2.0 / September 16, 2014
(4.0/5) (10)


Die kostenlose Lite-Version unserer Lern-Appist ideal für Angelanfänger. Sie enthält 72 verständliche und gutstrukturierte Artikel rund ums Angeln im Süßwasser.

Sie finden darin:

- eine Geräteempfehlung für Ihre erste Angelausrüstung
- fünf grundlegende Montagen (mit verständlichenSchritt-für-Schritt-Anleitungen und Bildern)
- drei der wichtigsten Angelknoten (mit illustriertenSchritt-für-Schritt-Anleitungen)
- eine Auswahl von drei der beliebtesten Zielfische (wie und wo mansie lokalisiert, mit welcher Ausrüstung, Methode und Technik siebeangelt werden, welche Montagen, Köder und Futtersorten am bestengeeignet sind, usw.)
- eine Übersicht über Locations und Spots an Still- undFließgewässern.
- eine Auswahl von drei der erfolgreichsten Köder, die imSüßwasserangeln zum Einsatz kommen (Anwendungsmöglichkeiten,Zielfische, Vor- und Nachteile, Tipps).

In der Lite-Version des Kapitels „Angeltechniken“ lernenSie:

- wie man die Tiefe auslotet,
- wie man eine Pose bebleit,
- wie man einen Überkopfwurf richtig ausführt.

Jede Technik wird verständlich beschrieben und mit Fotosund/oder Videos eingängig demonstriert.

In der „Angeltasche“ sehen Sie Beispiele dafür, was unbedingt ineine gut bestückte und gut organisierte Tasche hineingehört. Jederder sechs Artikel enthält Erläuterungen, wenn Sie ihnanklicken.

In der Abteilung „Ausrüstung“ bieten wir Ihnen 45 bebilderteArtikel; u. a. erklären wir Ihnen verständlich, worauf es bei Rute,Stippe, Rolle und Haken im Detail ankommt, Bauteil fürBauteil.
Die ausgewählten drei „Tipps und Hinweise“ stammen von erfahrenenAnglern.

Falls Ihnen die Light-Variante Appetit gemacht hat: DieVollversion von Sportangeln by Clear Fishing bietet Ihnen neunvollständige, ausführliche Kapitel unter anderem zu über 30Zielfischen, zu zahlreichen weiteren Angeltechniken, Montagen,Knoten, Köder und Futter sowie Ausrüstung.

Entdecken Sie auch andere Apps, die von Clear Fishing entwickeltwurden! Unter diesem internationalen Markenzeichen haben wir vieleerfolgreiche Anwendungen in unserem Portfolio, die sichausschließlich dem Angeln widmen und in mehreren Sprachen zumDownload bereitstehen.

Wir bieten Ihnen sorgfältig recherchierte Informationen, damitSie noch mehr Erfolg und Freude an Ihrem wunderbaren Hobbyhaben.

Die Apps von Clear Fishing werden von einem internationalen Teamaus Profianglern, Fachredakteuren, Beratern, Grafikern,Programmierern, Trickfilmzeichnern und Animateuren entwickelt. Seitüber zehn Jahren bieten wir Anglern Produkte, in die wir unsereeigene Leidenschaft fürs Angeln einbringen: Zeitschriften,Angelführer, Messen und Ausstellungen, Wettbewerbe und andereEvent-Veranstaltungen, Websites, mobile Apps und vieles mehr.

The free Lite version ofour learning app is ideal for fishing beginners. It contains 72clear and well-structured articles around fishing in freshwater.

It contains:

- A device recommendation for your first fishing tackle
- Five basic assembly (with understandable step-by-stepinstructions and pictures)
- Three of the most important fishing knots (with illustratedstep-by-step instructions)
- A selection of three of the most popular target fish (how andwhere they are located, with what equipment, methods and techniquesthey are fished, which montages, bait and food are best suited,etc.)
- An overview of locations and spots on breastfeeding andrivers.
- A selection of three of the most successful baits in freshwaterfishing used (applications, target fish, pros and cons, tips).

In the Lite version of the chapter "fishing techniques" you'lllearn:

- How plumbs the depths,
- How to bebleit a pose
- How to perform an overhead cast properly.

Each technique is described clearly and demonstrates catchyphotos and / or videos.

In the "fishing bag" you will see examples of what belongs intonecessarily in a well-stocked and well organized briefcase. Each ofthe six article contains explanations when you click it.

In the department of "equipment" we offer 45 illustratedarticles; and others, we tell you of course, what matters in rod,gravy, roll and hook in detail, component by component.
The selected three "tips and hints" are from experiencedanglers.

If you light variation has made appetite: The full version ofsport fishing by Clear Fishing offers nine full, detailed chaptersas those provided via 30 target fish to many other fishingtechniques, assembly, knots, bait and food and equipment.

Explore other apps that have been developed by Clear Fishing!Under this international brand, we have many successfulapplications in our portfolio that are dedicated exclusively tofishing and are available in several languages ​​for download.

We offer carefully researched information, so you have even moresuccess and enjoyment of your favorite hobbies.

The apps of Clear Fishing developed by an international team ofprofessional anglers, technical editors, consultants, graphicdesigners, programmers, animators and entertainers. For over tenyears, we offer anglers products, in which we bring our own passionfor fishing: Magazines, fishing guide, fairs and exhibitions,competitions and other outdoor events, websites, mobile apps andmore.

App Information Sportangeln Lite

  • App Name
    Sportangeln Lite
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    September 16, 2014
  • File Size
  • Requires Android
    Android 2.2 and up
  • Version
  • Developer
    Clear Fishing Inc
  • Installs
    1,000 - 5,000
  • Price
  • Category
  • Developer
    Visit website Email sorin.vulpe@picnicmedia.ro
    Bd. Corneliu Coposu nr.7, Bl. 104, Sc.2, Et.1, Ap.4, Sector 3, Bucuresti, Romania, Cod postal 030602
  • Google Play Link

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Pescuit Sportiv 3.0 APK
Pescuit Sporiv - Clear Fishing este oaplicatie adresata pescarilor incepatori sau celor maiexperimentati care vor sa prinda noi specii. Afla cum poti capturacele mai importante 30 de specii de pesti de apa dulce:-in ce locuri le gasesti-cu ce tehnici le prinzi,-monturile, nadele si momelile eficace-nodurile si echipamentele necesare-sfaturi si secrete pretioase.Iata mai pe larg ce contine aplicatia in cele 9 capitole:Pesti33 de specii de pesti de apa dulce prezentate fiecare cucaracteristicile, arealul, locurile unde pot fi capturate,tehnicile recomandate, momelile si nalucile prinzatoare,echipamentele necesare etc.Nade si momeliCele mai importante nade si momeli folosite in pescuitul de apadulce.MonturiAlege rapid montura potrivita din cele 20 prezentate folosindcodul nostru de culori. Monturile acopera principalele tehnici depescuit: pe rauri sau balti, la undita, cu lanseta pe fund sau lapluta, la rapitori cu naluci sau momeli naturale, la feeder, lacrap.Explicam clar, pas cu pas, cu imagini, cum se realizeaza fiecaremontura. In plus, fiecare articol arata unde si cand se folosestemontura, cu ce momeli, avanatejele si dezavanatejele ei. La final,o serie de sfaturi si secrete.NoduriPescari cu experienta si rezultate in competiti au ales, dinzecile de noduri folosite in pescuitul sportiv, 7 care acoperamajoritatea situatiilor. Prezentam pas cu pas, cu desene clare,modul de realizare al fiecaruia.Tehnici de pescuitIti aratam 8 tehnici esentiale in pescuitul sportiv: masurareaadancimii, lestarea corecta a plutei, metoda de pescuit la pluta pelat, metoda de pescuit la pluta pe cadere, metoda de pescuit lataras, nadirea cu prastia, lansarea peste cap. Imaginile insotitede explicatii te vor ajuta sa le inveti pe fiecare.Lansarea peste cap, cea mai folosita tehnica de aruncare culanseta, este explicata cu animatii video originale (cu segmente inslow motion), desene, fotografii si texte. Vei putea invata cum saexecuti aceasta tehnica esentiala, atat cu echipamentul despinning, cat si cu cel de baitcasting.TrusaTrusa unui pescar este mult mai complicata si incapatoare decatposeta oricarei femei. 27 de articole cu imagini te vor ajuta saintelegi ce trebuie sa contina trusa ta. Iti propunem chiar si osolutie de organizare, cu ajutorul unei truse fotografiate in carefiecare element este clickabil si te duce intr-un articol.EchipamentEchipamentul folosit in pescuit a ajuns sa fie foartesofisticat. 58 de articole cu ilustratii clare explica anatomiacarligului, unditei, lansetei si mulinetei, caracteristicile sitipurile fiecareia. Iti propunem solutii clare pentru:-primul echipament-echipamente dedicate pescuitului pe rau sau pe balta, la pluta saupe fundul apei-echipament de crap, feeder sau rapitori-echipament de spinning sau baitcastingApeArticole cu ilustratii despre cele mai bune locuri de pescuit incele doua tipuri de ape (statoare si curgatoare).Sfaturi si secreteInformatii importante pentru succesul unei partide de pescuit siprogresul carierei tale de pescar.Daca vrei informatii mai ample despre tehnici de pescuit, monturi,momeli, nade, fire, noduri, sfaturi si secrete, descopera sicelelalte aplicatii lansate international sub marca Clear Fishing.Am conceput si structurat informatiile cu grija, pentru ca tu sa aimai mult succes in viitoarele partide de pescuit.Clear Fishing este marca internationala a Picnic Media.Picnic Media este operatorul revistei de pescuit nr.1 dinRomania – Aventuri la pescuit/ Pescuit pur si simplu, al celui maimare targ de pescuit din tara Expo Aventuri la pescuit sivanatoare/ Expo Pescuit pur si simplu, al unei serii de 21 deghiduri de pescuit de succes national, al siturilor www.aventurilapescuit.ro si www.expoaventuri.ro.Spore Fishing - FishingClear is an application addressed to beginners or the moreexperienced anglers who want to catch new species. Learn how tocapture the most important 30 species of freshwater fish:-in which places you find-with what techniques you catch,-monturile, effective baits and lures-nodurile and equipment needed-Tips and precious secret.Here's more detail in the application that contains 9chapters:Fish33 freshwater fish species presented each with characteristics,habitat, places where they can be captured recommended techniques,baits and lures prinzatoare, necessary equipment etc.Baits and luresThe most important fishing baits and lures used infreshwater.MountsQuickly choose the right mount of the 20 submitted using ourcode of colors. Mount covering the main fishing techniques: therivers and ponds, the rod, bottom longline or raft, the kidnapperslure or natural bait, the feeder, the carp.Clearly explained, step by step, with pictures, as is done eachmount. In addition, each article shows where and when using themount, what baits and dezavanatejele avanatejele them. Finally, anumber of tips and secrets.NodesFishermen experienced and results in competitiveness chose fromdozens of nodes used in angling 7 that covers most situations.Step-by-step, with clear drawings, the embodiment of everyone.Fishing Techniques8 shows you the essential techniques in sport fishing: Depth,correct ballasting cork, cork fishing method on wide raft fishingmethod falling, crawling fishing method, nadir slingshot launch thehead. Images accompanied by explanations will help you learneach.Launch upside, the most common technique throwing rod is explainedwith original video animations (with segments in slow motion),drawings, photographs and texts. You will learn how to execute thistechnique essential, both with spinning equipment, and with thebaitcasting.KitA fisherman kit is more complicated and spacious than anywoman's purse. 27 items with images will help you understand whatyour kit should contain. We propose a solution even organizationalphotographed using a kit in which each element is clickable andtakes you into an article.EquipmentThe equipment used in fishing has become very sophisticated. 58items with clear illustrations explain anatomy hook, fishing rod,rod and reel, characteristics and types of each. We are proposingclear solutions for:-first equipment-equipment dedicated to fishing on the river or pond, the cork oron the bottom-Equipment carp feeder or predatory-Equipment spinning or baitcastingApeArticles with illustrations about the best fishing spots in thetwo types of water (static and flowing).Tips and SecretsImportant for a successful fishing trips and progress yourcareer fisherman.If you extensive information about fishing techniques, rigs, lures,baits, wires, nodes, tips and secrets, discover and otherapplications launched by Clear Fishing. We designed and structuredinformation carefully, for you to have more success in futurefishing trips.Clear Fishing is worldwide brand of Picnic Media.Picnic Media is fishing magazine No.1 operator in Romania -Adventures Fishing / Fishing simply the largest fair in the countryExpo Fishing Adventures Fishing and hunting / fishing Expo simplyof a series of 21 national successful fishing guides, the siteswww.aventuri lapescuit.ro and www.expoaventuri.ro.
Рыбалка Lite 2.0 APK
Данное приложение является бесплатной версиейприложения «Рыбалка - Clear Fishing», в которой начинающие рыболовысмогут найти 72 статьи с четко отструктурированной и легкоосваиваемой информацией.Узнайте:- что предусматривает первая рыболовная снасть- 5 важных оснасток (пошаговое объяснение с картинками итекстом)- 3 часто используемые узла (пошаговые инструкции)- где и как можно словить 3 из самых популярных видов пресноводныхрыб (ареал, зоны где искать, необходимая снасть, эффективныеприманки и/или наживки)- лучшие места на стоячей воде и на течении- 3 результативные пресноводные приманки (применение, объект ловли,преимущества, недостатки, советы и секреты для каждой приманки)В категории «Техники ловли» представлены 3 из техник промераглубины, огрузки и правильного заброса для всех дисциплин ловли, сдобавлением объяснительных картинок и видео.«Коробка» представлена в виде картинки и включает 6 статей,являясь практически возможным вариантом распределения рыболовныхаксессуаров в коробке.В кактегории «Снасть» найдете 45 статей с картинками, которыеобъясняют анатомию крючка, катушки и удилища, их характеристики итипы. Также, здесь найдете решение для первой рыболовнойснасти.В категории «Советы и секреты» есть 3 полезных информаций дляуспешной рыбалки, от опытных рыболовов.В полной версии приложения можете узнать, как можно ловить 30важных видов пресноводных рыб, а остальные категории содержат болееобширную информацию о техниках ловли, оснастках, узлах, приманках,прикормках и т.д.Предлагаем Вам ознакомиться и с остальными приложениями от ".Они содержат тчательно отструктурированную информацию, котораяпоможет Вам добиться больших успехов на рыбалке.This application is afree version of the app "Fishing - Clear Fishing», in which thenovice anglers will find 72 articles clearly and easily masteredotstrukturirovannoy information.Read:- That provides the first fishing tackle- 5 important snap (step by step explanation with pictures andtext)- 3 frequently used node (step by step)- Where and how to catch the 3 of the most popular species offreshwater fish (habitat zones where to look, tackle, lures and /or bait)- The best places in the standing water on the course and- 3 productive freshwater bait (use, to catch, advantages,disadvantages, tips and secrets for each bait)In the category of "fishing technique" are 3 of the techniquessoundings, ogruzki and proper casting for all disciplines offishing, with the addition of explanatory pictures and videos."Box" is presented in the form of pictures and includes 6 items,as a practical example of the distribution of fishing accessoriesin the box.In kaktegorii "Tackle" will find 45 articles with pictures thatexplain the anatomy of the hook, rod and reel, theircharacteristics and types. Also, here you will find a solution forthe first fishing tackle.In the category of "Tips and Tricks" has 3 useful informationfor successful fishing, from experienced anglers.In the full version you can find out how to catch the 30important species of freshwater fish, and the remaining categoriescontain a wealth of information on fishing techniques, rigs, knots,baits, bait, etc.We offer you to familiarize yourself with the rest of theapplications. "They contain tchatelno otstrukturirovannuyuinformation that will help you achieve great success on a fishingtrip.
Pesca nelle acque dolci 2.0 APK
Pesca nelle acque dolciPesca nelle acque dolci - Clear Fishing è una app rivolta aiprincipianti, così come ai pescatori più esperti che voglionoprendere nuove specie. Scoprite come potete prendere le 33 specied’acqua dolce più importanti:- dove trovarle- le tecniche usate per prenderle- le montature, le esche e le pasturazioni più efficaci- l’attrezzatura necessaria e i nodi- consigli preziosi e segretiEcco una panoramica delle nove sezioni della app:Pesci33 specie di pesci d’acqua dolce, dando le loro caratteristicheindividuali, la zona geografica, i posti per prenderle, le tecnicheconsigliate, i richiami e le esche, l’attrezzatura necessaria equalsiasi altra cosa occorre sapere.Esche e pasturazioneLe esche e le pasturazioni più importanti usate nella pesca inacqua dolce.MontatureScegliete la montatura giusta tra 22 opzioni con coloriidentificativi. Le lenze e i set-ups coprono le tecnicheprincipali:-pesca in fiume-pesca in lago-pesca a roubaisienne/canna fissa-pesca a fondo-pesca all’inglese-pesca ai pesci predatori con esche naturali o artificiali-pesca con il pasturatore (feeder)-carp fishingIstruzioni e immagini chiare mostrano passo per passo comecostruire correttamente ciascuna montatura. Ogni articolo mostradove e quando usare una particolare montatura, quale esca usare e ivantaggi e gli svantaggi di ognuna.NodiPescatori esperti campioni hanno scelto 9 nodi da una dozzina usatinella pesca sportiva. Questi 9 nodi coprono quasi tutte lesituazioni. Si spiega come fare ognuno di essi, passo per passo econ disegni chiari.Tecniche di pescaVi illustriamo 10 tecniche essenziali della pesca sportiva:-come si misura la profondità-come si piomba un galleggiante in maniera corretta-come si pesca con il “metodo dell’ascensore” (“lift method”)-come si pesca “in calata” (“on the drop”)-come si pesca alla passata (“trotting”)-come si pastura con una fionda-come si effettua il lancio sopra la testa (overhead cast)-come si combatte con il pesceImmagini e istruzioni chiare vi aiuteranno ad apprendere ciascunatecnica.Il lancio sopra la testa, la tecnica di lancio più comune, èspiegato con animazioni video originali (con spezzoni arallentamento), disegni, fotografie e testo.La cassetta dell’attrezzaturaUna cassetta dell’attrezzatura è più complicata e spaziosa delbaule di un venditore. Le 25 sezioni e le immagini che leaccompagnano vi aiuteranno a capire cosa dovrà contenere la vostracassetta.L’attrezzaturaL’attrezzatura da pesca è diventata molto sofisticata: 58 sezionichiaramente illustrate spiegano l’anatomia dell’amo, della canna edel mulinello, nonché le caratteristiche e i tipi di ciascuno diquesti elementi. Vi offriamo soluzioni chiare per:- il vostro primo set d’attrezzatura- l’attrezzatura adatta per pescare in fiume o in lago, agalleggiante o a fondo- l’attrezzatura da carp fishing, quella da feeder fishing e quellaper la pesca ai pesci predatori- l’attrezzatura da spinning o da baitcastingI postiSezioni illustrate sui posti più belli per pescare in due tipi diacque – ferme e correnti.Consigli e trucchiInformazioni importanti per il successo di un’uscita di pesca e perla vostra crescita come pescatori.Se volete ulteriori informazioni sulle specifiche tecniche dipesca, montature, esche, pasturazioni, fili, nodi e consigli, viinvitiamo a scoprire le altre applicazioni di successointernazionale lanciate sotto il marchio Clear Fishing. Abbiamostudiato e strutturato attentamente le informazioni per mettervi incondizione di massimizzare il successo durante le vostre futureuscite di pesca.Le applicazioni di Clear Fishing sono studiate da un team dipescatori garisti, consulenti, giornalisti di pesca, artisti dellagrafica, animatori, fotografi, editori e programmatori da più di 6Paesi.Fishing in freshwaterFishing in fresh waters - Clear Fishing is an app aimed atbeginners, as well as the more experienced anglers who want tocatch a new species. Find out how you can take the 33 freshwaterspecies the most important:- Where to find them- The techniques used to take- Frames, baits and more effective pasturazioni- The necessary equipment and nodes- Valuable tips and secretsHere is an overview of the nine sections of the app:Pisces33 species of freshwater fish, giving their individualcharacteristics, the geographical area, the places to take them,the recommended techniques, lures and bait, the necessary equipmentand anything else you need to know.Baits and baitingThe bait and the most important pasturazioni used in freshwaterfishing.FramesChoose the right frame of 22 options with identifying colors. Thelines and set-ups covering the main techniques:-Fishing in river-Fishing in lake-Fishing a pole / hook and line-Fisheries thoroughly-Fishing English-Fishing to predatory fish with natural bait or artificial-Fishing with the feeder (feeder)-carp fishingInstructions and clear pictures showing step by step how toproperly build each frame. Each item shows you where and when touse a particular frame, which bait to use and the advantages anddisadvantages of each.NodesAnglers samples were chosen from a dozen 9 knots used in fishing.These 9 knots cover almost all situations. It explains how to doeach of them, step by step and with vivid designs.Fishing TechniquesWe show you 10 essential techniques of fishing:-as you measure the depth-as it swoops floating in a correct way-as fishing with the "lift method" ("lift method")-as you are fishing "dropped in" ("on the drop")-as you are fishing the past ("trotting")-as you pasture with a slingshot-as you make the throw over the head (overhead cast)-as you fight with the fishImages and clear instructions help you learn each technique.The launch overhead, the most common throwing technique isexplained with original video animations (with clips to slow down),drawings, photographs and text.The cassette equipmentA tape of the equipment is more complicated and the spacious trunkof a seller. The 25 sections and the images that accompany themwill help you understand what your box should contain.The equipmentThe fishing gear has become very sophisticated: 58 sections explainclearly illustrated the anatomy of the hook, the rod and reel, andthe characteristics and types of each of these elements. We offerclear solutions for:- On your first set of equipment- The right equipment for fishing in the river or in the lake,floating or bottom- The carp fishing tackle, fishing feeder and the one that forpredator fishing- The equipment from spinning or baitcastingPlacesSections shown on the most beautiful places to fish in two types ofwater - still and running.Tips and tricksInformation important to the success of a fishing trip and for yourgrowth as fishermen.If you want more information on specific fishing techniques,frames, hooks, pasturazioni, wires, knots and advice, we invite youto discover the other applications successfully launchedinternationally under the brand name Clear Fishing. We havecarefully designed and structured information to put you in aposition to maximize the success in your future fishingtrips.The applications of Clear Fishing are designed by a team offishermen Garisto, consultants, journalists, fishing, graphicartists, animators, photographers, editors and programmers for morethan 6 countries.
Pescuit Crap 5.0 APK
Pescuit Crap este un ghid Aventuri la pescuit,brandul media numarul 1 in pescuitul sportiv din Romania, cecontine detalii despre monturi, momeli, nade, fire, noduri,tehnici, sfaturi si multe secrete.Prima aplicatie romaneasca si totdodata cea mai cuprinzatoareaplicatie din lume dedicata exclusiv pescuitului la crap. Aplicatiaacopera toate aspectele importante ale pescuitului la crap:realizarea si folosirea monturilor, noduri, alegerea carligelor sia montajelor de plumb, momeli si nade, lansete, mulinete, fireprincipale sau pentru forfac, agrafe si anouri, suporti siavertizori, componenta trusei, corturi si paturi, saltele dereceptie, tehnici de nadire, tehnici de pescuit, sfaturi si secreteetcSingura aplicatie din lume care prezinta toata informatiaesentiala practicarii pescuitului la crap. Avand aceasta aplicatiein mana orice novice isi poate constitui singur trusa, poate legacarligele si realiza monturile, poate alege singur nada si momeala.Pescarii mai avansati isi vor extinde arsenalul de cunostintepentru a putea aborda mai eficace situatiile din teren.Specialistii in pescuitul la crap au scris-o.Monturi :Prezentam aplicabilitatea, componentele si modul de realizare pepasi a unui numar generos de monturi si montaje, care acoperapractic toate situatiile de pescuit: montura simpla fir de par,montura snowman fir combi, montura combi, montura blow-back,montura sir/inel de viermusi, montura D, montura 360, montura Zig,montura Chod și montura KD, Montura de pescuit pe suprafata ladistanta/scurta, Montaj cu momitor pe segment de leadcore .Noduri:Principalele 9 tipuri de noduri folosite in pescuiul la crap:nodul fara nod, nodul clinch imbunatatit, nodul Albright etc.Nade si momeli :Toate tipurile principale de nade si momeli de la pelete siboiliesuri la seminte si larve de chironomide aplicabilitatea lorsi principalii producatori.Carlige :Prezentarea principalelor tipuri de carlige pentru crap : curveshank, long shank, wide gape, choddy si curve long shank avandcaracteristicile, aplicabilitatea si principalii producatori.Fire :Firele de forfac, fire camasa, fire textile suple,monofilamentul, fluorocarbonul, leadcore-ul, firele de inaintassunt descrise avantajele si dezavantajele fiecaruia, unde esteindicata folosirea lor, producatorii principali si preturilelor.Plumbi :Plumbii Grippa, plumbii de distanta vartej, plumbii de distantain-line etc sint prezentati avand caracteristicile, avantajele,dezavantajele si aplicabilitatea lor.Lanseta :Tipurile de lansete folosite in pescuitul la crap, actiunea,puterea si lungimea, utilizarea lor, principalii producatori sipreturile sint prezentate in aceasta sectiune.Mulineta :Principalele componente ale mulinetei de crap, ilustrate avanddetalii fotografice si o sectiune despre caracteristicilemulinetei, preturi si producatori.Accesorii monturi :De la agrafe si anouri, clipsuri, crosete si opritoare demomeala, materiale solubile (PVA) si pasta de plumb pina la plute,penar si foarfeca, va prezentam toate accesoriile folosite inrealizarea si pastrarea monturilor.Corturi, paturi si saci de dormit :Ce trebuie sa stim cand le cumparam, care sunt principaliiproducatori si intervalul de preturi.Tehnici de pescuit si de nadire :O sectiune foarte utila pe balta si in etapa de pregatire apartidei de pescuit.Sfaturi si secrete :A fost nevoie de multe insistente (si amenintari :)) pentru ascoate de la specialistii nostri sfaturile cele mai folositoarepescarilor obisnuiti. Urmati-le si veti avea succes!Aplicatia este un produs romanesc lansat si international submarca Clear Fishing in limbile germana si engleza.Despre Aventuri la pescuit, brandul media numarul 1 in pescuitulsportiv din Romania, puteti afla mai multe vizitindwww.aventurilapescuit.ro
Pesca de Carpa 4.0 APK
Pesca de carpa es la guía actual más completadisponible en las tiendas de aplicaciones más importantes.Esta aplicación cubre todos los aspectos de la pesca de carpa:montaje del bajo y su aplicabilidad, nudos, modelos de anzuelos,sistemas de plomo, carnadas y cebos, canas y carretes, líneas depesca, accesorios, soportes para canas y alarmas de picada, bivvies(tiendas) y camas, tapetes y sacos de dormir, técnicas para cebar ypescar, consejos y trucos, etc.Pesca de carpa, tiene como objetivo presentar toda lainformación imprescindible para capturar la carpa con éxito. Guiadopor esta aplicación, un principiante total, será capaz de hacer sucaja de pesca, seleccionar y atar anzuelos fiables, montar bajos,elegir una carnada y cebo con acierto y tener como objetivo lacarpa. Los pescadores de cana intermedios, adquirirán nuevosconocimientos, permitiéndoles acercarse a las situaciones delterreno con más eficacia. La pesca de carpa fue desarrollada porespecialistas europeos de la carpa, periodistas yprogramadores.Bajos:La gran cantidad de bajos que se presentaron en las revistas decarpa fueron reducidos por nuestros especialistas a 7 bajosfundamentales que cubren prácticamente todas las situaciones depesca de la carpa: El bajo Hair básico (simple), El bajo muneco denieve, el bajo Combi, el bajo con retroceso, el bajo Maggot, elbajo D y el bajo 360 grados. Las claras instrucciones y las fotosle ensenan cómo montar correctamente cada bajo y le dicen cómousarlo. Seguir las actualizaciones anadirá derivaciones o bajos muyespecializados.Sistemas de plomos:Esta sección le ensena cómo seleccionar y montar un sistema deplomo adecuado, viene a ser El Sistema de Plomo Clip (t.c.c. ElSistema de Plomo Semi-Fijado), El Sistema (Chod) Helicóptero o ElSistema de Plomo En-Línea. Hay muchos sistemas de plomosrecomendados en el mercado, pero la mayoría son variaciones de losnombrados anteriormente. Las actualizaciones también presentaránestas variaciones.Nudos:Los 9 tipos de nudos más importantes que se usan en la pesca decarpa: El nudo sin nudo, El nudo Clinch mejorado, El nudo Albright,El nudo Grinner, El nudo Palomar, El nudo Trilene, El nudo Uni, Elrizo Paternoster, El nudo de Sangre.Carnadas y cebos:Todos los tipos de carnadas y cebos, desde los pellets y boilieshasta partículas (semillas) y lombrices rojas se presentan condetalles de su aplicabilidad y marcas principales.Tipos de anzuelos:Los tipos de anzuelos siguientes, sus característicascorrespondientes, aplicabilidad y marcas principales estánpresentes: Vástago curvos, Vástago largo, Boca ancha, Choddy ycurvos con el vástago largo.Líneas para pescar:Fortalezas y debilidades, aplicabilidad, marcas principales y rangode precios para: líneas principales, líneas para bajos, líneastrenzadas y recubiertas, trenzas flexibles, monofilamentos,flurocarbonos, leadcores, líneas líder y otros.Canas:Se explican los tipos de canas que se usan para pescar carpa, suscaracterísticas principales (acción, fuerza y longitud), y consejossobre las marcas, rango de precios y qué tipo de cana debenusarse.Carretes:Los componentes del carrete (zona interactiva con primeros planos),característicos, marcas y rango de precios.Accesorios:Accesorios que se usan en la jarcia de la carpa: eslabonesgiratorios, anillas para bajos, clips, picas, aguja para cebo,topes para cebo, P.V.A., masilla de volframio, estuche para bajos,etc.Bivvies:Como elegir el equipamiento para la acampada, que marcas están enel mercado y cuál es el rango de precios.Técnicas para cebar y pescar:Esta es una sección útil para preparar una sesión para la carpa obuscar nuevas ideas mientras se pesca.Consejos y trucos:Se utilizó un alto grado de persuasión para extraer estos consejosde nuestros especialistas. !Síganlos para tener éxito!Pesca de Carpa de Clear fishing, fue desarrollada en Europa.Para más información por favor visite: http://clearfishing.comCarp fishing is the mostcomprehensive guide available today in major app stores.This application covers all aspects of carp fishing: low mountand its applicability, knots, hooks models, lead systems, bait andlures, rods and reels, fishing lines, fittings, brackets alarmsgray and chopped , bivvies (shops) and beds, mats and sleepingbags, bait and fishing techniques, tips and tricks, and more.Fishing for carp, aims to present all the necessary informationto successfully capture carp. Guided by this application, a totalbeginner will be able to make your tackle box, select and attachhooks reliable, low mount, bait and bait choose wisely and targetcarp. Fishermen intermediate channels, acquire new knowledge,allowing them to approach terrain situations more effectively.Fishing for carp was developed by European carp specialists,journalists and programmers.Netherlands:The large amount of bass that were presented in magazines carp werereduced by our specialists to 7 key low cover virtually allsituations Carp Fishing: Bass Basic Hair (single), The low munecosnow, low Combi, low in recoil, low Maggot, low D and low 360degrees. The clear instructions and photos teach him how to ridecorrectly every low and tell how to use it. Follow the updatesadded specialized referrals or very low.Leads systems:This section teaches you how to select and install a system ofappropriate lead, becomes Lead Clip System (aka Lead SystemSemi-Set), The System (Chod) Helicopter or Lead System On-Line.There are many systems of weights recommended in the market, butmost are variations of those named above. The updates will alsopresent these variations.Knots:The 9 most important types of knots used in fishing for carp: Theknotless knot, Improved Clinch Knot, Albright Knot, The Grinnerknot, Palomar knot, Trilene Knot, Uni Knot, The curl Paternoster,The Blood Knot.Baits and lures:All types of baits and lures, from the pellets and boilies toparticles (seeds) and red worms are presented with details of theirapplicability and major brands.Types of hooks:The following hook types, their corresponding features,applicability and major brands are present: Stem curved, Long Stem,Wide Mouth, Choddy and curved with long stem.Fishing Lines:Strengths and weaknesses, applicability, major brands and pricerange for: main lines, bass lines, braided and coated lines,flexible braid, monofilament, fluorocarbon, leadcores, and otherleading lines.Canas:It explains the types of gray that are used for fishing carp, theirmain characteristics (action, strength and length), and advice onbrands, price range and what kind of channels should be used.Reels:The components of the reel (hotspot close-up), features, brands andprice range.Accessories:Accessories used in the rigging of the tent: swivels, bass loops,clips, spades, needle bait, bait stops, PVA, tungsten putty, basskit, etc..Bivvies:How to choose the equipment for camping, which brands are on themarket and what is the price range.Bait and fishing techniques:This section is useful for preparing a session for carp or find newideas while fishing.Tips and tricks:We used a high degree of persuasion to extract these tips from ourexperts. ! Follow them to succeed!Clear Carp Fishing fishing, was developed in Europe. For moreinformation please visit: http://clearfishing.com
Карповая ловля 2.0 APK
Карповая ловляОписание: «Карповая ловля» является рыболовным справочникомClear Fishing, который содержит подробную информацию о снастях,прикормках, наживках, лесках, узлах, техниках ловли, советы имножество секретов.Первое румынское приложение и, в то же время, самоесодержательная в мире, посвященное исключительно ловле карпа.Данное приложение охватывает все важные аспекты ловли карпа:изготовление и использование снастей, узлы, выбор крючков исвинцовых грузил, наживки и прикормки, удилища, катушки, основнаялеска или поводок, застежки и кольца, подставки и сигнализаторы,содержание набора, палатки и постели, карповые маты, техникаприкормки, техника ловли, советы и секреты и т.д.Единственное в мире приложение, которое содержит всю основнуюинформацию о практике ловли карпа. Имея в арсенале данноеприложение, любой новичок сможет самостоятельно собрать нужныйнабор, завязать крючки и сделать снасти, сможет сам выбрать наживкуи прикормку. Более опытные рыбаки смогут расширить арсенал своихпознаний, чтобы попробовать более эффективные методы. Этоприложение составляли специалисты по ловле карпа.Оснастка:Огромное количество оснасток для карповой ловли, предлагаемыхспециализированными журналами, было сокращено нашими специалистамидо 10 основных видов, которые подходят практически для всехситуаций на рыбалке: простая волосяная оснастка, оснастка«снеговик» с коминированной леской, комбинированная оснастка,оснастка blow-back, оснастка с кольцом для опарышей, оснастка D,оснастка 360, оснастка Zig, оснастка Chod и оснастка KD.Узлы:9 основных видов узлов, используемых в рыбалке на карпа: узел безузла, усовершенствованный узел Клинч, узел Олбрайт и т.д.Приманки и наживки:Все основные виды приманок и наживок от пелетсов и бойлов дозерновых прикормок и мотыля, их применение и основныепроизводители.Крючки:Описание основных видов крючков для ловли карпа: curve shank, longshank, wide gape, choddy и curve long shank, а также иххарактеристики, способы применения и основные производители.Лески:Материалы для поводков, шнуры с оболочкой, мягкие плетеные шнуры,монофильная леска, флуорокарбон, лидкор, шок-лидер, описаниепреимуществ и недостатков каждого, а также рассказывается о том,как их применять, об основных производителях и ценах.Грузила:Грузила Grippa, грузила с вертлюжком, грузила in-line (скользящие)и т.д., здесь представлены их характеристики, преимущества,недостатки и применение.Удилище:Виды удилищ для карповой ловли, строй, мощность и длина,использование, основные производители и цены представлены в этомразделе.Катушка:Основные компоненты катушки для ловли карпа, детальные изображения,целый раздел посвящен описанию характеристик катушки, цены ипроизводителей.Дополнительная оснастка:От застежек и колец, клипс, игл и стопоров насадок, растворимыхматериалов (ПВА) и свинцовой пасты, до коробок и ножниц,представляем на Ваше обозрение все аксессуары, используемые дляизготовления и хранения оснастки.Палатки, постели и спальные мешки:Что мы должны знать, когда покупаем их, кто является основнымипроизводителями и какова разница в цене.Техника рыбной ловли и способы прикармливания:Очень полезный раздел для подготовлению к рыбалке и выбора места наводоёме.Советы и секреты:Потребовалась вся наша настойчивость (и даже угрозы :)) чтобывыудить у наших специалистов самые полезные советы для простыхрыболовов. Следуйте им, и Вас ждет успех!Приложение является продуктом румынского происхождения,выпускаемый на мировом рынке под маркой Clear Fishing на немецком,французком и английском языках.Более подробную информацию о бренде Clear Fishing можете узнатьна сайте http://www.clearfishing.comCarp fishingDescription: "Carp Fishing" is a fishing guide Clear Fishing,which contains detailed information about the gear, bait, bait,fishing line, knots, fishing techniques, tips and a lot ofsecrets.The first Romanian application and, at the same time, the mostmeaningful in the world dedicated exclusively to fishing for carp.This application covers all the important aspects of carp fishing:the production and use of gear units, the choice of lead sinkersand hooks, bait, bait, rods, reels, fishing line or main lead,buckles and rings, coasters and signaling, maintenance kit, tentsand beds carp mats, equipment bait fishing technique, tips andsecrets, etc.The world's only application that contains all the basicinformation about the practice of catching carp. With the arsenalof the application, and any new entrant will be able toself-assemble the right set, tie hooks and make tackles, he will beable to choose the bait and bait. More experienced anglers will beable to expand their arsenal of knowledge to try more effectivemethods. This application is made by experts on fishing forcarp.Attachments:A huge number of rigs for carp fishing offered by specializedmagazines, our experts have been reduced to 10 major species thatare suitable for almost all fishing situations: simple the hairaccessories, snap "snowman" with kominirovannoy fishing line,combined rigging, rigging blow-back, snap with a ring for maggots,rigging D, tooling 360, rigging Zig, equipment and accessories ChodKD.Nodes:9 basic types of knots used in fishing for carp: a node without ahost, the improved clinch knot, Albright knot, etc.Lures and bait:All major types of baits and lures and baits from peletsov tocereal baits and waders, their application and the mainproducers.Hooks:Description of the main types of hooks for carp: curve shank, longshank, wide gape, choddy and curve long shank, and theircharacteristics, methods of application and the main producers.Fishing Lines:Materials for leashes, cords with a shell, soft braided cord,monofilament fishing line fluorokarbon, lidkor, shock-leader, adescription of the advantages and disadvantages of each, andexplains how to use them, the main producers and prices.Weights:Sinkers Grippa, with swivel sinkers, sinkers in-line (moving),etc., here are their characteristics, advantages, disadvantages andapplications.Rod:Types of fishing rods for carp fishing, system, capacity andlength, use, major producers and the prices are presented in thissection.Coil:The main components of the reel for carp fishing, detailed images,a whole section is devoted to describing the characteristics of thecoil, prices and manufacturers.Additional accessories:From fasteners, rings, clips, needles and tips stoppers, solublematerials (PVA) and lead paste, to boxes and scissors, present toyour review all the accessories used for the manufacture andstorage of equipment.Tents, sleeping bags and bed:What we need to know when to buy them, who are the main producersand what is the difference in price.Technique of fishing and feeding methods:A very useful section for those prepared to fishing and siteselection on the pond.Tips and Tricks:It took all our persistence (and even threats :)) to extract fromour experts the most useful tips for simple fishermen. Follow themand you will succeed!The application is a product of Romanian origin, available onthe world market under the brand name Clear Fishing in German,French and English.For more information about the brand Clear Fishing can find onthe site http://www.clearfishing.com
Carp Fishing 5.0 APK
Carp Fishing is the most comprehensive carpfishing guide currently available in the major app stores.This app covers all important aspects of carp fishing: rigconstruction and applicability, knots, hook patterns, lead systems,baits and hookbaits, rods and reels, fishing lines, accessories,rod pods and bite alarms, bivvies (tents) and beds, mats and sacks,baiting and fishing techniques, tips and tricks etc.Carp Fishing aims to present all essential information in orderto successfully capture capital carp. Guided by this app, anabsolute beginner will be able to build up a tackle box, select andtie reliable hooks, construct rigs, choose an inspired bait andhookbait and target the capital carp.Intermediate anglers will gain new insights allowing them toapproach field situations more efficiently. Carp Fishing wasdeveloped by European carping experts, journalists andprogrammers.Rigs :The large number of rigs presented by carping magazines weretrimmed down by our specialists to 10 essential rigs thatpractically cover all carp fishing situations: The Basic (Simple)Hair Rig, The Snowman Rig, The Combi Rig, The Blowback Rig, TheMaggotRig, The D Rig, The 360 Degree Rig, Chod Rig, Zig Rig, KDRig, Long-distance float-fishing Rig . Clear instructions andphotos show you how to correctly construct each rig and tell youhow to use it. Following updates will add derivative or highlyspecialized rigs.Lead Systems:This section teaches you how to select and construct theappropriate lead system, be it The Lead Clip System (a.k.a. TheSemi-fixed Lead System, The Safety Clip System), The Helicopter(Chod) System or The In-line Lead System. There are many leadsystems advocated on the market, but most of them are variations tothe ones named above. Updates will present these variations aswell.Knots:The main 9 types of knots used in carp fishing: The Knotless Knot,The Improved Clinch Knot, The Albright Knot, The Grinner Knot, ThePalomar Knot, The Trilene Knot, The Uni Knot, The Dropper Knot andThe Blood Knot.Baits and Hookbaits:All major types of baits and hookbaits, from pellets and boilies toparticles (seeds) and bloodworms are presented with the details ofapplicability and the main brands.Hook Patterns:The following hook patterns, their corresponding characteristics,applicability and major brands are presented: Curve Shank, LongShank, Wide Gap, Choddy and Curve Long Shank.Fishing Lines:Strengths and weaknesses, applicability, major brands and pricerange for: Main Lines, Rig Lines, Braided Coated Lines, SoftBraids, Monofilaments, Fluorocarbons, Leadcores, Leader Lines andothers.Leads:Information and applicability of: Grippa Leads, In-line DistanceLeads, Pendant Distance Leads etc.Rods:Types of rods used in carp fishing, their main characteristics(action, power and length) explained, and advice on brands, pricerange and which type of rod should you choose.Reels:Reel components (hot spots with photo close-ups), characteristics,brands and price range.AccessoriesAccessories used in carp rigging: Swivels and Rig Rings, Clips,Stick Needle and Bait Stoppers, PVA, Tungsten Putty, Rig Walletetc.Bivvies, Beds and Sleeping Bags:How to choose your camping equipment, what brands are on the marketand which is the price range.Baiting and Fishing Techniques:This is a section useful for preparing a carp session or lookingfor new ideas while fishing.Tips and TricksA high degree of persuasion was employed to extract these advicesfrom our specialists. Follow them to succeed!Carp Fishing by Clear Fishing was developed in Europe. For moreinformation please visit: http://clearfishing.com
Tabla Solunar 1.0.8 APK
Descripción de Tabla SolunarEncuentre los mejores periodos para cuando vaya a pescar, basadoen la teoría Solunar.Gratis, y mostrando una interfaz sencilla y fácil de usar, ClearFishing Solunar le ayudará a:- Descubrir de un vistazo los mejores periodos de alimentaciónde los peces en un mes.- Obtener información con un clic de cada día y ubicación (losmejores momentos para pescar, las horas de las puestas y amaneceresdel sol, las fases de la luna)- Obtener el pronóstico del tiempo de la ubicación que haya elegido(temperatura, velocidad del viento y su dirección, etc)- Identificar nuevas zonas de pesca, buscandolas directamente en elmapa o introduciendo el nombre (integrado con mapas deGoogle)- Guardar sus ubicaciones favoritas para que pueda encontrarlas denuevo más tarde de forma más fácilNo tendrá que resolver gráficos complicados, y no necesita serun astrofísico para ser capaz de usar los resultados obtenidos deesta aplicación. Toda está especificado cláramente eintuitívamente.Tanto si está pescando carpas o depredadores, o como si estápescando con mosca o pescando en agua dulce, maximizando susposibilidades de conseguir una mordedura con Clear Fishing Solunar.¡Organice sabiamente sus viajes de pesca!Clear Fishing es un desarrollador europeo especialista enaplicaciones para móviles dedicadas a la pesca deportiva de aguadulce. Nuestro equipo está compuesto de pescadores, especialistas,periodistas de pesca de agua dulce, artistas gráficos, animadores,fotógrafos, editores, y programadores de más de 6 países. Desdehace más de diez años, hemos estado dedicados apasionadamente aproveer a los pescadores de agua dulce de revistas y guías, aorganizar eventos, competiciones, ferias, exposiciones, y a crearpáginas web y aplicaciones para móviles.Si desea encontrar más sobre técnicas de pesca, equipo, cebos,señuelos, líneas, nudos, así como consejos y asesoramientoprofesional, entonces asegúrese de descubrir las otras aplicacionesdisponibles internacionalmente y parte de la marca Clear Fishing.Hemos diseñado y estructurado cuidadosamente la información que lepresentamos para que usted tenga un gran éxito la próxima vez quevaya a pescar.Solunar Table description     Find the best periods for when yougo fishing, based on the Solunar theory.          Free, and showing a simple and easyto use interface, Clear Fishing Solunar will help you:- Discover the best out of periods of feeding fish in amonth.- Learn with a click every day and location (the best times tofish, hours of sunsets and sunrises in the sun, the phases of themoon)- Get weather forecast for the location you have chosen(temperature, wind speed and direction, etc.)- Identify new fishing areas, looking them directly on the map orby entering your name (integrated with Google Maps)- Save your favorite locations so you can find them again latermore easily    No need to solve complicated graphics,and need not be an astrophysicist to be able to use the results ofthis application. All specified clearly and intuitively.Whether you're fishing for carp or predator, or if you are flyfishing or fishing in fresh water, maximizing your chances ofgetting a bite with Clear Fishing Solunar. Organize wisely fishingtrips!    Clear Fishing is a European specialistin mobile applications developer dedicated to freshwater sportfishing. Our team consists of fishermen, scholars, journalistsfreshwater fishing, graphic artists, animators, photographers,editors, and developers over 6 countries. For over ten years, wehave been passionately dedicated to providing freshwater fishingmagazines and guides, organize events, competitions, fairs,exhibitions, and create websites and mobile applications.    To find out more about fishingtechniques, equipment, baits, lures, lines, knots, as well as tipsand professional advice, then be sure to discover the otherapplications available internationally and part of the brand ClearFishing. We have designed and carefully structured the informationwe present for you to have a great success the next time you gofishing.