0.05 / January 3, 2014
(2.8/5) (21)


Vi presentiamo un’applicazione modernacheconsente in modo efficace ed efficiente di parlare inlinguafrancese. É stata pensata sia per i principianti, sia perquelliche vogliono arricchire il proprio vocabolario. Lanostraattenzione è stata rivolta in particolar modo alleabilitàlinguistiche – ovvero la capacità di condurre conversazionisenzaalcun sforzo in francese. L’innovativo metodo di comunicazionecheè stato utilizzato nell’applicazione permette di eliminarelebarriere linguistiche nel parlare in lingua straniera e allostessotempo permette di esprimersi in situazioni quotidiane.

L’applicazione generalmente è indirizzata a quelle persone,chevogliono imparare il francese in forma pratica. Tutte le parole,lefrasi e i dialoghi sono state registrare da professionalilettoriinglesi. La suddivisione in 127 temi e categorie assieme alsistemadi ricerca veloce permette di ricercare in modo molto velocelaparola desiderata.

L’applicazione è anche un ottimo strumento elettronico. Puòfareda traduttore vocale aiutandoti nei viaggi all’estero.Grazieall’applicazione potrai capire gli stranieri nellesituazionitipiche – al negozio, in banca, in hotel, all’aeroporto..Sarai ingrado di compare il biglietto alla cassa, potrai ordinarequalcosaal ristorante, potrai chiedere indicazioni stradali oppurepotraidarti appuntamento con qualcuno.
L’applicazione inoltre è un’ottima proposta per tutti quelli chesistanno preparando per degli esami orali in lingua francese,oppureper quelli che fanno dei viaggi all’estero per turismo, maancheper lavoro o per studio.

Caratteristiche principali:
- Registrazioni con nativi francesi
- 127 gruppi tematici e categorie
- Conversazioni e dialoghi pratici
- Dizionario francese-italiano, italiano-francese
- Ti insegniamo la pronuncia corretta
- Possibilità di creare dialoghi e scene personali
- Un sistema innovativo per memorizzare le frasi
- Ricerca veloce di frasi e parole
- Esempi d’uso delle parole
- Corso di conversazione della lingua francese
- Lettore di parole e frasi integrato

É un’applicazione grazie alla quale in modo veloce e senzaalcunsforzo comincerai a parlare in francese. Anche se nonconoscevifinora neanche una parola. Non ci sono né esercizi, nétantomeno lanoiosa grammatica. Nell’applicazione abbiamo applicatol’innovativometodo “Easy Talk”, grazie al quale parlerai infrancese già dopopochi minuti. TE LO GARANTIAMO.

La versione gratuita contiene 800 frasi e parole, mentrenellaversione completa hai accesso a 4000 parole, frasi esentenze.

We present amodernapplication that allows you to effectively and efficiently tospeakin French. It was designed for both beginners and for thosewhowant to enrich their vocabulary. Our attention has been paidinparticular to the language skills - ie the ability toconductconversations without any effort in French. The innovativemethodof communication that has been used in the applicationeliminateslanguage barriers in speaking in a foreign language andat the sametime allows to express themselves in everydaysituations.

The application is generally directed to those people who wanttolearn French in practical form. All words, phrases anddialogueshave been recorded by professional English readers. Thedivisioninto 127 categories and themes along with the system ofquicksearch allows you to search very quickly the word.

The application is also a great electronic instrument. Canbedone by voice translator helping you when traveling abroad.Thanksto the application can understand foreigners in typicalsituations- to the store, bank, hotel, airport .. You will be ableto appearthe card at the checkout, you can order something at arestaurant,you can ask for directions or give you an appointmentwithsomeone.
The application also has an excellent suggestion for all thosewhoare preparing for oral exams in French, or for those who dotravelabroad for tourism, but also for work or study.

Key Features:
- Registrations with native French
- 127 thematic groups and categories
- Conversations and Dialogues Practical
- French-Italian, Italian-French
- Do you teach the correct pronunciation
- Ability to create personal dialogues and scenes
- An innovative system for storing phrases
- Quick search of words and phrases
- Examples of use of the words
- Conversation course of the French language
- Player of words and phrases integrated

It is an application through which quickly and without anyeffortbegin to speak in French. Even if you did not know so farnot aword. There are neither exercises nor the boring grammar. Intheapplication we have applied an innovative method "Easy Talk",thanksto which you will speak in French after a few minutes. ICANGUARANTEE.

The free version contains 800 words and phrases, while in thefullversion you have access to 4000 words, phrases andsentences.

App Information Impara il Francese parlando

  • App Name
    Impara il Francese parlando
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    January 3, 2014
  • File Size
  • Requires Android
    Android 2.2 and up
  • Version
  • Developer
    Fasoft LTD
  • Installs
    1,000 - 5,000
  • Price
  • Category
  • Developer
    Visit website Email fasoftltd@gmail.com
    590 Kingston Road, London, SW20 8DN United Kingdom
  • Google Play Link

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Learn French with EasyTalk 2.11 APK
Fasoft LTD
The most effective way to Speak & LearnFrench.You can start speaking French RIGHT AWAY! Even if you don't know aword of the language. No drills or boring grammar. This innovative'EasyTalk' method is so easy and so fast that you'll be speakingFrench within minutes – GUARANTEED!STOP STUDYING FRENCH AND START TO SPEAK FRENCH!Key features:* Over 4000 most useful words and phrases* Authentic native speaker voice* 128 different topics and dialogs* Innovative 'build-your-phrase' feature to compose thousands ofnew expressions* User defined 'Favorites' folders* Sample of dialogs based on real life situations* Learning language mode to memorize words and expressions* Multiple search functions to find phrases quickly andeasily* Simplified transliteration of French words and expressions* Learn French pronunciation* Integrated player that plays all the selected phrases aloud in acontinuous flow* French travel phrasebook* User friendly interface* No internet connection needed'EasyTalk Learn French' is the easiest and fastest way to STARTSPEAKING French. The app can be used as a language teacher andpersonal travel translator. With it you will always beunderstood.It contains over 4000 carefully selected, essential words andphrases spoken by professional native speakers.With our SMART 'build-your-own-phrase' feature you can easilycompose thousands of relevant phrases covering almost all everydaysituations.A 'Favorites' capability allows you to save your most importantphrases in your personal 'Favorites' folders that can be accessedby one click.The phrases are carefully organized into 14 main topics and 114subtopics.A FAST search facility allows you to find the phrase you arelooking for quickly and effortlessly.The application does not require an internet connection tofunction.DIALOGS:- Tourist Information- At the Border- At the Post Office- Airport Check-in- Making Conversation- Travelling by Train- Out of Town- Hotel Complaints- Asking the Time- Asking the Way- Asking the Way 2- Job Seeking- At the Doctor's- Around Town- At the Hotel Reception- At the Restaurant- At the Clothes Shop- At the Grocer's- Exchange Office- Car Rental- Car Accident- SightseeingTOPIC AREAS:- Accommodation- Asking the Way- Food- Health- Shopping- Leisure- Meeting People- Travel- Numbers/Time- Public Places- Work/Study- Nature- EssentialsThis is the Trial version of the application. The functionality ofthe Trial and Full version are the same except for the number ofphrases. The Trial version contains 800 words and expressions whilethe Full version includes over 4000 words, phrases andsentences.
Польский - Учимся говорить 0.05 APK
Fasoft LTD
Современная прикладная программа дляэффективного и успешного общения на польском языке. Преднозначаетсякак начинающим, так и тем, кто желает пополнить свой запас слов.Особенное внимание обращается на самое важное языковое умение -способность свободного общения на польском языке. Инновационныйметод коммуникации, применённый в программе, позволяет быстроизбавиться от барьера при говорении и исправно выражаться вежедневных ситуациях.Прикладная программа предназначается прежде всего заинтересованнымв активном овладении польским языком. Все слова, фразы и диалогизаписаны профессиональными польскими дикторами. Логический разделна 127 тем и категорий вместе с быстрой системой поиска позволяетсразу найти каждое нужное слово или фразу.Прикладная программа замечательно выполняет рольэлектронического, говорящего переводчика во время поездок заграницу. Благодаря ней с лёгкостью сможешь общаться во всехтипичных ситуациях - в магазине, в банке, в гостинице, ваэропорту... Без проблем купишь билет в кассе, сделаешь заказ вресторане, спросишь о дорогу или договаришься о встрече.Прикладная программа является замечательной помощью для готовящихсяк устным экзаменам по польскому языку, а также выезжающих заграницу в туристических целях, работать или учиться.Главные черты:- записи с участием настоящих поляков- 127 тематических груп и категории- практический разговорник, речевая практика и диалоги- польско-русский, русско-польский словарь- наука правильного произношения- создание собственных диалогов и ситуативных сценок- инновационная система запоминания фраз- быстрый поиск слов и выражений- простая запись произношения- примеры употребления слов в предложениях- конверсативный курс польского языка- интегрированный плеер слов и выраженийПрикладная программа, благодаря которой быстро и без усилияначнёшь разговаривать на польском языке. Даже если раньше ты незнал ни одного слова на этом языке. Здесь нет никаких упражненийили скучной грамматики. Применён инновационный метод "Easy Talk"так лёгкий и быстрый, что уже после нескольких минут будешьговорить по-польски. ГАРАНТИРУЕМ.Бесплатная версия программы содержит 800 слов и выражений, затов полной версии доступны больше 4000 слов, выражений ипредложений.Modern application for anefficient and effective communication in Polish. Prednoznachaetsyaboth beginners and those who wish to add to your vocabulary.Particular attention is drawn to the most important language skill- the ability to freely communicate in Polish. An innovative methodof communication employed in the program, you can quickly get ridof the barrier when speaking and properly expressed in everydaysituations.The application program is intended primarily interested in theactive mastery of the Polish language. All words, phrases anddialogues are written by professional Polish speakers. Logicalpartition on 127 topics and categories, together with a quicksearch system allows you to immediately find each desired word orphrase.The application program performs a great role by electronictalking translator during trips abroad. Thanks to it you can easilycommunicate in all typical situations - in a store, a bank, ahotel, at the airport ... No problem, buy a ticket at the boxoffice, to order in a restaurant, ask for directions or contractingfor a meeting.The application program is a great help for preparing for oralexams in Polish language, as well as traveling abroad in order totravel, work or study.The main features:- Records with the participation of these Poles- 127 thematic groups and categories- A practical phrasebook, speech practice and dialogues- Polish-Russian, Russian-Polish dictionary- The science of correct pronunciation- Create their own dialogues and situational scenes- An innovative memory system phrases- Quick search words and phrases- A simple record of pronunciation- Examples of the use of words in sentences- Konversativny Polish language course- Integrated player words and expressionsAn application by which to quickly and easily begin to speak inPolish. Even if you previously did not know a single word in thatlanguage. There are no exercises or boring grammar. Used aninnovative method of "Easy Talk" so easy and fast that after just afew minutes shalt speak Polish. GUARANTEE.Free version of the program contains 800 words and expressions,but the full version is available in excess of 4000 words, phrasesand sentences.
Aprende Francés hablando 1.04 APK
Fasoft LTD
"Aprende Francés hablando" es una modernaaplicación que sirve para una efectiva y eficaz comunicación en elidioma francés. Está destinada tanto para los principiantes comopara los que quieran enriquecer su vocabulario. Los creadores secentraron en la destreza lingüística más importante, es decir, lahabilidad de sostener conversaciones fluidas en el idioma francés.Un innovador método de comunicación empleado en la aplicación,permite eliminar rápido la barrera lingüística, y expresarse confluidez en las situaciones cotidianas.La aplicación está destinada, sobre todo, para las personasinteresadas en dominar de una manera activa el idioma francés.Todas las palabras, expresiones y diálogos han sido grabados porlectores profesionales de francés. Una lógica división en 127 temasy categorías, junto con una búsqueda rápida, permite encontrarenseguida cada palabra o expresión necesitada.La aplicación muy bien puede servir como un traductor que habla,durante los viajes al extranjero. Gracias a ella, te comunicaráscon facilidad en todas las situaciones típicas, por ejemplo en unatienda, en un banco, en un hotel, en un aeropuerto... Sin problemascomprarás un billete en la taquilla, harás un pedido en unrestaurante, preguntarás por el camino o acordarás una cita.La aplicación es una excelente propuesta para las personas quese están preparando para los exámenes orales del idioma francés, oque viajan al extranjero con fines turísticos, para trabajar oestudiar.Las características más importantes:- grabaciones con la participación de franceses nativos- 127 grupos temáticos y categorías- prácticas charlas, conversaciones y diálogos- diccionario francés-español, español-francés- aprendizaje de la pronunciación correcta- creación de diálogos y escenas de situaciones- innovador sistema de la memorización de las expresiones- búsqueda rápida de palabras y expresiones- escritura fonética simplificada- ejemplos del uso de palabras en las frases- curso de conversaciones del idioma francés- reproductor integrado de palabras y expresionesUna aplicación, gracias a la cual, rápido y sin esfuerzo,empezarás a hablar en francés. Incluso si antes no conocías ni unapalabra en este idioma. Aquí no hay ningunos ejercicios nigramática aburrida. El innovador método “EasyTalk”, empleado en laaplicación, es tan fácil y rápido, que ya después de unos minutoshablarás en francés. GARANTIZAMOS.La versión gratuita de la aplicación contiene 800 palabras yexpresiones. En cambio, en la versión completa están disponiblesmás de 4000 palabras, expresiones y frases."Learn French speaking"is a modern application that serves for effective and efficientcommunication in the French language. It is intended for bothbeginners and those who want to enrich their vocabulary. Thecreators focused on the most important language skills, ie theability to hold conversations in fluent French. An innovativemethod of communication used in the application, faster eliminatesthe language barrier, and fluent in everyday situations.The application is designed especially for those interested inmastering a French language actively. All words, phrases anddialogues have been recorded by professional readers of French. Alogical division in 127 subjects and categories, along with a quicksearch, you find every word or expression immediately needed.The application may well serve as a translator speaking duringforeign travel. With it, you will communicate with ease in alltypical situations, such as in a store, a bank, a hotel, airport... No problems will buy a ticket at the box office, you will makean order in a restaurant, ask for the road or remember anappointment.The application is an excellent proposition for those who arepreparing for the oral examination of the French language, ortraveling abroad for tourism, for work or study.The most important features:- Recordings involving native French- 127 clusters and categories- Practical lectures, discussions and dialogues- French-Spanish, Spanish-French- Learning the correct pronunciation- Creating situations dialogues and scenes- Innovative system for memorizing the expressions- Quick search for words and expressions- Simplified phonetic writing- Examples of the use of words in sentences- During talks of French- Integrated player of words and expressionsAn application, thanks to which, quickly and effortlessly, beginto speak French. Even if we do not know a word in English. Herethere are no dull exercises or grammar. The innovative method"EasyTalk" as used in the application, it is so easy and fast, andafter a few minutes you will speak in French. GUARANTEE.The free version of the application contains 800 words andexpressions. In contrast, in the full version are available morethan 4000 words, phrases and sentences.
Impara il Tedesco parlando 0.05 APK
Fasoft LTD
Vi presentiamo un’applicazione moderna checonsente in modo efficace ed efficiente di parlare in linguatedesca. É stata pensata sia per i principianti, sia per quelli chevogliono arricchire il proprio vocabolario. La nostra attenzione èstata rivolta in particolar modo alle abilità linguistiche – ovverola capacità di condurre conversazioni senza alcun sforzo intedesco. L’innovativo metodo di comunicazione che è statoutilizzato nell’applicazione permette di eliminare le barrierelinguistiche nel parlare in lingua straniera e allo stesso tempopermette di esprimersi in situazioni quotidiane.L’applicazione generalmente è indirizzata a quelle persone, chevogliono imparare il tedesco in forma pratica. Tutte le parole, lefrasi e i dialoghi sono state registrare da professionali lettoriinglesi. La suddivisione in 127 temi e categorie assieme al sistemadi ricerca veloce permette di ricercare in modo molto veloce laparola desiderata.L’applicazione è anche un ottimo strumento elettronico. Può fareda traduttore vocale aiutandoti nei viaggi all’estero. Grazieall’applicazione potrai capire gli stranieri nelle situazionitipiche – al negozio, in banca, in hotel, all’aeroporto.. Sarai ingrado di compare il biglietto alla cassa, potrai ordinare qualcosaal ristorante, potrai chiedere indicazioni stradali oppure potraidarti appuntamento con qualcuno.L’applicazione inoltre è un’ottima proposta per tutti quelli che sistanno preparando per degli esami orali in lingua tedesca, oppureper quelli che fanno dei viaggi all’estero per turismo, ma ancheper lavoro o per studio.Caratteristiche principali:- Registrazioni con nativi tedeschi- 127 gruppi tematici e categorie- Conversazioni e dialoghi pratici- Dizionario tedesco-italiano, italiano-tedesco- Ti insegniamo la pronuncia corretta- Possibilità di creare dialoghi e scene personali- Un sistema innovativo per memorizzare le frasi- Ricerca veloce di frasi e parole- Esempi d’uso delle parole- Corso di conversazione della lingua tedesca- Lettore di parole e frasi integratoÉ un’applicazione grazie alla quale in modo veloce e senza alcunsforzo comincerai a parlare in tedesco. Anche se non conoscevifinora neanche una parola. Non ci sono né esercizi, né tantomeno lanoiosa grammatica. Nell’applicazione abbiamo applicato l’innovativometodo “Easy Talk”, grazie al quale parlerai in tedesco già dopopochi minuti. TE LO GARANTIAMO.La versione gratuita contiene 800 frasi e parole, mentre nellaversione completa hai accesso a 4000 parole, frasi e sentenze.We present a modernapplication that allows you to effectively and efficiently to speakin German. It was designed for both beginners and for those whowant to enrich their vocabulary. Our attention has been paid inparticular to the language skills - ie the ability to conductconversations without any effort in German. The innovative methodof communication that has been used in the application eliminateslanguage barriers in speaking in a foreign language and at the sametime allows to express themselves in everyday situations.The application is generally directed to those people who wantto learn German in practical form. All words, phrases and dialogueshave been recorded by professional English readers. The divisioninto 127 categories and themes along with the system of quicksearch allows you to search very quickly the word.The application is also a great electronic instrument. Can bedone by voice translator helping you when traveling abroad. Thanksto the application can understand foreigners in typical situations- to the store, bank, hotel, airport .. You will be able to appearthe card at the checkout, you can order something at a restaurant,you can ask for directions or give you an appointment withsomeone.The application also has an excellent suggestion for all those whoare preparing for oral exams in German, or for those who do travelabroad for tourism, but also for work or study.Key Features:- Registrations with native Germans- 127 thematic groups and categories- Conversations and Dialogues Practical- Dictionary German-Italian, Italian-German- Do you teach the correct pronunciation- Ability to create personal dialogues and scenes- An innovative system for storing phrases- Quick search of words and phrases- Examples of use of the words- Conversation course of German- Player of words and phrases integratedIt is an application through which quickly and without anyeffort begin to speak in German. Even if you did not know so farnot a word. There are neither exercises nor the boring grammar. Inthe application we have applied an innovative method "Easy Talk",thanks to which you will speak in German after a few minutes. I CANGUARANTEE.The free version contains 800 words and phrases, while in the fullversion you have access to 4000 words, phrases and sentences.
Italienisch Lernen & Sprechen 2.00 APK
Fasoft LTD
Das ist die erfolgreichste Weise, umItalienisch zu lernen und sich in dieser Sprache zu verständigen.Das Programm ermöglicht, schnell Italienisch zu beherrschen, sogarwenn du kein Wort in dieser Sprache kennst. Es gibt hier keineÜbungen und keine langweilige Grammatik. Diese innovative Methode„Easy Talk” ist so leicht und schnell, daß du Italienisch schonnach ein paar Minuten zu sprechen beginnst – Wir garantieren das.Hör auf, Italienisch zu lernen und fang an, Italienisch zusprechen!Im Program gibt es unter anderem (die charakteristischenMerkmale des Programms):• über 4000 nützliche Wörter und Wendungen• die Aufnahmen mit der Teilnahme von geborenen Italienisch (nativespeaker)• 127 thematische Gruppen und Kategorien• Praktische Gespräche, Konversationen und Dialoge• ein italienisch-deutsches und deutsch-italienischesWörterbuch• das Lernen der richtigen Aussprache• die Bildung von eigenen Dialogen und Situationsszenen• das innovative System, sich die Phrasen schnell zu merken• das schnelle Aussuchen von Wörtern und Wendungen• Konversationskurs der italienischen Sprache• die vereinfachte Aufzeichnung der Aussprache• die Beispiele, wie die Wörter in den Sätzen benutzt werden• das praktische Lernen von Italienisch• ein mobiler Reiseübersetzer• ein integrierter Player von Wörtern und Wendungen• eine freundliche Bedienung des Programms• das Programm funktioniert offline – die Anwendung braucht keinenInternetanschluß• Es ist möglich, das Programm auf der SDKarte zu instalieren.„Italienisch – Sprich natürlich” ist ein modernes Programm zumeffektiven und erfolgreichen Verständigen in italienischer Sprache.Er ist sowohl für Anfänger, als auch für diejenigen, die ihrWortschatz bereichern möchten. Man hat den Benutzer vor allem aufdie wichtigste Sprachfertigkeit, nämlich auf die Fähigkeit derFührung natürlicher Gespräche in Italienischer Sprache, aufmerksamgemacht. Die im Programm angewendete innovativeKommunikationsmethode erlaubt es, die Sprachbarierre schnellloszuwerden und sich fließend in alltäglichen Situationen zuverständigen.Das Programm ist vor allem für die Personen bestimmt, die daraninteressiert sind, Italienisch aktiv zu beherrschen. Alle Wörter,Wendungen und Dialoge sind von Italienischen Profilektornaufgenommen worden.Das Programm ist auch zuverlässig als der elektronische sprechendeÜbersetzer während der Auslandsreisen. Es erlaubt dir, sich leichtin allen typischen Situationen - im Restaurant, bei der Bank, imHotel, auf dem Flughafen... zu verständigen. Ohne Probleme kaufstdu eine Fahrkarte an der Kasse, gibst du eine Bestellung imRestaurant auf, fragst du nach dem Weg oder du verabredest dich zueinem Treffen.Das Programm ist auch ein ausgezeichneter Vorschlag für diePersonen, die sich auf mündliche Prüfungen in Italienischvorbereiten oder ins Ausland als Touristen, zur Arbeit oder zumStudium ausfahren.DIALOGE:An der Grenze, Abfertigung der Passagieure, Reise mit dem Zug, BeimArzt, An der Rezeption, Im Restaurant, Besichtigung, In der Stadt,Erste Gespräche, Im Geschäft (Im Laden), Zufahrt zum Zentrum, Außerder Stadt, Währungswechsel, Auf der Post, Suche nach der Arbeit,Fragen nach der Zeit, Autounfall, Touristeninformation,Autoverleih.Thematische Gruppen:Unterkunft, Fragen nach dem Weg, Gastronomie, Gesundheit, Einkäufe,Freizeit, Erste Treffen, Reise, Zahlen/Zeit, öffentliche Orte,Arbeit/Lernen, Umwelt, allgemeine Kategorie.Die kostenfreie Version des Programms enthält 800 Wörter undWendungen und in der Vollversion sind über 4000 Wörter, Wendungenund Sätze zugänglich.This is the mostsuccessful way to learn Italian and to communicate in thislanguage. The program allows you to master Italian fast, even ifyou do not speak this language. There are no exercises and noboring grammar. This innovative method "Easy Talk" is so easy andfast that you begin to speak Italian after just a few minutes - weguarantee itStop to learn Italian and start to speak Italian!In program there are, among other things (the characteristics ofthe program):• over 4000 useful words and phrases• the recordings with the participation of Italian-born (nativespeaker)• 127 thematic groups and categories• Practical discussions, conversations and dialogues• an Italian-German and German-Italian dictionary• learning the correct pronunciation• the formation of their own dialogues and scenes situation• the innovative system to memorize the phrases quickly• fast choosing of words and phrases• Conversation course of Italian language• the simplified recording of the debate• examples of how the words are used in sentences• practical learning of Italian• a mobile travel translator• an integrated player of words and phrases• a friendly use of the program• the program works offline - the application does not requireInternet connection• It is possible instalation the program on the SD card."Italian - Speak naturally" is a modern program for effective andsuccessful Communicate in Italian. It is suitable for beginners andfor those who want to enrich their vocabulary. It has made theusers especially on the most important language skills, namely theability of the leadership natural conversations in Italianlanguage, attention. The program in applied innovativecommunication method allows the Sprachbarierre quickly ridthemselves fluently and to communicate in everydaysituations.The program is primarily intended for people who are interested inmastering Italian active. All words, phrases and dialogues wererecorded by Italian professional Lektorn.The program is also reliable as the electronic talking translatorduring trips abroad. It allows you to easily in all typicalsituations - ... in the restaurant, at the bank, at the hotel, atthe airport to communicate. Without problems you buy a ticket atthe box office, you give an order in a restaurant, you ask fordirections or you verabredest you to a meeting.The program is also an excellent suggestion for people who arepreparing for oral exams in Italian or abroad as a tourist, to workor study leave.DIALOGUES:At the border, check the Passagieure, travel by train, At thedoctor's, at the reception, the restaurant, sightseeing in thecity, first discussions, the business (in the shop), access to thecenter, Out of the city, Currency Exchange, on the mail, lookingfor work, questions of time, car accident, tourist information, carrental.Thematic groups:Accommodation, asking for directions, food, health, shopping,leisure, First meeting, travel, numbers / time, public places, work/ learning environment, general category.The free version of the program contains 800 words and phrases andthe full version is about 4000 words, phrases and sentencesaccessible.
Französisch Lernen & Sprechen 2.03 APK
Fasoft LTD
Das ist die erfolgreichste Weise, umFranzösisch zu lernen und sich in dieser Sprache zu verständigen.Das Programm ermöglicht, schnell Französisch zu beherrschen, sogarwenn du kein Wort in dieser Sprache kennst. Es gibt hier keineÜbungen und keine langweilige Grammatik. Diese innovative Methode„Easy Talk” ist so leicht und schnell, daß du Französisch schonnach ein paar Minuten zu sprechen beginnst – Wir garantieren das.Hör auf, Französisch zu lernen und fang an, Französisch zusprechen!Im Program gibt es unter anderem (die charakteristischenMerkmale des Programms):• über 4000 nützliche Wörter und Wendungen• die Aufnahmen mit der Teilnahme von geborenen Franzose (nativespeaker)• 127 thematische Gruppen und Kategorien• Praktische Gespräche, Konversationen und Dialoge• ein französisch-deutsches und deutsch-französischesWörterbuch• das Lernen der richtigen Aussprache• die Bildung von eigenen Dialogen und Situationsszenen• das innovative System, sich die Phrasen schnell zu merken• das schnelle Aussuchen von Wörtern und Wendungen• Konversationskurs der französischen Sprache• die vereinfachte Aufzeichnung der Aussprache• die Beispiele, wie die Wörter in den Sätzen benutzt werden• das praktische Lernen von Französisch• ein mobiler Reiseübersetzer• ein integrierter Player von Wörtern und Wendungen• eine freundliche Bedienung des Programms• das Programm funktioniert offline – die Anwendung braucht keinenInternetanschluß• Es ist möglich, das Programm auf der SDKarte zu instalieren.„Französisch – Sprich natürlich” ist ein modernes Programm zumeffektiven und erfolgreichen Verständigen in französischer Sprache.Er ist sowohl für Anfänger, als auch für diejenigen, die ihrWortschatz bereichern möchten. Man hat den Benutzer vor allem aufdie wichtigste Sprachfertigkeit, nämlich auf die Fähigkeit derFührung natürlicher Gespräche in französischer Sprache, aufmerksamgemacht. Die im Programm angewendete innovativeKommunikationsmethode erlaubt es, die Sprachbarierre schnellloszuwerden und sich fließend in alltäglichen Situationen zuverständigen.Das Programm ist vor allem für die Personen bestimmt, die daraninteressiert sind, Französisch aktiv zu beherrschen. Alle Wörter,Wendungen und Dialoge sind von französischen Profilektornaufgenommen worden.Das Programm ist auch zuverlässig als der elektronische sprechendeÜbersetzer während der Auslandsreisen. Es erlaubt dir, sich leichtin allen typischen Situationen - im Restaurant, bei der Bank, imHotel, auf dem Flughafen... zu verständigen. Ohne Probleme kaufstdu eine Fahrkarte an der Kasse, gibst du eine Bestellung imRestaurant auf, fragst du nach dem Weg oder du verabredest dich zueinem Treffen.Das Programm ist auch ein ausgezeichneter Vorschlag für diePersonen, die sich auf mündliche Prüfungen in Französischvorbereiten oder ins Ausland als Touristen, zur Arbeit oder zumStudium ausfahren.DIALOGE:An der Grenze, Abfertigung der Passagieure, Reise mit dem Zug, BeimArzt, An der Rezeption, Im Restaurant, Besichtigung, In der Stadt,Erste Gespräche, Im Geschäft (Im Laden), Zufahrt zum Zentrum, Außerder Stadt, Währungswechsel, Auf der Post, Suche nach der Arbeit,Fragen nach der Zeit, Autounfall, Touristeninformation,Autoverleih.Thematische Gruppen:Unterkunft, Fragen nach dem Weg, Gastronomie, Gesundheit, Einkäufe,Freizeit, Erste Treffen, Reise, Zahlen/Zeit, öffentliche Orte,Arbeit/Lernen, Umwelt, allgemeine Kategorie.Die kostenfreie Version des Programms enthält 800 Wörter undWendungen und in der Vollversion sind über 4000 Wörter, Wendungenund Sätze zugänglich.This is the mostsuccessful way to learn French and to communicate in this language.The program allows you to master French fast, even if you do notspeak this language. There are no exercises and no boring grammar.This innovative method "Easy Talk" is so easy and fast that youbegin to speak French after a few minutes - we guarantee itStop to learn French and start to speak French!In program there are, among other things (the characteristics ofthe program):• over 4000 useful words and phrases• the recordings with the participation of French-born (nativespeaker)• 127 thematic groups and categories• Practical discussions, conversations and dialogues• A French-German and German-French dictionary• learning the correct pronunciation• the formation of their own dialogues and scenes situation• the innovative system to memorize the phrases quickly• fast choosing of words and phrases• Conversation of the French language• the simplified recording of the debate• examples of how the words are used in sentences• practical learning of French• a mobile travel translator• an integrated player of words and phrases• a friendly use of the program• the program works offline - the application does not requireInternet connection• It is possible instalation the program on the SD card."French - Speak naturally" is a modern program for effective andsuccessful Communicate in French. It is suitable for beginners andfor those who want to enrich their vocabulary. It has made theusers especially on the most important language skills, namely theability of the leadership natural conversations in French,attentive. The program in applied innovative communication methodallows the Sprachbarierre quickly rid themselves fluently and tocommunicate in everyday situations.The program is primarily intended for people who are interested inmastering French active. All words, phrases and dialogues wererecorded by French professional Lektorn.The program is also reliable as the electronic talking translatorduring trips abroad. It allows you to easily in all typicalsituations - ... in the restaurant, at the bank, at the hotel, atthe airport to communicate. Without problems you buy a ticket atthe box office, you give an order in a restaurant, you ask fordirections or you verabredest you to a meeting.The program is also an excellent suggestion for people who arepreparing for oral examinations in French or abroad as a tourist,to work or study leave.DIALOGUES:At the border, check the Passagieure, travel by train, At thedoctor's, at the reception, the restaurant, sightseeing in thecity, first discussions, the business (in the shop), access to thecenter, Out of the city, Currency Exchange, on the mail, lookingfor work, questions of time, car accident, tourist information, carrental.Thematic groups:Accommodation, asking for directions, food, health, shopping,leisure, First meeting, travel, numbers / time, public places, work/ learning environment, general category.The free version of the program contains 800 words and phrases andthe full version is about 4000 words, phrases and sentencesaccessible.
Russisch Lernen & Sprechen 1.31 APK
Fasoft LTD
Das ist die erfolgreichste Weise, um Russischzu lernen und sich in dieser Sprache zu verständigen. Das Programmermöglicht, schnell Russisch zu beherrschen, sogar wenn du keinWort in dieser Sprache kennst. Es gibt hier keine Übungen und keinelangweilige Grammatik. Diese innovative Methode „Easy Talk” ist soleicht und schnell, daß du Russisch schon nach ein paar Minuten zusprechen beginnst – Wir garantieren das.Hör auf, Russisch zu lernen und fang an, Russisch zusprechen!Im Program gibt es unter anderem (die charakteristischenMerkmale des Programms):• über 4000 nützliche Wörter und Wendungen• die Aufnahmen mit der Teilnahme von geborenen Russen (nativespeaker)• 127 thematische Gruppen und Kategorien• Praktische Gespräche, Konversationen und Dialoge• ein russisch-deutsches und deutsch-russisches Wörterbuch• das Lernen der richtigen Aussprache• die Bildung von eigenen Dialogen und Situationsszenen• das innovative System, sich die Phrasen schnell zu merken• das schnelle Aussuchen von Wörtern und Wendungen• Konversationskurs der russischen Sprache• die vereinfachte Aufzeichnung der Aussprache• die Möglichkeit, eigene Phrasen-Tekst auf iPhone - aufzunehmenund hinzufügen• die Beispiele, wie die Wörter in den Sätzen benutzt werden• das praktische Lernen von Russisch• ein mobiler Reiseübersetzer• ein integrierter Player von Wörtern und Wendungen• eine freundliche Bedienung des Programms• das Programm funktioniert offline – die Anwendung braucht keinenInternetanschluß• Es ist möglich, das Programm auf der SDKarte zu instalieren.„Russisch – Sprich natürlich” ist ein modernes Programm zumeffektiven und erfolgreichen Verständigen in russischer Sprache. Erist sowohl für Anfänger, als auch für diejenigen, die ihrWortschatz bereichern möchten. Man hat den Benutzer vor allem aufdie wichtigste Sprachfertigkeit, nämlich auf die Fähigkeit derFührung natürlicher Gespräche in russischer Sprache, aufmerksamgemacht. Die im Programm angewendete innovativeKommunikationsmethode erlaubt es, die Sprachbarierre schnellloszuwerden und sich fließend in alltäglichen Situationen zuverständigen.Das Programm ist vor allem für die Personen bestimmt, die daraninteressiert sind, Russisch aktiv zu beherrschen. Alle Wörter,Wendungen und Dialoge sind von russischen Profilektorn aufgenommenworden.Das Programm ist auch zuverlässig als der elektronische sprechendeÜbersetzer während der Auslandsreisen. Es erlaubt dir, sich leichtin allen typischen Situationen - im Restaurant, bei der Bank, imHotel, auf dem Flughafen... zu verständigen. Ohne Probleme kaufstdu eine Fahrkarte an der Kasse, gibst du eine Bestellung imRestaurant auf, fragst du nach dem Weg oder du verabredest dich zueinem Treffen.Das Programm ist auch ein ausgezeichneter Vorschlag für diePersonen, die sich auf mündliche Prüfungen in Russisch vorbereitenoder ins Ausland als Touristen, zur Arbeit oder zum Studiumausfahren.DIALOGE:An der Grenze, Abfertigung der Passagieure, Reise mit dem Zug, BeimArzt, An der Rezeption, Im Restaurant, Besichtigung, In der Stadt,Erste Gespräche, Im Geschäft (Im Laden), Zufahrt zum Zentrum, Außerder Stadt, Währungswechsel, Auf der Post, Suche nach der Arbeit,Fragen nach der Zeit, Autounfall, Touristeninformation,Autoverleih.Thematische Gruppen:Unterkunft, Fragen nach dem Weg, Gastronomie, Gesundheit, Einkäufe,Freizeit, Erste Treffen, Reise, Zahlen/Zeit, öffentliche Orte,Arbeit/Lernen, Umwelt, allgemeine Kategorie.This is the mostsuccessful way to get to Russian and to communicate in thislanguage. The program allows you to master Russian fast, even ifyou do not speak this language. There are no exercises and noboring grammar. This innovative method "Easy Talk" is so easy andfast that you start speaking Russian after just a few minutes - weguarantee itStop to learn Russian and start to speak Russian!In program there are, among other things (the characteristics ofthe program):• over 4000 useful words and phrases• the recordings with the participation of Russian-born (nativespeaker)• 127 thematic groups and categories• Practical discussions, conversations and dialogues• a Russian-German and German-Russian dictionary• learning the correct pronunciation• the formation of their own dialogues and scenes situation• the innovative system to memorize the phrases quickly• fast choosing of words and phrases• Conversation course of Russian language• the simplified recording of the debate• the opportunity to own phrase Heading to iPhone - record andadd• examples of how the words are used in sentences• practical learning of Russian• a mobile travel translator• an integrated player of words and phrases• a friendly use of the program• the program works offline - the application does not requireInternet connection• It is possible instalation the program on the SD card."Russian - Speak naturally" is a modern program for effective andsuccessful Communicate in Russian. It is suitable for beginners andfor those who want to enrich their vocabulary. It has made theusers especially on the most important language skills, namely theability of the leadership natural conversations in Russian,attentive. The program in applied innovative communication methodallows the Sprachbarierre quickly rid themselves fluently and tocommunicate in everyday situations.The program is primarily intended for people who are interested todominate Russian active. All words, phrases and dialogues have beentaken by Russian professional Lektorn.The program is also reliable as the electronic talking translatorduring trips abroad. It allows you to easily in all typicalsituations - ... in the restaurant, at the bank, at the hotel, atthe airport to communicate. Without problems you buy a ticket atthe box office, you give an order in a restaurant, you ask fordirections or you verabredest you to a meeting.The program is also an excellent suggestion for people who arepreparing for oral exams in Russian and abroad as a tourist, towork or study leave.DIALOGUES:At the border, check the Passagieure, travel by train, At thedoctor's, at the reception, the restaurant, sightseeing in thecity, first discussions, the business (in the shop), access to thecenter, Out of the city, Currency Exchange, on the mail, lookingfor work, questions of time, car accident, tourist information, carrental.Thematic groups:Accommodation, asking for directions, food, health, shopping,leisure, First meeting, travel, numbers / time, public places, work/ learning environment, general category.
Aprende Ruso hablando 1.03 APK
Fasoft LTD
"Aprende Ruso hablando" es una modernaaplicación que sirve para una efectiva y eficaz comunicación en elidioma ruso. Está destinada tanto para los principiantes como paralos que quieran enriquecer su vocabulario. Los creadores secentraron en la destreza lingüística más importante, es decir, lahabilidad de sostener conversaciones fluidas en el idioma ruso. Uninnovador método de comunicación empleado en la aplicación, permiteeliminar rápido la barrera lingüística, y expresarse con fluidez enlas situaciones cotidianas.La aplicación está destinada, sobre todo, para las personasinteresadas en dominar de una manera activa el idioma ruso. Todaslas palabras, expresiones y diálogos han sido grabados por lectoresprofesionales de ruso. Una lógica división en 127 temas ycategorías, junto con una búsqueda rápida, permite encontrarenseguida cada palabra o expresión necesitada.La aplicación muy bien puede servir como un traductor que habla,durante los viajes al extranjero. Gracias a ella, te comunicaráscon facilidad en todas las situaciones típicas, por ejemplo en unatienda, en un banco, en un hotel, en un aeropuerto... Sin problemascomprarás un billete en la taquilla, harás un pedido en unrestaurante, preguntarás por el camino o acordarás una cita.La aplicación es una excelente propuesta para las personas quese están preparando para los exámenes orales del idioma ruso, o queviajan al extranjero con fines turísticos, para trabajar oestudiar.Las características más importantes:- grabaciones con la participación de rusos nativos- 127 grupos temáticos y categorías- prácticas charlas, conversaciones y diálogos- diccionario ruso-español, español-ruso- aprendizaje de la pronunciación correcta- creación de diálogos y escenas de situaciones- innovador sistema de la memorización de las expresiones- búsqueda rápida de palabras y expresiones- escritura fonética simplificada- ejemplos del uso de palabras en las frases- curso de conversaciones del idioma ruso- reproductor integrado de palabras y expresionesUna aplicación, gracias a la cual, rápido y sin esfuerzo,empezarás a hablar en ruso. Incluso si antes no conocías ni unapalabra en este idioma. Aquí no hay ningunos ejercicios nigramática aburrida. El innovador método “EasyTalk”, empleado en laaplicación, es tan fácil y rápido, que ya después de unos minutoshablarás en ruso. GARANTIZAMOS.La versión gratuita de la aplicación contiene 800 palabras yexpresiones. En cambio, en la versión completa están disponiblesmás de 4000 palabras, expresiones y frases."Learn Russian speaking"is a modern application that serves for effective and efficientcommunication in the Russian language. It is intended for bothbeginners and those who want to enrich their vocabulary. Thecreators focused on the most important language skills, ie theability to hold conversations in fluent Russian. An innovativemethod of communication used in the application, faster eliminatesthe language barrier, and fluent in everyday situations.The application is designed especially for those interested inactively mastering a Russian. All words, phrases and dialogues havebeen recorded by professional readers of Russian. A logicaldivision in 127 subjects and categories, along with a quick search,you find every word or expression immediately needed.The application may well serve as a translator speaking duringforeign travel. With it, you will communicate with ease in alltypical situations, such as in a store, a bank, a hotel, airport... No problems will buy a ticket at the box office, you will makean order in a restaurant, ask for the road or remember anappointment.The application is an excellent proposition for those who arepreparing for the oral examination of the Russian language, ortraveling abroad for tourism, for work or study.The most important features:- Recordings involving native Russians- 127 clusters and categories- Practical lectures, discussions and dialogues- Russian-Spanish dictionary, Spanish-Russian- Learning the correct pronunciation- Creating situations dialogues and scenes- Innovative system for memorizing the expressions- Quick search for words and expressions- Simplified phonetic writing- Examples of the use of words in sentences- Course of Russian talks- Integrated player of words and expressionsAn application, thanks to which, quickly and effortlessly, beginto speak Russian. Even if we do not know a word in English. Herethere are no dull exercises or grammar. The innovative method"EasyTalk" as used in the application, it is so easy and fast thatafter a few minutes and speak in Russian. GUARANTEE.The free version of the application contains 800 words andexpressions. In contrast, in the full version are available morethan 4000 words, phrases and sentences.