of three, to assign to therightmost position. If they are correct, Quack will respond and anew set of fish will appear.The Which Fish app was designed to teach kids about patternrecognition through self-leveling. If players answer a roundwithout error, they are offered a harder level in the next round.If they do make an error on the way to success, they remain at thesame difficulty level for the next round.In this way, the gameskeep kids within their own comfort levels, nudging them to morechallenging levels only if they are ready.The PEEP and the Big Wide World Which Fish? app was produced byWGBH and the producers of PEEP and the Big Wide World. The animatedseries PEEP and the Big Wide World gives wings to the innovativeidea of teaching science to preschoolers. Wry and distinctivevisual humor, charming plotlines, and lovable characters combinewith a comprehensive science curriculum to attract and engage kidsthree to five years old.For more exciting PEEP and the Big Wide World content, visithttp://www.peepandthebigwideworld.com.
PEEP Flower Power 0.1
WGBH Digital
It's springtime and the ground is covered withcherry blossoms! In this Flower Power app, Chirp and Quack havecollected a pile of blossoms and need help sharing so that each hasthe same amount. Players drag the flowers to divide them into equalgroups until Chirp and Quack have all the flowers and both arehappy. When players get really good, Peep might decide he wantssome flowers too. Then, the blossoms will need to be divided threeways! By the way, keep an eye out for those mischievouschipmunks...The Flower Power app was designed to help kids practice fairshares, a mathematics concept! Every time kids share things withtheir friends, they are practicing math skills. After handing outeach flower, kids compare to see who has more. Once the flowers aresplit equally, kids have successfully solved a division problem!This game makes a great introduction to these concepts withoutlooking like a math problem.The PEEP and the Big Wide World Flower Power app was produced byWGBH and the producers of PEEP and the Big Wide World. The animatedseries PEEP and the Big Wide World gives wings to the innovativeidea of teaching science to preschoolers. Wry and distinctivevisual humor, charming plotlines, and lovable characters combinewith a comprehensive science curriculum to attract and engage kidsthree to five years old.For more exciting PEEP and the Big Wide World content, visithttp://www.peepandthebigwideworld.com.
PEEP Fish Swish 0.1
WGBH Digital
Get ready to dive into some fun! In this FishSwish app, which features the hilariously quirky duck Quack, kidshelp Quack count fish. Quack is underwater visiting his fishfriends and giving them balloon rides. In order find out how manyballoons he needs, kids have to tell him how many fish there are.The only problem is there's not much time to count them! Fish swimacross the screen and kids try to tell "at a glance" how many thereare.The Fish Swish app was designed to promote sight counting, or"subitizing" which means seeing how many objects there are withouthaving to count them each individually. This is a useful skill thatcan be improved with practice and these fish give kids a chance todo that by changing their formation and speed. Don't think the fishare trying to help though, they're really just in it for theballoon rides!The PEEP and the Big Wide World Fish Swish app was produced by WGBHand the producers of PEEP and the Big Wide World. The animatedseries PEEP and the Big Wide World gives wings to the innovativeidea of teaching science to preschoolers. Wry and distinctivevisual humor, charming plotlines, and lovable characters combinewith a comprehensive science curriculum to attract and engage kidsthree to five years old.For more exciting PEEP and the Big Wide World content, visithttp://www.peepandthebigwideworld.com.
ABCD Watermelon 0.2
WGBH Digital
Sing along alphabet fun! In this ABCDWatermelon app, Leona sings the alphabet song, but keeps adding insilly words. It's your job to fill in the correct missing letters.It's a fun way to learn the alphabet song, and to learn to identifyletters.The ABCD Watermelon app was designed to teach children about letterknowledge. Recognizing the letters of the alphabet is essential forlanguage and vocabulary development. The ability to understandlanguage, follow directions, and express one's thoughts is criticalfor young children.The Between the Lions, ABCD Watermelon app was produced by WGBH andthe producers of Between the Lions. Between the Lions is anaward-winning PBS series designed to foster the literacy skills ofits viewers, while playfully demonstrating the joys of reading.Unique among the hundreds of programs aimed at children, thispuppet, animated, and live-action series is based on a detailed andrigorous literacy curriculum. The lively characters and delightfulplotlines aim to give children the experiences they need to becomesuccessful readers.For more exciting Between the Lions content, visit http://www.pbskids.org/lions/.
PEEP Bunny Balance 1.0.0
WGBH Digital
These bunnies love to balance! In thisBunnyBalance app, these lovable bunnies are playing on a seesaw.Can youbalance the bunnies?Four seats on a seesaw, along with an array of bunnies, letkidsexperiment with balance. There are five sets of bunnies, eachsetwith its own distinct size, color, and weight. In this game,thebigger the bunny, the heavier it is — but don't forget to letyourkids know that's not always true in the real world. (Help themtodiscover that a stone weighs more than an inflated balloon.)Because they can drag bunnies to any seat, kids are encouragedtoexperiment. Prompts also ask them to try to balance the seesaw,orto make one end heavier or lighter than the other. As thegamecontinues, players are encouraged to see what happens whenbunniesare placed nearer the middle. Extended play thus covers thebasicsof balance, including the concepts of weight, size, andevendistance from the fulcrum.The PEEP Bunny Balance app from WGBH was produced by WGBH,theproducers of Peep and the Big Wide World. The animated seriesPeepand the Big Wide World gives wings to the innovative ideaofteaching science to preschoolers. Wry and distinctive visualhumor,charming plotlines, and lovable characters combine withacomprehensive science curriculum to attract and engage kidsthreeto five years old.
PEEP Hop To It 1.0.0
WGBH Digital
Hop…hop…hop…SPLASH! Frog is trying togetacross her pond without getting wet. Can you help her jump ontothelily pads?Tapping the different buttons lets Frog choose a small, mediumorlong jump. Missing a lily pad lands Frog in the water. Butdon'tworry: she'll be ready to start again when she hops out amomentlater!It may take a few attempts to judge the distances, but that'sthefun of the game. Look for other characters on the bank,including —if you get to the end — Quack, who also has the VeryImportant Taskof counting all the hops. Feel free to count alongwith your kids asthey play.The PEEP Hop To It app from WGBH was produced by WGBH,theproducers of Peep and the Big Wide World. The animated seriesPeepand the Big Wide World gives wings to the innovative ideaofteaching science to preschoolers. Wry and distinctive visualhumor,charming plotlines, and lovable characters combine withacomprehensive science curriculum to attract and engage kidsthreeto five years old.
PEEP Memory Lane 1.0.0
WGBH Digital
Peep and Chirp love going on nature walksintheir neighborhood! But sometimes they forget what they sawontheir adventures. Can you help them remember?A good scientist is a keen observer of the world. In thisgame,Peep and Chirp take kids on increasingly cluttered strolls.Kidsmust remember what they have seen on each leg of thejourney,progressing to the next level when they successfully reportonsomething they just saw.In the spirit of self-correction, if kids make an error, theycanwalk past the same objects again to have another look. PeepandChirp alternate between rounds to help kids recognize thattheyhave a new set of objects to review.The later rounds can be tricky, since there are many moreobjectsto observe and some are only partially visible.The PEEP Memory Lane app from WGBH was produced by WGBH,theproducers of Peep and the Big Wide World. The animated seriesPeepand the Big Wide World gives wings to the innovative ideaofteaching science to preschoolers. Wry and distinctive visualhumor,charming plotlines, and lovable characters combine withacomprehensive science curriculum to attract and engage kidsthreeto five years old.
PEEP Chirp Shapes Up 1.0.0
WGBH Digital
Is that a square over there? Wait, it mightbea triangle! Yikes, it looks like Chirp needs your help tofinddifferent shapes in her backyard!Our world is made of shapes. They're everywhere youlook!Triangle roofs, circle eyes, and square houses, just to name afew.In this game kids click things that look like certain shapesandwhen they've found them all, the shapes come to life along withthecharacters.Recognizing and identifying similar shapes in the world around usisa basic skill that will help with math concepts later on too.Kidsare asked to find things that are round, have three sides, orhavefour sides. Some of them might be pretty tricky, but Chirpwill helpyou out. Pretty soon you'll be spotting shapes everywhereyougo.The Peep Chirp Shapes Up app from WGBH was produced by WGBH,theproducers of Peep and the Big Wide World. The animated seriesPeepand the Big Wide World gives wings to the innovative ideaofteaching science to preschoolers. Wry and distinctive visualhumor,charming plotlines, and lovable characters combine withacomprehensive science curriculum to attract and engage kidsthreeto five years old.
PEEP Round and Round 0.1
WGBH Digital
All plants and animals go through cycles,butthe stages of each look very different. In this Round andRoundapp, kids choose a plant or animal from the landscape and findouthow it changes and grows over time. The stages of the cyclearepictured in a circle, but some are missing! Kids put them intheright order to see them grow up and start small again.The Round and Round app was designed to teach kids aboutlifecycles. There's something for everyone here, with life cyclesof abutterfly, turtle, sunflower, dandelion, and more. For youngerkidsthat may not be familiar with natural cycles, parents canplayalong, helping their kids tell the story of each cycle.The PEEP and the Big Wide World Round and Round app was producedbyWGBH and the producers of PEEP and the Big Wide World. Theanimatedseries PEEP and the Big Wide World gives wings to theinnovativeidea of teaching science to preschoolers. Wry anddistinctivevisual humor, charming plotlines, and lovable characterscombinewith a comprehensive science curriculum to attract andengage kidsthree to five years old.For more exciting PEEP and the Big Wide World content,visithttp://www.peepandthebigwideworld.com.
PEEP Paint Splat 1.0
WGBH Digital
Ready, Set, Splat! In this Paint Splatapp,which features the hilariously quirky duck, Quack and hispluckyrobin friend, Chirp, kids make Quack jump on paint tubes tomixcolors on the fence. Watch out for the hose!Paint Splat offers kids the opportunity to experiment withmixingcolors or match a color Chirp holds up a on a card. If thecolororange, purple or green (which make up the secondary colorgroup) issuccessfully created, Chirp offers some of theharder-to-mixtertiary colors. Like many of our games, this onegets harder onlyif the player is succeeding.By tapping on the paint tubes, players can make Quack squirtupto two blobs of blue, yellow, and red paint onto a fence.Tappingon the hose washes the paint off, enabling kids to have afreshstart.Kids can experiment with mixing whatever colors they like ortheycan try to match the color Chirp holds up.The PEEP and the Big Wide World Paint Splat app from WGBHwasproduced by WGBH, the producers of PEEP and the Big WideWorld,with additional development work by CloudKid. The animatedseriesPEEP and the Big Wide World gives wings to the innovativeidea ofteaching science to preschoolers. Wry and distinctive visualhumor,charming plotlines, and lovable characters combine withacomprehensive science curriculum to attract and engage kidsthreeto five years old.For more exciting PEEP and the Big Wide World content,visithttp://www.peepandthebigwideworld.com.
PEEP Family Science: Sounds 1.0.2
WGBH Digital
It's fun to explore sounds with your family!
PEEP Family Science: Colors 1.0.4
WGBH Digital
Learn about colors! Play, explore, and learn about sciencetogether!
PEEP Ciencias: Sonidos
WGBH Digital
It's fun to explore sounds with your family!
PEEP Family Science: Shadows 1.0.0
WGBH Digital
It's fun to explore shadows with your family!
PEEP Ciencias: Colores 1.0.4
WGBH Digital
Learn about colors! Play, explore, and learn about sciencetogether!
Design Squad Maker 1.0.5
WGBH Digital
Design & Engineering for Kids
PEEP Ciencias: Sombras 1.0.0
WGBH Digital
It's fun to explore shadows with your family!
PEEP Family Science: Ramps 1.0.5
WGBH Digital
Learn about ramps! Play, explore, and learn about science together!
PEEP Ciencias: Rampas 1.0.5
WGBH Digital
Learn about ramps! Play, explore, and learn about science together!