1.0.1 / November 9, 2012
(4.8/5) (104)


An indispensable software of any diehard fanof"FT Island"!!!
"FTIsland Mobile" lets you easily browse the latest news,videos,and photos of "FT Island". You can have "FT Island" anytimeandanywhere.

App Information FTIsland Mobile

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Poop Diary 2.0.4 APK
This App allows you to easily record yourevery bowel movement - including time, color, amount, and shapeinformation.It also provides you with statistics information to let you clearlyunderstand your bowel condition.In addition, You can let the app remind you if you haven't had anybowel movement for a period of time so that you can keepconstipation away from you.
VIXX Mobile 1.0.0 APK
An indispensable software of any diehard fanof"VIXX"!!!"VIXX Mobile" lets you easily browse the latest news, videos,andphotos of "VIXX". You can have "VIXX" anytime andanywhere.
哇考 (公職考古題) 1.1.0 APK
還在花時間上網下載歷屆考古題?還在花精力列印又厚又重考古題?省省吧!「哇考」已經為您將考古題放到APP裡,再多題目都能輕鬆放進口袋,一次幫您把時間、空間省下來!「哇考」不僅僅只有題庫,另搭配智慧型測驗程式,能讓你隨時隨地進行復習、模擬測驗,並為您紀錄每題測驗的結果,讓您能夠迅速抓出易錯的題目反覆加強。本軟體「哇考」之獨家特點如下:1. 友善且流暢的操作界面以清單方式預覽所有題目,使題目一目了然 。瀏覽題目及進行測驗時,左右滑動螢幕即可瀏覽上一題、下一題。2. 豐富且精準的統計資訊為您紀錄每一道題目的答題歷史紀錄。例如:最近一次作答時間、最近一次作答結果、總答題次數及答對率。3. 靈活且貼心的測驗方式除了隨機排列題目順序之外,選項亦可隨機排列,使題目變得更加靈活。若於測驗中途跳出,系統會幫您自動儲存已作答選項,可於往後繼續作答。4. 面面俱到的搜尋功能可依題目年份、關鍵字、答錯次數、答對率、較久沒有或尚未作答過等條件來搜尋您題庫中的所有題目,將您最不熟悉的題目一網打盡。5. 易於管理的分類功能您可將任何題目加入您自行新增的分類中,方便您以自己的喜好分類題目。軟體簡易使用說明:1. 先至APP中「設定」頁面設定一組 Gmail 帳號,並獲得系統贈送給您的哇幣2. 於「下載」頁面中,尋找您需要的考試與科目,並開始下載題目3. 於「題庫」頁面中即可找到您下載的題目,並開始使用哇考目前已收錄之考試科目:1. 高考三等2. 普考3. 地方特考三等4. 地方特考四等5. 地方特考五等6. 初等考試7. 專技普考8. 專技高考9. 稅務特考10. 移民特考11. 關務特考12. 稅務特考13. 導遊領隊14. 海巡特考15. 身心障礙特考(正在持續增加中⋯)若軟體使用上或有關於題目的任何問題或建議,歡迎隨時來信給予建議。我們會立即處理及回應。聯絡信箱:pinc.taiwan@gmail.comFB專頁:http://www.facebook.com/wacow.pinc關鍵字:國考、高考、普考、公職、特考、歷屆試題、公務人員、國家考試、考古題、題庫、考選部Still take the time tothe Internet to download previous exam?Still spend energy to print thick and heavy Exam?Save it!"Test" you will Exam on the APP, no matter how much the subject caneasily pocketed the time you saved time, space!"Test" is not the only exam, and the other with intelligent testprogram that allows you to review anywhere, mock tests and recordthe results of each question tests for you, so you can quicklycatch the error-prone topic repeatedly strengthened.The software "wow the test" exclusive features are asfollows:A friendly and smooth user interface   Preview all the questions, a list of the topicsat a glance. Browse the questions and test slide around the screento navigate to the previous question, the next question.Rich and accurate statistical information   Record every subject you answer history. Forexample: the last examination time and last Replied results, thetotal number of answer and the correct rate.Flexible and intimate test   Outside the random Ordering subject sequence, theoption can also be randomly arranged, so that the subject becomesmore flexible. If the test midway jump out of the system will helpyou to automatically save to answer option in the future tocontinue to answer.Exhaustive search function   According Year title, keywords, the number ofwrong answers, the correct rate, longer no or not answer yourquestions in the conditions to search for all the topics you arenot familiar with the topic caught.5 easy-to-manage classification functions      You can join any topic at yourown new classification to facilitate the classification title toyour liking.Simple instructions for use of the software:Xianzhi APP "Settings" page to set up a Gmail account, andpresented to you to wow currency"Download" page, find what you need examination subject title andstart downloading3 in the "Exam" page you can find the topic you download and startusing wow testHas been included in the examination subjects:1 college entrance examination, Third(2) the civil servant3 Local Special Examination third-class4 places special examination four, etc.5. Place special examination five, etc.6 Elementary ExaminationProfessional and technical civil servantProfessional and technical college entrance examination9 Tax Special Examination10. Immigrants Special Examination11 Customs Special Examination12 Tax Special Examination13. Tour leader14 Coast Guard Special Examination15 disability Special Examination(Ongoing increase in ...).Software use or have any questions or suggestions about thetopic, please feel free to write to give advice. We will be dealtwith immediately and respond.Contact mail: pinc.taiwan @ gmail.comFB page: http://www.facebook.com/wacow.pincKeywords: State exam, college entrance examination, generalexamination, public, special examination, past exam papers, publicservants, the national exam, Exam, Exam, Ministry ofExamination
U-Kiss Mobile 1.0.0 APK
An indispensable software of any diehard fanof "U-Kiss"!!!"U-Kiss Mobile" lets you easily browse the latest news, videos, andphotos of "U-Kiss". You can have "U-Kiss" anytime andanywhere.
EXO Mobile 1.0.0 APK
An indispensable software of any diehard fan of "EXO"!!!"EXO Mobile" lets you easily browse the latest news, videos,andphotos of "EXO". You can have "EXO" anytime and anywhere.
SHINee Mobile 1.0.1 APK
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AKB48 Mobile 1.0.3 APK
An indispensable software of any diehard fanofAKB48!!!"AKB48 Mobile" lets you easily browse the latest news, videos,andphotos of Super Junior. You can have AKB48 anytimeandanywhere.
FTIsland Mobile 1.0.1 APK
An indispensable software of any diehard fanof"FT Island"!!!"FTIsland Mobile" lets you easily browse the latest news,videos,and photos of "FT Island". You can have "FT Island" anytimeandanywhere.