Atebol ئاپەکان

Brushing teeth without water 1.0.0
Brushing teeth without water is one of a series ofbilinguallightweight apps designed to develop the social skills ofchildrenon the autistic spectrum, including Asperger’s Syndrome.Thisparticular app uses a fully-3D animated character to showchildrenexactly how and where to brush their teeth. It includessupport forEnglish and Welsh.
Turn taking when playing games 1.0.0
Taking turns when playing a game is one of aseries of bilingual lightweight apps designed to develop the socialskills of children on the autistic spectrum, including Asperger’sSyndrome. This particular app shows children how to wait their turnwhen playing a game. It includes Welsh and English versions.
Physical bullying 1.0.0
Physical bullying is one of a series ofbilingual lightweight apps designed to develop the social skills ofchildren on the autistic spectrum, including Asperger’s Syndrome.This particular app shows children what to do if they are beingbullied physically. It includes Welsh and English versions.
Making contact 1.0.0
Making contact is one of a series of bilinguallightweight apps designed to develop the social skills of childrenon the autistic spectrum, including Asperger’s Syndrome. Thisparticular app shows children how to make contact with each otherin order to play together. It includes Welsh and Englishversions.
How to dry myself 1.0.0
How to dry myself after a shower or bath isone of a series of bilingual lightweight apps designed to developthe social skills of children on the autistic spectrum, includingAsperger’s Syndrome. This particular app shows children how to drythemselves after a shower or bath. It includes Welsh and Englishversions.
Where to touch (in school)
This app shows children how to get the attention of another child.
Circle Time 1.0.0
Circle time is one of a series of bilinguallightweight apps designed to develop the social skills of childrenon the autistic spectrum, including Asperger’s Syndrome. Thisparticular app shows children how to behave during circle time. Itincludes Welsh and English versions.
Winning and losing
This app deals with winning and losing in a race and in a game.
Blowing your nose 1.0.0
Blowing your nose is one of a series ofbilingual lightweight apps designed to develop the social skills ofchildren on the autistic spectrum, including Asperger’s Syndrome.This particular app shows children how to blow their nose properly.It includes Welsh and English versions.
Kind Hands 1.0.0
Kind hands is one of a series of bilinguallightweight apps designed to develop the social skills of childrenon the autistic spectrum, including Asperger’s Syndrome. Thisparticular app shows how children should use their hands to be kindto others rather than unkind. It includes Welsh and Englishversions.
Using the toilet 1.0.0
Using the toilet is one of a series ofbilingual lightweight apps designed to develop the social skills ofchildren on the autistic spectrum, including Asperger’s Syndrome.This particular app shows children how to use the toilet. Itincludes Welsh and English versions.
Brushing teeth with water 1.0
Brushing teeth with water is one of a seriesof bilingual lightweight apps designed to develop the social skillsof children on the autistic spectrum, including Asperger’sSyndrome. This particular app uses a fully-3D animated character toshow children exactly how and where to brush their teeth. Itincludes support for English and Welsh.
How to take a bath 1.0.0
How to take a bath is one of a series ofbilingual lightweight apps designed to develop the social skills ofchildren on the autistic spectrum, including Asperger’s Syndrome.This particular app shows children how to take a bath (withoutwashing hair). It includes Welsh and English versions.
Eating with a knife and fork 1.0.0
Eating with a knife and fork is one of aseries of bilingual lightweight apps designed to develop the socialskills of children on the autistic spectrum, including Asperger’sSyndrome. This particular app shows children how to use a knife andfork when eating. It includes Welsh and English versions.
Wearing a seatbelt in a car 1.0.0
Wearing a seatbelt in a car is one of a seriesof bilingual lightweight apps designed to develop the social skillsof children on the autistic spectrum, including Asperger’sSyndrome. This particular app shows children how to use a seatbeltin a car. It includes Welsh and English versions.
Taking turns when playing 1.0.0
This app shows children how to wait their turn to use playgroundequipment.
Answering the phone 1.0.0
Answering the phone is one of a series ofbilingual lightweight apps designed to develop the social skills ofchildren on the autistic spectrum, including Asperger’s Syndrome.This particular app shows children how to answer the phone. Itincludes Welsh and English versions.
Going to the dentist 1.0.0
This particular app deals with a visit to the dentist.
Ask for help when lost 1.0.0
Asking for help when lost is one of a seriesof bilingual lightweight apps designed to develop the social skillsof children on the autistic spectrum, including Asperger’sSyndrome. This particular app shows children how to get help ifthey are lost. It includes Welsh and English versions.
Seren Iaith 2 1.2.0
Cafodd y gyfrol Seren Iaith dderbyniadgwresoggan ddysgwyr ac athrawon ledled Cymru a mawr fu’r galw amolynydd.Dyma felly fynd ati i gyhoeddi app Seren Iaith 2 gan ddilynfformatllwyddiannus y gyfrol gyntaf.Mae’r tasgau amrywiol yn cynnwys esboniad ar bwynt gramadegolgydagymarfer yn dilyn er mwyn atgyfnerthu’r dysgu a’r ffurfllenwibylchau, adnabod gwahanol fathau o dreigladau, newid personneuamser y ferf ac ati.Nod yr app hwn yw gwella sgiliau ieithyddol oedolion a phoblifancCymru, yn Gymry Cymraeg ac yn ddysgwyr ac unwaith eto,targedir ygwallau mwyaf cyffredin. Mae atebion posibl i bob tasg argael wrthddefnyddio’r ‘seren atebion’ yn y meddalwedd.Am fwy o fanylion am yr ap ewch i wefan
Fire Drill 1.0.0
Fire drill is one of a series ofbilinguallightweight apps designed to develop the social skills ofchildrenon the autistic spectrum, including Asperger’s Syndrome.Thisparticular app shows children how to behave during a fire drillatschool. It includes Welsh and English versions.
Amser 1.31
Ap Atebol Amser - Help gyda gwella sgiliau dweud amser i blant 7-12oed
Anagramau - Ail Iaith
Ap Atebol Anagramau - Help gyda gwella sgiliau llythrennedd i blant7-12 oed
Dyfal Donc 1.0
Dyfal Donc – gêm hwyliog a difyr i brofidysgiliau yn y Gymraeg!Ceisia ddyfalu’r geiriau o’r lluniau cyn i’r cloc dy guro! Maecaelgair yn gywir yn ennill pwyntiau ac amser ychwanegol!Dos amdani! Dangos dy sgiliau! Anhygoel!
Brawddegau - Iaith Gyntaf 1.3
Ap Atebol Brawddegau – Help gyda gwellasgiliau llythrennedd i blant 7-12 oed. Cyfle i wella sgiliau iaithsylfaenol a llwyddo yn yr ysgol. Addas ar gyfer plant sy’n siaradCymraeg fel iaith gyntaf. Gêm ddifyr a hwyliog sy’n gwneud dysgu ynhwyl! Cyfle i symud o un lefel i’r llall a gweld os ydych chi’ngallu gwella eich sgôr. Curo’r cloc ydy’r gamp!
Anagramau - Iaith Gyntaf 1.3
Ap Atebol Anagramau - Help gyda gwella sgiliau llythrennedd i blant7-12 oed
Sillafu - Iaith Gyntaf 1.3
Ap Sillafu Atebol – Help gyda gwella SillafuCymraeg ar gyfer plant rhwng 7-12 oed. Cyfle i wella eich Sillafuyn y Gymraeg. Addas ar gyfer plant sy’n siarad Cymraeg fel iaithgyntaf. Gêm sillafu lle mae’r chwaraewyr yn ceisio ennill y cloc agwella eu sgôr gan symud o un lefel i’r llall.
Undressing 1.0.0
Undressing is one of a series ofbilinguallightweight apps designed to develop the social skills ofchildrenon the autistic spectrum, including Asperger’s Syndrome.Thisparticular app shows children how to undress tidily. ItincludesWelsh and English versions.
Asking for help at school 1.0.0
Asking for help at school is one of a seriesofbilingual lightweight apps designed to develop the social skillsofchildren on the autistic spectrum, including Asperger’sSyndrome.This particular app shows children how to ask for help intheclassroom or elsewhere at school. It includes Welsh andEnglishversions.
On-screen bullying 1.0.0
On-screen bullying is one of a seriesofbilingual lightweight apps designed to develop the social skillsofchildren on the autistic spectrum, including Asperger’sSyndrome.This particular app shows children what to do iftechnology is usedto bully them. It includes Welsh and Englishversions.
Verbal bullying
This app shows children what to do if they are being bulliedverbally.
Washing hands 1.0.0
Washing hands is one of a series ofbilinguallightweight apps designed to develop the social skills ofchildrenon the autistic spectrum, including Asperger’s Syndrome.Thisparticular app shows children how to wash their hands. ItincludesWelsh and English versions.
How to take a shower
This app shows children how to take a shower. In Welsh and Englishversions.
Plant y Bydysawd
Nofel Graffeg rhyngweithiol - Crëwch straeon neu gorffen rhai syddar yr ap.
How to wash hair in a bath 1.0.0
How to wash hair in a bath is one of a series ofbilinguallightweight apps designed to develop the social skills ofchildrenon the autistic spectrum, including Asperger’s Syndrome.Thisparticular app shows children how to wash their hair in a bath.Itincludes Welsh and English versions.
Shopping (small shop)
This app shows children how to shop in a small shop. In Welsh andEnglish
Zap Ffactor Picnic 2.1
Welsh diphthongs, ae, ai, oi, aw, au, oe, ei, eu, ia, io, wy, yw,ew & iw.
Cwest Breuddwyd Myrddin Ail Iaith 1.1
An educational game to help children in Key stages 2 & 3tolearn Welsh through play. The game I based on 13 legends from13areas of Wales.
Time to finish
This app deals with play time and lessons coming to an end. InEnglish and Welsh
Cwest Breuddwyd Myrddin 1.2
Gêm sy'n defnyddio chwedlau Cymru i ddatblygu sgiliau iaithallythrennedd.
Defnyddio Deuseiniaid 1.0
Familiarising with Welsh diphthongs.
Ffair Sillafu 1.2
App to help improve spelling of commonly used Welsh words.
Robot Factory - Key Stage 2 1.2
Twenty activities to motivate and explore mathematical concepts.