Top 13 Games Similar to Time Table Spain Grade 4 Lite

Math games for kids - lite 3.9.14
Fun mental math games for children from 5 to 10 : additions,timestables
Times Tables 1.1
Learn your multiplication tables with thisfungame.Allows you to choose which times tables you wish topractice.Try to get a perfect score in the lowest time.
Math Challenge - Brain Exercis
Test your math skills and exercise your brain! Educational gameforkids.
Math Loops: The Times Tables f 9.8
Times Tables Quiz Best free game for kids to practicethemultiplication tables
ToKe'MaThS (Fun math for kids)
1 cool mathematical game for kids with PROVEN EFFICIENCY - FREEgame+ NO ADS !
Multiplication Table. Taabuu 3.0.1
Perfect for kids to help them learn multiplication table andmath.Leam playing!
Con esta aplicación tus hijosaprenderánfácilmente las TABLAS de MULTIPLICAR hemos incluidoalgunos trucosfáciles de aprender, la tenemos en ingles y mucho más¿Quién inventó las tablas de multiplicar?Las tablas de multiplicar nos ayudan a realizarmultiplicacionessegún la correspondencia matemática: N(multiplicando) x N(multiplicador) = N (producto). Incluyen losresultados demultiplicar un número entre 1 y 10 por los sucesivosnúmeros entre1 y 10, y son materia habitual de estudio en loscolegios. ¿Sabesquien inventos las tablas de multiplicar?El invento de las tablas de multiplicar se atribuye al matemáticoyfilósofo griego Pitágoras de Samos (580 a. C – 495 a.C ),tambiénconocido como ‘El padre de los números’. Éste se las ingenióparaelaborar una primera tabla elemental, mejorada después porsusdiscípulos (escuela pitagórica). Antes, sumerios y babiloniosyatuvieron sus propio sistema sexagesimal.La evolución de las tablas de multiplicar alcanzó uno de sushitoscuando el también matemático Crele confeccionó unas detrescifras(del 000 al 999). Pero las anteriores quedaron relegadasapartir del año 1642 con la aparición de la primeracalculadoraautomática, obra del inglés Blaise Pascal.Además de las tablas de multiplicar, Pitágoras dejó un legadodeconocimiento en el que destaca su famoso teorema, el TeoremadePitágoras, en el que explica la relación entre los lados deuntriangulo rectángulo.¿Quien Fue Pitágoras?Pitágoras de Samos (en griego antiguo Πυθαγόρας) (ca. 580 a.C-ca.495 a. C.) fue un filósofo y matemático griego consideradoelprimer matemático puro. Contribuyó de manera significativa enelavance de la matemática helénica, la geometría y laaritméticaderivadas particularmente de las relaciones numéricas, yaplicadaspor ejemplo a la teoría de pesos y medidas, a la teoría delamúsica o a la astronomía.Diferentes Clases de Tablas de MultiplicarTablas de multiplicar de los números naturales:La forma tradicional de representar la tabla de multiplicar parasumemorización o repaso es como su propio nombre indica en formadetabla. Donde se multiplica, del uno al diez o del cero aldiez,cada uno de los números.With this applicationyourchildren will easily learn the multiplication tables haveincludedsome easy to learn tricks, we have it in English and moreWho invented the multiplication tables?Multiplication tables help us carry out multiplications accordingtothe mathematical correspondence: N (multiplying) x N(multiplier) =N (product). They include the results of multiplyinga numberbetween 1 and 10 by successive numbers between 1 and 10,and arehabitual subject of study in schools. Do you know whoinventionsmultiplication tables?The invention of the multiplication tables is attributed totheGreek mathematician and philosopher Pythagoras of Samos (580 BC-.495 A.C.), also known as 'the father of numbers'. This contrivedtomake a first elemental table, improved later by hisdisciples(Pythagorean school). Before, Sumerians and Babyloniansalready hadtheir own sexagesimal system.The evolution of the multiplication tables reached one ofitslandmarks when mathematical Crele also drew up a three-digitnumber(000 to 999). But the above were relegated from the year 1642withthe appearance of the first automatic calculator, designed bytheEnglish Blaise Pascal.In addition to the multiplication tables, Pythagoras left alegacyof knowledge that highlights his famous theorem, thePythagoreanTheorem, which explains the relationship between thesides of aright triangle.                                                        Who was Pythagoras?Pythagoras of Samos (Greek Πυθαγόρας) (ca. 580. C- ca.495 BC.) WasaGreek philosopher and mathematician considered the firstpuremathematician. He contributed significantly to the advancementofGreek mathematics, geometry and arithmetic derivedparticularlynumerical relationships, and applied for example to thetheory ofweights and measures, to music theory or astronomy.Different Kinds of Multiplication TablesMultiplication of natural numbers:The traditional way of representing the multiplication tableforstorage or review is as its name indicates in tabular form.Whereit multiplies, from 1 to 10 or from zero to ten, each ofthenumbers.
Multiplication Table 3.0
Zafiapp labs
Easy to use application where you can multiply any number youwantto know the result in the multiplication table from 1 to 12.
Talking Times Tables Trainer 1.02
Talking Times Tables helps to practiceandmemorize times tables.Hear, See and Memorize the times tables.This app is for children who need to learn times tablesbyheart.It helps to memorize them quickly and easily, by seeing andhearingthe questions and correct answers and by fast repetitionofquestions. multiplications and discover the hidden picture.A correct answer is rewarded with coins, A fast correct answerisrewarded extra.3,4 or 5 coins buy a puzzle piece. The name of the fastest playerisdisplayed in the overview.This game is suited for the absolute beginners, who tendspendtoo much time guessing, or recalculating every answer.TalkingTimes Tables starts as easy as possible. The questionsbecome morechallenging while your child grows in skill. Evenbeginners repeata lot of questions with little errors. Questionsstart easy, inascending order,1x3=? 2x3=? etcetera.The difficulty of the questions is adapted every time to theplayersskill.This free game offers the times tables from 1 to 15.Talking Times Tables uses the Text-to-Speech engine ofthedevice.Extra voices or other languages can be downloaded from theGooglePlay Store.Good quality voices from SVOX, Ivona or Acapela arecommerciallyavailable.ESpeak is a free text-to-speech engine for many languages.The game development was based on 3 principles1 repetition is the mother of skillTo become good at something, you have to repeat something overandover again. While repetition is a great thing, repeatingmistakesshould be avoided. This app uses something called"guidedlearning". The questions are built up, so it's easy enoughto getthe answers right most of the time. Thus, the wholephrase,including the correct answer, like `6 times 9 equals 54`isrepeated many times. This instead of `6 times 9 is a bignumberwith 5`2 learning something you need to learn is easierIn games, learning the skills of the game goes automatically.Toadvance in the game, you have to become better. In this game,theskills you need to learn (the maths tables) are required togetfurther in the game.3 Both seeing and hearing at the same time ismoreeffectiveChildrens learning strategies can be very different. Whilesomelearn easier by seeing, others need to hear things to learnbest.This game uses both seeing and hearing to doubleeffectiveness.
Mental math games - Brain training 2.5
Tap Math is an easy to understand but difficult to play mentalmathgame. Choose the right answer before the block reaches thebottomof the screen. One mistake : Game Over. Games are short andwillgive you a solid cerebral challenge. Check out your globalrankingwith Google Play games services. Tap Math can be played as acasualgame for everyone or as a math facts training for childrenandadults. It is a good training for basic math drills :addition,subtraction, multiplication. The interface is simple andattractivewith a retro 8 bit style. Tap Math is a cool way for kidsandadults to exercise their brain. More fun than traditionalmathflash cards, kids love it and enjoy learning mathematics. Ifyoulike the app, please leave a review, it helps us a lot.Yourfeedback is also very welcome. This app is free and designedforsmartphones and tablets. Have fun !
1st - 4th Grade Math Pirate 2.3
Learn math with PIRATES and BORIOL!
Math Game Mexico 2014 Lite 1.0
MATH addictive FUN game to learn with thebasicoperations and the images of the best team in theworld.Learn math with BORIOL!Kids will love this game because it shows the numbersandoperations with images of Mexican soccer team , and yourselfcanalso test your mental agility with the level more advanced.Do you want your child to learn the multiplication tables ?Nodoubt, with this application you will get it, thanks toitsgraphics and different levels of difficulty.Want to improve your mental arithmetic ? Devote a few minutes adayto this game and you will notice as their resultsimproveconsiderably.Learn of the most enterteining form.Have 6 mini-games with 4 levels each ( full version ) :- ADD .- SUBTRACT .- MULTIPLICATION (with the option of learning interesting TABLESina very visual ) .- DIVISION .- SORT (beware that this game is ADDICTIVE ) .- EQUATION .Thanks to have different levels , this game is suitable forallages , from 3 years. At level 1 we have the help of imagesreadyfor children , and level up to 4 where we will test the speedofyour mental calculation .Follow us on facebook: us on twitter : in English, French, German, Catalan, Spanish , Italian,Português, Pусский , Bahasa Indonesian, Arabic and Japanese.
Math for Kids 12.0
Tchoko Apps
• It’s an interactive application withsixengaging kids games or activities:• Learn to count numbers from 1 to 10.• Writing and spell numbers• Identifying greater and smaller numbers• Find missing numbers and arrange them in ascending anddescendingorder.• Learning number names• Connecting dots to form a picture with a sub-activity to solvethepuzzles.• This Kids Math app is one of the extremely useful, educationfreegames for kids because the activity of counting numbers hasbeenpresented in an innovative manner for kids apart from beingfree onthe Android platform.• This application does well as a missing number game for kidsalsoapart from serving as a useful aid for learning numbercounting. Ithas the potential of being one of the most useful gamesfor mathfor kids.• This fantastic math problem solver helps children tolearnmathematics with ease. Some examples of these types ofconceptinclude:• Greater than and lesser than• Find missing number• Arrange numbers in ascending and descending order• If you are looking for a free math app to install, then thismathgame app is the ideal for the preschooler, kindergarten,andchildren of grade 1. Available for free at Google Play Store,thisapplication will serve effective brain-refreshers for yourchildand toddlers.• This free kids game is fun and intuitive game for babies,toddlersand children. A child-oriented application having mathgame forkindergarten, preschool and grades grade 1, grade 2.• After playing this cool math game, your kids definitelywillcalculate faster.• In this math training your task is to pass all 60 cool mathlevelsof the game. During each level you have to answer to 10mathquestions (addition, subtraction, multiplication,division,fractions, mixed operations, finding greatest and smallestnumberse.t.c).• This is a perfect and cool math workout for your kids andaperfect challenge for you!• In this game you will find many different types ofmathoperations• This game is a connection of math and memory. You will needtoopen pairs of tiles with the same value. This is not anordinarymatching game. The tiles contain not only numbers, butalsomathematical expressions.• Kids math will definitely help your kid to make more progressinschool math.• Learn multiplication Table from 1 to 12, easy and fun. TimesTableMath Games for your kids.• Practice multiplication and guess all math puzzles! Solvemultiplytest and pass school exam.• With the help of Math numbers & counting for kids yourchildwill:• Learn the numbers• Learn to count to 10• Learn addition and subtraction• Remember the order of numbers from 1 to 10 and backwards• This is an educational math game for your kids and maybeforeveryone. This is a good brain test and you can improveyourcounting, sorting, writing and do math calculations in averysimple way to learn.• A fun and challenging way for kids to practice basic mathskills.Reveal the image, by solving the math equations.• During each level You have to answer from 5 question to 10mathquestions:• Counting• sorting• Writing• Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division• Fractions, Mixed Operations• Practice addition, subtraction, multiplication anddivision.• A fun game to practice addition, subtraction, multiplicationordivision.• Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, division.• love and math• math apps• basic math• math mind brain tease• step by step math• cool math• math games for 3rd graders free• math games for kinder graders free• math games• 7th grade math lerning• math help• king of math• learning math• pocket math• math quiz• simple math• math solver• math tricks• math training• math workout