1.2.0 / December 1, 2011
(3.0/5) (1)


・Show GoogleMap (map/satellite photo) and kml file data.

・GPS track log and see

・ Mark the position of the screen you want to mark atemporary
* Name record you want to record a point

・ The position information read and display from kml files

・ Track position and point of saving kml format

・ load and display the location and point form kml files

Track Point Number:
Displays the number of recording tracks in the position.
The default is limited to 500.

Displays the current GPS measurement accuracy of meters.

○ Blue: current position

□ Red: the start of the measurement

Blue lines: Track

Green pin: the marked position

Blue Flag and character: point location, name, time

kml Clear: loading map (kml file) Clears the display.

kml Read: load kml file from "/sdcard/kagoturi/GpsTrackLogMap"and display.

Mark: the green pin, mark the current position.

My Location: the center of the screen to move the currentposition.

Point Check: point and recorded the name as the currentposition
Display a blue flag.

Track Save: Track saved to a file being recorded.

Track Clear: to clear the Track Logging.

Setting: Perform the following settings.

Track Line Width: the width of lines to display log
(1 point, 3 points, 5 points)

kml Line Width: kml file for compensation for the linethickness
(x0.5, x1, x2)

Font Size: The size of the font used to display
(12 points, 14 points, 16 points)

Max Point Number: The maximum number of records that trackposition(500,1000,2000)

Compass ON / OFF: Switch compass display, hidden

Satellite Mode ON / OFF: Switch between map views and satellitephotographs

Accuracy circle ON/OFF: SwitchAccuracy circle, hidden

Gps Sleep ON / OFF: Switch enable GPS operations in thebackground / Disable

Edit File Name ON / OFF: Enable or disable editing of the filename.

Edit point Text: Edit the text to be used for point
(Point A ~Point H)

When you start, SD cards are the following folders:
Will be generated automatically.

Please if you use a GPS enabled.

android 1.6 or higher

soft bank: 003SH android 2.2
au:IS01 android 1.6

App Information GpsTrackLogMap

kagoturi Show More...

マイ海図GPS川奈版 1.2 APK
川奈のマイ海図と川奈観光ボートハウスのポイントマップのデータです。本アプリケーションは地図データを提供するだけで単体では動作しません。本アプリケーションと以下のGPSアプリのいずれかを使用することにより、GPS情報と地図を重ねて表示することが出来ます。 ボート釣りナビ(バージョン1.8.0 コード11以降) ボート釣りナビLite(バージョン1.8.0 コード11以降) GPSトラックログマップ(バージョン1.2.0 コード3以降) GPSトラックログマップLite(バージョン1.2.0 コード3以降)<使用方法>本アプリケーションをインストールした後に以下の操作を行います。ボート釣りナビ、ボート釣りナビLiteの場合 アプリ起動後、メニューから「マップ/ログ読込」を選択 「マイ海図川奈%」を選択 「川奈全域.kml%」又は「与望島前.kml%」を選択すると、地図が表示されます。GPSトラックログマップ、GPSトラックログマップLiteの場合 アプリ起動後、メニューから「KML読込」を選択 「マイ海図川奈%」を選択 「川奈全域.kml%」又は「与望島前.kml%」を選択すると、地図が表示されます。※地図データの表示以外の使用方法は、 それぞれのGPSアプリの使い方を参照して下さい。<使用上の注意>本アプリケーションは川奈観光ボートハウスと、マイ海図の作者である増渕氏の許可を頂いて配布しています。川奈観光ボートHPhttp://kawana.mykaizu.com/blocks/index/006マイ海図の取り扱いについては、以下を参照して下さい。http://www.mykaizu.com/blocks/index/005以下の全ての項目に賛同いただくことを条件として頒布を行います。◎マイ海図は航海用の海図ではありません。航海上の判断には海図を使用して下さい。マイ海図はその名の通り「私の海図」、釣りの合間に集めたお気に入りの釣り場の情報をまとめたポイント図です。個人の遊びの釣りのポイント探しの参考のためだけに使用して下さい。◎ マイ海図は釣りのポイント探しのためには概ね十分な精度がありますが水深・底質には誤差がある場合があります。◎ マイ海図を使用しての如何なる事故・損害・係争にも責任を取りません。全てのリスクの責任は船長たるあなたにあります。安全には十分注意して絶対事故のないようにご留意ください。◎海域によっては有形・無形の遊漁に関する規則や取り決めがあります。マイ海図ではそれらの全てを網羅して記載することは出来ません。出漁前に必ずボート店や漁協・官公庁などに具体的な出漁海域を示して確認して下さい。◎マイ海図の中には乗合船や漁師などの職漁船の操業エリアに重なる海域も含まれています。常に職漁船の操業を優先と考え絶対にトラブルや無用の摩擦を起こさぬように留意して下さい。一人の身勝手な行動は他の沢山の遊漁仲間の釣りの楽しみを奪うことに直結します。◎ 本アプリケーションの海図データを無断で複製したり、内容を元にして作成したものを第三者に供与することは出来ません。
BoatFishingNavi 1.9.2 APK
BoatFishingNavihttp://tokyowanturi.blog36.fc2.com/blog-entry-88.htmlYou can view your position and point map,The GPS application for the fishing.Without connecting 3G, self-made map point data format(kml)andDisplays the position data acquired by GPS.Such as a scanned paper maps and books,As an image overlay on GoogleEarthUsed as a map for GPS can display anything!For more information on how to use the followinghttp://ameblo.jp/tokyowanturi/entry-10936506504.html※ GoogleMap display is not possible.GoogleEarth map was created in the PC version of yourselfPlease use registered.※ Note ※We have developed assuming a fishing-boat.Caused by the use of this applicationLoss or liability for any damage.android 1.6 or higherVerifiedau: IS01 android 1.6soft bank: 003SH android 2.2When used in fishing boats,Settings SmartphoneWe recommend that you below.The backlight display Setting is maximum brightness.Automatic screen orientation switch to OFF.・Show kml(point and image overlay) file data.・GPS track log and see・ Mark the position of the screen you want to markatemporary* Name record you want to record a point・ The position information read and display from kml files・ Track position and point of saving kml format・ load and display the location and point form kml filesTrack Point Number:Displays the number of recording tracks in the position.The default is limited to 500.Accuracy:Displays the current GPS measurement accuracy of meters.○ Blue: current position□ Red: the start of the measurementBlue lines: TrackGreen pin: the marked positionBlue Flag and character: point location, name, timeMap Clear: loading map (kml file) Clears the display.Map Read: load kml file from "/sdcard/BoatFishingNavi"anddisplay.Mark: the green pin, mark the current position.Point Check: point and recorded the name as thecurrentpositionDisplay a blue flag.Track Clear: to clear the Track Logging.Track Save: Track saved to a file being recordedfor "/sdcard/BoatFishingNavi".Setting: Perform the following settings.Track Line Width: the width of lines to display log(1 point, 3 points, 5 points)kml Line Width: kml file for compensation for thelinethickness(x0.5, x1, x2)Font Size: The size of the font used to display(12 points, 14 points, 16 points)Grid Size: The size of the grid line(25m,50m,100m,off)Max Point Number: The maximum number of records thattrackposition(500,1000,2000)Compass Type ON,OFF,auto screen lotationMagnetic declination:value of Magnetic declinationAccuracy circle ON/OFF: SwitchAccuracy circle, hiddenGps Sleep ON / OFF: Switch enable GPS operations inthebackground / DisableEdit File Name ON / OFF: Enable or disable editing of thefilename.Edit point Text: Edit the text to be used for point(Point A ~Point H)When you start, SD cards are the following folders:Will be generated automatically./sdcard/BoatFishingNaviPlease if you use a GPS enabled.
GpsGolfMap 1.1.0 APK
This application is a distance betweencurrentposition and target can be easily measured.Display the current position on map using GPS.Measure the distance between the current position and thegreen.Measure the distance between bunkers and greens.kml file to load and displayWhen you start, SD cards are the following folders:Will be generated automatically. /sdcard/kagoturi/GpsGolfMap/LogPlease if you use a GPS enabled.Kml file and save or delete the log filePossible.Etc. Please use separate application for file management.android 2.1 or higher- Display items○ and red lines: The lines show the measured distance.Minor appears to be larger depending on the scale.□ Blue: current positionPin Green: the starting point of the distance measurementBlue Flag: The name and recorded at pointOrange Line: tie between the points recorded in the middledistance viewOrange Flag: The name and read from the log file at pointBlue lines: tie between the point read from the log fileDisplay in the middle distancePolygon kml file loaded path- Screen OperationZoom in for a tap of the screen + - buttonsDrag to scroll the screen display positionMeasure the distance of the screen and drag and holdThe starting point is the GPS position measurement start positionis self-The position will end the drag.If you tap the start point, hold down the starting point whereyou want,The position will end the drag.※ Press and hold to scroll, so they move with the positionIt is tricky to get used to.add Point: Add a point to current positionChoose from the selection screen text,Edit any text you type to select.Next: Points to confirm the records,To initiate the next group of records.As the operation at the end where the end point to register themark.Used to move to the next course ※.Delete Point: a point to remove the registration point.※ Remove points of the previous group but notMy Location: the center of the screen to move the currentposition.Mesure Tap/GPS: GPS or the beginning of the current positiondetection and rangingI hold to switch positions on the screen.Save Log: Log saved to a file being recorded.Clear Log: to clear the log in the record.Read Kml: load kml file from "/sdcard/kagoturi/GpsGolfMap"and display.Clear kml: Clear kml file loaded.Read Log Kml: load and display the saved log file.Clear Log kml: To clear the log file read.Setting: Perform the following settings.Log Line Width: the width of lines to display log(1 point, 3 points, 5 points)kml Line Width: kml file for compensation for the linethickness(x0.5, x1, x2)Font Size: The size of the font used to display(14 points, 16 points, 18 points)Unit type: Switch the distance unit(M, feet, yard)Compass ON / OFF: Switch compass display, hiddenSatellite Mode ON / OFF: Switch between map views and satellitephotographsGps Sleep ON / OFF: Switch enable GPS operations in thebackground / DisableEdit point Text: Edit the text to be used for pointThe default type can be set below 10(1W, 4W, UT, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9, PW, SW)
GpsTrackLogMap 1.2.0 APK
・Show GoogleMap (map/satellite photo) and kml file data.・GPS track log and see・ Mark the position of the screen you want to mark atemporary* Name record you want to record a point・ The position information read and display from kml files・ Track position and point of saving kml format・ load and display the location and point form kml filesTrack Point Number:Displays the number of recording tracks in the position.The default is limited to 500.Accuracy:Displays the current GPS measurement accuracy of meters.○ Blue: current position□ Red: the start of the measurementBlue lines: TrackGreen pin: the marked positionBlue Flag and character: point location, name, timekml Clear: loading map (kml file) Clears the display.kml Read: load kml file from "/sdcard/kagoturi/GpsTrackLogMap"and display.Mark: the green pin, mark the current position.My Location: the center of the screen to move the currentposition.Point Check: point and recorded the name as the currentpositionDisplay a blue flag.Track Save: Track saved to a file being recorded.Track Clear: to clear the Track Logging.Setting: Perform the following settings.Track Line Width: the width of lines to display log(1 point, 3 points, 5 points)kml Line Width: kml file for compensation for the linethickness(x0.5, x1, x2)Font Size: The size of the font used to display(12 points, 14 points, 16 points)Max Point Number: The maximum number of records that trackposition(500,1000,2000)Compass ON / OFF: Switch compass display, hiddenSatellite Mode ON / OFF: Switch between map views and satellitephotographsAccuracy circle ON/OFF: SwitchAccuracy circle, hiddenGps Sleep ON / OFF: Switch enable GPS operations in thebackground / DisableEdit File Name ON / OFF: Enable or disable editing of the filename.Edit point Text: Edit the text to be used for point(Point A ~Point H)When you start, SD cards are the following folders:Will be generated automatically./sdcard/kagoturi/GpsTrackLogMapPlease if you use a GPS enabled.android 1.6 or higherVerifiedsoft bank: 003SH android 2.2au:IS01 android 1.6
GpsTrackLogMapLite 1.2.0 APK
・Show GoogleMap (map/satellite photo) and kml file data.・GPS track log and see・ Mark the position of the screen you want to mark atemporary* Name record you want to record a point・ The position information read and display from kml files・ Track position and point of saving kml format・ load and display the location and point form kml filesTrack Point Number:Displays the number of recording tracks in the position.※ limited to 300.Accuracy:Displays the current GPS measurement accuracy of meters.○ Blue: current position□ Red: the start of the measurementBlue lines: TrackGreen pin: the marked positionBlue Flag and character: point location, name, timekml Clear: loading map (kml file) Clears the display.kml Read: load kml file from "/sdcard/kagoturi/GpsTrackLogMap"and display.Mark: the green pin, mark the current position.My Location: the center of the screen to move the currentposition.Point Check: point and recorded the name as the currentpositionDisplay a blue flag.Track Save: Track saved to a file being recorded.Track Clear: to clear the Track Logging.Setting: Perform the following settings.Track Line Width: the width of lines to display log(1 point, 3 points, 5 points)kml Line Width: kml file for compensation for the linethickness(x0.5, x1, x2)Font Size: The size of the font used to display(12 points, 14 points, 16 points)Compass ON / OFF: Switch compass display, hiddenSatellite Mode ON / OFF: Switch between map views and satellitephotographsAccuracy circle ON/OFF: SwitchAccuracy circle, hiddenGps Sleep ON / OFF: Switch enable GPS operations in thebackground / DisableEdit File Name ON / OFF: Enable or disable editing of the filename.Edit point Text: Edit the text to be used for point(Point A ~Point E)When you start, SD cards are the following folders:Will be generated automatically./sdcard/kagoturi/GpsTrackLogMapPlease if you use a GPS enabled.android 1.6 or higherVerifiedsoft bank: 003SH android 2.2au:IS01 android 1.6
BoatFishingNaviLite 1.9.2 APK
BoatFishingNaviLiteYou can view your position and point map,The GPS application for the fishing.Without connecting 3G, self-made map point data format(kml)andDisplays the position data acquired by GPS.Such as a scanned paper maps and books,As an image overlay on GoogleEarthUsed as a map for GPS can display anything!For more information on how to use the followinghttp://ameblo.jp/tokyowanturi/entry-10936506504.html※ GoogleMap display is not possible.GoogleEarth map was created in the PC version of yourselfPlease use registered.※ Note ※We have developed assuming a fishing-boat.Caused by the use of this applicationLoss or liability for any damage.android 1.6 or higherVerifiedau: IS01 android 1.6soft bank: 003SH android 2.2When used in fishing boats,Settings SmartphoneWe recommend that you below.The backlight display Setting is maximum brightness.Automatic screen orientation switch to OFF.・Show kml(point and image overlay) file data.・GPS track log and see・ Mark the position of the screen you want to markatemporary* Name record you want to record a point・ The position information read and display from kml files・ Track position and point of saving kml format・ load and display the location and point form kml filesTrack Point Number:Displays the number of recording tracks in the position.(limited to 500)Accuracy:Displays the current GPS measurement accuracy of meters.○ Blue: current position□ Red: the start of the measurementBlue lines: TrackGreen pin: the marked positionBlue Flag and character: point location, name, timeMap Clear: loading map (kml file) Clears the display.Map Read: load kml file from "/sdcard/BoatFishingNavi"anddisplay.Mark: the green pin, mark the current position.Point Check: point and recorded the name as the currentpositiondisplay a blue flag.Track Clear: to clear the Track Logging.Track Save: Track saved to a file being recordedfor "/sdcard/BoatFishingNavi".Setting: Perform the following settings.Track Line Width: the width of lines to display log(1 point, 3 points, 5 points)kml Line Width: kml file for compensation for thelinethickness(x0.5, x1, x2)Font Size: The size of the font used to display(12 points, 14 points, 16 points)Grid Size: The size of the grid line(25m,50m,100m,off)Compass ON/OFFMagnetic declination:value of Magnetic declinationAccuracy circle ON/OFF: SwitchAccuracy circle, hiddenGps Sleep ON / OFF: Switch enable GPS operations inthebackground / DisableEdit File Name ON / OFF: Enable or disable editing of thefilename.Edit point Text: Edit the text to be used for point(Point A ~Point E)When you start, SD cards are the following folders:Will be generated automatically./sdcard/BoatFishingNaviPlease if you use a GPS enabled.