Top 10 Apps Similar to DCBC

Einfeldträger Lite 1.1.7
App zur statischen Berechnung derQuerkräfteundMomente von Einfeldträgern mit grafischer DarstellungundBemessungdes Trägers als Holzbalken oder Stahlprofil.Die App für Ingenieure, Techniker, Studenten undArchitektenumschnell und einfach mit einem Smartphone oderTabletBerechnungenund Bemessungen von Einfeldträgern mit und ohneKragarmdurchführenzu können.Querkraft- und Momentenflächen könnengrafischdargestelltwerden.Es können bis zu 64 Gleichlasten und Einzellasten füreineBerechnungangegeben werden.Diese App ist die Lite-Version der App "Einfeldträger".Die Lite-Version hat einige EinschränkungengegenüberderVollversion:Die einzelnen Trägerberechnungen könnennichtgespeichertwerden.Das Ergebnis kann nicht als Mail verschickt werden.Zur Bemessung von Stahlträgern stehen nur zweiProfiltypenzurVerfügung.App forstaticcalculationof the shear forces and moments of single-spangirderswith graphicrepresentation and dimensioning of the carrieraswooden beams orsteel profile.The app for engineers, technicians, students andarchitectstoquickly and easily with a smartphone or tabletcalculationsanddimensions of single-span girders with and be abletoperformwithout cantilever.Lateral force and moment surfaces canberepresentedgraphically.Up to 64 DC loads and concentrated loads are given for calculation.This app is the lite version of theapp"single-spangirders".The Lite version has some limitations compared tothefullversion:The individual carrier calculations can not be saved.The result can not be sent as an email.Techniques for the measurement of steel beams only twoprofiletypesare available.
Beam Tools Free 1.24
!!! FOR ALL THIS WEEK ALL OUR PRODUCTS FOR 1 EURO!! "Beam Tools"isauseful tool designed primarily for pre-dimensioningofreinforcedconcrete beam. This tool will allow you to evaluate,witha smallerror, the section of a beam whether you are in thesite,for abusiness meeting or even during the modeling ofthestructure,allowing you not to oversize it. This applies toallapplicationsthat we have created. Within the application youwillfind somecalculation schemes with which automatically calculatethebendingmoment. After calculating the bending moments, youcancalculatethe cross section of the reinforced concrete beam andtherequiredreinforcement. Enter the values ​​characteristicofconcrete andsteel, safety factors, and you're done. You caneithercalculatethe reinforced concrete beam but also verify.Thecalculation isperformed through simplified options, for account istaken of the concrete strength in traction phase;2.the neutralaxis is imposed to about 30% of the height ofthesection. In thisway, the height of the section is not low. Thisisa popular methodin the professional practice. * Follow us onGooglePlus and on ourYouTube channel. *This free version has somefeatureblocked.*Download ours engineering product. -Beam Tools-PillarTools-Stairs Tools -Balcony Tools Download it and simplifyyourwork.
iMO Statik Proje Bedeli Hesabı 2.023
Imo Project Cost Calculator
Pillar Tools Free 1.06
!!! FOR ALL THIS WEEK OUR PRODUCTS FOR 1 EURO!!! "Pillar Tools"isauseful tool designed primarily for pre-dimensioningofreinforcedconcrete columns. This tool will allow you toevaluate,with asmall error, the section of a pillar whether you arein thesite,for a business meeting or even during the modelingofthestructure, allowing you not to oversize it. This appliestoallapplications that we have created. The application hastwomaintools: 1. With the first instrument is possible tocalculatethesection of the pillar. By inserting the weight on thepillar,thebending moment in the section, the characteristicvalues​​ofconcrete and steel, the safety factors, the diameter ofthesteelbars, the base of the section and that's it. In additiontothenumerical results will be shown the stress diagram. Itispossible,starting from the base of the section, calculatetheheight and thereinforcement, but also make the verification ofthesection. Theverification tool allow you to take into accountthestrength ofthe concrete in tension. 2. The second tool allowsyouto easilycalculate the weight on the pillar and the section.Choosethecolumn position (see diagrams), enter the number offloorsaboveit, enter the weight per square meter of the floor andyou'redone.The application computes the section of the pillar andtheweightat the base of it. This second tool, calculatesthecolumn'ssection with simplified assumptions. .characteristiccompressivestrength of concrete = 4 MPa .. percentageof the steelsection =1.5% ... the sectional area is increased by20% to accountforbending moments not calculated. This is a highlysimplifiedmethodfor a very quick calculation of the section of apillar. *Theapplication and the graphics are valid for positivevalues ​​ofMand N. * If you think that this application can beuseful foryou,please rate it to support us. *This free version hassomefeaturesblocked. * Follow us on Google Plus and on ourYouTubechannel.*Download ours engineering product. -Beam Tools-PillarTools-Stairs Tools -Balcony Tools
Cement and concrete dosing 1.1
I need to have a powerful tool for my work made me offeryouthisapplication. This calculation cement dosage fortheconcrete,concrete, tile, mortar, screed, masonry, concreteandcleanfoundation. It calculates: - The total volume forpossiblecontrolM3 materials. - The different ingredients dependingon thetype ofstructure (foundation slab and screed ...). -Depending ontheuseful volume that serves the mixture (wheelbarrow,bucket,mixeror trough) count the number of times to perform thework. -And thequantities to fill this useful volume with optimumway tomake theright choice of loading (bucket, shovel or weight).goodwork andgood courage for your work.
Einfeldträger 1.1.9
App zur statischen Berechnung der Querkräfte und MomentevonEinfeldträgern mit grafischer Darstellung und Bemessung desTrägersals Holzbalken oder Stahlprofil. Die App für Ingenieure,Technikerund Architekten um schnell und einfach mit einemSmartphone oderTablet Berechnungen und Bemessungen vonEinfeldträgern mit und ohneKragarm durchführen zu können.Querkraft- und Momentenflächenkönnen grafisch dargestellt werden.Es können bis zu 64Gleichlasten und Einzellasten für eineBerechnung angegeben werden.Die Ergebnisse können per Mail alsDateianhang versendet werden.
FRILO StaticsToGo 2.0.2
With the FRILO App StaticsToGo you can display and edityourdocuments created with FRILO Document Designer by FRILOSoftwareGmbH. Whether on the construction site, in a meeting or atanotherlocation: you avoid carrying paper stacks with you.StaticsToGosynchronizes 1:1 project and chapter structures from acomputer orlaptop to a tablet or smartphone. The synchronizationtakes placedirectly in your WLAN without using other programs.Aftersynchronization, the entire content of the structuralanalysisdocument is available as a PDF for offline use. Theviewcorresponds exactly to that on the desktop. In the freeversion,you can add notes to the positions for yourself and yourcolleaguesand call them up later on your PC. The Pro version alsoallows youto add images or graphics to your notes. Furthermore,extracteddocument pages can be inserted. Marking is also possiblewith theDraw function. StaticsToGo Pro can be activated directlyvia anin-app purchase. After a 14-day trial period, amonthlysubscription begins. Important: The app can only be usedtogetherwith the desktop applications FRILO Control Center andFRILODocument Designer by FRILO Software GmbH. Use withoutFRILODocument Designer is possible as a demo which providessampledocuments from the demo server. If you need help with thesetup,the FRILO support team will be happy to assist you.
Deformed Bar 1.3
Tiny android application to know deformed/round steel weightwitouthcomputing. Available size for: 1. Deformed Bar 2. Round BarAllmeasurement standart are from Indonesia SNI with 12 metersstandartlenght.
Doka Tools 2.2.0
Doka GmbH
The Doka Tools app is a digital calculation tool for yoursite.Time-consuming, labour-intensive methods of calculating theoptimumequipment quantities are now a thing of the past. With DokaToolsyou can plan wall and floor formwork: it takes just a coupleofseconds to optimise the components for Dokaflex and to work outthepermitted rate of placing and maximum fresh-concretepressureduring pouring. Mobile formwork planning With Tipos walland Tiposfloor planning systems you can form in simple componentsin no timeand quickly get an overview of how to best utilise Dokaformworksystems. Layout and planning views of your Doka formworkalong withthe entire piece list and design values appear on yourdisplay inlittle more than the blink of an eye. Gives a boost toefficiencyNo matter which Dokaflex floor-slab system you are using,theDokaflex calculations let you optimise the type and the spacingofthe necessary beams and props, in just a fewmouse-clicks.Digitally calculating the pouring rate The rate atwhich concretecan be placed has a very great influence on thespeed, and thus onthe economic efficiency, of CIP concreting work.The DokaFresh-Concrete Pressure Calculator is a quick and easy waytocalculate the permitted rate of placing and max.fresh-concretepressure. FEATURES - Tipos floor - Tipos wall -Dokaflex 30 tecdesign calculation - Dokaflex optimisation -Fresh-ConcretePressure Calculator - ‘Share’ functions for allcalculations ABOUTDOKA Doka is one of the world leaders indeveloping, manufacturingand distributing formwork technology foruse in all fields of theconstruction sector. With more than 160sales and logisticsfacilities in over 70 countries, the Doka Grouphas a highlyefficient distribution network which ensures thatequipment andtechnical support are provided swiftly andprofessionally. Anenterprise forming part of the Umdasch Group,Doka Group employs aworldwide workforce of more than 6000.
SpeedApp 2.2.1
Speed Medya
Veriyi; basit, anlaşılabilir ve mobil sevenler için SpeedApp!Kanalve TV program performansları, tv kanallarıizlemeoranları,reytingleri(rating), Radyo erişimleri, Gazetetirajları,reklamyatırımları, reklam ve pazarlama dünyasına aitgüncelbilgiler yeralmaktadır. “Dün en çok izlenen program hangisi?Hangikanal nekadar izlenmiş? Program reytingleri ve izlemeoranlarınedir?Buayın en çok yatırım yapan reklamvereni kim?”sorularınıncevaplarıve daha fazlası Speed App ile hep yanınızda!Uygulamadayer alanraporlar ve haberler Haberler: Medya vepazarlamadünyasındakigüncel haberler Dinamik raporlar : Tam ZamanlıÖlçülenKanallarınGünlük Rating Bilgileri, 15dk’lık ÖlçülenKanallarınGünlük RatingBilgileri, Günlük Top 100 Program Listesi,ÖlçülenKanallarınReklam Doluluk Oranları, Tv’de Grp30”’a Göre Top20ReklamverenListesi, Tv Dışı Mecralarda Top 20 ReklamverenListesi,Tv’deGrp30”’a Göre Top 20 Sektör Listesi, Tv DışıMecralarda Top20Sektör Listesi, Gazetelerin Günlük Tiraj Bilgileri,RadyolarınHaneErişim Bilgileri Statik raporlar (yakında…) :Haftalık veaylıkmedya raporları, Sektörün nabzını tutan özelanalizlerraporlarFirmaya özel kurumsal raporlar (yakında…):Firmanıza,sektörünüzeözel rekabet raporları ve daha fazlası