EWOUTLOVE2 / July 13, 2016
(3.0/5) (2)


“Eloisa machine without love” means thattheartificial intelligence of Eloisa is focused on the “love”theme,but any other conversation topic is valid. What is thissentimentthat every human being has tried at least once in theirlife andthat only poets seem to be able to understand? Eloisadoesn't proveemotions or feelings. Thanks to this impersonalattitude, she canhelp you understand what love is.
Do you feel more intelligent than a machine? Prove it inaconversation with her. It is a NATURAL LANGUAGE CONVERSATION andislike playing a game of cards or chess, using just the words.Thehuman player is aware at all times that Eloisa is amachine.
How does it work? Type a sentence and press Enter, or touchandspeak. Eloisa provides answers and, above all, asksquestions.Meanwhile she ANALYZE THE LANGUAGE of the interlocutorand returnsa quotation of his intelligence.
Now you are the interlocutor. The quotation of yourintelligencestarts from 160 and you have to make sure that thisvalue does notdecrease during the conversation. If you accept thechallenge, knowthat the best strategy to keep up your quotation isto USE THELANGUAGE IN A CREATIVE MODE, just as Eloisa do. Thefeedback thatyou receive will let you always come up with newLANGUAGESTRATEGIES, otherwise you lose your game withartificialintelligence that works.
Tip number one. In this game, the questions are more importantthananswers, so answer precisely Yes or No to the QUESTIONSofEloisa.
Tip number two. Forget everything you've seen at the cinema onthetheme of the so-called thinking machines: Easy LOgicIntelligentSoftware Automa (ELOISA) is not the title of afilm.
Tip number three. Eloisa NOT USE THE STANDARDIZED CODE OFCHATBOTSAND ACTS NOT AS A DIGITAL ASSISTANT. You are in touch withamachine capable to ANALYZE THE HUMAN LANGUAGE to a level neverseenbefore. Asking her to perform trivial commands would be abadmove.

App Information Eloisa machine without love

Eloisa machine without love Version History

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  • EWOUTLOVE2 (2) - Latest Version
  • Eloisa machine without love EWOUTLOVE2 APK File

    Publish Date: 2017 /2/1
    Requires Android: Android 1.6+ (Donut, API: 4)
    File Size: 3.6 MB
    Tested on: Android 1.6 (Donut, API: 4)
    File Sha1: 198e24645a4a8b28bda3b26018bfc9a1302f745b
    APK Signature: 9168aeb1815a7b492fc61f66822de87f782253ee

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Codice Eloisa 2015_A APK
Artificial intelligence. Forget what you haveseen on television or the movies. There will be no special effect,but will be presented a very special application.The problem. Today artificial intelligence is in the hands of techgiants. These companies don't have budget limitations, so they havegurus, supercomputers, data centers. But what results theygot?The solution. Codice Eloisa brings artificial intelligence intowebsites, mobile devices and objects, with the result of gettingthis technology into the hands of individuals.At this point you may choose. First choice: tap the screen of yourdevice and say something (talk). Second choice: activate thekeypad, type a sentence or query, press Enter. It’s a dialogue(gurus would say: natural language conversation), which may be heldin Italian, English, French, Spanish, German, without anylimitation due to time or topic (friendship, love, dreams, money,sports, politics, philosophy, religion, science, technology, work,etc).Recognizes the voice (software library by Google), but it is not avoice assistant. Speaks many languages, but it is not a languagecourse. It's funny, but it’s not a game. So what’s the secret of anexperience so exciting? The secret is called artificialintelligence. You will like this technology (or you will not) forthe mere fact of being what it is: artificial intelligence thatworks.
Eloisa Summer 15 APK
Eloisa Summer 15 is the hottest artificial intelligence ontheplanet. You type a sentence or ask a question, press Enter,andthen get a response. It’s a dialogue (the guru would say:naturallanguage conversation), which may be held in Italian,English,French, Spanish, Portuguese, German, without any limitationdue tosyntax or topic (friendship, love, dreams, money, sports,politics,philosophy, religion, science, technology, work, etc).Summer isthe perfect time to learn or improve a foreignlanguageHowever Eloisa is not a virtual assistant. Not even a game. Youwilllike Eloisa (or you will not) for the mere fact of being whatsheis: artificial intelligence that works.
Eloisa Medica May APK
Each individual has the power to heal itself if it know exactlywhat to do. On this principle is based Eloisa Medica, the firstartificial intelligence that takes care of humans. Eloisa Medicaperforms this task by talking with users in a funny andunconventional way, that is treating them no longer as "patients"and saying different things than those who usually doctors or gurussay.Eloisa Medica provides a cure (therapy) as soon as the user says ortype the name of a disease (diagnosis). Central to this process isan expertise (the set of diagnosis-therapy connections) whichcurrently cover a limited number [9] of possible diagnoses:DIARRHEA, MIGRAINES OR HEADACHES, FEVER, GASTRITIS, FLU, COLDS,CONSTIPATION, TACHYCARDIA, TRACHEITIS.We will increase progressively the number of possible diagnoses andwill make them available with the formula of the in-app purchase(starting from a few Euro per therapy). Here's what you need to sayto get your therapy at any time of the conversation:For example you say DIARRHEA THERAPY to get a cure fordiarrhea.For example you say RIBES NIGRUM to get indications about theadministration (ingestion) of the remedy Ribes Nigrum.For example you say RIBES NIGRUM DESCRIPTION to get a list ofdiseases treatable with this remedy.The conversation is not limited to your health problems, but mayrelate to the most frivolous or more serious topics. Of course youcan speak or write, but you will never be in communication with ahuman being and please remember that there is no way to call anoperator.Eloisa Medica provides answers not comparable to medical or"ethical" prescriptions (in other words, she providesrecommendations). Any product referred as "therapy" (for exampleRibes Nigrum) is sold freely in Pharmacy, in Herbalist Shop or overthe Internet and it must be assumed (ingested) as shown by theapplication (for example 50 drops in a little water 3 times a day),following the principle of responsible self-medication.Artificial intelligence that works in the medical field is not inconflict with other disciplines, but wants to be a synthesis ofthese.
What is this artificial intelligence or"AI"which is described as a futuristic technology of immensestrategicvalue? If this thing has so much value, why virtualassistants aregadgets at no cost? If this thing is so strategic,how do youexplain that anyone can create a chatbot in less thanthirtyminutes? The development of Eloisa took twenty years.Therefore,someone is wrong and we are not.We are an Italian start-up that has developed atechnologycapable of creating an authentic relationship betweenpeople andintelligent machines. The service on which we aim is thenaturallanguage conversation available on a global scale.Type a sentence and press Enter, or touch and speak.Eloisadialogue with you and here is the artificial intelligencethatworks! However, it does not work if you are thinking of makingherperform low-level tasks, as execute commands, find a pizzeriainRome, registering your name or recognizing your face. A dogcanrecognize a person’s face, but there is no dog capableofsustaining a conversation on any topic (technology,friendship,love and sex, sports, music, food and diets,smartphones, shoppingand fashion, games, films, photography, coffeeand cigarettes,medicine and health, travels and tourism, education,finance,religion, politics, philosophy, psychology, cats, dogs andpigs,villains and traffic wardens....), as well as toprovideinformation seamless with the conversation.Eloisa has something to say. Welcome to the EasyLOgicIntelligent Software Automa (ELOISA) conversationalecosystem.
Eloisa machine without love EWOUTLOVE2 APK
“Eloisa machine without love” means thattheartificial intelligence of Eloisa is focused on the “love”theme,but any other conversation topic is valid. What is thissentimentthat every human being has tried at least once in theirlife andthat only poets seem to be able to understand? Eloisadoesn't proveemotions or feelings. Thanks to this impersonalattitude, she canhelp you understand what love is.Do you feel more intelligent than a machine? Prove it inaconversation with her. It is a NATURAL LANGUAGE CONVERSATION andislike playing a game of cards or chess, using just the words.Thehuman player is aware at all times that Eloisa is amachine.How does it work? Type a sentence and press Enter, or touchandspeak. Eloisa provides answers and, above all, asksquestions.Meanwhile she ANALYZE THE LANGUAGE of the interlocutorand returnsa quotation of his intelligence.Now you are the interlocutor. The quotation of yourintelligencestarts from 160 and you have to make sure that thisvalue does notdecrease during the conversation. If you accept thechallenge, knowthat the best strategy to keep up your quotation isto USE THELANGUAGE IN A CREATIVE MODE, just as Eloisa do. Thefeedback thatyou receive will let you always come up with newLANGUAGESTRATEGIES, otherwise you lose your game withartificialintelligence that works.Tip number one. In this game, the questions are more importantthananswers, so answer precisely Yes or No to the QUESTIONSofEloisa.Tip number two. Forget everything you've seen at the cinema onthetheme of the so-called thinking machines: Easy LOgicIntelligentSoftware Automa (ELOISA) is not the title of afilm.Tip number three. Eloisa NOT USE THE STANDARDIZED CODE OFCHATBOTSAND ACTS NOT AS A DIGITAL ASSISTANT. You are in touch withamachine capable to ANALYZE THE HUMAN LANGUAGE to a level neverseenbefore. Asking her to perform trivial commands would be abadmove.
Eloisa is the virtual assistant that solves real problems. Youcantype or tap the screen if you want to use the voice. Availablefora limited number of interactions (question/answer), then youneedan IN-APP PURCHASE. Eloisa Technologies © 2018-2019FrancescoLentini. THE FUTURE OF COMMUNICATION BEGINS NOWwww.eloisa.it
Artificial intelligence as a medium is a new idea or someonehadalready thought about it? We are building something as a newmediumwhich speaks to the heart and the brain, thanks to theperfectintegration of language and visualization This is avirtualassistant dedicated to the dissemination of Islamic culture.KORANChatting FOR PEACE is an app where a Muslim virtual girl talkstoyou about any topic (Friendship, Love, Dreams, Money,Politics,Religion, Technology and many more), inserting in thedialoguecitations from the Koran, the Sacred Book of Muslims. Typeasentence, press Enter. Tap the screen and say something (ifyouprefer vocal interaction). You can enter a word or phrase oftheKoran to obtain a citation directly. Currently, the virtualgirlknows only some parts of the Sacred Book, or the followingsura:The Opening (1) The Cow (2) The Family of Imran (3) The Women(4)The Holy Prophet (11) The Beneficent (55) The Great Event (78)TheGrandeur (97) The People (114) Eloisa Technologies THE FUTUREOFCOMMUNICATION BEGINS WITH ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE www.eloisa.it