i.syde Apps

Dive into Yoga Lite 1.3
Christine Martitz, international yoga expertand teacher, has now made it possible for you to share her secretsand immerse yourself in the mystical world of yoga with 29individual high quality videos demonstrating how to practice yoga.Unlike most yoga apps, this app combines instruction withdemonstration using video. Rather than looking at a still pictureof a particular pose, these videos show you how to perform eachpose correctly and without strain. The beautifully shot clips giveyou the ability to see yoga postures in real time, with a realperson, while hearing expert instruction. Why settle for pictures,when you can have your own private yoga class with Christine?This app is sure to raise your practice to the next level.Christine will inspire you to make your personal practice of yogastronger and more effective - rejuvenating your mind, body andspirit.Her down to earth insightful teaching style will allow you toenhance your yoga practice. Get the feeling of a yoga vacation orretreat in the comfort of your own home and become healthier withthis revolutionary app.This app is the ideal way to begin your yoga routine and improveyour health. You can even control your cholesterol level, reduceweight, normalize blood pressure and improve cardiacperformance.Included in this App:* 29 video clips showing you how to do yoga and one introductionvideo (all together about 54min/287MB video material)* ability to play just one video clip* ability to make a set of video clips and play them all* glossary with photos of asanas and sanskrit terms* ability to store video clips to your phone or to watch videoclips online
Dive into Yoga 1.3
Christine Martitz, international yoga expertand teacher, has now made it possible for you to share her secretsand immerse yourself in the mystical world of yoga with 29individual high quality videos demonstrating how to practice yoga.Unlike most yoga apps, this app combines instruction withdemonstration using video. Rather than looking at a still pictureof a particular pose, these videos show you how to perform eachpose correctly and without strain. The beautifully shot clips giveyou the ability to see yoga postures in real time, with a realperson, while hearing expert instruction. Why settle for pictures,when you can have your own private yoga class with Christine?This app is sure to raise your practice to the next level.Christine will inspire you to make your personal practice of yogastronger and more effective - rejuvenating your mind, body andspirit.Her down to earth insightful teaching style will allow you toenhance your yoga practice. Get the feeling of a yoga vacation orretreat in the comfort of your own home and become healthier withthis revolutionary app.This app is the ideal way to begin your yoga routine and improveyour health. You can even control your cholesterol level, reduceweight, normalize blood pressure and improve cardiacperformance.Included in this App:* 29 video clips showing you how to do yoga and one introductionvideo (all together about 54min/287MB video material)* ability to play just one video clip* ability to make a set of video clips and play them all* glossary with photos of asanas and sanskrit terms* ability to store video clips to your phone or to watch videoclips online
sozialApp 1.11
Die sozialApp wurde für Dich entwickelt undist die erste App rund um das Thema Hartz IV!Du erhältst Informationen darüber WAS Dir zusteht, WIE DuLeistungen beantragst und WO der Antrag gestellt werden muss. KeineParagraphen, kein Amtsdeutsch, sondern Gesetze einfach erklärt undjeden verständlich.Nach der Installation stehen Dir Informationen zu Regelleistungen,Wohnung, Mehrbedarf, Einkommen und zu vielem mehr, zurVerfügung.„Jeder Gang macht schlank, aber wohl nicht der zum Jobcenter. Derlässt einem eher graue Haare wachsen“ – Aber vielleicht kannst DuDir ja einige Gänge sparen, denn die sozialApp bietet außerdem:Hilfe bei der Erstellung von Anträgen, Widersprüchen und sogarÜberprüfungsanträgen nach § 44 SGB XII. – Das ist mit der sozialAppkinderleicht!Das Besondere und Einzigartige an der sozialApp ist, dass die mitder App generierten Anträge bereits personalisiert sind und direktan das Jobcenter geschickt werden können. Es sind also nichteinfach nur Vorlagen und Du kannst die Zeit, die Du sonst zumAusfüllen bräuchtest für etwas anderes nutzen. Die sozialApperstellt ein Dokument, das Du nur noch ausdrucken und DeinemJobcenter zukommen lassen musst. Per Mail, als Ausdruck auf DeinemPC oder beides!Einfacher geht es nicht!Die fünf wichtigsten Überprüfungsanträge (z.B. auf Regelleistungen,Mehrbedarf, Wohnungskosten, etc.) sind bereits inklusive. Weitere,auf Deine besondere Bedürfnisse zugeschnittene Anträge undWidersprüche können per InApp-Kauf für je 99ct erworben werden.Du wirst Dich wundern was man alles beantragen kann!Stichwörter: Hartz IV, Hartz 4, Hartz4, HartzIV, sozial,Sozialhilfe, Sozialleistungen, Anträge, Widersprüche,SanktionenThe sozialApp designedfor you and it is the first app on the topic of Hartz IV!You can get information about WHAT you are entitled, HOW you applyfor benefits and the WO application must be submitted. Noparagraphs, no office German, but laws simply explained and eachcourse.After installation you have information to standard benefits,housing, increased demand, income and much more, are available."Every course is slimming, but probably not to the job center. Theleaves a rather gray hairs "- but maybe you can save some coursesyou yes, because the sozialApp offers:Assistance in the preparation of applications, contradictions andeven requests verification pursuant to § 44 SGB XII. - This is easywith the sozialApp!The special and unique about the sozialApp is that generated by theapp requests are already personalized and can be sent directly tothe job center. So it is not just templates and you can use forsomething else the time that you otherwise would need to fill out.The sozialApp created a document that you only have to print andsend your job center. E-mail, as an expression on your PC, orboth!Could not be easier!The five most important verification applications (eg to standardbenefits, additional needs, housing costs, etc.) are included.Further, tailored to your special needs requests and contradictionscan be purchased via InApp purchase for each 99ct.  You will wonder what you can apply for everything!Tags: Hartz IV, Hartz 4, Hartz4, Hartz IV, social, welfare,benefits, applications, contradictions, sanctions
eye.syde (Simul.Farbenblindh.) 1.1
App to simulate color blindness and color vision defects.