1.2.1 / December 14, 2015
(4.5/5) (22)


Game of logic for children made by educators.Find the element that doesn't fit in the series. Take this example.Which one is the odd one out?

1 - Dog
2 - Cow
3 - Elephant
4 - Shark

Get the answer and many more with the "Intruders Busters" gameof logic for children.

Would you like your children to...

- Develop their logical thinking through 1,200 logicalcombinations?
- Stimulate their observation and concentration capacity?
- Develop different areas of their education through play?
- Use technology educationally?

With these objectives, Smile & Learn offers you the interactivegame Different & Learn with these features:

- Age: 2-10 years old.
- Six educational categories (animals, cooking, letters, numbers,shapes and colors) and more than 1,200 fun combinations.
- Four difficulty levels (apprentice, technician, researcher andscientist) to adapt to the child's development.
- Different customization options (name, age and avatar) so thechild can save his or her scores and work.
- It is easy and simple to monitor the child's progress.
- Available in different languages: Spanish, English, French,Chinese and Italian.
- Original music and illustrations.
- 100% safe: No in-app advertising or purchases.


The "Intruder Busters" game of logic helps children developtheir logical thinking. Children have to find the element that doesnot fit into a series of items classified into different categories(animals, cooking, letters, numbers, shapes and colors and mix).The game gives the children the name of the category the odd oneout is in making it a good way to stimulate language andcategorization processes.

App Information Intruder Busters


Family Trivia 1.9.9 APK
Finally! An interactive question game for thewhole family made by educators. Children and grown-ups of all agescan play an interactive, educational and fun trivia quiz on equalfooting.All players have the same chances to get the final prize since thequestions are adapted to their ages in Fun Family Trivia!Would you like to...- Play trivia as a family with questions adapted to different agegroups?- Learn with fun questions and educational challenges?- Learn more about animals, the human body, traveling the world,cooking and much more?- Get prizes and fun rewards?- Develop different areas of their education through play?- Use technology educationally?Meet the pirate, the monster and the magic fairy? They're our Smile& Learn characters. With this game you can meet them, dressthem and customize them as you like as you progress through thegame.With these objectives, Smile & Learn offers you the interactivegame FUN FAMILY TRIVIA with these features:- Age: 3 and up.- Seven educational categories (cooking, animals, music, humanbody, letters, numbers and world traveler) and more than 2,500questions.- Fun and educational questions for the whole family. Designed byeducators.- Fun avatars to customize the game.- Playing using beautiful natural landscapes that stand in fortraditional boards.- Final recognition for the winner and fun rewards.- It is easy and simple to watch the child's progress.- Available in different languages: Spanish, English, andFrench.- Original music and illustrations.- 100% safe: No in-app advertising or purchases.Summary:The interactive game “Fun family TRIVIA” is a GREAT question GAMEfor the whole family. Every member of the family can enter theirinformation and age. That means the questions they get asked areadapted to their age. All the players have the same changes ofgetting the final prize!The game includes educational questions designed by educators andgrouped into different categories (cooking, animals, music, humanbody, letters, numbers and world traveler). Smiling and learninghas never been so fun!
The Return Home 2.3.9 APK
“The returm home” is an interactive children'sstory designed by educators.Would you like your children to...Boost their creativity and set their imaginations' free?Develop their reading habits and enjoy reading?Gain values that will stay with them for life?Become more curious about their surroundings?Use technology educationally?Smile & Learn offers you this interactive story with thesefeatures:- Text and voice-overs in different language, recorded bynatives in those languages.- Fun interactive animations and hidden surprises that encouragediscovery and curiosity.- Educational games adapted to your child's development level thatreinforce multiple intelligences.- Adaptation features that make the child the main character, likerecording his or her voice or yours and even choosing how the storyends.- The app includes "QUIZ," a fun FREE game to work on readingcomprehension.- The tale includes a GAME FOR FREE: Pairs and Learn.- They're 100% safe: no ads or purchases in the app and no accessto social media.SynopsisDiscover our interactive tale about Alex first return home fromschool by himself. Want to go with him on his special day? Go withAlex and you'll get to know his neighborhood, his neighbors andhelp a very special lady on a very important day.Features of this appAge: 2 to 9 years old.Languages: English, Spanish and Catalan.Games: “Quiz” and “Pairs & Learn”Values: Politeness and generosity.Multiple intelligences: Linguistic, mathematical, spatial,musical, bodily, intrapersonal, interpersonal andnaturalistic.Authors: Smile and Learn Team and Júlia Gallardo.
Smile and Learn: Educational games for kids 6.9.12 APK
Smile and Learn is an app for children age 3 to 12, including morethan 5,000 educational activities, games, interactive stories andvideos for kids age 3 to 12. Our goal is for your kids to developand strengthen their multiple intelligences and cognitive abilitieswhile having fun. Features of Smile and Learn's educational games,stories and videos for kids ✔ More than 5,000 activities ineducational games, videos and interactive stories forchildrenwithin one app, monthly updated. ✔ Stories for kidsdesigned and supervised by teachers and experts in education. ✔Games for children to train and develop their cognitive abilities:comprehension, languages, attention and creativity. ✔ Games andvideos for kids with lovely illustrations, animations, stories andsounds that will awaken your children's imagination. ✔ Innovativeeducational method applied in hundreds of schools throughout theworld, for kids to learn while they have fun. ✔ Games for kids totrain and develop their multiple intelligences: linguistics,logical-mathematical, visual-spatial, naturalistic… ✔ Perfect forchildren to learn foreign languages: all our stories and games forchildren come with a voice-over, available in spanish, English,french, Italian and Brazilian. Moreover, the stories includepictograms, making it easier to read for children with specialeducational needs, such as hyperactivity, autism, Down syndrome andintellectual disabilities. ✔ In our app for children, your kidswill be able to sum, subtract, multiply and divide, to learn thevowels and consonants, to draw, paint or solve challenging puzzlesand also to recognize their own and others' emotions. ✔ We offer asafe environment, without ads, in-app purchases and or access tosocial media. ✔Our app offers parents detailed data on the time ofuse and progress of your kids and useful recommendations to guidethem. You'll be able check the report activity of each game andinteractive story played by your children. ✔ Some of our games andstories for children are 100% FOR FREE. However, to enjoy thecomplete collection, you have to subscribe. You can try ONE MONTHFOR FREE. Advantages of subscribing n ✪ Access to all Smile andLearn games, videos and interactive stories for children ✪ Only for6,99€ a month ✪ Monthly subscription, automatically renewed ✪ Youcan cancel your subscription at your online store, at least 24hours before its renewal Children with special needs Our app fullof games for children is constantly updated and improved. Weadvocate for an inclusive education and we work to make it easierfor children with special needs to learn with our educational gamesvideos and stories. We include pictograms in all of our children’sstories, a main menu to configure features, like the level ofdifficulty and provide an additional quiet mode withoutchronometer, to make it easier for children with hyperactivity,autism, Down syndrome or intellectual disabilities to learn whilesmiling! HELP A problem? Drop us a line at info@smileandlearn.comPRIVACY POLICY AND TERMS OF USEhttps://library.smileandlearn.net/privacyterms/com
Super Buildings 1.2.0 APK
An educational game on constructions made byeducators. Children will be exposed to the major structures in theworld while they learn.Not only will the child have fun while learning, you'll also beable to monitor his or her progress during the exciting adventureof building.Would you like your children to...- Building 24 fun and educational creations?- Improve their speed at building more complex structures?- Develop their spatial skills?- Develop their creativity through different structures?- Stimulate their observation and concentration capacity?- Develop different areas of their education through play?- Use technology educationally?With these objectives, Smile & Learn offers you the interactivegame Super Buildings with these features:- Age: 2-10 years old.- 24 super- structures: palaces, monuments, houses and means oftransportation.- Three difficulty levels (apprentice, arckidtect and architect) toadapt to the child's development.- Different customization options (name, age and avatar) so thechild can save his or her scores and work.- It is easy and simple to watch the child's progress.- Available in different languages: Spanish, English, French,Chinese and Italian.- Original music and illustrations.- 100% safe: No in-app advertising or purchases.Summary:The super- Buildings game aims to help children develop theirspatial skills in a very fun way. With little architect hats on,children will have to infuse structures with life by joining andputting together the parts of different constructions.
Pairs and Learn 1.1.2 APK
Memory Game Pairs & Learn. Designed byeducators. It improves your memory and strengthens yourconcentration skills.Pairs & Learn encourages different cognitive processes,concentration and lengthens attention span. It is a memory game forchildren but also for adults.Would you like your children to...- Boost their memory?- Develop different areas of their education through play?- Strengthen their concentration skills?- Learn new concepts?- Learn different languages?- Become more curious about their surroundings?- Use technology educationally?Smile & Learn offers you interactive stories with thesefeatures:- Different levels that adapt to the child's age.- Text and voice-overs in different language, recorded by nativesin those languages.- Original illustrations.- Acquisition of vocabulary through image association, in severallanguages.- No in-app advertising or purchases.Summary:At Smile & Learn we want learning to go one step further.Through the different categories we've chosen (fruits, vegetables,musical instruments, sports, professions, flags, animals andmagical beings), children will learn new vocabulary in differentlanguage since the game is available in Spanish, English andFrench. Each time the child matches two elements, he or she willhear and read the name of the word that the picture represents.Pairs and Learn goes for beyond a memory game.Features:- Age: 2 - 10 years old- Two difficulty levels (basic - advanced)- Eight categories to choose from- Two hundred pairs to discover- Available in three languages (Spanish, English, French andChinese)
Kolitas, a Trip Through Nature 1.3.1 APK
"Kolitas, a Trip through Nature",Interactivetale for children designed by educators. Entertainment, learn andfun.Would you like your children to...▪ Travel through nature in an educational and fun way?▪ Boost their creativity and set their imaginations' free?▪ Develop their reading habits and enjoy reading?▪ Gain values that will stay with them for life?▪ Become more curious about nature?▪ Use technology educationally?Smile & Learn offers you these interactive stories withthese features:▪ Interactive tale for children that transmits the values ofdiversity, cooperation and respect for nature.▪ A real adventure to discover the world's ecosystems, plants andanimals in an interactive way.▪ Educational games adapted to your child's development level thatreinforce multiple intelligences.▪ An interactive atlas to expand what they know about nature,animals, plants and ecosystems.▪ Fun interactive animations and hidden surprises that encouragediscovery and curiosity about nature.▪ Text and voice-overs in different language, recorded by nativesin those languages.▪ Adaptation features that make the child the main character, likechoosing an avatar, recording his or her voice or yours and evenchoosing how the story ends.▪ The app includes "QUIZ", a fun FREE game to work on readingcomprehension.▪ 100% kid-safe: no ads or purchases in the app and no access tosocial media.SynopsisInteractive tale designed by education. Entertainment, learn andfun."Kolitas, a Trip through Nature" is a fun interactivestory/adventure that goes through nine natural unique and wonderfulecosystems.After years of research, Owlbert and Caterpete have finallyidentified the ingredients they need to make the potion of wisdom.Their friends from the world of Kolitas have volunteered to explorenine unique natural landscapes to find the ingredients. In theirsearch for the potion of wisdom, they'll discover ecosystems,plants, animals and wonderful places.Discover this incredible adventure and learn to respect nature!Features of this app:▪ Age: 2 to 10. Two challenge levels to adapt to the child'sdevelopment.
Languages: Spanish, English and French. ▪ Games: Educational games about nature and the free game "Quiz"whose goal is to reinforce and work on reading comprehension.▪ Values: Diversity, cooperation and respect for nature.
Multipleintelligences: Linguistic, visual-spatial, musical, bodily,intrapersonal, interpersonal and naturalistic.▪ Authors: Smile & Learn team.Some opinions from educational professionals and parents:"With Smile & Learn's educational apps, children become partof the story and learn with a smile through challenges andgames"PEQUEOCIO. Website for fun and plans for kids and parents"Smile & Learn's psychopedagogical approach is based onindependent experimental learning, the child discovering his or herown lesson, unearthing, researching, creating"MIRAMAMI. Mom blogger"I love that there's a moral to the story and that they walk youthrough what each value means"Kathie. Montessori School teacher in USA"I love your method. I heard about it through a friend of minein New York who uses it to teach languages and for children withlearning disabilities"Patricia. Language teacher in The Netherlands
A Wish for Christmas 1.1.2 APK
The story “A Wish for Christmas” is a storyfor children designed by educators.SynopsisA different and unique Christmas story written by educators.Entertainment, learning, and fun guaranteed.It's Christmas and Javi this year is far away from his family.He decides to concentrate on his wish list to cheer himself up.Santa Claus brings him everything in his letter. Even though he haseverything he wanted, Javi isn’t happy. He asks for one more thingfor Christmas, for his family.Javi learned that it’s better to be with his family than to havelots of presents.Discover with Javi the true meaning of Christmas through thisspecial Christmas story.As you can see, this isn’t a typical Christmas story. A Wish forChristmas offers children the possibility to learn important valuesand understand in a different way what Christmas and familyrepresent.You children will...Boost their creativity and set their imaginations free.Develop their reading habits and enjoy reading.Gain values that will stay with them for life.Become more curious about their surroundings.Use technology educationally while they have fun.Become familiar with other languages since they can read and listento the story in several languages.Smile & Learn offers you this interactive Christmas story withthese features:A story that conveys the values of family and joy.Fun interactive animations that encourage discovery andcuriosity.Christmas story with pictographs for children with specialeducational needs.Educational games adapted to your child's development level thatreinforce multiple intelligences.Fun facts about Christmas on each slide of the story.Text and voice-overs in different language, recorded by natives inthose languages.Adaptation features that make the child the main character likerecording his or her voice.The app includes "QUIZ,” a fun FREE game to work on readingcomprehension.They're 100% safe: no ads or purchases in the app and no access tosocial media.Some opinions from educational professionals and parents"With Smile & Learn's educational apps, children become partof the story and learn with a smile through challenges andgames"PEQUEOCIO. Website for fun and plans for kids and parents"Smile & Learn's psychopedagogical approach is based onindependent experimental learning, the child discovering his or herown lesson, unearthing, researching, creating"MIRAMAMI. Mom blogger"I love that there's a moral to the story and that they walk youthrough what each value means"Kathie. Montessori School teacher in USA"I love your method. I heard about it through a friend of minein New York who uses it to teach languages and for children withlearning disabilities"Patricia. Language teacher in The NetherlandsFeatures of this appAge: 3 to 10 years old Two challenge levels to adapt to thechild's development.

Languages: Spanish, English andFrench. 
Games: Educational games and "Quiz" whose goal is to reinforce andwork on reading comprehension.
Values: Family and joy.

Multiple intelligences: linguistic,intrapersonal, interpersonal.
Authors: Laura Fernández Arquisola, Víctor Sánchez, AlmudenaGonzález, and Rosa Barrantes.
Bits and Pieces of Christmas 1.1.9 APK
"Bits and Pieces of Christmas"Smile and Learn brings you this interactive story for free thisChristmas to enjoy and share with your family. Travel with yourSmile and Learn friends through five very special Christmas momentsand have fun with the animations and surprises you’ll findthere.Would you like your children to…- Boost their creativity and give their imagination wings tofly.- Develop their reading habits and have fun while reading.- Acquire values that will accompany them their entire life.- Arouse their curiosity about their surroundings.- Use emerging technologies educationally.Smile and Learn has the pleasure to offer you interactive storieswith these features:- Stories that transmit values and include a moral at the endthat reinforces the lesson.- Text and voice overs in several languages by nativespeakers.- Fun interactive animations and hidden surprises that encouragediscovery and curiosity.- Challenges adapted to your child’s age group and that reinforcemultiple intelligences.- The possibility to adapt the story to turn your child into themain character, like being able to choosing an avatar, record theirvoice or yours or even choose how the story ends.- The app includes one GAME FOR FREE: Paint.“With Smile & Learn educational apps, children learn to takepart in the story and through challenges and games they can learnwith a smile”.PEQUEOCIO. Recreation and plans for children and their parents.“Smile & Learn’s psychopedagogical approach is based onlearning through trying things out on their own so that the childextracts their own lesson; discovering, searching andcreating”.MIRAMAMI. Mom blogger.Synopsis:Aini, Vic and Javier just got out on Christmas break and they’veplanned a trip with their Smile and Learn friends. Go with themthrough five different moments and discover the true meaning ofChristmas.In this story, children will enjoy decorating a snowman with Alex,cooking a yummy cake with their friends from Kolitas, going iceskating with bears and monkeys, dancing on New Year’s Eve withtheir friend Pablo and visiting grandma Dorothy… Adventures foreverybody during a fun and festive Christmas with your family andfriends and the Smile and Learn characters.Age: 2 to 8.Languages: English, Spanish, French and Catalan.Values: Sharing special moments with your family and friends.Multiple intelligences: Linguistic, mathematical, visual-spatial,musical, corporal, intrapersonal, interpersonal andnaturalistic.Authors: The Smile and Learn team.