Top 21 Apps Similar to Construcción e Ingeniería

Demo Construction Budgets 1.1.0
Demo Construction Budgets is an application which allowsquicklycreating building budgets with more specificity and detail.Pleasenote that it can make any kind of budget, provided thatthestructure of the application suits your needs. Among itsmostprominent features, the application has a database where pricesarerecorded for later use. This database can be temporarily savedinan external memory for cleaning and updating purposes. A PDFfileis also generated, ready to be signed and delivered to theclient.Note that, in order to use this function, you need a sdcard. Thisapplication has five predefined currencies, but you candefine yourcustom currency and work with it. Note that this is afree versionof the Construction Budgets application and thereforeis limited toa maximum of four elements. Languages: Spanish andEnglish.
Calculates accurately the building materials of your workorrenovation.
Concretos Calculador 1.7
Calcule fácilmente los materiales para diferentes tipos deconcreto.Los cálculos en los que se basa esta aplicación, son losestandaresusadas por las compañias constructoras. Solo tendra queingresar sumedida en m3, y escoger la dosificación ( f `c =kg/cm2) deseada. yListo. Los resultados estan dados en m3, como tambienen bultos.
Calculadobra 2.1.2
Cotice presupuestos de obra desde su oficina o en el camino yenvíecotizaciones a sus clientes al momento. Puede detallar susobraspor materiales, trabajadores, maquinarias, insumos,herramientas,equipos, indirectos y señales, además puede calcularfactor desalario real y costo horario dentro de Calculadobra.Calculadobrale permite importar nuevos archivos desde una hoja decálculo paraun inicio más rápido.
CONSTRUCTION calculator 2.7
CALCULATIONS for CONSTRUCTION in selected measurmentunits.Builder's tool.
Building calculations 2.2.6
Building calculations allows you to calculate the quantitiesofyourwork. - Calculation amount of concrete for a slab-Calculation ofquantity of cinder block - Calculation ofmortarmixtures - Volumecalculation - Calculation for ceilings-Calculation for thepartitions - Calculation for insulatinglinings- Calculation ofalveolar partitions - Calculation of plastertilepartitions -Calculation of placomurated dubbing - Calculationofquantity ofpaint - Calculation of quantity for tiling-Calculation of thewallpaper Application in French,English,Spanish, Italian, Arabic,Portuguese and Russian
Construdata 2
Construdata is the application for people interested intheconstruction sector
Construction Materials 80.91.30
Directory to the description of building materials
Neodata Visor PU 1.6
Visor de presupuestos Neodata Versión 1.0Visualice sus presupuestos Neodata P. U. en su teléfono otablet.Simplemente genere desde su sistema Neodata PreciosUnitarios 2012el presupuesto en formato Android, cópielo a sudispositivo y¡Listo!.Si tiene cuenta Construbase, puede descargar directamentedesdesu dispositivo las diferentes bases Construbase(Concursos,Constructor, Desarrolladores, etc.) así comoparamétricos.Calcule explosión de insumos de un concepto, una ovariaspartidas o todo el presupuesto.Lista de funciones:- Visor de presupuesto- Descarga Construbase desde su dispositivo- Parametrización de la vista. Formato extendido para Tabletsyformato compacto para telefonos.- Capture factor dividir entre y unidad para ver el costodelpresupuesto, partida o básico por unidad.- Cálculo de explosión de insumos por concepto o conceptos,partidao partidas o todo el presupuesto.- Poder editar cantidad de los conceptos del presupuesto asícomocapturar un factor adicional para poder calcular la explosióndeinsumos con cantidades diferentes a la original. Por ejemplo, sisupresupuesto es de un departamento, puede modificar el factor a20para ver cantidades y costos de 20 departamentos iguales.Neodata budgetsViewerVersion 1.0Visualize your budget Neodata PU on your phone or tablet.SimplyNeodata system generates from its 2012 budget Unit PricesinAndroid format, copy it to your device and ready !.If you Construbase account, you can download it directlyfromyour device Construbase different bases (Contests,Builder,developers, etc.) and parametric.Calculate input explosion of a concept, one or more items ortheentire budget.List:- Viewer budget- Download Construbase from your device- Configuration of sight. Tablets and extended format tocompactformat for phones.- Capture dividing factor and unit for the cost of thebudget,starting or basic unit.- Calculation of explosion of inputs for concept or conceptslineitem or the entire budget.- Be able to edit amount of budget concepts and captureanadditional factor to calculate the explosion of inputswithdifferent amounts to the original. For example, if your budgetisan apartment, you can modify the factor to 20 for quantitiesandcosts of 20 equal departments.
Control de Edificaciones 2.4.93
Document control execution of work in building
Minimalist Home Plans 2.0
Building or refurbishing a home can be funbutit can also be challenging because of the many things that hastobe accounted for before starting the project.Building a home is a big project no matter how little the homeisand how meager the budget. In fact, a person can be morecosteffective in building his home if he creates a home designplanbefore introducing changes in the home.A homeowner should take note of the design of the house heisabout to build and put the design into paper. This way, hecanavoid committing design mistakes that can cost him moneyandprecious time.Being hasty when building a home can be detrimental to thehomedesign and also to the budget. A home design plan can becreated bythe homeowner and builder himself provided he has someknowledge indrawing plans. However, if he does not have any ideaabout thesethings then it is best to get the services of a personwho isknowledgeable in such matters.Of course, asking another person to make a home design plancanadd to the cost of building the home but it will be costeffectivein the long term because it will ensure that the home isproperlyconstructed technically and aesthetically.Creating a home design plan can be a technical matterandrequires research and preparation. The designer of a home planwilltake all aspects of the home when preparing the plan includingthelifestyle of the people who would be living in the home andtheavailable space.Leaving everything to the experts may be just the right thingforany homeowner. However, he should also take an active partinplanning the design of his home. While he does not knowthetechnicalities, he should be able to suggest what he wantsandwhere things should be placed.It is important that the specification of the home design planisnot totally left to the discretion of the designer. The homeshouldbe a reflection of the personality of the residents and theownershould thus have a say in the overall appearance of hishome.To avoid conflicts while the house design plan is beingdrawn,the family should already have a consensus as to what motifordesign they want for the house. They can choose from thevariousdesigns available like a home that depicts country living orit canbe minimalist or modern.Allowing the family to plan ahead can mean asmootherconstruction process. Making material changes after thehome designplan has already been drawn and while the home is beingconstructedcan result to a poorly built home. Plus, it can add tothe expensesof building a home.Once the family has arrived at a consensus as to thegeneralappearance of the home, they should appoint someone who willtalkto the designer and who will coordinate all the designandconstruction process with the designer. Having everyone inthemiddle of the construction phase can be disadvantageous as itcanresult to delays in the project.Anyone who is about to have his dream house built shouldmakesure he gets a good designer to create the home design plan.Thisway, the technical and aesthetic characteristics of the homeisensured.
VipReformas para Profesionales 1.35.4
Are you a Professional Construction and / or Renovation? Getnewclients
Bolivia Construye 1.6.1
¿Necesitas materiales o servicios para tu construcción?BoliviaConstruye te ayuda a ti y tus amigos a encontrar de manerafácil yrápida lo que necesitas para empezar o concluir tuconstrucción conlos mejores precios del mercado. Únete a todos losque ya están enBolivia Construye. Descarga la aplicación gratuitaahora en tuIphone o Android. ✓ Acceda a mayores ofertas para suconstrucción.✓ Cotice fácil y rápido. ✓ Encuentra proveedores demateriales,equipo, proveedores de servicios, mano de obra, preciosunitarios,empresas constructoras, inmuebles. ✓ Publica tu empresaen Boliviay gana nuevos clientes potenciales.
AutoCAD - DWG Viewer & Editor 6.10.1
Autodesk Inc.
The official AutoCAD app. View & edit CAD drawingsanytime,anywhere!
Construction Manager 1.0.59
Ensure an accurate and regular flow of information
Estabilidad de taludes Geo-L
App for slope stability calculation. NO ADVERTISING.
Handyman Calculator 2.4.7
DIY Construction Calculator, Material Estimator. Reduce Waste,SaveTime & Money
Electricista 3 1.3.2
Aplicación cálculos eléctricos BT para instaladores eléctricoseingenieros.- Lista las potencias de suministro en BajaTensiónnormalizadas.- Calcula la Acometida o Derivación Individual, para laspotenciasnormalizadas.- Calcula líneas BT a partir de tipo, potencia, longitud,caída,etc- Elige las protecciones de circuitos de potencia.- Indica las luminarias a instalar en un local según su usoysuperficie.Electricidad,electrotécnia, eléctrico, electricista,instalador,cálculos, ingeniería.Electricity, electrical engineering, electrical,electrician,installer, calculations, engineeringApplication BT electrical calculations for electrical installersandengineers.- List the powers of supply voltage Low standard.- Calculate the Running or Single Bypass, for standardpowers.- Calculate BT lines from type, power, length, fall, etc.- Choose protections power circuits.- Set the lights to be installed in a local by useandsurface.Electricity, electrical engineering, electrical,electrician,installer, calculations, engineering.Electricity, electrical engineering, electrical,electrician,installer, calculations, engineering
STANLEY Floor Plan
Sensopia Inc
STANLEY Floor Plan creates inside maps.Itmeasures your rooms and draws your floor plan just bytakingpictures. Simply add objects, annotations, and attributes tocreatean inside map.You can pay to get your plan in PDF, JPG, PNG, SVG, DXF, andCSVformats, as well as publish an INTERACTIVE MAP on the web.With STANLEY Floor Plan, EVERYONE CAN CREATE AN INSIDE MAP IN JUSTAFEW MINUTES.STANLEY Floor Plan is not another floor plandrawingapplication:• No need to measure;• No need to draw;• No need to move furniture;• No need for expertise.What’s free:STANLEY Floor Plan is free to download and use on the device.What’s not free:- Certain objects are locked- Getting PDF + JPG + Interactive Web Site + DXF + CVS- Commercial usagePurchasing options:- Buy: Purchase one Property Map at a time for $2.99.- Subscription: While your subscription is active enjoy anunlimitedusage for $9.99/month.STANLEY Floor Plan Cloud: Store your floor plans on thecloud.COMPATIBILITY•Android 4.0 and aboveSTANLEY Floor Plan technology is based upon a MULTIPLEPATENTPENDING technology leveraging the gyroscope.Terms ofuse:
Circular Channels Calculator 1.1
diameter determination speed,tight,maximum flow from the entrance level,and the output elevation traffic flow or flow velocity check ifitalready exists and tight pipe
Civil engineering app to determine theamountof reinforcement in a concrete section forpreliminarydesign.Features:*Checks reinfocement*Checks compression zone*Checks cracking*Metric&US units (in Settings)*Integrated with our Beam Design appExplanation of the permissions:* SDCard storage is needed to be able to send an image by email(Youwill find a folder Dako on your SDCard)* For Non-pro users, Google ads are running, which requiresInternetconnection and Access network state. No internet trafficwhatsoeveris generated for Pro users.