Xinhua News Apps

Xinhua News 2.5.6
Xinhua News
The Xinhua News App is the English-language mobile portal of XinhuaNews Agency and a prime platform for people around the world tobetter know about China. As China’s state news agency with globalreach, Xinhua has established a global news-gathering network and amultimedia, multichannel, multi-tier and multifunctional newsrelease system, which enables Xinhua to offer comprehensive newsservices featuring wire service, newspapers, magazines, television,economic information, and the internet-based and new mediaproducts. Xinhua provides English news service 24/7 in the form oftext, photo, infographics, audio and video. With “Connect China tothe World”as the core vision, Xinhua News App relies on Xinhua’spremier and first-hand English news resources and well-selectedinformation to update our global users with round-the-clockreporting, telling China stories and reporting world affairs in acomprehensive, timely and objective way. We are more authoritative.The Xinhua News App provides a large number of first-hand China andworld news in English, thanks to its branch offices across China aswell as some 180 overseas bureaus. Besides conventional text, photoand video products, the Xinhua News App will offer more innovativeVR, AR and AI products. The app also features on-the-scene livenews, and exclusive live news reports through a comprehensive useof the newest mobile network technology. We better understand ourusers. The Xinhua News App is China’s first mainstream media app tooffer users intelligent recommendation service. This highlyindividualized service is made possible through the construction ofan English media database. We touch on more interesting topics. Tocater to our readers from every corner of the planet, the XinhuaNews App offers almost every kind of China and world news, ontopics of politics, culture, business and economy, science,technology, social news, sports, entertainment, fashion, health,lifestyles, in-depth analysis, and other sections. We deliver morethan news services. China has never been so close to the center ofthe world stage, and a drastically changing world is alsoincreasingly keen to know more about China. As a result, the keymission of the Xinhua News App lies in introducing Chinaexperiences, expounding China proposals, offering China solutions,and sharing China wisdom and opportunities with the rest of theworld. The Xinhua News App offers the best not only in content butalso in appearance. Its simple and graceful appearance works as afriendly interface. The keynote offers a subtle blending of acosmopolitan style with Chinese hues, while the app’s contents arepresented in lists and cards. The Xinhua News App is your “Windowon China”.