1.2.1 / May 16, 2017
(2.4/5) (56)


We bring electro-mobility on to Europe’s roads: with a large,steadily expanding network of public and semi-public chargingstations – so you are easily mobile in the future!

With eCharge smartphone app you can easily get access to thousandsof charging stations worldwide. The practical station finder on theoverview map shows you exactly where to find the nearest availablecharging station.

Simply activate the charging station via app and your customer datawill be transmitted via smartphone to the respective chargingstation. After a successful verification, the charging session willstart immediately. That way you get your selected charging tariffeasily at publicly available charging stations. Moreover, you cantrack the amount of power charged and the charging status on yoursmartphone.

Of course you may also use the app without a contract and stillstart charging sessions in a quick and comfortable manner. Simplychoose a payment method that fits you. You may choose betweencredit card, PayPal or enter a voucher code. eCharge will show youcomfortably and transparently, which charging stations aresupporting direct payment methods.

The charging station sends the verified charging data via yourcontract account to your contract provider. You then receive yourbill by mail from your provider.
In case of direct payment methods, billing information is shown onyour smartphone before the charge begins.

Simply plug the charging cable into your vehicle and connect theother end to the charging station and follow the instructionswithin eCharge. To choose the correct charge point either enter thecharge point ID (e.g. BA-xxxx-x) located on the charger, use theapp to scan the QR code also located on the chargers panel orchoose a charge point on the map. As soon as a charge is initiatedand energy may flow through the cable, both cable ends will belocked so the cable cannot be removed by anyone but you. Leave yourcar to charge and go to work, do your shopping or relax over a cupof coffee with friends.
Should your plans change, you can stop charging at any time thanksto state of the art battery technology – battery and car share yourflexibility!!

During your charging process you may check the current state ofyour charge. That way you don’t need to be at your car to see, ifyour vehicle is fully charged already.
The amount of charged power and the status of your charge areupdated constantly. Simply add your vehicle data within yourprofile in eCharge to get detailed information – e.g. estimatedduration until your vehicle is fully charged depending on yourcharging capacity and the battery’s current state of charge.

- One-time entry of your customer data, such as contract number andpassword
- Dynamic overview map of charging stations close to your actuallocation
- Activation of the charging process with contract number andpassword
- Activation of the charging process via voucher, credit card andPayPal
- Indication of the charged amount of energy and the chargingstatus no matter where you are
- Stopping of the charging process with the amount of energycharged displayed on the screen upon stopping
- Display of the charge history
- Manage your favourites
- Plan Charging routes – even on long distance trips
- Information about the estimated duration of a chargingsession

App Information eCharge

innogy SE Show More...

eCharge 1.2.1 APK
innogy SE
ELECTRICITY TO GO – CHARGING WITHOUTDETOURS!We bring electro-mobility on to Europe’s roads: with a large,steadily expanding network of public and semi-public chargingstations – so you are easily mobile in the future!STATION FINDERWith eCharge smartphone app you can easily get access to thousandsof charging stations worldwide. The practical station finder on theoverview map shows you exactly where to find the nearest availablecharging station.ACTIVATION VIA SMARTPHONESimply activate the charging station via app and your customer datawill be transmitted via smartphone to the respective chargingstation. After a successful verification, the charging session willstart immediately. That way you get your selected charging tariffeasily at publicly available charging stations. Moreover, you cantrack the amount of power charged and the charging status on yoursmartphone.Of course you may also use the app without a contract and stillstart charging sessions in a quick and comfortable manner. Simplychoose a payment method that fits you. You may choose betweencredit card, PayPal or enter a voucher code. eCharge will show youcomfortably and transparently, which charging stations aresupporting direct payment methods.COMFORTABLE AND ACCURATE BILLINGThe charging station sends the verified charging data via yourcontract account to your contract provider. You then receive yourbill by mail from your provider.In case of direct payment methods, billing information is shown onyour smartphone before the charge begins.CHARGINGSimply plug the charging cable into your vehicle and connect theother end to the charging station and follow the instructionswithin eCharge. To choose the correct charge point either enter thecharge point ID (e.g. BA-xxxx-x) located on the charger, use theapp to scan the QR code also located on the chargers panel orchoose a charge point on the map. As soon as a charge is initiatedand energy may flow through the cable, both cable ends will belocked so the cable cannot be removed by anyone but you. Leave yourcar to charge and go to work, do your shopping or relax over a cupof coffee with friends.Should your plans change, you can stop charging at any time thanksto state of the art battery technology – battery and car share yourflexibility!!VIEW CHARGING PROCESSDuring your charging process you may check the current state ofyour charge. That way you don’t need to be at your car to see, ifyour vehicle is fully charged already.The amount of charged power and the status of your charge areupdated constantly. Simply add your vehicle data within yourprofile in eCharge to get detailed information – e.g. estimatedduration until your vehicle is fully charged depending on yourcharging capacity and the battery’s current state of charge.FEATURES- One-time entry of your customer data, such as contract number andpassword- Dynamic overview map of charging stations close to your actuallocation- Activation of the charging process with contract number andpassword- Activation of the charging process via voucher, credit card andPayPal- Indication of the charged amount of energy and the chargingstatus no matter where you are- Stopping of the charging process with the amount of energycharged displayed on the screen upon stopping- Display of the charge history- Manage your favourites- Plan Charging routes – even on long distance trips- Information about the estimated duration of a chargingsession
EcoFlex 1.0.1 APK
innogy SE
Die innogy Batteriespeicher-App für IhrAndroid-Gerät.Mit der EcoFlex-App haben Sie die Möglichkeit Ihren RWE Storage ecooder RWE Storage flex von unterwegs aus zu steuern und ihreMesswerte anzuzeigen, bequem über die App.Mit der EcoFlex-App erhalten Sie den vollständigen Überblick überalle Leistungs- und Ertragsdaten der Photovoltaikanlage. Jederzeitund überall!Die Daten werden in einem übersichtlichen Diagramm oder alsTortengrafik dargestellt. Lassen Sie sich die Verläufe für dieletzten 24 Stunden, die letzte Woche oder den letzten Monatanzeigen. Sie haben somit alle Daten immer im Blick. Angefangen vondem eigenverbrauchtem Strom, dem eingespeisten Strom, demStromzukauf – falls dieser überhaupt noch nötig ist - bis hin zumEnergieertrag.Damit Sie die EcoFlex-App nutzen können geben Sie einfach dieZugangsdaten ein, die Sie als Bestandteil der Dokumentation imAuslieferungsumfang Ihres Batteriespeichersystems finden.The innogy batterystorage app for your Android device.The ecoFLEX app there is your RWE Storage eco or RWE Storage flexon the move to control and display their readings, easilyaccessible via the app.The ecoFLEX app you get a complete overview of all the power andenergy yield of the PV system. Everytime and everywhere!The data are presented in a clear graph or pie chart. You canfollow the curves of the last 24 hours, the last week or the lastmonth show. Consequently, you have all the information at a glance.Ranging from the eigenverbrauchtem power, the injected current, thecurrent purchase - if this at all is necessary - up to the energyyield.In order to use the app EcoFlex just enter the access data that canbe found as part of the documentation in the scope of delivery ofyour battery storage system.
Stadtwerke SmartHome 2.0.151 APK
innogy SE
Hinweis: Diese App ist ausschließlich fürKunden der Stadtwerke, nicht für innogy SmartHome-KundenEgal ob Heizung, Licht oder elektrische Geräte, alles lässt sichganz einfach mit der Stadtwerke SmartHome App bedienen. Mit dieserApp können Sie Ihre SmartHome Zentrale einrichten, neue Geräteeinbinden und intuitiv steuern. Ganz einfach via Smartphone oderTablet. Auf dem Weg nach Hause die Heizung hochregeln oder kurz malschauen, ob die Fenster zu sind? Mit der Stadtwerke SmartHome Appkein Problem. Auf Wunsch werden Sie durch Push-Benachrichtigungenoder E-Mail über Veränderungen in Ihrem Zuhause informiert.Note: This app is onlyfor customers of public utilities, not for innogy SmartHomecustomersWhether heating, lighting or electrical equipment, everything canuse Smart Home app with Stadtwerke quite simply. With this app youcan set up your Smart Home Office, integrate new devices andintuitive control. Quite simply via smartphone or tablet. adjustingof the heating on the way home or watch short time if the windowsare? With Stadtwerke Smart Home app no ​​problem. Upon request, youwill be informed through push notifications or email about changesin your home.
innogy SE
Warum ist die Energiewende eine große Herausforderung fürdasbestehende Stromnetz? Wie bewältigt DESIGNETZ dieseAufgaben?Welche Strategien werden verfolgt, um das Stromnetz fitfür dieZukunft zu machen? Antworten auf diese und viele weitereFragenrund um DESIGNETZ kannst Du mit unserer interaktivenAppspielerisch entdecken. Lass den Wind wehen und die Sonnescheinen,wandle überschüssigen grünen Strom in Gas und Wärme um,mache dieNetze intelligent und flexibler, um einen Blick indasEnergiesystem von morgen zu werfen. Sobald Du die App aufDeinemSmartphone installiert hast, brauchst Du nur nochdenDESIGNETZ-Marker, auf dem dann eine faszinierende,dreidimensionaleWelt entsteht (Augmented Reality). Den Markerfindest Du an denHaltestellen der „Route der Energie“. Du kannstdiesen aber auchauf der Website aufrufen, um am Bildschirm zuspielen, oder Dudruckst diesen einfach aus. DESIGNETZ ist dasSchaufenster für dieModellregion Nordrhein-Westfalen,Rheinland-Pfalz und Saarland imRahmen des vom Bundesministerium fürWirtschaft und Energie (BMWi)ins Leben gerufenen Förderprogramms„Schaufenster intelligenteEnergie – Digitale Agenda für dieEnergiewende“ (SINTEG).
innogy events 1.6 APK
innogy SE
The innogy mobile event app allows invited attendees of innogymeetings and events to enhance their event experience. To access aspecific event, enter the individual event ID, and you will receiveup-to-date event information at your fingertips.   Dependingon the features activated for each event, this mobile app allowsyou to: - view agendas, sessions, presentations, speakers etc. -participate in live polling and surveys - submit questions tospeakers or organizers - receive instant messages regarding theevent - view relevant documents and presentations - participate inquizzes / games - and many more...   Privacy: You consent andacknowledge that innogy events may access services as enabled byyour device, e.g. notifications, location services and third-partymessaging, to augment your experience by providing informationapplicable to you as an attendee.
DSO Regulierungsapp APK
innogy SE
DSO Regulatory Service provides regulatory news.
Westnetz Events 1.2 APK
innogy SE
Westnetz Events ist die App für Veranstaltungen der Westnetz.Hierfinden Sie vor und während der Veranstaltung allewichtigenInformationen, um Ihre Teilnahme so angenehm wie möglichzugestalten. * Agenda * Teilnehmerverzeichnis * FAQ * Raumpläne*Umfragen * Fotogalerie