Top 17 Apps Similar to 儿童英语故事

Little Fox English 2.2.6
Download the Little Fox app, and enjoy300animated stories and songs that are available for FREE. Plus,thereis a new free story every day! As kids read our leveledstories andsongs, they build English vocabulary and fluency in anatural,authentic way.[Features of a subscription to the Little Fox app]- Over 310 songs that allow children to learn simple Englishphrasesand numbers. Songs include The Alphabet Song and Mary Had aLittleLamb.- Over 3,400 animated stories for children, with 70 originalseriesand 650 classics. Animated series include fiction such asmysteriesand fantasies, as well as non-fiction such as scienceandbiography, and more!- A structured learning environment for ESL/ELL students so theycangradually progress from levels 1-9.- A new story is released each day, Monday through Friday!- Quizzes to test comprehension- Text and translation are provided for every story and song.- A reader’s “Bookshelf” to store and organize favorites- To see which stories and songs children have watched, parentscanuse the Learning Log to check their progress. There areseparateLearning Logs and Bookshelves for each child.- One parent user, plus up to three child users- Little Fox website subscribers can use our app withoutanyadditional cost.[Awards]- 2015, 2016 Korea EduAward, Elementary School EnglishEducationCategory- 2015 Education Software Review Awards, UpperElementaryCategory- 2015 Korea Education Sector Elementary EnglishEducationAward- 2014 Teachers’ Choice Award, for the Family & fortheClassroom- 2013 National Parenting Publications Awards, Gold Winner- 2013 Interactive Media Awards, Best in Class- 2003 Korea Software Industry Association (KOSA) PrimeMinister’sCommendation- 2002 39th Bologna Children’s Book Fair, New Media Prize- 2001 Korea Digital Contents, Grand Prize Winner andGoldWinner[Subscription Details]- A Little Fox app subscription is offered on a monthlybasis,$24.99 per month, and the payment is charged to GoogleWalletaccounts.- All payments follow Google Wallet policy and refunds cannotbemade for subscriptions.[App Access Permissions Notice]* Required Access PermissionsThe following permissions in the stated areas are required tousethis app.- Storage: to store content thumbnails temporarily- Device ID: to store Learning Log data (not user-specific)- Device/App history: to maximize services and check errors* Optional Access PermissionsThe following areas and permissions are optional:- Photos/Camera: to set up user account profile picture- Google ID: to send PUSH messages for devices with OS version4.1or older
English Conversation Practice 1.3.9
Practice having an English conversation to improve your English
VoiceTube - Fun ENG Learning
As easy and natural as can be. Memorize phrases and vocabulary innotime.
常用英文- 聽廣播學英文
每日必听英语 英语900句 1.4
Chinaihs Inc.
《英语900句》从学习语言的特点入手, 汇集超级经典句型,配备大段自我表达短文,互动式替换练习, 实用型情景对话, 通过角色扮演, 巩固学习,经过多年从教学到实践到市场的校验,是一本不可多得的令你事半功倍的英语学习教材。每日必听英语, 是国内最受欢迎的开放式英语学习平台,实现声音和文字同步播放,让您迅速提高英语听力和口语, 攻克英语学习难关!【软件功能】1、听力教材文字与语音同步播放,同步显示或关闭中文翻译。字幕为超大号字体,保护您的眼睛。2、自适应支持中文简体、中文繁體。自适应支持Android Pad设备。3、点击图片快速播放章节,主题或段落选择快速切换,拖动快速切换。4、支持正常播放,单一主题循环播放,单一段落循环播放,连续播放(自动播放下一节)。支持后台播放。5、支持定时停止播放,适用于睡前开始收听。6、支持累计播放时长和当日播放时长统计。7、支持单句关键字查找、分类查找、列表、同类单句列表及播放等。【软件内容】Part A: Basic English 9001 GREETING 打招呼2 INTRODUCTONS 互相介绍3 GRATITUDE 感激4 APOLOGIES 道歉... ...57 AT THE GYM 在健身房58 PLAYING SPORTS做体育运动59 AT THE BOOKSHOP 在书店60 AT HOME 在家里Part B: Life English 9001 SCHOOLS AND EDUCATION 学校和教育2 JOBS AND CAREERS 工作和职业3 HOBBIES AND PASTIMES爱好和消遣... ...50 CYBER-LOVE EXPERIENCES 网恋51 FOOLISH EXPERIENCES 愚蠢的经历52 ADVENTUROUS EXPERIENCES冒险的经历53 EXCITING EXPERIENCES 令人激动的经历54 BRAVE EXPERIENCES 勇敢的经历55 LONELY EXPERIENCES 孤独的经历56 CONFUSING EXPERIENCES 困惑的经历57 MISERABLE EXPERIENCES 悲惨的经历58 PEACEFUL EXPERIENCES 宁静的经历59 FAILURE 失败的经历60 SUCCESS 成功经历Part C: Typical expression(1)Are you sure...?你肯定……吗?(2)Any idea...?你知道……吗?(3)Am I allowed to...?我可以……吗?(4)Can you ...?你能/可以……吗?(5)Can you believe...?你相信……吗?... ...(98)What do you think of ...?你觉得……?(99)What are you doing ...?……你要做什么?(100)What did you ...你做……?
English Listening Practice 1.8
Do you want to practiceEnglishlisteningexercises? Voxado provides you the most effectiveway topracticeEnglish listening based on text and audio syncandgap-fillexercises.Features:- Native English accents around the world- Slow and normal audio speed- Book catalog growing continuously: mystery,sciencefiction,adventure, crime, etc.- Gap-fill exercises -aleatory gaps-- Practice listening exercises with four levels of difficulty- Online dictionary- ScoresVoxado provides listening exercises for people whoarepreparingto get ESL certificates: IELTS, TOEFL, ESOL, TOEIC, CAEorBEC aswell as students of English as a second language tryingtopracticelistening and comprehension.
English Listening Player 1.2.10
Listen to hundreds of English conversations and improve yourEnglishlistening
English Listening 1.1.7
Improve your English listening with great lessons and fun quizzes
教授說故事系列-《聽故事愉快學語文》(免費試用版) 2.3.0
《聽故事愉快學語文》幼兒故事應用程式以識字教學、閱讀教學、聆聽教學和說話教學為設計重點。故事設計以謝錫金教授開發的「綜合高效識字教學法」為藍本,結合幼兒的生活經驗及心理詞彙,引發幼兒對學習內容的興趣、豐富幼兒的識字量,同時提升幼兒的語文能力。應用程式適合家長與2-6歲幼兒一同使用。內容與特色1. 完整的課程體系- 應用程式結合完整的幼兒學習課程;- 課程經香港大學研究團隊進行四年長時間的研究,完整配合幼兒成長的學習需要;- 課程收錄孩子生活與日常表達需要的不同詞彙(名詞、動詞、情感詞)、句式;- 在完整的課程體系下,讓孩子贏在起跑線上。2. 系列故事與情意教育- 應用程式收錄不同的系列故事,包括日常生活系列、校園生活系列、百物知識系列;- 故事內容配合孩子的年齡段,結合孩子生活經驗;- 孩子學習感興趣的故事內容,學習成效事半功倍;- 而不同故事配合不同情意主題;- 在知識學習的同時,有效培養孩子良好的品德情意。3. 學習重點與重溫練習- 每一個故事同時配有各自的學習重點,讓孩子學有所依;- 每一個故事另外配合各自的重溫練習,讓孩子溫故知新。4. 消除學習空間的局限- 應用程式可配合不同學習場景使用;- 在課堂上,教師與孩子可以用作課堂教學;- 在家中,家長與孩子可以用作親子閱讀;- 在不同地方,孩子可以隨時隨地進行自學;- 幼兒故事讓孩子隨時學習,愛上學習。5. 多層次語言能力設計- 應用程式採用五重語言能力層次設計;- 語言能力層次包括詞語、初級、中級、高級和進階;- 家長可以根據孩子的年齡和能力,選取適合孩子學習的故事內容;- 孩子在完成特定階段的學習後,可向更高的層次進發;- 循序漸進的學習,讓孩子的語言能力發展基礎更為牢固。6. 中英雙語版本- 應用程式具有中文和英文兩個版本;- 中文版本採用簡體字和繁體字二重設計;- 孩子在閱讀故事時,可以同時學習簡體字和繁體字;- 英文版本讓孩子在閱讀中文故事後,學習英文;- 中英雙語教學,有效提升孩子的語文能力。- 中英雙語對照,即時學習兩種語言。7. 普通話、粵語、英語三重配音語言- 應用程式具有「普通話」、「粵語」、「英語」三重配音語言;- 三重配音語言的設計,讓孩子可以在聽故事時學習兩文三語,強化孩子的語言基礎。8. 講故事與朗讀故事二重配音模式- 應用程序具有「講故事」和「朗讀故事」二重配音模式;- 「講故事」模式是運用口語形式對故事進行配音,讓孩子輕鬆聽故事;- 「朗讀故事」模式是按故事的書面語形式進行配音,讓孩子學習朗讀,學習書面語;- 二重配音模式的設計,讓孩子有效學習文雅的中文口語和書面語。9. 錄音功能- 應用程式附有錄音功能。- 孩子在閱讀故事的同時,可以為故事進行配音,- 孩子也可與家長進行角色扮演,錄下自己的聲音,- 讓孩子讀出屬於自己的創作故事。10. 連結實物圖片- 故事的重點學習詞語配有實物圖片連結- 讓孩子學習詞語的同時,認識事物的真實形象;- 有效提升孩子對生活事物的認知。
宝宝故事 3.30120130408
DiDa Bilingual Reading 1.9.2
"DiDa Bilingual Reading" isaEnglish-Chinesebilingual reading software. Clicking aparagraphshowing thecorresponding Chinese translation.main features:1. English-Chinese bilingual reading.2. One click show/close the Chinese translation.3. Switch display Chinese translation between SimplifiedChineseandTraditional Chinese.4. Change multiple styles.5. Autosave last reading position.
英文即時通:社交情境會話 1.06
*初級和進階聽力口說的學習利器! *多達90分鐘、300句的對話內容*超過600句實用例句,共900句真人語音內容!*超過600題測驗等你來挑戰
小故事大道理 1.0.1
叫叫讲故事 2.1.0
【内容简介】叫叫讲故事:最佳宝宝睡前应用,故事每周更新3次哦!数千万家长选择的《叫叫讲故事》,您最贴心的儿童教育应用!海量资源,精心挑选!睡前故事、成语故事、寓言故事、儿歌、胎教音乐等,应有尽有。免费下载,故事每周更新,每周都有新惊喜!【特色功能】:1.专为儿童优化的界面设计,操作快速便捷;2.国内顶尖配音员为你带来最高品质的儿童故事;3.智能筛选故事系统,让父亲轻松挑选适合自己宝宝的故事;4.播放界面活泼有趣,可随时变换场景,让宝宝乐的其中。【应用简介】数千万宝宝听故事的首选品牌,被用户评为“最有良心的讲故事应用”。适合0~6岁儿童及父母使用。故事清单如下:拔萝卜、拔苗助长、白雪公主、杯弓蛇影、冰雪女王、财神的故事、丑小鸭、大拇指、掉在井里的狐狸和山羊、东郭先生和狼、对牛弹琴、龟兔赛跑、海的女儿、红鞋子、猴子掰玉米、猴子捞月、狐假虎威、狐狸和葡萄、虎姑婆、画蛇添足、皇帝的新衣、灰姑娘、刻舟求剑、狼和七只小羊、狼和小羊、狼来了、蚂蚁与屎壳郎、买椟还珠、卖火柴的小女孩、门神的故事、拇指姑娘、木偶奇遇记、南郭先生、青蛙王子、群鸟学艺、三只小猪、守株待兔、睡美人、糖果屋历险记、田鼠与家鼠、徒劳的寒鸦、亡羊补牢、我不要说谎、我不要洗手、我怕黑、我喜欢吃糖、我要的是葫芦、我要看电视、我要买玩具、乌鸦喝水、乌鸦和狐狸、西游记1、西游记2、西游记3、西游记4、西游记5、西游记6、西游记7、西游记8、西游记9、小壁虎借尾巴、小红帽、小猫钓鱼、掩耳盗铃、一叶障目、渔夫和他的妻子、愚公移山、月老的故事、灶神的故事、坐井观天………【关于我们】1. 叫叫讲故事官方微博: @叫叫讲故事2. 叫叫讲故事官方微信: jojofm3. 详细介绍: 铁皮人官方 QQ 群: 1466915765. 铁皮人官方网站:【温馨提示】应用完全免费,但在线收听可能会联网产生流量, 请用户尽量在 Wi-Fi 环境使用,或下载到本地收听。[Description]Jiao Jiao storytelling: Best baby bedtime application, updatingthestory three times a week, oh!Tens of millions of parents to choose the "Jiao Jiao story",yourmost intimate childhood education applications!Massive resources, carefully chosen! Bedtime stories,idioms,fables, songs, music and other prenatal care,everything.Free download, update the story every week, every week anewsurprise![Features]:1 for children optimized interface design, operation quickandeasy;2 top domestic dubbing to bring you the highest qualitychildren'sstories;3 Smart Filter story system that allows easy pick for theirbabyfather's story;4 player interface lively and interesting, you can always changethescene, in which your baby happy.[Application Profile]Listen to the story of tens of millions of baby preferred brand,wasnamed user "the most conscientious storytellingapplications."Suitable for children aged 0-6 and their parents touse.The story the following list: pulling radishes,DestructiveEnthusiasm, Snow White, extremely suspicious, SnowQueen, the storyof the God of Wealth, the ugly duckling, thumb, outin the well ofthe fox and the goat, East Guo and wolf, howling atthe moon,Tortoise and the Hare, the daughter of the sea, Red shoes,breakingcorn monkey, monkeys fishing month, the legendary, Fox andtheGrapes, Aunt Tiger, superfluous, Emperor's New Clothes,Cinderella,disregard the changing circumstances, the wolf and theseven lambs,wolf and the lamb, the wolf came, ants and beetles,Maiduhaizhu,The Little Match Girl, keeper of stories, Thumbelina,Pinocchio,South Guo, frog prince, birds Arts, Three Little Pigs,sit back andwait, Sleeping Beauty, Hansel and Gretel Adventures,voles andhouse mice, vain jackdaw, to remedy the situation, I donot lie, Ido not wash their hands, I afraid of the dark, and I likecandy, Iwant a gourd, I watch TV, I want to buy toys, water crow,raven andFox, 1 Journey, Journey 2, Journey 3, 4 Journey, Journey5, 6Journey, Journey 7, 8 Journey, Journey 9, a small gecko bythetail, Little Red Riding Hood, cat fishing, deceiving ,blinders,fisherman and his wife, Yu Gong, joking story, the storyof Vesta,narrow view .........[About Us]1 Jiao Jiao storytelling official microblogging: @ JiaoJiaostorytelling2 Jiao Jiao storytelling official micro letter: jojofm(3) Details: Woodman official QQ group: 146 691 5765 Woodman official website:[Tips]Application is free, but you may listen online networkingtogenerate traffic, users try to use Wi-Fi environment, ordownloadedto the local listening on.
儿歌多多 - 故事,动画片,三字经,百家姓,唐诗,西游记
英文學習報 6.0
了解各國時事脈動,體會世界人文之旅,英文學習報絕對是您第一手消息的最佳來源!APP特色:●「真人語音文章導讀」功能依照每篇內容,錄製真人語音文章導讀,搭配重覆播放,用「聽」的就能輕鬆學英文。●「單字翻譯」功能看不懂的單字,長按單字就會即時出現翻譯。●關鍵單字解析將關鍵性的單字詳細解說,並且提供例句讓您學會最正確的單字用法。●支援離線複習,學習不中斷沒有網路仍可閱讀先前看過以及收藏過的內容,複習更方便,讓您的學習不中斷。●掌握社會脈動藉由各式文化、旅遊、人文...等資訊,透過英文學習報的資訊讓您在學習英文的同時,也能吸收各式各樣的新資訊。精彩內容由TutorABC獨家提供TutorABC.com英語學習 第一品牌●全球24時區、外籍師資● 全天24小時自主排課●100 % 量身訂製個人課程● 100 % 線上互動不拘時空● 每年逾2,300,000使用人次、口碑肯定TutorABC擁有遍佈全球32國的外籍顧問群,如第一線的駐地記者為您彙整最熱門的時事議題,更帶回各地的文化采風、社會動脈,凝聚成一篇篇引人入勝的佳文!透過行動閱讀平台與簡約的操作介面,大幅減省您搜尋文章的時間與力氣,任何時間、任何地點、多元載具,讓您一手掌握趨勢,拉闊視野。
Learn English: Aesop’s Fables 5.00
+ Aesop’s Fables - Learn English withtheclassics +Learn English by reading the classics. Test your knowledgeofvocabulary and learn grammar."Aesop's Fables" is a collection of short stories thattelluniversal truths. Though almost nothing is known of Aesophimself,and some scholars question whether he existed at all. Thesestoriesstand as timeless classics known in almost every culture intheworld.The list of tales included are:-The Fox And The Grape.-The Goose That Laid The Golden Eggs.-The Cat And The Mice.-The Mischievous Dog.-The Mice In Council.-The Bat And The Weasels.-The Fox And The Crow.-The Horse And The Groom.-The Wolf And The Lamb.-The Peacock And The Crane.-The Cat And The Birds.-The Spendthrift And The Swallow.-The Old Woman And The Doctor.-The Moon And Her Mother.-Mercury And The Woodman.-The Ass, The Fox, And The Lion.-The Lion And The Mouse.-The Crow And The Pitcher.-The Boys And The Frogs.-The North Wind And The Sun.-The Mistress And Her Servants.-The Goods And The Ills.-The Hares And The Frogs.-The Fox And The Stork.-The Wolf In Sheep's Clothing.-The Milkmaid And Her Pail.-The Fox And The Monkey.-The Dog, The Cock, And The Fox.-The Gnat And The Bull.-The Bear And The Travellers.-The Slave And The Lion.-The Flea And The Man.-The Bee And Jupiter.-The Oak And The Reeds.and many more stories ...+ Learn English: Aesop’s Fables. ++ Learn English: Aesop’s Fables. ++ Learn English: Aesop’s Fables. ++ Learn English: Aesop’s Fables. ++ Learn English: Aesop’s Fables. ++ Learn English: Aesop’s Fables. ++ Enjoy our tales and stories. ++ Enjoy our tales and stories. ++ Enjoy our tales and stories. ++ Enjoy our tales and stories. ++ Enjoy our tales and stories. ++ Enjoy our tales and stories. +