1.0 / August 11, 2015
(4.7/5) (15)


Dapatkan Informasi tentang KabupatenGowa,Secara mudah dan cepat melalui telepon genggam anda. Gowataadalahaplikasi layanan untuk sarana informasi yang berada diKabupatengowa, memudahkan masyarakat tetap maupun masyarakatpendatang untukmelihat informasi lengkap yang berada di KabupatenGowa, SulawesiSelatan. Informasi yang bisa didapatkan yaituinstansi perkantoran,tempat wisata, rumah makan atau kuliner, rumahsakit, pendidikan,pusat kesehatan, pelayanan masyarakat, pasar, danlain sebagainya.

fitur-fitur yang terdapat pada Gowata, antara lain:

- Search Engine
Mencari tempat atau lokasi secara cepat
- Free Ads
Seorang wirausaha dapat memasarkan produknya atau memasangiklandigital secara gratis
- Geo Location
Dapat mengetahui lokasi titik koordinat tempat dan arah lokasiyangakan di kunjungi.
- Information
Melihat informasi lengkap tentang lokasi atau tempat yang akandikunjungi
- Photo Gallery
Dapat mengetahui situasi atau suasana tempat
- Reservation/Service
Anda dapat memesan makanan pada rumah makan, restoran, kulinerataumeminta informasi tentang pelayanan tempat secara instan.

Kabupaten Gowa, Butta Kalabiranta
Kabupaten Gowa dalam Genggaman.

Get Information onGowa,It is easy and fast via your mobile phone. Gowata istheapplication of information services for facilities located inGowaregency, facilitate public fixed and migrant communities to seethefull information that is in Gowa, South Sulawesi. Informationthatcan be obtained is the agency offices, touristattractions,restaurants or culinary, hospitals, education, healthcenters,community services, markets, and so forth.

features found on Gowata, among others:

- Search Engine
Looking for a place or location quickly
- Free Ads
An entrepreneur can market their products or advertise forfreedigital
- Geo Location
Can find out the location of the coordinates of the place andthedirection of the location to be visited.
- Information
See details about the location or a place to be visited
- Photo Gallery
Can know the situation or atmosphere of the place
- Reservation / Service
You can order food in restaurants, restaurant, culinary or askforinformation about the services the place instantly.

Gowa, Butta Kalabiranta
Gowa in the grip.

App Information Gowata - Gowa dalam Genggaman

  • App Name
    Gowata - Gowa dalam Genggaman
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    August 11, 2015
  • File Size
  • Requires Android
    Android 2.3 and up
  • Version
  • Developer
    INOCHI Software
  • Installs
    100 - 500
  • Price
  • Category
    Travel & Local
  • Developer
    Visit website Email root@daengapps.my.id
    Kp. Cipongporang Desa Katapang RT. 01 RW. 10 Kecamatan Katapang Kabupaten Bandung 40971
  • Google Play Link

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Kalender Indonesia 2016 Lite APK
Kalender Indonesia adalah satu-satunyaaplikasi kalender Masehi, Hijriyah, Jawa, dan Sunda dalam satuaplikasi, yang berlaku di Indonesia dari tahun 1900 Masehi sampai2100, dengan disertai informasi hari libur nasional dan cutibersama (prakiraan) dan dengan bermacam-macam fitur tersedia dandengan ukuran file yang relatif kecil.Referensi:Buku petunjuk penggunaan: http://files.inochisoftware.com/Buku-Manual-iKalenesia.pdfCalendar Indonesia is theonly application of the Gregorian calendar, Hegira, Javanese, andSundanese in one application, which is applicable in Indonesia from1900 AD to 2100, with accompanying information public holidays andleave together (forecasts) and with an assortment of featuresavailable and with a relatively small file size.Reference:An instruction manual: http://files.inochisoftware.com/Buku-Manual-iKalenesia.pdf
INOCHI KBBI - Kamus Indonesia 2.0 APK
Aplikasi KBBI merupakan aplikasi Kamus BesarBahasa Indonesia mengacu pada KBBI edisi III. Aplikasi ini dapatdigunakan secara luring (offline) karena basis data sudah tertanamdi dalam aplikasi.Saat Anda selesai memasang aplikasi ini dan menjalankan untukpertama kali, Anda harus melakukan proses koleksi data lebih dulu,karena basis data pada aplikasi ini tidak langsung terpasang.Untuk melakukan koleksi data Anda cukup mengetap pada barishuruf yang ditampilkan, misalnya pada baris huruf "A" kemudiansilakan menunggu aplikasi melakukan koleksi data, ini membutuhkanwaktu yang beragam tergantung spesifikasi perangkat Anda. Setelahselesai maka daftar kata yang diawali dengan huruf terpilih akanditampilkan. Tap kembali baris huruf untuk menyembunyikan daftarkata.Untuk mengoleksi daftar kata lainnya lakukan kembali langkah diatas pada baris huruf lainnya. Untuk melihat definisi kata, tappada kata yang diinginkan. Jika Anda ingin melakukan koleksi datauntuk semua huruf, dapat langsung Anda lakukan dengan mengetap menuoverflow (menu di sudut kanan atas) kemudian tap menu Koleksi Data.Tentu saja ini membutuhkan waktu yang lebih lama. Bersabarlah!Jangan khawatir, proses koleksi ini hanya berlaku sekali saja.Untuk melakukan pencarian data, taplah menu bergambar kacapembesar, kemudian ketikkan kata yang Anda cari. Aplikasi inimenerapkan teknik pencarian yang cukup pintar. Misal, ketika Andamencari dengan menggunakan kata "bala", aplikasi terlebih dulu akanmencari kata yang sesuai dengan kata yang dimasukkan, kemudianaplikasi akan mencari kata yang diawali dan diakhiri dengan katayang dimasukkan. Selain itu, aplikasi juga akan mencari kata yangmemiliki huruf-huruf konsonan yang sama dengan kata yang dicari.Ilustrasi, jika Anda mencari dengan kata "bala" maka daftar katayang akan ditemukan adalah sebagai berikut:- bala- balad- balairung- abilah- abolisi- adaptabilitas- bola- bolu- bulu- dstKBBI application is anapplication Indonesian dictionary refers KBBI third edition. Thisapplication can be used offline (offline) because the database isembedded in the application.When you finish installing the application and run for the firsttime, you must make the process of data collection first, becausethe database is not directly attached application.To perform the data collection mengetap you enough letters shownon the line, for example on the line the letter "A" then pleasewait for the application perform the data collection, this takesvaries based on the specifications of your device. After completionof the list of words beginning with the letter selected will bedisplayed. Tap again to hide the row letter word list.To collect a list of other words do come back on the line a stepabove the other letters. To see the definition of the word, tap thedesired word. If you want to perform the data collection for allthe letters, you can directly do with mengetap overflow menu (themenu in the upper right corner) and then tap Data Collection menu.Of course this takes a longer time. Be patient! Do not worry, thiscollection process only applies once.To perform the data search, magnifying glass taplah pictorialmenu, then type in the word you are looking for. This applicationimplements search technique is quite clever. For example, when yousearch using the word "host", the application will first look forwords that correspond to words entered, then the application willsearch for the words that begin and end with the word entered. Inaddition, the application also will look for words that have aconsonant letters in common with the search terms. Illustration, ifyou search for the term "host" then the list of words to be foundare as follows:- Bala- Ballad- Hall- Abilah- Abolition- Adaptability- Ball- Sponge- Fur- Ff
Brunei Calendar 2015-2016 3.2 APK
INOCHI Brunei Calendar is a calendarapplication from 1900 to infinity, which is accompanied byinformation and public holidays are available with variousfeatures.1. Multi-calendar, not the Gregorian calendar view only, but alsodisplays the Islamic calendar2. List of Holiday, provide a list of public holidays and the wholeyear. Vacation determination using automatic calculation so thatyou can see the list of holidays in any given year.3. Table Prayer, prayer schedules provide a full month InshaAllahmore accurate. It will also remind you before entering a period ofprayer, the Adhan when entering the prayer time, and reminds youwhen prayer time has passed.4. Agenda, providing recording your daily agenda, and it willremind you when entering the agenda.5. Seko, provide a means for determining the direction of theQiblah InshaAllah more appropriate because it provides a constantmagnetic declination.6. Hijri calendar, providing Hijri calendar display options.7. Adjust the face, iKalenesia provides settings to customize thedisplay, such as changing the color theme, change the font, changethe tone signal, and so on.8. Widgets, provide four pieces of widgets, including:a. Monthly calendar size, display a monthly calendar comes with aGregorian date, Hijr, and Java (Indonesia only)b. Monthly Calendar of small size, displays a monthly calendar withthe Gregorian date onlyc. Daily calendar, calendar date today that come with Gregoriandate, Hijr, and Java (Indonesia only)d. Praytime, shows the prayer schedule today.9. "Go to", you can easily go to the calendar on a specific monthand year.
Malaysia Calendar 2015-2016 3.2 APK
INOCHI Malaysia Calendar is a calendarapplication from 1900 to infinity, which is accompanied byinformation and public holidays are available with variousfeatures.1. Multi-calendar, not the Gregorian calendar view only, but alsodisplays the Islamic calendar2. List of Holiday, provide a list of public holidays and the wholeyear. Vacation determination using automatic calculation so thatyou can see the list of holidays in any given year.3. Table Prayer, prayer schedules provide a full month InshaAllahmore accurate. It will also remind you before entering a period ofprayer, the Adhan when entering the prayer time, and reminds youwhen prayer time has passed.4. Agenda, providing recording your daily agenda, and it willremind you when entering the agenda.5. Qiblaa, provide a means for determining the direction of theQiblah InshaAllah more appropriate because it provides a constantmagnetic declination.6. Hijri calendar, providing Hijri calendar display options.7. Adjust the face, iKalenesia provides settings to customize thedisplay, such as changing the color theme, change the font, changethe tone signal, and so on.8. Widgets, provide four pieces of widgets, including:a. Monthly calendar size, display a monthly calendar comes with aGregorian date, Hijrb. Monthly Calendar of small size, displays a monthly calendar withthe Gregorian date onlyc. Daily calendar, calendar date today that come with Gregoriandate, Hijrd. Praytime, shows the prayer schedule today.9. You can easily go to the calendar on a specific month and year.Visit our Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/INOCHISoftwareJoin us: https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/116098448244814288163
Hijri Calendar 1437-1523 4.1 APK
iHijri-Cal is the Hijri calendar applicationthat comes with important days of Islam like: Nisfu Sha'ban, theAsyuraa's say, Revelation of the Qur'an, and so on. Now equippedwith the prayer schedule, Qibla, beautiful widgets, notificationazan.Tag: Hijr, Ramadhan
World Calendar 2015-2016 APK
INOCHI World Calendar is a calendarapplication that applies from 1900 to infinity, which isaccompanied by the information and public holidays with anassortment of features available.1. Multi-calendar, calendar display not only Gregorian, but alsodisplays the Islamic calendar, and the calendar of Java (Indonesiaonly) and its Java day (Indonesia only).2. List of Holidays, provides a list of national holidays and offtogether (Indonesia only) one full year. Determination of theholiday using automatic calculation so you can see the list ofholidays in any year.3. List of Important Day (Indonesia only), provides a list ofimportant days (dates are commemorated) Indonesian valid for onefull year.4. Schedule Prayer (Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei,Philippines), providing prayer schedule for full month Inshallahaccuracy is more accurate. Will also remind you before entering theprayer time, azan when the time to pray, and remind you when theprayer time has passed.5. Agenda, provide recording your daily agenda, and it will remindyou when entering the time of the agenda.6. Exchange rate (Indonesia only), provide information of foreigncurrency exchange rates against the rupiah, with reference sourcesfrom the Bank Indonesia website7. Qibla (Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, Philippines),provide a means of determining the qibla direction Inshallah moreaccurate because it provided the magnetic declinationsettings.8. Hijri Calendar, provide a display option that is Gregorian andHijri calendar.9. Customize the look, provide settings for customizing thedisplay, such as changing the color theme, change the font, changethe alert tone, and so on.10. Widgets, provide four pieces of widgets, including:a. Monthly Calendar large size, displays a monthly calendar comeswith the date of Gregorian, Hijr, and Javab. Monthly Calendar small size, displays a monthly calendar with adate of Gregorian onlyc. Daily Calendar, show today's calendar date that comes with thedate of Gregorian, Hijr, and Javad. Praytime (Islamic), show schedule prayers today.11 You can easily go to the calendar on a specific month and year.For a while, only available to:- Indonesia- Malaysia- Singapore- Brunei- Philippines- Vietnam- China- USAVisit our Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/INOCHISoftwareJoin us: https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/116098448244814288163
Kalender Indonesia 2017 (MD) APK
Kalender Indonesia tahun 1901 sampai2100Kalender Hijriyah tahun 1322 sampai 1524Kalender Jawa tahun 1831 sampai 2036Kalender Sunda Candra tahun 1837 sampai 2039Kalender Sunda Surya tahun 1826 sampai 2022Disertai hari libur dan cuti bersama tiap tahunnyaDaftar hari-hari penting di IndonesiaJadwal salat seluruh Indonesia disertai adzanMembuat catatan teks dan daftarMembuat agenda disertai notifikasiBerbagi kalender bulanan dan jadwal salat bulananPenunjuk arah qiblatKurs 4 bank (BI, Mandiri, BNI, BCA)Al-Qur'an terjemahan IndonesiaWidget kalender dan jadwal shalatBelasan warna temaMengubah jenis font (huruf)Calendar Indonesia 1901to2100Islamic calendar years 1322 to 1524Javanese calendar years 1831 to 2036Sundanese calendar Candra 1837 to 2039Calendar Sunda Surya 1826 until 2022Accompanied holidays and leave together each yearA list of important days in IndonesiaPrayer schedules throughout Indonesia with AthanCreate text notes and listsCreating a notification accompanied agendaSharing monthly calendar and schedule monthly prayerDirections qibla4 bank exchange rate (BI, Mandiri, BNI, BCA)Al-Qur'an Indonesian translationWidget calendar and schedule of prayerDozens of color themesChange the font type (letters)
INOCHI Indonesian Calendar Pro APK
Indonesian calendar app complete from 1900 to infinity (ad free)