Top 5 Apps Similar to Beginner Crochet Tutorials

Вязание пошагово 1.0
Большое количество узоров, моделейдлявязанияспицами и крючком. Раздел уроков для начинающихпоможетпогрузитьсяв основы мира вязания. А для тех, кто ищет новыеидеивсе узоры имодели для любых инструментов разбиты на категориидляудобногопоиска и вязания шаг за шагом. Каждый пример приведенввидекартинки и описан текстом для лучшего понимания.Базаизделийобновляется, поэтому Вы всегда сможете найти новые идеиаданномприложении.A large numberofpatterns,patterns for knitting and crochet. Section lessonsforbeginners willhelp to immerse in the world of knitting basics.Andfor thoselooking for new ideas all the patterns and patternsforanyinstrument categorized for easy searching and crochet, stepbystep.Each example is provided in the form of images and textisdescribedfor better understanding. The base product is updated,soyou canalways find new ideas and the application.
Beginner Crochet Tutorials 1.0
What come to your mind when you hearthewordflowers, yes splendid colors mixed in one and refreshing tosaytheleast. Be it real flowers that grow in your garden onthetheneighborhood park or even artificial ones that areavailableinmultiple colors and also prints.With all the different colors and aura they come withcanhelplighten the mood of the most distressed too. Flowerslightenmymood too. And the fact that I know crocheting it allows metomakestupendous craft things with flower theme likefashionaccessoriesfor my beautiful daughter, which she can wearoutdoors,and hatpins as well. Such designer flowers are rather easytocraftprovided you have knowledge of Crochet.If you can find time to surf the net you will be able tofindwebsitethat provide online tutorial for easy crochet flower.Thereare manywebsites or blogs out there on the internet whichshouldprovide yougreat content and tips on this subjectalone.Here I shall teach you how you can make a simpleyetattractivecrochet flower.You can start with a plain crochet hook and 2-3 colors ofyarn.Whyyarn? This thing can be made with threads too but Isimplypreferyarn. Ensure that the dimension of the yarn is fittingwellwithhook size. Take your first color and use chain six.Revert to chain number one and do a dc and next go to chaintwo.Dothis time and again and put all these into chain numberone.Youhave eight spokes in hand. Attach the circle with sl stinchainnumber 3 at your left (this is chain 3 from first spoke)Nowbuild(sc, ch 1, 2 dc, ch 1, sc) and then attach all archesyouhavemade. In this way you learnt to make a petal.Do this in all eight arches and this will give you your1stflower.Attach a sl st with 1st sc on the 1st petal. Rotatetheflower.Pick another color of your choice, and then createaslipknot andplace a crochet hook beneath the color spoke andthendraw the 2ndcolor yarn through.You are left with two stitches on the hook, draw the hookbesidestocreate one. Chain number six & work a dcthroughsubsequentspoke, chains number three. Redo this dc, chainnumberthree onevery spoke. Now create a sl st through 3rd chain ofthe1st rowthat you have already done.Now turn it to its flip side on right hand side. Place the1stcolorpetals a little ahead and then do (sc, chain 1, 3 dc,chain1, sc)above every arch. Put together sl st through 1st sc.Castoff.With this your flower is prepared. Applying similar stepsyoucancreate 2,3,4 or even 5 with have different or similarcolors.Withevery new whirls the flower size will grow bigger. Somake onetheway that you really want to do.
Вязаные игрушки амигуруми 2.0.1
Вязаные игрушки амигуруми, вязаниекрючкомдлядома и семьи, схемы и мастер-класс по вязанию дляначинающих –всеэто и многое другое вы найдете в нашемувлекательномприложении«Вязаные игрушки амигуруми».Вязание игрушек амигуруми – увлекательноезанятие,позволяющеесоздать своими руками настоящие шедевры иуникальныеподарки.Техника амигуруми отличается простотойисполнения, ведь вее основебазовые принципы вязания крючком.Главное - грамотноподсчитыватьпетли, убавки и прибавки, но об этомвы можете небеспокоиться,потому что мы подготовили для вас готовыесхемывязания игрушек,аксессуаров и других изделий.Подробные описания и пошаговые мастер-классы помогутвамслегкостью связать крючком понравившуюсяигрушкуамигуруми,украшение для дома или подарок для близкого.Запасаемся пряжей, крючками и фурнитурой и отправляемсявместеснами в увлекательный мир амигуруми и вязания крючком!Knittedtoysamigurumi,crochet for the home and family schemes and masterclassonknitting for beginners - all this and much more can be foundinourexciting application "Knitted toys amigurumi".toys amigurumi Knitting - an exciting experience thatallowsyouto create your own hands real masterpieces anduniquegifts.amigurumi technique is simple version, because it isbased onthebasic principles of crochet. The main thing -correctlycalculatethe loop gain and ubavki, but this you can notworrybecause wehave prepared for you to complete the scheme ofknittingtoys,accessories and other products.Detailed descriptions and step by step workshops will helpyoutoeasily crochet amigurumi favorite toy, home decoration or agiftfora loved one.Stored yarn, hooks and accessories and go along with usinthefascinating world of amigurumi and crochet!
Knitting for Beginners 3.0
Smart Choise
Learn to knit together beautifully with ouruniqueapplicationthat will help you create unique things withspokes, andnot only.Learn to knit sweaters and skirts that wouldalways lookbeautiful.We will teach you the hidden skills ofknitting, whichwill helpyou to survive in the future. A very simpletechniquewhich willallow you to knit a lot of things a day! Learnunique andbeautifulcraftsmanship that will tell you how to proceed.You caneven sellthose things which are done by yourself! Start knitandcrochetwith our app that will teach you how to kniteverythingfromscarves to sweaters!Fascinating people will start to appear inyourlifeimmediately!- Best video tutorials on knitting;- Photo instruction threads;- It's become very fashionable;- The most interesting kinds and types of thread!
Вязание 1.0
В нашем приложении могут найти интересныеидеиуже опытные рукодельницы, и научиться вязатьтольконачинающие.В нашем каталоге размещены не только модели и схемы изделий, ноиучебные материалы по основам вязания спицами и крючком. А такжеразличные узоры и описания вязания. Вы можете самипридумыватьмодели, брать за основу уже существующие схемы идополнять ихразличными узорами.Вы сможете найти схемы вязания:- Амигуруми- Браслетов из резинок- Спицами- Крючком- Детские вещи- На вилке- Для малышей- Для новорожденных- Игрушек- Мушек- Носков- Пинеток- Тапочек- Шали- Шапок- и многое другое!In our applicationcanfind interesting ideas have already experienced handy, andlearnhow to knit just beginning.In our catalog are available not only to model and circuitproducts,and training materials on the basics of knitting andcrocheting. Aswell as a variety of patterns and knittingdescriptions. You arefree to invent a model be based on existingschemes and complementvarious patterns.You can find the scheme of knitting:- Amigurumi- Bracelets of gums- Spokes- Hooks- Kids' things- At the fork- For kids- For newborns- Toys- Flies- Socks- Pinetok- Sneakers- Shawls- Caps- and much more!