Top 50 Apps Similar to LivrosApp : E-books App

Chicken Soup for the Soul Book 17.1
Read Full Books Summaries of Chicken Soup for the Soul and othernewBooks
7 Habits of Effective People 12.1
The 7 Habits of most Effective People- Read Books and Novels
The Power of Your Subconscious 10.0
best one
The Power of Your Subconscious Mind PDF subconscious mind knowloveread joseph
BOOK The Power of Your Subconscious Mind BY Dr. Joseph Murphy
The Growth Mindset 12.0
Our mindset plays an important role in determining achievementandsuccess.
Successful Thinking Strategies 1.5
Good thinkers are always in demand. A person who knows howmayalways have a job, but the person who knows why will always behisboss. Good thinkers solve problems, they never lack ideas thatcanbuild an organization, and they always have hope for abetterfuture. Good thinkers rarely find themselves at the mercy ofbadpeople who would take advantage of them or try to deceivethem.Those who develop the process of good thinking canrulethemselves—even while under an oppressive ruler or inotherdifficult circumstances. In short, good thinkers aresuccessful.I’ve studied successful people for forty years, andthough thediversity you find among them is astounding, I’ve foundthat theyare all alike in one way: how they think! That is the onethingthat separates successful people from unsuccessful ones. Andhere’sthe good news. How successful people think can be learned. Ifyouchange your thinking, you can change your life! So,successfulthinking strategies has great demand. Successful thinkinghabitsmake your success based on thinking. As you know,successfulintelligence means thinking analytically creatively anddifferentlyfrom others. This successful thinking strategies appteach you howto make successful thinking or how to have successfulthinking, howsuccessful thinking in life to become great fromothers. So,positive thinking to become successful in life is anidea todevelop yourself mentally, physically, ideologically, andmorally.So, our successful thinking strategies app can make a wayfor abetter life. Be a successful man and thinking positively likegreatpeople you have to learn how to positive thinking can makeyousuccessful in every field of life. Great people havesuccessfulcritical thinking ability and their positive thinking wasfor asuccessful life. If you look thinking of a successful person,youwill see something different from others. If you love ourapps,please evaluate our hard work with a positive word. ☑Disclaimer:The data collected is provided free of charge forinformationalpurposes only, with no guarantee of whatsoever foraccuracy,validity, availability, or fitness for any purpose. Use itat yourown risk. This app has no affiliation or relation with anyof thesocial media brands.
Brian Tracy Business Skills 12.1
Get All Brian Tracy Learnings on Business, Sales and Leadership
Writing Challenge - Writing Pr 1.30
Get Writing Prompts. Challenge Yourself. Start Writing!
Bookey: Books for Self Growth 4.2.9
Ideas Network
Audible Ideas for Your Personal Development. Blinkist andHeadwayAlternative
Personality Development App 4.2.33
Improve, develop and enhance your personality with protips,training & quotes
Curio: hear great journalism 70100
Listen to the world's best journalism on the go.
Ultimate Quotes 4.5.1
Inspire Your Life With Daily Quotes - Motivation & WordsofWisdom & Inspiration
No Excuses! The Power of Self-Discipline 1.0
No Excuses! The Power of Self-Discipline by BrianTracy.Thebookoffers 21 ways to achieve self-discipline in allaspects oflife,which will improve in the following three mainareas:personalsuccess, money, business, sales, and personallife.Throughself-mastery and self-control, one can developmorepersonality,pride, accomplishment, and self-image. One waytoachieveself-discipline: 1. Success: Imagine the ideal life youwanttolive. When you define what success means to you atthework,family, health and money levels, you'll immediately beabletodetermine what you need to achieve to achieve the ideallife.2.Personality: The hallmark of personality isintegrity.Honestyrequires a lot of self-discipline to resisttemptation andmakegood decisions. The real personality of oneappears duringcrisesor when one is under pressure. One can develophischaracterthrough study, teaching and practice. 3.Responsibility:Negativeemotions stem from anger and rely on a humantendency toblameothers, which is the easy way to justifyfailure.Acceptingresponsibility for self-success and achievingpersonalhappinessrequires a lot of effort and self-discipline.4.Objectives: Setyour goals and set a path to achieve yourideallife. Follow thismethod to achieve your goals: Select what youwantto achieve,write it down on paper, and set a deadline for it.Writedown alist of all the actions needed to get to the situationyouwantsorted by time and importance. Start immediately withthesesteps,and continue working every day, moving towards yourmaingoal. 5.Personal Excellence: The most valuable asset you haveisyou. Soone has to invest in himself and his career bydevelopinghisskills, so he can increase his value and increasehisexpectedprofits. It is important that this development beaprioritythroughout your life. 6. Courage: All of us areafraidofsomething, and most people are afraid of failureandpoverty.Self-discipline helps to gain the courage to faceproblemsandcrises. 7. Perseverance: Nothing great is achieved inlifewithoutperseverance, which makes us overcomesetbacks,frustrations,obstacles and even crises. 8. Work: Manypeople wasteas amazingtime in unproductive tasks. So you need toidentify andfocus onthe most productive activities. A survey ofCEOs wasconducted andidentified two characteristics that are themostimportantqualities they are looking for in their employees:"theability toprioritize and work on high-value tasks",and"organization to workquickly and accurately"
Rich Dad Poor Dad Summary 29.1
Rich Dad Poor Dad Summary: Read Personal finance Books
Daily Stoic Exercises 1.2
Stoic exercises for everyday use.
10-Min Nonfiction Book Summaries
4books: Audiobooks & Podcasts 1.34.13
Up Srl
Listen, Read & Learn from the best books, podcast, andaudionews in just 15 min
Think and Grow Rich 1.0
Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill Think and Grow Rich isamotivational personal development and self-help book writtenbyNapoleon Hill and inspired by a suggestion fromScottish-Americanbusinessman Andrew Carnegie. While the titleimplies that this bookdeals only with how to get rich, the authorexplains that thephilosophy taught in the book can be used to helppeople succeed inall lines of work and to do or be almost anythingthey want. Forinstance, Jim Murray (sportswriter) wrote that Thinkand Grow Richwas credited for Ken Norton's boxing upset of MuhammadAli in 1973.The Reverend Charles Stanley writes "I began to applytheprinciples of (Think and Grow Rich) to my endeavors as apastor,and I discovered they worked!" The book was first publishedin 1937during the Great Depression. At the time of Hill's death in1970,Think and Grow Rich had sold 20 million copies.[7] It remainsthebiggest seller of Napoleon Hill's books - a perennialbest-sellerafter 70 years (BusinessWeek Magazine's Best-Seller ListrankedThink and Grow Rich as the sixth best-selling paperbackbusinessbook 70 years after it was first published). Think and GrowRich islisted in John C. Maxwell's A Lifetime "Must Read" BooksList.Napoleon Hill (October 26, 1883 – November 8, 1970) was anAmericanauthor in the area of the new thought movement who was oneof theearliest producers of the modern genre ofpersonal-successliterature. He is widely considered to be one ofthe great writerson success. His most famous work, Think and GrowRich (1937), isone of the best-selling books of all time (at thetime of Hill'sdeath in 1970, Think and Grow Rich had sold 20million copies).Hill's works examined the power of personalbeliefs, and the rolethey play in personal success. He became anadvisor to PresidentFranklin D. Roosevelt from 1933 to 1936. "Whatthe mind of man canconceive and believe, it can achieve" is one ofHill's hallmarkexpressions. How achievement actually occurs, and aformula for itthat puts success in reach of the average person,were the focalpoints of Hill's books. Think and Grow Rich remainsthe top sellerof Napoleon Hill's books – a perennial best-sellerafter 70 years(Business Week Magazine's Best-Seller List rankedThink and GrowRich as the sixth best-selling paperback businessbook 70 yearsafter it was first published). Think and Grow Rich islisted inJohn C. Maxwell's A Lifetime "Must Read" Books List.
getAbstract: Book Summaries 11.4.1
Know better. Do better. In 15 Minutes.
Growing Up Spiritually 3.0
This book Growing Up Spiritually is lovely. I've just readaportionof it and frankly, I know that by the time I completeit,I'll bepositively transformed Waoh! this is a very good bookandit isreally what d name is. It has helped me built the r/shipIhavealways longed for with God. The Body of Christ is in needofmemberswho are spiritually mature .. book, closer, great,grow,love,powerful, spiritual, thanks, very, wonderful, Hagincomparesstagesof spiritual growth to those of physical growth. Itwillhelp youlocate where you are spiritually and then show you howtogrow intothe next stage of spiritual development... book,closer,great,grow, love, powerful, spiritual, thanks, very,wonderful,All of usbegin as spiritual babes in Christ when we arebornagain. But Goddoesn't intend for us to stay that way. Goddesiresfor us to growinto Christian maturity. In his book GrowingUp,Spiritually,Kenneth E. Hagin .. book, closer, great, grow,love,powerful,spiritual, thanks, very, wonderful, compares thestagesof spiritualgrowth to those of physical growth. AmazingBook!Helpful forspiritual growth, and I love it. book closer greatgrowlovepowerful spiritual thanks very wonderful 👌 I give it afivestar.thanks to late Daddy Keneth Hagin To experiencegrowthspirituallyis prime, but just wanting to grow would nottranslateto reality.NOW, HOW DO WE GROW SPIRITUALLY? ''As newbornbabes,desire thesincere milk of the Word, that ye may growthereby'' (1Peter 2:2).God starts us in the spiritual, just like wegetstarted in thenatural. When babies are born they start offonmilk. They certainlycould not eat meat. And God's Word saysthatthis sincere milk ofthe Word will aid our growth. WHAT ISTHESINCERE MILK OF THE WORD?It is the first principle of thedoctrineof Jesus Christ. When youstill have to be taught thefirstprinciple, you are still on themilk (See Hebrew 5:13-14,6:1-2).BUT HOW ARE WE GOING TO GROW UP?''... the knowledge of theSon ofGod, unto a perfect man ...''(Ephesian 4:13). Receivingtheknowledge, feeding upon God's Wordwill get us out beyond milkandcause us to become full grown. TheAuthor categorizedspiritualgrowth into 3 stages: 1) Babyhood 2)Childhood 3) ManhoodorAdulthood . Characteristics of Babyhood a)Innocence EventhoughINNOCENCE falls into this stage, it is onefeature we shouldneveroutgrow. The reason is that if we don'tmaintain this state,wewill fall under the condemnation of thedevil and sufferdefeatspiritually. b) Irritability Babies areeasily spoiled. Andwhenthey become spoiled they become irritable.Babies areeasilyfrustrated, distracted, hurt. Abba Father wants tobring us totheplace where we are not so easily frustrated,distracted, hurt..Characteristics of Childhood a) UnsteadinessSpiritual childrenareunsteady, spasmodic. b) TalkativenessChildren have neverlearnedthe value of silence. Folks who aretalking all the timeareusually guilty of these shortcomings: 1]Evil SpeakingTalkingabout and discussing the faults and failuresof people notpresent.2] Vain Speaking Always talking aboutthemselves: What Ihave done;What I'm going to do; Where I havebeen. . CharacteristicsofManhood a) Esteeming earthly thingslightly b) Deadness toCensureBaby Christians are self-conscious.And ever-conscious ofwhatothers are thinking about them.Therefore, they are easily''tossedto and fro'' childishly tryingto be popular. The maturebelieveris God-conscious. Andever-conscious of what God's Word saysabouthim and to him. c)Ability to Recognise God at work When youcansee God at work inthings, you can rejoice in whatever is goingon.. Besides theabove, you will find other captivating topicsdealtwith extensivelyby the author such as The Natural Man, CarnalMan,Spiritual Man andalso the amazing transformation that tookeffectin his own lifeafter he prayed Ephesians
The richest man in Babylon PDF 4.2
Battle Castle
This book was absolutely fantastic!
Napoleon Hill's Audio & E-Books 1.0.3
With this app you can listen to audio books and read e-booksbyDrNapoleon Hill. The app features an E-book reader whichtracksyourreading progress and automatically stores the pagewhereyoustopped. The page will be presented to you whenever youreturn,soyou can continue reading from where you stopped. NOTE:Theapprequires internet or WiFi connection to play all audiofilesaswell as access all e-books.
Bible Study Buddy - Prophecy 1.1.2
Your very own bible study tools in one app!
Secrets Unsealed
Mobile app for users of
21 Days Life Changing Challeng 1.4
Stud Zone
Purpose of 21 day challenges, Adopting new habits and transformyourlifestyle
Vocabulary - Learn fresh words
Looking for tips for improving your vocabulary? Learn freshwords,one at a time
Eat That Frog! Book to Get More Done in Less Time 1.0
Eat That Frog is a book talking about 21 Great WaystoStopProcrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time. "Eat alivefrogfirst thing in the morning and nothing worse will happen toyoutherest of the day." - Mark Twain Brian Tracy offersprofoundandpractical wisdom in his bestselling book, Eat ThatFrog!Frompersonal experiences to a collection of productivityhacksfrominfluential authors in time management andpersonaldevelopment,the book contains 21 practical suggestions thatanyonecan use toincrease personal effectiveness andovercomeprocrastination. ingeneral is something like Time Manager.
How to Win Friends & Influence 24.1
Get How to Win Friends and Influence People Book Summary byDaleCarnegie
Faithlife Ebooks 26.0.2
Access thousands of Christian ebooks with one-touchBiblereferences.
Memorize Scripture (Bible) 10
To Memorise Bible Verses In A Categorized Serial Order. *Offline*No-Ads * Free
Free Christian Audiobooks - Aneko Press 1.0
Aneko Press
NOTE: These audiobooks play by streaming via yourinternetconnectionor mobile data. A previous experiment withdownloadingthe audiobooksdidn't work out as we had hoped, and weapologizefor anyinconvenience this causes. ABOUT OUR AUDIOBOOKSOuraudiobook appconsists of audiobooks that our company, AnekoPress,has published.Our collection of books consists ofupdatedChristian classics andother Christian books that are alsoof amore serious tone. All areproduced by our professionalnarrators,for your enjoyment,encouragement, and depending who youare,admonishment. We'resteadily adding new audiobooks, even thoughourcurrent selection islimited. Please note that listeningtoaudiobooks requires a goodinternet connection. We hosttheaudiobook files on Amazon's AWS, butas good as their serversare,the streaming is only as good as yourinternet connection. 35+FREEAUDIOBOOKS * Pilgrim's Progress, byJohn Bunyan * The PursuitofGod, by A.W. Tozer * God's Promises, byCharles H. Spurgeon *TheOvercoming Life, by Dwight L. Moody *Following Christ, byCharlesH. Spurgeon * Jesus Came to SaveSinners, by Charles H.Spurgeon *The School of Obedience, by AndrewMurray * The Last ofthe Giants,by Harry Rimmer * The TenCommandments, by Dwight L.Moody * Andmore... APP PERMISSIONSDevices running Android 6.0 andaboverequire more permissions todownload than previous editionsdid.Please note that giving an apppermission does not mean wecanaccess your personal information.Only Android and theapplicationitself can utilize your phone'sfunctionalities in orderto runproperly. Also, you may be able toturn off individualpermissionsafter downloading the app. Learnhowhere: We want your feedback. Contact us with anysuggestionsorconcerns you have during the use of this app. Thankyou, and wehopeyou are blessed by our audiobooks!
As A Man Thinketh - Night Mode 8.88
As A Man Thinketh is a book for Self Improvement by James Allenwithnight mode
Books In Action by Mentorist 5.1.0
Taulab OÜ
Self-help books are often complex and summaries do notcaptureenoughdetails or depth. Neither books nor summaries providethepropertools to put all this awesome knowledge into action.ButBooks InAction combines these pieces, and gives you everythingyouneed togrow. == Why Books In Action will get you to the nextlevel==Detailed book summaries They will give you the “aha!”moment,andhelp you understand the main concepts described inthebooks.Step-by-step actions Reading without taking action is awasteoftime. The app guides you on the path to a better youbygivinginstructions that help you achieve your goals. All adviceis100%based on the best self-help books. Self-evaluationReadingabouttaking action and actually taking action are twodifferentthings.In the app, you can verify your progress and learnif youarefollowing the right strategies and principles toacquirenewhabits. Earn badges, stars, and jump to higher levels Youwillearnrewards each time you achieve a milestone. Personal growthisaprocess; it won’t happen overnight. Therefore, the appwillhelpensure that you are consistent with your dailygrowth.Investing inyour own personal growth and professionaldevelopmentwill be thebest decision you will ever make. It willhelp youachieve what youreally desire in life. Here are a fewthings thatBooksInAction canhelp you with: Leadership skills - Findthe leaderwithin yourselfand build your foundational leadershipskills.Personalproductivity - Learn how to do more in lesstime.Self-esteem andconfidence - Discover how to change yourinnerdialogue, and youwill change the way you approach newchallenges.Daily routine -Learn how to design and consistentlyexecute yourperfect routine.Mental health - Master and overcomeyour stress,depression, andanxiety. Physical health - It’s not onlyabouthealthy eating andexercising. Discover the intricacies andhabitsinvolved inenhancing physical health. Self-discipline -Overcomeyour impulsesand conquer your temptations byimplementingstrategies from bookssuch as The Willpower Instinct.Self-love -Doing one simpleexercise every morning will help youlearn to loveyourself. Youwill find instructions in the list ofhabits from TheCode of theExtraordinary Mind. Mindfulness - It’snot onlymeditation. It’sabout giving attention to every aspect ofyourlife. Highperformance - Put into action the six habits thathelpyou achievelong-term success, summarized directly from thebookHighPerformance Habits. Morning motivation - Youcannotimproveyourself 100% overnight. But what you can do isimprove 1%everysingle day. Self-discovery - There are things youdidn't knowyoudidn’t know. Goal setting - Set yourself up forsuccesswithlong-term vision and short-term motivation. Explorethedifferentmethodologies recommended by coaches such as DavidAllenof GettingThings Done (aka gtd) and Anthony Robbins of AwakenTheGiantWithin. Self-control - Work on mindfulness, and thenusestrategiesto gain full control of your mind. Want more? In theapp,you canread summaries of entire self-help books for free.BasicMembership– Free You have access to all the book summaries andtoselectactions from books. You will also receive one freedailyactionfrom a pre-selected book. Pro MembershipBooksInActionoffersmonthly and yearly subscription plans. Yearlysubscriptionscomewith the first week FREE. With Pro membership, youhave accesstoall the books and all the actions without limitation.Pleaselookat our terms of use and privacy policy foradditionaldetails:
Handbook For Believers (v2) 2
A helpful tool for biblical study, counselling &personalevangelism.
Dr. David Oyedepo's Sermons 1.1.2
Read E-Books & Quotes, Listen to Audio Books & over1,800Sermons
Personal Development & Self-Help · hiMoment 3.0.6
hiMoment GmbH
hiMoment summarizes key lessons from popular personaldevelopment,motivation, self-help, books into actionable journalingexercises.Experience real relaxation, confidence, improve yourrelationship,tidying up, stop apologizing, motivation, self-care,self-love withhiMoment tracks Main Personal Development Features -13 dailymotivation tracks based on bestselling self-help books -Hundredsof confidence, self-love, relationships, professional work,andrelaxations - Access to our scientific-based method, calledBoost,that helps you to re-focus on what matters to you most -Dailymotivation hiMoments: adding your best moment of the day inacalendar view so you can revisit them anytime you wanttore-connect with yourself - Categorize your memories based ontopicsand create lists - Mindful reminders to keep you aware of thegoodthings happening in your life hiMoment is a text andphotogratitude and motivational journal app Then take a moment tocalm,relax, find your best self-improvement moment today and alignwithyour inner self. Programs based on self-help books From workingon7 habits to become highly effective to learning how not to giveaf*ck, to working on confidence, self-love, gratitude, happiness,orwork performance, hiMoment is the most effectiveself-improvementprogram and personal journal. New mood trackerbased on the worksof the most popular self-help authors and thelatest scientificresearch are released every month. Learning bydoing - PersonalDevelopment App Save time and money on yourpersonal developmentjourney by following one of our mood tracker.Rather than readingabout how to improve your self-love, self-care,self-help and notknowing how to implement it, hiMoment provides youwith a clearpath to self-improvement, self-care, motivation, andpersonaldevelopment. How it works Start following one or more ofour moodtracker and complete our journaling exercises, which askyou tostep outside your comfort zone, focus on yourmental-wellbeing,reconnect with your dreams, goals, and needs, andreflect on yoursmall positive life events. Your progress is savedin mood trackerand summarized in beautiful best-of lists. Wheneveryou needmotivation to continue on your self-improvement journey.Yourprivate self-care and motivation journal helps you organizeandstructure your life around proven exercise tracks developedbyexperienced life coaches and neuroscientists to be calm,confidentand happier. Daily motivation creates the perfectenvironment toimprove physical & mental health, self-care, goalachievementand self-love. It helps you sleep better, opens you uptorelationships and increases your self-improvement. Don't forgettotake care of self-improvement, self-love, self-care andself-help.Download the only daily motivation app based onneuroscientificresearch.
Self-Mastery : Self-Help Books 34.1
Get Self Mastery, Self-Help and Motivational Books & NovelstoDownload
ThinkUp - Daily Affirmations 6.1.4
Daily motivation and affirmations. Positive self talk reminders.
The Art Of Public Speaking 42.0
Tara ebooks
full ebook and audio book "The Art Of Public Speaking"
Joyce Meyer - Daily Devotional 2.0.0
Install Free Now - Joyce Meyer Ministries, Enjoying EverydayLife,Hand of Hope.
Rich Dad Poor Dad (English) 1.0.2
aga org.
Rich Dad Poor Dad one of the best book every time and theAuthorisRobert Kiyosaki and his two dads.One is poor dad ( Real Dad)andsecond is Rich Dad ( Friend father ) or his best friend.Bothmanteach his about money but both ways totally different. Ifyouwantto make his Strong man in wealthy rich , Read thisbookunderstandand motivate your children's.Study each lesson ofbookandunderstand step to step than you will learn best ever.RichDadPoor Dad Lessons details below: 1 - The Rich Don'tWorkingforMoney 2 - why Teach Financial Literacy ? 3 - MindYourOwnBusiness. 4 - The History of Taxes and The power ofCorporation.5- The Rich Invent Money. 6 - Work to learn ( Don'tWork forMoney). 7 - Overcoming Obstacles. 8 - Getting Started. 9 -StillWantmore ? here are some to dos. 10 - Final Thoughts. You wanttogrowor build your business than study or understand allthechapters ofbook than you will make yourself strong . At thetimeyou are great.You will live life happy or financiallystrongyourself thanfellow all the steps of guide lines. At The TimeKnowHow To Rich.
English Study Bible 9.5.8
The Grace Ministries English Study Bible is produced byGeorgeRobert Crow.
Truth For Life 8.1.0
Truth For Life is the official app for AlistairBegg'sBible-teaching ministry.
StoryShots™ Free Bestselling Books & Summaries 2.1.6
Parsida AB
👑 Crowned by The Guardian and Apple as one of the best learningapps& the #1 alternative to Blinkist 🙌 Praised by BillGates'favorite author 🎧 Featured by Google as a top audiobook appin 175countries 🏆 Finalist to the UN's global awards 🔝 Organicallyrankedtop 10 in 70 countries including The UK, China, India,Germany,Canada, Mexico, and Singapore Nothing beats reading a greatbookcover to cover. But have you ever left one unfinished? Instead,useStoryShots to learn the key lessons of bestselling nonfictionbooksin minutes. For FREE. Our mission is to make the core lessonsofthe world's best books accessible to EVERYONE. The source ofkeytakeaways is thousands of blogs, Youtube channels, andpodcasts.Think of them as condensed ebooks / microbooks, audiobooks&animated books. We handpick them so you don't have to.COPYRIGHTNOTICE: The content and book covers are loaded from publicsources.StoryShots™ is for you if you: * want to discover relevantbooks by"trying" them first * want to learn the key insights ofyourgrowing stack of books * want to be efficient and learn on thegoor to improve your English * are a busy entrepreneur,businessman,coach, manager, executive, leader, or generally aprofessional orlifelong learner The non-fiction categories arebusiness,entrepreneurship, management, leadership, self-help,productivity,time management, psychology, health, fitness,nutrition, investing,economics, marketing, sales, history,politics, philosophy,biography, science, mindfulness, depression,negotiation, stress,travel, career growth, communication skills,dating, andrelationships. Sample: Who Will Cry When You Die, The 5AM Club,The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari by Robin Sharma The 7 HabitsofHighly Effective People - Stephen Covey The Intelligent Investor-Benjamin Graham Limitless - Jim Kwik Sex at Dawn WhiteFragilityHow To Win Friends and Influence People - Dale CarnegieSapiens -Yuval Noah Harari The Laws of Human Nature & The 48Laws ofPower - Robert Greene Rich Dad, Poor Dad Scrum Untamed TooMuch andNever Enough The Mamba Mentality - Kobe Bryant The MagicofThinking Big Remote & Rework The Black Swan - NassimTalebGetting Things Done (GTD) Factfulness - Hans Rosling Fire andFury- Michael Wolff The Obstacle is the Way, Ego is The Enemy -RyanHoliday The Lean Startup - Eric Ries Daring Greatly - BrenéBrownThe 4-Hour Workweek - Tim Ferriss Zero to One Why We SleepTheInnovator's Dilemma - Clayton Christensen The Miracle MorningQuiet- Susan Cain The E-Myth Revisited - Michael Gerber Start WithWhy -Simon Sinek Think and Grow Rich - Napolean Hill Never SplitTheDifference The Power of Habit - Charles Duhigg Lean In TheFourAgreements - Miguel Ruiz Steve Jobs The Life-Changing MagicofTidying Up - Marie Kondo The Subtle of Not Giving A - MarkMansonThe Gifts of Imperfection Extreme Ownership - Jocko WillinkMatingin Captivity - Esther Perel Atomic Habits - James Clear The 5LoveLanguages - Gary Chapman Can't Hurt Me - David Goggins 12 RulesforLife - Jordan Peterson Thinking Fast and Slow Enlightenment Now-Steven Pinker Mindset - Carol Dweck Deep Work - CalNewportInfluence - Robert Cialdini Who Moved My Cheese? - SpencerJohnsonGirl, Wash Your Face - Rachel Hollis Elon Musk - AshleeVanceEffective Executive - Peter Drucker Delivering Happiness -TonyHsieh (Zappos) The Hard Thing About Hard Things - BenHorowitzEssentialism - Greg McKeown Crushing it! - Gary VaynerchuckThe4-Hour Body Total Money Makeover The One Thing Linchpin -SethGodin Life 3.0 Emotional Intelligence Tools Of Titans The PowerOfNow - Eckhart Tolle MONEY Master the Game - Tony RobbinsEverythingStore (Jeff Bezos) How Google Works - Eric Schmidt ThinkLike aMonk This is the best free alternative to Cliff notes,getAbstract,Storytel, Instaread, GoodReads, Booklet, GIGL, Scribd,Book Club,Quotes, Linkedin Learning, and Curiosity.
Bible Summary 2.0
Igor Apps
This summary is combination of the introductions of BibleCommentaryby Matthew Hanry and John Gill. Short summary - M.Henry,detailed -J. Gill. So this Bible Summary app is trustful resoursefrom themost famous theologians presents short or detail Bibleoverview onyour choice.
Amazing facts 1.3
super amazing, crazy,interested and cool Amazing Fact forallcategories.
STOICO • Everyday Stoic Wisdom 1.4.0
A new and easy way to read the best classical works on stoicism
Awaken The Giant Within 3.3
AJ Educators
How to Take Immediate Control of Your Mental, Physical andFinancialDestiny!