Top 15 Apps Similar to App Acupuntura

Pontos de Acupuntura 0.0.1
Deeploy Ltda.
★★★Baixe a versão atualizada "Guia dos Pontos de Acupuntura"★★★O Guia de pontos do Flor de Ameixeira ajudaprofissionaiseestudantes a ter um acesso rápido e prático aospontos emeridianosda Medicina Tradicional Chinesa.★ Acesso offline, sem necessidade deinternetapósinstalação★ Descrição dos Canais Energéticos★ Cada ponto inclui:- Características do ponto- Localização com imagens- Ação do ponto- Função energética- Indicação- Método de utilizaçãoEsse aplicativo está no início, em breve, váriasoutrasopçõesestarão disponíveis.★★★Download an updated "Guide to Acupuncture Points"★★★The guide points of the Plum Blossom helps professionalsandstudentsto have a quick and convenient access to pointsandmeridians ofTraditional Chinese Medicine.★ Offline access without the need forInternetafterinstallation★ Description Energy Channels★ Each point includes:- Point Features- Location with images- Point Action- Energy Function- Indication- Method of UseThis application is at first, soon, several otheroptionsareavailable.
Guia dos Pontos de Acupuntura 0.0.2
Deeploy Ltda.
O Guia de pontos do Flor deAmeixeiraajudaprofissionais e estudantes a ter um acesso rápido epráticoaospontos e meridianos da Medicina Tradicional Chinesa.★ Acesso offline, sem necessidade deinternetapósinstalação★ Descrição dos Canais Energéticos★ Cada ponto inclui:- Características do ponto- Localização com imagens- Ação do ponto- Função energética- Indicação- Método de utilizaçãoEsse aplicativo está no início, em breve, váriasoutrasopçõesestarão disponíveis.The guide pointsofthePlum Blossom helps professionals and students to have aquickandconvenient access to points and meridians ofTraditionalChineseMedicine.★ Offline access without the need forInternetafterinstallation★ Description Energy Channels★ Each point includes:- Point Features- Location with images- Point Action- Energy Function- Indication- Method of UseThis application is at first, soon, several otheroptionsareavailable.
O aplicativo Acupuntura Clínica trazparaseucelular informações que o acupunturista utiliza no seu diaadiaclínico. Tenha na palma de sua mão os conceitos eregrasexistentesem manuais, mapas e livros.Baixe em seu celular e tenha a sua disposição:As correlações dos 5 Elementos e seus meridianosDatas EstacionaisPontos de Tonificação Estacionais (pontos wu su)Pontos de Sedação Estacionais (pontos wu su)Pontos LOPontos FonteBei-ShuPontos AlarmeVasos MaravilhososTendino MusculaesPontos RaízesPontos EspecializadosPontos Contraindicados.Após a aquisição do aplicativo acupuntura clínica omesmoiráfuncionar por pelo menos 12 meses, após esse período omesmopodeser descontinuado.The AcupunctureClinicappbrings to your mobile information the acupuncturist usesintheirday to day clinical. Be in the palm of your hand theconceptsandexisting rules in manuals, maps and books.Download on your mobile device and get at your disposal:Correlations of the five elements and their meridiansSeasonal datesToning seasonal points (wu su points)Sedation seasonal points (wu su points)LO pointsSource pointsBei-ShuAlarm pointsWonderful vesselsTendino MusculaesRoots pointsSpecialized pointsContraindicated points.After the acquisition of acupuncture clinic applicationitwillwork for at least 12 months, after this period itmaybediscontinued.
Acupuntura app básico 2.59
Acupuntura Apps
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Atenção:Esta é uma versão BÁSICA e as funções de tratamento sistêmicoestãodisponíveis para compra individualmente.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------É um aplicativo que foi desenvolvido para tornar aAcupunturaprática durante o atendimento ao paciente, facilitando odia a diado acupunturista.Baseia-se na avaliação através do equilíbrio dos 5elementos:MADEIRA, FOGO, TERRA, METAL E ÁGUA.*******************• NÃO POSSUI: tratamento Sistêmico.o relatório das fichas deve ser adquirido a parte.*******************• Possui:- Cadastro completo do paciente.- Ficha de avaliação e evolução do paciente, facilitandoaconstrução do pentagrama que irá determinar a escolha da técnicaepontos de acupuntura a serem usados.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                                               Attention:This is a BASIC version and systemic treatment functionsareavailable for purchase individually.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------It is an application that was developed to make acupuncturepracticeduring patient care, facilitating the daily life oftheacupuncturist.It is based on evaluation by balancing the five elements:Wood,Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water.                                        *******************• DO NOT HAVE: Systemic treatment.        the report ofthechips must be purchased separately.                                         *******************• Features:        - FullRegistrationpatient.        - Dataevaluationand evolution of the patient, facilitating theconstruction of thepentagram that will determine the choice oftechnique andacupuncture points to use.
Acupuntura SisAc básico trial 2.58
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Atenção:Esta é uma versão BÁSICA do aplicativo "SisAC" e não possuiafunçãode tratamento sistêmico.Caso queira esta função, adquira o aplicativo SisAc emAcupunturaPráticaSisAc(completo)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Em caso de dúvidas visite é um aplicativo que foi desenvolvido paratornaraAcupuntura prática durante o atendimento ao paciente,facilitandoodia a dia do acupunturista.Esta é uma versão de demonstração e funcionará poraté30dias.Esta é uma versão básica do aplicativo "SisAC".Baseia-se na avaliação através do equilíbrio dos5elementos:MADEIRA, FOGO, TERRA, METAL E ÁGUA.Vantagens:• Atualmente o custo acessível de tablets e celularescomsistemaAndroid e a grande capacidade dos mesmos, em termosdememória e develocidade, torna possível realizar ainformatizaçãocom umaexcelente relação custo-benefício, pois sãodispositivospráticospodendo ser usado tanto em consultório quantoematendimento emdomicílio.• SisAc possui:- Cadastro completo do paciente.- Ficha de avaliação e evolução do paciente, facilitandoaconstruçãodo pentagrama que irá determinar a escolha da técnicaepontos deacupuntura a serem usados.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                                               Headsup:This is a BASIC version of the application "SisAC" andlacksthesystemic treatment function.If you want this feature, please purchase SisAc applicationAcupuncturePracticeSisAc(full)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------For questions visit is an application that is designed tomakeacupuncturepractice for patient care, facilitating the dailylifeof theacupuncturist.This is a demo version and will run for 30 days.This is a basic version of "SisAC" application.Is based on the assessment by balancing the fiveelements:WOOD,FIRE, EARTH, METAL AND WATER.Advantages:• Currently the affordable tablets and mobile phoneswithAndroidsystem and the large capacity thereof, in terms ofmemoryandspeed, makes it possible to carry out computerizationwithanexcellent value for money as they are practical devices maybeusedeither in office as at home in attendance.• SisAc features:        -FullRegistrationpatient.        -Sheetassessmentand patient outcomes, facilitating the constructionofthepentagram that will determine the choice oftechniqueandacupuncture points to use.
Acupuncture Assistant 7.7.7
TCM Points
The app for acupuncture professionals and students.
Acupuncture Lessons 1.1.35
Learn how acupuncture techniques are applied
Acupuntura 2.0
The best application of acupuncture for Android. Acupuncture 3D.
Acupuncture Points Quiz 1.0
AM Mobile
Quiz to learn and test acupoints location on human body.
A Manual of Acupuncture 3.2.0
A Manual of Acupuncture – The Definitive App for Students&Practitioners
中医针灸 4.2.1
A professional and practical applications of acupuncture,includingthe introduction of over four hundred points, providingaconvenient search function
Acupuntura Móvil Premium 3.0
La primera aplicación en español dereferenciapara acupuntura de la Medicina Tradicional China.Contiene toda lainformación de los órganos, trayecto del canal,horario y canaladjunto. Esta versión contiene todos los órganos ysu uso es muysencillo ya que cada opción que aparece en forma decírculo siemprerealiza una acción.Adicionalmente contiene la referencia de todos los puntosdeacupuntura con su nombre chino, significado,combinaciones,localización, función, para que síntomas se utiliza,forma deinserción y observaciones.Puedes hacer búsquedas por órgano, por punto y porsíntomas;encontrando todos los puntos de acupuntura para ayudar atratar unsíntoma.Será un gran aliado en tus consultas o en el recordatorio detuinformación para lograr tu salud y la de tus pacientes.Las referencias pueden ser usadas para tu auto estimulacióndeforma digital. Es decir, usando digito puntura, presiona 3segundosy libera por otros 3 más, repitiendo por 3 veces.Referencias con un modelo en 3D del cuerpo humano conlalocalización de todos los puntos de manera exacta, que puedesermanejable de acuerdo a donde lo quieras ver. Puedes sobreponerlacapa de información para tener la referencia del punto almomentode tener de fondo el modelo 3D.El software es tan intuitivo y realizado con losmáximosestándares de calidad internacional que tesorprenderá.Por si fuera poco, tendrás actualizaciones en base alaretroalimentación de los usuarios y la actualización delasplataformas de programas móviles.Puedes usarlo en cualquier teléfono y tableta consistemaoperativo Android.Prueba el software con la versión gratuita antes de comprarlaversión completa. Te sorprenderá.Ayúdanos a mejorar con tu retroalimentación. Serás escuchadoyayudado en tu necesidad.Si te gusta esta aplicación y te gustaría tener estosestándaresde aplicaciones para tu empresa o negocio.Contáctanos. firstapplicationin reference to acupuncture Traditional ChineseMedicine. Itcontains all information organs, path channel scheduleand attachedchannel. This version contains all organs and its useis verysimple since each option displayed in a circle always takesaction.Additionally it contains the reference of all acupuncturepointswith his Chinese name, meaning combinations, location,function,for symptoms, so insertion and observations used.You can search by organ, and symptoms point; finding allpointsof acupuncture to help treat a symptom.It will be a great ally in your queries or reminder ofyourinformation to achieve your health and that of yourpatients.References can be used for your self-stimulation digitally.Thatis, using puncture digit press 3 seconds and released for 3moreother repeating 3 times.References with a 3D model of the human body with the locationofall points exactly, it can be manageable according to where youwantto see. You can superimpose the information layer to haveareference point when having the 3D model background.The software is so intuitive and conducted with thehigheststandards of international quality that will surpriseyou.As if that were not enough, you have updates based on userfeedbackand updating of mobile software platforms.You can use any phone and tablet with Androidoperatingsystem.Try the software with the free version before buying thefullversion. You'll be amazed.Help us improve with your feedback. You will be heard andhelpedyou in your need.If you like this app and would like to have thesestandardapplications for your company or business.Contact Us.
Acupressure Points Guide 1.4
Acupressure treatment for all diseases and will showstheinformation about acupressure points, reflexology points,handacupressure, leg acupressure, neck acupressure, footreflexologypoints, ear acupuncture, easy acupuncture 3d andacupuncture etc.acupressure points to help you get better when yousuffering frompain. Acupressure points to help you get better whenyou pain.acupressure is the most effective method forself-treatment oftension-related ailments and home remedies. Learnhow to healyourself to relieve stress, headaches, backaches,insomnia, chronicfatigue, pain & more showing the healingpoints. Acupressure isuseful for relieving pain, balancing bodyenergy, and maintaininggood health. Acupressure's healing touchreduces muscular tension,increases circulation, and enables deeprelaxation.
Visual Acupuncture 3D - Human 1.3
An interactive visual guide forlearning,understanding and teaching acupuncture oracupressure.Quickly get a complete 3 dimensional understanding ofpointlocations, flow of meridians and the relations between them inoneview.Easily show clear visuals of acupuncture points & meridianstoclients and students.All points contain the anatomical location, cun measurementsandglobal measurements, all meridians show its flow. Each meridianandpoint contains information.Learn and study TCM, acupuncture and acupressure in amoreinteractive and intuitive way, it is not necessarily created asareplacement for books or other study material, but as an aidinlearning.It is most useful for students who need more visual informationthanjust 2 dimensional images and charts. Instead of skippingbetweenpages and trying to get a clear understanding of therelationsbetween all acupuncture points, muscles, bones andorgans(in yourmind), this app offers an easier way to quickly geta feel for theflow, location and connections between allpoints.The app is created in full 3D, meaning it is possible torotate,zoom and pan around the 3D model with unlimited freedom. Itcan beused on tablets or phones, making this app a portableacupuncturemanual, which you can use to review information andlearn while onthe go.Apart from all points and meridians, it also contains acompleteanatomical atlas of the entire human body, including allorgans.Making this app a great addition to any TCM student.What is included in Visual Acupuncture 3D:-both landscape and portrait mode are supported-search & navigation options-save & add notes to any selection-indications/location/features & functions information perpoint/ meridian-quality settings-draw & save screenshots (on top of the 3D model)-anatomical systems included (can be turned on/off )>musculature system (deeper muscles included)>skeletal system (all bones included)>digestive system>respiratory system>urogenital system>ingrumental system(more will be added inupdates)-all primary meridians>Lung meridian>Liver meridian>Large Intestine meridian>Stomach meridian>Spleen meridian>Heart meridian>Small Intestine meridian>Bladder meridian>Kidney meridian>Gall Bladder meridian>Pericardium meridian>Sanjiao meridian (triple burner)For any questions or comments feel free to email us anytime.
Acupuncture Voll Atlas 2.2
Atlas of electropuncture diagnostics by Voll