1.0 / December 17, 2013
(3.8/5) (59)


Linterna Gratis / Linterna Free es unaaplicación sencilla que usa el flash de nuestra cámara de fotoscomo linterna.

La linterna se abre con un solo click en la app y se enciendeautomáticamente.

Incorpora botón de encendido y apagado de la luz.

Si tienes cualquier error en esta app, te ruego lo notifiquesantes de dejar una mala calificación, gracias por probar nuestralinterna fácil!

Free Lantern / FlashlightFree is a simple application that uses the flash of our camera andflashlight.

Lantern opens with one click app automatically turns on.

Incorporates button on and off the light.

If you have any errors on this app, I beg you notify us beforeleaving a bad rating, please try our easy flashlight!

App Information Linterna Gratis

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Anti Ratas 1.3 APK
Anti Ratas / Repelente de Ratas es una app queemite ultrasonidos que producen malestar en ratas, ratones,roedores y otros animales pequeños y actúa como repelente.Protege tu casa o local de plagas de roedores. La frecuencia desonido emitida puede resultar molesta para humanos pero no esperjudicial.Incorpora control de volumen, se recomienda utilizar con volumenalto y alejarnos en lo posible del terminal si el sonido emitidonos resulta molesto.El sonido emitido imita frecuencias de 18-23 kHz que resultanmolestas para los ratones. Anti Rats / Rat Repelent es gratis.Anti Rats / Rat Repellentis an app that emits ultrasonic distressing in rats, mice, rodentsand other small animals and acts as a repellent.Protect your home or place of rodent pests. The frequency ofemitted sound can be annoying to humans but is not harmful.Includes volume control, use of high volume and if possible awayfrom the sound output device if we find annoying.The sound frequency of 18-23 kHz mimics that are annoying forthe mice. Anti Rats / Rat repelent is free.
Bola de Cristal 1.0 APK
Bola de cristal es la app para android que te responderá a laspreguntas sobre tu futuro.Piensa una pregunta, agita la bola y recibirás respuesta para tududa.Recuerda no hacer trampas y aceptar siempre la primera respuesta dela bola de cristal ;)CrystalBall is the app for android you answer questions about yourfuture.Think of a question, shake the ball and receive a response to yourquestion.Remember not to cheat and always accept the first response of thecrystal ball ;)
Bola Do Futuro 1.1 APK
Consulte a bola de cristal. A bola de cristalmágica para responder-lhe gratuitamente.See the crystal ball. Themagic crystal ball to answer it for free.
Crystal Ball Free 2 1.1 APK
Crystal Ball Free will answer your mostimportant questions. You just have to concentrate and ask aquestion, then shake your phone.After a few seconds you will have a reply. Ask Crystal Ballabout your future and it will make the prediction.New version comes with some bug fixes and more predictions.
Mario Jump 1.0.2 APK
Tilt your phone to move the little alien. Tryto reach higher and avoid enemies.Mario Jump is a simple but funny game where our little alienMario needs to collect all coins and survive while goinghigher.Compete versus another players and make friends!Show others your skills, learn to move Mario to avoid enemiesand try to get first in ranking.
Zombie Smash 1.1 APK
Zombie Smash is a zombie game where you needtokill all zombies before they escape from your screen.Be careful to not kill civilians! they will cost you a life!Zombie Smash includes a lot of levels where you can see howfastyou are.You can choose between two game modes, normal (sloweratbeginning) and crazy (a zombie tsunami).Zombie Smash is a light game (arround 2mb) and it should runinalmost any device. If you face any problem during gameplay,pleasenotify me.If people like this game I plan to make it much better,addweapons, gameplays, graphics and new worlds. Don´t forget torate 5stars to encourage me to make improvements ;)
Sonidos de Terror 1.1 APK
Sonidos de terror es la app gratuitaqueincorpora algunos de los sonidos más terroríficos para asustaratus amigos o incorporar efectos de sonido de miedo en bromasovídeos.Espera a que la oscuridad llegue y asusta a esa persona conungrito de pánico o un sonido zombie.Si notificas errores en la app, por favor contacta para quelamejoremos antes de dejar una calificación negativa. Gracias.Sounds scary is freeappthat incorporates some of the most terrifying sounds to scareyourfriends or incorporate sound effects of fear in jokes orvideos.Wait until darkness comes and frightens that person with a cryofpanic or a zombie sound.If you notify errors in the app, please contact us so thatweimprove before leaving negative feedback. Thank you.
Kristallkugel 1.1 APK
Befragen Sie die Kristallkugel online. Diemagische Kristallkugel antwortet Ihnen kostenlos.Consult the Crystal Ballonline. The magic crystal ball to reply to you free ofcharge.