上海心蕊网络技术有限公司 Apps

房颤百科 1.1
房颤是一种比较常见的心律失常,表现为心脏跳动快且不规则,有时候可以达到100~160次/分,不仅比正常人心跳快得多,而且绝对不整齐,心房失去有效的收缩功能,易有血栓形成。房颤的发病率随年龄增长而增高,75岁以上人群可达10%。房颤的发生,可能与喝酒、紧张、水电解质或代谢紊乱、重度感染有关。《房颤百科》收录了权威的预防/治疗/护理知识和答疑,并提供症状自测、权威专家推荐和免费咨询预约功能,为广大患者及家属提供基本所需的便利服务;同时对普通用户也可以起到答疑解惑、有备无患之用。Atrial fibrillation is acommon arrhythmia, the performance of irregular heart beat faster,and sometimes can reach 100 to 160 beats / min, only much fasterthan normal heartbeat, and absolutely irregular, loss of effectiveatrial contraction functional, easy to thrombosis. The incidence ofatrial fibrillation increases with age, people over the age of 75up to 10%. Atrial fibrillation, may be related to drinking, stress,water, electrolyte or metabolic disorders, severe infection."Encyclopedia of atrial fibrillation," a collection ofauthoritative prevention / treatment / care knowledge and answeringquestions, and provide symptom self-test, experts recommend a freeconsultation appointment and functions for the majority of patientsand their families to provide the basic necessities of convenientservices; while ordinary users You can also play answeringquestions, be prepared for use.
上海整形优惠券 1.2
一券在手,你就是明星你,是否因为长相四处碰壁、伤痕累累?你,是否因为整形费用太高,而时常抱怨?别担心,免费整形优惠券帮您排忧解难!只要分享并集赞成功,上传你的截图,就会获得整形优惠券,一券在手,你就是明星!A ticket in hand, you arethe starYou, whether because of looks around the wall, scarred?You, whether because of the high cost of plastic surgery, but oftencomplain about?Do not worry, free plastic surgery coupons to help you out!Just share and set like success, upload your shots, you get plasticsurgery coupons, a voucher in hand, you are the star!
全国出租叫车 1.1
360上海良医 2.5
众所周知,国内医疗资源分布极不均匀,尤以北京、上海等一线城市所占比重最大。全国各地患者人群在求医过程中,有相当大一部分最终需要转诊到一线城市的大医院,求医于经验和技术更胜一筹的专家。考虑到这样的“刚性需求”,我们精心整理并出品了全免费的沪上名医速查软件——《360上海良医》,覆盖了16个常见科室及部分著名三甲医院,让您直接找到各领域的最顶级和优秀的专家!更可以通过内置的在线咨询和免费电话与专家直接沟通,让患者朋友充分享有知情权。友情提醒:咨询沟通所获建议仅供参考,任何病情都应去医院进行详细检查,并以医师当面诊断为准。As we all know, China isextremely uneven distribution of medical resources, especially inBeijing, Shanghai and other cities the largest share. Patientpopulations across the country in the course of medical treatment,a considerable part of the first-tier cities will eventually need areferral to a big hospital, doctor at the superior experience andtechnical experts. Taking into account such a "rigid demand", wecarefully organize and produced a full free software Quick doctorsin Shanghai - "360 Shanghai Good Doctor", covering 16 commonsections and some famous three hospitals, allowing you to directlyfind the top field and outstanding experts! But also through thebuilt-in online consultation and free telephone to communicatedirectly with the experts, to enable patients to fully enjoy theright friends.Friendly reminder: consult the communication receivedsuggestions for reference only, any illness should go to thehospital for detailed examination and diagnosis by physicians faceprevail.
冠心病 1.1
冠心病是指冠状动脉性心脏病,是由于冠状动脉粥样硬化或痉挛所致的狭窄或堵塞,引起心肌缺血缺氧甚至坏死所发生的一种心脏病。其具体发生机制尚不明确,目前认为发生该病的危险因素有:年龄和性别(45岁以上的男性,55岁以上或者绝经后的女性)、家族史(父兄在55岁以前,母亲/姐妹在65岁前死于心脏病)、肥胖、吸烟、缺乏运动、糖尿病、高血压、高脂血症、痛风等。《冠心病》收录了权威的预防/治疗/护理知识和答疑,并提供症状自测、权威专家推荐和免费咨询预约功能,为广大患者及家属提供基本所需的便利服务;同时对普通用户也可以起到答疑解惑、有备无患之用。Coronary heart disease iscoronary heart disease is due to atherosclerosis or coronary arteryspasm caused by narrowing or blockage, causing a heart attack ormyocardial ischemia and hypoxia and necrosis occurred. The specificmechanism is not clear, now that the risk factors for the disease:age and gender (men over the age of 45, women 55 years and older orpostmenopausal), family history (father and brother 55 years ago,the mother / sister died of heart disease before age 65), obesity,smoking, lack of exercise, diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia,gout."Coronary heart disease" a collection of authoritativeprevention / treatment / care knowledge and answering questions,and providing self-rated symptoms, experts recommend a freeconsultation appointment and functions for the majority of patientsand their families to provide the basic necessities of convenientservices; while ordinary users can play a FAQ, prepared foruse.
整形失败修复援助 1.1
每年众多的整形修复手术中,赴韩整形后进行修复的求美者占了相当比例。其中,不少黑中介对接的并不是所谓的韩国整形大牌,可能仅是一些小诊所,整形风险很高,价格也贵了很多。另外,因为语言不通,求美者对医院的医疗水平、医生的专业技术资质等均没有很好的了解,且术前沟通仓促草率不到位。2014年2月,在上海市社会医疗机构协会大力支持下,九院、中山、天大等医院整形专家共同组建成立沪上首个赴韩整形术后修复专家团,并为求美者提供100万整形修复基金。只要您通过本应用上传您的整形照片,经联系确认,就有机会分享百万整形修复基金!我们除了能为求美者提供知名整形专家会诊、修复等医疗援助,还能为赴韩整形出问题的求美者提供法律援助。专家建议,为了维护自身权益必须事先与代理机构签订美容协议,约定如出现纠纷在国内进行维权。一旦出现问题,届时就可以选择在国内将代理机构作为第一被告,赴韩整形的医院作为第二被告,进行索赔。您只需通过应用内置的400援助电话(免市话费),获得整形、维权一条龙服务!Every year a large numberof Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Plastic repair to Koreaafter the United States who account for a considerable proportion.Among them, many black intermediary butt is not big so-calledKorean plastic, may be only a few small clinics, plastic high risk,the price is a lot more expensive. In addition, because of thelanguage barrier, for the United States to the level of thehospital's medical, professional and technical qualifications ofdoctors etc. is not well understood, and the hasty rushpreoperative communication is not in place.    February 2014, at the Shanghai MedicalAssociation social institutions strong support of nine homes,Zhongshan Hospital orthopedic experts and other big founded inShanghai plastic surgery to repair the first expert mission toKorea and the United States to seek to provide 100 Wan orthopedicrehabilitation funds. As long as you upload your photos through theapplication of plastic, confirmed by the contact, there is anopportunity to share millions of orthopedic rehabilitationfunds!    In addition to providing our renownedorthopedic specialist consultation for the sake of the UnitedStates who, repair and other medical assistance, but also toprovide legal aid to Korea shaping problematic for the UnitedStates. Experts suggest that in order to safeguard their owninterests must be signed prior Beauty agreement with the agency, asstipulated rights disputes in the country. If there are problems,then you can choose the agency in the country as the firstdefendant, plastic surgery hospital to Korea as the seconddefendant, claim. You simply use the built-in 400 assistance bytelephone (free local call), get plastic surgery, activist-stopservice!
360掌上医生 2.5
众所周知,国内医疗资源分布极不均匀,尤以北京、上海等一线城市所占比重最大。全国各地患者人群在求医过程中,有相当大一部分最终需要转诊到一线城市的大医院,求医于经验和技术更胜一筹的专家。考虑到这样的“刚性需求”,我们精心整理并出品了全免费的沪上名医速查软件——《360掌上医生》,覆盖了16个常见科室及部分著名三甲医院,让您直接找到各领域的最顶级和优秀的专家!更可以通过内置的在线咨询和免费电话与专家直接沟通,让患者朋友充分享有知情权。友情提醒:咨询沟通所获建议仅供参考,任何病情都应去医院进行详细检查,并以医师当面诊断为准。As we all know, China isextremely uneven distribution of medical resources, especially inBeijing, Shanghai and other cities the largest share. Patientpopulations across the country in the course of medical treatment,a considerable part of the first-tier cities will eventually need areferral to a big hospital, doctor at the superior experience andtechnical experts. Taking into account such a "rigid demand", wecarefully organize and produced a full free software Quick doctorsin Shanghai - "360 Pocket Doctor", covering 16 common sections andsome famous three hospitals, allowing you to find the areasdirectly The top and the best experts! But also through thebuilt-in online consultation and free telephone to communicatedirectly with the experts, to enable patients to fully enjoy theright friends.Friendly reminder: consult the communication receivedsuggestions for reference only, any illness should go to thehospital for detailed examination and diagnosis by physicians faceprevail.
百度上海名医 2.5
众所周知,国内医疗资源分布极不均匀,尤以北京、上海等一线城市所占比重最大。全国各地患者人群在求医过程中,有相当大一部分最终需要转诊到一线城市的大医院,求医于经验和技术更胜一筹的专家。考虑到这样的“刚性需求”,我们精心整理并出品了全免费的沪上名医速查软件——《百度上海名医》,覆盖了16个常见科室及部分著名三甲医院,让您直接找到各领域的最顶级和优秀的专家!更可以通过内置的在线咨询和免费电话与专家直接沟通,让患者朋友充分享有知情权。友情提醒:咨询沟通所获建议仅供参考,任何病情都应去医院进行详细检查,并以医师当面诊断为准。As we all know, China isextremely uneven distribution of medical resources, especially inBeijing, Shanghai and other cities the largest share. Patientpopulations across the country in the course of medical treatment,a considerable part of the first-tier cities will eventually need areferral to a big hospital, doctor at the superior experience andtechnical experts. Taking into account such a "rigid demand", wecarefully organize and produced a full free software Quick doctorsin Shanghai - "Baidu Shanghai doctors", covering 16 common sectionsand some famous three hospitals, allowing you to find the areasdirectly The top and the best experts! But also through thebuilt-in online consultation and free telephone to communicatedirectly with the experts, to enable patients to fully enjoy theright friends.Friendly reminder: consult the communication receivedsuggestions for reference only, any illness should go to thehospital for detailed examination and diagnosis by physicians faceprevail.
上海名医在线 2.7
众所周知,国内医疗资源分布极不均匀,尤以北京、上海等一线城市所占比重最大。全国各地患者人群在求医过程中,有相当大一部分最终需要转诊到一线城市的大医院,求医于经验和技术更胜一筹的专家。考虑到这样的“刚性需求”,我们精心整理并出品了全免费的沪上名医速查软件——《上海名医在线》,覆盖了16个常见科室及部分著名三甲医院,让您直接找到各领域的最顶级和优秀的专家!更可以通过内置的在线咨询和免费电话与专家直接沟通,让患者朋友充分享有知情权。友情提醒:咨询沟通所获建议仅供参考,任何病情都应去医院进行详细检查,并以医师当面诊断为准。As we all know, China isextremely uneven distribution of medical resources, especially inBeijing, Shanghai and other cities the largest share. Patientpopulations across the country in the course of medical treatment,a considerable part of the first-tier cities will eventually need areferral to a big hospital, doctor at the superior experience andtechnical experts. Taking into account such a "rigid demand", wecarefully organize and produced a full free software Quick doctorsin Shanghai - "Shanghai doctors online", covering 16 commonsections and some famous three hospitals, allowing you to find theareas directly The top and the best experts! But also through thebuilt-in online consultation and free telephone to communicatedirectly with the experts, to enable patients to fully enjoy theright friends.Friendly reminder: consult the communication receivedsuggestions for reference only, any illness should go to thehospital for detailed examination and diagnosis by physicians faceprevail.
中国心脏病医院 2.3
心脏病是心脏疾病的总称,包括风湿性心脏病、先天性心脏病、高血压性心脏病、冠心病、心肌炎等各种心脏病。心脏病是人类健康的头号杀手。据统计全世界1/3的人口死亡是因心脏病引起的,而在中国,每年有几十万人死于心脏病。中国心脏病医院立志成为最专业的心脏病健康APP,它主要收录常见心血管疾病相关的症状、预防、治疗、用药饮食等知识,特别是先心病,心律失常、高血脂、高血压、冠心病,心力衰竭等方面的内容,并致力提供最好心脏病专家在线免费咨询。Heart disease is ageneral term for heart disease, including rheumatic heart disease,congenital heart disease, hypertensive heart disease, coronaryheart disease, myocarditis and other heart disease. Heart diseaseis the number one killer of human health. According to statisticsWorldwide 1/3 of the population is due to heart disease causeddeath, while in China, there are dozens of people die of heartdisease each year.Chinese Heart Hospital to become the most professional hearthealth APP, it is mainly a collection of common cardiovasculardisease-related symptoms, prevention, treatment, diet, medicationknowledge, especially congenital heart disease, arrhythmia, highbloodFat, hypertension, coronary heart disease, heart failure andother aspects, and is committed to providing the best online freeconsultation cardiologist.
上海心脏病专科 2.3
心脏病是心脏疾病的总称,包括风湿性心脏病、先天性心脏病、高血压性心脏病、冠心病、心肌炎等各种心脏病。心脏病是人类健康的头号杀手。据统计全世界1/3的人口死亡是因心脏病引起的,而在中国,每年有几十万人死于心脏病。《上海心脏病专科》立志成为最专业的心脏病健康APP,它主要收录常见心血管疾病相关的症状、预防、治疗、用药饮食等知识,特别是先心病,心律失常、高血脂、高血压、冠心病,心力衰竭等方面的内容,并致力提供最好心脏病专家在线免费咨询。Heart disease is ageneral term for heart disease, including rheumatic heart disease,congenital heart disease, hypertensive heart disease, coronaryheart disease, myocarditis and other heart disease. Heart diseaseis the number one killer of human health. According to statistics,the world 1/3 of the population caused death due to heart disease,while in China, there are dozens of people die of heart diseaseeach year."Shanghai cardiac specialist" to become the most professionalheart health APP, it is mainly a collection of commoncardiovascular disease-related symptoms, prevention, treatment,diet, medication knowledge, especially congenital heart disease,arrhythmia, high cholesterol, hypertension, coronary heart disease,heart failure and other aspects, and is committed to providing thebest online free consultation cardiologist.
上海电影票 2.0
爱大片,爱好莱坞爱周二半价,爱双休打折,更爱天天都有特惠爱有人作陪,爱提前占座,不爱排队许久等到一句"票卖完了"我和它们不一样,我不是约炮神器我和你一样,也爱电影院——————————————————————上海电影票是健康团(http://www.120mai.com)最新推出的手机订票应用,覆盖了上海近30家主流电影院,影片场次实时更新;您只需轻松几步即可完成选座购票支付,然后当场直接取票观影,比团购更便捷更优惠;健康团还将不定期提供更多优惠活动,为爱电影的您提供冰点价格!——————————————————————轻松4步搞定电影票:1 选择您感兴趣的电影,或者合适的影院;2 选择您合适的时间和场次;3 选择您希望的座位,确认订单并支付;4 凭收到的取票码短信(也可在“我的电影票”中查看)在影院自助取票机上取票,根据提示操作即可。Shanghai XinRui network technology 网站上海电影票 支持Love the large, loveHollywoodTo love Tuesday half-price, love day weekend discount, more loveevery day SpecialLove someone to accompany them, love occupying a seat inadvance, do not love to line up for a long time to wait until a"tickets are sold out."And they are not the same, I'm not about guns artifactLike you, I also love the cinema----------------------The Shanghai Film votes Health Mission (http://www.120mai.com) latest phone bookingapplication, covering nearly 30 mainstream cinema in Shanghai,movie screenings updated in real time; simply a few steps tocomplete the seat selection ticket payment, then the spot directlythe tickets viewing, more convenient and more favorable than buy;health groups will also from time to time to offer more concessionsfreezing point price, for your love movies!----------------------Easy step to get movie tickets:1 Select the movie you are interested in, or suitabletheater;2 Select the right time and screenings;3 Select the seat you want to confirm the order and pay;4 the code SMS with the receipt of the tickets (can also beviewed in the "My movie tickets) buffet in the theater to take thetickets at the ticket machine, according to the prompts.Shanghai XinRui network technology website movie ticketsupport
上海天大医疗美容医院 2.1
方便快捷查看专家,随时随地预约挂号,浏览天大特色科室,查看整形美容资讯,优惠信息尽收眼底,全面满足您的需求,为您量身定制美丽方案!精美图集满足视觉享受、导航定位查看来院路线,搭乘美丽直通车,天大为您的美丽保驾护航!马上点击下载。上海天大医疗美容医院是上海最大的专业整形美容医院之一,为三级医疗美容专科医院。医院特设美容外科、美容皮肤科、美容牙科三大临床医疗美容科室。作为中国首家引进韩式整形美容理念的医疗机构,上海天大医疗美容医院拥有亚太最强阵容的中韩国际整形明星专家团队。医院秉承“一位专家主攻一项整形”,做精、做细、做透每一部位,打造精品专家阵容。医院自主研发的“改脸型”、“鼻整形”、“胸部整形”三项新型技术,荣获中华人民共和国知识产权专利。上海天大医疗美容医院连续三年被39健康网评为“最受欢迎整形美容医院”,被指定为“公安部中华见义勇为容貌救护站”、“第60届世界小姐大赛唯一指定医学美容机构”、“中国首家中韩合作整形医院”、“国际模特专业美容定点医院”、“国际整形失败修复援助中心”等荣誉称号,受到同行机构和社会各界爱美人士的一致赞誉。.Quick and easy view ofexperts, make an appointment anytime, anywhere, Browse TIANDAfeatures sections, cosmetic information, special offers panoramicview, fully meet your needs, tailored to your beautiful program!Exquisite atlas to meet the visual enjoyment, navigation andpositioning View to the hospital route, a beautiful through trainride days old for your beautiful escort! immediately clickDownload.Shanghai-day Medical Beauty Hospital is one of the largestprofessional plastic surgery hospital, surgery specialist tertiarycare hospital. Hospital ad hoc cosmetic surgery, cosmeticdermatology, cosmetic dentistry three clinical beauty department.As China's first to introduce the concept of Korean plastic surgerymedical institutions, the Shanghai-day Medical Beauty Hospital hasthe strongest team in Asia-Pacific the International Plastic starteam of experts in China and South Korea.Hospital adhering to the line-up of an expert main one shaping,do fine, meticulous, and so through every part of the build qualityexperts. Hospital developed the "change the face", "nose surgery","breast augmentation" three new technologies, won the People'sRepublic of China on intellectual property rights.Shanghai-day Medical Beauty Hospital for three consecutive yearsby the 39 health network as "the most popular cosmetic surgeryhospital is designated as a" courageous Chinese Ministry of PublicSecurity looks ambulance station, the 60th Miss World contest isthe only designated medical cosmetology institutions " , "China'sfirst cooperation between China and South Korea plastic surgeryhospital, International model professional beauty designatedhospitals", "International Plastic failed repair assistancecenters" and other honorary titles by the unanimous praise of peerinstitutions and the community the beauty of people..
上海问医生 2.5
众所周知,国内医疗资源分布极不均匀,尤以北京、上海等一线城市所占比重最大。全国各地患者人群在求医过程中,有相当大一部分最终需要转诊到一线城市的大医院,求医于经验和技术更胜一筹的专家。考虑到这样的“刚性需求”,我们精心整理并出品了全免费的沪上名医速查软件——《上海问医生》,覆盖了16个常见科室及部分著名三甲医院,让您直接找到各领域的最顶级和优秀的专家!更可以通过内置的在线咨询和免费电话与专家直接沟通,让患者朋友充分享有知情权。友情提醒:咨询沟通所获建议仅供参考,任何病情都应去医院进行详细检查,并以医师当面诊断为准。As we all know, China isextremely uneven distribution of medical resources, especially inBeijing, Shanghai and other cities the largest share. Patientpopulations across the country in the course of medical treatment,a considerable part of the first-tier cities will eventually need areferral to a big hospital, doctor at the superior experience andtechnical experts. Taking into account such a "rigid demand", wecarefully organize and produced a full free software Quick doctorsin Shanghai - "Shanghai asked the doctor," covers 16 commonsections and some famous three hospitals, allowing you to find theareas directly The top and the best experts! But also through thebuilt-in online consultation and free telephone to communicatedirectly with the experts, to enable patients to fully enjoy theright friends.Friendly reminder: consult the communication receivedsuggestions for reference only, any illness should go to thehospital for detailed examination and diagnosis by physicians faceprevail.
风湿性心脏病 1.1
风湿性心脏病(简称风心病)是指由于风湿热活动,累及心脏瓣膜而造成的心脏病变。据世界卫生组织的不完全统计,全世界有超过1500万风湿性心脏病患者,同时每年新增50万人患急性风湿热。风湿热多发于冬春季节,寒冷、潮湿环境下,有一定几率会引起风湿性心脏病,初发年龄多在青壮年,且女性多于男性。《风心病百科》收录了权威的预防/治疗/护理知识和答疑,并提供症状自测、权威专家推荐和免费咨询预约功能,为广大风心病患者人群提供基本所需的便利服务;同时对普通用户也可以起到答疑解惑、有备无患之用。Rheumatic heart disease(RHD) is due to rheumatic fever activity, involving the heartvalves caused by heart disease. According to the World HealthOrganization to incomplete statistics, there are more than 15million worldwide in patients with rheumatic heart disease, whileadding 50 million people a year suffer from acute rheumatic fever.Rheumatic fever mainly in the winter season, cold, wet environment,have a chance to cause rheumatic heart disease, onset age more inyoung adults, and more women than men."Encyclopedia of rheumatic heart disease," a collection ofauthoritative prevention / treatment / care knowledge and answeringquestions, and providing self-rated symptoms, experts recommend afree consultation appointment and functions for the majority of thepopulation of patients with rheumatic heart disease facilitate theprovision of basic services required; while the ordinary Users canalso play answering questions, be prepared for use.
心脏病预防 2.3
心脏病是心脏疾病的总称,包括风湿性心脏病、先天性心脏病、高血压性心脏病、冠心病、心肌炎等各种心脏病。心脏病是人类健康的头号杀手。据统计全世界1/3的人口死亡是因心脏病引起的,而在中国,每年有几十万人死于心脏病。《心脏病预防》立志成为最专业的心脏病健康APP,它主要收录常见心血管疾病相关的症状、预防、治疗、用药饮食等知识,特别是先心病,心律失常、高血脂、高血压、冠心病,心力衰竭等方面的内容,并致力提供最好心脏病专家在线免费咨询。Heart disease is ageneral term for heart disease, including rheumatic heart disease,congenital heart disease, hypertensive heart disease, coronaryheart disease, myocarditis and other heart disease. Heart diseaseis the number one killer of human health. According to statistics,the world 1/3 of the population caused death due to heart disease,while in China, there are dozens of people die of heart diseaseeach year."Heart Health" to become the most professional heart health APP,it is mainly a collection of common cardiovascular disease-relatedsymptoms, prevention, treatment, diet, medication knowledge,especially congenital heart disease, arrhythmia, high cholesterol,hypertension, coronary heart disease, heart failure and otheraspects, and is committed to providing the best online freeconsultation cardiologist.
心动交友 1.1
应用名称:心动交友关键词:心率 心律 体检 心跳回忆 速配 摇一摇应用描述:你以为这仅仅是个心率健康检测的应用?图样图森破~~————————模拟场景————————“我恨不得把心掏出来给你看!”“你掏啊!”“......” (— . —)|||————————————————————为了宇宙的和平为了社会的和谐为了避免诸如此类的白刀子进红刀子出、闻者感动听者落泪当事者大动脉破裂的杯具我们义无反顾的添加了心率“录音机”功能让手机震动来重现你的心率轨迹当遇到前面那种停在杠头的情况请毫不犹豫的掏出你的心...呃,你的心爱的手机即可迎刃而解(* ̄︶ ̄*)......你以为这就是全部了?怎么能少得了APP功能三俗之一的社交功能——1 情侣测试你俩是不是真心以待,一测便知感情和谐大杀器,慎用!(内测人员表示膝盖很受伤 家中键盘换的很勤T_T)2 速配找到与你心轨最合拍的陌生人(你才是YP神器 你全家都是YP神器!)Application Name:HeartDatingKeywords: heart rhythm examination Tokimeki MemorialMatchshakeApplication Description:Do you think this is just a healthy heart ratedetectionapplication?Pattern Tucson break ~ ~-------- -------- Simulation scenarios"I can not wait to heart out to you!""You dig ah!""......" (-. -) | | |--------------------For peace in the universeFor social harmonyIn order to avoid that sort of white knife into the redknifeout, who moved listeners to tears smell those involvedaorticrupture cupsWe hesitate to add heart rate "recorder" functionLet the phone vibrates to reproduce your heartratetrajectoryWhen faced with the kind of stopped at the bar in front ofthehead casePlease do not hesitate to pull out your heart ... uh,yourbeloved phoneCan be solved (* ¯) ¯ *)...... You think this is all there?How can less got one APP features three popular socialfeatures-A couple of testYou two are not really to be, a measuring glanceFeelings of harmony big kill, caution!(Beta officials said the home was injured knee keyboard forthevery ground T_T)2 MatchesFind the most in tune with your heart stranger rail(You're the YP YP artifact artifact you and your familyare!)
生活闹钟 2.02
生活闹钟帮你建立健康的工作生活习惯;帮你关心,助你经营每一份情谊;亲情,友情,爱情一个都不能少。建立健康运动好习惯,还可以结识一样爱好运动的朋友。健康生活从这里开始!办公室健康习惯,每天运动,我关心的人,结识新朋友;健康生活点点滴滴从这里开始。健康office:全方位提醒办公室的你爱护自己的身体,颈腰肩,每天喝水,视力保护,午休。每天运动:设定提醒每天运动起来,远离亚健康。我关心的人:提醒每天关心最需要我关心的人。自定义:强大的自定义提醒,你的生活助手。约跑:发掘同样爱好运功的TA,结识新朋友。Alarm clock to helpyoulive a healthy work habits; to help you care for, to helpyouoperate every friendship; family, friendship, love oneless.Establish good healthy exercise habits, you can also get toknow,like sports-loving friends.Healthy Living from here! Office of the healthy habits,dailyexercise, I care about people, make new friends; healthy lifebitby bit from here.Health office: office full remind you love your body, neck,waistand shoulders, drink water every day, eye protection,lunchbreak.Daily exercise: set a reminder in motion every day, away fromthesub.The people I care: day care to remind people I care about mostinneed.Custom: Powerful custom alerts, your life assistant.Approximately run: Dig the same hobby exercise our powers ofTA,make new friends.
上海好大夫 2.5
众所周知,国内医疗资源分布极不均匀,尤以北京、上海等一线城市所占比重最大。全国各地患者人群在求医过程中,有相当大一部分最终需要转诊到一线城市的大医院,求医于经验和技术更胜一筹的专家。考虑到这样的“刚性需求”,我们精心整理并出品了全免费的沪上名医速查软件——《上海好大夫》,覆盖了16个常见科室及部分著名三甲医院,让您直接找到各领域的最顶级和优秀的专家!更可以通过内置的在线咨询和免费电话与专家直接沟通,让患者朋友充分享有知情权。友情提醒:咨询沟通所获建议仅供参考,任何病情都应去医院进行详细检查,并以医师当面诊断为准。As we all know, Chinaisextremely uneven distribution of medical resources, especiallyinBeijing, Shanghai and other cities the largest share.Patientpopulations across the country in the course of medicaltreatment,a considerable part of the first-tier cities willeventually need areferral to a big hospital, doctor at the superiorexperience andtechnical experts. Taking into account such a "rigiddemand", wecarefully organize and produced a full free softwareQuick doctorsin Shanghai - "Shanghai good doctor", covering 16common sectionsand some famous three hospitals, allowing you tofind the areasdirectly The top and the best experts! But alsothrough thebuilt-in online consultation and free telephone tocommunicatedirectly with the experts, to enable patients to fullyenjoy theright friends.Friendly reminder: consult the communication receivedsuggestionsfor reference only, any illness should go to thehospital fordetailed examination and diagnosis by physicians faceprevail.