Top 50 Apps Similar to Learn to read Spanish

Primeras palabras Grin y Uipi
Learning to read by playing babies and children with the firstwordsin Spanish
Aprender a leer 2 Grin y Uipi
Learn to read 2 reverse syllables, locked and readingcomprehension.
IQ Aprender a Leer con Juegos 0.1.55
The application to learn to read with more fun games.Preschoollevel.
Matemáticas con Grin I 4,5,6 a
First part of the counting method, the first numbers, addandsubtract easily
Spanish easy *
natsamar APP
New to Android! No ads and high resolution images. TOP10Educational iPad/iPhone apps in Spain, Mexico, Argentina andothercountries ¡¡ EXPERT OPINIONS ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ".. Hasall theingredients needed to make it educational, as well as fun.Providesthat the child can play alone, without an adult with you tomakethe game fun or effective feature that is not very common inthistype of applications. It is undoubtedly one of the mostrecommendedapps in this category that are on the market. " "Theillustrationsare very attractive visually and the audio is veryexciting thanksto the use of children's voices." Read Full Reviewat:★ ★★ ★ ★ AppsMama "If your children are beginning to learn lettersandto read this is your application ..." "We would have found itveryuseful and an application with a very reasonable price for allthatit offers. Highly recommended. " Read Full Reviewat: Learn to read is an educational game forIpad.Allows, with spectacular results, learn letters andimprovereading, learning regardless of the state in which you are.It ischild's play, made for children, where they can easilynavigatethrough intuitive menus and striking high-definitionimages. Thefirst level is aimed at children who do not know thelyrics. Afterhearing a distinctive sound, the child must solve thepuzzle, whilelearning the letters of the alphabet by playing andhaving fun.After solving it, appears a pretty picture that shows ifyou gothit while trying to guess the sound. The second level isforchildren who already know the lyrics. It is the best complementforhow they form syllables and words and allows them toquicklyimprove their ability to read. These form the words thatcorrespondto the sound heard. You have to place them in the correctorderfrom left to right. If not, or if the letter is placed inaninappropriate place, sounds an error message and the letterisplaced below the rightful place really. If the letter ispositionedcorrectly know the name of the letter. Give your childtheopportunity to learn a multitude of sounds and scenes ofanimals,atmospheric elements, transport, etc..
¡2,500 videos, guías de padres, juegos, y libros. Un espacioseguropara chicos!
ABCKids: Games for Toddlers 4
Learn letters, phonics, numbers, shapes, colors and more in afunway!
Pupitre 1.1.6
Pupitre es la aplicación de Santillana paraquetus hijos aprendan mientras se divierten.En la Librería de Pupitre encontrarás una serie decuadernos,basados en el concepto “ficha”, dirigidos a:-Niños entre 3 y 5 años, cuyos contenidos fomentan eldesarrollode habilidades y destrezas básicas, a la vez querefuerzan losconceptos trabajados en Educación Infantil (la granja,los oficios,la familia, los animales domésticos…).-Niños entre 6 y 11 años, cuyos contenidos repasan yconsolidanlos objetivos que se persiguen en el primer ciclo deEducaciónPrimaria en las áreas de Matemáticas, Lengua, Ciencias,Inglés yArtística.¡Y esto no es todo! En Pupitre tus hijos encontrarán unexclusivosimulador de texturas con el que podrán dibujar ypotenciar sucapacidad artística, representando un mundo lleno defantasía,imaginación y creatividad.Un sistema de recompensas acorde a sus edades, cierraestainnovadora aplicación favoreciendo en tus hijos la curiosidad yelinterés por seguir aprendiendo.Desk Santillanaisapplying for your children to learn while having fun.In the Library Desk you'll find a series of books based ontheconcept "tab", aimed at:-Children Between 3 and 5 years, whose contents promotethedevelopment of basic skills and, while reinforcing theconceptsworked in kindergarten (the farm, crafts, family, pets...)skills.-Children Between 6 and 11 years, whose review andconsolidatethe objectives pursued in the first cycle of primaryeducation inthe areas of mathematics, language, science, Englishand Art.And this is not all! In Pupitre your children will findanexclusive textures simulator with which they can draw andenhanceartistic ability, representing a world of fantasy,imagination andcreativity.A reward system according to their ages, thisinnovativeapplication closes favoring your children's curiosity andinterestin further learning.
Licona Apps
Learning the Vowels in Spanish has never been so fun!
Matemáticas con Grin II 678 mu
2nd part of the method - from 6 to 8 years: fractions,multiply,calculation ...
Montessori Preschool, kids 3-7 5.2
A comprehensive preschool app: from ABCs to reading, writing&much more!
Cuentos infantiles con valores 2.1
Enjoy the best children's stories with values ​​for children.
Innovamat: Learn math 2.20.0
Get kids excited about Maths with tailored educational games! 3to12 years.
English Learning For Kids 6.3.3688
Marlu Studio
Teach Your Kids English in a fun and engaging way.
English 456 Aprender inglés pa
Learning English for children from 3 to 6, 7 years at home oratschool
ABC Dinos: Kids Learn to Read 23.08.004
Learn and write the alphabet letters! For preschoolers and kidsofearly Grades
ReadUp: Ayuda a leer mejor 1.85
Improving reading and reading comprehension is fun with theGlifingmethod
Spanish Learning For Kids 6.3.3688
Marlu Studio
Teach your kids the language in a fun and engaging way.
Cuentos con Juegos 1.7.5
Una colección de Cuentos Infantiles para leer, aprender yjugarconellos. Todas las semanas nuevos cuentos y juegoseducativos. -ElZapatero y los Duendes - El Niño y los Clavos - LaBellaDurmiente- El Gato con Botas - La Abeja Haragana - Ricitos deOro -Pinocho- Cenicienta - El Gigante Egoísta - El Patito Feo -Aladinoy laLámpara Mágica - Caperucita Roja - Blancanieves - LosMúsicosdeBremen - Hansel y Gretel - La Reina de las Abejas -ElSastrecilloValeroso - Pulgarcito Juegos Educativos disponibles:-Trivia(preguntas sobre los cuentos). - Fichas (voltea lasfichasyencuentra los personajes del cuenta). - El ahorcado(descubrelaspalabras del cuento y logra tu récord). - Simón (Miralas teclasyescucha el sonido, repite la secuencia). Laaplicaciónposeecuentos clásicos gratuitos con valores y enseñanzas,comoasítambién juegos infantiles educativos (de ingenio ymentales)paraniños y niñas que podrás disfrutar con tu hijo o hija.
I learn to read
Gillz BV
Stimulate your child's self-confidence
Starfall Learn to Read 3.44
Learn to Read from the website - no internetconnectionrequired.
Write 123 - Learn Kids Numbers 1.53
Teach preschool kids to write the numbers from 1 to 20.
Le Bonheur de Lire 1.3
Learn to read French with a fun and proven method!
Montessori Preschool Games 3.22.300523
The Parent-Approved Play Learning App for Kids of All Ages.
Montessori Numberland 5.3
Count & trace numbers up to 9
Smartick Kids Learn Math 2.2.3
Math for kids. Learn with problem solving exercises. Learninggamesfor kids.
Read and Count 4.1
Apps Bergman
Learn the complete and illustrated alphabet, counting to100,shapes, and more
Unuhi: Bilingual Books for Chi 2.1.14
Kids’ stories & flashcards in two languages of your choice.Tryour free eBook!
Learn to Read! Bini ABC games! 5.0.0
Bini Games
Enjoy & learn - tracing letters, jolly phonics and learningABCalphabet game!
Kids Education (Preschool) 2.1.3
Kids education app for learning preschool skills: alphabet,numbersand colors
Educational Kids Games Learning Math Reading Books
Learn about language and math with free educational games and100+books!
Preschool Adventures-1 2.4.6
preschool kids learning games adventures for toddlers: math,shapes,animals
Preschool learning games 2+ 07.02.007
Shapes, colors & counting games for preschoolers and basicmathfor kids
La Risa de las Vocales y Abecedario 2.9.6
⭐️¡La mejor forma de aprender las vocales y el abecedario!😍UnaAplicación educativa para bebés y niños⭐️ Unahermosaaplicacióninfantil para aprender el alfabeto, hecha para quelosbebés sefamiliaricen con el abecedario y los niños aprendanlaasociaciónde formas y sonidos de las letras, La Risa de lasVocales😍 es unaaplicación que te va a facilitar el aprendizaje delasvocales y elabecedario con tus hijos. Canta y juega sin pararydiviérteteaprendiendo. Esta aplicación infantil es perfectaparalos niñosporque los motiva a aprender las vocales y elabecedariocantando yjugando, el aprendizaje es mucho más sencillocuando sehace deforma interactiva, visual y auditiva a través dediferentesminijuegos, por eso La Risa de las Vocales es perfectapara quelosniños se aprendan el alfabeto 🎉. Encuentra lasmejorescancionesinfantiles en esta aplicación, a los niños lesencanta,seguro queno van a parar de cantar y aprender con estaaplicaciónfamiliar.La Risa de las Vocales es una aplicacióninfantil perfectapara quetu hijo aprenda en cualquier lugar. lLosniños se podránentretenercon los minijuegos y canciones infantilesque ayudarán aadquirirhabilidades de aprendizaje y memoria.✅Aprendizaje de lasvocales yel abecedario Ayuda a los niños queestán en etapapreescolar oprimaria a aprenderse las vocales conesta sencilla yhermosacanción infantil "La Risa de las Vocales."Estaaplicacióneducativa está especialmente creada para que losniñosaprendan enfamilia. El desarrollo de esta aplicación fuerealizadoporexpertos para que los niños se diviertan y asícontribuiraldesarrollo del conocimiento; la canción infantil ayudaaestimulary aumentar el proceso cognitivo para que losniñosaprendan deforma más fácil e identifiquen las vocales en loslibroso cuentos.El contenido educativo que está dentro de estaaplicacióninfantilestá pensado y creado para que los niños y lasniñas quehablanespañol realicen actividades y aprendan las vocalescon lacancióninfantil “La Risa de las Vocales” esta aplicaciónparaniñosfacilita el aprendizaje visual y auditivo de lasvocales.Estacanción infantil es usada por muchos docentes ypedagogosparaenseñar las vocales a los niños que están en etapadeaprendizajeinfantil. La principal herramienta de aprendizajeactuales elmaterial lúdico ya que motiva a los niños para queaprendandeforma sencilla y proporciona alegría y satisfacciónhaciendotodomás fácil para su proceso educativo. Ademas decontarconminijuegos para ayudar al reconocimiento del abecedario.
Corneille: reading in French 3.3.4
Fun educational phonics games and books in French for childrenaged3 to 8
Learn to Spell & Write 1.66
Fun educational game. Learn to Spell and Write over 650 words!
Keiki Preschool Learning Games 3.0.0
Cartoons for kids: Educational apps for kids! Letter tracing,ABCgames for kids
French Words for Kids 2.1.0
Learn french using letters sounds !
Montessori Monster Math Lab 1.0
An amazing math app to discover additions & subtractionswithfun monsters!
Reading Academy! Learn to Read 3.0.8
Bini Games
Reading apps kids academy! Alphabet games & phonics forkids!Learning numbers!
Preschool Games For Kids 9.4
Queleas LLC
Distance Learning for kids in preschool and kindergarten
Count to 10 1.21
Learn Numbers from 1 to 10 with Montessori!
Montessori Words & Crosswords 2.1.0
Learn word building, reading, writing and spelling -320phonics-enabled words
Intellecto Kids Learning Games 4.38.0
Numbers, ABCs, Puzzles, Phonics for Toddlers
Breathe, Think, Do with Sesame 1.8.1
This app aims to help teach your child real-world problemsolvingskills.
Language Therapy for Children 9.4.5
Early intervention language therapy for children with languagedelayand autism
ABC for Kids – Learn Alphabet 1.09
Educational game specially designed for introducing the alphabettoyour preschool child. Fun-filled, ad-free and perfect for kidsages2 to 5 years. Join your little ones while they learn thealphabetor let them discover by themselves a world of toys andcolorfulcharacters that will guide them through their first notionsof theABCs. Simple, although very entertaining, this game is idealforintroducing that magical world of the alphabet to ourchildren.Just by touching the screen, your child will be able tointeractwith lovely games that will allow them to learn thealphabet in asimple, fun way. This ad-free game is ideal forchildren to exploreby themselves and have fun without needing helpfrom an adult. ★BENEFITS - Tracing activities of uppercase andlowercase letters. -Fun games and activities to learn the alphabet.- Available in morethan 8 languages, including English (US) andEnglish (UK). -Includes 5 letters and their games free of charge.One singlepurchase within the app unlocks the rest of the content.- Lovelygraphics and a warm voice accompany the experience.Download it nowfor free and enjoy watching your child learning andhaving fun atthe same time! If you have any idea on how to make ABCToyland evenmore amusing and educational, please contact us! E-mail: Follow us inFacebook:
Write ABC - Learn Alphabets 2.1.39
Teach preschool kids to write ABC in tracing game LearnAlphabetsGames for Kids
MathPower Classroom 1.23.0
Math Assessment for Grade 1, Grade 2 and Grade 3