1.1 / April 10, 2016
(4.7/5) ()


Enjoy our favorite healthyomeletrecipes—perfect for a hearty start to the day, weekendbrunch, orbreakfast-for-dinner dish.

Originating in France, omelets can be easily adapted to suitanytaste—fill with seasonal vegetables, meats, or a varietyofcheeses. Here, our favorite omelet recipes offer an arrayofflavors and tastes for a meal (anytime of day) that everyonewilllove.

First up is our Classic French Omelet, the perfect way tostartoff any morning. The trick to a perfect French omelet is topullthe pan off the heat as needed, while stirring, to control howfastthe eggs cook. The finished omelet should be golden outsideandunbrowned, while still creamy at the very center.

Some people are passionate about pancakes, others are wackoforwaffles, but when it comes to breakfast, I’ve always been aneggman. Beatles references aside, nothing makes me happierthanhollandaise-topped eggs Benedict with gooey orange yolksorsizzling baked eggs dotted with bacon. Yum!

Still, my all-time favorite egg dish has to be the omelet.Readyin seconds, an omelet can be made with almost anything—chancesareyou have a perfect combination of fillings in your fridgerightnow. They work for any meal of the day and taste great—I lovethebalance of fluffy, golden eggs with the mild crunch ofstill-firmhot vegetables.

Cooking an omelet couldn’t be easier. Basically you whisksomeeggs together, cook them in a nonstick pan with a little oil,addthe filling of your choice and then fold it and serve. Thatsaid,there is some finesse involved in making a perfect omelet.Getstep-by-step instructions on making an omelet here.

It’s hard to go wrong with omelet fillings. I’ve filledomeletswith everything from gourmet prosciutto and capers toleftover redbeans and rice. Both were delicious!

In cuisine, an omelette or omelet is a dish made from beateneggsquickly fried with butter or oil in a frying pan (withoutstirringas in scrambled egg). It is quite common for the omeletteto befolded around a filling such as cheese, chives, vegetables,meat(often ham and/or bacon), or some combination of the above.Toobtain a fluffy texture, whole eggs or sometimes only eggwhitesare beaten with a small amount of milk or cream, or evenwater, theidea being to have "bubbles" of water vapour trappedwithin therapidly cooked egg.

The fluffy omelette is a refined version of an ancientfood.According to Alan Davidson, the French word omelette came intouseduring the mid-16th century, but the versions alumelle andalumeteare employed by the Ménagier de Paris (II, 5) in 1393.Rabelais(Pantagruel, IV, 9) mentions an homelaicte d'oeufs, OlivierdeSerres an amelette, François Pierre La Varenne's Lecuisinierfrançois (1651) has aumelette, and the modern omeletteappears inCuisine bourgoise (1784).

According to the founding legend of the annual giantEasteromelette of Bessières, Haute-Garonne, when Napoleon Bonaparteandhis army were traveling through southern France, they decidedtorest for the night near the town of Bessières. Napoleon feastedonan omelette prepared by a local innkeeper that was such aculinarydelight that he ordered the townspeople to gather all theeggs inthe village and to prepare a huge omelette for his army thenextday.

## Records
On March 19, 1994, the largest omelette (128.5 m²; 1,383 ft²) intheworld at the time was made with 160,000 eggs in Yokohama,Japan,[6]but was subsequently overtaken by another, weighing 2,950kilograms(6,500 lb), made by the Canadian Lung Association at theBrockvilleMemorial Centre in Brockville, Ontario, Canada on May11, 2002. Inturn, that record was surpassed on August 11, 2012, byan omelettecooked by the Ferreira do Zêzere City Council inSantarém, Portugal.This record breaking omelette weighed 6,466kilograms (14,255 lb),and required 145,000 eggs and a 10.3 metrediameter pan.

App Information Healthy Omelette Ideas

  • App Name
    Healthy Omelette Ideas
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    April 10, 2016
  • File Size
  • Requires Android
    Android 2.3.3 and up
  • Version
  • Developer
    Infotech Developer
  • Installs
    50 - 100
  • Price
  • Category
  • Developer
  • Google Play Link

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Cek NIP & Profil PNS 1.3 APK
Aplikasi ini difungsikan untuk membantu &mempermudah user dalam pengecekan Profil PNSNIP - Nomor Induk PegawaiCek NIP & Profil PNS* Ketika Server Sedang bermasalah atau sedang proses sinkrondengan server PUPNS maka menu cek nip tidak berfungsi sebagaimanamestinya *Kritik, saran dan masukan sangat kami nantikan demi kemajuanbersama, terimakasih dan selamat menggunakan aplikasi ini.Sumber : Peraturan Kepala Badan Kepegawaian Negara No. 22 tahun2007 tanggal 28 maret 2007, tentang Nomor Identitas Pegawai NegeriSipilNIP terdiri atas 18 (Delapan Belas) Digit, Nomor IdentitasPegawai (NIP) adalah nomor unik yang diberikan kepada setiap PNSsebagai identitas kepegawaiannya yang terdiri dari 18 digit yangmemuat tahun, bulan dan tanggal lahir, tahun dan bulan pengangkatanpertama sebagai Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil (CPNS), jenis kelamin,dan nomor urut.Terkait dengan NIP ini, bagi Rekan-rekan PNS yang inginmengetahui data diri maupun status kepegawaiannya yang valid padaBadan Kepegawaian Negara (BKN). Saat ini pada situs resmi / websiteBKN di www.bkn.go.id telah disediakan sebuah fasilitas / fitur yangdiperuntukkan bagi seluruh PNS (Pegawai Negeri Sipil) yang ada diseluruh wilayah Indonesia dalam memastikan kebenarandata-datanya.-----------------------------------Aplikasi ini bukan aplikasi resmi dari pemerintah.Pihak pengembang tidak memiliki hubungan afiliasi dengan penyediakonten.Bertujuan untuk memudahkan pengguna untuk mengaksesnya.Disclaimer : Aplikasi ini tidak berafiliasi dengan bkn,bkn.go.idThis application isenabled to assist and facilitate the user in checking Profile PNSNIP - Employee Identification NumberChecks NIP & Profile PNS* When Server Medium problematic or are synchronized with theserver process PUPNS then check nip menu not working properly *Criticism, suggestions and feedback is greatly welcomed for thefuture progress, thanks and congratulations using thisapplication.Source: The Regulation of the State Employment Agency No. 22 of2007 dated 28 March 2007, on the Civil Servant IdentificationNumberNIP consists of 18 (Eighteen) Digits, Employer IdentificationNumber (NIP) is a unique number given to every civil servant as theidentity of its personnel consisting of 18 digits which includesthe year, month and date of birth, year and month of firstappointment as a candidate for Civil Servants civil (CPNS), gender,and serial number.Related to this NIP, for fellow civil servants who want to knowthe data themselves or their employment status is valid on theCivil Service Agency (BKN). Currently the official website /website BKN in www.bkn.go.id has provided a facility / featurereserved for all civil servants (Civil Servants) in all parts ofIndonesia in ensuring truth data.-----------------------------------This app is not an official application from thegovernment.The developer has no affiliation with the content provider.Aims to facilitate users to access them.Disclaimer: This app is not affiliated with BKN, bkn.go.id
Gending Tayub (Javanese Dance) 1.0 APK
Javanese dance is the dances and art formsthatwere created and influenced by Javanese culture. Javanesedancemovement is controlled, deliberate and refined. Javanese artoftendisplays a finesse, and at the same time a serene composurewhich iselevated far above everything mundane.[1] Javanese danceis usuallyassociated with courtly, refined and sophisticatedculture of theJavanese kratons, such as the bedhaya and srimpidance. However, ina wider sense, Javanese dance also includes thedances of Javanesecommoners and villagers such as ronggeng, tayub,reog, and KudaLumping.Javanese dance and its discipline has different stylesandphilosophy compared to other Indonesian dance traditions.Unlikevigorous and expressive Balinese dance or cheerful andslightlysensual Sundanese dance, Javanese dance are commonlyinvolving slowmovements and graceful poses. Javanese dance havesomewhat ameditative quality and tends to be moreself-reflective,introspective and more oriented towardself-understanding.[2]Javanese dance is usually associated withWayang wong, and thepalaces of Yogyakarta and Surakarta due to thenature of dancebeing a pusaka or sacred heirloom from ancestors ofthe palacerulers. These expressive dances are more than justdances, they arealso used for moral education, emotionalexpression, and spreadingof the Javanese culture.
Indonesian Bus Photography 1.2 APK
A bus (/ˈbʌs/; plural "buses",/ˈbʌsᵻz/,archaically also omnibus, multibus, motorbus, or autobus)is a roadvehicle designed to carry many passengers. Buses can haveacapacity as high as 300 passengers.[1] The most common type ofbusis the single-decker rigid bus, with larger loads carriedbydouble-decker and articulated buses, and smaller loads carriedbymidibuses and minibuses; coaches are used forlonger-distanceservices. Many types of buses, such as city transitbuses andinter-city coaches, charge a fare. Other types, such aselementaryor secondary school buses or shuttle buses within apost-secondaryeducation campus do not charge a fare. In manyjurisdictions, busdrivers require a special licence above andbeyond a regulardriver's licence.Buses may be used for scheduled bus transport, scheduledcoachtransport, school transport, private hire, or tourism;promotionalbuses may be used for political campaigns and others areprivatelyoperated for a wide range of purposes, including rock andpop bandtour vehicles.Horse-drawn buses were used from the 1820s, followed bysteambuses in the 1830s, and electric trolleybuses in 1882.Thefirstinternal combustion engine buses, or motor buses, were usedin1895.[2] Recently, interest has been growing in hybridelectricbuses, fuel cell buses, and electric buses, as well as onespoweredby compressed natural gas or biodiesel. As of the 2010s,busmanufacturing is increasingly globalised, with the samedesignsappearing around the world.
Alamat TIKI Titipan Kilat 1.0 APK
Daftar Alamat kantor TIKI Titipan Kilatdiseluruh IndonesiaSejarah TIKIMemahami potensi dan kebutuhan tinggi masyarakat akanlayananpenyampaian barang titipan, perbekalan, barang berharga ataubahkandokumen usaha para pebisnis dengan tingkat mobilitas yangsangattinggi, telah menginspirasi berdirinya sebuah usaha jasapenitipanbarang yang dikenal masyarakat dengan nama TIKI(TitipanKilat).Dengan keinginan mulia PT. Citra Van Titipan Kilatresmididirikan pada 1 September 1970. Berkat tangan dingin dankeuletanBpk.Soeprapto dan Ny. Nuraini Soeprapto sebagai perintisusaha danpemegang saham, TIKI mulai menapak dengan kokoh ditengahpersainganbisnis jasa pengiriman barang yang terus menggeliatseiringperkembangan teknologi dan kebutuhan masyarakat di seluruhdunia,khususnya masyarakat Indonesia.Kepedulian menjadi pondasi yang kuat dalam mencapai tujuanutamaTIKI, yaitu untuk selalu bermanfaat bagi seluruhlapisanmasyarakat,dan tujuan tersebut semakin nyata ketika IrawanSaputra(almarhum), Gideon Wiraseputra, dan Raphael Rusmadi pada1972bekerja sama, saling bersinergi untuk membawa TIKI meraihvisiutamanya menjadi perusahaan ekspres pilihan indonesia yangmampubersaing dan berjaya di kancah bisnis internasional.Komitmen manajemen dalam memotivasi danmenciptakan iklimkerjayang kondusif, menjadi konsentrasi utama manajemen TIKIdalammenyulut semangat, kreativitas dan loyalitas seluruhlapisanpersonil TIKI. Dengan dilengkapi sistem yang memadai,dukungan dariPT Titipan KILAT Suprapto sebagai unit anak perusahaankargo yangmenangani pengiriman barang domestik dan internasionalbaik melaluiudara, laut, darat, serta pergerakan layanan eksporimpor. SertaTIKINDO dan TIKITA yang menangani jasa perjalanan yangterkait baikdomestik maupun internasional, dengan bangga personilTIKI selaluberupaya untuk mempersembahkan layanan optimal seiringdengankegiatan usaha TIKI yang terus meningkat secarasignifikan.Seiring dengan perkembangan bisnis usaha dankebutuhanmasyarakat, TIKI selalu berupaya untuk mengembangkanjaringan yangdiawali dengan kota-kota besar di Indonesia seperti:Pangkal Pinang(Sumatera), Semarang (Jawa Tengah) dan Surabaya (JawaTimur) danterus meluas hingga ke pelosok Indonesia. Berkat dukungansejumlaharmada, personil dan minat besar masyarakat, TIKI menjadilebihkuat dan berhasil menjaga stabilitasnya.Bertahun-tahun kerja keras, semangat dan kreativitas TIKItelahberhasil menjadi mitra jasa Titipan Kilat yang profesionaldanterkemuka di dunia.Address List TIKICourierExpress offices throughout IndonesiaTIKI historyUnderstanding the potential and high need communitieswillservice consignment delivery, supplies, valuables orbusinessdocuments even businesses with a very high degree ofmobility, hasinspired the establishment of a day care servicebusiness itemsknown to the public under the name TIKI (CourierExpress) .With thedesire precious PT. Citra Van Courier Expressofficiallyestablished on September 1, 1970. Due to the cold handsandtenacity Bpk.Soeprapto and Ny. Nuraini Soeprapto as apioneeringventure and shareholders, TIKI start with a sturdy treadamidincreasingly competitive business of freight that continuestowrithe as the development of technology and the needs ofpeoplearound the world, especially the people of Indonesia.Concern become a strong foundation in achieving the maingoalTIKI, that's always beneficial to the whole society, and thatgoalmore real when Irawan Saputra (deceased), Gideon Wiraseputra,andRaphael Rusmadi in 1972 to work together, build synergy tobringTIKI achieve the vision the main Indonesian selection expressafirm that can compete and prosper in the internationalbusinessarena.Management commitment to motivating and creating aconduciveworking environment, becoming a major concentration inmanagementTIKI ignite passion, creativity and loyalty of all levelsofpersonnel TIKI. With a system equipped with adequate supportfromPT Courier KILAT Suprapto as cargo subsidiary unit thathandlesdomestic and international freight forwarding by air, sea,land, aswell as the movement of trade services. As well TIKINDO andTIKITAthat handle travel related services both domesticallyandinternationally, is pleased to TIKI personnel are always workingtooffer optimal services in line with business activityTIKIincreasing significantly.Along with business development efforts and community needs,TIKIalways seeks to develop a network that begins with the bigcities inIndonesia such as: Pangkal Pinang (Sumatra), Semarang(Central Java)and Surabaya (East Java) and continues to spread toremote Indonesia, Thanks to the support of a number of fleet,personnel andinterests of the community, TIKI become stronger andmanaged to keepstability.Many years of hard work, passion and creativity TIKI hasmanagedto become partners Courier Express professional servicesandleading in the world.
Muslim woman with Hijab 1.2 APK
A hijab or ḥijāb (/hɪˈdʒɑːb/, /hɪˈdʒæb/,/ˈhɪ.dʒæb/ or /hɛˈdʒɑːb/;[ Arabic: حجاب‎, pronounced [ħiˈdʒæːb] or[ħiˈɡæːb]) is a veil that covers the head and chest, which isparticularly worn by some Muslim women beyond the age of puberty inthe presence of adult males outside of their immediate family. Itcan further refer to any head, face, or body covering worn byMuslim women that conforms to a certain standard of modesty. Hijabcan also be used to refer to the seclusion of women from men in thepublic sphere, or it may embody a metaphysical dimension – Al-hijabrefers to "the veil which separates man or the world from God".Most often, it is worn by Muslim women as a symbol of modesty,privacy and morality. According to the Encyclopedia of Islam andMuslim World, modesty in the Quran concerns both men's and women's"gaze, gait, garments, and genitalia." The Quran admonishes Muslimwomen to dress modestly and cover their breasts and genitals. MostIslamic legal systems define this type of modest dressing ascovering everything except the face and hands in public. Theseguidelines (for covering of the entire body except for the hands,the feet and the face) are found in texts of fiqh and hadithdeveloped after the revelation of the Quran but, according to some,are derived from the verses (ayahs) referencing hijab in the Quran.Many believe that the Quran itself does not mandate that women wearhijab.The term hijab in Arabic literally means “a screen or curtain”and is used in the Quran to refer to a partition. The Quran tellsthe male believers (Muslims) to talk to the wives of Muhammadbehind a curtain. This curtain was the responsibility of the menand not the wives of Muhammad. This leads some to claim that themandate of the Quran to wear hijab applies to the wives ofMuhammad, not women generally. Αlthough hijab is often seen bycritics as a tool utilized by men to control and silence women, thepractice is understood differently in different contexts.In Islamic texts - QuranThe Quran instructs both Muslim men and women to dress in a modestway:"Tell the believing men to lower their gaze and be modest"(surah 24:30)The clearest verse on the requirement of the hijab is surah24:30–31, asking women to draw their khimār over their bosoms.And say to the believing women that they should lower their gazeand guard their modesty; that they should not display their beautyand ornaments except what (must ordinarily) appear thereof; thatthey should draw their khimār over their breasts and not displaytheir beauty except to their husband, their fathers, theirhusband's fathers, their sons, their husbands' sons, their brothersor their brothers' sons, or their sisters' sons, or their (Muslim)women, or the slaves whom their right hands possess, or maleservants free of physical needs, or small children who have nosense of the shame of sex; and that they should not strike theirfeet in order to draw attention to their hidden ornaments. (Quran24:31)In the following verse, the wives of Muhammad are asked to wearclothes (when they go out), as a measure to distinguish themselvesfrom others, so that they are not harassed. Surah 33:59 reads:Those who harass believing men and believing women undeservedly,bear (on themselves) a calumny and a grievous sin. O Prophet!Enjoin your wives, your daughters, and the wives of true believersthat they should cast their outer garments over their persons (whenabroad): That is most convenient, that they may be distinguishedand not be harassed. [...] (Quran 33:58–59)
Koleksi Tutorial Desain Jilbab 1.1 APK
Trend Fashion Hijab Modern Terbaru 2016Model terbaru saat ini lagi trend 2016Macam macam jilbab instan modern, aneka model desain kerudungterbaru contoh gambar barangkali salah satu pilihan kalian dalammemilih produk fashion terbaru jaman sekarang, Banyak sekali modelhijab, busana muslim kebaya jam kemeja celana muslim pernikahanuntuk wisuda couple serta style lain contohnya foto model sepatusandal cara memakai hijab kerudung terbaru aksesoris tangan wanitasemua bisa kalian dapatkan disini. Dan bisa beli di toko online,galeri gambar ini adalah rekomendasi katalog kompilasi yangmemiliki harga bermacam macam murah dan mahal.Untuk membeli produk fashion seperti jilbab pasmina, apriljasmine, hijab segi empat dan busana muslim wanita terbaru jamtangan dan fashion lainnya carilah di tokopedia, elevania,bukalapak, lazada dan lainnya, onlineshop tersebut merupakan tempatbelanja paling aman dan murah di internet. Saat ini kamu lihatfashion terbaru 2016 Macam macam jilbab instan modern, aneka modeldesain kerudung terbaru dalam kategori Kerudung Cantik Terbaru ,Kerudung Model Terbaru , Kerudung Modern Terbaru , Kerudung ParisTerbaru yang gambar dan fotonya bisa kalian lihat dibawah ini.Buat kalian jilbabers yang sedang mencari Macam macam jilbab danjuga desain kerudung terbaru dan kumpulan hijab modern baik darimodel elzatta maupun pasmina bisa kalian dapatkan disini denganlengkap. Demi menunjang penampilan kalian agar makin cantik denganbeberapa contoh foto yang aku sajikan buat kalian semua. Beberapadaftar merek model terbaru seperti paris hijab dan lain sebagainyabisa didapatkan lengkap khusus buat kalian, silakan dilihat sajabeberapa foto kerudung terbaru yang sudah aku sajikan di AplikasiIni.Modern Hijab LatestFashion Trend 2016The latest model is now more trend in 2016Miscellaneous hijab instant modern, various models of the design ofhoods latest example of the image perhaps one of your choices inchoosing the latest fashion products today, Many models hijab, theMuslim fashion kebaya hours shirt pants Muslim weddings tograduations couple as well as other styles for example a photomodel moccasin how to wear the hijab headscarf lady's hand all thelatest accessories can you get here. And can be purchased at onlinestores, this is a picture gallery quickly compile recommendationsthat have a wide variety of cheap prices and expensive.To purchase fashion products such as headscarves pasmina, apriljasmine, rectangular hijab and Muslim fashion latest ladies watchesand other fashion look in Tokopedia, elevania, bukalapak, lazadaand others, onlineshop is a place most safe and cheap shopping onthe internet. Nowadays you see the latest fashion in 2016 Variouskinds of modern instant hijab, various models of the latest designsin the category veil Beautiful Veil Newest, Latest Model Veil, VeilModern Gallery, Veil Latest Paris that likeness and photographs youcan see below.For those of you who are looking for jilbabers Various kinds ofheadscarves and veils latest designs and modern hijab goodcollection of models pasmina elzatta nor can you get here to thefull. By supporting your appearance to be more beautiful with somephoto examples that I present for you all. Some of the latestmodels such as the list of brands hijab paris and so forth can beobtained complete special for you, please see the latest veil justa few photos I've already presented in this application.
Lirik Lagu Banyuwangian 1.0 APK
Kumpulan Ratusan Lirik Lagu Bannyuwangian,Judul, Penyanyi dan Lirik Lagunya.dengaan artis penyanyi Banyuwangian seperti:- Demy- Suliyana- Wandra- Reny Farida- Ratna Antika- Gery MahesadllKritik, Saran dan Masukan sangat kami harapkanHundreds Bannyuwangianset of lyrics, title, singer and song lyrics.dengaan Banyuwangian singers such as:- Demy- Suliyana- Wandra- Reny Farida- Ratna Antika- Gery MahesaetcCriticism, suggestions and feedback are we expected
Lirik Lagu Cokelat 1.0 APK
aplikasi terbaru koleksi lirik lagu cokelathanya untuk para fans setia, berikut ini beberapa koleksi lagu dariband Cokelat:5 Menit Untuk 5 TahunAdakahAkhiriAku Pasti Di SanaBenderaBetapa Aku MencintaimuBuah HatiBukan CintaBukan Hari IniBukan Yang DuluBunga TidurDalam SetiakuDan AkuDemi MasaDendamDiaDilemaDramaGossipHebatnya AkuHilangIkrar KamiJanjiJauhKarmaKatakan SajaKaulah Yang TerindahKebyar KebyarKitaKu Pilih DiaKuasa-NyaKumbangKupilih DiaLangit BiruLima Menit Untuk Lima TahunLuka LamaMasa MudaMendaki GunungMengapa CemburuMentari & BulanMentari dan BulanMimpiNada DoaNafsuNyanyian SahabatPenantianPergiPinjam HatimuRaguRahasiaRecallSaat Jarak MemisahkanSalahSatu Nusa Satu BangsaSegitigaSemangatkuSendiriSialSuara KemenanganTak BerujungTak Pernah PadamTakkan KembaliTanpa RasaTeman SajaTemani AkuTerlalu IndahTerlukaThe Hardest PartUntuk BintangYang TerindahThe latest app collectionof lyrics chocolate just for loyal fans, here are a collection ofsongs from the band Chocolate:5 Minutes To 5 YearsIs thereEndI definitely Di SanaFlagHow much I love youBabynot LoveNot todayNot The FirstDreamin SetiakuAnd IFor the sake of timeRevengeHeDilemmaDramaGossipAmazingly IdisappearOur PledgePromiseFarKarmaJust say itYou're the most beautifulKebyar KebyarWeMe Choose HimHis powerBeetleHe chosenBlue skyFive Minutes To Five YearsOld woundsYouthMountain climbingWhy JealousySun & moonSun and moonDreamNada PrayerLustSongs of FriendsPenantianGoborrow Your HeartDoubtSecretRecallWhen Distance SplittingfalseOne country one nationtriangleMy spiritOwnbad luckSounds victoryEndlessNever go outwill not be backflavorlessfriends OnlyAccompany meToo beautifulInjuredThe Hardest Partfor StarsThe most beautiful