Top 15 Apps Similar to Bg:Voz v3.9996
Telemetrical system for active tracking
Red Voznje 3.5.0
Journey Planner - Bus and Train Timetables and internationalBusticket shopping
EKO BG 2.0
You are on the road and want to know whereisthe closest EKO gas station in Bulgaria? Our application willshowyou all of them according your current location. Clicking onone ofthem you'll see what fuels and services they offer and if youwantto by click in top right corner you'll be navigate to phonemaps tosee how to get there. Also in tab Promotions you'll be ableto seeif there is any active promotions for the region.Used logos or parts of them are trademarks of HELLENICPETROLEUMGroup.
Petrol BG 1.6.1
You are on the road and want to know whereisthe closest Petrol gas station in Bulgaria? Our applicationwillshow you all of them according your current location. Clickingonone of them you'll see what fuels and services they offer andifyou want to by click in top right corner you'll be navigatetophone maps to see how to get there. Also in tab Promotionsyou'llbe able to see if there is any active promotions for theregion.Used logos or parts of them are trademarks of Petrol AD.
Софбус 24
Android based application for scheduling of public transportinSofia
Korišćenjem aplikacije BEOVOZ:RS na lakijednostavan način informišite se o redu vožnje gradske iprigradskeželeznice Beograda. Pregledan pretrazivač vam omogućavadetaljanprikaz izabrane linije sa usputnim stanicama, veze sapresedanjem,kao i prikaz povratnih polazaka na izabranoj relaciji.Karakteristike i glavne funkcije aplikacije BEOVOZ:RS:- pregledan i lep dizajn- prikaz veze sa presedanjem- detaljan prikaz izabrane linije sa usputnim stanicama- prikaz povratnih polazaka na izabranoj relacijiUsing applicationsBeovoz:RS in an easy and simple way to find out about thetimetable andurban and suburban railway Belgrade. Viewed Browserallows adetailed view of the selected line stops, connections withatransfer, and view feedback on selected departures between.Features and functions of the main applications Beovoz: RS:- Clear and beautiful design- Display connection with a transfer- Detailed review of selected lines with occasional cells- View feedback departures on the selected route 1.0.7
Писнало ли Ви е от безполезни разговорисдиспечер, за да си поръчате едно такси? Омръзна ли Ви дапопадатена груби и непрофесионални шофьори, които развалят деняВи?Дразните ли се когато се налага да чакате неопределено колкодокатодойде таксито? С това приложение всички тези проблеми оставатвисторията.GSMTAXI.BG е най-бързият и удобен начин да поръчате таксионлайнсамо с няколко кликвания.КАКВО ПЕЧЕЛИТЕ С GSMTAXI.BG?* Спестявате си разправиите по телефона, които надуватсметкатаза телефон и Ви губят времето.Към момента можете да ползвате приложението в градоветеСофия,Варна, Бургас, Велико Търново, Гоце Делчев, Шумен,Ямбол,Русе.* Избирате кола от доказали професионализма си таксиметровикомпаниив страната.* Виждате на карта в реално време къде е таксито и кога точнощебъде при Вас. Имате видимост на позицията на колата идокатопътувате в нея.* Надежността на GSMTAXI.BG се дължи на това, че диспечеротизбраната от Вас таксиметрова компания прецизноконтролиракачеството на изпълнение на курса по всяко време.* Дори да затворите приложението или сайта, поръчкатаВиостава валидна и ще бъдете известени за нейния статус собажданеили SMS.Приложението е напълно безплатно.За повече информация, посетете или ни пишетена of youruselessconversations with the manager, to order a taxi? Tired comeacrossrude and unprofessional drivers who spoil your day? Do yougetirritated when you have to wait until it is uncertain howmuchtaxi? With this application, all these problems remain inhistory.GSMTAXI.BG is the fastest and most convenient way to order ataxionline with just a few clicks.What's in a GSMTAXI.BG?* Save your squabbles over the phone who inflate their billandwaste your time.Currently, you can use the application in Sofia, Varna,Burgas,Veliko Tarnovo, Gotse Delchev, Shumen, Yambol, Ruse.* Select the drive from proven professionalism taxi companies inthecountry.* See a map in real time where the taxi and when exactly it willbefor you. You view the position of the car while travelinginit.* Reliability of GSMTAXI.BG due to the fact that the manager ofyourchosen taxi company precisely controlled quality of the courseatany time.* Even if you close the application or site, yourorderwill remain valid and will be notified of its status with aphonecall or SMS.The application is completely free.For more information, visit or send us
Red vožnje - Beograd 1.20
Aplikacija prikazuje vremena polazakaautobusa(dnevne i noćne linije), tramvaja, trolejbusa, minibuslinija i bgvoza sa početnih stajališta. Za rad aplikacije neophodnajeinternet konekcija!Pored reda vožnje, aplikacija sadrži i daljinar linija, u komsuprikazani cela trasa linije (u oba smera), imena stajališta natojliniji, kodovi stajališta, kao i razdaljina između stajališta,kaoi dužina cele linije.Aplikacija sada ima materijalni dizajn.Opcija za brisanje keša je korisna kada se promeni redvožnje(letnji ili zimski), aplikacija će onda još neko vremeprikazivatistare slike koje su sačuvane u keš memoriji. Brisanjemkeša brišese te slike iz keš memorije i učitavaju se nove.Dodata je još jedna korisna opcija za ponovno učitavanje slika.Uslučaju da ste zaboravili da upalite internet pre nego stosteotvorili odabranu liniju, sada možete samo da kliknete nadvestrelice u gornjem desnom uglu i slike će se ponovo učitati.Autor aplikacije nije odgovoran za bilo kakvenetačnosti,kašnjenja prevoza ili propuste u sadržaju koji jeobjavljan u ovojaplikaciji.Keywords: red voznje bus plus gsp autobus trolejbus tramvajbgbeo voz mapa linija stanica stajaliste beograd srbijaThe applicationdisplaysthe departure times of buses (day and night lines), tram,trolleybus, minibus lines and bg train from the initial point ofview. Theapplication requires an internet connection!In addition to the timetable, the application containsarangefinder line, setting out the whole route line (inbothdirections), the names of stops on that line, stop codes, aswellas the distance between the stop and the length of theentireline.The application now has a material design.Option to delete the cache is useful when changing thetimetable(summer or winter), the application will then run for awhile theold images that are stored in the cache. Deleting thecache isdeleted and the image from the cache and loaded new.Added another useful option to reload images. In caseyou'veforgotten to turn on the Internet before you open theselectedline, you can now just click on the two arrows in the toprightcorner of the image will be reloaded.Written applications is not responsible for anyinaccuracies,delays, transportation or omissions in the contentthat has beenintroduced in this application.Keywords: timetable bus plus streetcar trolley bus gsp bgwhitemap of the train line station press Belgrade Serbia
BG Metro - Red voznje 1.3.3
Vremena polazaka vozova za gradsku zeleznicu Beograda (BG Voz)
Kad ce mi bus - red voznje 1.2.2
An application that shows you how much public transport costs you
SofiaTraffic 1.3.2
***The application is in test phase***Sofia Municipality, BDZ Passenger services andSofiaUrbanMobility Centre work together on RAIL4SEE projectandintoroducemobile application that will facilitate travelinginSofia withpublic and rail transport.The application offerstheopportunity toprovide passengers with information on how toreachfrom point topoint within the territory of Sofia viapublictransport as well asconnection with railway system.Real-time information is provided from the system ofSofiaUrbanMobility Centre. No other resources of information areusedinorder to deliver accurate and timely information. We hopethattheapplication will be useful for every resident and guestofthecity.
Bulgarian Public Transport 1.49
Plamen Tanov
Easily check when next bus will be at the bus stop in SofiaandVarna
CAR:GO - Go Anywhere 4.0.5
Mobile platform connecting members of the CarGo Association
София Паркинг 1.5
София Паркинг е андроид приложение,коетовреално време показва свободните парко места наопределенитеотЦентър за Градска Мобилност ЕАД паркинг зони.Приложението е разработено с цел намаляване на трафикавцентъра,улеснение на водачите на МПС, спомагане организациятанадвижението.След като получи информация даден потребител бързоилесно може дасе насочи към паркинг зона с повече свободниместа,което увеличавашансовете да си намери такова и да необикалянапразно.Приложението изисква мобилна (3G) мрежа или WiFiдабъдатактивирани, за да може да получи информация засвободнитеместа.Също така GPS модула на устройството епрепоръчително (нонезадължително) да бъде активиран, за да може дапокажетекущоместоположение и това на всяка паркинг зона, кактоисвободнитеместа на нея. По този начин потребителя ще може дасеориентира къмнай-близката паркинг зона до него.Приложението е разработено от Център за Градска МобилностЕАДSofia ParkingisAndroidapplication that displays real-time free parkingspacesspecifiedby the Center for Urban Mobility EAD parking areas.The application is designed to reduce traffic in thecenter,easeof drivers, helping the organization of themovement.Afterreceiving information a user can quickly and easilybedirected toparking area with more seats, which increasesthechances to findsuch and not toured in vain.The application requires a mobile (3G) network or WiFitobeactivated in order to obtain information about vacancies.AlsotheGPS module the device is recommended (but not required)tobeactivated to be able to show current location and thatofeachparking area, as well as vacancies on it. Thus users willbeableto navigate to the nearest parking area next to it.The application was developed by the Center forUrbanMobilityLtd.
BG Taxi 1.0
Quick and easy way to order a taxiinSofia