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Dress and Make Frozen 1.7
Frozen dress and make a great fashion game in which you spot trendsand latest developments for next season. The Frozen girls want togo to the last and have to embellish and make up to achieve yourgoal.Choose from all the clothes available to the park you can choosea pair of shorts, a t-shirt, hat, sunglasses and comfortable shoes.To go to a party you can wear a beautiful evening dress, do notforget the jewelry and accessories, hair accessories, some niceheels ... And especially clothing combines with a suitable makeup.The Frozen most glamorous girls can not leave the house withoutmakeup: You You apply a blush, lipstick, mascara ...With these games Frozen dress and make you what you are spendinggreat, you can download and start playing with all your friends,find the perfect gift for each of them look! The best game that wemake up!
Frozen Princess Coloring 1.5
♛ Frozen Princess Coloring is a very useful for children to learnto paint pictures correctly, without leaving the contour and usingcolored pencils suitable tool. A game for girls with prettypictures of your favorite movie princesses! With this educationalgame will increase the level of concentration and creativityplaying! The best free game to find among all applications tocolor!.✎ ✎ ✎ ✎ ✎ ✎ ✎ ✎ ✎ ✎ ✎ ✎ ✎ ✎ ✎ ✎ ✎ ✎ ✎ ✎ ✎♛ Frozen Princess Coloring is an ideal place to develop theimagination and ingenuity of the smaller children's play house. Youonly need to select an image and start painting using the touchscreen of your mobile device. This coloring game will be your bestchoice!.
Coloring: Trucks 1.0
✎ Coloring: Truck is a drawing tool created for the children tocolor properly. A painting game with a gallery of images fromtrucks, trucks dangerous goods, crane trucks, fire trucks ... Thischildish game is suitable for children to paint pictures using theright colors and pencils without crossing the boundary image.✎ Coloring: Trucks is an educational game that encouragesimagination and ingenuity of the kids! When they start to play thisgame trucks do not stop! Besides this free application developedconcentration, enhance creativity and writing smaller house!.
Dress Up Sofia Game 1.0
Would you wish to recommend the looks of the people, advise on theappearance of others and become a prestigious stylist? Then don'tmiss our awesome dress application with which you will spendmoments of real fun with your friends or playing alone, just putyour own limits and challenge yourself!In this pastime you'll have to help your best friend from thechildhood, Sophia, to be beautiful for the party that isapproaching, for this you will have a myriad of clothing andaccessories to create a wonderful outfit: from short shirts, colorsvests, tight skirts, woolen sweaters and leather jackets to longdresses, strapless dress, silk blouses ... and many others thatwill make it more easy. She trusts your talent and your skills as adesigner for going resplendent to the celebration, so don'tdisappoint her and get down to work. First of all take themeasurements of her body and choose the costumes that go with hersize, once you have the outfit chosen combine different accessoriessuch as headbands or crowns for the hair, flowers, handbags, beltsand shoes for achieve a unique look and full of personality.Don't forget to make a beautiful and simple hairstyle, makeupthe face properly and apply perfume on her neck, this way you willcreate a good presence. With high quality graphics, the most realdesigns of the screens and a very easy interface to use you willlive an experience out of the ordinary, Luck!
Coloring: Fruits for Kids 1.3
✎ Coloring: Fruits for Kids is an educationaltool created to help your children learn to color properly. A setof paint that contains an incredible collection of drawings ofstrawberries, oranges, cherries, pineapples, pears, bananas andmore. If looking for a coloring game for kids, this will be thebest choice among all free games!.✎ Coloring: Kids Fruit will become the favorite paintingapplication for their children. Download and start playing ColoringFruit, a game for children that will help them learn to paint usingimagination, creativity and logic!.
Mermaids Dress up Games 1.3
✰ Mermaids Dress Up Games is an excellent gamedesigned for girls to have fun playing with your favoriteprincesses! A beauty game you will become the best fashion game,play hair and makeup game will find among all free apps! This gamehas a collection of clothes and accessories to dress very beautifulSirens!.✰ Features Mermaids Dress Up Games:- Change skin tone- Change hairstyle- Choose clothing- Choose a mermaid tail- Select jewelry and accessories- Change wallpaper- Choose pet
Teddy Coloring Game 1.0
✐ Teddy Coloring Game is a tool created forchildren to enhance creative skills necessary to achieve paintpictures properly, without leaving the contour and choosing theright colors for a perfect drawing! Also thanks to these gamesteddies will improve the level of writing, imagination and increaseconcentration level! If looking for a good application of colorthis is the best free game you can find!.✐ Download Coloring GameTeddy and their children will spendmoments full of fun and excitement! A draw game with excellentimages of teddies that will become your new friends will not stopplaying with them! A children's game designed for children tobecome little artists. A very useful and simple application so theycan create their own works of art!.✐ With Teddy Coloring Game you can forget about buying moresketchbooks, which will save enough money. Only a mobile device andeager to have fun you need! You must select a favorite picture ofyour child and start painting! An ideal place to learn to colorproperly while playing with nice plush toys! Educational game.
Makeup and Dress Up Games 1.0
If you like taking care of people, beautifyyour friends and make them look nice and relaxed all the time, don'miss our fantastic aesthetics game with which you'll have uniquemoments with your friends and family or debating solo, just putyour limits and challenge yourself! With high quality graphics anda simple interface to use you will spend moments of authentic joywithout even leaving home.If you are passionate about beauty and the personal image ofother people this is the perfect pastime for you, cause here youwill become a famous beautician beloved by all your customers.Don't panic, you have all the necessary tools and materials tosuccessfully meet your goal: from the thermal baths, slimming algaeand tweezers to depilatory wax, revitalizing masks and shampoos forevery skin type that will make everything a little easier. Start bychoosing the girl you want and start your work with her, firstclean the face, remove pimples, make a whole facial cleaning andmake a therapeutic massage to end up like new. Once you finish thisprocess makeup the girl simple but in elegant way and choose themodel of clothing you want to put her, there will be differentcostumes to choose from: shirts, skirts, bathing suits, dresses ...etc.Achieved to let the models with a unique and radiant appearanceto get to the catwalks and look her best, thanks to you they'llsucceed in the world of fashion and you'll earn a lot of money.Don't hesitate and show your gift to fix others, Luck!
Make Manicures and Nails 1.0
Welcome to your new beauty business! If you'vealways been a fan of the overall beauty of women, you like groomingyour friends and you want to learn new treatments and facets inthis fun world, you can't miss our amazing manicure game createdfor those entrepreneurs people in the mood of facing personalchallenges, dare!The most famous girls in the world are ready to go to your salonand be arranged according to your personal taste, because they relyon your talent and they will want you to work with them to achievethe perfect look. Don't panic because you'll have the necessarytools and materials to fulfill your job satisfactorily: from nailpolish remover, cotton and liquid soap to tweezers, nail files,polishers... and many others that will make things a little easier.First you must wash the area, cut the nails the way they want,remove cuticles and polish to give shape. Once you finish theprocess make a massage, apply moisturizer on the hands to make themsoft and let your imagination soar painting with the colors youprefer and don't neglect to engage the stickers and decorationsthat your client chooses, whether stars, flowers, diamonds andprecious stones!With high quality graphics that will make you feel that you'replaying in the very fact, the most innovative designs of thescreens and a really easy interface to use you will live anexperience out of the ordinary, Luck!
Cooking Burgers 1.0
If you like homey food, cooking tasty homemademeals for others and you want to learn different ways of combiningingredients you can't miss this fantastic cook game, an applicationdesigned for those entrepreneurs people eager to discover newrecipes and succeed a little higher in the world of gastronomy, youcan't miss it!A pastime loaded with excellent quality graphics, the mostinnovative and actual designs of the screens and a really easyinterface to use, just swipe your finger across the screen andguide your chef in the decisions you want to do. To begin with yourgoal and win fame you will have to create a simple but exquisitemenu, for this you'll have all the necessary foods and materialsthat you are going to require: from meat, bread, vegetables, saucesand soft drinks to pans, mixers, fryers, barbecues, dishes, cutlery... and many more that will make things a little easier. Takeeverything you need and get down to work, start making hamburgersof one, two or three floors with the components that selects thecrowd, serve the command with very good manners and remember to puta lot of ice in the drinks.Be careful because it is not as simple as it seems, you'll havea time limit to deliver the sandwich, if you exceed it you'll losethe game and you'll have to start again. Enter now in the kitchenand show your gift of chef, Luck!
Dress Up Frozen Games 1.8
❄ Games Dressing Frozen is a fun game forgirls created for them to play with their favorite princesses! Abeauty game also brings the best fashion games, games hair andmakeup games to be found! With a large collection of seasonalclothing, shoes and accessories to dress!.❄ Features Games Dressing Frozen:- Select skin type- Select type of makeup- Select type of hairstyle- Select clothing models- Select Model Shoe- Select various fittings and accessories- Select favorite pet
Ear Doctor Games 1.3
✔ Ear Doctor Games is a game of medicine to treat patients withsore ears! A surgery game with an exciting goal: Troubleshoot earsof people who come to your query! The best app you'll find amongall free games!✔ Ear Doctor Games is a very fun tool to be the best doctorever! It offers tools, utensils and tools to detect, cure andoperate diseases so that patients be happy! A game for children andadults with easy to use will spend hours playing it. Download GamesDoctor Ears!✔ * PLAY * Ear Doctor Games:- Choose favorite character- Clean bacteria- Remove infections- Operate ears- Treat Injury
Traffic Racer Car 1.0
✇ Traffic Car Racer is a street racing gamecreated for fans of speed! The best app you'll find among all cargames. You'll have to drive as fast as you can in a straight linewithout hitting other cars going very slow road. Try to collect allpossible stars for the best score!.✇ Initially Car Racer Traffic is quite simple, but as you gothrough the game on the road there will be much traffic, all thecars ahead of where you can without hitting them! You have to keepyour eyes open and be very focused not to cause any accidents beeliminated.✇ The aim of Traffic Racer Car is tilting the mobile device tocontrol the car and avoid other drivers, on the right you'll see anarrow that can be used to increase the speed, which will make thisgame more interesting racing!.✇ Traffic Car Racer offers excellent choices:- Unlimited levels- High Speed- Gauge mobile- Music and sound- Coins
Making Burgers Game 1.0
Do you want to become into the mostprestigious chef in the world of gastronomy, cook tasty dishes tosurprise the crowd and learn new recipes? Then don't miss out thisamazing burgers application created for those entrepreneurs peoplewanting to open their own business and succeed in restoring, dare!Here you'll get to own your restaurant if you get togetherenough money and you satisfy the eager audience, for it you mustwork very hard day and night and apply yourself to be the best chefon the planet. But don't panic, because you will have an endlessvariety of food and materials to meet the challenge: from beef,chicken, bread pip, tomatoes, lettuce and various cheeses to pans,ovens, mixers, grinders and cutlery. Once the customers come to thedining offer them a table and let them choose between the differentdishes from the menu, write the commands and immediately go to thekitchen to prepare the meals. Don't neglect to serve everything ina record time because otherwise people will be disappointed andthey will not want to return, so enter in the kitchen and triumphsfor your talent.You will enjoy the most innovative and real designs of thescreens with which you'll believe that you are playing in the veryreality and a very simple interface to use, just make click andlead your protagonist in the decisions that you think appropriate,Luck!
Mahjong Solitario Chino 1.0
Estás listo para enfrentarte a la aplicaciónmás esperada y famosa de los últimos tiempos? Si eres un chico conganas de aprender y sin miedo a nada, este es el pasatiempoperfecto para ti, te damos la oportunidad de demostrar tuinteligencia de la manera más divertida y entretenida! Diviértetejunto a tus amigos y familiares, desafiaros a una partida ycomprueba tu éxito ganando a todos!Para empezar esta misión debes mantener la calma en todo momentoy no ponerte nervioso, pues es un juego de paciencia y requieremucha concentración para poder resolver la pantalla de formaexitosa. Para comenzar con él debes escoger que tipo de tablónquieres solucionar porque hay muchos tipos y depende de cual serámás sencillo o más difícil. Al inicio de la jugada verás que haypiezas bloqueadas y deberás liberarlas cada vez para ir superandoel nivel, te atreves con ello? Las cartas estarán obstruidas cuandohaya alguna adherida a su derecha, sobre ella o bien a suizquierda, pero no te preocupes si hay una que otra por encima opor debajo. Una vez tengas el tablero estudiado empieza a emparejarfichas de idéntico formato y si ves que no están atascadasselecciónalas para eliminarlas y así sucesivamente con todas.Muestra tu habilidad y agilidad al pensar rápido, no tienes ningunaprisa ni tiempo límite así que reflexiona detenidamente tusmovimientos y consigue tu meta.Si en algún instante quedas estancado o sin saber por dóndetirar podrás pedir ayuda y el mismo panel te ayudará mostrándote unmovimiento nuevo, no obstante recuerda, tendrás una cifraestipulada y si la superas perderás y empezarás por el principio.Reta a los mejores competidores y déjalos boquiabiertos con tu don.Suerte!Are you ready to face themost anticipated and famous application of recent times? If you'rea guy wanting to learn and not afraid of anything, this is theperfect hobby for you, we give you the opportunity to demonstrateyour intelligence in a fun and entertaining way! Have fun with yourfriends and family, challenge you to a game and check your successbeating all!To start this mission you must remain calm at all times and notget nervous, because it is a game of patience and requires a lot ofconcentration to solve the screen successfully. To begin with ityou must choose what type of board you want to solve because thereare many types and depends on what will be easier or harder. At thebeginning of the play you'll notice blocked parts and must releasethem ever to go beyond the level, you dare to do? The cards will beblocked when there is some attached to his right, on her or hisleft, but do not worry if there is another above or below. Once youhave studied the board begins to match tiles of identical formatand if you see that they are not stuck select them to eliminatethem and so on with all. Show your skill and agility to think fast,you have no hurry or time limit so closely reflects your moves andget your goal.If at any moment stay stagnant or not knowing where to get helpand can pull the same panel will help by showing a new movement,however reminded, have a stipulated amount and if you exceed loseand will start at the beginning. Challenge the best competitors andleave them speechless with your gift. Luck!
Feet and Nails Doctor 1.3
✗ Doctor Feet & Nails is a game for thewhole family, you have to get your patients to have the feet andnails manicured, for that you have to cure them wounds, applyiodine to disinfect, remove germs and bacteria, applying creams andeverything you need to look attractive feet.✗ Set Foot & Nail Doctor features:- Healing the wounds- Remove the blood- Operation feet- Caring for toenails- Ask pedicure- Apply bandages- Perform massage- Wash feet✗ With this fun game you will have a great time and thanks tothis free application you will become a great doctor and footnails, you want to play a game? Sure you will not stop playing overand over again!
Hospital Doctor Dentist 1.3
✗ game Dentist Clinic is a new tool to be thebest dentist! A set of teeth with which you can clean gums, killbacteria, kill germs, cure cavities, extract teeth and teeth ...The best game of the mouth that physicians find applications amongall doctors! This game has many dentists utensils, appliances andtools needed to make a perfect smile!.✗ * HOW TO PLAY * Dentist Doctor in Hospital:- Eliminate germs and bacteria that attack teeth- Oral Cleanliness- Extraction of teeth and teeth- Operate mouth- Remove decay- Brushing teeth✗ A free game for kids and adults! With Dentist Doctor inHospital you will have great!.
Operate Surgery Game 1.2
Surgery and operation game to be the bestdoctor! You'll have a medical mission with great responsibility andachieve complete a surgical operation life and death, you dare tochallenge?In game operate surgery you have everything you need to completethis surgical intervention. A patient will come to your query thathas fallen and has done much harm, the poor have broken a leg andcan not walk, so we have to operate immediately!The first thing you have to do is to disinfect the affectedarea, you look capable of operating? ru patient will thank you,follow the steps listed you to do the surgery:- Apply with a cotton iodine- Make a cutting blade- Remove broken bones- Place the iron plate- Tighten the screws- Sew the wound
Racehorses 1.0
Would you like to have your own horse, carefor it, tame it and compete with him? If so, go ahead, we give youthe opportunity to realize your dream competing against thestronger opponents. You can instruct yourself in dressage or racingin the most famous races in history. A game with high qualitygraphics and a simple gameplay, just swipe your finger across thescreen and guide your player in the decisions that you considermore convenient.Do not hesitate and enters in this adventure of riding, you willnot regret and you'll want to play all the time with your faithfulfriend. Your mission in this application is to be first to thefinish line before any other runner. To meet this challenge you'llhave to train very hard day and night, as to be as fast as the windspeed you must exercise the right moves to jump when it's necessaryand do a spring when the end of the competition arrives. For thiswe offer you different circuits where rehearse with your pony,either within the racecourse in the sand, out in the field or onthe race course. You must go with care and caution to avoidcolliding with any obstacle such as rocks, stones or sticks,because if you fall of the animal you'll lose the game and you'llhave to start over. Start the gallop against the riders and showyou're the best of all, saddle your horse and run with otherthoroughbred!Beware you are not sanctioned by the judges, as they are verymeticulous and penalize the slightest fault, practice trot, canterand jump to beat and have a great time jumping. Provides food toyour pony once you're done and go with the victory in your hands,good luck!
Number game for kids 1.0
✔ Best Children's Play Number is designed forchildren to begin to learn the ways of the numbers. A convenientfree educational game for little ones of the house begin tounderstand the meaning and figure numbers.✔ Number Game for Kids is definitely a very useful tool to getyour children will learn in a fun and easy way. This one of thebest applications you'll find numbers game.✔ A memory game to help children get started with a simpleobjective math: 36 letters appear upside down, you have to go inpairs rotating until locating the identical pair. But beware thatif you mess up the cards again to hide. Download now the NumberGame for Kids and enjoy the best application to find among all thefree games and free apps.✔ children Number Game is a math game with children will spendhours playing, you'll be surprised how much you learn while havingfun. If your kids like the playground stop looking, this is yourapp!.
Candies Game 1.0
Have you waited all your life to face acomplex puzzle and prove yourself on the pitch? If you consideryourself a smart kid eager to challenge new personal challengesdon't miss out our amazing candy pastime, created specifically forthose entrepreneurs people eager to discover new diversions, dare!Here you will spend moments of pleasure without stopping evenfor a second, cause at no cost and without having to leave home weoffer you the opportunity to play forever until you reach yourpurpose. To do so stay focused and stay with the head placed on theboard because you will require a lot of skill to solve the board.Your primary objective in the mission will be to get the raise aminimum of three identical tiles in a group to reach eliminate themain piece that will demand the panel: candy bears, biscuit canes,chocolate, sweets ... and many others. Make the movements that youthink appropriate to achieve gather the same shapes and colorstogether trying to approach the requested item.You will have more than forty levels at your disposal to solve,excellent quality graphics and a really simple interface to manage,just swipe your finger across the screen and select all themovements that you believe necessary, Luck!
Babies Run Games 1.0
Do not miss these fun games run babies! Yougoing to have a great time playing with these little kids who lovethe sport! To complete the mission babies have to be run faster andjump all obstacles to be the first to cross the finish line!You want to start running infants and complete a career full ofsurprises? With games running baby you're gonna get! The goal is tohelp these young children to reach the finish in first place! Areyou ready to start a race against time?With babies you'll run win races so in a fun way. On eachoccasion it will further complicating the race and you'll find manymore obstacles, so you'll have to prove you're an experienced riderand you're not afraid of anything! Good luck and may the bestwin!
Makeup Dress Up and Waxing 1.0
Are you a fan of clothing, you like to go tothe last trend, combine different styles and would love to takepart in the dressing of the most prestigious catwalks of Milan?Then don't miss our amazing beauty game, an application created forenthusiasts of the latest developments, at no cost and with areally easy interface to use, just swipe your finger across thescreen and guide your character in the decisions that you seenecessary!You will be responsible for the design of clothing and of theaccessories created within the cultural influences. You mustrepresent your style and personal idea as your talent andprofessionalism, but also you'll have to show your skills andknowledge in the fashion industry and demonstrate unparalleledperseverance to achieve success in the parades. You will have tochoose the girl you like and begin to apply yourself with her, takephysical measurements and find the perfect outfit for her. Therewill be plenty of dresses to choose: from skirts, silk blouses,cardigans and jeans to sandals, bags, belts and several jewelry.Once you have the clothing selected, makeup the girl according withthe tonality of the outfit that you have chosen, don't overdo withthe cosmetics or you'll disappoint the public, it is essential tohave a natural look.Make a nice hairstyle placing some accessories in the hair andremember to always apply a little bit of perfume on her neck, soyour job will end successfully. Teach to the whole world yourability to work in a wardrobe and triumph, Luck!
Nail Paint Game 1.2
Fun nail painting game for girls! To makeoriginal manicures in an exclusive salon! You can use yourimagination to create real fantasies, invent your own style anddecorate nails designs amazing! Start painting nails clientspresenting with hands made a mess and let them perfect.In nail painting game you have all the necessary tools toperform amazing manicures! You can choose the size of the nails,shape, shaping, painting nails with polish, combine colors andcreate unique designs for your creativity as a stylist!The handling of painting nails is quite simple! You only need toselect the model of your hands, shape the nails, apply nailcombining different colors and decorated with jewels and stickers.A tool with which you can play with your friends and become aperfect entertainment for all!
Waxing Princess Game 1.0
Do you like to fix, recommend and let all yourdolls perfect? If you're a flirty girl wanting to always go to thelast trend don't miss this amazing depilatory game, here you'lllearn to correctly perform the waxing and you'll declare to to be aprofessional beautician in the field of beauty, don't miss it!You will become the most good adviser in the world and you'llearn a lot of money making that the girls of the city come to yoursalon. Don't think twice, with our application you'll have funguaranteed playing hours without end and you wont' have time forboredom. Your most important task is to change the appearance ofthe girls, who will come disarray and with poor overall appearance:hair all over their body, odor and with no makeup, do you dare tomeet the challenge? Then go on, heat the wax to melt and thus moreeasily to hook to the skin, examine the parts to shave and put theproduct until dry. Once the hairs are attached to the strip bandpull gently but firmly thereby achieving pulling the hairs. If yousee several loose use the tweezers to remove them and then applysome moisturizer to relieve the tension.A pastime with the most actual designs of the screens and areally easy interface to use, just swipe your finger across thescreen, choose your favorite model and start working with her. Withno cost and without even leaving home you will spend moments ofauthentic joy, Luck!
Waxing to the Models 1.0
Ready to become a counselor and open your ownbeauty salon in the city center? If you have always liked to gopretty and you consider yourself a smug girl this is the game foryou and for those flirty ladies wanting to keep the aspectchanging. An application with the most realistic models and withhigh quality graphics, do not hesitate and enter now in thisfantastic adventure for girls.In this hobby you will become the owner of the world's mostcoveted aesthetics, all the women of the city will come to you toget nice and to remove the body hair. Your job in this mission isto ensure that girls remain happy and do not leave disappointed,for that you have to remove all the hairs and make them lookdazzling at all times. You think you can overcome this challenge?If so get ready to take all the instruments you need: tweezers, waxstrips, shaving equipment, ultraviolet light, laser hair removalmachines ... and get down to work. You must go with care not tocause any harm to the girls, they don't want to suffer and willleave angry if they feel any pain. To start shave the legs, thenthe whole arms and if they want to end up with the back. To thepeople with mustache you'll have to shave the face, for it becarefully because this area is very delicate.Once you're done with your homework applies aloe vera in thesensitive areas to avoid leaving skin redness, a hot bath torelieve the feeling of tightness and invite them to a good drinkwith ice. Customers who wish may purchase bonus for a next time,offers discount and become a famous beautician, Luck!
Shop Game 1.0
You have always wanted to own yourownboutique, sell the most innovative clothing and make you famousforyour good style? Then you can't miss this fantastic game ofclotheswith which you'll have unique moments dressing the womenaccordingto your personal taste! With high quality graphics and themostreal girls of the screens you will spend unforgettable momentswithyour dear friends, don't miss it!Create the most stylish designs of the walkway with thedifferentoutfits that are at your disposal, from colors, patterns,styles andtissue to vary together. The big event is about to openits doorsand your establishment has been chosen to design themodels of theseason thanks to your good reputation in yourprevious works, if youwant to be known in this world and highlightfor yourprofessionalism enter now and start your job. To startwith the goaland surprise the public of the steps you have all thenecessaryclothing you're going to specify: leather skirts, gowns,pearlnecklaces, platform shoes, baggy pants, high boots,transparentblouses and many more that will make things a littleeasier. Choosethe girl you prefer according to your competentelegance, take thebody measurements and start the process oftesting, dressing andchange clothes.Once you have finished the type and you know which suityou'regonna present in the contest focus on external accessories,make asimple hairstyle and put some jewelry so the lady finishshining.Manages to leave the jury speechless and win the gold medalfor thebest stylist of the year, Luck!
Clean the House 1.0
Would you like to become a domestic worker andachieve impeccable rooms? If your thing is neatness and you can'tsee a speck of dust on the floor and enter now and play with thisfun hygiene game, an application filled with high quality graphics,a really simple interface to use and the most innovative designs ofthe screens, don't miss it!Here you will be hired to perform different activities and youmust do household chores, from cleaning the house and preparingfood to washing and caring the clothes and the footwear, shopping... etc. This time you will live in the same house as your boss asan intern and you will be the principal assistant of the mansion.If you dare with the challenge and you want to show your mannersand your skills in the workplace starts with taking the materialyou are going to specify: mops, brooms, rags, dusters, vacuumcleaners .... and many more that will make things easier. First ofall remove the dust from the furniture, remove the dirt from thesurface, pass the mop across the floor, put the dirty linen in thewashing machine and iron all the items having wrinkles.Once you're done with the groom put some freshener to make theatmosphere look nicer and get ready to prepare the meal. Let yourboss surprised and earn money doing what you love, Luck!
Sell Fashion Clothes 1.0
Ready to show your gift as a saleswoman? Ifsince you where small you liked to play being a trader, you likeworking with the public and you have no fear, this is the perfectgame for you and for those enterprising girls wanting to advance inthe workplace, go ahead!If you've always wanted to own your own clothing store, creatingunique pieces and advise the most prestigious girls on the planetthis is your chance to make your dream come true! Here you will ownyour property and your primary mission will be to dispatch all theexisting items, because the more money you earn before you'll winthe game. A great fashion show is about to be held in the citycenter and the girls will come to you to dress up, so get down towork and achieve to make unique outfits: miniskirts with linenshirts, cashmere dresses with hats, baggy pants, tight shirts, bigjackets with skinny jeans ... and many others with which you willsucceed on the catwalk.Once you've selected the outfit don't neglect to add theessential accessories to excel to the top, whether high-endjewelry, chic bags, feathers in their hair, headbands withdiamonds... etc. You will enjoy a very simple interface to manage,just swipe your finger across the screen and guide your characterin the decisions that you think appropriate, Luck!
Dress Up Princess Game 1.0
Do you consider yourself a passionate aboutfashion, you like to go to the last trend and you would like tobecome the personal stylist of the big celebrities? Don't hesitateand enter now in this amazing game with which we offer you theopportunity to work closely with the princesses of the royal palaceand deal with all issues related to the beauty of women, do notmiss it!You'll have to be very friendly, respectful and attentive allthe time, because here you will deal with very important people andyou must prove your talent and ability to surprise the royalty.Don't panic because there will be a myriad of costumes, accessoriesand cosmetics available to meet your goal satisfactory, fromcouture dresses, different fabrics and materials to create tailoredsuits, feathers hats, heels, gala dresses, evening bags, satinshirts ... and many others. To begin take the measures of yourclient and start to sew the costumes, once you have finished theprocess continue by grooming the girl: apply a little bit of makeupon her face, make an elegant hairstyle, put the crown on his headand choose the jewelry according to the attire.You will have superb quality graphics, the most innovativevirtual designs of the screens and a really easy interface to use,just make click on the screen and guide your character in thedecisions that you think appropriate, Luck!
Burger Game 1.0
Are you a food lover and you like developingnew creative dishes with unique ingredients? If you love theculinary art and you would like to become a chef you can't missthis fantastic cooking game with which you will enjoy the mostinnovative recipes and where you can transform into a real chef,don't miss it!An application loaded with the most realistic designs, a reallysimple interface to use and without any cost, what are you waitingfor? Surprise your customers with homey food to make them feel likehome, today all what people want is to eat healthy and with goodquality food so offer them the best of your harvest and win thegold medal to the chef of the year! You'll have all the necessarymeats to make your menu, from beef, chicken, quail and pork tovegetables such as: lettuce, tomatoes, onions and pickles tocomplete your delicious burgers. To spice up your sandwich you'llhave bread with seeds which you can bake in the oven to make itcrisp and appetizing. Remember that the crowd will be crazy bitchand you must be quick, because you'll have a time limit and if youexceed it you'll lose the game and you'll have to start the gameagain.There will be pots, pans, blenders and grills for making thedifferent foods, don't panic and get down to work to get the awardfor the most outstanding restaurant in the universe. New boxes willbe released as you pass a level, don't give up and go into thekitchen, Luck!
Cooking in Restaurant 1.4
If you want to cook in the restaurant you candownload this cooking game and imagine you're the chef of a greatrestaurant fashion. You can prepare the best recipes of homemadefood, I like to cook a pizza?You have all necessary to complete this game in restaurantcooking ingredients, you have to put oil in a bowl, flour, waterand a little salt and start preparing the dough, stretch out on themold and when they have to point will be adding the ingredientsthat you like. Prove you're the best manager of a restaurantmeal!Do not forget the main ingredients in your restaurant, such asham, cheese and tomato but have many more ingredients to choosefrom, complete your tasty pizza with mushrooms, bacon, chicken,tuna, etc.When you finish cooking the pizza you have to put in the ovenbut look carefully to prevent burning! then ready to start eating.Certainly not going to leave any crumbs. You've cooked up adelicious pizza worthy of a great chef of a restaurant!
Juegos de Caballos 1.0
Te apasionan los caballos, el mundo delaequitación y no sabes que hacer para competir en una carreraconlos más destacados pura sangre? Pues aquí te damos laoportunidadde concursar en las carreras más competitivas deluniverso, con losmejores animales y las apuestas más altas detodas. Una aplicacióncon los diseños más reales, gráficos deexcelente calidad y muyfácil de manejar, tan solo desliza el dedopor la pantalla y guía atu jinete en las decisiones que creasoportunas.Para iniciar la misión tienes que conocer bien a tu fielamigo,entrenar junto a él cada día para comprender su forma degalopar,trotar e ir al paso y ensayar muy duro para llegar a serlos másbuenos en doma clásica. Para ello debes coger el materialecuestrenecesario y comenzar a equiparos por completo: riendas ycabezadaspara dirigir el recorrido: derecha, izquierda y atrás,silla demontar con estribos para sentirte cómodo y sujetarte sobretucaballo, aceite para los frágiles cascos del potro,botines,guantes...y muchos otros más que tendrás a tu disposiciónuna vezlo precises. Una vez estéis listos para salir a la pistadeberéisir con mucho miramiento y calentar antes los músculos,caminardespacio e ir aumentando la velocidad hasta conseguircabalgar.Prepárate para saltar y enfrentarte a todo tipo deobstáculos, yasean piedras, rocas, barras o postes y cuidado porquesi llegas acolisionar perderás la partida y deberás empezar denuevo, así quepresta mucha atención y pon los sentidos alerta.Demuestra que eres el mejor encima de tu poni, enseña tuagilidadpara mantenerte sobre él y sorprende a la muchedumbre dela tribuna.Una vez llegues a la meta final deja que los juecesentreguen suvaloración acerca de los corredores y gana la medallade oro.Suerte!You passionateabouthorses, the world of riding and not know what to do to competein arace with the leading thoroughbred? Well here we give youtheopportunity to compete in the most competitive races intheuniverse, with the best animals and the highest stakes of all.Anapplication with the actual designs, high quality graphics andeasyto use, just slide your finger across the screen and guideyourrider in decisions that you think appropriate.To start the mission you have to get to know your truefriend,train with him every day to understand their way ofgalloping,trotting and go to step and try very hard to become themost goodin dressage. To do this you must take the necessaryequestrianequipment and begin to equip yourselves completely: reinsandhalters to lead the way: right, left and back, saddle withstirrupsto feel comfortable and hold you on your horse, oil forfragilehelmets Pony , boots, gloves ... and many others that haveat yourdisposal once you see fit. Once you are ready to take to thetrackyou will have to be very courtesy and warm the musclesbeforewalking slowly and gradually increase speed to get ride. Getreadyto jump and face all kinds of obstacles, whether stones,rocks,sticks or poles and careful because if you run collide youlose thegame and have to start again, so pay close attention andput yoursenses alert.Prove you're the best up your pony, teach your agility to keeponit and wow the crowd in the stands. Once you reach the finishlinelet the judges delivered their assessment about the runnersand winthe gold medal. Luck!
Cocinar Pizza Juego de Chicas 1.0
Lista para vivir una aventura única contusamigas insperables y realizar vuestro sueño cocinando paralosclientes más demandantes y exigentes de la capital? Si lo tuyoespreparar comida deliciosa y te encantaría tener tu propiapizzeriaen el centro de la ciudad no te puedes perder estealucinante juegode comestibles, con el que poseerás tu restauranteparticular sinnecesidad de licencia y sin ningún coste, a qué estásesperando?Sirve los platos más ricos gracias a tu componente secreto:lamasa de la pizza. Con este integrante triunfarás en el mundo delagastronomía y ganarás mucho dinero, si te ves preparada y capazdeenfrentarte a esta experiéncia entra ya y pásalo en grande juntoatus compañeras. Para iniciar tu tarea deberás ponerte manos alaobra porque hay mucha faena por delante y el gentío estarámuyimpaciente por probar uno de tus manjares. Para comenzar loprimeroque tendrás que hacer es mezclar la base con harina, huevo,sal yagua hasta conseguir una pasta consistente con la que formarunafigura redonda y colocar los ingredientes según el tipo quevayas acocinar: margarita, cuatro quesos, hawaiana onapolitana.Seguidamente enciende el asador de leña para que vayacogiendocalor y coloca el conjunto de variedades de tal manera queno seenganchen entre sí. Mientras haces esperar a tus consumidoressirvepatatas fritas hechas en la freidora o unos sándwiches hechosen latostadora para los niños más pequeños.A la gente más atrevida y con hambre ofrece una rica calzoneconqueso y a la multitud con el estómago más pequeño propónracionespequeñas. Ves con atención no hagas permanecer demasiadorato a lamuchedumbre, pues tienes un tiempo límite para cumplir contuobjetivo, si lo sobrepasas perderás la partida y habrá queempezarde nuevo. No desistas y ponte a trabajar. Suerte!Ready to live auniqueadventure with your insperables friends and make your dreamcookingfor the most demanding and discerning in the capital? Ifyour thingis to prepare delicious food and you love to have yourown pizzeriain the city center you can not miss this amazing gameof groceries,with which you possess your particular restaurantwithout a licenseand without any cost, what are you waiting ?It serves the most delicious dishes thanks to yoursecretingredient: the pizza dough. With this integral will triumphin theworld of gastronomy and earn a lot of money, if you lookpreparedand ready to take on this experience comes as greattogether andpass on to your colleagues. To start your job youshould get downto work because there is a lot of work ahead and thecrowd will bevery eager to try one of your delicacies. To begin thefirst thingyou have to do is mix the base with flour, egg, salt andwateruntil a stiff dough with which to form a round shape and placetheingredients depending on the type you're going to cook: daisy,fourcheeses, Hawaiian or Neapolitan. Then turn thewood-burningfireplace for heat and go taking place the wholevarieties so theywill not catch each other. While you wait for yourcustomers servedchips made in the fryer or made sandwiches in thetoaster foryounger children.In the most daring and hungry people it offers a richcheesecalzone and the crowd with the stomach smaller propoundsmallportions. Look carefully do not stay too long at the crowd,becauseyou have a deadline to meet your target time if you exceedlose thegame and have to start over. Do not give up and go towork.Luck!
Dress up Sara 1.0
Do you like to beautify others, dress upthepeople according to their personal and professional physical?Ifyou consider yourself a lover of styling and you can notstopcreating beautiful outfits in your head enter now intothisfantastic pastime with which you will learn a thousand ofnewthings and where you will have great time with your friendsandfamily, what are you waiting for?You will become an expert adviser fixing people forparties,companies, committees, professions ... so get down to workand showyour great talent. To start the mission you must go to thelockerroom where you will find all your customers and get into theclosetto select the right clothes for everyone, from skinny,straight orflared pants, tank tops, skin or leather jackets, silkblouses,cardigans, cotton skirts ... and many others with which youwillinvent truly wonders. Do not forget to add theadditionalaccessories: heels, sneakers, sandals, oversized bags,hats, sunhats, belts, bracelets, scarves... etc.Once the process is finished apply some perfume on the neckandchest, fix their hair and they will be ready to go outside.Leavethe audience surprised and earn money doing what you'remostpassionate about, Luck!
Dress Models Princesses 1.0
Are you passionate about fashion and youbecomecrazy with the latest trends? If so, here we give youtheopportunity to come every day in the world of fashion design,learnto combine different clothing and buy different varietiesofgarments. A game with excellent quality graphics and a verysimpleinterface and easy to play: just swipe your finger acrossthescreen and choose what you want for each girl.With this clothing application you'll have a great time withyourfriends, you can help them to combine taste of wear and enterinto afun adventure. A shop has opened in the city center andwithin hoursthe inauguration will take place, thousands ofvisitors will come tosee the models parade and they wait a goodparty. Your goal in thismission is to leave the girls in perfectcondition, get the looklike princesses and make them look full ofpersonality. You declareto be the best stylist in the capital andfor this you must workhard day and night, you'll know to formelegant and casual outfits.You must reach to complement allgarments with a unique andincomparable style, create new ways towear the costumes and earnthe win for best image consultant. To doit so you'll have all kindsof dresses and accessories in thestudy: pearl necklaces, highheels, platforms, silk trousers,skirts, blouses, gold crowns...etc.They will be placed in your hands to be bright andbeautiful,don't disappoint the crowd and get the best look of theseason.Once you have finished to dress the women, make a nicehairstyle,either a bun or ponytail, put a little of makeup on theirfaces andyour task will be completed. You just need to wait theverdict ofthe audience, are you ready for it? Good luck!
Horse Riding and Horse Game 1.0
Do you want to have a fun time riding ahorse?If you are adventurous person wanting to live uniqueexperiences donot miss our fantastic riders application in whichyou can discussfor hours without end and also without having toleave home, whatare you waiting for?If you love the animals here you will work day and nightwiththem, walking in the countryside, cleaning the stables, givingthemstraw to eat, combing and braiding their nice manes... andmanyother tasks with which you will not stop laughing! Thecompetitionof the season is about to open its doors and you havebeen selectedto run and compete against other competitors, so donot hesitateand dedicate yourself to train hard with your pony.Grab the reinstightly, put on your spurs and put you both to rideat fullthrottle until you reach the finish line in first place,verycareful because the other candidates shall endeavor toeliminateyou of the racecourse therefore fight with all your forcesandwin.You will enjoy excellent quality graphics, the mostinnovativedesigns of the screens and a really easy interface touse: justdrag your finger across the panel and guide your riderwith theright choices, Luck!