1.0.1 / July 1, 2013
(4.5/5) (8)


Gettysburg College’s history extends farbeyondthe Civil War and the Battle of Gettysburg but the 1863landscaperemains a visible part of the campus and surroundingtown. Witnessthe battle through the eyes of students, faculty, andtownspeopleliving in Gettysburg that fateful summer using thisGPS-enabledtouring application. Explore how the College continuesto shape thememory of the battle, the war, and the GettysburgAddress. Scrollthrough historical images, maps, documents, andchronologies andtake the virtual tour. Find hidden treasures oncampus and in townand get off the beaten Gettysburg tourismtrail.

App Information Gettysburg College History

  • App Name
    Gettysburg College History
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    July 1, 2013
  • File Size
  • Requires Android
    Android 2.2 and up
  • Version
  • Developer
  • Installs
    500 - 1,000
  • Price
  • Category
    Travel & Local
  • Developer
  • Google Play Link

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Gettysburg Battle App: July 2 1.0 APK
The Gettysburg Battle App®: July 2 is theperfect tour partner for your visits to some of the Gettysburgbattlefield's most famous places, Devil's Den and Little Round Top.This GPS-enabled tour application focuses exclusively on the July2, 1863 fighting and providing in-depth detail on the action thattook place on this iconic historical landscape. Click on our"virtual signs" to access a wealth of information related to thevery location where you are standing. Onboard historian videos,audio accounts from soldiers and civilians, photos, facts, and moreare just a click away. Never has so much information been madeavailable in such a portable device!The Gettysburg Battle App®: July 2 is just one of our expandinglineup of Battle App® guides that are ready to be downloaded today.To learn more about all of our Battle App® guide offerings visitour website at: www.civilwar.org/battleapps
Gettysburg College History 1.0.1 APK
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Pointe du Hoc 1.6 APK
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PlowOps 1.2 APK
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Gettysburg College’s history extends far beyond the Civil Warandthe Battle of Gettysburg but the 1863 landscape remains avisiblepart of the campus and surrounding town. Witness the battlethroughthe eyes of students, faculty, and townspeople living inGettysburgthat fateful summer using this GPS-enabled touringapplication.Explore how the College continues to shape the memoryof thebattle, the war, and the Gettysburg Address. Scrollthroughhistorical images, maps, documents, and chronologies andtake thevirtual tour. Find hidden treasures on campus and in townand getoff the beaten Gettysburg tourism trail.