1.0 / August 23, 2020
(3/5) (66)


We Love Pet Birds and Parrots! Download This App to learn moreaboutPet Birds and Parrot to see: How to choose the perfect PetBirds andParrots for you like cockatiel bird, parakeet or budgie…Informationabout the most popular bird species for a pet parrotsThe must-havesupplies for your feathery friend The most importantbird careinformation you need to know Well, you’ve come to rightplace! AtAll Pet Birds and Parrots, you will find: Small PetBirds: Canaryand Budgie or Parakeet, cockatiel bird andLoveBirds... Medium:Indian Ring-Necked Parakeet, Caiques andLories or Lorikeets, PionusPet Parrots... pet parrots: AfricanGrey Parrot, Blue and Gold Macawand Hyacinth Macaw, Cockatoo...There’s nothing like coming home toa pet that can say “Hello” or“I love you.” Birds and Parrots arepreferred by many people. Andthe truth is, once you’ve had a Birdsor Parrots as a part of yourlife, it’s difficult to imagine cominghome to any other pet. Birdsare intelligent, quirky, andmischievous–all around amazingcreatures. Are you a Pet Birds lovertoo? Or do you just want toknow what all the fuss is about? So,let’s get started and DownloadPet Birds Android App!

App Information Pet Birds and Parrots

  • App Name
    Pet Birds and Parrots
  • Package Name
  • Updated
    August 23, 2020
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  • Requires Android
    Android 4.2 and up
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  • Developer
    Just For you
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  • Category
    Books & Reference
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Constitución Mexicana‎ 2.0 APK
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U.S Constitution + Amendments 2.0 APK
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2016 U.S Constitution Amendments The Constitution of the UnitedStates of America Legislation of the U.S Congress Preamble "We thepeople" I The Legislative Branch Legislative Power Vested House ofRepresentatives Senate Elections of Senators and RepresentativesRules of House and Senate Compensation and Privileges of MembersPassage of Bills Scope of Legislative Power Limits on Legisla PowLimits on US II The Presidency Election, Installation, RemovalPresidential Pow State of the Union, Receive Ambassadors, LawsFaithfully Executed, Commission Officers Impeachment TheConstitution of the United States of America, III The JudiciaryJudicial Powe Vested Scope of Judicial Power Treason IV The S FullFaith and Credit Privileges and Immunities, Extradiction, FugitiveSlaves Admission of S Guarantees to S V The Amendment Process VILegal Status of the Constitution VII Ratification U.S. Code
Punctuation & spelling guide 2.0 APK
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Punctuation & Capitalization Guide is a free app to learnenglish spelling. US
Constitution française 1.0 APK
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Legifrance, le service public de la diffusiondu droit par l'Internet, donne accès au droit français : laConstitution, les codes, lois et règlements.La Constitution du 4 octobre 1958 est le texte fondateur de la VeRépublique. Adoptée par référendum le 28 septembre 1958, elleorganise les pouvoirs publics, définit leur rôle et leursrelations. Elle est le quinzième texte fondamental (ou levingt-deuxième si l'on compte les textes qui n'ont pas étéappliqués) de la France depuis la Révolution Française.système juridique français.Codes civil de commerce de la défense général des impôtsde justiceadministrative, pénal procédure civile procédure pénale du travail.loisNorme suprême du système juridique, elle a été modifiée àvingt-quatre reprises depuis sa publication par le pouvoirconstituant, soit par le Parlement réuni en Congrès, soitdirectement par le peuple à travers l'expression du référendum. SonPréambule renvoie directement et explicitement à trois autrestextes fondamentaux : la Déclaration des Droits de l'Homme et duCitoyen du 26 août 1789, le Préambule de la du 27 octobre 1946 (laConstitution de la IVe République) et la Charte de l'environnementde 2004. Les juges n'hésitant pas à les appliquer directement, lelégislateur étant toujours soucieux de les respecter, sous lecontrôle vigilant du juge constitutionnel, ces énumérations deprincipes essentiels ont leur place dans le bloc deconstitutionnalité. Les règles relatives à la révision de la Constisont prévues par elle-même.La dernière modification est la loi constitutionnelle n°2008-724 du 23 juillet 2008 de modernisation des institutions de laVe République.Voir aussi :Constitution du 4 octobre 1958 (version consolidée),Dossier du Conseil Constitutionnel : " Le tour de la en vingtquestions " (sur le site du Conseil constitutionnel),Références de publication de la du 4 octobre 1958 et des textesqui l'ont modifiée ou complétéeDéclaration des de l'Homme et du Citoyen de 1789Préambule de la du 27 octobre 1946Charte de l'environnement de 2004Const du 4 octobre 1958 (JORF n° 0238 du 5 octobre 1958, page9151)Legifrance, the publicservice of dissemination of law by Internet, provides access toFrench law: the Constitution, codes, laws and regulations.The Constitution of October 4, 1958 is the founding text of theFifth Republic. Adopted by referendum 28 September 1958, itorganizes the government, defines their roles and relationships.She is the fifteenth fundamental text (or twenty-second if youcount the texts that have not been applied) of France since theFrench Revolution.French legal system.Civil Codes of trade in general defense of impôtsde administrativejustice, criminal procedure criminal procedure civil work. lawsSupreme law of the legal system, it was changed to twenty-fourtimes since its release by the constituent power, or by Parliamentin Congress or directly by the people through the expression of thereferendum. Its Preamble refers directly and explicitly to threeother basic texts: the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of theCitizen of 26 August 1789, the Preamble to the October 27, 1946(the Constitution of the Fourth Republic) and the Charter of 2004.Judges environment not hesitating to apply them directly, thelegislator is always concerned to respect under the vigilantcontrol of the constitutional court, enumerations of these basicprinciples have their place in the block of constitutionality. Therules relating to the revision of the Consti provided for byitself.The last change is the Constitutional Act No. 2008-724 of 23July 2008 to modernize the institutions of the Fifth Republic.See as well :Constitution of October 4, 1958 (consolidated)Dossier of the Constitutional Council: "The Tower of the twentyquestions" (on the Constitutional Council website)Publication references of the 4 October 1958 and the texts whichhave amended or supplementedDeclaration of Man and Citizen of 1789Preamble to the October 27, 19462004 Environmental CharterConst of 4 October 1958 (French Official Gazette No. 0238 ofOctober 5, 1958, page 9151)
Physical Fitness : Exercises 2.0 APK
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We understand personal trainers can be costly,but changing your workout routine is essential for keeping yourbody from growing accustomed to the same old exercises. Ifanything, adding some variety keeps things interesting andenjoyable - making it more likely that you will stick with theprogram Physical.For under the cost of a cup of coffee, Full fitness not onlyprovides instructions for hundreds of exercises, but it sorts themby body region, muscle of target, and the equipment needed. Use oureasy-to-use activity builder to create your own custom activityroutine, and then track your progress as you perform each activity.Powerful fitness allows you to log your s, view progress graphs,and email or backup the results online.Find out why gym goers are switching over to health. buddy! With1700+ unique training at your disposal, health. buddy willrevolutionize your training regimen. With this app, you will findthe workout tracking process simple and easy in order to sustainyour motivation and enforce your commitment to your goals.Not sure which health Exrs to perform? Use one of our 30pre-defined routines to reach a particular goal. All of ourroutines are developed by licensed maculation professionals andcome with complete instructions.Physical fitnessIf you have no equipment available, or are more interested incardio or stretches. of cardio, over 40 stretches and training androutines that require no equipment are all included! maculationdoes even more. Track your food intake and body weight, scheduleworkouts, setup profiles to track more than one user, and more.This is the intuitive and beautiful application you have beenlooking for!hundreds of unique exercises (more than any other app)hundreds of video instructions for many of the more complicatedtrainingcalorie tracker with over 90,000 food itemscleverly designed logging feature to record and track each Eability to add your own training and track your progressXE ordered by target (abs, arms, back, etc), muscle they target(deltoids, biceps, etc) or equipment they require (swissball,kettlebells, nothing, etc)30 routines to reach various goals (weight loss, strength, abdefinition, golf program, etc)ability to email your workout logs to yourself, back them up onlineor view them on the devicegraph your workout results to give yourself the encouraging boostyou needstop-watch timer to keep track of your rest times in betweensetsweight monitor/BMI calculator and measurements tracker to view yourprogressschedule your workouts ahead of time so you never forget yourworkout routineability to track MULTIPLE usersiCloud support and the ability to import content from or originalmaculationeverything is included - we do not believe in purchases.Further, we are dedicated to providing regular free updates. Thenext update is under development. Write in and let us know whatmost interests you.- As seen and recommended by ESPN magazine!- Selected by Gizmodo as one of the best apps ever.- Highly rated by Lifehacker: a comprehensive trainingplanner- 7X7 SF blog that may replace personal trainers. [but we'd ratherthink of it as a tool for personal trainers to aid theirclients]- and raved by many many others...This is the FREE version of the widely popular w/ over 300+ withdetailed descriptions, animations and an assortment of workouts.Our FREE version already contains more content and features thanall the other paid apppps out there. Download for FREE and take alook! If you love it, download our paid version which contains1700+ exercises, photos, body metrics tracking and much more.
Juris Zivilprozessordnung ZPO 1.0 APK
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Ausfertigungsdatum - 2016"Zivilprozessordnung in der Fassung der Bekanntmachung vom 5Dezember 2005 (BGBl I S 3202 2006 I S.431; 2007 I S. 1781) die zuletzt durch Artikel 6 des Gesetzes vom20. November 2015 (BGBl. I S. 2018) geändert worden ist"ZPO, Deutschland Gesetze.Stand- Neugefasst durch Bek v 5.12.2005 I 3202 2006 I 431 2007 I1781Zuletzt geändert durch Art. 6 G v 20 11 2015 I 2018Merkmale- Die Suche mit Volltextfunktion führt schnell zum gesuchtenBegriff(e). Zivilprozessordnung- Sie können auch mehrere Begriffe gleichzeitig eingeben (z.B.'kind unterhalt ehe')- Eine Internetverbindung zur Nutzung ist nicht erforderlich.Zivilprozessordnung- Zu verbreiten und teilen die gesetzlichen Vorschriften übersoziale Netzwerke- Gesuchte Begriffe sind im Text hervorgehoben- Navigation innerhalb jedes Gesetzes über einInhaltsverzeichnis.- App hat tag und nachtmodus.- App ermöglicht das Teilen von Inhalten.- Die Internetberechtigung wird für das Reporting von unerwartetenFehlern und für Werbung benützt.ZPO, Deutschland Gesetze.InhaltsübersichtBuch 1Allgemeine VorschriftenAbschnitt 1GerichteAbschnitt 2ParteienAbschnitt 3VerfahrenBuch 2Verfahren im ersten RechtszugAbschnitt 1Verfahren vor den LandgerichtenAbschnitt 2Verfahren vor den AmtsgerichtenBuch 3RechtsmittelAbschnitt 1BerufungAbschnitt 2RevisionAbschnitt 3BeschwerdeBuch 4Wiederaufnahme des VerfahrensBuch 5Urkunden- und WechselprozessBuch 6 (weggefallen)Buch 7MahnverfahrenBuch 8ZwangsvollstreckungAbschnitt 2Zwangsvollstreckung wegen GeldforderungenAbschnitt 3Zwangsvollstreckung zur Erwirkung der Herausgabe von Sachen undzur Erwirkung von Handlungen oder UnterlassungenAbschnitt 4§§ 899 bis 915h (weggefallen)Abschnitt 5Arrest und einstweilige VerfügungBuch 9 (weggefallen)Buch 10Schiedsrichterliches VerfahrenAbschnitt 1Allgemeine VorschriftenAbschnitt 2SchiedsvereinbarungAbschnitt 3Bildung des SchiedsgerichtsAbschnitt 10Außervertragliche Schiedsgerichte§ 1066 Entsprechende Anwendung der Vorschriften des Buches10Buch 11Justizielle Zusammenarbeit in der Europäischen UnionAbschnitt 1Zustellung nach der Verordnung (EG) Nr. 1393/2007………ZPO, Deutschland.Andere Gesetze in Andere App - Zivilprozessordnung ZPOStrafgesetzbuch (StGB) Strafprozeßordnung (StPO) GRUNDGESETZ DerDeutschland Juris: Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch SozialgesetzbuchBürgerliches Gesetzbuch Handelsgesetzbuch, GmbH-Gesetz Steuerrecht- Steuergesetze Familienrecht Familiengesetze ArbeitsrechtArbeitsgesetze Deutsche GesetzeDate of issue -2016"Code of Civil Procedure, as amended by notice of 5 December 2005(BGBl 2006 I, p IS 3202431; 2007 I S. 1781) has been amended most recently by Article 6 ofLaw of 20 November 2015 (BGBl. I S. 2018) "ZPO, Germany laws.Stand revised by Bek v 5.12.2005 3202 I 2006 I 2007 I 1781 431Last amended by Art. 6 G v 20 11 2015 I 2018characteristics- The full text search function quickly leads to the searched term(s). Code of Civil Procedure- You can also enter several terms (such as "child support before')- An Internet connection for use is not required. Code of CivilProcedure- To disseminate and share the legal provisions on socialnetworks- Search Keywords are highlighted in the text- Navigation within each law on a table of contents.- App has day and night mode.- App allows the sharing of content.- The Internet permission is used for the reporting of unexpectederrors and for advertising.ZPO, Germany laws.SiteBook 1General provisionsPart 1courtsSection 2PartiesSection 3MethodBook 2Procedures at first instancePart 1Proceedings before the Regional CourtsSection 2Proceedings before the local courtsBook 3RemedyPart 1vocationSection 2RevisionSection 3complaintBook 4RetrialBook 5Certificate and change processBook 6 (repealed)Book 7DunningBook 8foreclosureSection 2Enforcement of claims for moneySection 3Enforcement to achieving the restitution of property and theobtaining of any act or omissionSection 4§§ 899 to 915h (repealed)Section 5Arrest and injunctionBook 9 (repealed)Book 10Arbitration shallPart 1General provisionsSection 2Arbitration agreementSection 3Formation of the TribunalSection 10Non-contractual arbitration§ 1066 Corresponding application of the rules of the book 10Book 11Judicial cooperation in the European UnionPart 1Service pursuant to Regulation (EC) no. 1393/2007.........ZPO, Germany.Other laws in other app - Civil Procedure Code of Civil ProcedureCriminal Code (CC) Code of Criminal Procedure (CCP) Basic Law ofGermany Juris: Civil Code Social Code Civil Code Commercial Code,Companies Act tax law - tax law Family law Family law Labour lawlabor laws German laws
中华人民共和国宪法 2.0 APK
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中华人民共和国宪法本系列软件不但适合广大的法律工作者,学生,更是司法考试最重要的辅助工具。我们将不断更新提高产品,提供最新,最专业的法律软件。案》修正)目 录序 言总 纲公民的基本权利和义务国家机构全国人民代表大会中华人民共和国主席国务院中央军事委员会地方各级人民代表大会和地方各级人民政府民族自治地方的自治机关人民法院和人民检察院国旗、国歌、国徽、首都中华人民共和国宪法
Juris - Strafgesetzbuch StGB 1.0 APK
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Ausfertigungsdatum App 2016Strafgesetzbuch (StGB)Ausfertigungsdatum 150 5 1871Vollzitat:"Strafgesetzbuch in der Fassung der Bekanntmachung vom 13 November1998 (BGBl I S. 3322) das zuletzt durch Artikel 1 des Gesetzes vom20 November 2015 (BGBl I S 2025) geändert worden ist"Merkmale- Die Suche mit Volltextfunktion führt schnell zum gesuchtenBegriff(e).Strafrecht Strafgesetze- Sie können auch mehrere Begriffe gleichzeitig eingeben (z.B.'kind unterhalt ehe')- Eine Internetverbindung zur Nutzung ist nicht erforderlich.- Zu verbreiten und teilen die gesetzlichen Vorschriften übersoziale Netzwerke- Gesuchte Begriffe sind im Text hervorgehoben- Navigation innerhalb jedes Gesetzes über einInhaltsverzeichnis.- App hat tag und nachtmodus.- App ermöglicht das Teilen von Inhalten.- Die Internetberechtigung wird für das Reporting von unerwartetenFehlern und für Werbung benützt.ZPO, Deutschland Gesetze.Andere Gesetze in Andere App - Zivilprozessordnung ZPOStrafgesetzbuch (StGB) Strafprozeßordnung (StPO) GRUNDGESETZ DerDeutschland Juris: Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch SozialgesetzbuchBürgerliches Gesetzbuch Handelsgesetzbuch, GmbH-Gesetz Steuerrecht- Steuergesetze Familienrecht Familiengesetze Arbeitsrecht -Arbeitsgesetze Deutsche GesetzeJuris - Strafgesetzbuch StGBInhaltsübersichtAllgemeiner TeilErster AbschnittDas StrafgesetzErster TitelGeltungsbereichZweiter TitelSprachgebrauchZweiter AbschnittDie TatErster TitelGrundlagen der StrafbarkeitZweiter TitelVersuchDritter TitelTäterschaft und TeilnahmeVierter TitelNotwehr und NotstandDritter AbschnittRechtsfolgen der TatErster TitelStrafenCopy Date 2016 AppCriminal Code (CC)Execution date 150 5 1871Full Quote:"Criminal Code in the version published on 13 November 1998(Federal Law Gazette I p 3322) last amended by Article 1 of the Lawof 20 November 2015 (Federal Law Gazette IS 2025) has been changed"characteristics- The full text search function quickly leads to the searched term(s).Criminal penal laws- You can also enter several terms (such as "child support before')- An Internet connection for use is not required.- To disseminate and share the legal provisions on socialnetworks- Search Keywords are highlighted in the text- Navigation within each law on a table of contents.- App has day and night mode.- App allows the sharing of content.- The Internet permission is used for the reporting of unexpectederrors and for advertising.ZPO, Germany laws.Other laws in other app - Civil Procedure Code of Civil ProcedureCriminal Code (CC) Code of Criminal Procedure (CCP) Basic Law ofGermany Juris: Civil Code Social Code Civil Code Commercial Code,Companies Act tax law - tax law Family law Family law Labour law -labor law German lawsJuris - Criminal Code Criminal CodeSitegeneral partFirst sectionThe Criminal CodeFirst titleScopeSecond TitleParlanceSecond partThe factFirst titleFundamentals of criminalitySecond TitleTrialTHIRD TITLEPerpetration and participationFourth TitleSelf-defense and emergencyThird SectionLegal consequences of the factFirst titlePunish