nttuhfiis Apps

國立臺東大學校園行動導覽 1.1.1
本行動導覽將帶領您參觀本校特色景點,希望在我們的導覽下讓您認識本校。本系統說明:1.利用圖片、文字或語音介紹本校特色景點。2.結合Google map,您在本校內按下追隨導覽按鈕,系統就為您自動推播提示附近的特色景點。3.在導覽介面按下左上角之按鈕可喚出側邊導覽介面,點選欲查看之項目,系統將會為您顯示其景點的位置。4.按下地圖中紅色圖示或地圖下方項目(當您接近特色景點即會顯示),即可開啟您所選擇的景點導覽。This action will take youto visit our school tour attractions, hope in our school tours letyou know.Description of the system:1. The use of images, text or voice describes the schoolattractions.2. The combination of Google map, you press in the school followingthe navigation buttons, the system will prompt you to automaticallypush the nearby attractions.3. In the upper left corner of the navigation interface by pressingthe side button to call up the navigation interface, click To viewthe project, the system will show you the location of itsattractions.4. Press the map in red below the map icon or item (when you closeattractions is displayed), you can open your chosen tourattractions.