1.0 / June 25, 2015
(2.8/5) (16)


Merkel vs bloody tyrant Putin. Russia hasbeenexcluded from what was previously known as the G8, sincetheannexation of Crimea last year. The White House issued astatementafter Mr Obama’s talks with Mrs Merkel, saying: Theduration ofsanctions should be clearly linked to Russia’s fullimplementationof the Minsk agreements and respect for Ukraine’ssovereignty.We’ve got to send a clear signal to Russia that we willnot allowthem to transgress our red lines. At the same time we havetorecognise that the Russians do have a sense of being surroundedandun der attack, and we don’t want to make unnecessaryprovocations.Music by audionautix.com. Released under CreativeCommons License3.0.

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Ninja Vs Superman 1.0 APK
So as you all know, the Ninja came out a little while ago and Ifinally got a chance to see it! It was packed with some prettyawesome action scenes and it goes to show that when you work as ateam, anything is possible. Even defeating a giant, ninja machinewith blades so sharp they cut through steel. Seeing this got memotivated. In my opinion, I think the Ninja could take on Supermanand come home with the win. here's why! Music by audionautix.com.Released under Creative Commons License 3.0.
Vampires Vs Zombies 1.0 APK
The game Vampires Vs Zombies for those wholikeVampires, also Zombies. Vampires, or Vamps for short, are arace ofblood-drinking supernatural creatures that were once human.Vampiresmust keep their victims alive or their blood becomes toxicto them.Vampires are organized into nests, with eight to tenvampiresresiding in each, with a mate for life. The youngermembers of thenest typically do the hunting for their elders,bringing back humansto be fed upon for days or even weeks. Zombiescome in a variety offorms, raised from the dead by a Greek spell,by the demonic powerof Samhain, and even raised by Death himself.When first raised,their memories and personalities may be intact,and they can behavelike normal, rational beings for several daysbefore becomingviolent and cannibalistic. Music byaudionautix.com. Released underCreative Commons License 3.0.
Arcade Batman Vs Superman 2.0 APK
The game Arcade Batman VS Superman for thosewho like film, also Batman and Superman. Fans who feared that thefilm, starring Ben Affleck as Batman and Henry Cavill as ClarkKent, would not be as gritty and brooding as recent films shouldhave all confidence restored. We think the movie looks spinechilling. The trailer begins with news reports apparentlyquestioning Superman’s motives and suggesting he is set to use hispowers for evil. Music by audionautix.com. Released under CreativeCommons License 3.0.
Strawberry Girl Fashion Show 1.0 APK
Strawberry Girl Fashion Show – thisconfrontation fashionable blonde against a beautiful brunette.Strawberry blonde vs. brunette strawberries. Music byaudionautix.com. Released under Creative Commons License 3.0.
Arcade Game Zombie Vs Plants 2.0 APK
The game Arcade Zombie Vs Plants for thosewholike Zombie, also Plants. A ‘zombie’ (also known as zeds,walkers,roamers, lurkers, biters, Z’s, Meat Bags, Freak Bags, andzak) isthe term associated with a person infected by the Solanumvirus; aninfection that reposes the brain and shuts down theinternalsystems of the victim. After this mutation occurs thevictim is nolonger a person, but instead a mindless shamblingcorpse with aninsatiable hunger. If you’re not a microbe and you’renot ananimal, you are probably a plant. There are about 300thousandknown species of plants. Because plants adapt so well toalmost anyclimate, scientists needed a way to organize the hundredsofthousands of species. Music by audionautix.com. ReleasedunderCreative Commons License 3.0.
Angel Vs Daemons 1.0 APK
Angel Vs daemons. 'Spiritual warfare' is not apopular topic in today's churches. Most Christians are not evenaware of the raging battles in the unseen places. And even thoughangels and demons are mentioned throughout the Bible, fewcontemporary pastors are exposing the nature of these spiritualforces from a Biblical perspective. Hidden from our earthly eyesare two kinds of spiritual warriors: God's faithful angels andSatan's malicious demons. Our sovereign Lord uses His armies ofloyal angels to help, protect and guide us according to our needsand His purposes. He uses the 'fallen angels' – Satan’s demonicrebels – to punish the wicked, to demonstrate His uncompromisingjustice, and (in the midst of the battles) to test and strengthenour faith as we rely on Him! Music by audionautix.com. Releasedunder Creative Commons License 3.0.
Prison Escape 1.0 APK
The extreme Prison Escape is an amazingroomescape game. Assume that you are trapped in a jail room andyourtask is to find the ways to escape out of it. Try to escapefromthe prison taking the right decision at right moment. Musicbyaudionautix.com. Released under Creative Commons License3.0.
Anaconda Nicki Minaj 5.0 APK
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