Top 9 Games Similar to Sportangeln Lite

Fishingspace 1.1.9
Приложение Fishingspace - это социальнаясетьрыбаков в вашем телефоне!Рыбалка - увлечение многих. Присоединяйтесь к рыбакамРоссии,Украины, Беларуси, Германии, Израиля, Латвии, Молдавии,Казахстана,Болгарии, Узбекистана, Германии, ОАЭ и других стран!Общайтесь и обменивайтесь опытом с друзьями и коллегамипоувлечению в любое время и в любом месте. Пользуйтесь картойглубинводоемов и отмечайте точки вокруг себя!Fishingspace - победитель в номинации лучший информационныйресурспо версии выставки «Охота и рыболовство на Руси 2015»,ВДНХМосква.Приложение Fishingspace простое и очень удобное дляобщения,кроме этого в нем нет рекламы.В приложении вы можете:- обмениваться сообщениями и делиться фотографиями;- подписываться и следить за новостями других рыбаков, компанийирыболовных сообществ;- смотреть, оценивать и комментировать самые интересныеотчетыдругих рыбаков;- писать личные сообщения другим пользователям;- видеть на карте глубины водоемов и добавлять новые;- искать в ленте по сообщениям и отчетам.Формат социальной сети позволяет участникам свободноразмещатьотчеты о рыбалке, обзоры снастей, водоемов, магазинов ирыболовныхбаз, новости компаний и форумов. Поэтому в своей ленте выможетеувидеть новости и отчеты от журнала «Рыбачьте с нами»,многихкомпаний из мира рыбалки (Normark, Aiko, Minenko,Salmo,Spinningline и другие), а также известных форумов и сообществорыбалке (Rusfishing, Fion, Мой Хопёр,,Рнарод,Альпийская Деревня) и многих других.С помощью мобильного приложения Fishingspace общение сдругимирыбаками стало максимально простым и удобным! Будьте насвязи домаи на рыбалке, оперативно узнавайте ситуацию с клевомнаинтересующем Вас водоеме, читайте новости различныхрыболовныхфорумов прямо со своего планшета или смартфона!Посетите наш официальный сайт, чтобыпервымиузнавать о всех новых "фишках" в нашей соцсети.Сообщения о проблемах, вопросы и пожеланияотносительноприложения присылайте на почту info@fishingspace.comAppendix Fishingspace -asocial network of fishermen in your phone!Fishing - hobby of many. Join fishermen in Russia,Ukraine,Belarus, Germany, Israel, Latvia, Moldova, Kazakhstan,Bulgaria,Uzbekistan, Germany, UAE and other countries!Communicate and share experiences with friends and colleaguesonhobby anytime, anywhere. Use the map and note the depth ofthewater points around you!Fishingspace - winner of the best resource for information ontheversion of the exhibition "Hunting and fishing in Russia2015",Moscow Exhibition Center.Appendix Fishingspace simple and very convenientforcommunication, besides there is no advertising.Within the app you can:- To exchange messages and share photos;- Subscribe to and watch news other fishermen, fishing companiesandcommunities;- Watch, rate and comment the most interesting reports fromotherfishermen;- To write private messages to other users;- See on the map the depth of ponds and add new ones;- Look at the tape of messages and reports.The format of the social network allows participants tofreelypost reports about fishing gear reviews, ponds, shoppingandfishing bases, company news and forums. Therefore, in yourfeed,you can see the news and reports from the magazine "Fishingwithus," many companies from the world of fishing (Normark,Aiko,Minenko, Salmo, Spinningline and others), as well aswell-knownforums and communities about fishing (Rusfishing, Fion,My Hopper,, Rnarod, Alpine Village) and manyothers.With the mobile application Fishingspace chat withotherfishermen was as simple and convenient! Stay connected at homeandon a fishing trip, the situation quickly learn to nibble on youareinterested in a pond, read the news of various fishingforumsdirectly from your tablet or smartphone!Visit our official website, be the firsttolearn about all the new "chip" in our social networks.Bug reports, questions and suggestions regarding theapplicationsend e
Carpio - Carp Fishing Tracker
Piscarius Carp Fishing
Specially designed for carp anglers andtotallyfree. Keeps track of your carp fishing history and providesusefultools such as rod counters and various statistics aimed toimproveyour fishing experience.Contains a customizable user interface - from simple(allowingtracking of minimal information) to complex (allowingtracking ofthe used bait and usage of rod counters), designed to beusable infishing situations (powerful sun, night fishing).Features:- counter alarm for each rod (Each alarm has a distinct soundwhichcan be configured)- hookbait management (You can define & use your own setofhookbaits in order to obtain statistics regardingtheirsuccess)- minimal interface that allows rapid catch addition- post on facebook (All pictures associated with catches can beinone click posted on facebook)- catches picture gallery (Display catches augmented withcatchinformation: hour, bait, catch type)- trip notes (Allows you to add notes about the fishing spot,tackleyou noticed were missing, weather conditions, etc)- powerful statistics- trip management (Add/delete existing trips and open old tripstosee their recorded data)- powerful settings (customize each option that shall be used inatrip, send trip results by email to your friends)- multi-language support (for now English, German, French,Italian,Spanish, Romanian, Hungarian, Russian)
DSS (Deprecated)
Deeper, UAB
This is an older Deeper App. Use FishDeeper App instead.
FishingMobile 3.0.2
A revolutionary app combining every fishing app you'veeverdownloaded.
Trimble GPS Fish Free 2.3.1
Trimble Navigation
Catch fish like never before with TrimbleGPSFish Free. This app was formerly called Cabelas Recon Fish.+ Record fishing trips. Keep a daily report ofyourcatches.+ Mark GPS waypoints: docks, fishing hotspots,underwaterfeatures+ Track your boat drifts, trolling paths, and routes fromonelocation to another.+ Share fish photos with friends.+ View topo, aerial, and street maps.+ See basic weather reports+ Check out sun and moon phases+ Track mileage, compass directions, and other important stats.GPS Fish uses the GPS built into Android phone and worksinremote places without the need of data or cellular signals.-------GO PROUpgrade to GPS Fish Pro app to save offline map bundles onyourphone for viewing maps off-the-grid.-------GO ELITEGreat deal: Get full-access to offline maps, exclusive maplayers,and powerful tools in all our fishing and hunting apps(Trimble GPSFish, Trimble GPS Hunt, and Trimble GPS Maps). Getpowerful tripplanning tools at too.As an Elite member, you get:Lake MapsView underwater charts for over 6,900 lakes in the U.S. Seedepthcontours down to 10-foot intervals. Coverage includes popularbass,walleye, northern pike, and trout fisheries. Please check ourlakecoverage at: MapsView real-time Weather Maps (Doppler, wind, cloud cover,airtemperature, ocean temperature)Public LandsView public land boundaries to find access points to lakes,creeks,and rivers. Good for shoreline anglers andfly-fisherman.Mega Offline MapAccess more than 2,500 bundles. Download topographic maps onyourphone by state and county.More AppsGet full-access to all the features in all our hunting andfishingapps: Trimble GPS Fish, Trimble GPS Hunt, and Trimble GPSMaps.Forest RoadsSee whether dirt roads are open or closed in 134 national forestandBLM lands.Trip PlannerPlan trips online with our Trip Planner. Mark waypoints,drawtracks, import GPS and GPX files from other map programs andGPSdevices.Print MapsPrint high-quality maps on your home printer. Plus, Elitemembersget 20% off all custom printed map orders at Get all these features for $29.99/year.-------Trimble GPS Fish is part of a suite apps powered by Trimble,aworldwide leader in GPS and location technology. Check outourother hunting and fishing apps: Trimble GPS Hunt and TrimbleGPSMaps.-------Notes: Continued use of GPS running in the backgroundcandramatically decrease battery life. GPS Fish is designedandoptimized for Android phones, not tablets.Feedback: Tell us what you think of GPS Fish and learn
Fisher 4.10
Fisher - your successful fishing.
Streamz by Curtis Fleming
Cuttline Technologies LLC
Streamz has partnered with Curtis FlemingofFly Rod Chronicles to bring you the best river data and mapsknownto [fly fisher]man.Download never before seen state maps for CA, CO, ID, MT, NC,OR,PA, UT, WA, WY and more.And we love to reel in feedback, so please throw us a Rate us if you enjoy the app andwe’llsee you on the river!+ Check river flows+ Find boat launches, fishing hot spots and rapids+ GPS track and save trips+ Get voice navigation to boatloads of access points+ View every USGS gauge station in the nation with real-timeCFSlevels and heights+ Build your own custom maps+ Get tips from Curtis Fleming of Fly Rod Chronicles.Whether you’re 16 or 60, nymph or expert Steelheader, you’llbedrowning in data and be hooked on Streamz (see what wedidthere?).Use Streamz River Tracker© to calculate how long till you’reatthe takeout or to save an exact route. View places on ourexclusivestate maps before your trip for notes on boat launchtypes,parking, angling opportunities and more.The bottom line is Streamz has everything you need to get ontheriver—and then some—all in one place. Help us help you getoutthere and get after it by downloading Streamz today.
SonarPhone by Vexilar 4.0.6_230423
Vexilar, Inc.
Now you can turn your phone or tablet into a powerful touchscreenfish finder.
Fishing Knots 23.4.0
Phillip Steffensen
Fishing Knots contains tutorials of the most important fishingknotsin one app.