/ May 1, 2017
(4.0/5) (2)


Madrid Tourism App is a Madrid guide totourists to find things to do in Madrid: hotels, hostels, maps,weather, restaurants, museums, attractions, points of interest,places to visit in Madrid, what to see and where to stay in Madridcenter.

WARNING! This app uses geolocation, so it's really useful if youARE in Madrid.

Please, before a negative feedback writes info@movilidadpersonal.esexplaining your problem and get an answer within 48 hours.Thanks!


- Places: Madrid attractions
- Events: What to see in Madrid
- Restaurants: The bests Madrid Restaurants
- Shops: Madrid shopping fashion stores
- Night: Where to go and live famous Madrid nightlife
- Rooms: Booking Madrid
- Sports: Madrid Sportcenters
- Learn: ¿Hablas español?
- Weather: Madrid weather in real time
- Tip Calc: Share tips with your friends
- Contact: Write to us if you need anything
- About: Those wonderful guys ...

All sections have a list with the distance to your position, aMadrid map to guide you and find every place and a screen with allthe details. Do not forget to save your favorite sites and sharethem by email and social networks!

App Information Madrid Tourism

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Madrid Metro|Bus|Cercanias 4.4.9 APK
WARNING THIS APP HAS BEEN DEPRECATED PLEASEMIGRATE TO OUR NEW APP: A Material design updated app is availableathttps://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.greenlionsoft.free.madrid&referrer=utm_source%3Dmbcoldapp%26utm_medium%3Dbutton%26utm_campaign%3Dapp_migrationEssential day to day application for locals, tourists, students,Erasmus, business visits ...Features:- | Metro de Madrid |GPS Metro Station Finder.Real time journey calculator.Schematic and geographic network map includingMetro-SURFares and Schedules.Travel Pass remainder- | Bus EMT |BusStop GeolocationWaiting time and distance of the Bus (BETA).Bus Line Maps.Bus Widgets- | Cercanías Madrid |Real time journey calculator.Map of the Madrid commuter network.- | Support |Android 2.3 to 4.xApp2SD
Madrid Gratis 1.7.2 APK
Madrid Gratis es una agenda de ocio que teinforma de todas las exposiciones, cine, eventos, talleres, cursos,deportes y cualquier otra actividad gratis en Madrid ordenadas porfechas y localizando en un mapa las más cercanas para que no tepierdas ninguna. ¡Disfruta de tu ciudad!Si tu ONG, asociación, empresa, local comercial o centro decoworking organiza actividades gratis ya puedes incluirlasdirectamente en la app con un micropago.Síguenos también en Twitter @madrid_gratis o en la página deFacebook "MadridGratisApp" para estar informado de actualizacionesy más actividades gratuitas.Características:- |Actividades|Calendario de actividades gratuitas que se celebran enMadrid.Organizadas y localizables por día (Ayer, Hoy, Mañana), semana(Esta semana, Próxima semana) y mes (Este mes, Próximo mes)Fichas individuales de cada actividad con fecha, hora, descripción,lugar de celebración y mapa geolocalizado.- |Más cercanas|Mapa geolocalizando las actividades gratis en Madrid más cercanas atu actual ubicación.- |Filtrar|Selecciona qué tipos de actividades gratis te interesan más o menospara mostrarlas o no.- |Buscar|Encuentra en todo momento en el buscador el tipo de actividadgratuita que más te gustaría realizar.Madrid Gratis muestra principalmente las actividades que llevan acabo los organismos públicos de la Comunidad de Madrid y susayuntamientos, disponibles para todo el público en formato de datosabiertos. No somos responsables de los posibles errores enhorarios, fechas y lugares de celebración de las actividadesmostradas.Por favor, antes de realizar un comentario negativo escríbenos ainfo@madrid-gratis.com para saber qué problema has encontrado yrecibirás una respuesta de nuestra persona de soporte.Madrid Free entertainmentis an agenda that tells you all exhibitions, films, events,workshops, courses, sports and any other free activities in Madridsorted by date and locating on a map closest to you do not missany. Enjoy your city!If your NGO, association, company, commercial premises or coworkingcenter organizes free activities you can and include them directlyin the app with micropayment.@madrid_gratis also follow us on Twitter or Facebook page"MadridGratisApp" to be informed of updates and more freeactivities.Characteristics:- | Activities |Calendar of free activities held in Madrid.Organized and searchable by day (Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow), week(this week, next week) and month (this month, next month)Individual sheets of each activity with date, time, description,venue and geolocated map.- | Nearer |Map geolocalizando free activities in Madrid closest to yourcurrent location.- | Filter |Choose what types of activities interest you free more or less fordisplay or not.- | Search |Is at all times in the search box type of free activity would youmost like to perform.Free Madrid shows mainly activities carried out by public bodies ofthe Community of Madrid and its municipalities, available to thepublic in open data format. We are not responsible for possibleerrors in times, dates and venues of the activities shown.Please, before making a negative comment please write toinfo@madrid-gratis.com to know what problem you've found andreceive a response from our support person.
Madrid Tourism APK
Madrid Tourism App is a Madrid guide totourists to find things to do in Madrid: hotels, hostels, maps,weather, restaurants, museums, attractions, points of interest,places to visit in Madrid, what to see and where to stay in Madridcenter.WARNING! This app uses geolocation, so it's really useful if youARE in Madrid.Please, before a negative feedback writes info@movilidadpersonal.esexplaining your problem and get an answer within 48 hours.Thanks!Features:- Places: Madrid attractions- Events: What to see in Madrid- Restaurants: The bests Madrid Restaurants- Shops: Madrid shopping fashion stores- Night: Where to go and live famous Madrid nightlife- Rooms: Booking Madrid- Sports: Madrid Sportcenters- Learn: ¿Hablas español?- Weather: Madrid weather in real time- Tip Calc: Share tips with your friends- Contact: Write to us if you need anything- About: Those wonderful guys ...All sections have a list with the distance to your position, aMadrid map to guide you and find every place and a screen with allthe details. Do not forget to save your favorite sites and sharethem by email and social networks!
Madrid Ocio 1.7.2 APK
Madrid Ocio es una guía del ocio de Madrid quete informa de los eventos culturales, solidarias, exposiciones,cine, talleres, cursos, deportes y cualquier otro evento de ocio nogratuito que se celebre en Madrid.Madrid Ocio te permite consultar cada día los eventos de ocio másimportantes o encontrarlos por fechas para planear tu calendario.También puedes ver todos los eventos de ocio de la categoría quemás te interese o simplemente ver en un mapa de Madrid los que sevan a celebrar más cerca de ti.Si tu ONG, asociación, fundación, museo, empresa, local comercial ocentro de coworking organiza eventos de pago abiertos al públicopuedes incluirlos directamente en la app con un micropago.Madrid Ocio también está en Twitter @eventosenmad o en la página deFacebook "Eventos Madrid App" donde estarás informado deactualizaciones y más actividades de ocio.Características:- |Eventos|Guía de ocio que se celebran hoy recorriendo sus fichas con unsimple deslizamiento del dedo.Ficha de cada evento con su detalle: fecha, hora, descripción,precio, lugar de celebración y mapa geolocalizado.- |Calendario|Calendario de eventos de ocio que se celebran en Madrid por fecha:día (Ayer, Hoy, Mañana), semana (Esta semana, Próxima semana) y mes(Este mes, Próximo mes).- |Categorías|Consulta únicamente los eventos de la categoría que más teinterese: exposiciones, cine, talleres, cursos, deportes...- |Más cercanas|Mapa que geolocaliza el ocio en Madrid más cercanos a tu ubicaciónactual.- |Filtrar|Selecciona qué tipos de eventos te interesan para mostrarlos o noen la app.- |Buscar|Encuentra en todo momento en el buscador tu actividad de ociofavorita.Madrid Ocio muestra principalmente eventos que llevan a cabo losorganismos públicos de la Comunidad de Madrid y sus ayuntamientos,disponibles en formato de datos abiertos, así como de organismosprivados que envían sus eventos para ser incluidos. Los diseñadoresde esta app no somos responsables de los posibles errores enhorarios, fechas, precios y lugares de celebración de los eventosmostrados.Por favor, antes de realizar un voto o comentario negativoescríbenos a info@eventosenmadrid.org para saber qué problema hasencontrado y recibirás una respuesta de nuestro soporte en menos de24h.Madrid Leisure is aleisure guide of Madrid informing you of cultural events,solidarity, exhibitions, films, workshops, courses, sports andother free entertainment event not to be held in Madrid.Madrid Leisure lets you see every day the most important events forentertainment or find dates to plan your schedule. You can also seeall events entertainment category that interests you or simply viewon a map of Madrid which will be held closer to you.If your NGO, association, foundation, museum, business, commercialpremises or coworking center organizes events open to the publicpayment you can include them directly in the app withmicropayment.Madrid Leisure is also on Twitter @eventosenmad or Facebook page"Events Madrid App" where you will be informed of updates andleisure activities.Characteristics:- | Events |Leisure guide held today touring his chips with a simpleswipe.Tab detail each event with date, time, description, price, venueand geolocated map.- | Calendar |Entertainment events calendar held in Madrid by date: day(Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow), week (this week, next week) and month(this month, next month).- | Categories |Consultation events only category that interests you: exhibitions,films, workshops, courses, sports ...- | Nearer |Map geolocates leisure in closest to your current locationMadrid.- | Filter |Choose what types of events you are interested to display them ornot in the app.- | Search |Is at all times in the search your favorite leisure activity.Madrid Leisure shows events mainly carried out by public bodies ofthe Community of Madrid and its municipalities, available in opendata format, as well as private organizations that send theirevents to be included. The designers of this app are notresponsible for errors in timetables, prices and venues of theevents shown.Please, before a vote or write a negative commentinfo@eventosenmadrid.org to know what problem you've found andreceive a response from our support in less than 24 hours.