Zagrebačka banka d.d. Apps

m-zabaPS 2.25.15
BY USING M-ZABA YOU CAN: • check account balance and activitiesofyour transactions accounts, time deposits accounts and yourunitsin ZB Invest funds, • get information on activities ofyourtransaction account for the current year and the previoustwocalendar years, • create payment orders in HRK and foreigncurrencyfrom the details of debit or credit activity, • getstatement (inPDF format) of your transaction account for thecurrent year andthe previous calendar year, • get invoices forservice fees andcharges, • activate business cards, get informationon cardtransactions and get PIN, • get information on daily limitamountsand information on contracted and available limit amounts, •makepayment in HRK within the daily limit, • make foreigncurrencypayments in favour of payees maintaining accounts withZagrebačkabanka or with other Croatian banks within the dailylimit, • makecross-border and international payments within thedaily limit, •buy or sell foreign currency or make currencyconversions atregular exchange rate • pay bills by scanning thedata with yourmobile device camera (m-photo pay) • pay invoices byscanning thedata from invoices that are not standardized (in word,PDF, excelformat) with your mobile device camera (fast scan), • youcan if,at the same time, use e-zaba business banking, preparepaymentorders and, execute them via m-zaba without amountlimitation, •payment orders entered via m-zaba or e-zaba can besigned and sentfor execution as a group, • review payment ordersfor the currentyear and two previous calendar years, • sentconfirmation onexecuted payment order to an e-mail address of yourchoice, • usetemplates previously saved via m-zaba or e-zaba, •review the unitprices of ZB Invest funds, • check exchange ratelist, • find thenearest ATM, Bank’s branch or Small BusinessCentre, and locate theATMs of UniCredit Group members abroad, •contact us with questionor suggestion by choosing the “Contact us”icon situated inside the“Message” option. SECURITY Zagrebačka bankapays particularattention to the security of operations of m-bankingusers. Accessto m-banking and m-token is possible with the PINwhich is knownonly to the user, therefore in case of theft or lossof the mobiledevice, misuse is not possible. The data related toaccounts andPIN are not kept in the mobile device, and the PINentry isprotected with the shuffle keyboard. Services accessed byPIN areautomatically locked after multiple consecutive entry of awrongPIN, as well as after three minutes of non-use. Use „Logout“optionto log out after ending the use of m-zaba.
m-zaba 2.44.6
No matter where you are, with m-zaba you can: • findinformationabout cards, check PIN and manage its daily limits •check thebalance and transactions of accounts, saving accounts andloans •pay your bills by scanning them using the m-photo pay or thefastscan service • easily transfer money using Izipay. Receiver'sphonenumber is all you need. • trade in the shares of ZB Investfunds •trade on global stock exchanges via ZB Trader GlobalserviceM-banking and m-token services can be contracted via e-zabaor atany of our branches. Other services, such as the ATM locatorandexchange rates, are available to everybody, without the needofcontracting them at the Bank. SAFETY Zagrebačka Banka paysspecialattention to the security of operations performed by mobilebankingclients. PIN used to access the services is only known bythe userand therefore there is no threat of abuse if a mobiledevice isstolen or lost. PIN and account information are not storedin themobile device, and the entry of PIN is protected by avariablekeypad. The services that are accessed by entering PINareautomatically blocked if an incorrect PIN is repeatedlyentered.After a 3-minute period of inactivity, m-zaba automaticallylogsout the user.