
vmwViewer 0.5.0
vmwViewer isandroid-vnc-viewer( basedapplication purposed for connecting to virtual machinedesktopsover VNC® protocol while managing VMware vSphere®infrastructurefrom vmwPAD™ ( vmwViewer may bealso used instandalone mode. The main improvement in this branch issupportingof portrait screen orientation. The vmwViewer source codeisdistributed under GNU GPL v2 and availableat --- ™ vmwClient, vmwPADaretrademarks of ® VMware, VMware vSphere areregisteredtrademarks of VMware, Inc. ® VNC is a registeredtrademark ofRealVNC Ltd.
vmwPAD 2.8
vmwPAD is the client application designed for the remotemonitoringand management of VMware vSphere® infrastructure fromAndroiddevices. •Key features - Faster and more usable than theweb-basedclients. - Does not require any additional software likevSphereplugins, agents, proxies etc.; connects directly tovCenter/ESX(i).- Does not require any accounts, subscriptions andregistering. -Usable and intuitive interface with split and pagerview layoutoptions. - Ability to connect to severalvCenters/ESX(i)s at thesame time. - Real time monitoring of vSphereInventory state andactivities. - All of the basic managementoperations for VMs,hosts, vApps etc. supported. - Alarms monitor. -Recent tasksmonitor. - VM snapshot manager. - VM device manager. -VMmigration; both VMotion™ and VM relocation (change hostand/ordatastore) supported. - VM console for vSphere 6.0 andhighersupported (vSphere 5.5 Update 2 VM console support possiblebut notguaranteed). - Realtime performance charts. - Inventorysearch. -Data store mount browsing over SSH protocol. •Charge -Once-onlypayment. •Follow the product bloghere •IMPORTANT If youhavefree VMware vSphere lincense installed on ESXi/vCentercertainnumber of vSphere control features like power on/off, rebootetc.may not work for some ESXi/vCenter versions. This restrictionisthe official policy of VMware regarding all 3rd partyvSphereclients. Those who get “License Check Error” on app startuppleasecheck the following: 1. You are trying to launch the appbeinglogged in to the same Google account used to purchase the app.2.You have stable Internet connection - this is required onlyonfirst app startup. 3. You have recent version of Google Play™appinstalled. vmwPAD browses datastore mounts on ESX(i) overSSHprotocol (the desktop client does it over HTTPS underrootaccount), hence you have to be sure that the SSH server isrunningon ESX(i) and your account is granted withcorrespondingpermissions for the datastore file operations. If youhave anytechnical problems please email us to troubles in the product reviews will not help ustoinvestigate and fix them shortly. --- ™ vmwPAD is a ™ Android, Google Play are trademarks of Google Inc.®VMware, VMware vSphere, vCenter Server, VMotion, ESX and ESXiaretrademarks or registered trademarks of VMware, Inc.