QURAN ئاپەکان

Quran Muhsin Khan 2.0
We invite you to read the Noble Quran and grow in your faith everyday. We offer the Quran in English translated by Muhammad MuhsinKhan and Muhammad Taqi-ud-Din al-Hilali. Muhammad Muhsin Khan is adoctor and author of the notable English translation of the Qurancalled “The Noble Qur'an”. Muhsin Khan Translation became the mostpopular version of the Qur'an in the English language, among Sunnibelievers. This translation has commentaries to make easier thestudy and reading of the Holy Quran. Download the complete Quranfree on your phone. The Koran is organized into separate chapterscalled suras and each one of these is divided into verses. Thesuras are 114: 1 The Opener, 2 The Cow, 3 Family of Imran, 4 TheWomen, 5 The Table Spread, 6 The Cattle, 7 The Heights, 8 TheSpoils of War, 9 The Repentance, 10 Jonah, 11 Hud, 12 Joseph, 13The Thunder, 14 Abrahim, 15 The Rocky Tract, 16 The Bee, 17 TheNight Journey, 18 The Cave, 19 Mary, 20 Ta-Ha, 21 The Prophets, 22The Pilgrimage, 23 The Believers, 24 The Light, 25 The Criterian,26 The Poets, 27 The Ant, 28 The Stories, 29 The Spider, 30 TheRomans, 31 Luqman, 32 The Prostration, 33 The Combined Forces, 34Sheba, 35 Originator, 36 Ya Sin, 37 Those who set the Ranks, 38 TheLetter "Saad", 39 The Troops, 40 The Forgiver, 41 Explained inDetail, 42 The Consultation, 43 The Ornaments of Gold, 44 TheSmoke, 45 The Crouching, 46 The Wind-Curved Sandhills, 47 Muhammad,48 The Victory, 49 The Rooms, 50 The Letter "Qaf", 51 The WinnowingWinds, 52 The Mount, 53 The Star, 54 The Moon, 55 The Beneficent,56 The Inevitable, 57 The Iron, 58 The Pleading Woman, 59 TheExile, 60 She that is to be examined, 61 The Ranks, 62 TheCongregation, 63 The Hypocrites, 64 The Mutual Disillusion, 65 TheDivorce, 66 The Prohibtiion, 67 The Sovereignty, 68 The Pen, 69 TheReality, 70 The Ascending Stairways, 71 Noah, 72 The Jinn, 73 TheEnshrouded One, 74 The Cloaked One, 75 The Resurrection, 76 TheMan, 77 The Emissaries, 78 The Tidings, 79 Those who drag forth, 80He Frowned, 81 The Overthrowing, 82 The Cleaving, 83 TheDefrauding, 84 The Sundering, 85 The Mansions of the Stars, 86 TheNightcommer, 87 The Most High, 88 The Overwhelming, 89 The Dawn, 90The City, 91 The Sun, 92 The Night, 93 The Morning Hours, 94 TheRelief, 95 The Fig, 96 The Clot, 97 The Power, 98 The Clear Proof,99 The Earthquake, 100 The Courser, 101 The Calamity, 102 TheRivalry in world increase, 103 The Declining Day, 104 The Traducer,105 The Elephant, 106 Quraysh, 107 The Small Kindnesses, 108 TheAbundance, 109 The Disbelievers, 110 The Divine Support, 111 ThePalm Fiber, 112 The Sincerity, 113 The Daybreak, 114 The Mankind.Enjoy the Holy Word of Allah, in the best version: Muhsin Khantranslation.
Amharic Quran 2.0
Discover the Koran, a divine universal message for all of humanity,now available free and in your own language! The sacred book forthe Muslims, also called Koran, Al Quran or Qur'an, contains theWord of God (Allah) revealed to the prophet Mohammed. The wordKoran comes from the Arab Al-Quran, which means "Recitation" or "Sacred Text that is recited ". Mohammed received these revelationsand transmitted them orally. After his death, in the year 632, hisfollowers began to assemble the revealed texts taking the form ofthe book which we know today. The Koran expresses the creed and thelaw of the Muslims. It is the source of faith of every Muslim. Itrefers to God's relation with his creatures and it offers a guidewith educations for a fair society and a correct human conduct. TheKoran is outlined for its beauty, its poetry and its literaryperfection. The unique style of the Quran demonstrates its divineorigin and continues astonishing intellectual people, withoutmattering if they are believers. It is a book that million peoplememorize day after day. The Holy Quran is organized into separatechapters called Suras and each one of these is divided into verses.The suras are 114: 1 The Opener, 2 The Cow, 3 Family of Imran, 4The Women, 5 The Table Spread, 6 The Cattle, 7 The Heights, 8 TheSpoils of War, 9 The Repentance, 10 Jonah, 11 Hud, 12 Joseph, 13The Thunder, 14 Abrahim, 15 The Rocky Tract, 16 The Bee, 17 TheNight Journey, 18 The Cave, 19 Mary, 20 Ta-Ha, 21 The Prophets, 22The Pilgrimage, 23 The Believers, 24 The Light, 25 The Criterian,26 The Poets, 27 The Ant, 28 The Stories, 29 The Spider, 30 TheRomans, 31 Luqman, 32 The Prostration, 33 The Combined Forces, 34Sheba, 35 Originator, 36 Ya Sin, 37 Those who set the Ranks, 38 TheLetter "Saad", 39 The Troops, 40 The Forgiver, 41 Explained inDetail, 42 The Consultation, 43 The Ornaments of Gold, 44 TheSmoke, 45 The Crouching, 46 The Wind-Curved Sandhills, 47 Muhammad,48 The Victory, 49 The Rooms, 50 The Letter "Qaf", 51 The WinnowingWinds, 52 The Mount, 53 The Star, 54 The Moon, 55 The Beneficent,56 The Inevitable, 57 The Iron, 58 The Pleading Woman, 59 TheExile, 60 She that is to be examined, 61 The Ranks, 62 TheCongregation, 63 The Hypocrites, 64 The Mutual Disillusion, 65 TheDivorce, 66 The Prohibtiion, 67 The Sovereignty, 68 The Pen, 69 TheReality, 70 The Ascending Stairways, 71 Noah, 72 The Jinn, 73 TheEnshrouded One, 74 The Cloaked One, 75 The Resurrection, 76 TheMan, 77 The Emissaries, 78 The Tidings, 79 Those who drag forth, 80He Frowned, 81 The Overthrowing, 82 The Cleaving, 83 TheDefrauding, 84 The Sundering, 85 The Mansions of the Stars, 86 TheNightcommer, 87 The Most High, 88 The Overwhelming, 89 The Dawn, 90The City, 91 The Sun, 92 The Night, 93 The Morning Hours, 94 TheRelief, 95 The Fig, 96 The Clot, 97 The Power, 98 The Clear Proof,99 The Earthquake, 100 The Courser, 101 The Calamity, 102 TheRivalry in world increase, 103 The Declining Day, 104 The Traducer,105 The Elephant, 106 Quraysh, 107 The Small Kindnesses, 108 TheAbundance, 109 The Disbelievers, 110 The Divine Support, 111 ThePalm Fiber, 112 The Sincerity, 113 The Daybreak, 114 The Mankind.We invite all of you to read the Quran! Download it now and enjoythe Muslim Holy book with Amharic translation!.
Bulgarian Quran 2.0
Discover the Koran, a divine universal message for all of humanity,now available free and in your own language! With this app you willbe able to read the Holy Quran in Bulgarian (Теофанов TzvetanTheophanov) to download it for free on your mobile device! Thesacred book for the Muslims, also called Koran, Al Quran or Qur'an,contains the Word of God (Allah) revealed to the prophet Mohammed.The word Koran comes from the Arab Al-Quran, which means"Recitation" or " Sacred Text that is recited ". Mohammed receivedthese revelations and transmitted them orally. After his death, inthe year 632, his followers began to assemble the revealed textstaking the form of the book which we know today. The Koranexpresses the creed and the law of the Muslims. It is the source offaith of every Muslim. It refers to God's relation with hiscreatures and it offers a guide with educations for a fair societyand a correct human conduct. The Koran is outlined for its beauty,its poetry and its literary perfection. The unique style of theQuran demonstrates its divine origin and continues astonishingintellectual people, without mattering if they are believers. It isa book that million people memorize day after day. The originaltext of the Qur'an was written in classic Arabic, but manytranslations in different languages exist. The first translationwas in Latin in 1143. Now you can enjoy the sacred book of theMuslims, in Bulgarian. The Holy Quran is organized into separatechapters called Suras and each one of these is divided into verses.The suras are 114: 1 The Opener, 2 The Cow, 3 Family of Imran, 4The Women, 5 The Table Spread, 6 The Cattle, 7 The Heights, 8 TheSpoils of War, 9 The Repentance, 10 Jonah, 11 Hud, 12 Joseph, 13The Thunder, 14 Abrahim, 15 The Rocky Tract, 16 The Bee, 17 TheNight Journey, 18 The Cave, 19 Mary, 20 Ta-Ha, 21 The Prophets, 22The Pilgrimage, 23 The Believers, 24 The Light, 25 The Criterian,26 The Poets, 27 The Ant, 28 The Stories, 29 The Spider, 30 TheRomans, 31 Luqman, 32 The Prostration, 33 The Combined Forces, 34Sheba, 35 Originator, 36 Ya Sin, 37 Those who set the Ranks, 38 TheLetter "Saad", 39 The Troops, 40 The Forgiver, 41 Explained inDetail, 42 The Consultation, 43 The Ornaments of Gold, 44 TheSmoke, 45 The Crouching, 46 The Wind-Curved Sandhills, 47 Muhammad,48 The Victory, 49 The Rooms, 50 The Letter "Qaf", 51 The WinnowingWinds, 52 The Mount, 53 The Star, 54 The Moon, 55 The Beneficent,56 The Inevitable, 57 The Iron, 58 The Pleading Woman, 59 TheExile, 60 She that is to be examined, 61 The Ranks, 62 TheCongregation, 63 The Hypocrites, 64 The Mutual Disillusion, 65 TheDivorce, 66 The Prohibition, 67 The Sovereignty, 68 The Pen, 69 TheReality, 70 The Ascending Stairways, 71 Noah, 72 The Jinn, 73 TheEnshrouded One, 74 The Cloaked One, 75 The Resurrection, 76 TheMan, 77 The Emissaries, 78 The Tidings, 79 Those who drag forth, 80He Frowned, 81 The Overthrowing, 82 The Cleaving, 83 TheDefrauding, 84 The Sundering, 85 The Mansions of the Stars, 86 TheNightcommer, 87 The Most High, 88 The Overwhelming, 89 The Dawn, 90The City, 91 The Sun, 92 The Night, 93 The Morning Hours, 94 TheRelief, 95 The Fig, 96 The Clot, 97 The Power, 98 The Clear Proof,99 The Earthquake, 100 The Courser, 101 The Calamity, 102 TheRivalry in world increase, 103 The Declining Day, 104 The Traducer,105 The Elephant, 106 Quraysh, 107 The Small Kindnesses, 108 TheAbundance, 109 The Disbelievers, 110 The Divine Support, 111 ThePalm Fiber, 112 The Sincerity, 113 The Daybreak, 114 The Mankind.We invite all of you to read the Quran! Download it now and enjoythe Muslim Holy book with Bulgarian translation!
Quran Shakir 2.0
Discover the Koran, a divine universal message for all of humanity,now available free and in your own language! With this app you willbe able to read the Koran in English and download it for free inyour mobile device. Enjoy the Version of Muhammad Habib Shakir, theEgyptian judge born in Cairo who translated the Holy Quran intoEnglish. The sacred book for the Muslims, also called Koran, Quranor Korán, contains the Word of God (Allah) revealed to the prophetMohammed. The Koran expresses the creed and the law of the Muslims.It is the source of faith of every Muslim. The Noble Quran is abook that million people memorize day after day. The original textof the Quran was written in classic Arab, but many translations inwestern languages exist. Now you can enjoy the sacred book of theMuslims, in English, translated by Muhammad Habib Shakir. Enjoy thecomplete Quran, organized into separate chapters called suras andeach one of these is divided into verses. The Surahs are: 1 TheOpener, 2 The Cow, 3 Family of Imran, 4 The Women, 5 The TableSpread, 6 The Cattle, 7 The Heights, 8 The Spoils of War, 9 TheRepentance, 10 Jonah, 11 Hud, 12 Joseph, 13 The Thunder, 14Abrahim, 15 The Rocky Tract, 16 The Bee, 17 The Night Journey, 18The Cave, 19 Mary, 20 Ta-Ha, 21 The Prophets, 22 The Pilgrimage, 23The Believers, 24 The Light, 25 The Criterian, 26 The Poets, 27 TheAnt, 28 The Stories, 29 The Spider, 30 The Romans, 31 Luqman, 32The Prostration, 33 The Combined Forces, 34 Sheba, 35 Originator,36 Ya Sin, 37 Those who set the Ranks, 38 The Letter "Saad", 39 TheTroops, 40 The Forgiver, 41 Explained in Detail, 42 TheConsultation, 43 The Ornaments of Gold, 44 The Smoke, 45 TheCrouching, 46 The Wind-Curved Sandhills, 47 Muhammad, 48 TheVictory, 49 The Rooms, 50 The Letter "Qaf", 51 The Winnowing Winds,52 The Mount, 53 The Star, 54 The Moon, 55 The Beneficent, 56 TheInevitable, 57 The Iron, 58 The Pleading Woman, 59 The Exile, 60She that is to be examined, 61 The Ranks, 62 The Congregation, 63The Hypocrites, 64 The Mutual Disillusion, 65 The Divorce, 66 TheProhibtiion, 67 The Sovereignty, 68 The Pen, 69 The Reality, 70 TheAscending Stairways, 71 Noah, 72 The Jinn, 73 The Enshrouded One,74 The Cloaked One, 75 The Resurrection, 76 The Man, 77 TheEmissaries, 78 The Tidings, 79 Those who drag forth, 80 He Frowned,81 The Overthrowing, 82 The Cleaving, 83 The Defrauding, 84 TheSundering, 85 The Mansions of the Stars, 86 The Nightcommer, 87 TheMost High, 88 The Overwhelming, 89 The Dawn, 90 The City, 91 TheSun, 92 The Night, 93 The Morning Hours, 94 The Relief, 95 The Fig,96 The Clot, 97 The Power, 98 The Clear Proof, 99 The Earthquake,100 The Courser, 101 The Calamity, 102 The Rivalry in worldincrease, 103 The Declining Day, 104 The Traducer, 105 TheElephant, 106 Quraysh, 107 The Small Kindnesses, 108 The Abundance,109 The Disbelievers, 110 The Divine Support, 111 The Palm Fiber,112 The Sincerity, 113 The Daybreak, 114 The Mankind. Read theQuran in English, translated by Muhammad Habib Shakir. Download itfree on your phone!
Qur'onning o'zbekcha tarjimasi 2.0
Biz Muhammad Soqid Muhammad Yusuf tomonidan o'zbek tiliga qilingantarjimani taqdim etamiz. Biz hammangizni Quron o'qishga da'vatqilamiz! Uni xoziroq yuklab oling va Islomning muqaddas kitobinio'zbekcha tarjimada o'qing! Discover the Koran, a divine universalmessage for all of humanity, now available free and in your ownlanguage! The sacred book for the Muslims contains the Word of God(Allah) revealed to the prophet Mohammed. The word Koran comes fromthe Arab Al-Quran, which means "Recitation" or " Sacred Text thatis recited ". Mohammed received these revelations and transmittedthem orally. After his death, in the year 632, his followers beganto assemble the revealed texts taking the form of the book which weknow today. The Koran expresses the creed and the law of theMuslims. It is the source of faith of every Muslim. It refers toGod's relation with his creatures and it offers a guide witheducations for a fair society and a correct human conduct. TheKoran is outlined for its beauty, its poetry and its literaryperfection. The unique style of the Quran demonstrates its divineorigin and continues astonishing intellectual people, withoutmattering if they are believers. It is a book that million peoplememorize day after day. The original text of the Qur'an was writtenin classic Arabic, but many translations in different languagesexist. Now you can enjoy the sacred book of the Muslims, in Uzbek.The Holy Quran is organized into separate chapters called Suras andeach one of these is divided into verses. The suras are 114: 1 TheOpener, 2 The Cow, 3 Family of Imran, 4 The Women, 5 The TableSpread, 6 The Cattle, 7 The Heights, 8 The Spoils of War, 9 TheRepentance, 10 Jonah, 11 Hud, 12 Joseph, 13 The Thunder, 14Abrahim, 15 The Rocky Tract, 16 The Bee, 17 The Night Journey, 18The Cave, 19 Mary, 20 Ta-Ha, 21 The Prophets, 22 The Pilgrimage, 23The Believers, 24 The Light, 25 The Criterian, 26 The Poets, 27 TheAnt, 28 The Stories, 29 The Spider, 30 The Romans, 31 Luqman, 32The Prostration, 33 The Combined Forces, 34 Sheba, 35 Originator,36 Ya Sin, 37 Those who set the Ranks, 38 The Letter "Saad", 39 TheTroops, 40 The Forgiver, 41 Explained in Detail, 42 TheConsultation, 43 The Ornaments of Gold, 44 The Smoke, 45 TheCrouching, 46 The Wind-Curved Sandhills, 47 Muhammad, 48 TheVictory, 49 The Rooms, 50 The Letter "Qaf", 51 The Winnowing Winds,52 The Mount, 53 The Star, 54 The Moon, 55 The Beneficent, 56 TheInevitable, 57 The Iron, 58 The Pleading Woman, 59 The Exile, 60She that is to be examined, 61 The Ranks, 62 The Congregation, 63The Hypocrites, 64 The Mutual Disillusion, 65 The Divorce, 66 TheProhibition, 67 The Sovereignty, 68 The Pen, 69 The Reality, 70 TheAscending Stairways, 71 Noah, 72 The Jinn, 73 The Enshrouded One,74 The Cloaked One, 75 The Resurrection, 76 The Man, 77 TheEmissaries, 78 The Tidings, 79 Those who drag forth, 80 He Frowned,81 The Overthrowing, 82 The Cleaving, 83 The Defrauding, 84 TheSundering, 85 The Mansions of the Stars, 86 The Nightcommer, 87 TheMost High, 88 The Overwhelming, 89 The Dawn, 90 The City, 91 TheSun, 92 The Night, 93 The Morning Hours, 94 The Relief, 95 The Fig,96 The Clot, 97 The Power, 98 The Clear Proof, 99 The Earthquake,100 The Courser, 101 The Calamity, 102 The Rivalry in worldincrease, 103 The Declining Day, 104 The Traducer, 105 TheElephant, 106 Quraysh, 107 The Small Kindnesses, 108 The Abundance,109 The Disbelievers, 110 The Divine Support, 111 The Palm Fiber,112 The Sincerity, 113 The Daybreak, 114 The Mankind.
Quran Pickthall Traslation 2.0
The Quran is the unaltered and direct Word of God, revealed throughthe Angel Gabriel to the prophet Muhammad, more than 144 years ago.Muslims recite every day the Quran. The verses of the Quran (Ayats)have remained intact since the original revelation by God. Withthis app, you can enjoy the translation of the Quran into Englishmade by Marmaduke Pickthall. Marmaduke William Pickthall was anEnglish translator of the Quran, He was born in Cambridge Terrace,London in 1875, the eldest son of the Reverend Charles Pickthall,an Anglican clergyman. He traveled across many Eastern countries,converted to Islam and published his famous English Translation ofthe Quran: “The Meaning of the Glorious Koran”. Now you can havethe beauty of the Holy Quran, free on your phone. You can downloadit on your mobile device and read and learn it every day. We offeryou the complete translation of the Quran, with 114 chapters calledsurahs. The Surahs are: 1 The Opener, 2 The Cow, 3 Family of Imran,4 The Women, 5 The Table Spread, 6 The Cattle, 7 The Heights, 8 TheSpoils of War, 9 The Repentance, 10 Jonah, 11 Hud, 12 Joseph, 13The Thunder, 14 Abrahim, 15 The Rocky Tract, 16 The Bee, 17 TheNight Journey, 18 The Cave, 19 Mary, 20 Ta-Ha, 21 The Prophets, 22The Pilgrimage, 23 The Believers, 24 The Light, 25 The Criterian,26 The Poets, 27 The Ant, 28 The Stories, 29 The Spider, 30 TheRomans, 31 Luqman, 32 The Prostration, 33 The Combined Forces, 34Sheba, 35 Originator, 36 Ya Sin, 37 Those who set the Ranks, 38 TheLetter "Saad", 39 The Troops, 40 The Forgiver, 41 Explained inDetail, 42 The Consultation, 43 The Ornaments of Gold, 44 TheSmoke, 45 The Crouching, 46 The Wind-Curved Sandhills, 47 Muhammad,48 The Victory, 49 The Rooms, 50 The Letter "Qaf", 51 The WinnowingWinds, 52 The Mount, 53 The Star, 54 The Moon, 55 The Beneficent,56 The Inevitable, 57 The Iron, 58 The Pleading Woman, 59 TheExile, 60 She that is to be examined, 61 The Ranks, 62 TheCongregation, 63 The Hypocrites, 64 The Mutual Disillusion, 65 TheDivorce, 66 The Prohibtiion, 67 The Sovereignty, 68 The Pen, 69 TheReality, 70 The Ascending Stairways, 71 Noah, 72 The Jinn, 73 TheEnshrouded One, 74 The Cloaked One, 75 The Resurrection, 76 TheMan, 77 The Emissaries, 78 The Tidings, 79 Those who drag forth, 80He Frowned, 81 The Overthrowing, 82 The Cleaving, 83 TheDefrauding, 84 The Sundering, 85 The Mansions of the Stars, 86 TheNightcommer, 87 The Most High, 88 The Overwhelming, 89 The Dawn, 90The City, 91 The Sun, 92 The Night, 93 The Morning Hours, 94 TheRelief, 95 The Fig, 96 The Clot, 97 The Power, 98 The Clear Proof,99 The Earthquake, 100 The Courser, 101 The Calamity, 102 TheRivalry in world increase, 103 The Declining Day, 104 The Traducer,105 The Elephant, 106 Quraysh, 107 The Small Kindnesses, 108 TheAbundance, 109 The Disbelievers, 110 The Divine Support, 111 ThePalm Fiber, 112 The Sincerity, 113 The Daybreak, 114 The Mankind.Enjoy the Word of Allah, for free on your phone.
Somali Quraan 2.0
Discover the Koran, a divine universal message for all of humanity,now available free in your own language! This app includes theQuran translation in Somali by Mahmud Muhammad Abduh. Download iton your phone and read it anytime, anywhere. You don't needInternet connection. The sacred book for the Muslims contains theWord of God (Allah) revealed to the prophet Muhammad (peace be uponhim) The word Koran comes from the Arab Al-Quran, which means"Recitation" or "Sacred Text that is recited". Muhammad receivedthe revelations and transmitted them orally. After his death, inthe year 632, his followers began to assemble the revealed textstaking the form of the book which we know today. The Koranexpresses the creed and the law of the Muslims. It is the source offaith of every Muslim. It refers to God's relation with hiscreatures and it offers a guide with educations for a fair societyand a correct human conduct. The Koran is outlined for its beauty,its poetry and its literary perfection. The unique style of theQuran demonstrates its divine origin and continues astonishingintellectual people, without mattering if they are believers. It isa book that million people memorize day after day. The originaltext of the Qur'an was written in classic Arabic, but manytranslations in different languages exist. Now you can enjoy thesacred book of the Muslims, in Somali language. The Holy Quran isorganized into separate chapters called Suras and each one of theseis divided into verses. The suras are 114: 1 The Opener, 2 The Cow,3 Family of Imran, 4 The Women, 5 The Table Spread, 6 The Cattle, 7The Heights, 8 The Spoils of War, 9 The Repentance, 10 Jonah, 11Hud, 12 Joseph, 13 The Thunder, 14 Abrahim, 15 The Rocky Tract, 16The Bee, 17 The Night Journey, 18 The Cave, 19 Mary, 20 Ta-Ha, 21The Prophets, 22 The Pilgrimage, 23 The Believers, 24 The Light, 25The Criterian, 26 The Poets, 27 The Ant, 28 The Stories, 29 TheSpider, 30 The Romans, 31 Luqman, 32 The Prostration, 33 TheCombined Forces, 34 Sheba, 35 Originator, 36 Ya Sin, 37 Those whoset the Ranks, 38 The Letter "Saad", 39 The Troops, 40 TheForgiver, 41 Explained in Detail, 42 The Consultation, 43 TheOrnaments of Gold, 44 The Smoke, 45 The Crouching, 46 TheWind-Curved Sandhills, 47 Muhammad, 48 The Victory, 49 The Rooms,50 The Letter "Qaf", 51 The Winnowing Winds, 52 The Mount, 53 TheStar, 54 The Moon, 55 The Beneficent, 56 The Inevitable, 57 TheIron, 58 The Pleading Woman, 59 The Exile, 60 She that is to beexamined, 61 The Ranks, 62 The Congregation, 63 The Hypocrites, 64The Mutual Disillusion, 65 The Divorce, 66 The Prohibition, 67 TheSovereignty, 68 The Pen, 69 The Reality, 70 The AscendingStairways, 71 Noah, 72 The Jinn, 73 The Enshrouded One, 74 TheCloaked One, 75 The Resurrection, 76 The Man, 77 The Emissaries, 78The Tidings, 79 Those who drag forth, 80 He Frowned, 81 TheOverthrowing, 82 The Cleaving, 83 The Defrauding, 84 The Sundering,85 The Mansions of the Stars, 86 The Nightcommer, 87 The Most High,88 The Overwhelming, 89 The Dawn, 90 The City, 91 The Sun, 92 TheNight, 93 The Morning Hours, 94 The Relief, 95 The Fig, 96 TheClot, 97 The Power, 98 The Clear Proof, 99 The Earthquake, 100 TheCourser, 101 The Calamity, 102 The Rivalry in world increase, 103The Declining Day, 104 The Traducer, 105 The Elephant, 106 Quraysh,107 The Small Kindnesses, 108 The Abundance, 109 The Disbelievers,110 The Divine Support, 111 The Palm Fiber, 112 The Sincerity, 113The Daybreak, 114 The Mankind. We invite all of you to read theQuran! Download it now and enjoy this free translation of the HolyAlQuran in Somali.
Lqur’an s tmazight 2.0
Arak naka tarjama n lqur’an s tmazight li isker Ramdane At Mansour,lostad h ljamiaa d lmotrjim n lqur’an s logha n Tmazight. Tarjamayad toaatabar yat tarjama idqiqn n lqur’an laadim s tmazight.Lquran laadim niwitid I moslmn ila guis awal n rebbi lid yokin frasol Muhammad (Sala laho alayhi w salam). Yokid flas lwahy irarahts wawal. Lih itwafa h asgas n 632. Wilit tabaanin bdan arsmoniwaliwn n lwahye siwrintid s lktab li kolo nsn zmanad. L Qur’anismon tifiras n laaqida d lqanun y moslmn. Iga lmnbaa n l iman nkraygat amoslm. Ar isbyan laalaqa n rbi d lmkhloqat ns ar imalaagharas d sirat lmostaqim y moslmn d aritshah solok ofgan. lQur’anarkolo ismon afolki d chiaar d awal iflojan. Tarika lis ityoralQur’an ar imala d ar isbyan l asl ns d arokan sol isaajab agayo nmidn, wakha nit organ imomn. Iga yalktab li thfadn lmlayn n midn asitabaa gmas. L asl n tirra lqur’an tyorant s taarabt taqdimt, waynigotnt trajamt li flas ilanin s loghat. Ghilad rih ak isosm lqur’anlaadim n imoslmn, s tmazight. Nrakn kolokn atghrm lqur’an!Sakiyatid ghila tbraam s lktab n rbbi s logha n tmazight.
Norwegian Quran 2.0
Here you will find the Norwegian translation of the Holy Quran byEinar Berg. Einar Berg was a lecturer in Arabic studies at OsloUniversity. He translated the Noble Quran in 1980. Download thesacred book for the Muslims now available free in your ownlanguage! The Holy Quran contains the Word of God (Allah) revealedto the prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). The word Koran comesfrom the Arab Al-Quran, which means "Recitation" or "Sacred Textthat is recited". Muhammad received the revelations and transmittedthem orally. After his death, in the year 632, his followers beganto assemble the revealed texts taking the form of the book which weknow today. The Koran expresses the creed and the law of theMuslims. It is the source of faith of every Muslim. It refers toGod's relation with his creatures and it offers a guide witheducations for a fair society and a correct human conduct. TheKoran is outlined for its beauty, its poetry and its literaryperfection. The unique style of the Quran demonstrates its divineorigin and continues astonishing intellectual people, withoutmattering if they are believers. It is a book that million peoplememorize day after day. The Qur'an only exist in Arabic, but it'smeaning has been translated to many different languages. Now youcan enjoy the sacred book of the Muslims, in Norwegian. The HolyQuran in Malay is organized into separate chapters called Suras andeach one of these is divided into verses. The suras are 114: 1 TheOpener, 2 The Cow, 3 Family of Imran, 4 The Women, 5 The TableSpread, 6 The Cattle, 7 The Heights, 8 The Spoils of War, 9 TheRepentance, 10 Jonah, 11 Hud, 12 Joseph, 13 The Thunder, 14Abrahim, 15 The Rocky Tract, 16 The Bee, 17 The Night Journey, 18The Cave, 19 Mary, 20 Ta-Ha, 21 The Prophets, 22 The Pilgrimage, 23The Believers, 24 The Light, 25 The Criterian, 26 The Poets, 27 TheAnt, 28 The Stories, 29 The Spider, 30 The Romans, 31 Luqman, 32The Prostration, 33 The Combined Forces, 34 Sheba, 35 Originator,36 Ya Sin, 37 Those who set the Ranks, 38 The Letter "Saad", 39 TheTroops, 40 The Forgiver, 41 Explained in Detail, 42 TheConsultation, 43 The Ornaments of Gold, 44 The Smoke, 45 TheCrouching, 46 The Wind-Curved Sandhills, 47 Muhammad, 48 TheVictory, 49 The Rooms, 50 The Letter "Qaf", 51 The Winnowing Winds,52 The Mount, 53 The Star, 54 The Moon, 55 The Beneficent, 56 TheInevitable, 57 The Iron, 58 The Pleading Woman, 59 The Exile, 60She that is to be examined, 61 The Ranks, 62 The Congregation, 63The Hypocrites, 64 The Mutual Disillusion, 65 The Divorce, 66 TheProhibition, 67 The Sovereignty, 68 The Pen, 69 The Reality, 70 TheAscending Stairways, 71 Noah, 72 The Jinn, 73 The Enshrouded One,74 The Cloaked One, 75 The Resurrection, 76 The Man, 77 TheEmissaries, 78 The Tidings, 79 Those who drag forth, 80 He Frowned,81 The Overthrowing, 82 The Cleaving, 83 The Defrauding, 84 TheSundering, 85 The Mansions of the Stars, 86 The Nightcommer, 87 TheMost High, 88 The Overwhelming, 89 The Dawn, 90 The City, 91 TheSun, 92 The Night, 93 The Morning Hours, 94 The Relief, 95 The Fig,96 The Clot, 97 The Power, 98 The Clear Proof, 99 The Earthquake,100 The Courser, 101 The Calamity, 102 The Rivalry in worldincrease, 103 The Declining Day, 104 The Traducer, 105 TheElephant, 106 Quraysh, 107 The Small Kindnesses, 108 The Abundance,109 The Disbelievers, 110 The Divine Support, 111 The Palm Fiber,112 The Sincerity, 113 The Daybreak, 114 The Mankind. We invite allof you to read the Quran! Download it now and enjoy this freetranslation of the Holy AlQuran in Norwegian.
Arabic Quran 3.0
Discover the original Koran in Arabic, a divine universal messagefor all of humanity, now available free on your mobile device! Thesacred book for the Muslims, also called Koran, Qur'an or Quran,contains the Word of God (Allah) revealed to the prophet Mohammed.Al-Quran means "Recitation" or " Sacred Text that is recited ".Mohammed received these revelations and transmitted them orally.After his death, in the year 632, his followers began to assemblethe revealed texts taking the form of the book which we know today.The Koran expresses the creed and the law of the Muslims. It is thesource of faith of every Muslim. It refers to God's relation withhis creatures and it offers a guide with educations for a fairsociety and a correct human conduct. The Koran is outlined for itsbeauty, its poetry and its literary perfection. The unique style ofthe Koran demonstrates its divine origin and continues astonishingintellectual people, without mattering if they are believers. It isa book that million people memorize day after day. Enjoy the sacredbook of the Muslims, in classic Arabic, free on your phone! TheKoran is organized into separate chapters called suras and each oneof these is divided into verses. The suras are 114: Al-Fatihah,Al-Baqara, Al-i'Imran, An-Nisaa, Al-Maidah, Al-An'am, Al-A'raf,Al-Anfal, At-Tauba, Yunus, Hud, Yusuf, Ar-Ra'd, Ibrahim, Al-Hijr,An-Nahl, Al-Israa, Al-Kahf, Maryam, Ta-ha, Al-Anbiyaa, Al-Hajj,Al-Muminun, An-Nur, Al-Furqan, Ash-Shu'araa, An-Naml, Al-Qasas,Al-Ankabut, Ar-Rum, Luqman, As-Sajda, Al-Ahzab, Saba, Fatir,Ya-Sin, As-Saffat, Sad, Az-Zumar, Al-Mu'min, Ha-Mim, Ash-Shura,Az-Zukhruf, Ad-Dukhan, Al-Jathiya, Al-Ahqaf, Muhammad, Al-Fat-h,Al-Hujurat, Qaf, Az-Zariyat, At-Tur, An-Najm, Al-Qamar, Ar-Rahman,Al-Waqi'a, Al-Hadid, Al-Mujadila, Al-Hashr, Al-Mumtahana, As-Saff,Al-Jumu'a, Al-Munafiqun, At-Tagabun, At-Talaq, At-Tahrim, Al-Mulk,Al-Qalam, Al-Haqqa, Al-Ma'arij, Nuh, Al-Jinn, Al-Muzzammil,Al-Muddathth, Al-Qiyamat, Ad-Dahr, Al-Mursalat, An-Nabaa,An-Nazi'at, Abasa, At-Takwir, Al-Infitar, Al-Mutaffife,Al-Inshiqaq, Al-Buruj, At-Tariq, Al-A'la, Al-Gashiya, Al-Fajr,Al-Balad, Ash-Shams, Al-Lail, Adh-Dhuha, Al-Sharh, At-Tin, Al-Alaq,Al-Qadr, Al-Baiyina, Al-Zalzalah, Al-Adiyat, Al-Qari'a,At-Takathur, Al-Asr, Al-Humaza, Al-Fil, Quraish, Al-Ma'un,Al-Kauthar, Al-Kafirun, An-Nasr, Al-Lahab, Al-Ikhlas, Al-Falaq,Al-Nas. We invite all of you to read the Quran! Download it now!
Coran en Français 2.0
Nous vous proposons le téléchargement gratuit du Coran , le livresaint de l'Islam, en français. Grâce a cette application, vouspouvez facilement lire et étudier la Parole sacrée de Dieu (Allah)sur votre portable. Le nom Coran en français vient de l'arabeAl-Quran, qui signifie «récitation» ou «texte sacré qui estrécité." Le Coran contient la parole d'Allah dictée par l'AngeGabriel au prophète Muhammad. Muhammad recevait ces révélations etles transmettait oralement. À sa mort en 632, ses disciples ontcommencé à rassembler les textes révélés prenant la forme du livreque nous connaissons aujourd'hui. Le Coran est la source de la foiet les enseignements de l'Islam et de la législation islamique.C'est la véritable révélation divine pour les musulmans. Le Coranexprime la relation entre Dieu et ses créatures et fournit desconseils et enseignements pour avoir une conduite humaineappropriée et une société plus juste. Le Coran se distingue par sabeauté, sa poésie et sa perfection littéraire. Le styleincomparable du Coran ne cessera jamais d'étonner de nombreuxintellectuels, croyants ou non. Tout les jours, partout dans lemonde, des millions de personnes apprennent à réciter par cœurplusieurs versets du Coran. Le Coran est à l'origine écrit en arabeclassique, mais il a été traduit dans beaucoup de languesoccidentales. La première traduction a été faite en latin en 1143.Vous pouvez profiter ici d'une traduction en français du texteintégral du Coran. Le Coran contient 114 chapitres appelés souratesdont la première s'appelle Al Fatiha ( “l’ouverture” ou “La mère dulivre” ). Les sourates sont elles-mêmes constituées de versetsnommés ayat. Il y a en tout plus de 6000 versets. Les souratessont: 1 Prologue., 2 La vache., 3 La famille d’Imran., 4 Lesfemmes., 5 La table servie., 6 Les bestiaux., 7 Al-Araf., 8 Lebutin., 9 Le repentir., 10 Jonas., 11 Hud., 12 Joseph., 13 Letonnerre., 14 Abraham., 15 Al-Hijr., 16 Les abeilles., 17 Le voyagenocturne., 18 La caverne., 19 Marie., 20 Ta-Ha., 21 Les prophètes.,22 Le pélerinage., 23 Les croyants., 24 La lumière., 25 Lediscernement., 26 Les poètes., 27 Les fourmis., 28 Le récit., 29L’araignée., 30 Les romains., 31 Luqman., 32 La prosternation., 33Les coalisès., 34 Saba., 35 Le Créateur., 36 Ya-Sin., 37 Lesrangés., 38 Sad., 39 Les groupes., 40 Le pardonneur., 41 Lesversets détaillés., 42 La consultation., 43 L’ornement., 44 Lafumée., 45 L’agenouillée., 46 Al-Ahqaf., 47 Muhammad., 48 Lavictoire éclatante., 49 Les appartements., 50 Qaf., 51 Quiéparpillent., 52 At-Tur., 53 L’étoile., 54 La lune., 55 Le ToutMiséricordieux., 56 L’événement., 57 Le fer., 58 La discussion., 59L’exode., 60 L’éprouvée., 61 Le rang., 62 Le vendredi., 63 Leshypocrites., 64 La grande perte., 65 Le divorce., 66L’interdiction., 67 La royauté., 68 La plume., 69 Celle qui montrela vérité., 70 Les voies d’ascension., 71 Noé., 72 Les djinns., 73L’enveloppé., 74 Le revêtu d’un manteau., 75 La résurrection., 76L’homme., 77 Les envoyés., 78 La nouvelle., 79 Les anges quiarrachent les âmes., 80 Il s’est renfrogné., 81 L’obscurcissement.,82 La rupture., 83 Les fraudeurs., 84 La déchirure., 85 Lesconstellations., 86 L’astre nocturne., 87 Le Très-Haut., 88L’enveloppante., 89 L’aube., 90 La cité., 91 Le soleil., 92 Lanuit., 93 Le jour montant., 94 L’ouverture., 95 Le figuier., 96L’adhérence., 97 La destinée., 98 La preuve., 99 La secousse., 100Les coursiers., 101 Le fracas., 102 La course aux richesses., 103Le temps., 104 Les calomniateurs., 105 L’éléphant., 106 Koraïsh.,107 L’ustensile., 108 L’abondance., 109 Les infidèles., 110 Lessecours., 111 Les fibres., 112 Le monothéisme pur., 113 L’aubenaissante., 114 Les hommes. Nous vous invitons à lire le Coran.Vous avez ici le texte complet! Téléchargez-le maintenant!
Bengali Quran 2.0
Discover the Koran, a divine universal message for all of humanity,now available free in your own language! With this app you will beable to read the Holy Quran in Bengali and download it for free onyour mobile device. The sacred book for the Muslims, also calledKoran, Al Quran or Qur'an, contains the Word of God (Allah)revealed to the prophet Mohammed. The word Koran comes from theArab Al-Quran, which means "Recitation" or " Sacred Text that isrecited ". Mohammed received the revelations and transmitted themorally. After his death, in the year 632, his followers began toassemble the revealed texts taking the form of the book which weknow today. The Koran expresses the creed and the law of theMuslims. It is the source of faith of every Muslim. It refers toGod's relation with his creatures and it offers a guide witheducations for a fair society and a correct human conduct. TheKoran is outlined for its beauty, its poetry and its literaryperfection. The unique style of the Quran demonstrates its divineorigin and continues astonishing intellectual people, withoutmattering if they are believers. It is a book that million peoplememorize day after day. The original text of the Qur'an was writtenin classic Arabic, but many translations in different languagesexist. The first translation was in Latin in 1143. Now you canenjoy the sacred book of the Muslims, in Bengali. The Holy Quran inBengali is organized into separate chapters called Suras and eachone of these is divided into verses. The suras are 114: 1 TheOpener, 2 The Cow, 3 Family of Imran, 4 The Women, 5 The TableSpread, 6 The Cattle, 7 The Heights, 8 The Spoils of War, 9 TheRepentance, 10 Jonah, 11 Hud, 12 Joseph, 13 The Thunder, 14Abrahim, 15 The Rocky Tract, 16 The Bee, 17 The Night Journey, 18The Cave, 19 Mary, 20 Ta-Ha, 21 The Prophets, 22 The Pilgrimage, 23The Believers, 24 The Light, 25 The Criterian, 26 The Poets, 27 TheAnt, 28 The Stories, 29 The Spider, 30 The Romans, 31 Luqman, 32The Prostration, 33 The Combined Forces, 34 Sheba, 35 Originator,36 Ya Sin, 37 Those who set the Ranks, 38 The Letter "Saad", 39 TheTroops, 40 The Forgiver, 41 Explained in Detail, 42 TheConsultation, 43 The Ornaments of Gold, 44 The Smoke, 45 TheCrouching, 46 The Wind-Curved Sandhills, 47 Muhammad, 48 TheVictory, 49 The Rooms, 50 The Letter "Qaf", 51 The Winnowing Winds,52 The Mount, 53 The Star, 54 The Moon, 55 The Beneficent, 56 TheInevitable, 57 The Iron, 58 The Pleading Woman, 59 The Exile, 60She that is to be examined, 61 The Ranks, 62 The Congregation, 63The Hypocrites, 64 The Mutual Disillusion, 65 The Divorce, 66 TheProhibition, 67 The Sovereignty, 68 The Pen, 69 The Reality, 70 TheAscending Stairways, 71 Noah, 72 The Jinn, 73 The Enshrouded One,74 The Cloaked One, 75 The Resurrection, 76 The Man, 77 TheEmissaries, 78 The Tidings, 79 Those who drag forth, 80 He Frowned,81 The Overthrowing, 82 The Cleaving, 83 The Defrauding, 84 TheSundering, 85 The Mansions of the Stars, 86 The Nightcommer, 87 TheMost High, 88 The Overwhelming, 89 The Dawn, 90 The City, 91 TheSun, 92 The Night, 93 The Morning Hours, 94 The Relief, 95 The Fig,96 The Clot, 97 The Power, 98 The Clear Proof, 99 The Earthquake,100 The Courser, 101 The Calamity, 102 The Rivalry in worldincrease, 103 The Declining Day, 104 The Traducer, 105 TheElephant, 106 Quraysh, 107 The Small Kindnesses, 108 The Abundance,109 The Disbelievers, 110 The Divine Support, 111 The Palm Fiber,112 The Sincerity, 113 The Daybreak, 114 The Mankind. We invite allof you to read the Quran! Download it now and enjoy the Muslim Holybook with Bengali translation!.
Persian Quran 2.0
Discover the Koran, a divine universal message for all of humanity,now available free and in your own language! With this app you willbe able to read the Holy Quran in Persian and download it for freeon your mobile device. The sacred book for the Muslims, also calledKoran, Al Quran or Qur'an, contains the Word of God (Allah)revealed to the prophet Mohammed. The word Koran comes from theArab Al-Quran, which means "Recitation" or " Sacred Text that isrecited ". Mohammed received these revelations and transmitted themorally. After his death, in the year 632, his followers began toassemble the revealed texts taking the form of the book which weknow today. The Koran expresses the creed and the law of theMuslims. It is the source of faith of every Muslim. It refers toGod's relation with his creatures and it offers a guide witheducations for a fair society and a correct human conduct. TheKoran is outlined for its beauty, its poetry and its literaryperfection. The unique style of the Quran demonstrates its divineorigin and continues astonishing intellectual people, withoutmattering if they are believers. It is a book that million peoplememorize day after day. The original text of the Qur'an was writtenin classic Arabic, but many translations in different languagesexist. The first translation was in Latin in 1143. Now you canenjoy the sacred book of the Muslims, in Persian. The Holy Quran isorganized into separate chapters called Suras and each one of theseis divided into verses. The suras are 114: 1 The Opener, 2 The Cow,3 Family of Imran, 4 The Women, 5 The Table Spread, 6 The Cattle, 7The Heights, 8 The Spoils of War, 9 The Repentance, 10 Jonah, 11Hud, 12 Joseph, 13 The Thunder, 14 Abrahim, 15 The Rocky Tract, 16The Bee, 17 The Night Journey, 18 The Cave, 19 Mary, 20 Ta-Ha, 21The Prophets, 22 The Pilgrimage, 23 The Believers, 24 The Light, 25The Criterian, 26 The Poets, 27 The Ant, 28 The Stories, 29 TheSpider, 30 The Romans, 31 Luqman, 32 The Prostration, 33 TheCombined Forces, 34 Sheba, 35 Originator, 36 Ya Sin, 37 Those whoset the Ranks, 38 The Letter "Saad", 39 The Troops, 40 TheForgiver, 41 Explained in Detail, 42 The Consultation, 43 TheOrnaments of Gold, 44 The Smoke, 45 The Crouching, 46 TheWind-Curved Sandhills, 47 Muhammad, 48 The Victory, 49 The Rooms,50 The Letter "Qaf", 51 The Winnowing Winds, 52 The Mount, 53 TheStar, 54 The Moon, 55 The Beneficent, 56 The Inevitable, 57 TheIron, 58 The Pleading Woman, 59 The Exile, 60 She that is to beexamined, 61 The Ranks, 62 The Congregation, 63 The Hypocrites, 64The Mutual Disillusion, 65 The Divorce, 66 The Prohibition, 67 TheSovereignty, 68 The Pen, 69 The Reality, 70 The AscendingStairways, 71 Noah, 72 The Jinn, 73 The Enshrouded One, 74 TheCloaked One, 75 The Resurrection, 76 The Man, 77 The Emissaries, 78The Tidings, 79 Those who drag forth, 80 He Frowned, 81 TheOverthrowing, 82 The Cleaving, 83 The Defrauding, 84 The Sundering,85 The Mansions of the Stars, 86 The Nightcommer, 87 The Most High,88 The Overwhelming, 89 The Dawn, 90 The City, 91 The Sun, 92 TheNight, 93 The Morning Hours, 94 The Relief, 95 The Fig, 96 TheClot, 97 The Power, 98 The Clear Proof, 99 The Earthquake, 100 TheCourser, 101 The Calamity, 102 The Rivalry in world increase, 103The Declining Day, 104 The Traducer, 105 The Elephant, 106 Quraysh,107 The Small Kindnesses, 108 The Abundance, 109 The Disbelievers,110 The Divine Support, 111 The Palm Fiber, 112 The Sincerity, 113The Daybreak, 114 The Mankind. We invite all of you to read theQuran! Download it now and enjoy the Muslim Holy book with Persiantranslation!.
Quran in English 1.0
Discover the Koran, a divine universalmessagefor all of humanity, now available free and in your ownlanguage!With this app you will be able to read the Koran in Englishanddownload it for free in your mobile device.The sacred book for the Muslims, also called Koran, QuránorKorán, contains the Word of God (Allah) revealed to theprophetMohammed.The word Koran in English comes from the Arab Al-Quran,whichmeans "Recitation" or " Sacred Text that is recited ".Mohammedreceived these revelations and transmitted them orally.After hisdeath, in the year 632, his followers began to assembletherevealed texts taking the form of the book which we knowtoday.The Koran expresses the creed and the law of the Muslims.It is the source of faith of every Muslim. It refers toGod'srelation with his creatures and it offers a guide witheducationsfor a fair society and a correct human conduct. The Koranisoutlined for its beauty, its poetry and itsliteraryperfection.The unique style of the Koran demonstrates its divine originandcontinues astonishing intellectual people, without matteringifthey are believers.It is a book that million people memorize day after day.The original text of the Qurán was written in classic Arab,butmany translations in western languages exist. The firsttranslationwas in Latin in 1143.Now you can enjoy the sacred book of the Muslims, in yourownlanguage.The Koran is organized into separate chapters called suras andeachone of these is divided into verses.1 The Opener, 2 The Cow, 3 Family of Imran, 4 The Women, 5TheTable Spread, 6 The Cattle, 7 The Heights, 8 The Spoils of War,9The Repentance, 10 Jonah, 11 Hud, 12 Joseph, 13 The Thunder,14Abrahim, 15 The Rocky Tract, 16 The Bee, 17 The Night Journey,18The Cave, 19 Mary, 20 Ta-Ha, 21 The Prophets, 22 The Pilgrimage,23The Believers, 24 The Light, 25 The Criterian, 26 The Poets, 27TheAnt, 28 The Stories, 29 The Spider, 30 The Romans, 31 Luqman,32The Prostration, 33 The Combined Forces, 34 Sheba, 35Originator,36 Ya Sin, 37 Those who set the Ranks, 38 The Letter"Saad", 39 TheTroops, 40 The Forgiver, 41 Explained in Detail, 42TheConsultation, 43 The Ornaments of Gold, 44 The Smoke, 45TheCrouching, 46 The Wind-Curved Sandhills, 47 Muhammad, 48TheVictory, 49 The Rooms, 50 The Letter "Qaf", 51 The WinnowingWinds,52 The Mount, 53 The Star, 54 The Moon, 55 The Beneficent, 56TheInevitable, 57 The Iron, 58 The Pleading Woman, 59 The Exile,60She that is to be examined, 61 The Ranks, 62 The Congregation,63The Hypocrites, 64 The Mutual Disillusion, 65 The Divorce, 66TheProhibtiion, 67 The Sovereignty, 68 The Pen, 69 The Reality, 70TheAscending Stairways, 71 Noah, 72 The Jinn, 73 The EnshroudedOne,74 The Cloaked One, 75 The Resurrection, 76 The Man, 77TheEmissaries, 78 The Tidings, 79 Those who drag forth, 80 HeFrowned,81 The Overthrowing, 82 The Cleaving, 83 The Defrauding, 84TheSundering, 85 The Mansions of the Stars, 86 The Nightcommer, 87TheMost High, 88 The Overwhelming, 89 The Dawn, 90 The City, 91TheSun, 92 The Night, 93 The Morning Hours, 94 The Relief, 95 TheFig,96 The Clot, 97 The Power, 98 The Clear Proof, 99 TheEarthquake,100 The Courser, 101 The Calamity, 102 The Rivalry inworldincrease, 103 The Declining Day, 104 The Traducer, 105TheElephant, 106 Quraysh, 107 The Small Kindnesses, 108 TheAbundance,109 The Disbelievers, 110 The Divine Support, 111 ThePalm Fiber,112 The Sincerity, 113 The Daybreak, 114 The MankindWe invite all of you to read the Quran!Download it now and enjoy these English Version of the MuslimHolybook.
Indonesian Quran 2.0
Discover the Koran, a divine universal message for all of humanity,now available free and in your own language! With this app you willbe able to read the Holy Quran in Indonesian and download it forfree on your mobile device. The sacred book for the Muslims, alsocalled Koran, Al Quran or Qur'an, contains the Word of God (Allah)revealed to the prophet Mohammed. The word Koran comes from theArab Al-Quran, which means "Recitation" or " Sacred Text that isrecited ". Mohammed received these revelations and transmitted themorally. After his death, in the year 632, his followers began toassemble the revealed texts taking the form of the book which weknow today. The Koran expresses the creed and the law of theMuslims. It is the source of faith of every Muslim. It refers toGod's relation with his creatures and it offers a guide witheducations for a fair society and a correct human conduct. TheKoran is outlined for its beauty, its poetry and its literaryperfection. The unique style of the Quran demonstrates its divineorigin and continues astonishing intellectual people, withoutmattering if they are believers. It is a book that million peoplememorize day after day. The original text of the Qur'an was writtenin classic Arabic, but many translations in different languagesexist. The first translation was in Latin in 1143. Now you canenjoy the sacred book of the Muslims, in Indonesian. The Holy Quranis organized into separate chapters called Suras and each one ofthese is divided into verses. The suras are 114: 1 The Opener, 2The Cow, 3 Family of Imran, 4 The Women, 5 The Table Spread, 6 TheCattle, 7 The Heights, 8 The Spoils of War, 9 The Repentance, 10Jonah, 11 Hud, 12 Joseph, 13 The Thunder, 14 Abrahim, 15 The RockyTract, 16 The Bee, 17 The Night Journey, 18 The Cave, 19 Mary, 20Ta-Ha, 21 The Prophets, 22 The Pilgrimage, 23 The Believers, 24 TheLight, 25 The Criterian, 26 The Poets, 27 The Ant, 28 The Stories,29 The Spider, 30 The Romans, 31 Luqman, 32 The Prostration, 33 TheCombined Forces, 34 Sheba, 35 Originator, 36 Ya Sin, 37 Those whoset the Ranks, 38 The Letter "Saad", 39 The Troops, 40 TheForgiver, 41 Explained in Detail, 42 The Consultation, 43 TheOrnaments of Gold, 44 The Smoke, 45 The Crouching, 46 TheWind-Curved Sandhills, 47 Muhammad, 48 The Victory, 49 The Rooms,50 The Letter "Qaf", 51 The Winnowing Winds, 52 The Mount, 53 TheStar, 54 The Moon, 55 The Beneficent, 56 The Inevitable, 57 TheIron, 58 The Pleading Woman, 59 The Exile, 60 She that is to beexamined, 61 The Ranks, 62 The Congregation, 63 The Hypocrites, 64The Mutual Disillusion, 65 The Divorce, 66 The Prohibtiion, 67 TheSovereignty, 68 The Pen, 69 The Reality, 70 The AscendingStairways, 71 Noah, 72 The Jinn, 73 The Enshrouded One, 74 TheCloaked One, 75 The Resurrection, 76 The Man, 77 The Emissaries, 78The Tidings, 79 Those who drag forth, 80 He Frowned, 81 TheOverthrowing, 82 The Cleaving, 83 The Defrauding, 84 The Sundering,85 The Mansions of the Stars, 86 The Nightcommer, 87 The Most High,88 The Overwhelming, 89 The Dawn, 90 The City, 91 The Sun, 92 TheNight, 93 The Morning Hours, 94 The Relief, 95 The Fig, 96 TheClot, 97 The Power, 98 The Clear Proof, 99 The Earthquake, 100 TheCourser, 101 The Calamity, 102 The Rivalry in world increase, 103The Declining Day, 104 The Traducer, 105 The Elephant, 106 Quraysh,107 The Small Kindnesses, 108 The Abundance, 109 The Disbelievers,110 The Divine Support, 111 The Palm Fiber, 112 The Sincerity, 113The Daybreak, 114 The Mankind. We invite all of you to read theQuran! Download it now and enjoy the Muslim Holy book withIndonesian translation!.
Swahili Quran 2.0
Discover the Koran, a divine universal message for all of humanity,now available free in your own language! This app includes theQuran translation in Swahili by Ali Muhsin Al-Barwani. Ali MuhsinAl-Barwani was a Zanzibari politician and diplomat under theSultanate of Zanzibar. When the government was overthrown in 1964we was arreste until 1974. He lived in Kenia as a refugee and thenmoved to the United Arab emirates, where he translated the Quraninto Swahili. The sacred book for the Muslims contains the Word ofGod (Allah) revealed to the prophet Mohammed. The word Koran comesfrom the Arab Al-Quran, which means "Recitation" or "Sacred Textthat is recited". Mohammed received the revelations and transmittedthem orally. After his death, in the year 632, his followers beganto assemble the revealed texts taking the form of the book which weknow today. The Koran expresses the creed and the law of theMuslims. It is the source of faith of every Muslim. It refers toGod's relation with his creatures and it offers a guide witheducations for a fair society and a correct human conduct. TheKoran is outlined for its beauty, its poetry and its literaryperfection. The unique style of the Quran demonstrates its divineorigin and continues astonishing intellectual people, withoutmattering if they are believers. It is a book that million peoplememorize day after day. The original text of the Qur'an was writtenin classic Arabic, but many translations in different languagesexist. Now you can enjoy the sacred book of the Muslims, in Swahililanguage. The Holy Quran in Swahili is organized into separatechapters called Suras and each one of these is divided into verses.The suras are 114: 1 The Opener, 2 The Cow, 3 Family of Imran, 4The Women, 5 The Table Spread, 6 The Cattle, 7 The Heights, 8 TheSpoils of War, 9 The Repentance, 10 Jonah, 11 Hud, 12 Joseph, 13The Thunder, 14 Abrahim, 15 The Rocky Tract, 16 The Bee, 17 TheNight Journey, 18 The Cave, 19 Mary, 20 Ta-Ha, 21 The Prophets, 22The Pilgrimage, 23 The Believers, 24 The Light, 25 The Criterian,26 The Poets, 27 The Ant, 28 The Stories, 29 The Spider, 30 TheRomans, 31 Luqman, 32 The Prostration, 33 The Combined Forces, 34Sheba, 35 Originator, 36 Ya Sin, 37 Those who set the Ranks, 38 TheLetter "Saad", 39 The Troops, 40 The Forgiver, 41 Explained inDetail, 42 The Consultation, 43 The Ornaments of Gold, 44 TheSmoke, 45 The Crouching, 46 The Wind-Curved Sandhills, 47 Muhammad,48 The Victory, 49 The Rooms, 50 The Letter "Qaf", 51 The WinnowingWinds, 52 The Mount, 53 The Star, 54 The Moon, 55 The Beneficent,56 The Inevitable, 57 The Iron, 58 The Pleading Woman, 59 TheExile, 60 She that is to be examined, 61 The Ranks, 62 TheCongregation, 63 The Hypocrites, 64 The Mutual Disillusion, 65 TheDivorce, 66 The Prohibition, 67 The Sovereignty, 68 The Pen, 69 TheReality, 70 The Ascending Stairways, 71 Noah, 72 The Jinn, 73 TheEnshrouded One, 74 The Cloaked One, 75 The Resurrection, 76 TheMan, 77 The Emissaries, 78 The Tidings, 79 Those who drag forth, 80He Frowned, 81 The Overthrowing, 82 The Cleaving, 83 TheDefrauding, 84 The Sundering, 85 The Mansions of the Stars, 86 TheNightcommer, 87 The Most High, 88 The Overwhelming, 89 The Dawn, 90The City, 91 The Sun, 92 The Night, 93 The Morning Hours, 94 TheRelief, 95 The Fig, 96 The Clot, 97 The Power, 98 The Clear Proof,99 The Earthquake, 100 The Courser, 101 The Calamity, 102 TheRivalry in world increase, 103 The Declining Day, 104 The Traducer,105 The Elephant, 106 Quraysh, 107 The Small Kindnesses, 108 TheAbundance, 109 The Disbelievers, 110 The Divine Support, 111 ThePalm Fiber, 112 The Sincerity, 113 The Daybreak, 114 The Mankind.We invite all of you to read the Quran! Download it now and enjoythis free translation of the Holy AlQuran in Swahili.
Hindi Quran 2.0
Discover the Koran, a divine universal message for all of humanity,now available free and in your own language! With this app you willbe able to read the Holy Quran in Hindi and download it for free onyour mobile device. The sacred book for the Muslims, also calledKoran, Al Quran or Qur'an, contains the Word of God (Allah)revealed to the prophet Mohammed. The word Koran comes from theArab Al-Quran, which means "Recitation" or " Sacred Text that isrecited ". Mohammed received these revelations and transmitted themorally. After his death, in the year 632, his followers began toassemble the revealed texts taking the form of the book which weknow today. The Koran expresses the creed and the law of theMuslims. It is the source of faith of every Muslim. It refers toGod's relation with his creatures and it offers a guide witheducations for a fair society and a correct human conduct. TheKoran is outlined for its beauty, its poetry and its literaryperfection. The unique style of the Quran demonstrates its divineorigin and continues astonishing intellectual people, withoutmattering if they are believers. It is a book that million peoplememorize day after day. The original text of the Qur'an was writtenin classic Arabic, but many translations in different languagesexist. The first translation was in Latin in 1143. Now you canenjoy the sacred book of the Muslims, in Hindi. The Holy Quran isorganized into separate chapters called Suras and each one of theseis divided into verses. The suras are 114: 1 The Opener, 2 The Cow,3 Family of Imran, 4 The Women, 5 The Table Spread, 6 The Cattle, 7The Heights, 8 The Spoils of War, 9 The Repentance, 10 Jonah, 11Hud, 12 Joseph, 13 The Thunder, 14 Abrahim, 15 The Rocky Tract, 16The Bee, 17 The Night Journey, 18 The Cave, 19 Mary, 20 Ta-Ha, 21The Prophets, 22 The Pilgrimage, 23 The Believers, 24 The Light, 25The Criterian, 26 The Poets, 27 The Ant, 28 The Stories, 29 TheSpider, 30 The Romans, 31 Luqman, 32 The Prostration, 33 TheCombined Forces, 34 Sheba, 35 Originator, 36 Ya Sin, 37 Those whoset the Ranks, 38 The Letter "Saad", 39 The Troops, 40 TheForgiver, 41 Explained in Detail, 42 The Consultation, 43 TheOrnaments of Gold, 44 The Smoke, 45 The Crouching, 46 TheWind-Curved Sandhills, 47 Muhammad, 48 The Victory, 49 The Rooms,50 The Letter "Qaf", 51 The Winnowing Winds, 52 The Mount, 53 TheStar, 54 The Moon, 55 The Beneficent, 56 The Inevitable, 57 TheIron, 58 The Pleading Woman, 59 The Exile, 60 She that is to beexamined, 61 The Ranks, 62 The Congregation, 63 The Hypocrites, 64The Mutual Disillusion, 65 The Divorce, 66 The Prohibition, 67 TheSovereignty, 68 The Pen, 69 The Reality, 70 The AscendingStairways, 71 Noah, 72 The Jinn, 73 The Enshrouded One, 74 TheCloaked One, 75 The Resurrection, 76 The Man, 77 The Emissaries, 78The Tidings, 79 Those who drag forth, 80 He Frowned, 81 TheOverthrowing, 82 The Cleaving, 83 The Defrauding, 84 The Sundering,85 The Mansions of the Stars, 86 The Nightcommer, 87 The Most High,88 The Overwhelming, 89 The Dawn, 90 The City, 91 The Sun, 92 TheNight, 93 The Morning Hours, 94 The Relief, 95 The Fig, 96 TheClot, 97 The Power, 98 The Clear Proof, 99 The Earthquake, 100 TheCourser, 101 The Calamity, 102 The Rivalry in world increase, 103The Declining Day, 104 The Traducer, 105 The Elephant, 106 Quraysh,107 The Small Kindnesses, 108 The Abundance, 109 The Disbelievers,110 The Divine Support, 111 The Palm Fiber, 112 The Sincerity, 113The Daybreak, 114 The Mankind. We invite all of you to read theQuran! Download it now and enjoy the Muslim Holy book with Hinditranslation!.
German Quran 2.0
Discover the Koran, a divine universal message for all of humanity,now available free and in your own language! With this app you willbe able to read the Holy Quran translated into German by Abu RidaMuhammad Ahmad Rassoul, a German-Egyptian jurist who studied inCairo. He settled in Cologne, Germany and worked at the Universityof Cologne. He wrote dozens of books on Islamic topics andtranslated the Qur'an under the title "The interpretation of themeaning of Al-Quran Al-Karim" The sacred book for the Muslims, alsocalled Koran, Al Quran or Qur'an, contains the Word of God (Allah)revealed to the prophet Mohammed. The word Koran comes from theArab Al-Quran, which means "Recitation" or " Sacred Text that isrecited ". Mohammed received these revelations and transmitted themorally. After his death, in the year 632, his followers began toassemble the revealed texts taking the form of the book which weknow today. The Koran expresses the creed and the law of theMuslims. It is the source of faith of every Muslim. It refers toGod's relation with his creatures and it offers a guide witheducations for a fair society and a correct human conduct. TheKoran is outlined for its beauty, its poetry and its literaryperfection. The unique style of the Quran demonstrates its divineorigin and continues astonishing intellectual people, withoutmattering if they are believers. It is a book that million peoplememorize day after day. The original text of the Qur'an was writtenin classic Arabic, but many translations in different languagesexist. The first translation was in Latin in 1143. Now you canenjoy the sacred book of the Muslims, in German. The Holy Quran isorganized into separate chapters called Suras and each one of theseis divided into verses. The suras are 114: 1 The Opener, 2 The Cow,3 Family of Imran, 4 The Women, 5 The Table Spread, 6 The Cattle, 7The Heights, 8 The Spoils of War, 9 The Repentance, 10 Jonah, 11Hud, 12 Joseph, 13 The Thunder, 14 Abrahim, 15 The Rocky Tract, 16The Bee, 17 The Night Journey, 18 The Cave, 19 Mary, 20 Ta-Ha, 21The Prophets, 22 The Pilgrimage, 23 The Believers, 24 The Light, 25The Criterian, 26 The Poets, 27 The Ant, 28 The Stories, 29 TheSpider, 30 The Romans, 31 Luqman, 32 The Prostration, 33 TheCombined Forces, 34 Sheba, 35 Originator, 36 Ya Sin, 37 Those whoset the Ranks, 38 The Letter "Saad", 39 The Troops, 40 TheForgiver, 41 Explained in Detail, 42 The Consultation, 43 TheOrnaments of Gold, 44 The Smoke, 45 The Crouching, 46 TheWind-Curved Sandhills, 47 Muhammad, 48 The Victory, 49 The Rooms,50 The Letter "Qaf", 51 The Winnowing Winds, 52 The Mount, 53 TheStar, 54 The Moon, 55 The Beneficent, 56 The Inevitable, 57 TheIron, 58 The Pleading Woman, 59 The Exile, 60 She that is to beexamined, 61 The Ranks, 62 The Congregation, 63 The Hypocrites, 64The Mutual Disillusion, 65 The Divorce, 66 The Prohibition, 67 TheSovereignty, 68 The Pen, 69 The Reality, 70 The AscendingStairways, 71 Noah, 72 The Jinn, 73 The Enshrouded One, 74 TheCloaked One, 75 The Resurrection, 76 The Man, 77 The Emissaries, 78The Tidings, 79 Those who drag forth, 80 He Frowned, 81 TheOverthrowing, 82 The Cleaving, 83 The Defrauding, 84 The Sundering,85 The Mansions of the Stars, 86 The Nightcommer, 87 The Most High,88 The Overwhelming, 89 The Dawn, 90 The City, 91 The Sun, 92 TheNight, 93 The Morning Hours, 94 The Relief, 95 The Fig, 96 TheClot, 97 The Power, 98 The Clear Proof, 99 The Earthquake, 100 TheCourser, 101 The Calamity, 102 The Rivalry in world increase, 103The Declining Day, 104 The Traducer, 105 The Elephant, 106 Quraysh,107 The Small Kindnesses, 108 The Abundance, 109 The Disbelievers,110 The Divine Support, 111 The Palm Fiber, 112 The Sincerity, 113The Daybreak, 114 The Mankind. We invite all of you to read theQuran! Download it now and enjoy the Muslim Holy book in German!
Polish Quran 2.0
Discover the Koran, a divine universal message for all of humanity,now available free and in your own language! We offer you thetranslation of the Holy Quran in Polish by Joseph Bielawski. JosephBielawski was a Polish Arabist and Islamist, who translated theQuran in Polish from the original Arabic Quran. The sacred book forthe Muslims contains the Word of God (Allah) revealed to theprophet Mohammed. The word Koran comes from the Arab Al-Quran,which means "Recitation" or " Sacred Text that is recited ".Mohammed received these revelations and transmitted them orally.After his death, in the year 632, his followers began to assemblethe revealed texts taking the form of the book which we know today.The Koran expresses the creed and the law of the Muslims. It is thesource of faith of every Muslim. It refers to God's relation withhis creatures and it offers a guide with educations for a fairsociety and a correct human conduct. The Koran is outlined for itsbeauty, its poetry and its literary perfection. The unique style ofthe Quran demonstrates its divine origin and continues astonishingintellectual people, without mattering if they are believers. It isa book that million people memorize day after day. The originaltext of the Quran was written in classic Arabic, but manytranslations in different languages exist. Now you can enjoy thesacred book of the Muslims, in Polish. The Holy Quran is organizedinto separate chapters called Suras and each one of these isdivided into verses. The suras are 114: 1 The Opener, 2 The Cow, 3Family of Imran, 4 The Women, 5 The Table Spread, 6 The Cattle, 7The Heights, 8 The Spoils of War, 9 The Repentance, 10 Jonah, 11Hud, 12 Joseph, 13 The Thunder, 14 Abrahim, 15 The Rocky Tract, 16The Bee, 17 The Night Journey, 18 The Cave, 19 Mary, 20 Ta-Ha, 21The Prophets, 22 The Pilgrimage, 23 The Believers, 24 The Light, 25The Criterian, 26 The Poets, 27 The Ant, 28 The Stories, 29 TheSpider, 30 The Romans, 31 Luqman, 32 The Prostration, 33 TheCombined Forces, 34 Sheba, 35 Originator, 36 Ya Sin, 37 Those whoset the Ranks, 38 The Letter "Saad", 39 The Troops, 40 TheForgiver, 41 Explained in Detail, 42 The Consultation, 43 TheOrnaments of Gold, 44 The Smoke, 45 The Crouching, 46 TheWind-Curved Sandhills, 47 Muhammad, 48 The Victory, 49 The Rooms,50 The Letter "Qaf", 51 The Winnowing Winds, 52 The Mount, 53 TheStar, 54 The Moon, 55 The Beneficent, 56 The Inevitable, 57 TheIron, 58 The Pleading Woman, 59 The Exile, 60 She that is to beexamined, 61 The Ranks, 62 The Congregation, 63 The Hypocrites, 64The Mutual Disillusion, 65 The Divorce, 66 The Prohibition, 67 TheSovereignty, 68 The Pen, 69 The Reality, 70 The AscendingStairways, 71 Noah, 72 The Jinn, 73 The Enshrouded One, 74 TheCloaked One, 75 The Resurrection, 76 The Man, 77 The Emissaries, 78The Tidings, 79 Those who drag forth, 80 He Frowned, 81 TheOverthrowing, 82 The Cleaving, 83 The Defrauding, 84 The Sundering,85 The Mansions of the Stars, 86 The Nightcommer, 87 The Most High,88 The Overwhelming, 89 The Dawn, 90 The City, 91 The Sun, 92 TheNight, 93 The Morning Hours, 94 The Relief, 95 The Fig, 96 TheClot, 97 The Power, 98 The Clear Proof, 99 The Earthquake, 100 TheCourser, 101 The Calamity, 102 The Rivalry in world increase, 103The Declining Day, 104 The Traducer, 105 The Elephant, 106 Quraysh,107 The Small Kindnesses, 108 The Abundance, 109 The Disbelievers,110 The Divine Support, 111 The Palm Fiber, 112 The Sincerity, 113The Daybreak, 114 The Mankind. We invite all of you to read theQuran! Download it now and enjoy Polish translation of the MuslimHoly book!
Tamil Quran 2.0
Discover the Koran, a divine universal message for all of humanity,now available free and in your own language! With this app you willbe able to read the Holy Quran in Tamil and download it for free onyour mobile device. The sacred book for the Muslims, also calledKoran, Al Quran or Qur'an, contains the Word of God (Allah)revealed to the prophet Mohammed. The word Koran comes from theArab Al-Quran, which means "Recitation" or " Sacred Text that isrecited ". Mohammed received these revelations and transmitted themorally. After his death, in the year 632, his followers began toassemble the revealed texts taking the form of the book which weknow today. The Koran expresses the creed and the law of theMuslims. It is the source of faith of every Muslim. It refers toGod's relation with his creatures and it offers a guide witheducations for a fair society and a correct human conduct. TheKoran is outlined for its beauty, its poetry and its literaryperfection. The unique style of the Quran demonstrates its divineorigin and continues astonishing intellectual people, withoutmattering if they are believers. It is a book that million peoplememorize day after day. The original text of the Qur'an was writtenin classic Arabic, but many translations in different languagesexist. The first translation was in Latin in 1143. Now you canenjoy the sacred book of the Muslims, in Tamil. The Holy Quran isorganized into separate chapters called Suras and each one of theseis divided into verses. The suras are 114: 1 The Opener, 2 The Cow,3 Family of Imran, 4 The Women, 5 The Table Spread, 6 The Cattle, 7The Heights, 8 The Spoils of War, 9 The Repentance, 10 Jonah, 11Hud, 12 Joseph, 13 The Thunder, 14 Abrahim, 15 The Rocky Tract, 16The Bee, 17 The Night Journey, 18 The Cave, 19 Mary, 20 Ta-Ha, 21The Prophets, 22 The Pilgrimage, 23 The Believers, 24 The Light, 25The Criterian, 26 The Poets, 27 The Ant, 28 The Stories, 29 TheSpider, 30 The Romans, 31 Luqman, 32 The Prostration, 33 TheCombined Forces, 34 Sheba, 35 Originator, 36 Ya Sin, 37 Those whoset the Ranks, 38 The Letter "Saad", 39 The Troops, 40 TheForgiver, 41 Explained in Detail, 42 The Consultation, 43 TheOrnaments of Gold, 44 The Smoke, 45 The Crouching, 46 TheWind-Curved Sandhills, 47 Muhammad, 48 The Victory, 49 The Rooms,50 The Letter "Qaf", 51 The Winnowing Winds, 52 The Mount, 53 TheStar, 54 The Moon, 55 The Beneficent, 56 The Inevitable, 57 TheIron, 58 The Pleading Woman, 59 The Exile, 60 She that is to beexamined, 61 The Ranks, 62 The Congregation, 63 The Hypocrites, 64The Mutual Disillusion, 65 The Divorce, 66 The Prohibition, 67 TheSovereignty, 68 The Pen, 69 The Reality, 70 The AscendingStairways, 71 Noah, 72 The Jinn, 73 The Enshrouded One, 74 TheCloaked One, 75 The Resurrection, 76 The Man, 77 The Emissaries, 78The Tidings, 79 Those who drag forth, 80 He Frowned, 81 TheOverthrowing, 82 The Cleaving, 83 The Defrauding, 84 The Sundering,85 The Mansions of the Stars, 86 The Nightcommer, 87 The Most High,88 The Overwhelming, 89 The Dawn, 90 The City, 91 The Sun, 92 TheNight, 93 The Morning Hours, 94 The Relief, 95 The Fig, 96 TheClot, 97 The Power, 98 The Clear Proof, 99 The Earthquake, 100 TheCourser, 101 The Calamity, 102 The Rivalry in world increase, 103The Declining Day, 104 The Traducer, 105 The Elephant, 106 Quraysh,107 The Small Kindnesses, 108 The Abundance, 109 The Disbelievers,110 The Divine Support, 111 The Palm Fiber, 112 The Sincerity, 113The Daybreak, 114 The Mankind. We invite all of you to read theQuran! Download it now and enjoy the Muslim Holy book with Tamiltranslation!.
Malayalam Quran 2.0
This app includes the Quran translation in Malayalam by Ahmed AliCheriyamundam Abdul Hameed and Kunhi Mohammed Parappoor. Discoverthe Quran, a divine universal message for all of humanity, nowavailable free in your own language! The sacred book for theMuslims contains the Word of God (Allah) revealed to the prophetMohammed. The word Koran comes from the Arab Al-Quran, which means"Recitation" or "Sacred Text that is recited". Mohammed receivedthe revelations and transmitted them orally. After his death, inthe year 632, his followers began to assemble the revealed textstaking the form of the book which we know today. The Koranexpresses the creed and the law of the Muslims. It is the source offaith of every Muslim. It refers to God's relation with hiscreatures and it offers a guide with educations for a fair societyand a correct human conduct. The Koran is outlined for its beauty,its poetry and its literary perfection. The unique style of theQuran demonstrates its divine origin and continues astonishingintellectual people, without mattering if they are believers. It isa book that million people memorize day after day. The originaltext of the Qur'an was written in classic Arabic, but manytranslations in different languages exist. Now you can enjoy thesacred book of the Muslims, in Malayalam language. The Holy Quranin Malayalam is organized into separate chapters called Suras andeach one of these is divided into verses. The suras are 114: 1 TheOpener, 2 The Cow, 3 Family of Imran, 4 The Women, 5 The TableSpread, 6 The Cattle, 7 The Heights, 8 The Spoils of War, 9 TheRepentance, 10 Jonah, 11 Hud, 12 Joseph, 13 The Thunder, 14Abrahim, 15 The Rocky Tract, 16 The Bee, 17 The Night Journey, 18The Cave, 19 Mary, 20 Ta-Ha, 21 The Prophets, 22 The Pilgrimage, 23The Believers, 24 The Light, 25 The Criterian, 26 The Poets, 27 TheAnt, 28 The Stories, 29 The Spider, 30 The Romans, 31 Luqman, 32The Prostration, 33 The Combined Forces, 34 Sheba, 35 Originator,36 Ya Sin, 37 Those who set the Ranks, 38 The Letter "Saad", 39 TheTroops, 40 The Forgiver, 41 Explained in Detail, 42 TheConsultation, 43 The Ornaments of Gold, 44 The Smoke, 45 TheCrouching, 46 The Wind-Curved Sandhills, 47 Muhammad, 48 TheVictory, 49 The Rooms, 50 The Letter "Qaf", 51 The Winnowing Winds,52 The Mount, 53 The Star, 54 The Moon, 55 The Beneficent, 56 TheInevitable, 57 The Iron, 58 The Pleading Woman, 59 The Exile, 60She that is to be examined, 61 The Ranks, 62 The Congregation, 63The Hypocrites, 64 The Mutual Disillusion, 65 The Divorce, 66 TheProhibition, 67 The Sovereignty, 68 The Pen, 69 The Reality, 70 TheAscending Stairways, 71 Noah, 72 The Jinn, 73 The Enshrouded One,74 The Cloaked One, 75 The Resurrection, 76 The Man, 77 TheEmissaries, 78 The Tidings, 79 Those who drag forth, 80 He Frowned,81 The Overthrowing, 82 The Cleaving, 83 The Defrauding, 84 TheSundering, 85 The Mansions of the Stars, 86 The Nightcommer, 87 TheMost High, 88 The Overwhelming, 89 The Dawn, 90 The City, 91 TheSun, 92 The Night, 93 The Morning Hours, 94 The Relief, 95 The Fig,96 The Clot, 97 The Power, 98 The Clear Proof, 99 The Earthquake,100 The Courser, 101 The Calamity, 102 The Rivalry in worldincrease, 103 The Declining Day, 104 The Traducer, 105 TheElephant, 106 Quraysh, 107 The Small Kindnesses, 108 The Abundance,109 The Disbelievers, 110 The Divine Support, 111 The Palm Fiber,112 The Sincerity, 113 The Daybreak, 114 The Mankind. We invite allof you to read the Quran! Download it now and enjoy this freetranslation of the Holy AlQuran in Malayalam.
Quran Urdu 2.0
Discover the Koran, a divine universal message for all of humanity,now available free and in your own language! With this app you willbe able to read the Holy Quran in Urdu and download it for free onyour mobile device. The sacred book for the Muslims, also calledKoran, Al Quran or Qur'an, contains the Word of God (Allah)revealed to the prophet Mohammed. The word Koran comes from theArab Al-Quran, which means "Recitation" or " Sacred Text that isrecited ". Mohammed received these revelations and transmitted themorally. After his death, in the year 632, his followers began toassemble the revealed texts taking the form of the book which weknow today. The Koran expresses the creed and the law of theMuslims. It is the source of faith of every Muslim. It refers toGod's relation with his creatures and it offers a guide witheducations for a fair society and a correct human conduct. TheKoran is outlined for its beauty, its poetry and its literaryperfection. The unique style of the Quran demonstrates its divineorigin and continues astonishing intellectual people, withoutmattering if they are believers. It is a book that million peoplememorize day after day. The original text of the Qur'an was writtenin classic Arabic, but many translations in different languagesexist. The first translation was in Latin in 1143. Now you canenjoy the sacred book of the Muslims, in Urdu. The Holy Quran isorganized into separate chapters called Suras and each one of theseis divided into verses. The suras are 114: 1 The Opener, 2 The Cow,3 Family of Imran, 4 The Women, 5 The Table Spread, 6 The Cattle, 7The Heights, 8 The Spoils of War, 9 The Repentance, 10 Jonah, 11Hud, 12 Joseph, 13 The Thunder, 14 Abrahim, 15 The Rocky Tract, 16The Bee, 17 The Night Journey, 18 The Cave, 19 Mary, 20 Ta-Ha, 21The Prophets, 22 The Pilgrimage, 23 The Believers, 24 The Light, 25The Criterian, 26 The Poets, 27 The Ant, 28 The Stories, 29 TheSpider, 30 The Romans, 31 Luqman, 32 The Prostration, 33 TheCombined Forces, 34 Sheba, 35 Originator, 36 Ya Sin, 37 Those whoset the Ranks, 38 The Letter "Saad", 39 The Troops, 40 TheForgiver, 41 Explained in Detail, 42 The Consultation, 43 TheOrnaments of Gold, 44 The Smoke, 45 The Crouching, 46 TheWind-Curved Sandhills, 47 Muhammad, 48 The Victory, 49 The Rooms,50 The Letter "Qaf", 51 The Winnowing Winds, 52 The Mount, 53 TheStar, 54 The Moon, 55 The Beneficent, 56 The Inevitable, 57 TheIron, 58 The Pleading Woman, 59 The Exile, 60 She that is to beexamined, 61 The Ranks, 62 The Congregation, 63 The Hypocrites, 64The Mutual Disillusion, 65 The Divorce, 66 The Prohibition, 67 TheSovereignty, 68 The Pen, 69 The Reality, 70 The AscendingStairways, 71 Noah, 72 The Jinn, 73 The Enshrouded One, 74 TheCloaked One, 75 The Resurrection, 76 The Man, 77 The Emissaries, 78The Tidings, 79 Those who drag forth, 80 He Frowned, 81 TheOverthrowing, 82 The Cleaving, 83 The Defrauding, 84 The Sundering,85 The Mansions of the Stars, 86 The Nightcommer, 87 The Most High,88 The Overwhelming, 89 The Dawn, 90 The City, 91 The Sun, 92 TheNight, 93 The Morning Hours, 94 The Relief, 95 The Fig, 96 TheClot, 97 The Power, 98 The Clear Proof, 99 The Earthquake, 100 TheCourser, 101 The Calamity, 102 The Rivalry in world increase, 103The Declining Day, 104 The Traducer, 105 The Elephant, 106 Quraysh,107 The Small Kindnesses, 108 The Abundance, 109 The Disbelievers,110 The Divine Support, 111 The Palm Fiber, 112 The Sincerity, 113The Daybreak, 114 The Mankind. We invite all of you to read theQuran! Download it now and enjoy the Muslim Holy book with Urdutranslation!.
Corán en Español 2.0
¡Descubra el Corán, el mensaje divino dirigido a toda la humanidad,ahora disponible gratis y en su idioma! Con esta aplicación podráleer el Corán, el libro sagrado del Islam, en español y gratis paradescargar en su celular. El libro sagrado para los musulmanes,también llamado Alcorán, Qurán o Korán, contiene la palabra de Dios(Allah) revelada al profeta Mahoma. El nombre Corán en españolproviene del árabe Al-Quran, que significa “Recitación” o “Textosagrado que se recita”. Mahoma recibía estas revelaciones y lastransmitía aoralmente. A su muerte, en el año 632, sus seguidorescomenzaron a reunir los textos revelados tomando la forma del libroque hoy conocemos. El Corán expresa el credo y la ley de losmusulmanes. Es la fuente de fe de todo musulmán, trata de larelación de Dios con sus criaturas y ofrece una guía con enseñanzaspara una sociedad justa y una conducta humana correcta. El Corán sedestaca por su belleza, su poesía y su perfección literaria. Elestilo único del Corán evidencia su origen divino y siguemaravillando a muchos intelectuales, sean o no creyentes. Es unlibro que millones de personas memorizan dia a dia. El textooriginal del Qurán fue escrito en árabe clásico, pero existenmuchas traducciones a lenguas occidentales. La primera traducciónfue al Latín en 1143. Ahora puedes disfrutar el libro sagrado delos musulmanes, en tu teléfono y en tu propio idioma. El Corán estádividido en capítulos (azoras) y cada uno de estos divididos enversículos (aleyas). En total, son 6236 aleyas. Las azoras son 114:1 Exordio, 2 La vaca, 3 La familia de Imran, 4 Las mujeres, 5 Lamesa servida, 6 Los rebaños, 7 Los lugares elevados, 8 El botín, 9El arrepentimiento, 10 Jonás, 11 Hud , 12 José, 13 El trueno, 14Abraham, 15 Al-Hichr , 16 Las abejas, 17 El viaje nocturno, 18 Lacaverna, 19 María, 20 Ta Ha , 21 Los profetas, 22 La peregrinación,23 Los creyentes, 24 La luz, 25 El Criterio, 26 Los poetas, 27 Lashormigas, 28 El relato, 29 La araña, 30 Los bizantinos, 31 Luqmán ,32 La adoración, 33 La coalición, 34 Los saba, 35 Creador, 36 YaSin , 37 Los puestos en fila, 38 Sad , 39 Los grupos, 40 Queperdona, 41 Han sido explicadas detalladamente, 42 La consulta, 43El lujo, 44 El humo, 45 La arrodillada, 46 Al-Ahcaf , 47 Mahoma, 48La victoria, 49 Las habitaciones privadas, 50 Qaf , 51 Los queaventan, 52 El monte, 53 La estrella, 54 La luna, 55 El Compasivo,56 El acontecimiento, 57 El hierro, 58 La discusión, 59 La reunión,60 La examinada, 61 La fila, 62 El viernes, 63 Los hipócritas, 64El Engaño Mutuo, 65 El repudio, 66 La prohibición, 67 El dominio,68 El cálamo, 69 La Inevitable, 70 Las gradas, 71 Noé, 72 Losgenios, 73 El arrebujado, 74 El envuelto en un manto, 75 LaResurrección, 76 El hombre, 77 Los enviados, 78 La Noticia, 79 Losque arrancan, 80 Frunció las cejas, 81 El obscurecimiento, 82 Lahendidura, 83 Los defraudadores, 84 El desgarrón, 85 Lasconstelaciones, 86 El astro nocturno, 87 El Altísimo, 88 La quecubre, 89 El alba, 90 La ciudad, 91 El sol, 92 La noche, 93 Lamañana, 94 La abertura, 95 Las higueras, 96 La sangre coagulada, 97El destino, 98 La prueba clara, 99 El terremoto, 100 Los corceles,101 La Calamidad, 102 El afán de lucro, 103 La tarde, 104 Eldifamador, 105 El elefante, 106 Los coraixíes, 107 La ayuda, 108 Laabundancia, 109 Los infieles, 110 El auxilio, 111 Las fibras, 112La fe pura, 113 El alba, 114 Los hombres. Puede descargarlo ahora ydisfrutar de esta versión en español! Invitamos a todos a leer elQuran.
Bosanski Kur’an 2.0
Otkrijte Kur’an, univerzalnu božansku poruku za svo čovječanstvo,sada dosutpan besplatno i na Vašem jeziku! S ovom aplikacijom moćićete čitati Korkut Bersimov prijevod Časnog Kur’ana na bosanskijezik. Preuzmite ga besplatno na svoj mobilni uređaj! Sveta knjigaza muslimane, takođe ima nazive Koran, Al Quaran ili Qur’an, sadržiBožju (Allahovu) Riječ prenesenu poslaniku Muhammedu s.a.w.s. RiječKur’an je nstala od arapske riječi Al-Quran, što znači “recitat”ili “recitirani sveti tekst”. Muhammed je primio ove objave iusmeno ih prenosio. Nakon njegove smrti, godine 632., njegovisljedbenici su počeli sastavljati otkrivene tekstove kako biformirali knjigu kakvu znamo danas. Kur’an odražava muslimanskovjerovanje i zakone. On je izvor vjere svakog muslimana. Odnosi sena Božje relacije sa njegovim stvorenjima, te pruža smjernice sedukacijom za pošteno društvo i ispravno ljudsko ponašanje. Kur’annaglašava njegova ljepota, poezija i književno savršenstvo.Jedinstven stil Kur’ana demonstrira njegovo božansko porijeklo inastavlja čuditi intelektualne osobe, bez obzira da li su onivjernici ili ne. To je knjiga koju million ljudi pamti iz dana udan. Originalni tekst Kur’ana je pisan na klasičnom arapskom, alipostoje prijevodi na mnoge jezike. Prvi prijevod bio je na latinskiu 1143. godini. Sada možete uživati svetu muslimansku knjigu nabosanskom jeziku. Časni Kur’an se sastoji od zasebnih poglavljakoji se zovu Sure, a svaka od njih je podijeljena na ajete. Postoji114 sura: 1 Pristup, 2 Krava, 3 Imranova porodica, 4 Žene, 5Trpeza, 6 Stoka, 7 Bedemi, 8 Plijen, 9 Pokajanje, 10 Junus, 11 Hud,12 Jusuf, 13 Grom, 14 Ibrahim, 15 Hidžr, 16 Pčele, 17 Noćnoputovanje, 18 Pećina, 19 Merjema, 20 Taha, 21 Vjerovjesnici, 22Hadždž, 23 Vjernici, 24 Svjetlost, 25 Furkan, 26 Pjesnici, 27Mravi, 28 Kazivanje, 29 Pauk, 30 Bizantinci, 31 Lukman, 32 Padanjeničice, 33 Saveznici, 34 Saba, 35 Stvoritelj, 36 Jasin, 37 Redovi,38 Sad, 39 Skupovi, 40 Vjernik, 41 Objašnjenje, 42 Dogovaranje, 43Ukras, 44 Dim, 45 Oni koji kleče, 46 Ahkaf, 47 Muhammed, 48Pobjeda, 49 Sobe, 50 Kaf, 51 Oni koji pušu, 52 Gora, 53 Zvijezda,54 Mjesec, 55 Milostivi, 56 Događaj, 57 Gvožđe, 58 Rasprava, 59Progonstvo, 60 Provjerena, 61 Bojni red, 62 Petak, 63 Licemjeri, 64Samoodbrana. 65 Razvod braka, 66 Zabrana, 67 Vlast, 68 Kalem, 69Čas neizbježni, 70 Stepeni, 71 Nuh, 72 Džini, 73 Umotani, 74Pokriveni, 75 Smak svijeta, 76 Vrijeme, 77 Poslani, 78 Vijest, 79Oni koji čupaju, 80. Namrštio se, 81 Prestanak sjaja, 82Rascjepljenje, 83 Oni koji pri mjerenju zakidaju, 84 Cijepanje, 85Sazviježđda, 86 Danica, 87 Svevišnji, 88 Teška nevolja, 89 Zora, 90Grad, 91 Sunce, 92 Noć, 93 Jutro, 94 Širokogrudnost, 95 Smokva, 96Ugrušak, 97 Noć Kadr, 98 Dokaz jasni, 99 Zemljotres, 100 Oni kojijure, 101 Smak svijeta, 102 Nadmetanje, 103 Vrijeme, 104 Klevetnik,105 Slon, 106 Kurejšije, 107 Davanje u naruč, 108 Mnogo dobro, 109Nevjernici, 110 Pomoć, 111 Plamen, 112 Iskrenost, 113 Svitanje, 114Ljudi Pozivamo sve Vas da pročitate Kur’an! Preuzmite ga sada iuživajte Svetu muslimansku knjigu sa prijevodom na bosanski jezik!
Thai Quran 2.0
Discover the Koran, a divine universal message for all of humanity,now available free and in your own language! With this app you willbe able to read the Holy Quran in Thai published by King FahadQuran Complex. Download it now and read the Noble Quran anytime,anywhere. You can also read it offline after downloading, nointernet connection required. The sacred book for the Muslimscontains the Word of God (Allah) revealed to the prophet Muhammad(peace be upon him). The word Koran comes from the Arab Al-Quran,which means "Recitation" or " Sacred Text that is recited ".Muhammad received these revelations and transmitted them orally.After his death, in the year 632, his followers began to assemblethe revealed texts taking the form of the book which we know today.The Koran expresses the creed and the law of the Muslims. It is thesource of faith of every Muslim. It refers to God's relation withhis creatures and it offers a guide with educations for a fairsociety and a correct human conduct. The unique style of the Qurandemonstrates its divine origin and continues astonishingintellectual people, without mattering if they are believers. It isa book that million people memorize day after day. The originaltext of the Quran was written in classic Arabic, but manytranslations in different languages exist. Now you can enjoy thesacred book of the Muslims, in Thai. The Holy Quran is organizedinto separate chapters called Suras and each one of these isdivided into verses. The suras are 114: 1 The Opener, 2 The Cow, 3Family of Imran, 4 The Women, 5 The Table Spread, 6 The Cattle, 7The Heights, 8 The Spoils of War, 9 The Repentance, 10 Jonah, 11Hud, 12 Joseph, 13 The Thunder, 14 Abrahim, 15 The Rocky Tract, 16The Bee, 17 The Night Journey, 18 The Cave, 19 Mary, 20 Ta-Ha, 21The Prophets, 22 The Pilgrimage, 23 The Believers, 24 The Light, 25The Criterian, 26 The Poets, 27 The Ant, 28 The Stories, 29 TheSpider, 30 The Romans, 31 Luqman, 32 The Prostration, 33 TheCombined Forces, 34 Sheba, 35 Originator, 36 Ya Sin, 37 Those whoset the Ranks, 38 The Letter "Saad", 39 The Troops, 40 TheForgiver, 41 Explained in Detail, 42 The Consultation, 43 TheOrnaments of Gold, 44 The Smoke, 45 The Crouching, 46 TheWind-Curved Sandhills, 47 Muhammad, 48 The Victory, 49 The Rooms,50 The Letter "Qaf", 51 The Winnowing Winds, 52 The Mount, 53 TheStar, 54 The Moon, 55 The Beneficent, 56 The Inevitable, 57 TheIron, 58 The Pleading Woman, 59 The Exile, 60 She that is to beexamined, 61 The Ranks, 62 The Congregation, 63 The Hypocrites, 64The Mutual Disillusion, 65 The Divorce, 66 The Prohibition, 67 TheSovereignty, 68 The Pen, 69 The Reality, 70 The AscendingStairways, 71 Noah, 72 The Jinn, 73 The Enshrouded One, 74 TheCloaked One, 75 The Resurrection, 76 The Man, 77 The Emissaries, 78The Tidings, 79 Those who drag forth, 80 He Frowned, 81 TheOverthrowing, 82 The Cleaving, 83 The Defrauding, 84 The Sundering,85 The Mansions of the Stars, 86 The Nightcommer, 87 The Most High,88 The Overwhelming, 89 The Dawn, 90 The City, 91 The Sun, 92 TheNight, 93 The Morning Hours, 94 The Relief, 95 The Fig, 96 TheClot, 97 The Power, 98 The Clear Proof, 99 The Earthquake, 100 TheCourser, 101 The Calamity, 102 The Rivalry in world increase, 103The Declining Day, 104 The Traducer, 105 The Elephant, 106 Quraysh,107 The Small Kindnesses, 108 The Abundance, 109 The Disbelievers,110 The Divine Support, 111 The Palm Fiber, 112 The Sincerity, 113The Daybreak, 114 The Mankind. We invite all of you to read theQuran! Download it now and enjoy the Muslim Holy book in the Thailanguage!
Kuranin Hausa 2.0
Muna bayar da fasaran Kurani mai Girma a cikin Harshen Hausa waddato fito daga Gumi Abubakar Mahmoud Gumi. Sirin litafi na musulunciyana da kalmomin daga Allah wadda aka bayana to wurin shi anabiMuhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam). Ya karbi wadanan ruya sai yafasara. Bayan mutuwar sa, a shekara dari shida da talatin da biyu(632), ma biyen sa sun tatara duk ruya da aka rubuta cikin litafiwadda muka sani a yau. Kurani ta bayyana akida da kuma dokanMusulunci. It ace majiyar bangaskiya ga ko wane Musulmi. Ta nunadangatakan Allah da halitun sa kumma ta bada jagora ta ilmantarwadomin adalcin al’uma da kumma gudanarawan ayuka masu kyau. Kuranita sarafa domin kyaun ta, shayarin ta da wallafen-wallafen kamala.Mafi bambacin salon Kurani ya nuna asalin Allahntakar sa ya kumacigaba ba masu ilimi mamaki, ba tare da nuna ko sun bada kaskiyaLitafin ne wadda mutane miliyan ke haddace wa kowace rana Asalinrubutun Kurani aka yi ta ne cikin hashen Larabci, amma akwai fasaracikin harsuna da yawa Yanzu za ku ji dadin sirin Litafin Musulunci,cikin Hausa An walafa Kurani mai girma cikin surori 114 Al-Fatihah,Al-Baqarah, Ali, An-Nisa, Al-Ma, Al-An, Al-A, Al-Anfal, At-Tawbah,Yunus, Hud, Yusuf, Ar-Ra, Ibrahim, Al-Hijr, An-Nahl, Al-Isra,Al-Kahf, Maryam, Taha, Al-Anbya, Al-Haj, Al-Mu, An-Nur, Al-Furqan,Ash-Shu, An-Naml, Al-Qasas, Al-, Ar-Rum, Luqman, As-Sajdah,Al-Ahzab, Saba, Fatir, Ya-Sin, As-Saffat, Sad, Az-Zumar, Ghafir,Fussilat, Ash-Shuraa, Az-Zukhruf, Ad-Dukhan, Al-Jathiyah, Al-Ahqaf,Muhammad, Al-Fath, Al-Hujurat, Qaf, Adh-Dhariyat, At-Tur, An-Najm,Al-Qamar, Ar-Rahman, Al-Waqi, Al-Hadid, Al-Mujadila, Al-Hashr,Al-Mumtahanah, As-Saf, Al-Jumu, Al-Munafiqun, At-Taghabun,At-Talaq, At-Tahrim, Al-Mulk, Al-Qalam, Al-Haqqah, Al-Ma, Nuh,Al-Jinn, Al-Muzzammil, Al-Muddaththir, Al-Qiyamah, Al-Insan,Al-Mursalat, An-Naba, An-Nazi, At-Takwir, Al-Infitar,Al-Mutaffifin, Al-Inshiqaq, Al-Buruj, At-Tariq, Al-A, Al-Ghashiyah,Al-Fajr, Al-Balad, Ash-Shams, Al-Layl, Ad-Duhaa, Ash-Sharh, At-Tin,Al-, Al-Qadr, Al-Bayyinah, Az-Zalzalah, Al-, Al-Qari, At-Takathur,Al-, Al-Humazah, Al-Fil, Quraysh, Al-Ma, Al-Kawthar, Al-Kafirun,An-Nasr, Al-Masad, Al-Ikhlas, Al-Falaq, An-Nas Muna gayatan duka kukaranta Kurani! Tai shi yanzu kuma ji dadin Litafin Musulunciicikin harshen Hausa
Alcorão em português 2.0
Faça o download do Alcorão, o livro sagrado dos muçulmanos, emportuguês! Para os muçulmanos, o Alcorão é a palavra literal deDeus(Alá) revelada ao profeta Maomé. O Alcorão é sagrado einviolável. O Alcorão foi escrito originalmente em árabe, mais jáfoi traduzido em muitas línguas ocidentais. Neste aplicativo vocêpode desfrutar do texto completo do Alcorão em português. É umaversão preparada para os falantes de português que não podemcompreender o Alcorão em árabe. A palavra Alcorão ou Corão derivado verbo árabe AL-Quran que significa «recitar» ou «texto que deveser recitado» Alcorão é, portanto uma recitação. Maomé recebia asrevelações e solicitava a seus seguidores que transcrevessem ostextos. Após sua morte em 632, iniciou-se um processo derecolhimento e compilação dos textos. O Alcorão descreve asorígenes do homem e a sua relação com Deus. Define leis para asociedade, moralidade, economia e guia o ser humano em todos osassuntos da vida. Compreender, refletir e obedecer estas revelaçõesé um dever de todo muçulmano. Memorizar versículos do Alcorão émuito importante na cultura islã. O “Hafiz” é a pessoa que aprendeue memorizou completamente o Corão. O Alcorão está dividido em 114capítulos , denominados suras e divididos em seções ou versículos(ayat). O numero de versículos é de mais de 6.000 e sãoidentificados pelos nomes. As suras são as seguintes: I A Abertura,2 A Vaca, 3 A Fami­lia de Imran, 4 As Mulheres, 5 A Mesa Servida, 6O Gado, 7 Os Cimos, 8 Os Espolios, 9 O Arrependimento, 10 Jonas, 11Hud, 12 José, 13 O Trovão, 14 Abraão, 15 Alhijr, 16 As Abelhas, 17A Viagem Noturna, 18 A Caverna, 19 Maria, 20 Ta Ha, 21 Os profetas,22 A Peregrinação, 23 Os Fiéis, 24 A luz, 25 O Discernimento, 26 Ospoetas, 27 As Formigas, 28 As Narrativas , 29 A Aranha, 30 OsBizantinos, 31 Lucman, 32 A Prostação, 33 Os Partidos, 34 Sabá, 35O Criador, 36 Yásin, 37 Os Enfileirados, 38 A Letra Sad, 39 OsGrupos, 40 O Remissório , 41 Os Detalhados, 42 A Consulta, 43 OsOrnamentos, 44 A Fumaça, 45 O Genuflexo, 46 As Dunas, 47 Mohammad,48 O Triunfo, 49 Os Aposentos, 50 A Letra Caf, 51 Os VentosDisseminadores, 52 O Monte, 53 A Estrela, 54 A Lua, 55 O Clemente,56 O Eventos Inevitável, 57 O Ferro, 58 A Discussão, 59 O Desterro,60 A Examinada, 61 As Fileiras, 62 A Sexta-feira, 63 Os Hipócritas,64 As Defraudações Recíprocas, 65 O Divórcio, 66 As Proibições, 67A Soberania, 68 O Cálamo, 69 A Realidade, 70 As Vias de Ascensão,71 Noé, 72 Os Génios, 73 O Acobertado, 74 O Emantado 75 ARessurreição, 76 O Homem, 77 Os Enviados, 78 A Notí­cia, 79 OsArrebatadores, 80 O Austero, 81 O Enrolamento, 82 O Fendimento, 83Os Fraudadores, 84 A Fenda, 85 As Constelações, 86 O VisitanteNoturno, 87 O Altí­ssimo, 88 O Evento Assolador, 89 A Aurora, 90 AMetrópole, 91 O Sol, 92 A Noite, 93 As Horas da Manha, 94 OConforto, 95 O Figo, 96 O Coágulo, 97 O Decreto, 98 A Evidência, 99O Terremoto, 100 Os Corcéis, 101 A Calamidade, 102 A Cobiça, 103 AEra, 104 O Difamador, 105 O Elefante, 106 Os Coraixitas, 107 OsObséquios, 108 A Abundancia, 109 Os Incrédulos, 110 O Socorro, 111O Esparto, 112 A Unicidade, 113 A Alvorada, 114 Os Humanos. Faça odownload agora e deixe que a Palavra de Deus penetre em seu coraçãoe em sua alma.
قران په پختو کې 2.0
ي ترجمه ده قران ده عبدولولۍ خان طرف نا ده مسلمانو پا مقدس کتاب کېآلله پاک ده پيغمبرصلی اللہ علیہ وسلم په ذریعه خپل پېغام مونګ تهراصولې دې۔ پيغمبرصلی اللہ علیہ وسلم ته په وحي په ذريعه الله پېغامراتلو اور اغي به دا زباني خلکو تا طرانفر کول۔ چہ کلہ پيغمبرصلی اللہعلیہ وسلم ۶۳۲ په کال کئ وفاټ شو، صحابه اکرام داده کتاب په شکل کےبند کو، چه کم منګ ڼ ده قران په نوم پيجانو .. قران یو عقیده اورقانون ظاهر کئ ۔قران ده هر مسلمان ده ایمان بنیاد دے۔ دا ده الله اورده اغه مخلوق منس کے یوه رشته ده اور قران تعلیم راکئ دا یو ده انصافمعاشره اور خوش اخلاقي۔ ده قران خوبصورتی، شاعری اور خواندگی یوزانلامثال دے قرآن مجید ده منفرد اندازدادے الہی اصل شکل پيش کئ۔ دانشورخلق هر وقت خواخئ کا اغه ايما ن روری یا نه۔ قران مجید خلق روزانه پهلاکونو خلق حفظ کئ قران شروع کے په عر بی کې لېکلې شوے او اور اس پهديرو جبو کی شته. اس قران پاک په پختو کم شته قران پاک کے ۱۱۴صوراتونه دی سوره فاتحه, سوره بقره, سوره آل عمران, سوره نساء, سورهمائده, سوره انعام, سوره اعراف, سوره انفال, سوره توبه, سوره يونس,سوره عود, سوره يوسف, سوره رعد, سوره ابراهيم, سوره حجر, سوره نحل,سوره اسراء, سوره کهف, سوره مريم, سوره طه, سوره انبياء, سوره الحج,سوره مؤمنون, سوره نور, سوره فرقان, سوره شعراء, سوره نمل, سوره قصص,سوره عنکبوت, سوره روم, سوره لقمان, سوره سجده, سوره احزاب, سوره سبأ,سوره فاطر, سوره يس, سوره صافات, سوره ص, سوره زمر, سوره سوره غافر,سوره فصّلت, سوره شوري, سوره زخرف, سوره دخان, سوره جاثيه, سورهاحقاف, سوره محمّد, سوره فتح, سوره سوره حجرات, سوره ق, سوره ذاريات,سوره طور, سوره نجم, سوره قمر, سوره الرحمن, سوره واقعه, سوره حديد,سوره مجادله, سوره حشر, سوره ممتحنه, سوره صفّ, سوره جمعه, سورهمنافقون, سوره تغابن, سوره طلاق, سوره تحريم, سوره ملک, سوره قلم,سوره حاقه, سوره معارج, سوره نوح, سوره جن, سوره مزمّل, سوره مدّثر,سوره قيامت, سوره انسان, سوره مرسلات, سوره نبأ, سوره النازعات, سورهعبس, سوره التكوير, سوره الإنفطار, سوره المطففين, سوره الانشقاق,سوره البروج, سوره الطارق, سوره الأعلى, سورة الغاشيه, سورة فجر, سورةبلد, سورة شمس, سوره ليل, سوره ضحى, سوره انشراح, سوره تين, سوره علق,سوره قدر, سوره بينه, سوره زلزله, سوره عاديات, سوره قارعه, سورهتكاثر, سوره عصر, سوره هُمَزَه, سوره فيل, سوره قريش, سوره ماعون,سوره كوثر, سوره كافرون, سوره نصر, سوره مسد, سوره اخلاص, سوره فلق,سوره ناس منګ تا سو تولو ته دعوت درکءو چه قران مجید ناظره اکے وس اےداءنلود کے اور قران مجید اوايے
Chinese Quran 2.0
Here we offer you the Ma Jian translation of the Holy Quran intoTraditional Chinese. Download the divine universal message for allof humanity, now available free and in your own language! MuhammadMa Jian was a Chinese Islamic scholar and translator of the HolyQuran. Born in Yunnan, he studied in Cairo, Egypt. When he returnedto China, he edited an Arabic-Chinese Dictionary and translated theQuran. His Chinese Version of the Holy book was published in 1981.The Quran, the sacred book for the Muslims, contains the Word ofGod (Allah) revealed to the prophet Mohammed. The word Koran comesfrom the Arab Al-Quran, which means "Recitation" or " Sacred Textthat is recited ". Mohammed received these revelations andtransmitted them orally. After his death, in the year 632, hisfollowers began to assemble the revealed texts taking the form ofthe book which we know today. The Koran expresses the creed and thelaw of the Muslims. It is the source of faith of every Muslim. Itrefers to God's relation with his creatures and it offers a guidewith educations for a fair society and a correct human conduct. TheKoran is outlined for its beauty, its poetry and its literaryperfection. The unique style of the Quran demonstrates its divineorigin and continues astonishing intellectual people, withoutmattering if they are believers. It is a book that million peoplememorize day after day. We offer the complete Quran, organized into114 separate chapters called Suras: 1 The Opener, 2 The Cow, 3Family of Imran, 4 The Women, 5 The Table Spread, 6 The Cattle, 7The Heights, 8 The Spoils of War, 9 The Repentance, 10 Jonah, 11Hud, 12 Joseph, 13 The Thunder, 14 Abrahim, 15 The Rocky Tract, 16The Bee, 17 The Night Journey, 18 The Cave, 19 Mary, 20 Ta-Ha, 21The Prophets, 22 The Pilgrimage, 23 The Believers, 24 The Light, 25The Criterian, 26 The Poets, 27 The Ant, 28 The Stories, 29 TheSpider, 30 The Romans, 31 Luqman, 32 The Prostration, 33 TheCombined Forces, 34 Sheba, 35 Originator, 36 Ya Sin, 37 Those whoset the Ranks, 38 The Letter "Saad", 39 The Troops, 40 TheForgiver, 41 Explained in Detail, 42 The Consultation, 43 TheOrnaments of Gold, 44 The Smoke, 45 The Crouching, 46 TheWind-Curved Sandhills, 47 Muhammad, 48 The Victory, 49 The Rooms,50 The Letter "Qaf", 51 The Winnowing Winds, 52 The Mount, 53 TheStar, 54 The Moon, 55 The Beneficent, 56 The Inevitable, 57 TheIron, 58 The Pleading Woman, 59 The Exile, 60 She that is to beexamined, 61 The Ranks, 62 The Congregation, 63 The Hypocrites, 64The Mutual Disillusion, 65 The Divorce, 66 The Prohibition, 67 TheSovereignty, 68 The Pen, 69 The Reality, 70 The AscendingStairways, 71 Noah, 72 The Jinn, 73 The Enshrouded One, 74 TheCloaked One, 75 The Resurrection, 76 The Man, 77 The Emissaries, 78The Tidings, 79 Those who drag forth, 80 He Frowned, 81 TheOverthrowing, 82 The Cleaving, 83 The Defrauding, 84 The Sundering,85 The Mansions of the Stars, 86 The Nightcommer, 87 The Most High,88 The Overwhelming, 89 The Dawn, 90 The City, 91 The Sun, 92 TheNight, 93 The Morning Hours, 94 The Relief, 95 The Fig, 96 TheClot, 97 The Power, 98 The Clear Proof, 99 The Earthquake, 100 TheCourser, 101 The Calamity, 102 The Rivalry in world increase, 103The Declining Day, 104 The Traducer, 105 The Elephant, 106 Quraysh,107 The Small Kindnesses, 108 The Abundance, 109 The Disbelievers,110 The Divine Support, 111 The Palm Fiber, 112 The Sincerity, 113The Daybreak, 114 The Mankind. We invite all of you to read theQuran! Download it now and enjoy the Muslim Holy book inTraditional Chinese!
Dutch Quran 2.0
Discover the Koran, a divine universal message for all of humanity,now available free and in your own language! With this app you willbe able to read the Holy Quran in Dutch and download it for free onyour mobile device! The sacred book for the Muslims contains theWord of God (Allah) revealed to the prophet Muhammad (peace be uponhim) The word Koran comes from the Arab Al-Quran, which means"Recitation" or " Sacred Text that is recited ". Muhammad (peace beupon him) received these revelations and transmitted them orally.After his death, in the year 632, his followers began to assemblethe revealed texts taking the form of the book which we know today.The Koran expresses the creed and the law of the Muslims. It is thefundamental source of Islamic law. Islam is second largest religionin the Netherlands after Christianity. Some 10 percent of the Dutchpeople practice Islam. The unique style of the Quran demonstratesits divine origin and continues astonishing intellectual people,without mattering if they are believers. The Quran is outlined forits beauty, its poetry and its literary perfection. It is a bookthat million people memorize day after day. The Noble Quran refersto God's relation with his creatures and it offers a guide witheducations for a fair society and a correct human conduct. Theoriginal text of Qur'an was written in classic Arabic, but manytranslations in different languages exist. The first translationwas in Latin in 1143. Now you can enjoy the sacred book of theMuslims, in Dutch. The Holy Quran is organized into separatechapters called Suras and each one of these is divided into verses.The suras are 114: 1 The Opener, 2 The Cow, 3 Family of Imran, 4The Women, 5 The Table Spread, 6 The Cattle, 7 The Heights, 8 TheSpoils of War, 9 The Repentance, 10 Jonah, 11 Hud, 12 Joseph, 13The Thunder, 14 Abrahim, 15 The Rocky Tract, 16 The Bee, 17 TheNight Journey, 18 The Cave, 19 Mary, 20 Ta-Ha, 21 The Prophets, 22The Pilgrimage, 23 The Believers, 24 The Light, 25 The Criterian,26 The Poets, 27 The Ant, 28 The Stories, 29 The Spider, 30 TheRomans, 31 Luqman, 32 The Prostration, 33 The Combined Forces, 34Sheba, 35 Originator, 36 Ya Sin, 37 Those who set the Ranks, 38 TheLetter "Saad", 39 The Troops, 40 The Forgiver, 41 Explained inDetail, 42 The Consultation, 43 The Ornaments of Gold, 44 TheSmoke, 45 The Crouching, 46 The Wind-Curved Sandhills, 47 Muhammad,48 The Victory, 49 The Rooms, 50 The Letter "Qaf", 51 The WinnowingWinds, 52 The Mount, 53 The Star, 54 The Moon, 55 The Beneficent,56 The Inevitable, 57 The Iron, 58 The Pleading Woman, 59 TheExile, 60 She that is to be examined, 61 The Ranks, 62 TheCongregation, 63 The Hypocrites, 64 The Mutual Disillusion, 65 TheDivorce, 66 The Prohibition, 67 The Sovereignty, 68 The Pen, 69 TheReality, 70 The Ascending Stairways, 71 Noah, 72 The Jinn, 73 TheEnshrouded One, 74 The Cloaked One, 75 The Resurrection, 76 TheMan, 77 The Emissaries, 78 The Tidings, 79 Those who drag forth, 80He Frowned, 81 The Overthrowing, 82 The Cleaving, 83 TheDefrauding, 84 The Sundering, 85 The Mansions of the Stars, 86 TheNightcommer, 87 The Most High, 88 The Overwhelming, 89 The Dawn, 90The City, 91 The Sun, 92 The Night, 93 The Morning Hours, 94 TheRelief, 95 The Fig, 96 The Clot, 97 The Power, 98 The Clear Proof,99 The Earthquake, 100 The Courser, 101 The Calamity, 102 TheRivalry in world increase, 103 The Declining Day, 104 The Traducer,105 The Elephant, 106 Quraysh, 107 The Small Kindnesses, 108 TheAbundance, 109 The Disbelievers, 110 The Divine Support, 111 ThePalm Fiber, 112 The Sincerity, 113 The Daybreak, 114 The Mankind.We invite all of you to read the Quran! Download it now and enjoythe Muslim Holy book in Dutch!
татар Коръән 2.0
Бу кушымта бирә Сезгә тәрҗемәсен татар телендә Коръән тәрҗемәсенНугман Ибн тарихчысы якуб. Изге китап мөселман тупланган әйтүХодайдан Куркыгыз пәйгамбәребез Мөхәммәд (һәм дөнья хәбәрләре. Улалган бу откровения тапшырылган, аларга телдән тапшыра. Ул үлгәннәнсоң бу 632 елда, аның тарафдарлары җыела башлады богооткровенныхтекстлары рәвешендәге китаплар, без аны беләбез, бүген. Коръәнбелдерә вероучение законына мөселманнар. Бу чыганагы, иман һәрмусульманина. Бу дигәнне аңлата элемтә Ходайга белән аныңсозданиями һәм ул тәкъдим итә җитәкчелеге белән берәмлекләр гаделҗәмгыять һәм үз-үзеңне дөрес кеше. Коръән изложен үзенең матурлыгыбелән, үзенең шигърият һәм үзенең әдәби камиллек. Уникаль стильКоръән күрсәтә үз божественное происхождение һәм, элеккечә үк,гаҗәеп интеллектуаль кешеләр, мөһим түгел, әгәр алар сезләрдән. Букитап миллионлаган кешеләрнең истә калдырырга көн артыннан.Үзенчәлекле текст Коръән иде написан на классик гарәп телендә,ләкин тәрҗемәләре тупланган, төрле телдә бар. Хәзер аласызнаслаждаться изге китап мөселман татар телендә. Изге Коръән тора114 СУР: Фатихә сүрәсе, Бакара (Сыер) сүрәсе, Ґимран сүрәсе, Ниса(Хатыннар) сүрәсе, Маидә (Аш Яулыгы) сүрәсе, Әнґәм (Терлек) сүрәсе,Әгъраф (Пәрдә) сүрәсе, Әнфәл (Табыш) сүрәсе, Тәүбә сүрәсе, Йунуссүрәсе, Һуд сүрәсе, Йусуф сүрәсе, Рәгыд (Күк Күкрәү) сүрәсе,Ибраһим сүрәсе, Хиҗер сүрәсе, Нәхел (Умарта Кортлары) сүрәсе, БәниИсраил (Ягъкуб Балалары) сүрәсе, Кәһаф (Тау Тишеге) сүрәсе, Мәрьямсүрәсе, Та Һа сүрәсе ( аять.), Пәйгамбәрләр сүрәсе, Хаҗ сүрәсе,(Мөэминнәр) сүрәсе, Нур сүрәсе, Фуркан (Аеручы) сүрәсе, Шүгәраү(Шагыйрьләр сүрәсе), Нәмел (Кырмыска) сүрәсе, Касас (Хикәя) сүрәсе,Ґәнкәбут (Үрмәкүч) сүрәсе, Рум сүрәсе, Локман сүрәсе, Сәҗдә сүрәсе,Әхзаб (Гаскәрләр) сүрәсе, Сәба сүрәсе, Мәләикә (Фәрештәләр) сүрәсе,Йәсин сүрәсе, Саффат (Сафта Торучылар) сүрәсе, Сад сүрәсе,үмәра(Халык Төркеме) сүрәсе, Мөэмин сүрәсе, Фүссиләт (Аңлатылдысүрәсе), Шура (Киңәш) сүрәсе, Зүхърүф (Зиннәтләнү) сүрәсе, Духан(Төтен) сүрәсе, Җасийә (Тезләнү) сүрәсе, Әхкаф (Комлык) сүрәсе,Кыйтал (Мухәммәд) сүрәсе, Фәтех (Җиңү) сүрәсе, Хүҗүрат (Бүлмәләр)сүрәсе, Каф сүрәсе, Зарият (Таратучы) сүрәсе, Тур (Тур Тавы)сүрәсе, Нәҗем (Йолдыз) сүрәсе, Камәр (Ай) сүрәсе, Әр Рәхман(Рәхимле) сүрәсе, Вакыйга (Хәл) сүрәсе, Хәдид (Тимер) сүрәсе,Мүҗадәлә (Бәхәсләшү) сүрәсе, Хәшер (Сөреп Чыгару) сүрәсе, Мүмтәхәнә(Сыналучы Хатын) сүрәсе, Саф (Рәт) сүрәсе, Җомга сүрәсе,Монафикълар сүрәсе, Тәгабүн (Алдану) сүрәсе, Талак сүрәсе, Тәхрим(Тыю) сүрәсе, Мүлек (Патшалык) сүрәсе, Нун сүрәсе, Хаккат сүрәсе,Мәгариҗ (Дәрәҗә) сүрәсе, Нух сүрәсе, Җиннун (Җен) сүрәсе, Мүззәммил(Бөркәнүче) сүрәсе, Мүддәссир (Бөркәнүче) сүрәсе, Кыямәт сүрәсе,Инсан (Кеше) сүрәсе ( аять.), Мүрсиләт (Җибәрелмеш) сүрәсе, Нәба(Хәбәр) сүрәсе, Нәзигат (Суыргучы) сүрәсе, Ґәбәсә (Чытты) сүрәсе,Тәквир (Чорналу) сүрәсе, Инфәтар (Ярылмак) сүрәсе, Мүтаффифин(Киметүчеләр) сүрәсе, Иншикак (Ярылмак) сүрәсе, Бүруҗ (Каланча)сүрәсе, Тарыйк (Йолдыз) сүрәсе, Әгълә (Бөек) сүрәсе, Гашийә(Каплаучы) сүрәсе, Фәҗер (Таң) сүрәсе, Бәләде (Шәһәр) сүрәсе, Шәмсү(Кояш) сүрәсе, Ләел (Төн) сүрәсе, Зуха (Иртән) сүрәсе, Инширах(Ачмак) сүрәсе, Тин (Инҗир) сүрәсе, Галәк сүрәсе, Кадер (Кадер Кич)сүрәсе, Бәйинә (Аңлатма) сүрәсе, Зүллзиләт (Җир Селкенмәк) сүрәсе,Гадият сүрәсе, Карига сүрәсе, Тәкәсүр сүрәсе, Гасыр сүрәсе, Һүмәзә(Сүз Йөртүче) сүрәсе, Фил сүрәсе, Кураеш сүрәсе, Магун сүрәсе,Кәүсәр сүрәсе, Кәфирун (Кәферләр) сүрәсе, Насыр (Ярдәм сүрәсе),Мәсәд (Бау) сүрәсе, Ихлас сүрәсе, Фәләкъ (Таң) сүрәсе, Нәс(Кешеләр) сүрәсе (аять) Без чакырабыз сезне укырга Коръән!Загрузите аны хәзер наслаждайтесь Изге китабы, мөселманнар беләнтатар теленә тәрҗемәсен!
Quran Yusuf Ali 2.0
Here we offer the Yusuf Ali Quran, the most influential Translationinto English of the Holy Quran. Abdullah Yusuf Ali was a renownedSunni translator and commentator of the Qur'an.. His translationand commentary has been very popular in the Islamic and Westernworld, wherever English is read and understood. He translated theNoble Quran into English and it became the most widely known in theEnglish-Speaking world. Yusuf Ali was born in Bombay, India, in1872. When he was a child, he could recite the Quran from memory.He lived in England and studied at Cambridge and Leedsuniversities. He spoke both Arabic and English fluently and hetranslated the Quran into English. It was published in 1938. Enjoythe Holy Quran translated by Yusuf Ali, the best version forEnglish speakers. Download the central religious text of Islam andread it every day. We offer you the opportunity to read the entireKoran translated into English and organized into separate chapterscalled Suras and each one of these is divided into verses (ayahs).In total, there are 6236 verses. The suras are 114: 1 The Opener, 2The Cow, 3 Family of Imran, 4 The Women, 5 The Table Spread, 6 TheCattle, 7 The Heights, 8 The Spoils of War, 9 The Repentance, 10Jonah, 11 Hud, 12 Joseph, 13 The Thunder, 14 Abrahim, 15 The RockyTract, 16 The Bee, 17 The Night Journey, 18 The Cave, 19 Mary, 20Ta-Ha, 21 The Prophets, 22 The Pilgrimage, 23 The Believers, 24 TheLight, 25 The Criterian, 26 The Poets, 27 The Ant, 28 The Stories,29 The Spider, 30 The Romans, 31 Luqman, 32 The Prostration, 33 TheCombined Forces, 34 Sheba, 35 Originator, 36 Ya Sin, 37 Those whoset the Ranks, 38 The Letter "Saad", 39 The Troops, 40 TheForgiver, 41 Explained in Detail, 42 The Consultation, 43 TheOrnaments of Gold, 44 The Smoke, 45 The Crouching, 46 TheWind-Curved Sandhills, 47 Muhammad, 48 The Victory, 49 The Rooms,50 The Letter "Qaf", 51 The Winnowing Winds, 52 The Mount, 53 TheStar, 54 The Moon, 55 The Beneficent, 56 The Inevitable, 57 TheIron, 58 The Pleading Woman, 59 The Exile, 60 She that is to beexamined, 61 The Ranks, 62 The Congregation, 63 The Hypocrites, 64The Mutual Disillusion, 65 The Divorce, 66 The Prohibtiion, 67 TheSovereignty, 68 The Pen, 69 The Reality, 70 The AscendingStairways, 71 Noah, 72 The Jinn, 73 The Enshrouded One, 74 TheCloaked One, 75 The Resurrection, 76 The Man, 77 The Emissaries, 78The Tidings, 79 Those who drag forth, 80 He Frowned, 81 TheOverthrowing, 82 The Cleaving, 83 The Defrauding, 84 The Sundering,85 The Mansions of the Stars, 86 The Nightcommer, 87 The Most High,88 The Overwhelming, 89 The Dawn, 90 The City, 91 The Sun, 92 TheNight, 93 The Morning Hours, 94 The Relief, 95 The Fig, 96 TheClot, 97 The Power, 98 The Clear Proof, 99 The Earthquake, 100 TheCourser, 101 The Calamity, 102 The Rivalry in world increase, 103The Declining Day, 104 The Traducer, 105 The Elephant, 106 Quraysh,107 The Small Kindnesses, 108 The Abundance, 109 The Disbelievers,110 The Divine Support, 111 The Palm Fiber, 112 The Sincerity, 113The Daybreak, 114 The Mankind
Malay Quran 2.0
Discover the Koran, a divine universal message for all of humanity,now available free in your own language! With this app you will beable to read the Holy Quran in Malay and download it for free onyour mobile device. The sacred book for the Muslims, also calledKoran, Al Quran or Qur'an, contains the Word of God (Allah)revealed to the prophet Mohammed. The word Koran comes from theArab Al-Quran, which means "Recitation" or "Sacred Text that isrecited". Mohammed received the revelations and transmitted themorally. After his death, in the year 632, his followers began toassemble the revealed texts taking the form of the book which weknow today. The Koran expresses the creed and the law of theMuslims. It is the source of faith of every Muslim. It refers toGod's relation with his creatures and it offers a guide witheducations for a fair society and a correct human conduct. TheKoran is outlined for its beauty, its poetry and its literaryperfection. The unique style of the Quran demonstrates its divineorigin and continues astonishing intellectual people, withoutmattering if they are believers. It is a book that million peoplememorize day after day. The original text of the Qur'an was writtenin classic Arabic, but many translations in different languagesexist. The first translation was in Latin in 1143. Now you canenjoy the sacred book of the Muslims, in Malay. The Holy Quran inMalay is organized into separate chapters called Suras and each oneof these is divided into verses. The suras are 114: 1 The Opener, 2The Cow, 3 Family of Imran, 4 The Women, 5 The Table Spread, 6 TheCattle, 7 The Heights, 8 The Spoils of War, 9 The Repentance, 10Jonah, 11 Hud, 12 Joseph, 13 The Thunder, 14 Abrahim, 15 The RockyTract, 16 The Bee, 17 The Night Journey, 18 The Cave, 19 Mary, 20Ta-Ha, 21 The Prophets, 22 The Pilgrimage, 23 The Believers, 24 TheLight, 25 The Criterian, 26 The Poets, 27 The Ant, 28 The Stories,29 The Spider, 30 The Romans, 31 Luqman, 32 The Prostration, 33 TheCombined Forces, 34 Sheba, 35 Originator, 36 Ya Sin, 37 Those whoset the Ranks, 38 The Letter "Saad", 39 The Troops, 40 TheForgiver, 41 Explained in Detail, 42 The Consultation, 43 TheOrnaments of Gold, 44 The Smoke, 45 The Crouching, 46 TheWind-Curved Sandhills, 47 Muhammad, 48 The Victory, 49 The Rooms,50 The Letter "Qaf", 51 The Winnowing Winds, 52 The Mount, 53 TheStar, 54 The Moon, 55 The Beneficent, 56 The Inevitable, 57 TheIron, 58 The Pleading Woman, 59 The Exile, 60 She that is to beexamined, 61 The Ranks, 62 The Congregation, 63 The Hypocrites, 64The Mutual Disillusion, 65 The Divorce, 66 The Prohibition, 67 TheSovereignty, 68 The Pen, 69 The Reality, 70 The AscendingStairways, 71 Noah, 72 The Jinn, 73 The Enshrouded One, 74 TheCloaked One, 75 The Resurrection, 76 The Man, 77 The Emissaries, 78The Tidings, 79 Those who drag forth, 80 He Frowned, 81 TheOverthrowing, 82 The Cleaving, 83 The Defrauding, 84 The Sundering,85 The Mansions of the Stars, 86 The Nightcommer, 87 The Most High,88 The Overwhelming, 89 The Dawn, 90 The City, 91 The Sun, 92 TheNight, 93 The Morning Hours, 94 The Relief, 95 The Fig, 96 TheClot, 97 The Power, 98 The Clear Proof, 99 The Earthquake, 100 TheCourser, 101 The Calamity, 102 The Rivalry in world increase, 103The Declining Day, 104 The Traducer, 105 The Elephant, 106 Quraysh,107 The Small Kindnesses, 108 The Abundance, 109 The Disbelievers,110 The Divine Support, 111 The Palm Fiber, 112 The Sincerity, 113The Daybreak, 114 The Mankind. We invite all of you to read theQuran! Download it now and enjoy this free translation of the HolyAlQuran in Malay.
Azerbaijani Quran 2.0
Discover the Koran, a divine universal message for all of humanity,now available free in your own language! With this app you will beable to read the Holy Quran in Azerbaijani and download it for freeon your mobile device. The sacred book for the Muslims, also calledKoran, Al Quran or Qur'an, contains the Word of God (Allah)revealed to the prophet Mohammed. The word Koran comes from theArab Al-Quran, which means "Recitation" or "Sacred Text that isrecited". Mohammed received the revelations and transmitted themorally. After his death, in the year 632, his followers began toassemble the revealed texts taking the form of the book which weknow today. The Koran expresses the creed and the law of theMuslims. It is the source of faith of every Muslim. It refers toGod's relation with his creatures and it offers a guide witheducations for a fair society and a correct human conduct. TheKoran is outlined for its beauty, its poetry and its literaryperfection. The unique style of the Quran demonstrates its divineorigin and continues astonishing intellectual people, withoutmattering if they are believers. It is a book that million peoplememorize day after day. The original text of the Qur'an was writtenin classic Arabic, but many translations in different languagesexist. The first translation was in Latin in 1143. Now you canenjoy the sacred book of the Muslims, in Azerbaijani language. TheHoly Quran in Azerbaijani is organized into separate chapterscalled Suras and each one of these is divided into verses. Thesuras are 114: 1 The Opener, 2 The Cow, 3 Family of Imran, 4 TheWomen, 5 The Table Spread, 6 The Cattle, 7 The Heights, 8 TheSpoils of War, 9 The Repentance, 10 Jonah, 11 Hud, 12 Joseph, 13The Thunder, 14 Abrahim, 15 The Rocky Tract, 16 The Bee, 17 TheNight Journey, 18 The Cave, 19 Mary, 20 Ta-Ha, 21 The Prophets, 22The Pilgrimage, 23 The Believers, 24 The Light, 25 The Criterian,26 The Poets, 27 The Ant, 28 The Stories, 29 The Spider, 30 TheRomans, 31 Luqman, 32 The Prostration, 33 The Combined Forces, 34Sheba, 35 Originator, 36 Ya Sin, 37 Those who set the Ranks, 38 TheLetter "Saad", 39 The Troops, 40 The Forgiver, 41 Explained inDetail, 42 The Consultation, 43 The Ornaments of Gold, 44 TheSmoke, 45 The Crouching, 46 The Wind-Curved Sandhills, 47 Muhammad,48 The Victory, 49 The Rooms, 50 The Letter "Qaf", 51 The WinnowingWinds, 52 The Mount, 53 The Star, 54 The Moon, 55 The Beneficent,56 The Inevitable, 57 The Iron, 58 The Pleading Woman, 59 TheExile, 60 She that is to be examined, 61 The Ranks, 62 TheCongregation, 63 The Hypocrites, 64 The Mutual Disillusion, 65 TheDivorce, 66 The Prohibition, 67 The Sovereignty, 68 The Pen, 69 TheReality, 70 The Ascending Stairways, 71 Noah, 72 The Jinn, 73 TheEnshrouded One, 74 The Cloaked One, 75 The Resurrection, 76 TheMan, 77 The Emissaries, 78 The Tidings, 79 Those who drag forth, 80He Frowned, 81 The Overthrowing, 82 The Cleaving, 83 TheDefrauding, 84 The Sundering, 85 The Mansions of the Stars, 86 TheNightcommer, 87 The Most High, 88 The Overwhelming, 89 The Dawn, 90The City, 91 The Sun, 92 The Night, 93 The Morning Hours, 94 TheRelief, 95 The Fig, 96 The Clot, 97 The Power, 98 The Clear Proof,99 The Earthquake, 100 The Courser, 101 The Calamity, 102 TheRivalry in world increase, 103 The Declining Day, 104 The Traducer,105 The Elephant, 106 Quraysh, 107 The Small Kindnesses, 108 TheAbundance, 109 The Disbelievers, 110 The Divine Support, 111 ThePalm Fiber, 112 The Sincerity, 113 The Daybreak, 114 The Mankind.We invite all of you to read the Quran! Download it now and enjoythis free translation of the Holy AlQuran in Azerbaijani.
Kuran Shqip 3.0
Ju ofrojmë përkthim në gjuhën shqipe nga Sherif Ahmeti. SherifAhmeti ka përkthyer Kuranin e Shenjtë në vitin 1988. Versioni i Tijkonsiderohet si përkthimi më i plotë dhe i saktë i Kur'anit nëgjuhën Shqipe. Libri i shenjtë për Muslimanët përmban Fjalën ePerëndisë (Allahut) iu zbulua profetit Muhamed (paqja qoftë mbitë). Ai mori këto zbulim dhe transmetim me gojë. Pas vdekjes sëtij, në vitin 632, ndjekësit e tij filluan të mbledhin tekstet eshpallura duke marrë formën e librit të cilin ne e njohim sotKurani shpreh fenë dhe ligjin e Muslimanëve. Ai është burimi ibesimit të çdo Muslimani. Ai i referohet lidhjes të Zotit mekrijesat e tij dhe ofron një udhëzues me arsimim për një shoqëri tëdrejtë dhe një sjellje korrekte të njeriut. Kurani është paraqiturpër bukurinë e saj, poezi e saj dhe përsosjes e saj letrare. StiliUnik i Kuranit tregon origjinën e tij hyjnore dhe vazhdon ti habisënjerëzit intelektuale, pa marë parasysh nëse janë besimtarë. Ështënjë libër që miliona njerëz e mësojnë përmendësh ditë pas dite.Teksti origjinal i Kuranit është shkruar në Arabishten klasike, porpërkthime të shumta në gjuhë të ndryshme ekzistojnë. Tani ju mundtë merni librin e shenjtë të Muslimanëve, në gjuhën Shqipe. Kuranii Shenjtë është i organizuar në 114 sure 1 Fatiha, 2 Bekare, 3 AliImran, 4 Nisa, 5 Maide, 6 En'am, 7 A'raf, 8 Enfal, 9 Tewbe, 10Junus, 11 Hud, 12 Jusuf, 13 Rra'd, 14 Ibrahim, 15 Hixhr, 16 Nahl,17 Isra, 18 Kehf, 19 Merjem, 20 Ta Ha, 21 Enbija, 22 Haxhxh, 23Mu'minun, 24 Nur, 25 Furkan, 26 Shu'ara, 27 Neml, 28 Kasas, 29Ankebut, 30 Rum, 31 Lukman, 32 Sexhde, 33 Ahzab, 34 Sebe, 35 Fatir,36 Ja Sin, 37 Saffat, 38 Sad, 39 Zumer, 40 Gafir, 41 Fussilet, 42Shura, 43 Zuhruf, 44 Duhan, 45 Xhathije, 46 Ahkaf, 47 Muhammed, 48Fet'h, 49 Huxhurat, 50 Kaf, 51 Dharijat, 52 Tur, 53 Nexhm, 54Kamer, 55 Rahman, 56 Wakia, 57 Hadid, 58 Muxhadele, 59 Hashr, 60Mumtehinet, 61 Saff, 62 Xhum'a, 63 Munafikun, 64 Tegabun, 65 Talak,66 Tahrim, 67 Mulk, 68 Kalem, 69 Hakka, 70 Me'arixh, 71 Nuh, 72Xhinn, 73 Muzemmil, 74 Mudeththir, 75 Kijame, 76 Insan, 77Murselat, 78 Nebe, 79 Nazi'at, 80 Abese, 81 Tekwir, 82 Infitar, 83Mutaffifin, 84 Inshikak, 85 Buruxh, 86 Tarik, 87 A'la, 88 Gashije,89 Fexhr, 90 Beled, 91 Shems, 92 Lejl, 93 Duha, 94 Inshirah, 95Tin, 96 Alek, 97 Kadr, 98 Bejjine, 99 Zilzal, 100 Adijat, 101Kari'a, 102 Tekathur, 103 Asr, 104 Humeze, 105 Fil, 106 Kurejsh,107 Ma'un, 108 Kewther, 109 Kafirun, 110 Nasr, 111 Mesed, 112Ihlas, 113 Felek, 114 Nas Ne ju ftojmë të gjithë ju për të lexuarKuranin! Shkarko tani dhe merr librin e Shenjtë Mysliman mepërkthim shqip!
Czech Quran 2.0
Discover the Koran, a divine universal message for all of humanity,now available free in your own language! With this app you will beable to read the Holy Quran translated by Ivan Hrbek, the mostaccurate and widely used Czech translations of the Quran. IvanHrbek graduated in Semitic philology and history of Islam. Heconverted to Islam and adopted the Muslim name Ahmed. His majorachievement was the translation of the Quran into Czech publishedin 1972. The sacred book for the Muslims contains the Word of God(Allah) revealed to the prophet Mohammed. The word Koran comes fromthe Arab Al-Quran, which means "Recitation" or " Sacred Text thatis recited ". Mohammed received the revelations and transmittedthem orally. After his death, in the year 632, his followers beganto assemble the revealed texts taking the form of the book which weknow today. The Koran expresses the creed and the law of theMuslims. It is the source of faith of every Muslim. It refers toGod's relation with his creatures and it offers a guide witheducations for a fair society and a correct human conduct. TheKoran is outlined for its beauty, its poetry and its literaryperfection. The unique style of the Quran demonstrates its divineorigin and continues astonishing intellectual people, withoutmattering if they are believers. It is a book that million peoplememorize day after day. Enjoy now the sacred book of the Muslims,in Czech. We offer the complete Quran, with 114 suras: 1 TheOpener, 2 The Cow, 3 Family of Imran, 4 The Women, 5 The TableSpread, 6 The Cattle, 7 The Heights, 8 The Spoils of War, 9 TheRepentance, 10 Jonah, 11 Hud, 12 Joseph, 13 The Thunder, 14Abrahim, 15 The Rocky Tract, 16 The Bee, 17 The Night Journey, 18The Cave, 19 Mary, 20 Ta-Ha, 21 The Prophets, 22 The Pilgrimage, 23The Believers, 24 The Light, 25 The Criterian, 26 The Poets, 27 TheAnt, 28 The Stories, 29 The Spider, 30 The Romans, 31 Luqman, 32The Prostration, 33 The Combined Forces, 34 Sheba, 35 Originator,36 Ya Sin, 37 Those who set the Ranks, 38 The Letter "Saad", 39 TheTroops, 40 The Forgiver, 41 Explained in Detail, 42 TheConsultation, 43 The Ornaments of Gold, 44 The Smoke, 45 TheCrouching, 46 The Wind-Curved Sandhills, 47 Muhammad, 48 TheVictory, 49 The Rooms, 50 The Letter "Qaf", 51 The Winnowing Winds,52 The Mount, 53 The Star, 54 The Moon, 55 The Beneficent, 56 TheInevitable, 57 The Iron, 58 The Pleading Woman, 59 The Exile, 60She that is to be examined, 61 The Ranks, 62 The Congregation, 63The Hypocrites, 64 The Mutual Disillusion, 65 The Divorce, 66 TheProhibition, 67 The Sovereignty, 68 The Pen, 69 The Reality, 70 TheAscending Stairways, 71 Noah, 72 The Jinn, 73 The Enshrouded One,74 The Cloaked One, 75 The Resurrection, 76 The Man, 77 TheEmissaries, 78 The Tidings, 79 Those who drag forth, 80 He Frowned,81 The Overthrowing, 82 The Cleaving, 83 The Defrauding, 84 TheSundering, 85 The Mansions of the Stars, 86 The Nightcommer, 87 TheMost High, 88 The Overwhelming, 89 The Dawn, 90 The City, 91 TheSun, 92 The Night, 93 The Morning Hours, 94 The Relief, 95 The Fig,96 The Clot, 97 The Power, 98 The Clear Proof, 99 The Earthquake,100 The Courser, 101 The Calamity, 102 The Rivalry in worldincrease, 103 The Declining Day, 104 The Traducer, 105 TheElephant, 106 Quraysh, 107 The Small Kindnesses, 108 The Abundance,109 The Disbelievers, 110 The Divine Support, 111 The Palm Fiber,112 The Sincerity, 113 The Daybreak, 114 The Mankind. We invite allof you to read the Quran in Czech!
Russian Quran 2.0
Discover the Koran, a divine universal message for all of humanity,now available free and in your own language! With this app you willbe able to read the Holy Quran in Russian and download it for freeon your mobile device. The sacred book for the Muslims, also calledKoran, Al Quran or Qur'an, contains the Word of God (Allah)revealed to the prophet Mohammed. The word Koran comes from theArab Al-Quran, which means "Recitation" or " Sacred Text that isrecited ". Mohammed received these revelations and transmitted themorally. After his death, in the year 632, his followers began toassemble the revealed texts taking the form of the book which weknow today. The Koran expresses the creed and the law of theMuslims. It is the source of faith of every Muslim. It refers toGod's relation with his creatures and it offers a guide witheducations for a fair society and a correct human conduct. TheKoran is outlined for its beauty, its poetry and its literaryperfection. The unique style of the Quran demonstrates its divineorigin and continues astonishing intellectual people, withoutmattering if they are believers. It is a book that million peoplememorize day after day. The original text of the Qur'an was writtenin classic Arabic, but many translations in different languagesexist. The first translation was in Latin in 1143. Now you canenjoy the sacred book of the Muslims, in Russian. The Holy Quran isorganized into separate chapters called Suras and each one of theseis divided into verses. The suras are 114: 1 The Opener, 2 The Cow,3 Family of Imran, 4 The Women, 5 The Table Spread, 6 The Cattle, 7The Heights, 8 The Spoils of War, 9 The Repentance, 10 Jonah, 11Hud, 12 Joseph, 13 The Thunder, 14 Abrahim, 15 The Rocky Tract, 16The Bee, 17 The Night Journey, 18 The Cave, 19 Mary, 20 Ta-Ha, 21The Prophets, 22 The Pilgrimage, 23 The Believers, 24 The Light, 25The Criterian, 26 The Poets, 27 The Ant, 28 The Stories, 29 TheSpider, 30 The Romans, 31 Luqman, 32 The Prostration, 33 TheCombined Forces, 34 Sheba, 35 Originator, 36 Ya Sin, 37 Those whoset the Ranks, 38 The Letter "Saad", 39 The Troops, 40 TheForgiver, 41 Explained in Detail, 42 The Consultation, 43 TheOrnaments of Gold, 44 The Smoke, 45 The Crouching, 46 TheWind-Curved Sandhills, 47 Muhammad, 48 The Victory, 49 The Rooms,50 The Letter "Qaf", 51 The Winnowing Winds, 52 The Mount, 53 TheStar, 54 The Moon, 55 The Beneficent, 56 The Inevitable, 57 TheIron, 58 The Pleading Woman, 59 The Exile, 60 She that is to beexamined, 61 The Ranks, 62 The Congregation, 63 The Hypocrites, 64The Mutual Disillusion, 65 The Divorce, 66 The Prohibition, 67 TheSovereignty, 68 The Pen, 69 The Reality, 70 The AscendingStairways, 71 Noah, 72 The Jinn, 73 The Enshrouded One, 74 TheCloaked One, 75 The Resurrection, 76 The Man, 77 The Emissaries, 78The Tidings, 79 Those who drag forth, 80 He Frowned, 81 TheOverthrowing, 82 The Cleaving, 83 The Defrauding, 84 The Sundering,85 The Mansions of the Stars, 86 The Nightcommer, 87 The Most High,88 The Overwhelming, 89 The Dawn, 90 The City, 91 The Sun, 92 TheNight, 93 The Morning Hours, 94 The Relief, 95 The Fig, 96 TheClot, 97 The Power, 98 The Clear Proof, 99 The Earthquake, 100 TheCourser, 101 The Calamity, 102 The Rivalry in world increase, 103The Declining Day, 104 The Traducer, 105 The Elephant, 106 Quraysh,107 The Small Kindnesses, 108 The Abundance, 109 The Disbelievers,110 The Divine Support, 111 The Palm Fiber, 112 The Sincerity, 113The Daybreak, 114 The Mankind. We invite all of you to read theQuran! Download it now and enjoy the Muslim Holy book in Russian!
Dr. Ghali Quran Translation 1.0
Are you looking for an English translationofthe Bible?This app offers the translation of the Holy Book made byMohammadMahmoud Ghali, born in 1920 in Egypt.Mohammad Mahmoud Ghali was a Professor of Linguistics andIslamicStudies at the Azhar University in Cairo. He spent 20yearsstudying the meanings of the Quran and translated into Englishthedivine book.He wrote several books in Islamic studies and founded thefacultyof languages and translation at Al-Azhar University. He'salso amember of many Islamic organizations working in interpretingthemeanings of Quran into different languages.Enjoy the pure and eternal Word of Allah on your phone. Now youcandownload free on your phone the complete Quran, with alltheSurahs.The Quran is divided into separate chapters called Suras andeachone of these is divided into verses.The Surahs are:1 The Opener, 2 The Cow, 3 Family of Imran, 4 The Women, 5TheTable Spread, 6 The Cattle, 7 The Heights, 8 The Spoils of War,9The Repentance, 10 Jonah, 11 Hud, 12 Joseph, 13 The Thunder,14Abrahim, 15 The Rocky Tract, 16 The Bee, 17 The Night Journey,18The Cave, 19 Mary, 20 Ta-Ha, 21 The Prophets, 22 The Pilgrimage,23The Believers, 24 The Light, 25 The Criterian, 26 The Poets, 27TheAnt, 28 The Stories, 29 The Spider, 30 The Romans, 31 Luqman,32The Prostration, 33 The Combined Forces, 34 Sheba, 35Originator,36 Ya Sin, 37 Those who set the Ranks, 38 The Letter"Saad", 39 TheTroops, 40 The Forgiver, 41 Explained in Detail, 42TheConsultation, 43 The Ornaments of Gold, 44 The Smoke, 45TheCrouching, 46 The Wind-Curved Sandhills, 47 Muhammad, 48TheVictory, 49 The Rooms, 50 The Letter "Qaf", 51 The WinnowingWinds,52 The Mount, 53 The Star, 54 The Moon, 55 The Beneficent, 56TheInevitable, 57 The Iron, 58 The Pleading Woman, 59 The Exile,60She that is to be examined, 61 The Ranks, 62 The Congregation,63The Hypocrites, 64 The Mutual Disillusion, 65 The Divorce, 66TheProhibtiion, 67 The Sovereignty, 68 The Pen, 69 The Reality, 70TheAscending Stairways, 71 Noah, 72 The Jinn, 73 The EnshroudedOne,74 The Cloaked One, 75 The Resurrection, 76 The Man, 77TheEmissaries, 78 The Tidings, 79 Those who drag forth, 80 HeFrowned,81 The Overthrowing, 82 The Cleaving, 83 The Defrauding, 84TheSundering, 85 The Mansions of the Stars, 86 The Nightcommer, 87TheMost High, 88 The Overwhelming, 89 The Dawn, 90 The City, 91TheSun, 92 The Night, 93 The Morning Hours, 94 The Relief, 95 TheFig,96 The Clot, 97 The Power, 98 The Clear Proof, 99 TheEarthquake,100 The Courser, 101 The Calamity, 102 The Rivalry inworldincrease, 103 The Declining Day, 104 The Traducer, 105TheElephant, 106 Quraysh, 107 The Small Kindnesses, 108 TheAbundance,109 The Disbelievers, 110 The Divine Support, 111 ThePalm Fiber,112 The Sincerity, 113 The Daybreak, 114 TheMankind.Download our Quran translated by Dr.Ghali, free onyourphone!
Swedish Quran 2.0
Discover the Koran, a divine universal message for all of humanity,now available free and in your own language! With this app you willbe able to read the Holy Quran in Swedish and download it for freeon your mobile device! The sacred book for the Muslims contains theWord of God (Allah) revealed to the prophet Muhammad (peace be uponhim) The word Koran comes from the Arab Al-Quran, which means"Recitation" or " Sacred Text that is recited ". Muhammad (peace beupon him) received these revelations and transmitted them orally.After his death, in the year 632, his followers began to assemblethe revealed texts taking the form of the book which we know today.The Koran expresses the creed and the law of the Muslims. It is thefundamental source of Islamic law. The unique style of the Qurandemonstrates its divine origin and continues astonishingintellectual people, without mattering if they are believers. TheQuran is outlined for its beauty, its poetry and its literaryperfection. It is a book that million people memorize day afterday. The Noble Quran refers to God's relation with his creaturesand it offers a guide with educations for a fair society and acorrect human conduct. The original text of Qur'an was written inclassic Arabic, but many translations in different languages exist.Now you can enjoy the sacred book of the Muslims, in Swedish. TheHoly Quran is organized into separate chapters called Suras andeach one of these is divided into verses. The suras are 114: 1 TheOpener, 2 The Cow, 3 Family of Imran, 4 The Women, 5 The TableSpread, 6 The Cattle, 7 The Heights, 8 The Spoils of War, 9 TheRepentance, 10 Jonah, 11 Hud, 12 Joseph, 13 The Thunder, 14Abrahim, 15 The Rocky Tract, 16 The Bee, 17 The Night Journey, 18The Cave, 19 Mary, 20 Ta-Ha, 21 The Prophets, 22 The Pilgrimage, 23The Believers, 24 The Light, 25 The Criterian, 26 The Poets, 27 TheAnt, 28 The Stories, 29 The Spider, 30 The Romans, 31 Luqman, 32The Prostration, 33 The Combined Forces, 34 Sheba, 35 Originator,36 Ya Sin, 37 Those who set the Ranks, 38 The Letter "Saad", 39 TheTroops, 40 The Forgiver, 41 Explained in Detail, 42 TheConsultation, 43 The Ornaments of Gold, 44 The Smoke, 45 TheCrouching, 46 The Wind-Curved Sandhills, 47 Muhammad, 48 TheVictory, 49 The Rooms, 50 The Letter "Qaf", 51 The Winnowing Winds,52 The Mount, 53 The Star, 54 The Moon, 55 The Beneficent, 56 TheInevitable, 57 The Iron, 58 The Pleading Woman, 59 The Exile, 60She that is to be examined, 61 The Ranks, 62 The Congregation, 63The Hypocrites, 64 The Mutual Disillusion, 65 The Divorce, 66 TheProhibition, 67 The Sovereignty, 68 The Pen, 69 The Reality, 70 TheAscending Stairways, 71 Noah, 72 The Jinn, 73 The Enshrouded One,74 The Cloaked One, 75 The Resurrection, 76 The Man, 77 TheEmissaries, 78 The Tidings, 79 Those who drag forth, 80 He Frowned,81 The Overthrowing, 82 The Cleaving, 83 The Defrauding, 84 TheSundering, 85 The Mansions of the Stars, 86 The Nightcommer, 87 TheMost High, 88 The Overwhelming, 89 The Dawn, 90 The City, 91 TheSun, 92 The Night, 93 The Morning Hours, 94 The Relief, 95 The Fig,96 The Clot, 97 The Power, 98 The Clear Proof, 99 The Earthquake,100 The Courser, 101 The Calamity, 102 The Rivalry in worldincrease, 103 The Declining Day, 104 The Traducer, 105 TheElephant, 106 Quraysh, 107 The Small Kindnesses, 108 The Abundance,109 The Disbelievers, 110 The Divine Support, 111 The Palm Fiber,112 The Sincerity, 113 The Daybreak, 114 The Mankind. We invite allof you to read the Quran! Download it now and enjoy the Muslim Holybook in Swedish!
Italian Quran 3.0
Discover the Koran, a divine universal message for all of humanity,now available free and in your own language! We offer thetranslation of the Holy Quran by Hamza Piccardo, an Italianpublisher, writer and translator of the Holy book. Hamza RobertoPiccardo was born in Imperia. He traveled to the Sahara desertwhere he met Muslims and learned about Islam. He converted to Islamand published the first edition of the Interpretative EssayTranslation of the Holy Quran. He was among the founders of theItalian Islamic Organization, the Muslim World League-Italy and theIslamic Cultural Center of Italy. With this app you will be able toread the Holy Quran in Italian and download it for free on yourmobile device. The sacred book for the Muslims contains the Word ofGod (Allah) revealed to the prophet Mohammed. The word Koran comesfrom the Arab Al-Quran, which means "Recitation" or " Sacred Textthat is recited ". Mohammed received these revelations andtransmitted them orally. After his death, in the year 632, hisfollowers began to assemble the revealed texts taking the form ofthe book which we know today. The Koran expresses the creed and thelaw of the Muslims. It is the source of faith of every Muslim. Itrefers to God's relation with his creatures and it offers a guidewith educations for a fair society and a correct human conduct. TheKoran is outlined for its beauty, its poetry and its literaryperfection. The unique style of the Quran demonstrates its divineorigin and continues astonishing intellectual people, withoutmattering if they are believers. It is a book that million peoplememorize day after day. The original text of the Qur'an was writtenin classic Arabic, but many translations in different languagesexist. Now you can enjoy the sacred book of the Muslims, inItalian. The Holy Quran is organized into 114 Suras: 1 The Opener,2 The Cow, 3 Family of Imran, 4 The Women, 5 The Table Spread, 6The Cattle, 7 The Heights, 8 The Spoils of War, 9 The Repentance,10 Jonah, 11 Hud, 12 Joseph, 13 The Thunder, 14 Abrahim, 15 TheRocky Tract, 16 The Bee, 17 The Night Journey, 18 The Cave, 19Mary, 20 Ta-Ha, 21 The Prophets, 22 The Pilgrimage, 23 TheBelievers, 24 The Light, 25 The Criterian, 26 The Poets, 27 TheAnt, 28 The Stories, 29 The Spider, 30 The Romans, 31 Luqman, 32The Prostration, 33 The Combined Forces, 34 Sheba, 35 Originator,36 Ya Sin, 37 Those who set the Ranks, 38 The Letter "Saad", 39 TheTroops, 40 The Forgiver, 41 Explained in Detail, 42 TheConsultation, 43 The Ornaments of Gold, 44 The Smoke, 45 TheCrouching, 46 The Wind-Curved Sandhills, 47 Muhammad, 48 TheVictory, 49 The Rooms, 50 The Letter "Qaf", 51 The Winnowing Winds,52 The Mount, 53 The Star, 54 The Moon, 55 The Beneficent, 56 TheInevitable, 57 The Iron, 58 The Pleading Woman, 59 The Exile, 60She that is to be examined, 61 The Ranks, 62 The Congregation, 63The Hypocrites, 64 The Mutual Disillusion, 65 The Divorce, 66 TheProhibition, 67 The Sovereignty, 68 The Pen, 69 The Reality, 70 TheAscending Stairways, 71 Noah, 72 The Jinn, 73 The Enshrouded One,74 The Cloaked One, 75 The Resurrection, 76 The Man, 77 TheEmissaries, 78 The Tidings, 79 Those who drag forth, 80 He Frowned,81 The Overthrowing, 82 The Cleaving, 83 The Defrauding, 84 TheSundering, 85 The Mansions of the Stars, 86 The Nightcommer, 87 TheMost High, 88 The Overwhelming, 89 The Dawn, 90 The City, 91 TheSun, 92 The Night, 93 The Morning Hours, 94 The Relief, 95 The Fig,96 The Clot, 97 The Power, 98 The Clear Proof, 99 The Earthquake,100 The Courser, 101 The Calamity, 102 The Rivalry in worldincrease, 103 The Declining Day, 104 The Traducer, 105 TheElephant, 106 Quraysh, 107 The Small Kindnesses, 108 The Abundance,109 The Disbelievers, 110 The Divine Support, 111 The Palm Fiber,112 The Sincerity, 113 The Daybreak, 114 The Mankind. We invite allof you to read the Muslim Holy book in Italian!
Divehi Quran 2.0
We offer the translation of the Quran in Divehi by the Office ofthe President of Maldives. The sacred book for the Muslims containsthe Word of God (Allah) revealed to the prophet Muhammad (peace beupon him). He received these revelations and transmitted themorally. After his death, in the year 632, his followers began toassemble the revealed texts taking the form of the book which weknow today. The Koran expresses the creed and the law of theMuslims. It is the source of faith of every Muslim. It refers toGod's relation with his creatures and it offers a guide witheducations for a fair society and a correct human conduct. TheKoran is outlined for its beauty, its poetry and its literaryperfection. The unique style of the Quran demonstrates its divineorigin and continues astonishing intellectual people, withoutmattering if they are believers. It is a book that million peoplememorize day after day. The original text of the Qur'an was writtenin classic Arabic, but many translations in different languagesexist. Now you can enjoy the sacred book of the Muslims, in Divehi.The Quran is organized into 114 suras: 1 The Opener, 2 The Cow, 3Family of Imran, 4 The Women, 5 The Table Spread, 6 The Cattle, 7The Heights, 8 The Spoils of War, 9 The Repentance, 10 Jonah, 11Hud, 12 Joseph, 13 The Thunder, 14 Abrahim, 15 The Rocky Tract, 16The Bee, 17 The Night Journey, 18 The Cave, 19 Mary, 20 Ta-Ha, 21The Prophets, 22 The Pilgrimage, 23 The Believers, 24 The Light, 25The Criterian, 26 The Poets, 27 The Ant, 28 The Stories, 29 TheSpider, 30 The Romans, 31 Luqman, 32 The Prostration, 33 TheCombined Forces, 34 Sheba, 35 Originator, 36 Ya Sin, 37 Those whoset the Ranks, 38 The Letter "Saad", 39 The Troops, 40 TheForgiver, 41 Explained in Detail, 42 The Consultation, 43 TheOrnaments of Gold, 44 The Smoke, 45 The Crouching, 46 TheWind-Curved Sandhills, 47 Muhammad, 48 The Victory, 49 The Rooms,50 The Letter "Qaf", 51 The Winnowing Winds, 52 The Mount, 53 TheStar, 54 The Moon, 55 The Beneficent, 56 The Inevitable, 57 TheIron, 58 The Pleading Woman, 59 The Exile, 60 She that is to beexamined, 61 The Ranks, 62 The Congregation, 63 The Hypocrites, 64The Mutual Disillusion, 65 The Divorce, 66 The Prohibition, 67 TheSovereignty, 68 The Pen, 69 The Reality, 70 The AscendingStairways, 71 Noah, 72 The Jinn, 73 The Enshrouded One, 74 TheCloaked One, 75 The Resurrection, 76 The Man, 77 The Emissaries, 78The Tidings, 79 Those who drag forth, 80 He Frowned, 81 TheOverthrowing, 82 The Cleaving, 83 The Defrauding, 84 The Sundering,85 The Mansions of the Stars, 86 The Nightcommer, 87 The Most High,88 The Overwhelming, 89 The Dawn, 90 The City, 91 The Sun, 92 TheNight, 93 The Morning Hours, 94 The Relief, 95 The Fig, 96 TheClot, 97 The Power, 98 The Clear Proof, 99 The Earthquake, 100 TheCourser, 101 The Calamity, 102 The Rivalry in world increase, 103The Declining Day, 104 The Traducer, 105 The Elephant, 106 Quraysh,107 The Small Kindnesses, 108 The Abundance, 109 The Disbelievers,110 The Divine Support, 111 The Palm Fiber, 112 The Sincerity, 113The Daybreak, 114 The Mankind. We invite all of you to read theQuran! Download it now and enjoy the Muslim Holy book in Divehilanguage.
Romanian Quran 2.0
Discover the Koran, a divine universal message for all of humanity,now available free in your own language! This app includes theQuran translation in Romanian by George Grigore. George Grigore wasa writer, professor, researcher and translator of the Holy Quraninto Romanian. He was born in Grindu, Romania, in 1958. Histranslation of the Quran was very important and published inseveral editions. The sacred book for the Muslims contains the Wordof God (Allah) revealed to the prophet Muhammad (peace be uponhim). He received the revelations and transmitted them orally.After his death, in the year 632, his followers began to assemblethe revealed texts taking the form of the book which we know today.The Koran expresses the creed and the law of the Muslims. It is thesource of faith of every Muslim. It refers to God's relation withhis creatures and it offers a guide with educations for a fairsociety and a correct human conduct. The Koran is outlined for itsbeauty, its poetry and its literary perfection. The unique style ofthe Quran demonstrates its divine origin and continues astonishingintellectual people, without mattering if they are believers. It isa book that million people memorize day after day. The originaltext of the Qur'an was written in classic Arabic, but manytranslations in different languages exist. Now you can enjoy thesacred book of the Muslims, in Romanian language. The Holy Quran isorganized into 114 chapters called Suras: 1 The Opener, 2 The Cow,3 Family of Imran, 4 The Women, 5 The Table Spread, 6 The Cattle, 7The Heights, 8 The Spoils of War, 9 The Repentance, 10 Jonah, 11Hud, 12 Joseph, 13 The Thunder, 14 Abrahim, 15 The Rocky Tract, 16The Bee, 17 The Night Journey, 18 The Cave, 19 Mary, 20 Ta-Ha, 21The Prophets, 22 The Pilgrimage, 23 The Believers, 24 The Light, 25The Criterian, 26 The Poets, 27 The Ant, 28 The Stories, 29 TheSpider, 30 The Romans, 31 Luqman, 32 The Prostration, 33 TheCombined Forces, 34 Sheba, 35 Originator, 36 Ya Sin, 37 Those whoset the Ranks, 38 The Letter "Saad", 39 The Troops, 40 TheForgiver, 41 Explained in Detail, 42 The Consultation, 43 TheOrnaments of Gold, 44 The Smoke, 45 The Crouching, 46 TheWind-Curved Sandhills, 47 Muhammad, 48 The Victory, 49 The Rooms,50 The Letter "Qaf", 51 The Winnowing Winds, 52 The Mount, 53 TheStar, 54 The Moon, 55 The Beneficent, 56 The Inevitable, 57 TheIron, 58 The Pleading Woman, 59 The Exile, 60 She that is to beexamined, 61 The Ranks, 62 The Congregation, 63 The Hypocrites, 64The Mutual Disillusion, 65 The Divorce, 66 The Prohibition, 67 TheSovereignty, 68 The Pen, 69 The Reality, 70 The AscendingStairways, 71 Noah, 72 The Jinn, 73 The Enshrouded One, 74 TheCloaked One, 75 The Resurrection, 76 The Man, 77 The Emissaries, 78The Tidings, 79 Those who drag forth, 80 He Frowned, 81 TheOverthrowing, 82 The Cleaving, 83 The Defrauding, 84 The Sundering,85 The Mansions of the Stars, 86 The Nightcommer, 87 The Most High,88 The Overwhelming, 89 The Dawn, 90 The City, 91 The Sun, 92 TheNight, 93 The Morning Hours, 94 The Relief, 95 The Fig, 96 TheClot, 97 The Power, 98 The Clear Proof, 99 The Earthquake, 100 TheCourser, 101 The Calamity, 102 The Rivalry in world increase, 103The Declining Day, 104 The Traducer, 105 The Elephant, 106 Quraysh,107 The Small Kindnesses, 108 The Abundance, 109 The Disbelievers,110 The Divine Support, 111 The Palm Fiber, 112 The Sincerity, 113The Daybreak, 114 The Mankind. We invite all of you to read theQuran! Download it now and enjoy this free translation of the HolyAlQuran in Romanian.
Japanese Quran 2.0
Discover the Koran, a divine universal message for all ofhumanity,now available free in your own language! With this app youwill beable to read the Holy Quran in Japanese. Download it forfree onyour mobile device! The sacred book for the Muslims containstheWord of God (Allah) revealed to the prophet Mohammed (peace beuponhim). The word Koran comes from the Arab Al-Quran, whichmeans"Recitation" or " Sacred Text that is recited ". Mohammed(peace beupon him) received the revelations and transmitted themorally.After his death, in the year 632, his followers began toassemblethe revealed texts taking the form of the book which weknow today.The Koran expresses the creed and the law of theMuslims. It is thesource of faith of every Muslim. It refers toGod's relation withhis creatures and it offers a guide witheducations for a fairsociety and a correct human conduct. The Koranis outlined for itsbeauty, its poetry and its literary perfection.The unique style ofthe Quran demonstrates its divine origin andcontinues astonishingintellectual people, without mattering if theyare believers. It isa book that million people memorize day afterday. The originaltext of the Qur'an was written in classic Arabic,but manytranslations in different languages exist. Now you canenjoy thesacred book of the Muslims, in Japanese. The Holy Quranisorganized into separate chapters called Suras and each one oftheseis divided into verses. The suras are 114: 1 The Opener, 2 TheCow,3 Family of Imran, 4 The Women, 5 The Table Spread, 6 TheCattle, 7The Heights, 8 The Spoils of War, 9 The Repentance, 10Jonah, 11Hud, 12 Joseph, 13 The Thunder, 14 Abrahim, 15 The RockyTract, 16The Bee, 17 The Night Journey, 18 The Cave, 19 Mary, 20Ta-Ha, 21The Prophets, 22 The Pilgrimage, 23 The Believers, 24 TheLight, 25The Criterian, 26 The Poets, 27 The Ant, 28 The Stories,29 TheSpider, 30 The Romans, 31 Luqman, 32 The Prostration, 33TheCombined Forces, 34 Sheba, 35 Originator, 36 Ya Sin, 37 Thosewhoset the Ranks, 38 The Letter "Saad", 39 The Troops, 40TheForgiver, 41 Explained in Detail, 42 The Consultation, 43TheOrnaments of Gold, 44 The Smoke, 45 The Crouching, 46TheWind-Curved Sandhills, 47 Muhammad, 48 The Victory, 49 TheRooms,50 The Letter "Qaf", 51 The Winnowing Winds, 52 The Mount, 53TheStar, 54 The Moon, 55 The Beneficent, 56 The Inevitable, 57TheIron, 58 The Pleading Woman, 59 The Exile, 60 She that is tobeexamined, 61 The Ranks, 62 The Congregation, 63 The Hypocrites,64The Mutual Disillusion, 65 The Divorce, 66 The Prohibition, 67TheSovereignty, 68 The Pen, 69 The Reality, 70 TheAscendingStairways, 71 Noah, 72 The Jinn, 73 The Enshrouded One, 74TheCloaked One, 75 The Resurrection, 76 The Man, 77 The Emissaries,78The Tidings, 79 Those who drag forth, 80 He Frowned, 81TheOverthrowing, 82 The Cleaving, 83 The Defrauding, 84 TheSundering,85 The Mansions of the Stars, 86 The Nightcommer, 87 TheMost High,88 The Overwhelming, 89 The Dawn, 90 The City, 91 TheSun, 92 TheNight, 93 The Morning Hours, 94 The Relief, 95 The Fig,96 TheClot, 97 The Power, 98 The Clear Proof, 99 The Earthquake,100 TheCourser, 101 The Calamity, 102 The Rivalry in worldincrease, 103The Declining Day, 104 The Traducer, 105 The Elephant,106 Quraysh,107 The Small Kindnesses, 108 The Abundance, 109 TheDisbelievers,110 The Divine Support, 111 The Palm Fiber, 112 TheSincerity, 113The Daybreak, 114 The Mankind. We invite all of youto read theQuran in Japanese!