1.0 / April 2, 2015
(3.7/5) (6)


Raja Ampat Tourism App is the usefull toolfortourists who plan to go to Raja Ampat - Papua - Indonesia. Inthisapp, you can easily find where are the places to visit(TheIslands, Divespot, Resorts, etc), and also the location ofthetrain station and airport. All in your handphone or tablet!

Raja Ampat travel and tourism guide app is your ideal companion onaRaja Ampat Trip.


If you wish for fantastic and unforgettable travelexperiencethroughout your lifetime, then you are now on the rightweb page.Raja Ampat is a tour destination for all reasons to visit.From thehighest point in the sky down to the ocean floor, RajaAmpat hasthe fascinating beauty for everyone. If there is a tourdestinationyou must visit at least once in a lifetime, Raja Ampatis one ofthem.

*** Last Paradise on Earth
It is really not easy to find the right phrases to describethebeauty. The scenery of Raja Ampat is a natural view which willmakeyour heart tremble, your breath stuck and your skin goosebumpswhen you look at it.

*** Paradise for Divers
It is no exaggeration to Raja Ampat being called “heavenfordivers”. The geographical location of Raja Ampat archipelago inthehub of the world’s coral triangle has made Raja Ampat watersrichof marine biodiversity.

*** Paradise for Rare Wildlife
The abundance of natural resources of Raja Ampat archipelagoliesnot only found in its waters but also on its land. The landcontourwithout mount or mountains exceeding 1000 meter above thesea levelmakes…


App Roadmap

- March, 2 2015 - Version 1.0

App Information Raja Ampat Tourism

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Mustaqilli 2.0 APK
Aplikasi ini dikembangkan untukmendukungprogram bahasa Arab dengan metode Mustaqilli. Aplikasi iniberisiinformasi, panduan dan video informasi yang memudahkanpesertamemahami bahasa Arab dengan mudah.** Tentang Mustaqilli **Metode mustaqilli adalah metode cepat dalam penguasaanbahasaArab baik dalam membaca kitab, menterjemah kitab,menulis,mengarang, dan berbicara dalam bahasa Arab. Disebutdenganmustaqilli karena siswa dituntut sangat aktif secaramandiri.Metode ini sengaja disusun dengan konsep sederhana, tidakrumitnamun sangat komprehensif.Metode ini lahir dari hasil penelitian mendalam terhadapprosesbelajar mengajar bahasa Arab di berbagai tempat, baikdipesantren-pesantren dan institusi pendidikan di Indonesiamaupuninstitusi pendidikan di Timur Tengah, sehingga lahirlahbuku“Al-Arabiyyah li Ghoiril ‘Arab” dan buku “Audhohul Manahij”yangtelah mendapatkan pengakuan dan apresiasi berbagai kalanganbaikdalam negeri maupun dunia Internasional. Diantaranyaadalah:**1. Apresiasi dari ulama sekaligus pakar fiqih dunia yangsudahtidak asing lagi bagi kita, yaitu Prof. DR. WahbahMusthafaAz-zuhaily:”Buku ini merupakan karya dari seorang yang mempunyaipengetahuanmendalam dalam bahasa Arab. Dengan metodenya, iamenjadikan tatabahasa Arab yang rumit menjadi sederhana dan mudahdipahami”.**2. Apresiasi Pakar Bahasa Arab Universitas Al-AzharKairoMesir, Syaikh DR Basyiiri Abdul Mu’thy:“Saya adalah orang Arab yang belum pernah melihat kitabmu’jamNahwu Shorof yang paling mudah dipahami yang ditulis olehseorangyang bukan Arab, di mana orang Arab sendiri belum ada ataubelumpernah menulis dengan metode seperti ini sampai dengansaatini”**3. Apresiasi masyarakat pendidikan di Amerika Serikat:Di Amerika Serikat, kitab ini laku keras. Bahkan, booksurgeLLC(Part of The Amazon Group of Company) yang berkedudukandiCharleston, South Carolina-USA turut memperluas penyebaran bukuinike universitas dan lembaga-lembaga pendidikan di AmerikaSerikat,khususnya pada bidang Arabic Program, Islamic Studies,Middle AndNear Eastern Studies. Selain di Amerika, kitab ini jugamendapatsambutan luas di Iran sebagai salah satu kitab rujukandengankategori kitab terlaris yang mendapat bintang lima bookrating. Danbahkan di Ohio University, buku ini merupakan rujukanutama karenasangat sistematis, lengkap, mudah difahami, danmemadukan teoridengan praktek dengan pendekatan grafik, tabel danskema.Tokoh-tokoh yang memberikan pujian terhadap kitab ini,antaralain, Professor Adel Gamal (Department of Near EasternStudies,University of Arizona, USA), Inas Hassan, Ph.D (School ofLanguage– Arabic, University of Maryland, USA), Ramzi Salti, Ph. D(ArabicLanguage & Literature. Stamford University, USA),MartinSulzer-Reichel (Director of Arabic and German LanguageProgram,Department Culture of Modern Literatures and Cultures,Universityof Richmond, USA), Paul O. Myhre, Ph.D (Wabash CenterinAssociation of American Academy of Religion, USA), danBlackwellPublishers-UK (Book & Resources Review Editor for theJournalTeaching Theology and Religion=====** Update **28 Maret 2015 - Rilis perdana Mustaqilli alpha 1.028 Mei 2015 - Pembaharuan Aplikasi beta 2.0This applicationwasdeveloped to support the Arabic language program withMustaqillimethod. This application contains information, guidesandinformational videos that facilitate the participants tounderstandthe Arabic language with ease.** About Mustaqilli **Mustaqilli method is a fast method in the mastery of theArabiclanguage both in reading the book, translate books,writing,writing, and speaking in Arabic. Mustaqilli called becausestudentsare very actively prosecuted independently. This methodisintentionally structured with a simple concept, it isnotcomplicated but it is very comprehensive.This method was born from the results of in-depth study oftheArabic language teaching and learning process in many places,bothin Islamic schools and educational institutions in Indonesiaandeducational institutions in the Middle East, thus was born thebook"Al-Arabiyyah li Ghoiril 'Arab" and the book "AudhohulManahij"which has gained recognition and appreciation of thevariouscircles both domestically and internationally. Amongothersare:** 1. Appreciation of scholars and expert jurisprudence oftheworld is not foreign to us, namely Prof. DR. WahbahMustafaAz-zuhaily: "This book is the work of a man who has a deep knowledgeinArabic. With his method, he makes the Arabic grammar iscomplicatedbecomes simple and easy to understand ".** 2. Expert Appreciation Arabic Al-Azhar University ofCairoEgypt, Shaykh Abdul DR Basyiiri Mu'thy:"I was an Arab who had never seen the book Qur'aan NahwuShorofmost easily understood written by a non-Arab, whereArabsthemselves have not been there or had never written withthismethod until now"** 3. Appreciation of the education community in theUnitedStates:In the United States, the book sells. In fact, BookSurgeLLC(Part of The Amazon Group of Company) based in Charleston,SouthCarolina-USA helped expand the deployment of this booktouniversities and educational institutions in the UnitedStates,particularly in the areas of Program Arabic, IslamicStudies,Middle And Near Eastern Studies. In addition to the UnitedStates,the book is also widely received in Iran as one of thereferencebook with a book-selling categories that received a fivestarrating book. And even at Ohio University, this book is theprimaryreference because it is systematic, complete, easy tounderstand,and integrate theory with practice with the approachcharts, tablesand schemes.Figures which give a compliment to the book, amongothers,Professor Adel Gamal (Department of Near EasternStudies,University of Arizona, USA), Inas Hassan, Ph.D (School ofLanguage- Arabic, University of Maryland, USA), Ramzi Salti, Ph. D(ArabicLanguage & Literature, Stamford University, USA),MartinSulzer-Reichel (Director of Arabic and German LanguageProgram,Department of Culture of Modern Literatures andCultures,University of Richmond, USA), Paul O. Myhre, Ph.D ( WabashCenterin Association of the American Academy of Religion, USA),andBlackwell Publishers-UK (Book & Resources Review Editor fortheJournal of Teaching Theology and Religion=====** Update **March 28, 2015 - Release 1.0 alpha prime MustaqilliMay 28, 2015 - Renewal Applications beta 2.0
Raja Ampat Tourism 1.0 APK
Raja Ampat Tourism App is the usefull toolfortourists who plan to go to Raja Ampat - Papua - Indonesia. Inthisapp, you can easily find where are the places to visit(TheIslands, Divespot, Resorts, etc), and also the location ofthetrain station and airport. All in your handphone or tablet!Raja Ampat travel and tourism guide app is your ideal companion onaRaja Ampat Trip.===If you wish for fantastic and unforgettable travelexperiencethroughout your lifetime, then you are now on the rightweb page.Raja Ampat is a tour destination for all reasons to visit.From thehighest point in the sky down to the ocean floor, RajaAmpat hasthe fascinating beauty for everyone. If there is a tourdestinationyou must visit at least once in a lifetime, Raja Ampatis one ofthem.*** Last Paradise on EarthIt is really not easy to find the right phrases to describethebeauty. The scenery of Raja Ampat is a natural view which willmakeyour heart tremble, your breath stuck and your skin goosebumpswhen you look at it.*** Paradise for DiversIt is no exaggeration to Raja Ampat being called “heavenfordivers”. The geographical location of Raja Ampat archipelago inthehub of the world’s coral triangle has made Raja Ampat watersrichof marine biodiversity.*** Paradise for Rare WildlifeThe abundance of natural resources of Raja Ampat archipelagoliesnot only found in its waters but also on its land. The landcontourwithout mount or mountains exceeding 1000 meter above thesea levelmakes…====App Roadmap- March, 2 2015 - Version 1.0
Usaha Dinar 1.0 APK
Aplikasi yang memudahkan paraInvestormengikuti perkembangan harga dinar secara langsung.Aplikasi inimemudahkan transaksi jual beli dinar yang dikelola olehUsaha Dinardan jaringannya.Dirancang dengan tampilan yang bersih dan sederhanasehinggaInvestor fokus terhadap perkembangan harga danprosestransaksi.Tersedia graphic harga dinar dari waktu ke waktu dan adapunmenulainnya akan tersedia dalam update versi berikutnya.===- Aplikasi ini membutuhkan jaringan internet yang stabil- Tekan icon Reload (kanan atas) jika harga tidak terupdate===Application that makesiteasy for investors to follow the development of the price ofsilvercoins directly. This application facilitates buying andsellingdinars managed by Enterprise Dinar and networks.Designed with a clean and simple look that investors focus onthedevelopment of prices and transaction processing.Available graphic dinar prices from time to time and as fortheother menu will be available in the next version update.===- This application requires a stable internet connection- Press the Reload icon (top right) if the price is not updated===