Top 5 Apps Similar to Distrilicores del Tolima

CoopCycle 2.7.1
Bike deliveries
Latinawine 5.0.14
Latinawine is the most comprehensive app on South American winebyindependent wine critic Florent Michel. Designed fortravellingconnoisseurs, wine lovers, or professionals and coveringArgentina,Chile, Uruguay, Brazil, Bolivia and Peru. 
Florent Michelis aFrench wine critic based in Uruguay. He dedicates his work tobringindependent, objective and expert opinion to wineconsumers.Florent Michel has no interest in the wine trade orbusiness in anyway. 
The app is private and has no advertising fromthe wine tradeto preserve a total independence in wine ratings. Allthe wines arepersonally tasted and rated by Florent Michel.
 Feed: Afeed is permanently proposing new wines, wineryinformation, jokes,events and other posts to the user. 
The app coverswines produces in Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Peruand Bolivia andBrazil. This includes 49 key wine regions of SouthAmericaincluding the largest ones such as Mendoza, San Juan,Neuquén inPatagonia and Salta for Argentina; Maipo, Aconcagua andMaule forChile or Canelones for Uruguay. 
Full detailedsynopsisand description on 300 + wineries across South Americaincludingkey information, ranking, pictures, and detailed accessmaps withGPS coordinates. 

Tasting Notes: 
The user has access tothousandsof tasting directly from the feed or by using acomprehensive setof filters. Wines are added on a permanent basis.The user canshare tasting notes with friends via mails and all hissocialnetworks. Tasting notes all include the picture of thebottlesticker, a technical description of the wine and acompletequalitative tasting note justifying the rating. Key grapesproducedin the region are covered including Malbec, CabernetSauvignon andTannat. The tasting nota also show the wine price inany currencyand at estimated local prices. Best Buys automaticnotification: Atits option the user can choose to be instantlynotified of any newBest Buys included in the wine database. He canselect the countryhe wants to receive notifications on.

Everydetailed tasting note contains food pairingrecommendation. What toeat with a good Malbec, Carmenere or Tannat?

My wines, favouritesand taste profile: 
Manage your favouritewines, rate them, andcomment them. As soon as the user enters morethan 20 wines he isbeing recommended wines that correspond to histasting profile.Shops and on line shops: We help the user findwhere the winery isdistributed close to him using geolocalization.The user can easilysee on the map a wide range of shops includingwine shops andsupermarkets. The map also shows shops that aregenerally cheaperand on-going promotions. Latinawine conductsfrequent store checksto provide the most accurate information. Keyon-line shops wherethe winery is distributed are also proposed.Latinawine is andindependent wine guide that does not sell wine.

Acomplete study and rating of vintages per countryresulting fromthe average opinion of key winemakers in eachregion.

Best Buysand small budget 
A simple tool to discover bestbuys by pricerange and country. Small budget are a selection ofbest buy forless than 8 usd.

Top Ten: 
Top ten wines per countryupdated on apermanent basis. Languages: Available in English,Portuguese andSpanish

• Title of publication: Latinawine • Freeaccess:unlimited 
• Terms of Use and PrivacyPolicy:
Thirst - Wine, Beer, Spirits 1.0.23
FREE Database, Collections Management, Reviews & Ratings
CityXerpa - Food delivery 13500.5.6.4
Travel, Supermarket and more...
La Pocha PRO 1.5
Don Naipe
¡Llega La Pocha PRO a Android!La pocha es un juego de cartas de baraja española en el queseenfrentan 5 jugadores. Las reglas de carteo son iguales a lasdeltute, pero en la pocha el objetivo es acertar el número debazas.También se conoce a la pocha como la podrida en Latinoaméricaycomo Oh Hell! en países anglosajones.Con La Pocha PRO tendrás diversión a raudales: además deunainteligencia artificial increíble, podrás configurar tupropiapocha incluyendo hasta 10 tipos diferentes de rondas. Y,porsupuesto, sin anuncios.Con La Pocha PRO podrás:- Jugar a la pocha de cinco jugadores- Jugar a 11 tipos diferentes de rondas: UNO, SUBIENDO,BAJANDO,ÚLTIMA PINTA, SUBASTA, SIN PALO, MANO PINTA, OROS, COPAS,ESPADAS yBASTOS- Elegir entre dos niveles de dificultad- Jugar a tres tipos de partidas predeterminados: Corta, NormalyOlímpica- Crear tu propia pocha, eligiendo las rondas y el orden- Escalar posiciones en las 5 clasificaciones disponibles(incluidoel "Pochómetro")- Conseguir los 18 logros disponibles- Consultar tus estadísticas- Elegir doble puntuación para las rondas de oros- Regular la rapidez del juego- Activar o desactivar el sonido- Ver un mini-tutorial para jugar a la pochaLa pocha es el juego preferido de Don Naipe, por lo que sehaesforzado especialmente para ofrecerte esta versión para móvilesytabletas Android (3.1 o superior).Si todavía no sabes jugar a la pocha, no te preocupes, LaPochaPRO incluye un mini-tutorial para iniciarse. Te será muyfácilaprender si ya sabes jugar al tute. Puedes consultar lasreglas dela pocha en estos enlaces: con nosotros en producciones.don.naipe@gmail.comparacontarnos tus impresiones, sugerencias de mejora o solucióndeproblemas.¿Te gusta darle al naipe? Producciones Don Naipe esespecialistaen juegos de cartas de baraja española. Puedesencontrar másinformación en nuestra web:http://donnaipe.comLa Pocha PRO comestoAndroid!Pocha is a Spanish card game deck in which 5 playersface.Declarer play rules are the same as those of tute, but inpocha thegoal is to guess the number of tricks. Also it referred toas therotten pocha in Latin America and as Oh Hell! inAnglo-Saxoncountries.With PRO Pocha you have fun in abundance: besides anincredibleartificial intelligence, you can configure your own pochaincluding10 different types of rounds. And, of course, withoutads.With Pocha PRO you can:- Playing pocha five players- Play 11 different types of rounds: UNO, rising, falling,lastpint, AUCTION, WITHOUT STICK, HAND PAINTING, coins, cups,swordsand clubs- Choose between two difficulty levels- Playing three types of predetermined items: Short, NormalandOlympic- Create your own pocha, choosing rounds and order- Scale positions available in 5 guest(including"Pochómetro")- Get the 18 achievements available- Check your stats- Choose double points for rounds of diamonds- Adjust the speed of the game- Enable or disable the sound- Watch a mini-tutorial to play pochaPocha Don is the preferred playing card game, which hasmadespecial efforts to offer this mobile version and Android (3.1orhigher) tablets.If you can not still play pocha, do not worry, La PochaPROincludes a mini-tutorial for beginners. It is very easy to learnifyou already know how to play tute. You can check the rules ofpochaon these links: us at producciones.don.naipe@gmail.comtotell us your impressions, suggestions for improvement orproblemsolving.Like giving the card? Don Naipe Productions specializes incardgames Spanish card. You can find more information onourwebsite: