1.0 / December 13, 2013
(1.0/5) (2)



Allen Carr es mundialmente famoso por ser el mayor experto encómo dejar de fumar. Esta aplicación presenta el método Allen Carr,que ha ayudado a millones de personas de todo el mundo a disfrutarde un mundo sin humos. Se trata de un programa completo y eficazcon el que cualquier fumador puede dejar el hábito de formainmediata, permanente y sin dolor, disfrutando además delproceso.

Introducido por Allen Carr y presentado por Robin Hayley, elvídeo de esta aplicación utiliza dramáticas reconstrucciones,gráficos con animaciones e instrucciones directas. El método halogrado renombre mundial por una única razón: PORQUE FUNCIONA.

Esta aplicación tiene el orgullo de contar con el apoyo de todala red global de clínicas para dejar de fumar de Allen Carr. Si, enalgún momento durante o después del uso de esta aplicación, tienesalguna duda o preocupación, o si necesitas ayuda adicional, puedesponerte en contacto con la Clínica Easyway de Allen Carr máscercana para solicitar consejo gratuito. En la aplicación seincluye un enlace a las clínicas.

Recuerda: la aplicación envía imágenes de vídeo a tu dispositivoa través de streaming, por lo que funcionará mejor con conexiónWIFI.

Tanto si eres un fumador empedernido como si fumas de formaocasional, tanto si prefieres puros como si fumas en pipa, joven oviejo, si utilizas cigarrillos electrónicos, parches o chicles denicotina, o cualquier otro producto con nicotina, esta aplicaciónes tu puerta hacia la libertad.


“Allen Carr destruye el mito de que es difícil dejar de fumar.”– The Times

“Me libré de mi adicción al instante. No solo me resultó fácilsino que además me pareció increíble lo mucho que disfruté de nofumar.” – Sir Anthony Hopkins


Allen Carr is world famous as the leading expert on smokingcessation. This application presents the Allen Carr method, whichhas helped millions of people around the world to enjoy asmoke-free world. It is a complete and effective program that anysmoker can quit immediately, painlessly and permanently, besidesenjoying the process.

Introduced by Allen Carr and Robin Hayley presented by the videoof this application uses dramatic reconstructions, animatedgraphics and direct instructions. The method has achieved worldrenown for one reason: because it works.

This application is proud to have the support of the entireglobal network of clinics to stop smoking Allen Carr If at any timeduring or after the use of this application, have any questions orconcerns, or if you need further assistance You can contact thenearest to request free advice Allen Carr Easyway Clinic. Includesa link to the clinics in the application.

Remember, the application sends video images to your device viastreaming, so it will work better with free WIFI.

Whether you're a heavy smoker and if you smoke occasionally,whether you prefer pure as if you smoke a pipe, young or old, ifyou use electronic cigarettes, patches or nicotine gum, or othernicotine products, this app is your door to freedom.


 "Allen Carr explodes the myth that it is hard to quit." -The Times

"I got rid of my addiction instantly. Not only was easy for mebut I also found it amazing how much I enjoyed smoking. "- SirAnthony Hopkins

App Information Es fácil dejar de fumar

  • App Name
    Es fácil dejar de fumar
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    December 13, 2013
  • File Size
  • Requires Android
    Android 2.2 and up
  • Version
  • Developer
    Arcturus Digital Ltd
  • Installs
    10 - 50
  • Price
  • Category
    Health & Fitness
  • Developer
    Visit website Email easywaypublishing@gmail.com
    Arcturus Publishing Limited 26/27 Bickels Yard 151-153 Bermondsey Street London SE1 3HA UK
  • Google Play Link

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Stop Smoking with Allen Carr 1.1 APK
OVER 14 MILLION EASYWAY BOOKS SOLDThis app contains vintage footage of Allen Carr himself –presenting his revolutionary method. After 80 engaging minutes “inthe company of” Allen Carr – you will gain the key to set yourselffree.Please note: The app streams video to your device and will workbest over a WIFI connection.Whatever you do – DO NOT STOP SMOKING before you have viewedthis entire app. Given that you’re planning to stop smoking - beingtold to “carry on” for a little longer is probably a littleconfusing…but no doubt music to your ears.At this point you’re probably finding the concept of it being“easy to stop smoking” a little hard to believe but all we ask isthat you progress through this app, carry on smoking, and followthe instructions. When you are ready to have your final cigaretteyou’ll understand why Allen Carr’s Easyway method has sold morethan 14 MILLION books worldwide almost entirely on the strength ofword of mouth; it works!Whether you are a chainsmoker, an occasional smoker, a cigar orpipe smoker, young or old, or whether you’re using e-cigarettes,nicotine patches, nicotine gum, or any other nicotine product thisapp can set you free. If you haven’t smoked in the past few days –there is no need to do so – other than that – please do carry onsmoking as normal while you make your way through this app.AN ADDED BONUSThis app is proudly supported by Allen Carr’s worldwide networkof stop smoking clinics. If at any stage during or after the use ofthis app you have any questions or concerns or require additionalguidance you are very welcome to contact your nearest Allen Carr’sEasyway Clinic for free of charge advice. A link to the clinics isincluded in the app.Allen Carr’s Easyway is the most successful stop-smoking method ofall time. It has helped millions of smokers from all over the worldquit•instantly•easily•painlessly•permanentlyAllen Carr’s Easyway does not require willpower as it removesyour desire to smoke. It eliminates the fears that keep you hookedand you won’t miss cigarettes. There are no gimmicks or scaretactics, you won’t put on weight, and you continue to smoke whileyou watch.IF YOU FOLLOW ALL THE INSTRUCTIONS IT IS EASY TO BECOME A HAPPYNON-SMOKER FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE“Allen Carr explodes the myth that giving up smoking isdifficult.” – The Times“A different approach. A stunning success.” – The Sun“Allow Allen Carr to help you escape painlessly today.” – TheObserver“His method is absolutely unique, removing the dependence oncigarettes.” – Sir Richard Branson“I was really impressed by the method. In spite of the successand fame of Allen Carr’s Easyway, there were no gimmicks and theprofessional was something a GP could readily respect. I would behappy to give a medical endorsement of the method to anyone.” – DrPM Bray MB, CHb, MRCGP“Instantly I was freed from my addiction. I found it not onlyeasy but unbelievably enjoyable to stay stopped.” – Sir AnthonyHopkins“Allen Carr’s Easy Way to Stop Smoking program achieved for me athing that I thought was not possible – to give up a thirty-yearsmoking habit literally overnight. It was nothing short of amiracle.” – Anjelica Huston
Stop Smoking in 60 minutes 1.0 APK
OVER 14 MILLION EASYWAY BOOKS SOLD Allen Carr is widely recognisedas the world’s leading expert on stopping smoking. This apppresents the Allen Carr method, which has helped many millions ofpeople from all over the world to become happy non-smokers. It is acomplete and effective programme in itself and it will enable anysmoker to quit immediately, painlessly and permanently, whilstactually enjoying the process. Introduced by Allen Carr andpresented by Robin Hayley, the video in this app uses dramaticreconstructions, animation graphics and direct instructionaladdress. The method has become world-famous for one reason alone:BECAUSE IT WORKS. The Introduction and the first 3 chapters arecompletely FREE to watch. This app is proudly supported by AllenCarr’s worldwide network of stop smoking clinics. If at any stageduring or after the use of this app you have any questions orconcerns or require additional guidance you are very welcome tocontact your nearest Allen Carr’s Easyway Clinic for free of chargeadvice. A link to the clinics is included in the app. Please note:The app streams video to your device and will work best over a WIFIconnection. Whether you are a chain-smoker, an occasional smoker, acigar or pipe smoker, young or old, or whether you’re usinge-cigarettes, nicotine patches, nicotine gum, or any other nicotineproduct this app can set you free. IF YOU FOLLOW ALL THEINSTRUCTIONS IT IS EASY TO BECOME A HAPPY NON-SMOKER FOR THE RESTOF YOUR LIFE “Allen Carr explodes the myth that giving up smokingis difficult.” – The Times “Instantly I was freed from myaddiction. I found it not only easy but unbelievably enjoyable tostay stopped.” – Sir Anthony Hopkins
Es fácil dejar de fumar 1.0 APK
MÁS DE 14 MILLONES DE EJEMPLARES DE EASYWAYVENDIDOSAllen Carr es mundialmente famoso por ser el mayor experto encómo dejar de fumar. Esta aplicación presenta el método Allen Carr,que ha ayudado a millones de personas de todo el mundo a disfrutarde un mundo sin humos. Se trata de un programa completo y eficazcon el que cualquier fumador puede dejar el hábito de formainmediata, permanente y sin dolor, disfrutando además delproceso.Introducido por Allen Carr y presentado por Robin Hayley, elvídeo de esta aplicación utiliza dramáticas reconstrucciones,gráficos con animaciones e instrucciones directas. El método halogrado renombre mundial por una única razón: PORQUE FUNCIONA.Esta aplicación tiene el orgullo de contar con el apoyo de todala red global de clínicas para dejar de fumar de Allen Carr. Si, enalgún momento durante o después del uso de esta aplicación, tienesalguna duda o preocupación, o si necesitas ayuda adicional, puedesponerte en contacto con la Clínica Easyway de Allen Carr máscercana para solicitar consejo gratuito. En la aplicación seincluye un enlace a las clínicas.Recuerda: la aplicación envía imágenes de vídeo a tu dispositivoa través de streaming, por lo que funcionará mejor con conexiónWIFI.Tanto si eres un fumador empedernido como si fumas de formaocasional, tanto si prefieres puros como si fumas en pipa, joven oviejo, si utilizas cigarrillos electrónicos, parches o chicles denicotina, o cualquier otro producto con nicotina, esta aplicaciónes tu puerta hacia la libertad.SI SIGUES TODAS LAS INSTRUCCIONES TE RESULTARÁ SENCILLOCONVERTIRTE EN UN NO FUMADOR FELIZ DURANTE EL RESTO DE TU VIDA“Allen Carr destruye el mito de que es difícil dejar de fumar.”– The Times“Me libré de mi adicción al instante. No solo me resultó fácilsino que además me pareció increíble lo mucho que disfruté de nofumar.” – Sir Anthony HopkinsOVER 14 MILLION COPIESSOLD OF EASYWAYAllen Carr is world famous as the leading expert on smokingcessation. This application presents the Allen Carr method, whichhas helped millions of people around the world to enjoy asmoke-free world. It is a complete and effective program that anysmoker can quit immediately, painlessly and permanently, besidesenjoying the process.Introduced by Allen Carr and Robin Hayley presented by the videoof this application uses dramatic reconstructions, animatedgraphics and direct instructions. The method has achieved worldrenown for one reason: because it works.This application is proud to have the support of the entireglobal network of clinics to stop smoking Allen Carr If at any timeduring or after the use of this application, have any questions orconcerns, or if you need further assistance You can contact thenearest to request free advice Allen Carr Easyway Clinic. Includesa link to the clinics in the application.Remember, the application sends video images to your device viastreaming, so it will work better with free WIFI.Whether you're a heavy smoker and if you smoke occasionally,whether you prefer pure as if you smoke a pipe, young or old, ifyou use electronic cigarettes, patches or nicotine gum, or othernicotine products, this app is your door to freedom.IF YOU FOLLOW ALL INSTRUCTIONS WILL RESULT BECAME AN EASY NOSMOKING HAPPY DURING THE REST OF YOUR LIFE "Allen Carr explodes the myth that it is hard to quit." -The Times"I got rid of my addiction instantly. Not only was easy for mebut I also found it amazing how much I enjoyed smoking. "- SirAnthony Hopkins
En finir avec la cigarette 1.0 APK
PLUS DE 14 MILLIONS DE LIVRES EASYWAY VENDUSAllen Carr est largement reconnu comme l’expert mondial parexcellence pour arrêter de fumer. Cette application présente laméthode d’Allen Carr, qui a aidé des millions de personnes du mondeentier à devenir des non-fumeurs heureux. Il s’agit d’un programmeen soi complet et efficace, qui permet aux fumeurs d’arrêterimmédiatement, sans tracas et de façon permanente, tout enappréciant réellement le processus.Présentée par Allen Carr et animée par Robin Hayley, la vidéocontenue dans cette application fait appel à des reconstitutionsthéâtrales, des graphiques d’animation et un discours instructifdirect. La méthode est devenue célèbre dans le monde entier pourune seule et simple raison : PARCE QU’ELLE MARCHE.Le réseau international de cliniques pour arrêter de fumerd’Allen Carr est fier d’avoir développé cette application. Si àtout moment pendant ou après l’utilisation de cette applicationvous avez des questions ou des préoccupations ou si vous avezbesoin de conseils complémentaires, n’hésitez pas à contacter votreclinique Easyway d’Allen Carr la plus proche pour des conseilsgratuits. Un lien vers les cliniques est inclus dansl’application.Veuillez noter que l’application diffuse une vidéo sur votreappareil et qu’elle fonctionnera mieux avec une connexion WIFI.Que vous soyez un gros fumeur ou un fumeur occasionnel ou quevous fumiez des cigares ou la pipe, quel que soit votre âge, quevous fumiez des cigarettes électroniques ou que vous utilisiez despatches à la nicotine, des chewing-gums à la nicotine ou tout autreproduit à la nicotine, cette application peut vous affranchir.SI VOUS SUIVEZ TOUTES LES INSTRUCTIONS, VOUS N’AUREZ AUCUN MAL ÀDEVENIR UN NON-FUMEUR HEUREUX POUR LES RESTE DE VOTRE VIE« Allen Carr dissipe le mythe de la difficulté d’arrêter defumer ». – The Times« Je me suis instantanément affranchi de mon accoutumance. Nonseulement cela m’a semblé facile, mais aussi incroyablementagréable de rester un non-fumeur ». – Sir Anthony Hopkins
Smoke Free in 4 Days 2.1 APK
Here at Allen Carr’s Easyway we havebeenrunning the "Be Smoke Free in 4 Days" program as a globalonlineevent once or twice a year and the feedback has beensooverwhelming that, by popular demand, we're now delighted tolaunchthe program as an app for the first time.The core program is presented in 4 parts by Robin Hayley,Chairmanof Allen Carr’s Easyway and one of the most experiencedAllenCarr's Easyway therapists in the world.Alongside the core presentation please also take a look at thedailyQ&A videos that John Dicey, CEO of Allen Carr’s Easyway,hasrecorded for you, addressing common questions and concernsraised bysmokers in exactly your position.Take advantage of the additional coaching videos presented byseniorAllen Carr’s Easyway therapist Colleen Dwyer. Colleenfurtherexamines some of the key concepts and principles that youwillencounter in the main videos.We recommend that you take 4 consecutive days to completetheprogram. For example, it might be nice to start on a Tuesdayandfinish on a Friday. However, this is not a rigid timetable andyoucan follow any timeframe that suits you!Do make sure that you watch the main videos in order and finisheachone before moving on to the coaching and Q&A videos for athatday.Most importantly, keep smoking as normal as you progress throughtheprogramme, relax and enjoy the process of becoming ahappynon-smoker!
轻松戒烟法 1.0 APK
这是第一次我们在应用程序商店使用中文,提供艾伦.卡尔的“Easyway-易为”方法的视频演示:参加一个亚伦.卡尔的“Easyway-易为”诊所,是下一个要做的最好的事情了!我们的主持人将指导您通过该程序,并解除掉您对吸烟的愿望(不需要意志力)。他会消除让你持续上瘾的恐惧,你不会再想念香烟。而且,这里没有骗人的招数或恐吓的策略,你也不会增加体重,你可以边吸烟边看!无论您做什么-在观看了整个应用程序之前不要停止吸烟。鉴于你打算戒烟,但被告知再“继续”一段时间,可能让人有点糊涂...但毫无疑问听起来不错。此刻,你可能发现“容易戒烟”的概念有点难以相信。但我们的要求是:你通过完成这整个程序,继续吸烟,并按照指示去做。当你准备好你要吸的最后一根香烟时,你会明白为什么亚伦.卡尔的“Easyway-易为”方法已经在全世界销售了超过1500万本书,几乎完全靠口碑的力量;有用!无论你是个烟不离手的吸烟者、临时吸烟的、抽雪茄或烟斗的、年轻或老年,还可能你用电子香烟、尼古丁贴片、尼古丁口香糖、或任何其他尼古丁产品,这个程序都可以让你自由。如果你在过去几天没有吸烟,是没有必要这样做的。除此之外,请按正常的习惯吸烟,同时通过自己的方式完成这个程序。亚伦.卡尔的“Easyway-易为”是目前为止最成功的戒烟方法。它已帮助了数百万来自世界各地的吸烟者戒烟。•即刻•容易•无痛•永久如果你按照所有的指示去做,你会轻而易举地成为一个快乐的非吸烟者而渡过一生。“艾伦·卡尔揭开了放弃吸烟很难的神话。” - “The Times-泰晤士报”“瞬间我从烟瘾中解脱了。我发现这个方法不仅容易,而且在保持戒烟中仍令人难以置信的感到享受。- SirAnthonyHopkins-安东尼·霍普金斯爵士“艾伦·卡尔的“Easyway-易为”简单戒烟程序,真是实现了一个我认为是不可能的事情-一夜之间就放弃一个三十年的吸烟习惯。这简直就是一个奇迹.”- Anjelica Huston - 安吉丽卡.胡斯顿This is the first timeweuse in Chinese app store offers video presentations AllenCarr's"Easyway- easy for the" method: Aaron Carl attend a "Easyway-easyfor the" clinic, is next to be done. the best thing!Our host will guide you through the program, and to lift offyourdesire to smoke (no willpower). He will let you continuetoeliminate the fear of addiction, you will not miss cigarettes.Andno tricks or deceptive scare tactics here, you will notgainweight, you can look to the side smoking!Whatever you do - do not stop smoking before viewing theentireapplication. Given you're going to quit smoking, but was toldagain"Continue" for some time, may be a little confusing ... butthereis no doubt that sounds good. At the moment, you may find it"easyto quit smoking" concept a little hard to believe. But ourrequestis: Do you by completing this entire procedure, continue tosmoke,and follow the instructions to do it.When you're ready to smoke your last cigarette, you willunderstandwhy Aaron Carl "Easyway- Yi as" methods have been soldworldwide inmore than 15 million books, almost entirely by word ofmouth power;Useful !Whether you are a chain smoker smokers, temporary smoking, cigarsorpipes, younger or older, you may also use the electroniccigarette,nicotine patch, nicotine gum, nicotine or any otherproduct, thisprogram can make you free. If you do not smoke in thepast few days,it is not necessary to do so. In addition, followyour normalsmoking habits, and make your way through thecompletion of thisprogram.Aaron Carl "Easyway- Yi as" by far the most successful methodtoquit smoking. It has helped millions of smokers to quit fromaroundthe world.•immediately• easy• Painless•permanentIf you do follow all the instructions, you will easily becomeahappy non-smokers through life."Alan Carr opened a difficult myth to give up smoking." -"TheTimes- Times""The moment I am free from smoking and I found that this methodisnot only easy, but also in maintaining smoking cessationstillenjoy incredible feeling .- Sir Anthony Hopkins- SirAnthonyHopkins "Alan Carr" Easyway- easy for the "simple cessationprogramimplements a really I think it is impossible. - Overnight togive athree decades of smoking habit this is simply amiracle." - Anjelica Huston - Angelica Hu Houston.