Top 36 Apps Similar to Aprende a Escribir Kinder

Aprender a Leer y Escribir 16
Learn to read and write the letters and numbers with calligraphy.
Learning to Write. Calligraphy
Learn to Writing, Calligraphy course inSpanishis an Application for Smartphones and Tablets for Learningto Writein Spanish.Mission: Learning to Write. Full Calligraphy Course inSpanishFacilitating the learning of writing in children who learn towrite,using a tool that will make them Learn to Writeplaying.Description: Application for Learning to Write in Spanish. Theappis a complete course in Spanish Calligraphy. From 3 years oldoryounger.This Primer is not just a course for Learning to Write letters,itis a complete course in Spanish to learn calligraphy writing,usingthe typeface commonly used in school.There are 3 ways to learn to write:- Full Assist Mode: Guide your child learn to correctly tracetheletters. Guidance of successive points are used. As the childisdrawing the letter tells what is the next point that has tobejoined by a numbering system and through a system ofenhancedtarget point.- Assisted Simple Mode: Same as above but the points areappearingonly when the above points attached correctly- Free mode: The child can freely write the letterYou can switch easily between Case SensitiveIt is organized by 4 types of exercises:- Presentation of Letters and Syllables- Construction of sentences ordered by the hieroglyphsfotosilábicomethod- Construction of Ordered phrases using Syllables and Letters- Construction of Disordered phrases using Syllables and Letters:anadded difficulty as they progressFULL COURSE OF CALLIGRAPHY (12 Booklets )The full Calligraphy Course consists of over 1,700 writingexercisesdistributed in 12 BookletsCOURSE 1 ( Ex. 80 )1 a,e,i,o,u2 ma,me,mi,mo,mu3 ordered sentences hieroglyphs4 ordered sentences syllables5 Unordered phrasesCOURSE 2 ( Ex. 80 )1 ta,te,ti,to,tu2 ordered sentences hieroglyphs3 ordered sentences syllables4 Unordered phrasesCOURSE 3( Ex. 75 )1 na,ne,ni,no,nu2 ordered sentences hieroglyphs3 ordered sentences4 Unordered phrasesCOURSE 4( Ex. 75 )1 pa,pe,pi,po,pu2 ordered sentences hieroglyphs3 ordered sentences syllables4 Unordered phrasesCOURSE 5 ( Ex. 75 )1 es2 la,le,li,lo,lu3 ordered sentences hieroglyphs4 ordered sentences syllables5 Unordered phrasesCOURSE 6( Ex. 80 )1 el2 da,de,di,do,du3 ordered sentences hieroglyphs4 ordered sentences syllables5 Unordered phrasesCOURSE 7 ( Ex. 160 )1 sa,se,si,so,su2 ordered sentences hieroglyphs3 ordered sentences syllables4 Unordered phrases5 ra,re,ri,ro,ru6 ordered sentences hieroglyphs7 ordered sentences syllables8 Unordered phrasesCOURSE 8 ( Ex. 160 )1 en2 va,ve,vi,vo,vu3 ordered sentences hieroglyphs4 ordered sentences syllables5 Unordered phrases6 ba,be,bi,bo,bu7 ordered sentences hieroglyphs8 ordered sentences syllables9 Unordered phrasesCOURSE 9( Ex. 160 )1 za,ce,ci,zo,zu2 ordered sentences hieroglyphs3 ordered sentences syllables4 Unordered phrases5 ja,je,ge,ji,gi,jo,ju6 ordered sentences hieroglyphs7 ordered sentences syllables8 Unordered phrasesCOURSE 10 ( Ex. 160 )1 ga,gue,gui,go,gu2 ordered sentences hieroglyphs3 ordered sentences syllables4 Unordered phrases5 ca,que,qui,co,cu6 ordered sentences hieroglyphs7 ordered sentences syllables8 Unordered phrasesCOURSE 11 ( Ex. 235 )1 fa,fe,fi,fo,fu2 ordered sentences hieroglyphs3 ordered sentences syllables4 Unordered phrases5 lla,lle,lli,llo,llu6 ordered sentences hieroglyphs7 ordered sentences syllables8 Unordered phrases9 ya,ye,yi,yo,yu10 ordered sentences hieroglyphs11 ordered sentences syllables12 Unordered phrasesCOURSE 12 ( Ex. 245 )1 ha, he, hi, ho, hu2 ordered sentences hieroglyphs3 ordered sentences syllables4 Unordered phrases5 cha , che, chi, cho, chu6 ordered sentences hieroglyphs7 ordered sentences syllables8 Unordered phrases9 ña,ñe,ñi,ño,ñu10 xa , xe , xi, xo , xu11 ordered sentences hieroglyphs12 ordered sentences syllables13 Unordered phrases
Aprender a Leer
Aprender a Leer es la aplicación ideal paraquelos niños de primaria aprendan a leer, conocer el abecedarioyaprender fácilmente y de una forma divertida en su educacionlagramática.La lectura no es un juego pero tus hijos podrán aprender a leerdemanera entretenida e interactiva con Aprender a Leer.Consta de cuatro apartados para educar a los niños en el mundo delalectura:- Introducción a la Lectura, donde se educa la construcción delassílabas para aprender a leer.- Vocabulario. Con distintas secciones que seiráncompletando:Aprender a leer como se escriben los diferentes Animales,Aprender a leer como se escriben las Prendas de vestir,Aprender a leer como se escriben las Formas,Aprender a leer como se escriben los Instrumentos musicales,etc.- Reglas ortográficas. Una herramienta necesaria en laeducacionpara aprender a leer y escribir de manera eficaz.Gracias de antemano del equipo C&C - Carrión CastilloLearn to Read is theidealmedium for primary school children learn to readapplication,knowing the alphabet and easy and a fun way to learngrammar intheir education.Reading is not a game but your children can learn toreadentertaining and interactive way to learn to read.It consists of four sections to educate children in the worldofreading:- Introduction to Reading, where the construction of thesyllablesare trained to learn to read.- Vocabulary. With different sections will be completed:Learning to read as different Animals are written,Learning to read as written Clothing,Learning to read and Forms are written,Learning to read like musical instruments are written,etc.- Spelling rules. A necessary tool in education for learning toreadand write effectively.Thanks in advance team C & C - Carrion Castillo
Spanish easy 1.9.8
natsamar APP
Free for a limited time. New to Android! Tablet-optimized UI !
Write ABC - Learn Alphabets 2.1.39
Teach preschool kids to write ABC in tracing game LearnAlphabetsGames for Kids
El Mono Sílabo Clase 1 1.0
En esta aplicación del Mono Silabo podrás encontrar leccionesparaaprender las sílabas con el Mono Silabo de forma entretenidaydivertida. Esta es la primera aplicación de una serie de 3 appsconel contenido más relevante de enseñanzas de las sílabas conelsimpático Mono Sílabo y su divertido amigo Nícola Cavernícola.Enesta primera clase con el Mono Silabo, veremos varios videosquenos enseñaran 5 grupos de sílabas, que son ma me mi mo mu, la lelilo lu, na ne ni no nu, xa xe xi xo xu y za ze zi zo zu.Tambiénencontrarás un juego de memoria, donde tendrás que acertarlospares de silabas que están escondidas en el tablero. Yfinalmente,hay un juego muy difícil de hacer que es armar unrompecabezas conla foto del Mono Silabo y Nícola Cavernicola.¡Acompáñanos y vamosa aprender!
Learn to Read Spanish
Learning to Read in Spanish. FullCourseReading in Spanish Application for Smartphones andTabletsApp for learn to read in Spanish.READ FULL COURSE (12 Booklets):The full Reading Course consists of over 2,200 readingexercisesacross 12 bookletsTHIS VERSION can purchase containing the 12 primers orprimersindividually.Mission: Learn to Read in SpanishFacilitate learning and love of reading in children learningtoread, using a tool that will make learning to read playingDescription: Children have an amazing capacity to learn. Usingtheapplication a few minutes a day. No force, no weary: itisessential to be seen as a game. You can not imagine what yourkidscan do. You will be surprised! guaranteedFrom 3 years or soonerThe method consists in associating basic elements ofwrittenlanguage: symbols (letters and syllables), Hieroglyphics(graphicsymbols) and Sounds.Everything you need to introduce reading in children withaninteractive approach to gameplay. You will be amazed withtheresults.Fonts for children (Kindergarten)PRIMER 1 ( 120 Exercises )C.1 : Presenting a, e, i , o, uC.2 : Presentation ma , me, mi , mo , muC.3 : ReadingC.4 : BuildingPRIMER 2 ( 105 Exercises )C.1 : Presentation ta , te , ti , to, tuC.2 : Playing with ta , te , ti , to, tuC.3 : ReadingC.4 : BuildingPRIMER 3 ( 105 Exercises )C.1 : Presentation na , ne , ni, no, nuC.2 : Playing with na , ne , ni, no, nuC.3 : ReadingC.4 : BuildingPRIMER 4 ( 105 Exercises )C.1 : Presentation pa , pe , pi , po, puC.2 : Playing with pa , pe , pi , po, puC.3 : ReadingC.4 : BuildingPRIMER 5 ( 105 Exercises )C.1 : Presentation syllable isC.2 : Introducing la , le, li, lo, luC.3 : la , le, li, lo, luC.4 : ReadingC.5 : BuildingPRIMER 6 ( 115 Exercises )C.1 : Presentation syllable elC.2 : Presentation da, de , di , do, duC.3 : Playing with da, de , di , do, duC.4 : ReadingC.5 : BuildingPRIMER 7 ( 220 Exercises )C.1 : Presentation sa , se, si, so , suC.2 : Playing with sa , se, si, so , suC.3 : ReadingC.4 : BuildingC.5 : Presentation ra , re, ri , ro , ruC.6 : Playing with ra , re, ri , ro , ruC.7 : ReadingC.8 : BuildingPRIMER 8 ( 225 Exercises )C.1 : Presentation syllableC.2 : Presentation va , ve, vi , vo , vuC.3 : Playing with va , ve, vi , vo , vuC.4 : ReadingC.5 : BuildingC.6 : Presentation ba, be , bi, bo, buC.7 : Playing with ba, be , bi, bo, buC.8 : ReadingC.9 : BuildingPRIMER 9 ( 230 Exercises )C.1 : Presentation za , ce, ci, zo , zuC.2 : Playing with za , ce, ci, zo , zuC.3 : ReadingC.4 : BuildingC.5 : Presentation ja , je , ge, ji , gi, jo , juC.6 : Playing with ja , je , ge, ji , gi, jo , juC.7 : ReadingC.8 : BuildingPRIMER 10 ( 220 Exercises )C.1 : Presentation ga , gue, gui , go, guC.2 : Playing with ga , gue, gui , go, guC.3 : ReadingC.4 : BuildingC.5 : Presentation ca , que , qui, co , cuC.6 : Playing with ca , que , qui, co , cuC.7 : ReadingC.8 : BuildingPRIMER 11 ( 325 Exercises )C.1 : Presentation fa , fe , fi, fo, fuC.2 : Playing with fa , fe, fi, fo, fuC.3 : ReadingC.4 : BuildingC.5 : Presentation lla , lle , lli , llo , lluC.6 : Playing with lla , lle , lli , llo , lluC.7 : ReadingC.8 : BuildingC.9 : Presentation ya, ye , yi , yo, yuC.10 : Playing with ya, ye , yi , yo, yuC.11 : ReadingC.12 : BuildingPRIMER 12 ( 390 Exercises )C.1 : Presentation ha, he, hi , ho, huC.2 : Playing ha, he, hi , ho, huC.3 : ReadingC.4 : BuildingC.5 : Presentation cha , che, chi, cho, chuC.6 : Playing with cha , che, chi, cho, chuC.7 : ReadingC.8 : BuildingC.9 : Presentation ña , ñe , ñi , ño, ñuC.10 : Playing with ña , ñe , ñi , no, ñuC.11 : Presentation xa , xe , xi , xo , xuC.12 : Playing with xa , xe , xi , xo , xuC.13 : ReadingC.14 : Building
Learn to read Spanish
Learn to read Spanish and write the alphabet.
Yo Leo 3.2
Este App. ayudara a tu hijo a aprender aleerespañol de una forma entretenida. Con asociaciones entreimágenes ysílabas, le será mas fácil empezar a recordar cada uno delossonidos y mediante entretenidos ejercicios, este ira poco apocoaprendiendo cada uno de estos.Cada capítulo consta de 3 páginas de introducción mediantelascuales el aprenderá cada uno de los sonidos asociados aunaconsonante. A continuación, habrá una serie de frases quetendráque leer para completar el capítulo.Cada 4-5 capítulos habrá uno de repaso donde se mezclarandiferentesejercicios de repaso incluyendo nuevos tipos deejercicios.This App. Will helpyourchild learn to read Spanish in an entertaining way. With imagesandassociations between syllables, it will be easier tostartremembering each of the sounds and through entertainingexercises,this anger slowly learning each of these.Each chapter consists of 3 introductory pages through whichthelearn each of the sounds associated with a consonant. Thentherewill be a series of phrases that will have to read to completethechapter.Chapters 4-5 Refresher be one where different reviewexercisesincluding new types of exercises were mixed.
ABC Kids - trace letters, pres 17.5
Learn to write letters & numbers. Full alphabet tracingandphonics included.
Enseñas A Tus Hijos A Leer 5.1
Blion Games
The best application available for early reading!
El Mono Silabo Clase 2 1.0
En esta aplicación del Mono Silabo podrás encontrar leccionesparaaprender las sílabas con el Mono Silabo de forma entretenidaydivertida. Esta es la segunda aplicación de una serie de 3 appsconel contenido más relevante de enseñanzas de las sílabas conelsimpático Mono Sílabo y su divertido amigo Nícola Cavernícola.Enesta segunda clase con el Mono Silabo, veremos varios videosquenos enseñaran 5 grupos de sílabas, que son pa pe pi po pu, ta tetito tu, sa se si so su, da de di do du y ba be bi bo bu.Tambiénencontrarás un juego de memoria, donde tendrás que acertarlospares de silabas de esta clase que están escondidas en eltablero.Y finalmente, hay un juego muy difícil de hacer que esarmar unrompecabezas con la foto del Mono Silabo y NícolaCavernicola.¡Acompáñanos y vamos a aprender!
Writing Wizard - Learn Letters 3.4.6
A fun app to help kids learn to write the alphabet, phonicsandtrace letters
Learn to Write the Alphabet 6.1.0
Learning to Write the Alphabet - effective ways to teachapreschooler to write
El Mono Silabo Clase 3 1.0
En esta aplicación del Mono Silabo podrás encontrar leccionesparaaprender las sílabas con el Mono Silabo de forma entretenidaydivertida. Esta es la tercera aplicación de una serie de 3 appsconel contenido más relevante de enseñanzas de las sílabas conelsimpático Mono Sílabo y su divertido amigo Nícola Cavernícola.Enesta tercera clase con el Mono Silabo, veremos varios videosquenos enseñaran 5 grupos de sílabas, que son ja je ji jo ju, fa fefifo fu, ya ye yi yo yu, va ve vi vo vu y ka ke ki ko kuTambiénencontrarás un juego de memoria, donde tendrás que acertarlospares de silabas de esta clase que están escondidas en eltablero.Y finalmente, hay un juego muy difícil de hacer que esarmar unrompecabezas con la foto del Mono Silabo y NícolaCavernicola.¡Acompáñanos y vamos a aprender!
Aprender a Leer - Silabario 1.3
Aprender a leer gratis. Este juego educativo utiliza lafonéticaparaenseñar a leer al mismo tiempo que el niño se divierte(apartir de 4años). A través de niveles progresivos yestructurados,descubre lossonidos, las sílabas y los ensambla.¡Una gran ventajapara su niño!Características: ** Gratis: Todoslos niveles songratis. ** Eficaz:Muchos niños han aprendido a leeren españolgracias a este métodopedagógico. ** Riguroso:Pedagogíaestrictamente analítica(silábica), diseñado porprofesoresexperimentados. ** Completo:Aproximadamente cien nivelescon unanueva sílaba por nivel. **Comprobable: Los adultos puedenanalizarel progreso del niñoutilizando los marcadores. **Motivador:Pruebas y colores estimulanal niño y destacan suprogreso. **Satisfactorio: Cada niño avanza asu propio ritmo y congusto. **Progresivo: vocales simples primero,luego la primerasílaba de lapalabra, 2 sílabas y por último 4sílabas por palabra.** Gradual:Cada nivel está basado en elconocimiento de losnivelesanteriores. ** Móvil: En la casa, en elauto o en el tren,laconexión a Internet no es necesaria. **Cuidadosamentediseñado:Alrededor de 300 bellas imágenes ilustranlas palabras.Aprendeleer - Aprende a leer
Separar en sílabas 2.6.5
Separate into syllables any word in Spanish, does not requiredataconnection.
Kindergarten Kids Learning
Learning games/puzzle activitiesforkindergarten & preschool children.To teach your kiddoABC,rhymes, counting, tracing, colors, shapes,vegetable/fruit/sportscharts. The interactive learning is a greatmode of education astoddlers enter kindergarten as kinestheticlearners(age 2-6yrs).==================================Kindergarten Kids Learning Top Features:==================================• Attractive and colorful designs and pictures for youngkids.• Learn alphabets with charts and fun quizzes.• Learn to count and math for preschoolers with ournumber’scharts.• Learn about rhymes and poems.• Learn to write alphabet with our alphabet tracing forEnglish,Spanish, and Hindi.• Color books and stickers.• Sing and dance with your preschoolers.• And many other kindergarten games and learning activities!Whether you are parents or kindergarten teachers, you can usetheactivities for preschoolers and kindergarten kids at home orinclass. Engage your toddlers in fun kids activities to keepthemfrom doing mischief because they are bored. Let them learnbasicearly education topics such as shapes, math, ABC, rhymes,sports,vegetables, colors, counting, and many more.So, download Kindergarten Kids Learning for FREE now anddiscoverall educational games for preschoolers that will keep yourkidshappy and active.You can also checkout other applications of Greysprings "PlayandLearn" series:Website:
Aprende a Leer con Pipe 1.4
Tomichlabs presenta “Aprende a leer con el Profesor Pipe”.“Aprendealeer con el Profesor Pipe” es una aplicación educativaeinteractivacuyo principal objetivo es fomentar eldesarrolloescolar y lashabilidades psicomotrices en la iniciacióny repasode las letras quecomponen el abecedario. El método quesigue eljuego está configuradocomo un complemento al procesodeaprendizaje de la lecto-escritura.“Aprende a leer con elProfesorPipe” se dirige hacia niños y niñasdesde los 2 años hastalos 7años de edad, así mismo se aumentaría laedad en niños/asconNecesidades Educativas Especiales hasta los 12años, dondetambiénse ha pensado en ellos como parte importante deestaaplicación.Esta aplicación es clara, sencilla y muyestimulante,donde losniños/as podrán divertirse y aprender al mismotiempo,resultandouna tarea muy atractiva, consiguiendoentretenimiento yrefuerzopositivo por la consecución de logros.“Aprende a leer conelProfesor Pipe” ha sido diseñada por unapsicóloga conampliaexperiencia en educación infantil con laaportación de madresmuyinteresadas en el desarrollo curricular desus hijos.Loscontenidos educativos de “Aprende a leer con elProfesor Pipe”secomplementan a los contenidos curriculares queestablece laleyorgánica de Educación en vigor.
Cursive Calligraphic ABC 1.5
Learn basics of Cursive & Calligraphic writing skills
My Very Hungry Caterpillar 3.5.0
Play, care, feed and learn
Farm Friends 2.0.4_1004
Ploosh GmbH
An interactive animated storybook for kids, with anadventuretoldthrough many short games. For kids age 3 - 8years(kindergartenage and older). Your toddler will enjoy the freeminigames andlearn about country life and farm animals. Join theElveson a funtrip from their home in the cold North to Rosalie'sfarm. -Told inhilarious rhymes. - Based on the very popular"ElfAdventure"tablet app. - A cute, educational story told indailysimple andfun puzzles. - Great for reading to your kids. -Mostbeautifulhand-drawn art style, charming animations. - Twostories:"TheJolly Journey" & "The Farm". - Switch between9languages:English, Spanish, French, Russian, Korean,Portuguese,German,Italian, Japanese Contains only two one-time inapppurchases.Accidental purchases will be refunded -- Promised!Thiseducationalstory is starring the funny and cute littlecreaturesknown frompopular fairy tales: the Elves. Toddlers andpreschoolerswilllearn about country life. This interactive fairytale willbecomeyour kid's favorite bedtime story! Stay tuned formore kidfriendlyapps from Ploosh in the future. If you encounteranyissues, pleaseemail us at:
Aprende a Leer 1.012
Aprende a leer is a fun interactive app designed toreinforcethelearning of reading in spanish. Our app integratessimple andfunactivities, easy to use by kids, in order tofacilitatethelearning process in an almost automatic way. ¡This waythekidsalmost learn to read by themselves! In order to make thisappwehad taken into account all the Learning Methods available.Wearemaking use of the Mixed Method which incorporates the bestoftheSyllabic and Global Methods together. Main features: -Allthecontents and activities had been certified with realteachersandeducation professionals. - Funny games between classesmakestheapp fun to use and helps to keep the kids learning.-Highdefinition graphics that works well and looks outstandingwithnewand old devices. - High definition voices and audio. - Thisappisoptimized to run with low memory and CPU requirements.¡Nomaterhow old or low end your device is, you will haveanawesomeexperience! - Intuitive and easy to use interface. -ClassMenu:the kids can select the class to go, from all theclasseshe/shehas done. - Secure exit: to avoid kids to accidentallyexitout ofthe app. - The kids progress is automatically saved onthedevice.- Secure reset: to avoid kids to accidentally resettheprogress inthe app. - Frequent automatic updates through theAppStore.Iguana, LLC brings you the trust and the confidence thatourappswould never offer unwanted publicity of any kind, andwewouldnever put your devices and personal information underanyrisk. Weare committed to bring our customers only the bestproductsandservices. Note: no activity could take theresponsibilityofparents and teachers in the kids learningprocesses. However,thecorrect use of this app has proved to be veryeffective inhelpingkids to read in spanish.
Kindergarten Activities 4.2.6
Active Panda
Kindergarten Activities is a collection of 70 excitingeducationalgames.
Alphabet writing for kids 1.5
learn writing for your kids!Beautiful game for teaching preschool age childrenthealphabet.Follow large letter shapes for easy tracing.Teach kids by having them trace the letters and then let themwritethem on their own.Write uppercase letters. An alphabet writing lessonforpreschoolers.Children will learn how to identify and write English alphabetsfromA to Z in uppercase.Kids have to follow the dots and learn how to writeuppercaseletters.They will certainly love playing this interesting andenjoyablegame.
Curso 1 Aprender a Leer
Aprender a Leer. Curso Completo de LecturaenEspañolAplicación App para Smartphones y Tablets para aprender aleercon el método fotosilábico en Español.CURSO DE LECTURA COMPLETO (12 Cartillas)El Curso de Lectura completo consta de más de 2.200 ejerciciosdelectura distribuidos en 12 CartillasPuede adquirir las cartillas individualmente o la VERSIÓNCOMPLETAque incluye las 12 cartillas.Misión: Aprender a LeerFacilitar el aprendizaje y gusto por la lectura en niñosqueaprenden a leer, utilizando una herramienta que les haráaprender aleer jugandoDescripción:Los niños poseen una capacidad impresionanteparaaprender. Proponles, a modo de juego, que utilicen la aplicaciónunosminutos al día. Sin obligarlos, ni cansarlos: es fundamentalque lovean como un juego.Ni te imaginas lo que tus hijos pueden hacer. Te sorprenderás!!!GarantizadoDesde los 3 años o antesEl Método Fotosilábico consiste en asociar los elementosbásicosdel lenguaje escrito: Símbolos (letras y sílabas),Jeroglíficos(representación gráfica de los símbolos) y Sonidos.Mi Cartilla, aglutina estos tres elementos en una aplicaciónconjuegos y pequeños puzzles para que tus hijos aprendan a leercomosi se tratara de un juego.Todo lo necesario para introducir la lectura en los niños conunmétodo interactivo, a modo de juego. Se sorprenderá conlosresultados.CARTILLA 1 (120 Ejercicios)C.1: Presentación a,e,i,o,uC.2: Presentación ma,me,mi,mo,muC.3: LeyendoC.4: ConstruyendoConsulte la CARTILLA COMPLETA para más información sobreelcontenido del resto de cartillasLearning to Read.FullCourse Reading in SpanishApplication for Smartphones and Tablets App for learning toreadin Spanish fotosilábico method.READ FULL COURSE (12 Booklets)The full Reading Course consists of over 2,200 readingexercisesacross 12 bookletsPrimers can purchase individually or the FULL VERSION containingthe12 primers.Mission: Learning to ReadFacilitate learning and love of reading in children learningtoread, using a tool that will make learning to read playingDescription:Children have an amazing capacity to learn.Proponles, as a game, using the application a few minutes aday.No force, no weary: it is essential to be seen as a game.You can not imagine what your kids can do. You will besurprised!GuaranteedFrom 3 years or soonerThe method consists in associating Fotosilábico basic elementsofwritten language: symbols (letters and syllables),Hieroglyphics(graphic symbols) and Sounds.Mi Primer, brings these three items in an application withsmallgames and puzzles for your children to learn to read as if itwerea game.Everything you need to introduce reading in children withaninteractive approach to gameplay. You will be amazed withtheresults.PRIMER 1 (120 Exercises)C.1: Presenting a, e, i, o, uC.2: Presentation ma, me, mi, mo, muC.3: ReadingC.4: BuildingSee COMPLETE PRIMER for more information about the contentofother primers
Aprendemos a escribir 2.5
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~GRATUITO Y COMPLETO~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~El juego educativo "aprendemos a escribir" estádiseñadoespecialmente para que los más pequeños puedan aprender aescribirlas letras y los números de manera sencilla y amena.Basándonos enel principio educativo de la experimentación y delainteriorización se ha diseñado de manera que los pequesutilizansus dedos para realizar el trazo correcto de cada letra ynúmero,adquiriendo la precisión y la habilidad necesarias paraescribirposteriormente con lápiz o bolígrafo. Atendiendo alprincipioeducativo de la individualización, se respetaescrupulosamente elritmo de aprendizaje de cada uno de los niñosque juegan connuestra aplicación, ya que el nivel de perfección decada ejerciciopuede ser escogido por los adultos en el menú deopciones,adaptando de esta manera cada actividad con el nivel realde cadaniño, y así podemos supervisar sus progresos. Ademáselementos comolas imágenes, la música y los sonidos del juego lohacen muyatractivo para los más peques, ya que pueden elegir elcolor de latiza y su grosor, utilizar el borrador si se equivocan,etc.En la pantalla inicial el juego nos dará la bienvenida ypodremoselegir entre jugar con el Árbol de las Letras o el Árbolde losNúmeros. Una vez elegimos nos aparecen tres flores que nospermitendecidir el nivel (o edad) del juego, hecho que influyedirectamenteen la dificultad del mismo. Una vez hemos elegido elnivel másadecuado, empieza el juego... Ahora tocaaprenderdivirtiéndose!!¡NOTA! Usa bien la tiza al escribir cada letra o número sinonopodrás acabarla se gasta como las reales.Juega en tu dispositivo Android de la forma más fácil,intuitivay divertida con controles sencillos.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~FÁCIL UTILIZACIÓN~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Sólo dispone de tres botones iniciales para poder utilizarlo:- Cubeta de tizas, para cambiar el color de escritura.- Borrador, para borrar la pantalla y volver a empezar.- Flechas de cambio de número o letra.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~DIFICULTAD AJUSTABLE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Además de los botones anteriores, dispones de un botón en lapartesuperior que desplegará una barra de botones con los quepodremosajustar diferentesniveles y opciones según la dificultad que tenga el niño.Ajustes disponibles para configurar la aplicación, esto añadiráoquitara mas dificultad entre otras cosas:✔ Grosor del trazo ajustable en 11 niveles.✔ Margen de error ajustable en 11 niveles.✔ Opción de barra de progreso.✔ Opción de recorrido de ejemplo.✔ Opción de música.✔ Opción de sonidos.✔ Opción de voz.✔ Opción de consejos de la maestra.Pueden pasar horas de diversión aprendiendo a escribir los númerosylas letras.Instala ya en tu teléfono o tableta Android el aclamado juegoquefacilitara la rápida iniciación a la escritura de losmaspequeños.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~------------------- AYUDA -------------------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~¿Tienes algún problema? ¿Sugerencias? ¡Nos encantaríaescucharte!Ponte en contacto con nosotros★★★★★ ""¡Una APP increíblemente buena para los maspequeños!""Recomendado por la web AND FULL~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The educational game "learning to write" is designed especiallyforthe little ones can learn to write letters and numbers in asimpleand entertaining way. Based on the educational principleofexperimentation and internalization is designed so that thekidsuse their fingers to make the correct stroke of each letterandnumber, acquiring precision and skill necessary tosubsequentlywrite with pen or pencil. Considering the educationalprinciple ofindividualization, the pace of learning of each of thechildren whoplay with our application is scrupulously respected,since thelevel of perfection of each exercise can be chosen byadults in theoptions menu, adapting Thus each activity with theactual level ofeach child, and so we can monitor their progress.Moreover elementssuch as images, music and game sounds make it veryattractive forthe kids, as they can choose the color of chalk andits thickness,use the eraser if they are wrong, etc. On the initial screen the game will welcome us and we canchooseto play with the Tree of Letters or Numbers tree. Once wechosethree flowers appear that allow us to decide the level (orage) ofthe game, a fact which directly influences the difficulty ofit.Once we have chosen the most appropriate level, starts the game...Now it's learning fun !! NOTE! Use either chalk writing each letter or number, but youcannot finish it spent as real.Play on your Android device in the easiest, intuitive and funwaywith simple controls.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~EASY TO USE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Only has three buttons for initial use:- Bucket of chalk, to change the color of writing.- Draft, to clear the screen and start again.- Arrows change number or letter.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~LEVEL ADJUSTABLE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~In addition to the above buttons, you have a button on top thatwilldisplay a toolbar with which you can adjust differentlevels and options according to difficulty having children.Available to configure the application settings this will addorremove more difficulty among other things:✔ stroke thickness adjustable in 11 steps.✔ adjustable error margin in 11 levels.✔ Option progress bar.✔ example travel option.✔ Option to music.✔ Option sounds.✔ Option voice.✔ Option advice from the teacher.They can spend hours of fun learning to write numbersandletters.Already installed on your Android phone or tablet acclaimedgamethat facilitate the rapid introduction to the writing ofthechildren. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~------------------- HELP -------------------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Have a problem? Suggestions? We'd love to hear from you!Contactus★★★★★ "" A PPP incredibly good for the children! "" Recommendedbyweb
Math Teacher for children 3.1
OVERVIEW Do you want to improve your math skills? This appisgreatfor children 5 years old and above, as it is foradults!Improveyour records and compete with your family andfriends.***Now youcan play to defeat players worldwide throughworld highscores! FORALL PUBLICS The app has three levels ofdifficulty,making itsuitable for kids and challenging for adults.Everybodycan enjoylearning math. FUNCTIONS Improve your math skillsand havefun withdifferent types of questions: additions,subtractions,series,multiplications and divisions. The appregisters the besttimes forevery difficulty level, associated tothe user. In theChallengemode kids can test their skills againstthe clock. Itbecomesincreasingly difficult. FEATURES *Threedifficultylevels,specially designed for primary schoolchildren.*Severalmathematical exercises: additions,subtractions,series,multiplications and divisions. *Children cancompete to setthebest time record. *Time Trial mode, you must passthe questionsina limited time. *Not only kids: adults can alsopracticetheirmaths. If you have any question or suggestions, or youwanttoreport an error, or you just want to leave us acomment,pleasecontact us at:
Lola’s Learning Pack 1.6.9
Lola’s All-In-One Learning Pack gives you full access to our10educational applications. Lola Panda applications havebeendeveloped through the experiences of tens of millions of ourhappycustomers. Children learn to read, count and solveeducationalpuzzles in the most positive way with the help of LolaPanda. Thispackage gives you our all apps with one download and onepayment –and with a 20% discount. Reading and writing applications:• Lola'sAlphabet Train – A fun and easy way for children ages 3-7to learnletters and writing. • Lola's ABC Party – Learn sounds,letters andwords. For ages 3-7. • Rhyming Words Jungle – Learn tounderstandsyllables and words. For ages 5-7. • Lola's ABC Party 2 –Have funlearning sounds and words of the English language. For ages5-9.Basics of mathematics: • Lola's Math World – Developsmathematicalpreparedness for the school of children 3-6 years old.• Lola'sMath Train – Teaches adding and subtracting to children 3-7yearsold. • Lola's Math Train 2 – Develops mathematical skillsofchildren 6-8 years old. Logic and reasoning: • Lola's BeachPuzzle– Logic puzzles for children 3-8 years old. • I Spy with Lola–Develops concentration and logical thinking. For ages 3-8. •Lola'sFruity Sudoku – Develops perceptual skills. Designed forchildren3-8 years old. Lola Panda learning apps are captivatingtools foreducating basic mathematical and reading skills forchildren.Suitable age groups vary from 3 to 8 years old. Pleasenote thatyou can try most of these apps for free by downloading afree trialversion before purchase. Come join the fun, learning withLolaPanda! Find more information about Lola's Come join the fun, learning with Lola Panda!
Kindergarten 8.2.0
Fun phonics & alphabet game for toddlers, preschool&kindergarten kids!
Spanish to English Speaking: Aprende Inglés Rápido 48.0
* Como aprender a hablar ingles. * Hemos utilizado lasmejorestécnicas para crear esta aplicación. Espero que aprecienesteesfuerzo. Esta aplicación utilizó lecciones de audio paraenseñarleinglés. Aprende inglés en 7 días. * Como aprender aescribir y leeren inglés * Learn English Speaking with thiscomprehensive Spanishto English Speaking Course which is forEnglish speaking. * Cursode Ingles Gratis - aplicativo que aprendeinglês - curso de inglescompleto gratis avanzado. * This is aSpanish to English Speakingtutorial which teaches with interactiveespanol to englishsessions. * Aprender inglés con español lengua yAprende inglés conespañol idioma * You are coached to get morecommand over Englishlanguage with Spanish with each lesson that youtake. This is not aspanish to english translator app. * Aprenderinglés puede serfácil! además espanol to english! Hablar ytraducir! aprender aleer y escribir en ingles. Es ideal para usted,incluso si ya tienetener un nivel básico, intermedio o avanzado decomprensión delinglés. Usando nuestro famoso curso de inglés enlínea, verá comosu inglés mejora muy rápido. Muchas personas ya hanprobado elcurso. ¿Que pasa contigo? * Jogo que aprende a falaringlês.Confident, fluent English learning and speaking becomesquitesimple as you are provided facility to even record your ownEnglishexercise sessions in your own voice for each lesson.Aplicativo queaprende a falar inglês. Aprende ingles en 7 dias -cosas paraaprender inglés. * An Spanish speaking person will alsolike goingthrough the chapters which are coaching you throughout toteach ylearn speaking English language. Aprende ingles gratis. *EverySpanish to English learning chapter is provided to ensure thatyourspeaking fluency improves. Curso de ingles gratis en audio yhablarcon fluidez. This is how you can use this app: ***** TextBasedSpanish to English Learning ***** Como aprender hablaringles.Aprende ingles jugando ***** Audio Based Spanish toEnglishLearning - aprende inglés ***** Como aprender ingles rapidoygratis ***** Save your voice recordings for future reference.*****There are six separate chapters that are devoted individuallyforScenarios, English Interview, Expressions, ColloquialEnglishSpeaking, Etiquette and Phrasal Verbs. ***** Aprenderinglesescuchando audio. ***** Take a quiz test on English languageaftercompleting these chapters. ***** Ingles sin barreras gratisenaudio. ***** Aprender ingles jugando gratis. ***** Learn howtospeak English using Spanish Fluently and free. Speak EnglishinSpanish. ***** Aprender ingles gratis hablar y escuchar yescribir.***** Aprende Inglés Free and Aprenda inglés paso a paso.***** Isthis is the best app for practicing daily Englishconversationalong with Spanish language? Try for yourself and youwill startimproving your English step by step! ***** Learn EnglishOfflineusing Audio based lessons using in top quality lessons.LearnEnglish conversation in Spanish and Learn English Step byStep.Aprende ingles sin wifi. This language learning applicationcanalso be used by all those Spanish speaking participants whoarepreparing for BPO, Call Center, English Discussions and Debatesaswell as English job interview. Aprende ingles escuchando. Ifyouwant to learn english grammar, it is advised that you initiallygothrough this application get yourself ready for yournextassignment. Aprende ingles sin internet. If I want tolearnenglish, I should use this app. Habla Inglés con confianzausandoesta aplicación. This app can help you learn english fastusingaudio. Learn English language using English conversationratherthan through an English Dictionary. Learning Spoken Englishhadnever been easier. Traductor de ingles a español sininternet.Exercises, vocabulary and business english make this appspecial -ingles aprender. Play and Learn English from SpanishLanguage.Learn Spoken English in Spanish.
Learn How to Read and Write 3.0.1
Learn how to read and write letters, numbers, syllablesandalphabet!
Learn to Read Spanish
Learning to Read in Spanish. FullCourseReadingin Spanish Application for Smartphones and TabletsApp for learn to read in Spanish.READ FULL COURSE (12 Booklets):The full Reading Course consists of over 2,200readingexercisesacross 12 bookletsTHIS VERSION can purchase containing the 12 primersorprimersindividually.Mission: Learn to Read in SpanishFacilitate learning and love of reading in children learningtoread,using a tool that will make learning to read playingDescription: Children have an amazing capacity to learn.Usingtheapplication a few minutes a day. No force, no weary: itisessentialto be seen as a game. You can not imagine what yourkidscan do. Youwill be surprised! guaranteedFrom 3 years or soonerThe method consists in associating basic elementsofwrittenlanguage: symbols (letters and syllables),Hieroglyphics(graphicsymbols) and Sounds.Everything you need to introduce reading in childrenwithaninteractive approach to gameplay. You will be amazedwiththeresults.Fonts for children (Kindergarten)PRIMER 1 ( 120 Exercises )C.1 : Presenting a, e, i , o, uC.2 : Presentation ma , me, mi , mo , muC.3 : ReadingC.4 : BuildingPRIMER 2 ( 105 Exercises )C.1 : Presentation ta , te , ti , to, tuC.2 : Playing with ta , te , ti , to, tuC.3 : ReadingC.4 : BuildingPRIMER 3 ( 105 Exercises )C.1 : Presentation na , ne , ni, no, nuC.2 : Playing with na , ne , ni, no, nuC.3 : ReadingC.4 : BuildingPRIMER 4 ( 105 Exercises )C.1 : Presentation pa , pe , pi , po, puC.2 : Playing with pa , pe , pi , po, puC.3 : ReadingC.4 : BuildingPRIMER 5 ( 105 Exercises )C.1 : Presentation syllable isC.2 : Introducing la , le, li, lo, luC.3 : la , le, li, lo, luC.4 : ReadingC.5 : BuildingPRIMER 6 ( 115 Exercises )C.1 : Presentation syllable elC.2 : Presentation da, de , di , do, duC.3 : Playing with da, de , di , do, duC.4 : ReadingC.5 : BuildingPRIMER 7 ( 220 Exercises )C.1 : Presentation sa , se, si, so , suC.2 : Playing with sa , se, si, so , suC.3 : ReadingC.4 : BuildingC.5 : Presentation ra , re, ri , ro , ruC.6 : Playing with ra , re, ri , ro , ruC.7 : ReadingC.8 : BuildingPRIMER 8 ( 225 Exercises )C.1 : Presentation syllableC.2 : Presentation va , ve, vi , vo , vuC.3 : Playing with va , ve, vi , vo , vuC.4 : ReadingC.5 : BuildingC.6 : Presentation ba, be , bi, bo, buC.7 : Playing with ba, be , bi, bo, buC.8 : ReadingC.9 : BuildingPRIMER 9 ( 230 Exercises )C.1 : Presentation za , ce, ci, zo , zuC.2 : Playing with za , ce, ci, zo , zuC.3 : ReadingC.4 : BuildingC.5 : Presentation ja , je , ge, ji , gi, jo , juC.6 : Playing with ja , je , ge, ji , gi, jo , juC.7 : ReadingC.8 : BuildingPRIMER 10 ( 220 Exercises )C.1 : Presentation ga , gue, gui , go, guC.2 : Playing with ga , gue, gui , go, guC.3 : ReadingC.4 : BuildingC.5 : Presentation ca , que , qui, co , cuC.6 : Playing with ca , que , qui, co , cuC.7 : ReadingC.8 : BuildingPRIMER 11 ( 325 Exercises )C.1 : Presentation fa , fe , fi, fo, fuC.2 : Playing with fa , fe, fi, fo, fuC.3 : ReadingC.4 : BuildingC.5 : Presentation lla , lle , lli , llo , lluC.6 : Playing with lla , lle , lli , llo , lluC.7 : ReadingC.8 : BuildingC.9 : Presentation ya, ye , yi , yo, yuC.10 : Playing with ya, ye , yi , yo, yuC.11 : ReadingC.12 : BuildingPRIMER 12 ( 390 Exercises )C.1 : Presentation ha, he, hi , ho, huC.2 : Playing ha, he, hi , ho, huC.3 : ReadingC.4 : BuildingC.5 : Presentation cha , che, chi, cho, chuC.6 : Playing with cha , che, chi, cho, chuC.7 : ReadingC.8 : BuildingC.9 : Presentation ña , ñe , ñi , ño, ñuC.10 : Playing with ña , ñe , ñi , no, ñuC.11 : Presentation xa , xe , xi , xo , xuC.12 : Playing with xa , xe , xi , xo , xuC.13 : ReadingC.14 : Building
Game for KIDS: KIDS match'em 1.17
★★★★★ "Kids love it",★★★★★ "Recommended for Toddlers and Kids",★★★★★ Award in category "Apps for Kids", AndroidAppsmagazine★★★★★ „design is top notch, the graphics are excellent, andthecontrols superb","KIDS match'em" is a fun and addictive way to improve yourandyour kids' short-term and sensory memory skills! The gamewasspecially designed for children.The game is probably the best of its kind on theAndroidMarket.Features★ supports all display sizes and screen resolutions★ high quality graphics★ smooth animations★ very nice sound effects★ 2 difficulty levels (number of cards ranges between 12 and30cards)★ 6 different card sets including cute animals, furrycreatures,colorful hats, cartoon vehicles, food, and summer!Benefits★ fun for kids and adults★ simple, yet addictive game play★ kids love it★ improves memory skills★ free (ad-supported)The game has been tested with the followingscreenresolutions:- 1280x800- 1280x600- 1024x600- 854x480- 800x480- 480x320- 480x240- 400x240- 320x240PLEASE CONTACT ME IF YOU FIND A BUG OR EXPERIENCE PROBLEMS!