Top 4 Apps Similar to Milano: La guida

Milano usefull phone Num.
set of phone numbers usefull for Milano
Milano, Nice to meet you 1.0.0
Accept the invitation of a Milanese andexplorethe city.Invite a tourist to dinner and let him/her discoveryourMilano.You will be taking part in a new kind of relationshipandcontributing to the creation of a 'shared' experience ofthecity.Milano, Nice to meet you is a new way to share Milan during theExpo2015.It's an innovative idea of collaborative tourism andsocialdining.If you are a Milanese propose your hospitality for a tour oradinner.If you will be vising Milan take the opportunity of dining ataMilanese home and get to know about the city with them.Browse the social map with stories and itinieraries to knowaboutMilan.Meet new people. Live a cool relational experience, totallyforfree.With Milano, Nice to meet you will really be travellingwhilefeeling at home.Download now the "Milano, Nice to meet you" App.Follow us on twitter: andonfacebook: know more about "Milano, Nice to meet you" and to enter thesite:
Milano Rurale 1.0
J'eco srl
Rural Milan: the landscape of the Lower Plain Lombarda inAugmentedReality
Milano City guide guida città 1.2
Guida Città Milano Milan Cityguidecityguide:Storia, arte, cultura, gastronomia, shopping,la migliore guidaaMilano e dintorniCome un amico nato sul territorio, l’App ti accompagnaselezionandoe consigliando, per farti conoscere ma anche capire, equindiamare, la città.• Ricca di foto, video, ricostruzioni.• Sempre aggiornata con le News della settimana.Tutte le info utili per il viaggiatore:Per arrivare e partire dalla città: utilizza il comodo serviziodie-ticket direttamente collegato con ItaloTrenoPer muoverti in città: Mezzi di trasporto a disposizione, orarietariffe.Per vivere la citta: tutte le info utili e tre modi di visitareilterritorio: in base ai tuoi gusti, al tempo a disposizione,all’itinerario consigliato da noi. Il tutto navigando tratesti,immagini, disegni, ricostruzioni, mappe e video:Zona per Zona - dal quartiere, alla strada, al museo, allasingolaoperaA-Z – un indice visuale, generale e tematico, per trovaresubitoquello che cerchiItinerari – alla scoperta del territorio seguendol’itinerario,scritto da chi conosce profondamente la zona e testatodai nostriispettori.Infine tre pulsanti per saperne di più:Timeline – per l’inquadramento storicoImperdibili – i Top della città che non puoi perdere:monumenti,emozioni, indirizziDa sapere – dai mezzi di trasporto ai vini e ai prodottitipici,dalle ricette a come risparmiareUsala prima del viaggio, per programmarlo al meglio; durante,peressere guidati alla scoperta del territorio e dopo, quandol’Appsarà personalizzata con i tuoi commenti, le foto e i videoediventerà un prezioso album ricordo da condividere suisocialnetwork.City Guide MilanMilanCity Guide Cityguide:History, art, culture, food, shopping, the best guide in MilanandsurroundingsAs a friend born on the territory, the app takes you byselectingand advising, but also to let you know to understand, andthen tolove the city.• Rich in photos, videos, reconstructions.• Always updated with the news of the week.All useful information for the traveler:To get to and from the city using the convenient service ofe-ticketdirectly connected with ItaloTrenoTo move around in the city: Means of transport available,timetablesand fares.To experience the city: all the useful info and three ways tovisitthe region: according to your tastes, in the time available,to'route recommended by us. All the navigating between text,images,drawings, reconstructions, maps and videos:Area to area - from the neighborhood, the street, the museum,theindividual workAZ - a visual index, general and thematic, to find immediatelywhatyou are lookingThese include: - the discovery of the territory followingtheitinerary, written by someone who deeply knows the area andtestedby our inspectors.Finally, three buttons to learn more:Timeline - the historical backgroundDo not miss - the top of the city you can not miss:monuments,emotions, addressesTo know - from transport to the wines and typical products,fromrecipes to how to saveUse it before you travel, to program it to its fullest, while, tobeled to the discovery of the territory and later, when the appwillbe personalized with your comments, pictures and videos andwillbecome a valuable keepsake albums to share on socialnetworks.