Top 13 Apps Similar to TinyWebDB API Tester HD

Wordpress Scanner 1.2
Nima Ghotbi
Wordpress Security ScannerIncludes:- Version fingerprinting.- Checking path disclosure.- Checking directory listing.- User enumerating.- Checking core vulnerabilities.- Checking plugins vulnerabilities.- Checking themes vulnerabilities.
WP Themes and Templates 1.00
Responsive WordPress themes arepre-designedandready-made layouts created for WordPress CMS themost popularcontentmanagement system for personal blogs,e-commerce onlineshops andstore and news websites. We offer alarge collection ofResponsiveWordPress Themes where you will finda perfect theme foryour needs.Download our free app to see thelatest themes andtemplates, learnfrom video tutorials and read inour WordPressblog the latest news,reviews, tips and tricks.You will save money as our professional web designershavedonethe work for you and there is no need to start fromscratchwhichwill save you time and money and give your WordPresswebsitethatprofessional look. Today its very important to have awebsitewithresponsive web design to be able to serve the thevisitorsandcustomers coming from different mobile devices andthisissomething that our Responsive Themes offer you.Wordpress Themes come search engine friendly to getbetterresultsin search engine positioning although it isrecommendabletocustomize for even better SEO and results inorganic searchresultsfor you or your clients.Download our free WordPress themes and tutorial app andgetthelatest information and updates to your Androidmobilephone,smartphone or tablet.Responsive Web Design:Your WordPress website will adjust to any screenresolutionwithouthiding unnecessary elements securing aprofessional look forallmobile devices which secures also betteruser experienceandadvantage in search engine optimization as allusers go to thesamewebsite not several different versions ofit.Cross Browser Compatibility:You do not have to test manually with all the differentbrowsersandplatforms. Change thins in your WordPress theme and itwilllookperfect in all browsers.Documentation with the themes:WordPress Themes powered with Cherry Framework comewithasemantically great code that is self-explanatory but youalsohavea option to have a look to the documentation thatcoversandexplains may more things.Several Theme Options:Use non-stander options to change the look and design ofyourtheme.Be different and unique using more than onehundredapplicablefeatures that come with the framework. Customizethetemplate lookwith ease change and upgrade logo, fonts orwebsitenavigation.Continue with process doing the same with blogpages,portfolio,footer, slider and get that pro look and designyourwebsitedeserves.Loads of Short Codes:To make embedding the media content easy you can use morethan80useful short codes for post output, grids, lists,tabs,elements,video and audio, Google maps and many things more.Allshortcakesin the theme has a full set of options that a arevisiblein adialogue box.Custom Post Formats and Types:You can create unique types of posts for different minds ofinfosuchas product and service description, companyinfo,customertestimonials and several more. Just select from a listofavailablepost formats the look and feel you like you like tohavefor yourneed.Custom Widgets:It is very easy to edit your WordPress page withtheThemeCustomizer. You can find there all options fromThemeOptions.Check out the changes in real-time with the previewandrememberthat no changes to your responsive WordPress theme aremadewithoutyour confirmation
Gps Tracker for WordPress 1.0.2
Nick Fox
Track your cell phone in real time and store your routesusingWordPress.
API Demos 4.0
HMH Labs
This is the API Demos app from theGooglegingerbread SDK package. This Demos all of the featuresandpermissions of the Android OS.This is based on an app written by Google. All unmodifiedcodebelongs to them.
Diseño y Plantillas Web 1.00
Plantillas ¿Como crear una pagina web?Diseñodepaginas web es fácil y rápido usando temasWordpressresponsive,Joomla, PrestaShop, Magento y muchos mas. Buscalaperfectaplantilla web para tu proyecto de nuestro portfoliodemiles deplantillas web. Ahorra dinero y tiempo usandounaplantilladiseñado por nuestros diseñ ofrecemos a nuestrosclientesnuestrasplantillas web de primera calidad con diseñosmodernos, yactualesque se adaptan perfectamente a blogs personales,paginasdeempresas y tiendas online.Crear una pagina web a veces parece una tareacomplicadaquerequiere muchos conocimientos de programación y diseñoperoconnuestras plantillas web el diseño de paginas web esrápidoyeconómico y con un resultado profesional.Descarga nuestra app gratis y tendrás acceso a la ultimaofertadeplantillas WordPress y otros CMS (content managementsystem-sistemas de mantenimiento de contenido).Descargarnuestraaplicación es totalmente gratuito y tendrás accesocuando ydondequieras para ver lo ultimo como crear una pagina webconnuestraspre diseños para sitios web.Plantillas Web Responsive y sus caracteristícas:Documentación detalladaCon las plantillas web responsive viene incluida en cadapaqueteunadocumentacion detallada sobre la plantilla comprada. Enelmanual seexplica como instalar y personalizar la plantilla pasoapaso.Podrás encontrar tambíen información sobre lascaracteristícasdelproducto y plugins que se puede utilizar opodrás utilizar conlasplantillas webDiseño web responsiveEl diseño web responsive garantiza una buena experienciaalosusuarios y visitantes de tu web de todos losdispositivosmóvilessin importan las resoluciones que tengan ensusdispositivos. Todaslas partes de las plantillas webvienenincluidos sliders y otroscomponentes se adaptan 100% paraofreceruna experienciaprofesional para tu pagina web.Compatibilidad con los navegadores webTe garantizamos el funcionamiento de nuestras plantillaswebcontodos los navegadores modernos como por ejemploGoogleChrome,Mozilla Firefox, Safari y Internet explorer.Connuestrasplantillas web profesionales elfuncionamientoestagarantizado..Extensiones en nuestras plantillas webEn la gran mayoría de nuestras plantillas web encontraráscuadrosdebúsqueda funcionales,, formularios de suscripción ycontacto.Lasinstrucciones para usarlos vienen en la documentacióndelpaquete dela plantilla webIntegracion con Web Fonts y Vector IconsEn nuestras plantillas web viene incluido Font Awesomequepodráspersonalizar cambiando el tamaño, el color, lasombraotrasopciones que por ello general se hace modificandoCSS.Lasplantillas ofrecen una gran variedad de fuentes graciasaGoogleWeb fonts que te permitirá elegir de gran cantidad detiposdeletras para tu pagina web.Bootstrap en los pre diseños de las paginas webEn algunas partes de nuestras plantillas HTML estánconstruidasconlas ventajas de framework Bootstrap que ofrece accesoa todaslasopciones de trabajar con estilos, componentesscriptsdeBootstrap.Control de calidad en ofrece una gama amplia deplantillaswebdesarrolladas y creaos por nuestros expertos endesarrollo ydiseñoweb. Podrás elegir entre varios estilos ytemáticas paraencontraresta plantilla web perfecta para tu paginapersonal onegocio otiene online. Las plantillas son de diseñoprofesionalgracias a uncontrol de calidad que se realiza en cadauno denuestrosproductos. Las plantillas web ofrecen unaexcelenteoportunidad demodificar y personalizar su contenido deforma fácily rápido asíadaptándose a la las necesidades de tuproyecto web.Comprando unaplantilla en contaráscon un equipode soporte24/7 para resolver tus dudas How to create a website?Webdesign is easyand fast using responsive Wordpress themes,Joomla,PrestaShop,Magento and many more. Find the perfect webtemplate foryourproject in our portfolio of thousands of webtemplates. Savemoneyand time by using a template designed byourprofessionaldesigners. In we offer ourcustomersour qualityweb templates with modern designs, and todaythat areperfectlysuited to personal blogs, corporate sites andonlinestores.Create a website sometimes seems a complicated taskthatrequiresmuch knowledge of programming and design but with ourwebtemplatesdesign web pages is fast and economical andprofessionalresult.Download our app for free and get access to thelatestoffertemplates WordPress and other CMS (content managementsystem-keeping systems content). Download our app is completelyfreeandget access when and where you want to see the latest ascreatingawebsite with our pre designs for websites.Responsive Web templates and features: detailed documentationWith responsive web templates is included in each packageadetaileddocumentation on the purchased template. In themanualexplains howto install and customize the template step bystep.You can alsofind information on product features and pluginsthatcan be used orcan be used with web templatesResponsive web designThe responsive web design ensures a good experience forusersandvisitors to your website for all mobile devicesnomatterresolutions that have on their devices. All parts ofthewebtemplates are included sliders and other components 100%fittoprovide work experience for your website.Compatibility with web browsersWe guarantee the performance of our web templates withallmodernbrowsers such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox,SafariandInternet explorer. With our professional web templatesoperationisguaranteed ..Extensions on our web templatesIn the vast majority of our web templates functional'llfindsearchboxes ,, subscription and contact forms. The instructionsforuseare in the documentation package web templateIntegration with Web Fonts and Icons VectorIn our web templates is included Font Awesome you cancustomizebychanging the size, color, shade other options that itgenerallyisdone via CSS. The templates offer a variety ofsourcesthroughGoogle fonts Web that lets you choose from many typesofletters toyour website.Bootstrap in pre designs web pagesIn some parts of our HTML templates they are builtwiththeadvantages of Bootstrap framework that provides accesstoalloptions to work with styles, scripts Bootstrap components.Quality control in offers a wide range of web templatesdevelopedandcreaos by our experts in web development and design.You canchoosefrom various styles and themes to find this perfecttemplatefor yourpersonal web page or business or have online.Templatesareprofessionally designed thanks to a quality controlisperformed ineach of our products. Web templates provideanexcellent opportunityto customize and personalize theircontentquick and easy way thusadapting to the needs of your webproject.Buying a number them with asupportteam 24/7 to answeryour questions and questions.
REST API REPL Client 1.0.1
Abtin Gramian
REST API REPL Tool is a developer tool designed for Androiddevicesmeant to provide functionality similar to web anddesktop-basedHTTP clients. Features: • Test and debug RESTful webservices,APIs, and HTTP requests with this developer tool forAndroidclients. • Easily construct requests against any URL usingthecommon HTTP methods. • Supply custom headers, query params,andbody content including multipart or url-encoded form data,files,JSON, XML, or other raw types. • Inspect response bodiesandheaders then copy any of the returned data to use inyoursubsequent requests. • Responses are displayed with indentationandproper formatting for JSON, XML, and HTML, or in raw form iftheydo not match any of those formats. • A complete history ofyourrequests is retained and accessible for reloading into theformallowing you to view, copy, modify, and re-send requests usinganyor all of the previous data. Please submit feedback,suggestions,and issues at
WordDroid - เขียนแอพราคาถูก 1.4.0
Worddroid - สร้างแอพAndroidแท้ๆ(NativeApplication) โดยดึงข้อมูลจากเว็บWordpressได้ในราคาหลักร้อยแถมยังเพิ่มช่องทางรายได้จากAdmobบนแอพแอนดรอยของคุณได้ด้วยโดยไม่ต้องมีความรู้ด้านแอพความสามารถของแอพนี้- ดึงข้อมูลจากเว็บ wordpress เดิมของคุณด้วย json api(ติดตั้งpluginนี้ สามารถเพิ่ม tab หรือหน้าต่างภายในแอพได้ตามต้องการ- สามารถปรับแต่งแสดงเนื้อหาในแอพผ่าน html/css ได้เอง- ระบบทำงานด้วย NativeCode(แอพแท้ๆ)ที่ไม่ใช่การใช้แอพมาครอบหน้าเว็บแบบ PhoneGap- ใส่ AdMob id เพื่อรับรายได้จากแอพได้เลย- ใส่ Google Analytics id เพื่อเช็คสถิติการใช้งานได้เลย- เปิดเผย Source Code ที่เขียนขึ้นมาเองทั้งหมด- สามารถนำไปสร้างได้ไม่จำกัดจำนวนแอพ (แต่ห้ามแจกจ่ายsourcecode)ทั้งหมดนี้ ราคา 499 บาท..ราคานี้หาไม่ได้อีกแล้วสำหรับแอพแท้ๆที่มีลูกเล่นขนาดนี้และสามารถนำไปสร้างแอพหรือต่อยอดได้ไม่จำกัดบริการเสริม1. บริการ configค่าพื้นฐานสำหรับดึงข้อมูลจากเว็บ+ช่วยตกแต่งไอคอนแอพ + compileเป็นไฟล์ .apkเพื่อนำไปใช้งานได้ทันที- ค่าบริการ299บาท/1แอพ(ขอปรับราคาขึ้นจากเดิมนะครับเพราะดูท่าทางจะเหนื่อยแน่ๆกับส่วนนี้และต้องใช้เวลาเป็นพิเศษตามคิวการจ่ายเงินนะครับ)2. บริการฝากแอพ ขึ้น GooglePlayด้วยบัญชีของผม(ลูกค้าไม่ต้องสมัครเอง)ซึ่งเป็นบัญชีใหม่สำหรับรับฝากแอพเท่านั้น-ค่าบริการ 199บาท/1แอพสามารถสั่งซื้อหรือดูข้อมูลเพิ่มเติมได้ที่คำที่เกี่ยวข้อง: รับเขียนแอพราคาถูก, รับเขียนAppราคาถูก,สร้างแอพราคาถูก, สร้าง Appราคาถูก,ลงทุนแค่ไม่กี่ร้อยก็ได้แอพแอนดรอยแท้ๆแล้ว.Worddroid -creatinganauthentic Android (Native Application) by pulling datafrom thewebin the core of Wordpress.They also increase the revenue from Admob on Android Appsofyou.Without knowledge of the app.The ability of this application- Retrieve information from your original wordpressjsonapi(installedthisplugin You can add tab or window within the app as needed.- Customizable in-app content via html / css itself.- The system works with Native Code (an authentic) not to usethewebpage to cover PhoneGap.- Insert AdMob id to get the revenue from app now.- Insert Google Analytics id to check your usage stats atall.- Disclosure of Source Code written entirely by you.- Able to create an unlimited number of applications.(Butnotdistribute the source code).It costs 499 baht ..This price can not be reduced. For an authentic With thisfeatureAndcan lead to the creation of an unlimited or capped.Additional serviceOne. Provided the basis for information retrieval from thewebconfig+ help + compile the app icon file. Apk to immediate use-charge 299THB / one app (let's hike up from me. I seem to betiredwith thissection and take advantage. The queue to payme).. 2 app on Google Play with deposit account. (Customers donotneedit), a new application for deposit only - fee 199 Baht/oneapp.Order Or seemoreinformation Keywords: cheap writing apps, writing Appcheaper,creatingan affordable, create an App is, investing just afewhundred. Anyapps in Android authentic then.
appful 1.1.1
appful GmbH
Create native mobile Apps in 5 minutes for iPhone & Android.
RDS MikroTik API 0.0.3
Niran Anansuk
ความสามารถขั้นต้นมีดังนี้- Monitor interface บนไมโครติกได้- แสดงสถานะและรายละเอียดอุปกรณ์ได้- สามารถบันทึกรายการเชื่อมต่อ API ได้ 3 ไซต์Application จะทำงานได้ก็ต่อเมื่อเปิดการทำงานAPIบนไมโครติกและเปิดการทำงาน Port 8728Initiallycapabilitiesinclude:- Monitor interface on the micro-optics.- The status and details of the device.- Connect API to record the three sites.Application will work only when open API work on micro-opticsandenable Port 8728.
JSON Api Explorer 1.1
Luca Sepe
If you are a developer and need to testJSONweb services this app is for you.Available HTTP Requests: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE.Specify custom HTTP headers (use Accept if you need to acceptaparticular content-type).Edit your request body with helpers for writing JSON andURLencoding string.Store your HTTP Requests, edit and lookup them by name.Visualize and navigate the JSON response from thewebservice.Preview images, content type and content length.Copy values from JSON response into your clipboard.Import your HTTP Requests infos from a json array toyourSDCARD!see here:
Easy Android Api Client 0.8.2
Jameed Zero
- this a test application of EasyAndroidApiClient on this application development testing.- you can use the library to make an API call usingRESTfulandroidclient.with Android API Client library you can:- Set the base Uri of the call.- Set Http Method.- add paths, parameters, and headers.- Set Content type.- Set entity/content/body.- Set connection and socket timeout.- Set connection and socket timeout retry count.- Set whether to enable retry when connection orsockettimeouthappens.- execute the request in three ways: Block, Thread,orAsynctask.- Set Handlers to get result for differentresponsecodes:Informational, Successful, ClientError,andServerError.- Get response entity ( response code,content, contentlength,andheaders.why do you want to use it? simply you can make an API callinoneline of code.To know how to use the client please see: