Windfly Apps

澎湖校園野生植物導覽圖鑑 1.04
此應用程式提供八項功能:一、可瀏覽開發團隊結合自然領域植物專家所調查的澎湖縣各校植物內容。二、完整介紹目前已調查的11所學校、107種野生植物。三、可透過此APP觀看各校已建立的植物介紹影片。四、使用澎湖縣學生信箱或是個人Gmail信箱登入可進行線上植物辨識測驗。五、線上測驗所累積之分數會在天梯排行榜呈現,可瞭解天梯前十名人員狀況。六、使用澎湖縣教師信箱登入可查看學生線上測驗完整分析。七、使用者可在我的花園功能找到所建立之我的最愛,方便下次瀏覽此植物內容。八、各校植物分佈及植物內容的更新,行動裝置確認聯網時便會同步更新,不需透過更新此應用程式來達成。This app provides eightfunctions:First, visit the development team combined with the natural fieldof plant experts surveyed schools Penghu plant content.Second, a complete description has been investigated 11 schools,107 kinds of wild plants.Third, schools can watch a video about plants established throughthis APP.Fourth, the use Penghu personal Gmail mailbox or mailbox Studentscan sign online plant identification quiz.Fifth, the cumulative test scores in the online ladder chartshowing, we can understand the ladder of the top ten healthpersonnel.Sixth, the use Penghu teacher sign-mail can be viewed online quizstudents complete analysis.Seven, users can find the build of my favorites in my gardenfunction to facilitate the next time you visit the plantcontent.Eight, update, mobile schools Plants and plant content confirmationwill be synchronized when network without using update this app toachieve.
國小英語單字王 1.08
一、這個平台可協助您於線上進行國小英語單字測驗,並且將您獲得的積分做累計,如分數夠高便可進入天梯排行中顯示;在此平台進行測驗時不需進行註冊,僅需要在下方輸入您每次操作時的使用者名稱,便可在任何時候使用任何裝置進行線上測驗。二、與http://網頁版操作同步。First, this platform canhelp you make small English word quiz online, and you get thepoints accumulated to do, such as score high enough can enter theranking ladder display; no need to register in this platform tests,requires only each time you enter a user name when operating below,you can use any device online quiz at any time.Second, synchronized with the Web versionhttp:// operation.