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Rooster fight - Cookfighing 5.0.0
Rooster fight - Cookfighing is an ancienttradition dating back to the origin of the man himself. It hasremained alive and latent thanks to fans around the world, in thisapplication created especially for those fans who love thissport.In the following application you will find the followingtopics:History of the fighting cocksRacesGenetics in the roostersColors of cocksLaw in different countriesPowerTraining for the roosters of fight (of to peak and of to knife)We hope enjoy this application .
Braids are an easy and so pleasant waytoforget about hair styling for months, give your hair some restandprotect it from harsh environmental factors. Besides, withtheawesome hairstyles listed below you will attractattention,admiring glances and sincere smiles.Braided hairstyles make space for creativity. There aremanyinteresting braiding techniques to make every head unique.Besides,you can experiment with highlights, natural or curlytexture,clips, patterns, shapes, etc.Natural perm and hair thickness is your big plus and a uniquebonusthat you simply can’t leave unused. Your hair, that you mighthavebeen complaining of before, is created for braids. So why nottouse this idea to your advantage?Braiding is very versatile: microbraids, cornrows, fishtailbraids,blocky braids, black braided buns, twist braids, treebraids, hairbands, French braids and more are at your disposal.Once you pick adesired braiding style, thickness and have your hairbraided, youmay shape your braids into gorgeous hairstyles both forevery dayand special events.Researchers say that braids were “in fashion” even 2000 yearsb.c.If they have survived till our time, there definitely mustbesomething special in them, don’t you think? No wonder, everyyearworld-famous designers experiment with braids at fashionshows.Fancy to know what’s new they offer!Popular Trends in Black Braided HairstylesFashion shows are always inspiring, yet when it comes to clothes,weneed to wait at least till March to begin to bring some newfreshideas into life. As for hairstyles, things are much easierhere: getinspired and try on new images already now. What’s newwas there inbraided hairstyles? These are some trends forinspiration:– Tight and edgy cornrows, cornrowed buns. Cornrows have beenalwaysconsidered as a rather casual hairstyle, but now when theyare inCouture collections, it’s high time to rock them for a whilein thenew season.– Wrap-around braids and twists for black hair with freshflowers.These are loose and messy.– Very loose whimsical braids for long hair. The braid thatstartsfrom mid-shaft is not noticeable in the front and lookssloppy inthe back.– Low braided buns. Braided bun updos are always an extra chargeofelegance to ennoble even the simplest outfit.– Twisted rope braids. These long 3 dimensional braids, idealforlong thick hair, look very interesting, unhackneyed and worthatry. 
Apply makeup as a man 1.0.0
A little makeup can go a long waytowardaccentuating your best features and hiding flaws. Too muchmakeup,though, and you risk looking "made-up". The key to applyingyourmakeup is striking the balance between how much you use andwhereyou use it.Remove your makeup every night before bed. Leaving makeuponovernight isn't good for your skin. At the end of the day,washyour face again to remove makeup. Finish by using moisturizer.Usea richer moisturizer at night if you have dry skin.Despite what modern cosmetics ads may want us to believe, menarewearing makeup and are damn proud of it. The following sevenmakeuptips, tricks and hacks go out to all the guys who know theirlinerfrom their stick, and to all those who are just startingout.Contouring and highlighting are two crafty techniques thatcanenhance your best features. They can define your cheekbones,evenout your skin, give you a natural glow and even create theillusionof a slimmer nose.Numerous late nights, hard liquor and genetics catching up toyou?Reducing dark circles and “bags” is as easy as 1-2-3. The quickfixis to apply concealer and blend away.To help your brows look their best, you’ll need three things: agoodpair of tweezers, brow pencil and brow gel.It’s important for makeup wearers to stay committed to theirskincare regimen. Any guy who wears makeup should be aware ofthebenefits of using cleanser, toner and moisturizer on adailybasis.
Best hairstyle up- to date 1.0.0
If you are looking to rejuvenate a littleafterhaving spent a long time without going to the hairdresser,nothingbetter than a new haircut, the problem is to choose whichone. Whenmaking decisions about our mane is important to take intoaccountthe shape of our face, hair type and of course, what isfashionablethis season, however, there are some cuts and stylesthat never goout of fashion and with some variation, with them wewill always betrendy.take the long straight hair has many benefits. Long hairallowsus to change our style every day because there are amillionoptions to hair grooming the straight cut and also gives youtheopportunity to heal our tips.short and with a small gap mane If you prefer the shorter cutscantry this, is the same that led Reese Witherspoon this year'sGoldenGlobes and is the original super. The warning I have to do isyouneed enough daily maintenance and must hair grooming toappreciateperfectly well, so here if you're not super dedicated toyour haircan be a problem.Pretty short are the latest trend this year, but you have thegutsto try. If doesn't your thing, look for other well shortstyles,there is one right for each.Long and layers will always be a good choice, but if you wanttohave more movement and volume need only add a few layers.Remember,the shorter the more volume layers so here note the shapeof yourface to know where to start them.Long straight is super cute, delicate and has the great benefitofneeding very little maintenance. As stated before, the fact thatitis straight is great for the tips of our hair, but also thislongis ideal for girls who have the elongated or very thin facebecauseit gives add a little volume on the sides.Sometimes cut all the hair may be too big a change, but if youstillwant to try a change can make a new fringe. Consider theshape ofyour face and become one straight, sideways or U-shapedChange isamazing, but not as played as a totally new cut.To simplify your decision a little today we will show eighthaircutsthat never go out of fashion and sure that some of thesemay beright for you so here pay attention.What do you think of these timeless cuts? What is your favoriteandwhich would not lead or dead?
Man eyebrows grooming 1.0.0
A simple question. But something many menhaveno answer for.Why?Because most men are able to make it through the first fewdecadesof our life without having to do it.It’s not till our late twenties or thirties that the hair onoureyebrows starts to grow in a way that it needsmaintenance.In fact not grooming your eyebrow can lead to wild lookinghairsdistracting others when they speak to you up close.For some men – your separate eyebrow hair formations can growintoeach other to form a uni-brow (which will make you lookperpetuallyangry!)So what to do?Trim?Shave?Pluck?We cover all that and more in this App!The shape of our face is a powerful social indicator and so istheneatness of our appearance. The slight edge that can be gainedfromgrooming more than justifies the minimal cost spent.Know Your EyebrowsAs with most elements in grooming, not all men need the sameeyebrowcare.Take stock of what you’re working with, and of what you want.Are your eyebrows symmetrical?Neat?Cleanly divided, with an open space above the bridge ofthenose?If not, you will benefit from at least some eyebrow grooming.We’re not talking major changes, here. Some minor grooming cangetyou to a good point.Ideally, you want to shape your eyebrows to meet thefollowingstandards:Brows wider than they are tall – A no-brainer. Your eyebrowsshouldarch over your eyes, framing them. This is not possible iftheyhave too much height.Symmetry. One eyebrow should look like a mirror image oftheother.A short, even depth of hair. You want all the brow hairs to beaboutthe same length. Nothing too short and nothing lengthy.Clearly divided eyebrows. Two brows, not one. Visible bare skininbetween them. This is mandatory.The four criteria listed above is a great reference to usewhentrimming your eyebrows.The next step is determining your trimming method of choice.5 Eyebrow Grooming Options for MenDifferent strokes for different folks is quite literallytruehere.Some guys will need a few tugs of the tweezers; others willwantsome professional shaping help. But don’t panic — you’vegotoptions. And most of them will work for most men. It’s justaquestion of time, effort, money, and comfort.
Perfect Pallets Ideas 1.0.0
What’s the most common form of wood thatendsup in dumpsters? Shipping pallets – according to the EPA,theyrepresent 90% of wood packaging waste. Dumpster divers canlikelyconfirm this, as can anyone who’s ever worked in amanufacturingsetting. But as we’ve demonstrated before, waste woodisn’t badwood, and there are lots of ideas out there for puttingthis wasteto good use. Since distressed wood furniture is kind ofcool thesedays, DIY pallet furniture won’t just save you somemoney; youcould probably make some if you’re so inclined… or, atleast,create a stylish look for your own living space. And therearealways wooden pallets available for the taking: if you don’twantto just go out and take them from the backs ofcommercialbuildings, you can get in touch with retailers,manufacturers, orany company/non-profit that has large amounts ofmaterials shippedin to see if they’ll let you have them. Keep inmind that theseorganizations are paying to have them dumped; you’resaving them alittle money by taking them off of their hands.A Few Tips: Working With Pallets And Finding DIY PalletFurnitureTutorialsNot all pallets are the same! Pallet manufacturers usedifferentkinds of wood, and different kinds of treatments topreserve it.Some of those treatments are toxic, so you’ll want toavoidthose.Pallets aren’t generally made from the highest quality wood,sobreaking them down often means breaking some boards. A numberofthe projects below discuss the best ways to do this; from whatI’veseen from the palletsphere, separating boards withasawzall/reciprocating saw works much better than pryingthemapart.Since pallet projects are hot, a lot of sites have sprung uparoundthe topic. Most of them are pretty useless, and only featurephotos(often cribbed from other sites).Most particular pallets ideas are:1. Adirondack Chairs: Pallets are great for outdoor furniture2. Loft Bed: This space-saving bed also requires some 2x4s(likelyfor sturdiness).3. Wine Rack: A gorgeous and functional accent piece that alsolookslike a good starting project if you’re new to the wholewoodworkingthing.4. Coffee Table: Yep, lots of coffee table projects outthereandtakes five pallets…5. Minibar: This one also looks fairly simple, but leads to auniquepiece for your entertaining space (or creates it if youdon’t haveit!).6. Desk with Computer Shelf: Unless you’re an all-laptophousehold,you’ll want a convenient space to put that desktop tower.This planfrom Instructables works that in.7. Patio Sofa: Another piece of outdoor furniture that looksreallyeasy to make – you don’t have to break down most ofthepallets!
Shake you need to wake up 1.0.0
Tired of sipping on the same smoothieseveryweek? If you’re in a liquid meal rut, we’ve got just theproteinshake recipes you need to wake up your taste buds anddeliver somevariety to your glass. From mango to mocha to key lime,deliciousand unique flavors infuse all of these inventivecreations. Eachrecipe will give your body the energy it craves totake on the dayor recover from a tough workout. So go ahead, teachan oldblendernew tricks.As a way to get a bit of extra protein in your diet, there'snodoubt that protein shakes are a useful supplement. So why dosomany gym bros mainline shakes without an action plan? We've gotabreakdown of the science of shakes to ensure you get the bestoutof your supps.Best for… pre-workoutA pre-workout shake is most effective if drunk around half anhourbefore you start your session. If you don’t begin yourworkoutuntil hours after you’ve downed it, you’re unlikely to seeany realbenefit. And don’t pick a shake that’s purelyprotein-based. “Ashake with high protein and low carbs is notideal,” says sportsdietitian. “A lack of carbs can leave you moreat risk of muscledamage.”Don’t expect your shake to do all the work for you, either.“Interms of maximising muscle accretion, your progress isdrivenentirely by your workout,” Use a shake to get pumped, primed– andpush yourself that little bit harder.Best for... post-workoutThere’s a time and a place for fat, and after your gym sessionisnot it. Again, a shake with some carbs is a good option, ascarbscatalyse an insulin spike in your body. This speeds themovement ofnutrients into your muscle tissue. You’ll want to pickthe rightshake too. One with a high proportion of whey protein, isbest –it’s the fastest digesting protein there is and gets straighttowork on your muscles.(Related: how to add protein powder to anything)Those exercising regularly and intensely should be looking togettwo grams of protein per kg of their bodyweight per day – orevenslightly more. But chugging endless pure protein isn’t a goodidea.“Once you get to a certain point, having more does not help,”What’smost important of all is downing your shake as soon as youcan afterfinishing your workout. “It’s all about hitting thosetimewindows”Best for... before bedA protein shake around an hour before you hit the sack isoptimum,but some might find they need it a little earlier in orderto sleepcomfortably. A casein-based shake – which works throughyour bodyvery slowly – is perfect. “You’ll be feeding muscle at atime whenyour growth hormones are elevated, so it’s a great time toget thebest stimulus”If you don’t want to splash out on shakes, a large glass of milkanda banana are a fantastic inexpensive alternative. Milk containsamix of whey and casein protein and will stimulate musclegrowththrough the night.
No bake cake 1.0.0
These delicious recipes unbaked cakes havebeenvery successful in kitchens where for one reason or another donothave a full stove .Chocolate torte recipe has a hint of saltiness to bring outit'srich flavours. Quick and easy, it makes a great dessert toserve toguests! The rich chocolate flavour works wonders with thesharp,salted caramel - it's a match made in heaven! This torteserves8-12 people and will take around 1hr to prepare and make.Servethis tasty torte with a drizzle of cream, scoop of ice creamorwith a dollop more of caramel. It's a real treat fordessert!Leftovers can be stored in an airtight container in thefridge forup to 2 days.No-bake Custard Cream cheesecake is our new favourite way withtheseclassic biscuits. It's so simple to throw together, withCustardCreams whizzed to make the biscuit base as an alternativetodigestive biscuits and a creamy custard cheesecake fillingfinishedwith real Custard Cream biscuits on top. This easycheesecake recipetakes just 30 mins to prepare, then pop it in thefridge to set. Itcouldn't be simpler! This is a real wow-factorcheesecake to pullout on a special occasion.Delight your friends and family with this beautifulno-bakestrawberry cake topped with fresh raspberries. It's theperfectcake for summertime birthdays or special occasions and itonlytakes 20 minutes to prepare.Maltesers cheesecake is really simple to make andfeatureseveryone's favourite chocolate treat - Malteasers, sowhat's not tolove! A wickedly crunchy vanilla cheesecake which usescrushedMaltesers in the base as well as in the creamy filling. Thiseasycheesecake recipe perfect for parties or dessert serving6-8people. The time to make and chill but this dessert is wellworththe wait. Store this cheesecake in the fridge and eat within2days. This cheesecake is best made, served and eaten on thesameday. Serve with a dash of cream or more Maltesers.Lemon cheesecake is a refreshing lemon dessert, burstingwithflavour and is super easy to make. Serving 12 people,thisfamily-sized cheesecake is a classic. Once you've perfectedthisrecipe, you'll want to make it time and time again. Thisrecipeswaps the traditional Digestive biscuit base for a oatyHobNob baseinstead which works wonders with the lemon filling. Notonly isthis cheesecake made with fresh lemons, it's also made withlemoncurd which makes it extra tangy and flavoursome. Storethischeesecake in the fridge and serve on the day you make it. Asliceof this cheesecake works out at 522 calories perserving.
Pet food Diet (natural) 1.0.0
You will be surprised to know the humanfoodyou can eat and enjoy your pet, but you must also be verycarefulwhat you can not eat because it can be very dangerous. Withthisapplication you´ll to know about some fruits and vegetablesthatyou can give from time to time to change the routine of fooddog (or eliminate your intake )Homemade food dog : vegetables can be a good homemade food dog.Theyare not only rich in vitamins and minerals but are also lowincalories and fat, they contain fibers that can be beneficial tothedog's diet . You should be aware that portions should be smallandcontrolled , it is always best to consult with your veterinariantoadvise you with food dog.Dogs can eat vegetables both raw and steamed. They enjoyrawvegetables but your digestive system is shorter than thatofhumans, so they do not take full advantage of the nutrients. Itisadvisable to give them vegetables pureed and never use saltwhencooking. Some vegetables you can eat your dog are:- Potatoes: They are good source of vitamin C, B6,potassium,magnesium and fiber. You must wash them well and cut themintosmall pieces. Do not peel potatoes. Add a little olive oil andputin the oven on a tray. Expected to put crispy that they like. Itisan excellent dog food.- Asparagus: They are excellent source of vitamin K, A, B1, B2,C,E, iron and fiber. You must remove the fibrous part at the endofthe asparagus and wash well. Prepare them with a little oliveoilon the grill or on the grill for a minute. Wonderful naturalfoodfor dogs.- Carrots: contain vitamin A, K, C, fiber and potassium. Theyarevery good to improve your dog's coat. Carrot clean very wellandremovesedges. Cut into pieces and boil it for about 10 minutes, thenyoucan make a puree.- Cucumber: They are good source of vitamin K. Wash it and peelitvery well. Cut it in half and remove seeds. Then cut smallpiecesand boil them for about 5 minutes. You can give it combinedwithhis favorite food.- Broccoli: It is one of the most nutrient-rich natural foodfordogs that they can eat. Maintains stable levels of red bloodcells,it prevents overweight and is very good for preventingcancer. Noclutch should be in moderate portions as it can reducethyroidfunctions. Cut small flowers, wash and boil them for about8minutes until crisp and very green. You must be very carefulwithonion and garlic as it destroys red blood cells causes anemiaandvomiting dog. Below we offer some natural food for dogsrecipesthat will replace the famous processed meals in order toimproveyour canine diet.
Best Acne Diet 1.0.0
It’s true—eating healthy and hydratingoftenare beneficial both to your body on the inside and for lookinggoodon the outside. It’s no wonder greasy pizza and sugar-heavysnackswreak havoc on skin and cause breakouts—where’s thehealthcomponent in those types of foods? Additionally, eating foodsheavyin toxins is a key offender in harming your skin. “You arewhat youeat” couldn’t be a truer sentiment.Don’t get us wrong; we love snacking on junky foods during aNetflixbinge just as much as the next person, but we understandthat we’renot doing ourselves any favors while doing so,especially when wewake up to a big breakout the next morning.Let´s find out what toeat to stop acne and get glowing skin.Searching we have found on a few insider dietary tips forclearskin, the first (and most obvious) being hydration: Shesuggestshaving two to three liters of water every day andincorporatingsome detoxing green tea (the Ezisoul InsulatedStainless SteelWater Bottle, $20, is great for toting around bothhot and coldbeverages). Next, Bella urges you to incorporate leanprotein andfiber with every meal and snack, as well as reduce sugarand dairyintake—two food groups that are proven acne aggravators.Lastly,Bella suggests eating a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acidsandvitamins A, E, and D to help clear your skin.
Fat-Blasting Outdoor Workout 1.0.0
It’s hard to justify training in a darkgymwhen the sun is still shining outside. Especially since youcanbuild muscle just as effectively using your own body weight asyoucan by lifting some iron. All you really need is something topushon or pull on and a little open space where you can move yourbodyand activate all the muscles you’re used to training indoors.Wecame up with a plan you can do at your local park (or in theprisonyard—hey, we won’t judge) to get you ripped and strongwhileimproving your tan at the same time.How It Works: Our program of wide open spaces, plus theequipmentthat’s generally found around parks and children’splaygrounds.You’ll do pull-ups and dips (a jungle gym will work forthese ifyou don’t have bars) with a descending rep scheme—start at10 repsand do one less every set down to one rep. This is onemethod thoseguys you see working out in parks all the time use toblast outscores of reps at a fast clip. You’ll also do funbody-weightexercises that you probably haven’t tried in years, suchas bearcrawls and crab walks. Though it may look like you’replaying,you’ll feel these exercises work your whole body,particularly yourcore, and you’ll tire out fast. In fact, you mayfind theseworkouts so tough you’ll be grateful to go back indoorsto the ironin the winter.Frequency: Perform each workout (Day 1, 2, and 3) once perweek,resting at least a day between each session.How to Do It: The exercises on Day 1 are performed as acircuit.Complete each set with minimal rest. On Day 2, exercisesmarked “A”and “B” are done as supersets. Complete one set of A,then one setof B; rest, and repeat until you’ve finished all theprescribedsets. Perform the remaining exercises as straight sets,completingall the sets for that move before going on to the next.If youcan’t perform all the given reps for a set, do as many as youcanwithout going to failure, rest as needed, and continue untilyoufinish that number.or..The Workout:Complete one set of 15 repetitions of each move below in theorderlisted. After completing all six moves, rest for one minuteandcomplete another round of all moves. Aim to complete three tofiverounds of all six moves. You can create an interval-type effectbycompleting one round of the moves below, then walking orjoggingfor five minutes before completing the next round.
What is the Best Workouts Of All Time istheultimate answer to the question "What workout should I do?"Nomatter what equipment you have available, from afully-stockedsupergym to a pair of mismatched dumbbells in yourgarage, ornothing but your body weight alone, you can build muscle,lose fat,and sculpt the physique you've always wanted.Block out any association you have with jump ropes andschoolchildren—the jump rope is an incredibly efficient,versatileworkout tool. Carry it in your backpack or briefcase,bring it withyou on vacations and weekend trips for work becausethis is one ofthe easiest ways to build cardio fitness, agility,and strength onthe go.Not that that’s settled (and we extinguished your excuseforskipping workouts on business trips), take a look at how tomakethe most of your jump rope workout. It’s time you werereacquaintedwith the convenient cardio tool. Here’s everything youneed to knowto stay well-conditioned for life.HOW IT WORKSMake sure you’ve got a good rope. Beaded or plastic “speed”ropesare more durable than cotton ones and whip around faster,makingfor a more intense workout. They’re also mandatory if youwant tobuild up to doing advanced jump-rope moves like the doublejump(which we’ve included here, although we don’t expect you tomasterit right away). Before you begin using a rope, measure it toyourheight. When you stand on the middle of the rope, thehandlesshould extend to your armpits. Cut and adjust the lengthasnecessary. You have to gradually prepare your lower body fortheimpact of jumping, so begin on a waxed wooden floor orrubberfloor. Hold the rope with hands at about hip height andelbowsslightly bent, keeping your upper arms close to your sides.Yourchest should be out and your shoulders back and down. Makeyourjumps small and land on the balls of your feet.DIRECTIONSThe workout consists of three training blocks. You’llpracticedifferent jumps, rest two minutes, and move on to the nextblock.Follow the instructions.
Master these lower abdominal and obliquemovesto bring out your "sex lines."Scoring even the slightest visible abs through an intensetrainingregimen and finely tuned diet is no easy feat for anyonewho isn'tgenetically predisposed, but how do you step up your gameevenfurther and bring legitimate definition in the area?Your money maker is the v-shaped cut in the lower abdominalregionthat goes from both sides of the oblique and funnels atangles thatsort of point into the groin. Do you have a moneymaker?These can be devastatingly sexy, I agree. For those of you whodon'tknow what a Money Maker is... let me explain. It is a "V"shaped cutin the lower abdominal/pubic region that goes from bothsides of theoblique and funnels at angles that sort of point intothe groin.They are really cuts from being lean enough to see thehollowed outlines it creates. It can only show of course if youwear your pantslow enough to see the effects of all your hardwork.If you have never seen your Money Maker, you will have toexperimentto see how long it takes for you to get there for thefirst time.Take note: some people are born with these leanabdominal regiongenetics and don't have to work to see them. Theselucky freaks caneat anything and not do any exercising; they havethis naturally.For the rest of us, we have to work to getresults.The most important aspects of reaching this goal will be inyourfood and water intake, what that food consists of,cardiovascularexercise and resistance training if needed.Your main Money Maker goal is leanness. To be low fat you havetoeat low fat. For most men, you will have to be below 10percentbody fat to see your Money Maker. Women can be at a slightlyhigherpercentage and still get the look.Go get your body fat checked at your local gym. This will give youagood idea on how far you have to go before you get into the10ranges. Check with your health care professional beforestartingany new program of nutrition or exercise for a clean billof healthand the go ahead.Your food intake will be boring but effective. Eat everythingasplain as possible; No fats, wheat, dairy, or fruit. Condimentsinmoderation are ketchup, mustard, teriyaki, soy sauce, salsa,andnon-fat salad dressings.Coffee and Tea are without milk or cream. Use non-fat vanilla soyoroat milk for a try. Diet sodas are fine in moderation - they donotcount as water!Carbs will come from meal replacement shakes and any greentypewater based vegetable.Complex carbohydrate starches consist of oatmeal, rice,potatoes,yams and legumes (seeds, grains, beans). Be careful ofcorn, whichis super starchy. Even though it is a vegetable, countit as one ofyour starch servings. I like to mix 1 cup of corn and 1cup ofsteamed rice together as a carb option.Eat 4-5 small meals a day. Eat complex carbohydrates only onceortwice a day. Eat protein and vegetables at all other meals.
Simple Boot Camp trainning 1.0.0
Forget the idea of military style trainingandhellish assault courses that leave you crumpled in an unfitheapafter the end of a gruelling session. And dismiss any notionsyouhave of terrifying and confidence-knocking instructors screamingatyour lack of physical prowess. Consider instead the real BootCampbenefits. For this is an exercise program that can go a longway toimproving your fitness levelsIf you’ve no idea what Boot Camp involves then your first step istofind out, as session structure, intensity and goals canchangebetween different fitness facilities. The key is to not beafraidto ask what to expect and what benefits you can will getfromjoining. If you turn up to a Boot Camp without not knowing whatyouare getting yourself into, you may find yourself not quite abletokeep up with your classmates.Once you have an idea about what Boot Camp is, you might wanttounderstand what some of the plus points are. This can helpifyou’re wavering on the edge and not entirely sure if you wanttotake the Boot Camp plunge. So what are some of thebenefits?#Concentrated focus – If you already keep active and fit withregularexercise then your attention is already geared towardshealth andfitness. However, at times, if you want to make bigchanges, such asto lose weight and tone up quickly andeffectively, you may need toup the ante and focus in on your goal.Boot Camp is an ideal way tohelp you reach your target by honingin on what you want andoffering intense exercise sessions to makesure you get there.Creates healthy expectations – Fitness classes which you caneasilydip in and out of might offer a relaxed way of keeping inshape,but they don’t necessarily generate a sense ofpersonalresponsibility. A Boot Camp where you’re expected to showeffortand determination, as well as commitment, can really inspireyou toput healthy pressure on yourself. This in turn means thatyou’remore involved and more motivated to not let down yourtrainer, theothers around you and most importantly, yourself.Motivates you to examine your lifestyle – Because of the focusonfitness in a Boot Camp environment, you naturally start to lookatyour life as a whole and how healthy you are. Assessments ofyourfitness levels, monitoring and working toward a goal,reallyhighlight how exercise, diet and nutrition are linked, aswell asall your other lifestyle choices. You might not get the samesenseof interconnectedness from classes or sessions where yousimplydrop in and view as separate from the rest of yourlife.Dynamic workout – Many people lose focus and motivation becausetheyget bored. The whole point of Boot Camp is that it is asdiverse asit is intense. If you add in the fact that you will beprogressingand changing along the way, then you have aninteresting exercisemix that should keep you engaged enough torealize your exercisegoals.Like-minded exercisers – Some people take up activities forthesocial scene, others because they are firmly fixed on a goal.Areal positive about Boot Camp is that because of what itstandsfor, you are going to meet other people similar to yourselfwhowant to seriously improve their lives. However, this sharedgoalmeans that there is a sense of camaraderie and support which isnotalways found in other exercise sessions.Faster results – Boot Camp is effective at identifying waysofreaching health and fitness goals in a faster way. Left to yourowndevices you might struggle to get there at all and classesorsessions which repeat one style of exercise might not delivertheright results on time either.Boot Camp may be a challenge but because it is something youcanreally get to grips with the benefits are greater than the sumofeach training session. Find out about what Boot Camp can doforyour body, mind and life!
The best Butt Workout 1.0.0
Squats and lunges are great, but they're notenough. Your butt needs all-around workout in order to reach itsfull muscular potential. The glutes are a surprisingly ficklemuscle group. Often, you feel like you're working them, but you'reonly working part of them—and not even that hardThink about those classic buttocks exercises like squats,deadlifts, step-ups, and lunges. Sure, they all hit the gluteusmaximus, but the truth is that the quads and hamstrings usually"butt in" on these movements and hog most of the muscle activation.Even the increasingly popular hip thrust can use as much quad asbutt!So here's the deal: In order to really challenge the glutes andforce them to become more than just a backseat driver, yourbuttocks exercises needs to include a mix of movements that come atthis giant muscle group from multiple angles. You need strengthwork that hits every part of your lower body, followed by isolationwork to hammer the neglected glute muscles with a crazy pump.Fortunately, this workout has exactly the you need. It's anall-around lower-body burner that will run your booty through thefire and forge it into something hotter and stronger than ever.Here's what you need to know to build the booty of yourdreams.During a time crunch, many people opt to skip the warm-up phase oftheir workouts. If you're just coming in for some quick arms andabs, that may cut it. But when you're gearing up for a toughlower-body battle like this one, you simply must warm upfirst.Try a five-minute warm-up on the treadmill, followed by 2-3 warm-upsets for the first exercise of the workout, recommends Wilkins. Ifyou need more, do it. Just find a way to heat up your engine.Don´t forguet Slow down the lowering portions of movements onbuttocks exercises like squats and lunges, even if it means youhave to dial back the weight. The alternative is crashing into thebottom, putting your back and knees at risk—particularly if you'retrying to lift more than you should.When performing lunges and squats, you want to go slightly lowerthan parallel to fully engage the glutes. Don't rob yourself ofmaximum results because you cheated on the full range of motion.That's when your quads will sneak in and steal your glutes'rightful gains.We hope you enjoy and get the most out of this exercise plan thatmade sure of the best way will be a great constructor of yourbuttocks.
Hipster beard hairstyle 1.0.0
¿Are you a boy who like to wear a Hipsterbeardstyle or a nice natural Hipster hairstyle? This is the appforyouSo here we are in the middle of 2016. Lets take a look atthecurrent men’s hipster style trends we are seeing right now fromthebest barbers in the world.What you will you see during this almost finished 2016? a lotoflonger hair hairstyles with wild texturized hair on top. Thiswillbe combined with short sides including high fades, low fades,baldfades, with or without hard part disconnection, or simply cutwithsheers for a more natural short hair look and not forget thatthecolor is very present in male hairdressers, we have witnessedhowmodern man has lost the fear of the dye, is no longer a matterofwomen, so why leave behind this trend?The pompadour was a popular men’s hairstyle this year. But themoreclassic style that was slicked back with extra hold pomadesandlots of shine will be seen less except for guys that liketheirhair cut on the shorter side. Now we are seeing moremodernversions of the pomp that are longer, looser, and blown dryto givesome big hair styles with movement and highlight will bemore likea hipster style well marked.Lets take a look at these twenty top Hipster style:High Fade PompadourHigh Fade With Long Hair On TopBald Fade Medium Hair PompShort Sides Longer Hair With Texture On TopBald Fade / High Fade PompadourHigh Fade + Long Wavy HairHigh Lo Fade + Medium PompadourMedium Slicked Pomp High FadeDisconnected High Fade + Long Hair Blown DryHigh Fade + Longer Hair Blown Dry On TopHigh Fade + Long Separated Hair On TopCool Faded MohawkHigh Skin Fade + Longer Hair On TopBalded Fade + Long Loose HairHigh Balded Fade + Long Hair + Disconnected BeardLow Skin Fade PompadourLonger Natural Hair Slick PompHigh Bald Fade + Medium HairLow Bald Fade Quiff HaircutLong Texturized Hairstyle
Natural Remedies 4 Frizzy Hair 1.0.0
Frizzy hair or flyaways are a major hairhasslethat most women complain about. In the case of curly hair,the haircuticle is naturally open due to lack of moisture, leadingto frizzyhair. Frizz happens when the dry and porous hair sucks upmoisturefrom the air and causes the shaft to swell. Thick, coarse,and curlyhair has a higher tendency to frizz easily, especially inthesummer, when humidity levels are at their highest.Dry and frizzy hair is a cry for oil nourishment andmoisturizing.Most women around the world prefer a weekly visit to ahair spa forkeeping frizziness at bay. However, this is not a veryaffordableoption for many. Also, some might not favor thechemical-basedproducts used in these spas.Here are a few natural home remedies to help in hair nourishmentandfrizzy hair management.Almond Oil And Egg: Almond oil acts as a natural hairemollient,while the egg proteins repair the hair strands. This canbeconsidered one of the best home remedies for frizzy hair.Avocado Mask: Using an avocado-based hair mask is aninexpensive,yet effective remedy to control frizzy hair issues.This naturallyconditions hair and prevents dryness.Coconut Oil And Vitamin E: This combination works really wellinproviding the nourishment that is lacking in frizzy hair, anditalso helps in hair strengthening.Hot Oil Massage: This treatment does wonders in nourishingyourhair. Warm oil penetrates the hair roots and scalp poresbetterthan the normal oils. Hence, do make sure to heat your hairoilbefore using it for the massage. For curly hair, jojoba oil isbestsuited as it helps to strengthen the cuticles and preventshairfrizz.Mayonnaise: The mask works amazingly well to provideshine,nourishment, and strength. It adds the extra layer ofmoisture,which helps in controlling frizzy hair effectively.Bananas: Are great for hair conditioning. A banana mask for hairisjust the kind of pampering your hair deserves. Use thismixturewhenever you feel dryness creeping in.
 DIY Wall art ideas: Gone are the days of boring wallpapers, it'sthetime to get more creative with wall art designs. Do you want todo amakeover for your baby room? Well you can go all cartoony oruse asplash of popping colors and get creative with DIY wall art.Are youplanning on a party at home, you must be bored with yourold wallpaintings, well it's time to get creative and get dirty,try one ofthese DIY wall art and surprise your guests. If you arefrom a largefamily, you sure would love to have all their pictureswith you, sohere is a great wal art idea for having all theirpictures at oneplace. Paint an amazing banyan tree or just aboutany tree which hasplenty of branches, let the framed pictures siton those branchesand you have done an amazing wall painting. Wehave put togethersome of the best wall art ideas for your perfecthomemakeover.Designers don’t follow a secret rule book. There are no hardandfast laws governing what we do. We are creative types by natureandlove to imagine, dream and explore, following our intuition.Thatsaid, there are some rough principles that guide us to ensureagreat result every time. They are just tried and true thingsthatwork. And these aren’t tricks or skills that take years tomaster.Anyone can do them from day one. Consider this a foundationfordeveloping your own quirky, creative,rule-breakingintuition.Pick the paint color last. Always there are doubts fromhomeownerswho want to pick a paint color before they move in orredecoratethe space. Is logical but Why not arrive to walls with afresh coatof paint? Of course you can do it this way, but it’s notideal.There are thousands of paint colors with various tints, tonesandshades. And each one looks different from home to home,becauselight sources vary, meaning what looks good in your currenthomemight not in your new one. You want the color that bestcomplementsyour upholstery, artwork, rug and whatever else. You canpick thatcolor only if your stuff is actually inside yourhome.Well, color apart, we have selected these ideas for walls, inorderto change boring look may get in your space, the selectiongoesfrom kitchen, living, bedrooms and kids' spaces, we hope youenjoyand start to decorate your walls yourself.
MINIMALISTIC Bedrooms 1.0.0
Minimalism is characterized by theextremesimplicity of its forms, clean lines, neutral colors andclearspaces in an environment with balance and harmony.First of all the large, preferably high, and open spacesareprivileged. A functional harmonious environment outside theconceptof excess, saturation and visual pollution. thecacophony,repetition and any type of visual redundancy is alsoavoided. Itcould be considered an aesthetic "antibarroquismo".Everythingshould be smooth, serenity and order, nothing superfluousandBaroque elements, excesses or stridency, often oblivious totheoutside world. Sobriety unadorned.In short, the philosophy of minimalism aims to build each spacewiththe minimum number of possible elements, so as to eliminate oravoidanything that might be fitting.In minimalism all elements must combine and form a unit,givingpriority to the whole over the parts. The space itself is ofgreatimportance, never "overshadowed" by decorative elements. Inthiscontext, a clear primacy is given to pure lines and low, almostatground level, with absolute monocromía in ceilings, floorsandwalls, complemented by furniture.ColorsOne of its main features of minimalism is the use of purecolors,surfaces or monochromatic backgrounds, soft tonespredominatingwhite and ecru. roasted or black with subtle touchesof color arealso incorporated to accentuate details andaccessories. When wethink of the white there is to know, notforgetting that white is acolor with a wide range of tonalvariations that can multiply thebrightness.The contrast is provided by some ornamental details that, inanycase, be abused. The detail of color, perhaps a red orpistachio,can be given by a rug, a pillow, or a singleobject.materialsThe materials are another key points of minimalism. smoothcement,glass, steel wire, venecita and stones, mainly in naturalstate,minimally manipulated: minimalist setting in wood, bothfloors andfurniture, and rustic materials used.textilesThe fabrics used in the minimalist decor should avoid theaggressiveand baroque, adding freshness and inviting relaxation.They shouldbe left outside the patterned and flowery fabrics,opting forausterity smooth. rustic fabrics are preferred in ivorycolor,textures such as linen or cotton duck. Curtains, cushionsandupholstery have to obey unity and balance.The curtains, when they exist, must be white, straight andsimplelines; Roman or roller. Although you can easily dowithoutthem.FurnitureFurniture take the concept of minimalism of simplicityandfunctionality; less is more. Austerity in the design and theamountof furniture, are basic in the minimalist decor. There arenotalways fixed furniture. Often they are hidden or storedinfurniture or shelves. Modern furniture and oriental go verywellwith this type of decoration.wallsOn the walls it is to avoid any embellishment is more, althoughyoucan use any prominent in the presence or importance box. Anauthorbox is a good resource. Smooth light-colored walls or linedwithstone, how unique element of decoration.We have selected a nice minimal bedrooms inspired in softcolour,better enjoy.
Chihuahua 2.0.0
The Chihuahua or Chihuahueño is a verypopularbreed of small and cute dog for its small size. Besidesbeing anadorable pet is an intelligent, restless and curious fellowwhooffer all their love to care for him.This animal is from Mexico, particularly Chihuahua, the statewhereit was discovered for the first time and its meaning isliterally“dry and sandy place “. He was captured and domesticatedby Indiansat the time of the Toltec civilization, today we can findfiguresof a dog that lived in Tula, very similar to acurrentchihuahua.
Decorations have always been a challengeforour taste and imagination. People tend to personalize thespacethey live in, because it makes them feel good and most of allitmakes them feel like they belong somewhere. Thereby all sortsofpersonal things like photos, items that remind of somethingareplaced in key spots both to look good and to bring backmemoriesand emotions every time people look at them, at least thiswashappening before the so called “modernism”.This architecturaltrendhas been misinterpreted by many people who focused moreonindustrial style with general items transforming their placesincold, hostile environments. Modernism is about creativityandmaking your place pleasant.This can be achieved with either nice items found in stores orwithsimple, handmade objects, all used to create the same effect.Ideasabout salvaging old object or things that we don’t use anymoreandto incorporate them in our design are more and more popularamongthose who follow trends and love to be fashionable. Let’s takealook at some of the coolest decoration ideas with blackboards,thesame dull objects found in every school.An interesting idea is to use blackboards around kids. Theywillalways find it interesting, because they can write on them,drawand play with it. The fact that is very easy to clean willgivechildren the possibility to be creative and every day to trynewthings. Whatever the age kids, even teenagers can find thisbothuseful and fun.If in a nursery you can use a blackboard to draw simple shapesoranimals to be discovered by your baby at an early age, inateenager’s room you can use the blackboard for a schedule,acalendar, or to write funny messages making you laughwhenbeginning a new day.Grown-ups can use this ingeniousfunctionalitem in the kitchen for the grocery list, or recipes,phone numbersand why not love notes.If you have artistic skills you can transform a simple blackboardina wonderful piece of chalk art. Living in a digital ageandsurrounded by technology we lose the charm of our childhood,whereeverything was written down somewhere and we all rememberedthephone number of our friends.If you have artistic skills you can transform a simple blackboardina wonderful piece of chalk art. Living in a digital ageandsurrounded by technology we lose the charm of our childhood,whereeverything was written down somewhere and we all rememberedthephone number of our friends.Kitchen Blackboard Decoration IdeasProbably the next place where a blackboard is reallyusefulexcept around kids is in the kitchen. Let’s face it, most ofusspend a lot of time in the kitchen and I don’t see why wecan’tmake it interesting from another point of view, except the oneitwas designed for. I’m not reinventing the kitchen right now,butwhat if, we can decide how the space above the stove looks?Paintit with some chalkboard spray paint and transform it in aspacewhere you can keep the grocery list, or have a differentformalpattern every week.If you have the courage to take this further you can painttheentire wall. This new place is going to be not only a placeforrecipes and grocery list, but also a place where art can takeanyfrom. Taking it even further you can draw on cupboards and writeondrawers and doors. The content of each storage space can belabeledin an original way. Thanks to its nature, a chalkboard isfrom thestart a decorative object and not by itself, but by itscontent. Wecan always change the face of any room with a singlefocal point,why not use the chalkboard to do the same thing?
Juices for Fast Weight Loss 1.0.0
Inculcating certain healthy habits inyourdaily diet can bring about remarkable changes in your lifeandhealth. It is best to clarify a few confusions that areassociatedwith juicing. Juicing on an occasional basis whilegorging onunhealthy foods and living a sedentary lifestyle can’thelp inlosing weight. It is a healthy habit that must be includedin dailylife to enjoy its health benefits. Consuming natural fruitandvegetable juices is extremely beneficial for detoxifying thebodyand is oneWhy Should I Juice?Well, the most common question that circles the health andfitnesscircle concerning juicing is that whether it is better tohavefruits and vegetable juice or have them whole. Having thewholefruits and vegetables is the best option indeed but therearecertain reasons why juicing wins the day.Juicing increases overall fruit and vegetable intake which isnotpossible if we are consuming them whole.Juicing promotes weight loss by boosting metabolism.Certain vegetable juices help in improving cardiovascular healthandlower the level of cholesterol in the blood.The high content of antioxidants and fiber helps in reducingtherisk of all kinds of cancer.10 Best Natural Juices that Helps in Weight LossAlthough pills and crash diets are widely available that canpromoteweight loss apparently, but most of them have been shown tohavesevere side effects in the long run and therefore it is besttoresort to natural remedies that are time tested and have noharmfuleffects on health.The importance of carrot juice for weight loss is wellknown.Carrots are extremely low in calories and high in fiber thatmakescarrot juice a perfect vegetable juice for weight loss. Beingrichin fibers, it helps keep the tummy satiated for a longer timeandprevents mindless cravings, which is one of the main reasonsforweight gain. Studies show that eating grapefruit after consumingameal high in fats can help in cutting out the calories by afifth.Therefore, a combination of these two superfoods for weightlossmakes the ideal smoothie for burning calories.Balanced diet plans to lose weight should include beets.Beetroothelps in enhancing exercise endurance and stamina so thatyou cansweat it out longer in the gym without feeling drained. Itcontainsa high level of both soluble and insoluble fibers thathelps inweight loss. Ellagic acid and anthocyanins present instrawberrieshelps in weight loss by reducing inflammation andrestoring thefunctions of weight-reducing hormones. Anthocyaninsstimulate theproduction of hormone adiponectin that boostsmetabolism andsuppresses hunger by slowing down the speed ofdigestion of starchyfoods.
Get a full week of high protein, highfiber,and low carb meals for building muscle and burning fat fast.Plus,three complete training programs.With an effective combo of high-fiber and protein, this 4-weekplanwill help you lose fat, boost your metabolism, and set you uptobuild muscle—all without the annoying hunger or weird cravingsthattend to accompany a calorie cutback.If you want to indulge during the dog days of summer, or thewinterholidays, that’s okay. You can get back on track and stripawaythose extra pounds with this easy-to-follow meal plan. Andifyou’re trying not to fall off the bandwagon, heed to the mealplanto stave off unwanted weight.THE GROCERY SHOPPING LISTMake sure your spice cabinet is stocked and go to the grocerystoreto get the following items:Plain Greek YogurtFresh/Frozen BerriesOther Fresh Fruit (bananas, grapefruit, apple etc)High-Fiber High-Protein Breakfast CerealHigh-Fiber/High-Protein Frozen WafflesNatural Peanut ButterEggsLow-Fat/Fat-Free MilkHigh-Fiber/High-Protein Whole Grain BreadHigh-Fiber/High-Protein Whole Grain TortillasLarge Chicken BreastLean Skirt SteakLean Deli Meat (turkey, roast beef)Ground Lean Turkey BreastCanned Tuna/SalmonFresh/Frozen Fish (salmon, tilapia etc.)Canned Beans (black, lentil, pinto etc)Fresh/Frozen VegetablesButternut SquashBaked/Sweet PotatoAvocadoLow-Fat Cheese (sliced and shredded)Planning meals is an activity that can bring a number ofbenefits.Whether you are cooking for one, for two or for yourentire family,taking the time to sit down and plan future mealswill not onlysave you time, effort and money but will also improveyour eatinghabits.Perhaps the number one reason to begin planning meals is thatitlets you eat healthier. When you already have a menu of thefoodsyou're going to prepare for the next several days, you won'thaveto resort to eating out or ordering takeout. As you probablyknow,most fast foods and restaurants today fall below standard whenitcomes to serving nutritious foods. Unfortunately, when youfindyourself coming home late from work or too busy to dothegroceries, you probably resort to buying pizza, cheeseburgers orabucket of greasy chicken. Prepackaged meals are just as bad.MostTV and microwave dinners are often processed so much that theylosewhatever nutrients they contained. When you plan meals, youcanavoid eating these nutritionally lacking foods. Instead, youcanspend time thinking of well-balanced meals and how you canpreparethem.
Paleo food (starter plan) 1.0.0
Paleo food is the healthiest way you caneatbecause it is the ONLY nutritional approach that works withyourgenetics to help you stay lean, strong and energetic! Researchinbiology, biochemistry, Ophthalmology, Dermatology and manyotherdisciplines indicate it is our modern diet, full of refinedfoods,trans fats and sugar, that is at the root of degenerativediseasessuch as obesity, cancer, diabetes, heart disease,Parkinson’s,Alzheimer’s, depression and infertility.The Paleo concept is new for most people and this newnesscanspark many questions. We like people to not only read aboutandeducate themselves on this topic but also to “get in and doit.”Experience is perhaps the best teacher and often cuts throughanyconfusion surrounding this way of eating. Now, all thatconsidered,there are still some common counter arguments to eatPaleo foodthat happen with sufficient frequency that a whole paperwaswritten on it.Cardiovascular disease is the number one cause of death intheUnited States. Interestingly however, our Paleolithic ancestorsandcontemporarily studied hunter-gatherers showed virtually noheartattack or stroke while eating ancestral diets. The referencesbelowwill explore these facts to better help you understandtheheart-healthy benefits of a Paleo diet.Autoimmunity is a process in which our bodies own immunesystemattacks “us.” Normally the immune system protects usfrombacterial, viral, and parasitic infections. The immunesystemidentifies a foreign invader, attacks it, and ideally clearstheinfection. A good analogy for autoimmunity is the case oftissuerejection after organ donation. If someone requires a newheart,lung kidney or liver due to disease or injury, a donor organmay bean option. The first step in this process is trying to findatissue “match”. All of us have molecules in our tissues thatourimmune system uses to recognize self from non-self. If adonatedorgan is not close enough to the recipient in tissue typetheimmune system will attack and destroy the organ. Inautoimmunity, asimilar process occurs in that an individuals owntissue isconfused as something foreign and the immune systemattacks this“mislabeled” tissue.Enjoy this app with fantastic advices about how to eat paleofoodand somo recipes.
Plyometrics — or high-intensity exercisesthatstretch and then quickly shorten your muscles (think jumpsquats orplyo push-ups) — are already known for theirquickcalorie-blasting, body-toning results. “The techniquewasoriginally designed to develop explosive speed and power inOlympicathletes, but the benefits extend out to the average Joe andJanein both body and mind,”. “The intensity of firing up yourbigmuscle groups with such speed sends your heart rate throughtheroof and burns a ton of fat.” Plus, when your brain is forcedtoprocess the mechanical speed required of plyo moves, it hasthepotential to improve overall cognitive function.But there’s better news yet: There may be an even more efficientwayto do this powerhouse type of workout.Plyometrics Exercises: The Power Of Cluster SetsThough many people stick to the standard two or three sets of 10to15 reps, flipping that format on its head might actuallyimproveyour performance, according to a new study published in theJournalof Strength and Conditioning Research. Exercisers who didclustersets — 10 sets of shorter reps ranging from only two to five— wereable to jump higher and reach greater takeoff velocity duringtheirworkout, which could result in more explosive power.The sweet spot is sets of three to five reps. Do fewer than thatandyou can’t maximize the eccentric (or muscle-lengthening) phaseofthe movement, which will lessen your velocity. Go for more thanfiveand you’ll get too fatigued to maintain your max jump height.It’simportant to note that ample rest is also key to helping youreachmaximum power and jump height throughout every rep. Aimingfor 30 to45 seconds between sets allows you to start each setfeelingfresh.Want to know what cluster sets feel like? a mix of moves totoneyour entire body and rev your heart rate in no time. Do 10 setsofthree to five reps of each move — using momentum from thepreviousrep to drive speed and power — and rest 30 secondsbetweensets.Follow this Plyometric Power Workout.
Looking for a great cardio routine? Here’s11ways to build your own.The optimal cardio routineTrying to get back into the gym after a long summer,vacation,holiday or break from the gym all-together can be adaunting task.The average person will hop on a treadmill, get boredafter 5minutes, winded after 10, and quit after 15. The only thingsyouend up with are sore joints, frustration, and an ongoing hateforanything related to cardio.The importance and benefits of doing cardio are clear and inourfaces everyday, but unfortunately many people don't knowwhatconstitutes as effective cardio. Gone is the day that you couldrunaround town for a couple of miles and “be healthy” or look“fit”.Today’s “fit” man needs to be strong, fast, and athletic. Anhouron the elliptical, a walk on a super inclined treadmill, ora10-mile jog in your neighborhood will not help you attainthesequalities. A successful cardio routine involves some keyelementsthat are not in most programs.Stick with these basics during your next cardio routine,followthese tips, and bring your fitness to new heights.the planKnow exactly what you are doing ahead of time. Aim for 2-3sessionsper week and workouts that progressively get harder. Beingable tohandle more is your first basic indicator thatyou'reprogressing.TimingIf you always end up skipping out on your cardio then do it whenyoufirst get to the gym or do it on off days. It's not necessarilywhenyou do it, just don't skip it.What´s is in your handsIf you have a magazine or book that you thought about catching uponwhile you worked out, throw it out. Nobody has ever gotten fitwhilereading and doing cardio. You can only focus on one thing ata time,make it your workout. Save the book for before bed.warm- upDoing a dynamic warm-up will increase mobility, decrease yourchanceof injury, and prepare your bodies systems for the task athand.Warm-ups are commonly overlooked, skip them and you're boundto gethurt.
No matter what kind of party you’re planningtothrow this summer, you can always do with festive balloons tospruceup your decor. Be it a cactus-themed fiesta or a grown-uppizzaparty, the creative balloon decorations below will take yourpartyto new heights — literally. No need to bring on the creepyclownsand balloon animals, you can do it all by yourself! Getready togather up those craft supplies and take your shindigsky-high withthese decor ideas.1 Gem Balloons: These gorgeous floating gems are justthedecorations you need to dazzle your party guests. Whether it’sabridal shower or a 30th birthday bash, these vibrantgemstoneballoons will glam it up.2 Cactus Balloons: With so many festivals taking place inthedesert, it’s no surprise that summer (aka festival season)seescacti-themed parties popping up left and right. To join in onthefestival spirit, pair these cacti balloons with palm frondsandyou’ll have a desert oasis party in no time.3 Cotton Candy Balloons: Who can say no to cotton candy? Add someofthe pink fluff to your party decor with these cotton candyballoonsfor extra sweet vibes. It’s a sure fit for a carnivalordessert-themed celebration.4 Donut Balloons: Aside from the donut garlands and pool floats,youhave to rock donut balloons for a donut party to be legit.Check outsome of these other donut party accessories to go allout.5 Fruit Slice Balloons: These chic fruit slice balloonsaresurprisingly easy to make, which is always good news! To getthelook, decorate foil balloons with tissue paper pieces usingsprayadhesive.6 Fruity Balloon Straws: Top those fruity drinks offwithappropriately themed fruit straw toppers. You can use miniwaterballoons to create everything from fruity drink toppers tofruityballoon necklaces for each of your guests to wear.7 Popsicle Balloons: Every summer party can do withpopsicles,including blown-up ones. To really get the party crowdgoing, makesure to serve actual popsicles!8 Flower Balloons: Flowers are always a nice way to spruce upaplain-looking space. Liven up your party furnishings withthesemarbled flower balloons, which you can make out of theseCelebrateIt Multicolor Marble Balloons ($3). Simply blow each ofthem up,attach them together like petals in a flower, and it’s assimple asthat!9 Mini Ice Cream Cone Balloon Sticks: These mini ice creamconeballoon sticks aren’t just super adorable party decorations.Handthem out to each one of your friends at the end of the night asfunparty favors they’re sure to love.10 Cacti Balloons: If you’re really digging the look ofcactusballoons, use those creative juices to whip up a variety ofcacti.Before you know it, you and your party guests will feel likeyou’vebeen teleported into a DIY desert.
7-Day Smoothie Challenge 1.0.0
Jumpstart a healthier breakfast menuwithingredients rich in nutrients and energy. Use this 7-daybreakfastsmoothie challenge to treat yourself to energizinggoodness eachday of the week.Sure, it seems convenient to grab a smoothie mix from thegrocerystore or a ready-made smoothie at the café, but what do youreallyget for that convenience? One thing you’ll get is plentyofnutrient-void sugar. The smoothies at one popular café chainoftenpack in more than 100 grams of sugar per serving—that’s morethantwice the amount found in a 12-ounce can of soda! Those optionsarealso full of calories, loading your waistline with about400-600calories per 24-ounce serving.Homemade smoothies are a surprisingly easy way to power up yourdietwith healthy alternatives to processed or premade recipes.Thebreakfast smoothie ideas below contain whole food ingredientsthatoffer fiber, antioxidants, and phytonutrients, whichareplant-based chemicals that support human health.Ready to wake up the healthy way each morning with the7-daybreakfast smoothie challenge? Let’s get started!By the way, this is a great challenge to share. Set aside time onatleast one morning to sip one of these tasty recipes with apartner,friend, or neighbor.Wake up and feel great by drinking something energizing and fullofingredients that any nutritionist would approve of. Thisshakecontains flax which is incredibly nutritious thanks to theomega-3fatty acids and fibers. In addition, the bananas provide aheapingdose of potassium along with numerous other vitamins andminerals.By adding some protein powder, you will be assured to getthatimportant protein building block. One of the main contributorstothis healthy shake is kale, one of the most praised superfoodsinthe planet. So pop a straw in this refreshingly yummy, thick,andcold Morning Power-Up Energy Shake!
20 minutes Workout 1.0.0
Want to know the definition of agility?Checkout those adorable pooches that tear up the obstacle coursesonESPN2. They can run at top speed, stop short, change direction,andstart again, all in a fraction of a second. You need similarskillsso your muscles can react Jack Russell–fast, whether you'reblowingby an opponent or dodging people at a crowded airport.We asked our fitness columnist, Amy Dixon, an exercisephysiologistand the group fitness manager at Equinox in SantaMonica,California, to design a workout that will fine-tune youragility.Do the moves two noncon­secutive days a week and weguaranteeyou'll be fleet of foot in four weeks.FANCY FOOTWORKCan't make it to the gym? Kill time during commercials withthesethree living-room-friendly agility drills from Mike Mejia,acertified strength and conditioning specialist and personaltraineron Long Island, New York.SHUFFLEStand on the left side of an eight- to 10-foot-wide room (orrug)with your feet shoulder-width apart and hands at your sides.Stepto your right, first with your right foot, then with yourleft,repeating all the way across the room as explosively as youcan.When you get within a foot of the right wall, lean to the lefttoshift your momentum and shuffle back. Repeat five times.SQUAT THRUSTSStand with your feet together. Squat and place your palms onthefloor outside your feet. With your arms mostly straight, jumpyourfeet back into plank position. Then immediately jump your feetupbetween your hands and stand up. Repeat eight to 10 times.LADDER DRILLTape a two-foot square on the floor. Straddle the box. Stepquicklyinto the box with your right foot, followed by your left;then outwith your right, and out with your left. Repeat 10 times.Switchthe leading foot and do 10 more.Fine-tune your coordination in four weeks flat. Do these movestwicea week to train your muscles to respond quickly. Opt for aweight atwhich you can barely eke out the last rep of your finalset withperfect form.
Low-Impact HIIT 1.0.0
Go hard (but stay soft on your joints)withthis fast, fat-burning circuitHigh-intensity interval training (HIIT) describes any workoutthatalternates between intense bursts of activity and fixed periodsofless-intense activity or even complete rest. It is withoutquestionone of the most effective and efficient ways to burn fatand boostaerobic capacity, but what most people don't realize isthat itdoesn't have to be high impact. If you're nursing an injury(orwant to avoid ever doing so in the future), you can still reapthefat-burning, metabolism-boosting benefits of a HIITworkout.This quick workout plan was designed to help you push to yourmaxwithout pounding your joints. You don’t need a single pieceofequipment or a lot of space (and you won’t be botheringyourneighbors with loud, thumping jumps), so this "quietcardio"routine is perfect for a hotel room or smallapartment.How it works: Three days per week, do 1 set of every exercise inthecircuit, performing each move at maximum intensity for 45seconds,followed by 15 seconds of active recovery (step side toside or walkaround the room to catch your breath). Complete 2 to 4total rounds,depending on how much time and energy you have.Total Time: up to 15 minutesYou will need: No equipment
How to Lose Fat From Your Face 1.0.0
Chubby cheeks are cute on a baby, but ifyoulong for a more chiseled, mature look, lifestyle changesmighthelp. Genetics largely determine the shape of your face, butifyou're carrying extra pounds, slimming down your whole bodymayalso reveal a more slender face. You can't specifically loseweightfrom your face, but lowering your overall body fat will meanyoulose fat from your face, too. A quality diet, exercise,hydrationand skin care all help your face look its best.Why You Can't Target Face FatYour body stores fat in cells throughout your body. When youburnfat through diet and exercise, your body must first convertthestored fat to usable energy through a complex chemicalprocess.From which cells it mobilizes fat is geneticallydetermined. Youcan't guarantee when you lose weight that you'llshrink the partsof your body you consider as a "problem."Your face may look overly full if you're carrying a little extra--or a round face could also be due to your bone structure ortheshape of your salivary glands. As you age, you may also noticethatyour face's fat shifts downward, into your jowls and chin. Thisisdue to the natural loss of collagen, which provides skinfirmnessand perkiness in your youth. Changing your age or yourgeneticsjust isn't possible, but changing your weight can stillslim downyour face.The advantage of carrying some fat in your face is thatyourwrinkles will be less apparent. However, no one relishes theideaof having a chubby face after the age of three. Losing weightfromyour face will require overall weight loss. In addition,doingfacial exercises can help contour your face.Classic strategies of cutting calories and moving more helpsslimdown your face, as well as other excess fat stored in yourbody.Figure approximately how many calories you burn daily by usinganonline calculator that figures in your size, age, genderandactivity level. Then, create a 500- to 1,000-calorie deficitbyeating less and choosing smaller portions to yield a 1 to 2poundper week loss.You might desire faster loss, but cutting calories toodrasticallycan backfire. If you eat fewer than 1,200 as a woman or1,800 dailyas a man, you'll stall your metabolism, which only makesweightloss harder. Crash dieting can also make your facial skinsag,turning plump fat into droopy wrinkles. Your skin hasstretchedaround any excess fat in the face; when you lose weighttooquickly, your skin doesn't have enough time to graduallyshrinkback.
It is increasingly necessary that we usecheapstuff and they do something amazing, it's why I want today togivesome great ideas for these fruit boxes , pallets and tablesyouhave out there cast aside in a corner, not follow gatheringdustand instead you can create with them amazing andusefulfurnishings.Some of these creations do not require great experience, justbecareful, skill and possibly a little help to makeworkfaster.Remember that you can always a carpenter help developespeciallythese ideas. I hope you like it!A corner to yourself where you can relax, listen to music and haveagood read.To avoid throwing clothes everywhere, buy a pallet, color orpaintit your favorite color and set it on the wall. Add some hookstoput your clothes after a tiring day at work or school.A cute idea to separate your organic fruits vegetables.If you do not know where to get them, go to any market or whobuyyour vegetables and ask if they can sell you some boxes.Shouldnot, they can give you a good tip of where to get up closeand at agood price.Look how well is using them to separate products that do notusedaily in your home.A great way to accommodate your shoes and avoid not find evenorlost under the bed.In your yard or even in your room you could use them as shelvestoplace any type of item you use. If your room is white, werecommendpaint pastel to create a happy and relaxingatmosphere.Possibly the cheapest and most beautiful room in the world.Onlythey added some cushions for more comfort and voila!Do not buy a table, save your money and yourself apply thisidea.Best of all is that at the bottom can put your cell or booksyouread at night
Surely, the costumes, hair and makeup aregreatfun, but what would Halloween be without some adorable nailart? Geta little creative with your manicures and let yourfingertips do thetalking this Halloween! Whether it’s bloodythemed, horror flickvillains, ghouls, pumpkins, ghosts or someadorable nail arts,Halloween gives you some of the most creativeoptions. Here are 21truly inspiring and mind-blowing ideas forgetting yourself someHalloween themed nails.Evolving from the ancient Celtic holiday of Samhain,modernHalloween has become less about literal ghosts and ghouls andmoreabout costumes and candy. The Celts used the day to mark theend ofthe harvest season and the beginning of winter, and alsobelievedthat this transition between the seasons was a bridge tothe worldof the dead. Over the millennia the holiday transitionedfrom asomber pagan ritual to a day of merriment, costumes, paradesandsweet treats for children and adults.
Rainbow eyes shadow 1.0.0
While it is not an everyday look,rainboweyeshadow is a showstopper for a special party or event. Itis fun,girl-like, otherworldly all at once, and it is even easytoapply.You don't have to be a beauty guru to have beautiful lookingeyes,perfectly sculpted with just the right shades ofeyeshadow.Perfecting your shadow routine on your lids is easy witha fewquality supplies and a little practice. Try these methodsofeyeshadow application and get on your way to being the beautyenvyof your friends.Choose your eyeshadow. With entire stores designated justtoeyeshadow options, choosing the right texture, hue, and brandcanseem incredibly intimidating. Don’t allow the vast variety toscareyou though - embrace it! The hundreds of options give youmuchflexibility in choosing the best eyeshadow for you. Shadowscome inevery color imaginable, and can be found in loose powder,compactpowder, and cream forms.The most highly pigmented eyeshadow is typically loose powder,butthese are also the most difficult to control because oftheir,well, loose form. Cream shadows are easy to apply, but creasemorequickly than powder eyeshadows. The best texture to start withas anovice eyeshadow-applier is a compact powder.Although you don’t need to have dozens of colors to be aneyeshadowartist, it is recommended that you have at least threeshades ofeyeshadow in the same color palette. Several differentlooksrequire a light, medium, and dark eyeshadow.Select the right brushes. Although you can indeed applyyoureyeshadow using your fingertips, they will likely be too bigandare coated in natural oils which make application difficult.Investin a few good makeup brushes for the easiest and mostattractiveeyeshadow application. Avoid using sponge brushes foryoureyeshadow, as these do not apply the pigment well at all.Use a stiff flat brush to apply eyeshadow to your entire lid.Thisbrush is best for picking up lots of pigment and distributingitover your entire eyelid.A soft or stiff dome brush is used for applying eyeshadow toyourcrease and blending it outwards. These are a must-have forgettinga smooth, even gradation of color from your lash line up toyourbrowbone.Get a soft pencil brush to apply eyeshadow close to your lashline.These are small and thin enough to work on both your upperandlower lash line, as well as in difficult to reach areas liketheinner corner of your eyes.Know how to apply your eyeshadow. One of the most importantaspectsof applying your eyeshadow is using the correct brushstrokes andspeed. Rushing through your makeup or using the wrongbrush strokeswill create a messy, unattractive eyeshadowapplication.
When somebody says “cake“, we typicallyimaginea round baked sweet, most often decorated with fancyflowers andribbons, layered together from different kinds ofgoodies. However,the first cakes, recorded in Ancient Rome andGreece, were waydifferent: the Romans would simply enhance basicbread dough withbutter, eggs and honey, and the more creativeGreeks would maketheir version of a cheesecake, using goat’s milk.The term “cake”,however, originates from the times of the Vikings,and their OldNorse word for it, “kaka”.Whichever one it is – cheesecake, sponge cake, butter cake,fruitcake – just the sight of it usually makes our mouthswater.Recently, however, confectioners started to get a bit morecreativewith the decorations we’re so used to seeing. Not only werethegood old flowers replaced with a bit more odd figurines (like,forinstance, little piglets), but the shapes of the dessertsstartedto vary from funny to bizarre. Here’s a selection of somequiteextraordinary cake designs out there – how would you feel ifyouwere served one that’s snake, a baby panda or harrypotter´shat?There are many people who eat these cakes with eyes and seemsmadefor them . Maybe they are more beautiful than good and isalmost aregret eating them and ruin the works of art like ! Some ofthosecakes are very easy to prepare, like the most common Smartiecake,follow the recipe:smartie cakeIngredients6 oz of butter or marg6 oz caster sugar5 oz of self raising flour1 oz of coco powder1 teaspoon of baking powder2 eggshalf teaspoon of vanilla extract3 tablespoons of milkMethod.Cream together the marg/butter and sugar. Then add the rest oftheingredients in and mix well!Put in two 7 inch cake tins (I line the tins with parchmentandgrease) and place in to a preheated oven of 180 degrees for 15to20 minutes. You can tell if the cakes are cooked if when youpressthe top it gives slightly but springs back.Remove from oven and leave for 2 minutes before removing fromtinsand placing on to a wire rack to cool.Icing Ingredients:1 block of butter (250gm of 10 oz)450 grams icing sugar50 gms of coco powderhalf teaspoon of vanilla extract4 tablespoons of milkMethodSoften the butter in a mixer before adding the otheringredients.Make sure you start mixing very slowly so you do notget icingsugar everywhere. If your mixer does not have a splatterguard thencover with a tea towel.Assembling the cakeSandwich together your two cakes with icing and then applytheremaining icing around and on top of the cake. You are going tousethe using around the cake to stick the chocolate fingers tothecake, so make sure you have enough at the sides.I applied the fingers and then refrigerated the cakeovernight,before covering the top with smarties the followingday.Let´s see another fantastic examples. 
How to make a good coffee 1.0.0
If you're a lover of good coffee, withthisapplication we will give you some hints on how to makegoodcoffee.Coffee is now such a part of modern life, from that firstsmallEspresso of the morning to the last after dinner, that wemightforget it is an ancient product which features in many storiesoverthe centuries.The origin of coffee has been no exception. A legend, knownbyMuslims and Christians, speaks of a time when the Prophet wassick,the angel Gabriel returned his health and virility , offeringhim ablack drink as the great Black Stone in Mecca. As this legendrunmany others stress the importance has been attributed tocoffeethroughout human history.The slow but progressive growth of coffee in variousIslamiccountries can be traced back to 1300, and many are theancientlegends that exalt its invigorating and excitingproperties.Caffeine is not a bad word, it is a natural substance, apesticidethat defends the plant from bacteria. It almostcompletelymetabolized in the body and is excreted in the urine .Although itis the most important component it is not the only one:the coffeehas more than 1,000 substances, including vitamins,minerals andothers. The cafe is located on the 6th place among the50 foods andbeverages that are a source of antioxidants. But whatare they?They are compounds that protect the body from oxidativedamagecaused by molecules called free radicals, produced incellsdegeneracy. This is important to prevent the developmentofdegenerative diseases. The relationship between coffee beansandwelfare also seems to be behind the protection againstAlzheimer'sdisease, since it has identified a link between coffeeconsumptionand cognitive activity and the chance of getting thisdisease.we can say that no health risks today. There is muchscientificresearch that says otherwise and also ensures thatbringsbenefitsWas it parhaps coffee that black beverage that droveawaysleepiness, very useful for long nights of prayer, that themonksof the Chehodet monastery, in Yemen, obtained from roastingseedsfound in the red berries of mysterious shrubs thatgrewspontaneously in that region?Know how to make a good Espresso is the result of competenceandtechnique, coffee preparation with the mocha, for example, it isapersonal rite, which combines passion, subjective taste ,knowledgeof the coffee itself and jealously guarded secrets use.Who has not had coffee ?.Is there life before the first coffee?Without further ado here we show you step by step how tomakegood coffee.
Best Brownies Recipes 1.0.0
Are you a brownies lover ? here we bringyouwonderful options to create the most irresistible desserts basedonbrownies that you can try .A brownie is a flat, baked dessert square that was developedinthe United States at the end of the 19th century and popularizedinthe U.S. and Canada during the first half of the 20th century.Itis a cross between a cake and a softcookie in texture[ and comesina variety of forms. Depending on its density, it may beeitherfudgy or cakey and may include chocolate chips, nuts, orotheringredients. A variation made with brown sugar and chocolatebitsbut without melted chocolate in the batter is called ablondebrownie or blondie.Brownies are typically eaten by hand, often accompanied by milkorcoffee. They are sometimes served warm with ice cream (à lamode),topped with whipped cream, or sprinkled with powdered sugar.Theyare common lunchbox treats, and also popular in restaurantsandcoffeehouses.One legend about the creation of brownies is that of BerthaPalmer,a prominent Chicago socialite whose husband owned the PalmerHouseHotel. In 1893 Palmer asked a pastry chef for a dessertsuitablefor ladies attending the Chicago World's ColumbianExposition. Sherequested a cake-like confection smaller than apiece of cake thatcould be included in boxed lunches. The resultwas the Palmer HouseBrownie with walnuts and an apricot glaze. Themodern Palmer HouseHotel serves a dessert to patrons made from thesame recipe.Thename was given to the dessert sometime after 1893,but was not usedby cook books or journals at the time.Brownies come in all guises—with nuts, without,butterscotch,swirled with cream cheese, shot through with mint orfruit filling,sprinkled with chips, spiked with espresso or booze,or just plainchocolate in a million variations. But the mostimportant aspect ofa brownie, for anyone who loves brownies, istexture. Initially, Ithought there were just two camps, cakeyversus fudgy, and I wasfirmly planted in the cakey camp. But aftertesting, tasting, andcanvassing friends and colleagues about whatthey prize most in abrownie, I began to see that there's a thirdstyle to consider:chewy, which is definitely different from itscakey and fudgysiblings.Enjoy our suggestions for the best brownie.
Strength Workout to Belly Fat 1.0.0
Why, hello, abs.You already know the best cardio workout to blast belly fat. Butifyou’re looking for a more well-rounded routine, well, that’swherestrength training comes in. Yes, we’ve talked abouthowspot-reducing fat isn’t actually a thing. But truth: Losing fatallover will trim your midsection.You already know the best cardio workout to blast belly fat. Butifyou’re looking for a more well-rounded routine, well, that’swherestrength training comes in. Yes, we’ve talked abouthowspot-reducing fat isn’t actually a thing. But truth: Losing fatallover will trim your midsection.Plus, as she notes, if you’re stuck on a cardio-heavy program,yourfitness can actually plateau. Strength training will increaseyourexercise threshold so you can go harder when you do thosecardioworkouts, helping you make even bigger gains. So then thequestionbecomes: What should you do at the gym? Higher-intensitystrengthsessions that focus on full-body functional and dynamicmovements(a.k.a. how your body moves every day) will be the mosteffectiveand time-efficient way to maximize fat burning and musclebuilding.In addition, strength training has the happy effect ofincreasingbone density to keep your skeleton strong as youage.Try This Fat-Blasting WorkoutHop on the fast track to flatter abs with this five-moveworkoutfrom Hutchins. (You can find more at the Nike+ Training Clubapp,free on iTunes and Android.) To keep your heart rate upthroughout,perform 30 seconds of “work,” followed by a 10 secondrest break.Choose weights that make the last few seconds of eachinterval feeldifficult to finish with proper form.Complete the circuit three times, taking time to recoverbetweeneach round. (Think: The amount of time it'll take you to gogetwater.) The other benefit to doing a timed Tabata-style workoutisthat you tend to push yourself harder when you’re going againsttheclock rather than counting reps, says Hutchins.Oh! You’ll see that these don’t include typical core moves—nositupshere. But these moves force you to engage your absthroughout, whichwill challenge those muscles.How Often Should You Do It?You don’t want to repeat the same strength workout over andover,because gains come when you continually switch things up,Hutchinssays. When you’re first starting out, do one strengthworkoutduring your first week, she says. The second week: Do onestrengthsession and one endurance workout. Week three: Try twostrength andtwo endurance workouts. “There’s no magical science,but you wantto work with constant change to shock and surprise yourbody,” shesays. “Altering your routine will help support fatburning so youstart to see results faster.” Yes, please, and thankyou.
With devotees like Madonna, Kelly Ripa,andNatalie Portman, it's not surprising that women everywhereareflocking to barre workout classes. But it's not justHollywoodhype! Ballet-inspired workouts are a great way to developleanmuscle mass while improving your balance, flexibility, andrange ofmotion. The only downside: Some classes come with a highprice tag.To help you get in on the barre craze on any budget, weaskedMiami-based fitness expert Jessica Smith to create anat-home,ballet-inspired routine that will help lift, lengthen, andtoneyour entire body.Workout details: Do 1 set of the recommended number of reps foreachmove, moving from one to the next with little rest inbetween.Depending on how much time (and energy) you have, repeatthe fullcircuit 1, 2, or 3 times total.You’ll need: A sturdy, high back chair and a set of lighthandweights (2 to 5 lbs).Ballet-inspired workout classes are everywhere these days. Butwhenit comes to sculpting lean muscle, one workout seems toreinsupreme (especially with the celebrity set): Ballet Beautiful.Sodoes it work? Well, judging by their client list—Victoria’sSecretmodels such as Lily Aldridge are known to frequent thestudio—we’dsay absolutely.Created by professional ballerina and celebrity trainer MaryHelenBowers, the workout mixes athleticism with the grace ofclassicalballet by utilizing targeted exercises to sculpt adancer’s toned,lean bod. To increase flexibility and strengthsimultaneously, thefitness routine works the muscles in your legs,butt, core, andupper body. (Tone your body all over with Women'sHealth's IgniteRoutine by Next Fitness Star Nikki Metzger!)It’s consistency that’s key, according to Mary. “For a workout tobetruly impactful it must be about more than just how you spend afewhours a week, but also how you live,” she says. “Getting intoapositive, healthy frame of mind is everything when it comestobuilding a lifestyle in which your own fitness and health isapriority.”Ready to unleash your inner ballerina? Get the Misty Copelandcalvesof your dreams with this Ballet Beautiful workout you can doathome.
Classic Ice Cream Made in Home 1.0.0
Knowing how to make a basic vanilla icecreamwill serve you well in life. This is what makes a slice ofbirthdaycake, a wedge of Thanksgiving pie, or even a simple bananasplit ona hot summer night feel extra special and extra memorable.Plus,once you master this recipe, you're well on your way toinventingyour own flavors and making the ice cream of yourdreams.Vanilla ice cream with an egg custard base isn't particularlyhard,but it can feel that way the first time you make it. Here'sastraightforward guide through all the tricky steps so youknowexactly what to do and what to expect along the way.Making Ice Cream with an Egg Custard BaseThis ice cream is a classic, if not the classic. It uses eggyolksto both thicken the milky ice cream base and give the finishedicecream a richer taste and creamier mouthfeel.The more egg yolks you use, the richer and creamier your ice cream—use fewer yolks and your ice cream will taste lighter andmoremilky, but will also be a bit less smooth. Personally, I likearatio of four yolks to three cups of dairy. I think this makesasolidly decadent ice cream without making it tasteoverlyeggy.Watch Out for Curdled EggsUsing eggs to make ice cream, while delicious, does requiressomecaution. When heating the eggs along with the milk and sugartomake the base, it's easy for your attention to wander, resultinginlittle curdles of cooked egg in your ice cream.But never fear! There are a few built-in safeties to preventthisfrom happening:Temper the eggs: After warming the milk on its own, whisk justasmall scoop of the hot milk into the eggs and sugar. This warmstheeggs just a bit, making them less likely to curdle when youstirthem into the pot with the rest of the milk and then startcookingeverything over direct heat.Heat the base slow and low: Once you start cooking the icecreambase — the mix of milk, eggs, and sugar — on the stove, keeptheheat low and heat everything slowly. Keep stirring, scrapingthebottom and sides of the pot, so the mixture cooks evenly andthebottom doesn't scorch. It's tempting to turn up the heat tomakethis step go faster, but try to resist! Keep slowly cookingthebase until it's thickened enough to coat the back ofthespoon.Strain the finished custard: As a final fail-safe, just in caseyoureggs did start to curdle a little, strain the base beforechurningthe ice cream. Any accidental bits of curdled egg will getcaught inthe strainer — not in your ice cream.This is all to say, don't let the fear of curdled eggs keep youfrommaking this ice cream. Keep your wits about you and an eye onthepot, and you'll be fine.Churn, Then FreezeThe finished ice cream is a two part process: First you churntheice cream base in an ice cream maker until it's roughlytheconsistency of soft-serve, then you freeze it until hard.Ofcourse, if you want soft serve, then you can eat it right away!Butmost of the time, you'll want to transfer the just-churnedicecream to a freezer container and freeze it at least four hoursorovernight (which is even better) before serving.Why Churn the Ice Cream at All?Churning begins the freezing process, breaking up ice crystalsasthey form and incorporating some air into the thickening icecream.If you freeze the ice cream without churning, it will freezeinto asolid, icy brick — not very conducive to scooping out perfecticecream balls for your sundae.Don't Forget to Freeze the Ice Cream BowlIf your ice cream maker has a bowl that needs to be frozenbeforechurning, be sure to stash it in the freezer at least 24hoursbefore you plan to make your ice cream. If that bowl is lessthanice cold, the ice cream won't churn properly and will hardeninto asolid brick in the freezer instead of a scoopablefrozentreat.
Best Mango Recipes 1.0.0
What's the best thing about summer?Certainly,mangoes! Juicy, sweet and absolutely divine, this king offruits ismuch loved and most looked forward to. With a number ofvarietiesto offer like Alphonso, Chaunsa, Dashehari, Langra, Kesar,Totapurietc., India leads the production of mangoes in theworld.The sweet taste of mangoes underlined with a subtle tang hascreatedmany fans across the globe. But, we tend to overlook howamazinglyhealthy mangoes also are. We give you four reasons to eatmoremangoes this season -Lowers cholesterol: Mangoes contain fiber, pectin and vitaminCwhich help in lowering the bad cholesterol. It alsocontainspotassium which helps in controlling blood pressure andmaintainingthe heart rate.Remedy for skin problems: Mangoes are a great sourceofbeta-carotene which helps in promoting healthy and glowingskin.Beta-carotene gets converted into Vitamin A in our bodywhichprotects the cells from damage. Vitamin A also helps inimprovingthe eyesight. Mango pulp is rich with vitamin c, which canbeapplied to the face to make it soft and supple.Aides in digestion: Mangoes are rich in fiber which makesdigestioneasy. They also contain certain enzymes that help inbreaking downthe proteins, ease -up the assimilation of food andelimination ofwaste from the body. Amchoor or dry mango powder alsoacts as adigestive aid.Protects against heat strokes: Mangoes can protect you againstheatstrokes. Drinks like aam panna or mango lassi hydrate your bodyanderadicate the feeling of dryness. According to Ayurveda,mangoesenergize the entire system and regulate blood flow.Bung them in salads, smoothies or curries. Pickle them,makechutneys or create lovely desserts. Here are our top ten waysofusing mangoes creatively.
Squat Variations 1.0.0
Squats are the perfect staple and theymakeyour body look pretty amazing. But just like your wardrobe,yourfitness routine could use some variety. Even though the squatisconsidered by many to be a “leg” exercise, it’s really a fullbodymovement that works just every muscle group in the body.Not only that, but it mimics a ton of natural movement patternsineveryday life. In this nerd’s opinion, squats are the mostusefulexercise we can do when it comes to strength training.Whether your goal is to gain strength or lose weight, squats areoneof the fastest ways to get there.If you’ve never squatted before, you might be a bitintimidatedabout the idea of starting a big new exercise. Neverfear! Todaywe’re going to go over everything you need to go tostart squattingRIGHT NOW. (start in your home gym)Squats are one of the most foundational functional movements inourlives.We’ve been squatting since we were babies; as we get older andsitin unnatural positions all day – our squat form goes fromperfect,to us not knowing how to squat correctly at all.In some countries, not only do they continue to sit in a fullsquat(sometimes called a “third world squat”), but instead ofsitting ona toilet, they squat over it.Before modern day furniture and technology you didn’t stopsittingin a full squat once you got older like we do today…youcontinuedsquatting your entire life.Squats are a compound movement – which means it’s a movementthatuses more than one joint (your hip and knee joints)tocomplete.A simple bodyweight squat uses almost every muscle group in thebody– and if you add a dumbbell or barbell into the equation, Iwouldeven argue that they use every single major muscle grouptocomplete. Just think about it – in addition to your “legs,”youneed your hips, your back and core, your shoulders andarms.Nothing is left out with this monster movement.Squats will help strengthen your entire body, both your bonesandyour muscles (and your knees!), and increase flexibility.Because of the utilization of a large amount of muscle groups,theycause your body to increase our anabolic hormone production(inturn, helping us lose fat and gain muscle).Increasing the strength in your knees and hips (and entirebody)reduces your chance of injury while doing both athleticmovementsand everyday life things (such as shoveling the drivewayorstanding up and sitting down).In short, squats are amazing.They are one of the biggest bangs for your buck in terms oftime,which is why most good strength programs will have yousquatting2-3x a week, become in your own Personal trainerhomefitness.For an upgrade with major results, try these 7squatvariations
Bulking up: It’s a scary thought for manyguysat the gym because it seems like there’s always a stringattached.Everyone wants to add lean mass, but—and it’s a big but—alot of usdon’t like the idea of gaining bodyfat, even as little asa coupleof pounds, which is the norm with most mass-gaining mealplans.Seriously, what’s the point of gaining 20 or 30 pounds if agoodportion of that is fat? If you can’t see the muscle you’veadded,is it even worth having? In this case, we say no, which iswhy weprovide you with the tools you need to add musclewhilemaintaining, not increasing, your current level ofbodyfat.The Question: How do I bulk up without adding unwanted poundsoffat?The Answer: By being careful, precise and paying close attentiontofood timingSMART GROWTHBuilding muscle requires an increase in calories; that is, togainweight you must eat more calories than you burn each day. Butifyou go overboard and eat too much, you’ll kick-startthefat-storing process. So the key is to eat just enough tofacilitatethe muscle-gaining process but not so much that you’lladd fatalong with it.One way to do this is by controlling portion sizes at mealtime.Formost meals (not including postworkout), aim to get 40-60 gramsofprotein and 40-80 grams of carbs, depending on your size;biggerguys weighing more than, say, 225 pounds will shoot for thehigherend. The meal plan on the following pages gives a guidetoparticular food portions that will get you to these gramtargets.Dietary fat should be as low as possible, except forhealthy fats(from nuts, olive oil, fatty fish), which can amount to5-10 gramsper meal.THE TIME IS KEYTiming of meals is the other key to maintaining a healthyweight,while bulking up. When you eat is not only compatible withmassgains but also plays a key role in controlling body fat levels.Ifyou are trying to gain mass unique quality, increase the sizeofyour meals at breakfast and after training. These are the twotimesof day when the muscles crave more calories andnutrients-atbreakfast because you are nutritionally exhausted aftera night ofsleep, and after training because the stressed musclesare in direneed of replacement to launch the recovery process.Providing thebody with what you can put into use during thesewindowsfacilitates optimal growth and keeps body fat levelsdown.In summary, the intelligent growth-sans-muscle body fat dependsonthe manipulation of calorie intake. Yes, you have to eat moretogain mass, but when you eat more you can determine whether yougainfat or muscle. If you stick to a great breakfast and asubstantialmeal after training and evenly divide your other mealsin smallerportions, you can increase the total caloric intake,ensuring thatthose extra calories go to the muscles whenneeded.
Natural Remedies For Cellulite 1.0.0
Cellulite is the appearance of orange peelorcottage cheese skin predominantly on the legs, butt, stomach,andback of the arms.Cellulite is caused by 4 things including; fluid retention, lackofcirculation, weak collagen structure and increased bodyfat.Some other factors may increase cellulite include:hormonalimbalances, medical conditions, genetics, poor dietandtoxicity.Top Foods for CelluliteHigh fiber foods like vegetables, nuts, seeds, and berries –Helpcleanse the colon, support metabolism and balance hormones.Berriesare also beneficial because of their highantioxidantcontent.Clean protein sources – High quality, organic protein likegrass-fedbeef, free-range poultry, pastured eggs, wild caughtfish, andorganic protein powder can increase metabolism and aid incellulitereduction. Aim to consume at least 4 oz per meal.Potassium rich foods – Flush excess fluids and waste out ofcellswhich can reduce cellulite. Green leafy vegetables,avocados,bananas, coconut water and cultured dairy are highinpotassium.Bone Broth – Contains the amino acids proline and glycine thatmakeup collagen. The collagen in bone broth can strengthen yourtissuesand heal the cause of cellulite.Coconut and wild caught fish contain fatty acids thatpromotehealthy tissue. Consume 1 tbsp daily of extra virgin coconutoiland 1 serving of wild caught fish or 1,000mg of fishoildaily.Foods that Cause CelluliteSugar – Causes fluid retention, inflammation, and storage ofbodyfat all of which can increase cellulite appearance.Sodium – Increases fluid retention which is a major factor inthebuild up of cellulite.Refined flour and refined grain products – break down quicklyintosugar and are high in calories that can be stored as fat.Food Allergens – Foods like gluten, A1 casein, shellfish,andpeanuts can cause inflammation and decrease circulation.Trans and hydrogenated fats – Promote inflammation and storageofbody fat.
Tips For Quick Recovery 1.0.0
Sure, what you do during your workoutisimportant, but have you given thought to your post-workout planofaction? Muscles need some TLC after they’ve been put throughtheringer and there are some specific ways you can aid intheirrecovery. Here are some tips to ease you out of DelayedOnsetMuscle Soreness (DOMS) – that wonderful post-workout feelingoffull-body rigor mortis – and the generalpost-workoutmalaise.Quality sleep has been proven to be a critical aspect of healthoverand over again. Sleep is especially important after youexercisebecause it “resets” your body. Part of this resettingprocessinvolves the body’s release of a growth hormone (GH) thatrebuildscells and tissues. Sleep is the prime time for proteinsynthesis – acrucial step in repairing muscle fibers after they’vebeen brokendown during exercise.Pre-Workout: It has been shown in a study that adding a doseofprotein before your workout can preemptively beginthemuscle-building process before you even hit the gym.Setting a smart fitness schedule that won’t overtax your musclesinthe first place is also a good starting point when consideringthesteps of your post-workout recovery. Overtraining can affectyourhealth negatively and contribute to overuse injuries such asstressfractures, sprains, and strains among others which is whyit’simportant to set reasonable goals within your grasp.Active recovery immediately after exercise can encouragerecoveryand reduces muscle lactate levels faster than complete restas thisstudy points out. It may be tempting to stop moving afterexercisebut it’s a better idea to take a jog or do other cooldownsto helpyour muscles mend and to get your body back into arestingstate.Take these steps to decrease muscle soreness, decreaserecoverytime, and take your fitness game to the next level.
Homemade Face Natural Remedies 1.0.0
Summer is already here, and it is time tobringout your short dresses and shades to enjoy the summer sun atthepark or the beach with family and friends. Despite all thehappinessand fun, at the end of the day most of us are left withugly andunattractive sun tan on face and hands that takes away allthe funfrom the outing. With the lack of time, most of us, opt forquickfix solutions like a session of bleach or use chemicalladencosmetic products for instant tan removal. But all theseproductstake a serious toll on the delicate skin of the face andshow fatalside-effects in the long run. Therefore, it is best tochoose homeremedies to remove sun tan that not only heals thedamage in anourishing way, but is the ultimate answer to thequestion of howto get a clear face naturally.Harmful Effects of Sun Tan:Excessive exposure to ultra violate rays (UVA and UVB) of thesunaccelerates melanin production in the skin that leads todarkeningof exposed skin. Sun tan usually occurs on body parts thatareexposed to sun such as, face, neck, arms, and legs. Sun tancausesvarious skin problems such as:AcnePimplesFine LinesWrinklesDark SpotsHyperpigmentationPremature Aging of SkinSkin BurnIn extreme cases it can lead to skin cancerTop 16 Home Made Remedies for Sun Tanned Skin UsingNaturalIngredients:Instead of splurging on expensive cosmetic products that areloadedwith harmful chemicals and bleaching agents, use thesenourishingand wholesome homemade face packs prepared from aunaturelingredients that are easily available and hustle freetomake.
Tips to Get Clear Glowing Skin 1.0.0
How to get a glowing skin? How to haveflawlessskin? These are the questions that most of us ask theskinspecialists and dermatologist and which need a satisfyinganswer.Clear glowing skin is a dream for every person. No onelikespimples, zits, dark spots, baggy eyes or dark circles. Therearedifferent skin types and different problems associated withthem.Dry skin can get itchy sometimes and needs to be hydratedoften tokeep it glowing. Oily skin is prone to pimples and has agreasytexture. Some people have normal skin, which is God’s gift,andthen there are people with combination skin who have to facetheproblems of both dry skin and oily skin. Perfect skin is nottoooily or dry but needs to be taken care with regular toningandcleansing. There are various types of facial masks madewithnatural ingredients which can also help in providing naturalglowto the skin.Some people have two different facial skin, the area near thecheeksand eyes is dry while the forehead and area around the mouthlookgreasy and has a darker shade. They need to treat theseareasdifferently with different kinds of creams. Every skin typehas aproblem. But, where there is a will there is a way. Thechangeneeds to come from within.If you can make it a daily routine and take care of your skineveryday, you can be sure to reap the fruit of your hard work. Yourskinwill look flawless and shiny, even as you age. Here are somegreattips for clear skin. These tips are all natural, easilyaccessiblewhich not only give you a better skin but also a healthylife. Theyare perfect for all the skin types.Everything healthy starts from your diet. Digestive problemsresultin skin impurities; hence diet is really essential forhealthyskin. Taking in the right amount of micro-nutrients andvitamins isgreat for clear skin. Food for glowing skin should becarefullyselected natural protein foods like fish, nuts and whitemeat,grains like buckwheat, brown rice and quinoa, vegetableslikebroccoli, tomato and beets are very healthy and good fortheskin.Try to avoid processed and man-made food. Omega3 fatty acidsaregreat to reduce inflammation; this is found in walnuts, salmonandsoybeans. Eat plenty of healthy food to keep your skinglowing.More intake of fruits and vegetables will leave you withspotless,clear skin.
Gluten free desserts 1.0.0
Worried you have a gluten-intolerance?Alreadyliving with coeliac disease? If you're gluten-free thesedessertrecipes will help make the everyday a little easier.Coeliac disease is a lifelong, serious autoimmune disease causedbythe immune system reacting to gluten - a protein found inwheat,barley and rye. The only treatment for the condition is astrictgluten-free diet for life.For those newly diagnosed with the condition, the prospect ofastrict gluten-free diet may seem daunting at first; but armedwiththe right knowledge, the gluten-free diet can be relativelyeasy toadapt to. Here are Coeliac fantastic desserts.All packaged food is covered by a law on allergen labelling,meaningyou can tell whether or not a product is suitable for agluten-freediet by reading the ingredients list. If a cerealcontaining glutenhas been used as an ingredient in the product, itmust be listed inthe ingredients list (no matter how little isused).The specific grain will be listed, so look out for mentionsofwheat, rye, barley, oats, spelt, or any other grain which hasbeenmade through breeding these together as these all containgluten.Often, these ingredients will be highlighted in bold.Pasta, bread and crackers all contain gluten, but that doesn’tmeanyou can’t still enjoy these foods in your diet. Instead, switchtogluten-free alternatives of your favourite foods, which youwillfind in most supermarkets and health food stores.Gluten-freesubstitute foods include pasta, bread, crackers, breadrolls,cereals and more.Fresh fruit and vegetables, meat, poultry, fish, cheese and eggsarenaturally gluten-free, so use these as the basis toyourmeals.The gluten-free diet doesn’t mean that all grains and cerealsareoff the menu. Quinoa, teff, amaranth, polenta, buckwheat,corn,millet and tapioca are just some of the naturallygluten-freegrains which can be included in the diet. Just check thelabels tomake sure you are using uncontaminated versions. Tryswappingtraditional breadcrumbs for polenta crumbs, opt forgluten-freebuckwheat or rice noodles and pasta and try baking withquinoa forgluten-free alternatives.In the same way you can take advantage of rich options forglutenfree desserts .
Healthy snacks at night 1.0.0
Eating past 8 p.m. has gotten a bad rap.Inreality, the reason you may have gained (or not been able tolose)weight probably has more to do with what you are eating andhowmuch you are eating rather than the time of day you areeating.Noshing at night, if done healthfully, can offer somesurprisingbenefits. Eating the right protein at night can help youbuildmuscle while you sleep. Eating low-glycemic carbs at night canhelpcontrol your blood sugar the next day and even help youregulateyour appetite. Here we will show you fantastics snacks thatare OKto eat at night. Some are not-so-guilty pleasures, some aregreatsnacks to have after a light dinner and others makefantasticpost-workout snacks (for those of you who work out atnight).When it comes to snacking within an hour or two of yourbedtime,there's a few things to consider: First, research doeslinklate-night calories to the potential for weight gain. Onestudyfound that eating right before turning in can make your snoozetimemore restless, and that sets you up for fatigue and bingeingthenext day. Also, late-night noshing tends to be associatedwithstress eating, which leads to overindulging in high-fatcomfortcalories.On the other hand, trying to catch shuteye when your stomachismaking scary growling sounds isn't a smart idea, either. Yoursleepquality will suffer, and you'll feel tired and famished inthemorning—both of which can lead you to overdo it and mess upyourhealthy-eating plans. The solution: Reach for one oftheselow-calorie, sleep-inducing snacks that won't have you wakeupfeeling bloated.While late-night eating may not be as bad for your waistline asyouthink, that doesn't mean that all snacks are created equal.Thebest late-night snacks are easy to digest — carbs are good butnottoo much fiber, protein, or fat — so you don't lie awakefromfeeling too full. But if your late-night eating includesbutterygrilled cheese, ice cream, or gobs of peanut butter, hereare a fewhealthier options for you. Make these low-calorie optionsahead oftime for quick snacking when the mood strikes!
TOP Costumes for halloween 1.0.0
The best Halloween costumes are inspired bytheyear’s most memorable moments, and 2016 has been nothing ifnotmemorable. We've had the starbucks drinks and a snapchatfilter,which dominate headlines (and Facebook timelines!) everyfouryears. Throw in a masterpiece visual album from Beyoncé, thehypesurrounding Pokémon Go, and the candy-colored, quotablecrazinessof Suicide Squad, and 2016 is basically begging for aHalloweencostume bonanza.Major moments:This is the year that Pokémon Go took over the world, and asthemost popular mobile game in US history, nearly 10 millionAmericanshave tried to catch 'em all.Diehard Starbucks fans love to show off their obsessiononHalloween, dressing up as frothy Frappuccinos or drawingothercaffeinated costume inspiration from the brand. Theso-called"rainbow drinks" (variations of Starbucks Refreshers andfruityteas that show off the color spectrum) blew up Instagram overtheSummer. Because Starbucks is a widely beloved brand andtheInsta-famous drinks are an easy costume to replicate, wetotallyagree with their prediction!Beyoncé's Lemonade visual album premiere on HBO drew animpressive787,000 viewers when it debuted on April 23, and all 12tracks fromthe album rested comfortably on the Billboard Hot 100chartsfollowing its release. Lemonade quickly became aculturalphenomenon, sparking political controversy and inspiringfashiontrends . . . which is exactly why it makes a great costumeidea.The iconic look from "Hold Up" is a great way to channelBey'sflawless fierceness, especially considering that you only needafew key pieces to re-create the get-up for Halloween.Eccentric Suicide Squad front runner Harley Quinn was themosttalked-about part of the film, which was one of the mostprofitablemovies of the Summer. After raking in $300 million at theboxoffice, Suicide Squad became a bona fide part of 2016'spopculture; specifically, Harley Quinn's daring look andquirkyattitude made her appealing to a broad group of women.Honorable mentions: Millennials will also gravitatetowardemoji-inspired costumes this Halloween, proving yet againthat it'sway better to communicate with modern-day hieroglyphs thanwithreal words. Emoji are a vital part of teens,' 20-somethings,'and30-somethings' communication styles, and many tech-savvy folkshavea "spirit emoji" to emulate. They're easy to replicatewitheveryday items like red dresses or sunglasses, so emoji willhopoff your iPhone screen and into the real world on Oct. 31.