Top 14 Apps Similar to Happy New Year Wishes 2017

New Year Wishes Messages 2021
Angle App
New Year Wishes Messages 2021 . Happy New Year with New YearWishesfor love, friends, family, sweetheart. . ### Free Happy NewYearGreetings Cards #### ### E-cards, Wallpapers, Quotes, Wishes !###We provided beautiful pictures with happy new year phrases youwillfind an excellent collection with the best new year phrasesinimages that you can share with friends, friendships,family,sweetheart, everybody that you care and love by use thesharebutton. And you can set favorite save and expand images onyourdevices very easy. Characteristics: - You can downloadfreeapplication. - Speed It is fully optimized for all applicationsrunsmoothly. - Quality Images are selected to offer the highquality(Happy New Year HD Wallpaper). - Share The function youlike, youcan share via SMS, more social networks at the touch of a“ShareButton” on the top menu. - You can set wallpaper on yourmobile,you just have to press the button “Set As Wallpaper” on thetopmenu. - You can download images you like simple, you just havetopress the button “Download Image” on the top menu and thenthisapplication will save your selected image on your device. - Youcanzoom in and out like the beautiful pictures by simply pressingthemagnifying glass on the top menu of image. - Intuitive In ordertochange to go from one image to another is only necessary toslideyour finger you can access all of them. - You can addfavoritebeautiful pictures that you want into your list by pressingtheheart image on the top menu. The team provide beautifulpicturesabout Happy New Year greeting card, greetings, messages,Wishes forfriendship and Quotes, in high quality to you by thefollowingcategories: - Happy New Year Greeting Card - Happy NewYear withAnimal Image - Happy New Year with Celebration Image -Happy NewYear with Baby & Child Image - Happy New Year withCute Image -Happy New Year with Decoration Image - Happy New Yearwith FireworkImage - Happy New Year with Flower Image - Happy NewYear with GiftImage - Happy New Year with Love Image - Happy NewYear with NatureImage - Happy New Year with People Image *** Theteam will developa portfolio that you can take to achieve happinessand prosperityis good in life. Even more ***
Feliz Año Nuevo 2017 1.0
Hey… mis amigos y amigas del cibermundo…seviene el 31 de Diciembre o como lo llaman Fin de Año,Añoviejo,etc. Y qué es lo mejor de esto..?? Que un Nuevo Añollegacargadode esperanza, nuevos retos por superar y miloportunidadesparaalcanzar nuestras metas..!!Las costumbres y tradiciones de fin de año y año nuevovaríandeun país a otro, sin embargo lo más común o frecuenteesobsequiartarjetas, intercambiar regalos, quemar monigotesquerepresentantodo lo malo que te sucedió en el año queestáterminando, realizarlas más populares cábalas de la suerteparaencontrar salud,dinero, amor, etc.Te imaginas intercambiar felicitaciones por el mediomáspopularhoy en día..?? Si… te hablo de la net..!!Es por esto que FELIZ AÑO NUEVO 2017, esnuestradivertidaaplicación gratuita y la hemos creado para todoslosdispositivosAndroid (teléfonos móviles y tabletas), una vez quelohayaninstalado NO es necesario estar conectado a internet y alsermuyliviana podrás compartirlo rápidamente a través detusredessociales favoritas como son: Snapchat, Facebook,Google+,Twitter,Instagram, LinkedIn, QZone, Youtube, WhatsApp,etc..!!,mediantemensaje de texto o correo electrónico.CARACTERÍSTICAS:Nuestra App FELIZ AÑO NUEVO 2017 es la mejor opción sitegustacelebrar la venida de un nuevo año y olvidarte porcompletodetodas las cosas que te robaron la paz durante el añoquesetermina, junto a tu familia, amigos, pareja, compañerosdetrabajoo estudio, en fin con la gente más allegada a ti.FELIZ AÑO NUEVO 2017 te ofrece una estupenda colección demásdecien imágenes con las mejores frases de año nuevoquehemosseleccionado especialmente para ti, ideal para queexpresestodostus buenos deseos, consta de dos actividades:1) Happy New Year phrases in Spanish.- Frases e imágenesdeAñoNuevo en español2) Happy New Year phrases in English.- Frases e imágenes deAñoNuevoen inglésEncontrarás imágenes de pirotecnia, juegos olucesartificiales,brindis, globos, uvas, copas, emoticonesfelices,estrellas,brillos, etc.También encontrarás frases como:Feliz Año Nuevo 2017Happy New Year 2017Feliz 2017… Siempre desearé para ti lo mejor de la vidaNo sueñes tu vida, vive tus sueños… Feliz Año NuevoQue tengas un año muy positivoOut with yhe old, in with the new may you be happy thewholeyearthroughI wish that this year to bring you many blessingsFeliz 2017… Salud..!!I wish all my friends a happy new year 2017This year I hope all your dreams come true, etc.Con nuestra App FELIZ AÑO NUEVO 2017, te garantizamosquelograrásrobar sonrisas y miradas de asombro de la persona quelorecibe… Noesperes más para compartirlo..!!MODO DE USO:Nuestra App FELIZ AÑO NUEVO 2017 cuenta con un interfazfácilysencilla de utilizar, tan sólo navega pornuestrasactividades,elige la imagen o frase que más te agrade yempiezacompartirlo através de tus redes sociales o salas dechatfavoritos.Recuerda que nuestras imágenes tienen resolución FULL HDporloque podrás utilizarlas como fondos de pantalla, fotodecontacto,foto de perfil, pantalla de bloqueo o pantalla deinicio,etc.Esperamos que ésta App FELIZ AÑO NUEVO 2017 sea de tuagrado,sies así no te olvides de valorarla con 5 estrellas y pulsaG+1ydéjanos un comentario positivo o sugerenciasparafuturasactualizaciones déjanos saber qué categoría tegustaríaqueañadiésemos, te lo agradecemos de antemano.NOTA:Esta aplicación contiene publicidad la misma que nosayudaamantener los costos de programación.Todas las imágenes y contenido son tomadas de dominiopúblicoconlicencia CC0 y no tiene ningún derecho de autor,sepuedenencontrar libremente sin restricción de copyright.DIOS TE BENDIGA Y FELIZ AÑO NUEVO 2017..!!Hey ... my friends from the cyber world ... are comingonDecember31 or what they call New Year's Eve, Old Year, etc.Whatis the bestof this .. ?? That a New Year arrives loaded withhope,newchallenges to overcomeHey ... myfriends...cyber world is coming on December 31 or as they callYear,OldYear, etc. And what's best about this .. ?? A New Year fullofhopecomes new challenges to overcome and a thousandopportunitiestoachieve our goals .. !!Customs and traditions year-end and New Year vary fromcountrytocountry, however the most common or frequent is giveawaycards,exchanging gifts, burning effigies representingeverythingbad thathappened to you in the year that is ending, makethe mostpopularcabals lucky to find health, money, love, etc.Can you imagine exchanging congratulations on themostpopularmedium today .. ?? Yeah ... I'm talking about the net..!!That is why HAPPY NEW YEAR 2017, is our funny freeapplicationandwe have created for all Android devices (phones andtablets),onceyou have installed is not necessary to be connectedto theinternetand being very light you can share quickly throughyourfavoritesocial networks such as: Snapchat, Facebook,Google+,Twitter,Instagram, LinkedIn, QZone, Youtube, WhatsApp, etc.. !!,via textmessage or email.CHARACTERISTICS:Our HAPPY App NEW YEAR 2017 is the best choice if youliketocelebrate the coming of a new year and completely forgetallthethings you stole peace during the year ends, withyourfamily,friends, family, colleagues work or study in order withthepersonclosest to you people.HAPPY NEW YEAR 2017 offers a great collection of overahundredimages with the best quotes new year we haveselectedespeciallyfor you, ideal to express all your good wishes,consistsof twoactivities:1) Happy New Year phrases in Spanish.- phrases and imagesNewYearin Spanish2) Happy New Year phrases in English.- phrases and imagesNewYearEnglishYou will find images of pyrotechnics, games orartificiallights,toast, balloons, grapes, wine glasses, happysmilies,stars,sparkles, etc.Also you find phrases like:Happy New Year 2017Happy New Year 2017Happy 2017 ... always I wish for you the best of lifeDo not dream your life, live your dreams ... Happy New YearHave a very positive yearYhe Out with old, in with the new May you be happy thewholeyearthroughI Wish That This Year to bring you many blessingsHappy 2017 ... Health .. !!I wish all my friends a happy new year 2017This year I hope all your dreams come true, etc.With our App HAPPY NEW YEAR 2017, we guarantee thatyouwillachieve steal smiles and looks of astonishment of thepersonwhoreceives it ... Do not wait to share it .. !!HOW TO USE:Our App HAPPY NEW YEAR 2017 has a simple interface andeasytouse, just browsing our activities, choose the image orphrasethatyou like best and start sharing it through your socialnetworksorfavorite chat rooms.Remember that our images have FULL HD resolution so youcanusethem as wallpaper, contact photo, profile photo, lockscreenorhome screen, etc.We hope this App HAPPY NEW YEAR 2017 is to your liking, ifsodonot forget to evaluate it with 5 stars and press G + 1 andleaveapositive comment or suggestions for future let usupdatesknowwhich category you like to see added, I thank youinadvance.NOTE:This application contains advertising it helps us keepthecostsof programming.All images and content are taken CC0 public domain license andhasnocopyright, can be found freely withoutcopyrightrestrictions.GOD BLESS YOU AND HAPPY NEW YEAR 2017 .. !!Hey ... my friends from the cyber world ... are comingonDecember31 or What They call New Year's Eve, Old Year, etc.Whatis the bestof this .. ?? That New Year arrives Loaded withhope,new challengesto Overcome
Feliz Año Nuevo 2017. 1.0
Revival App
Feliz Año Nuevo es una aplicacióngratuita,conla que puedes enviar tarjetas de feliz año nuevo a tusamigos,seresqueridos, familiares, etc ...La aplicación es Off-Line- Puedes compartir.- Puedes guardar.- Puedes establecer como fondo de pantalla.Happy New Year isafreeapplication, with which you can send greeting happy newyeartofriends, loved ones, family, etc ...The application is Off-Line- You can share.- You can save.- You can set as wallpaper.
Año Nuevo 2017 1.0
Mikelima Apps
Comienza dando la bienvenida a todostusamigos,familiares y demás conocidos con estas fantásticasimágenesconfrases de feliz año. Con la ayuda de esta app darás aver quepara ties muy importante cada persona que está a tualrededor yque con ungesto tan sencillo puedes logras grandescosas ya que noexiste mejorforma de decirle a esa persona lo quequierestransmitir en esa fechatan especial, que con una imagen.Esta app esta diseñada para compartir con todos losamigosdeFacebook, Twitter y demás redes sociales.Una vez instalada la aplicación y presionando en la imagenquedeseele saldrá un cuadro de opciones tanto como paracompartirlaen lasredes sociales que usted elija. O también puedeestablecerlacomo:fondo de pantalla, foto de perfil, pantalla deinicio, fotodelcontacto y pantalla de bloqueo. Si te gusto laaplicaciónpuedeayudarnos valorándola con cinco estrellas, dejaruncomentario. Unavez instalada no necesita estar conectadoalinternet para ver lagalería de fotos e imágenes.NOTA: Esta aplicación contiene publicidad que nosayudaparamantener los costes de programación Dios le colmedebendicionesesperamos haya sido de su completo agrado le invitamosavisitarotras aplicaciones interesantes que tenemos enamorapps.Begins welcomingallyourfriends, family and other acquaintances with thesefantasticimageswith phrases happy year. With the help of this appyou'll seethatit is very important to you everyone who is aroundyou andthatwith a simple gesture can manage big things becausethere isnobetter way to tell that person what you want to conveyinthatspecial date, with an image.This app is designed to share with all friendsfromFacebook,Twitter and other social networks.After installing the application and clicking on thedesiredimageyou will turn out enough to share on social networksyouchoose anoptions box. Or you can set it as wallpaper,profilephoto, homescreen, contact picture and lock screen. If youlikedtheapplication can help titrating with five stars, leaveacomment.Once installed need not be connected to the Internettoviewgallery photos and images.NOTE: This application contains advertising that helps ustokeepprogramming costs God fill you with blessings hope has beentohisliking invite you to visit other interesting applicationsthatweamorapps.
Happy new year wishes 2017 1.2
This App is Countdown to New Year 2017rightnow.How much time does it take until New Year ?New Year is the time which brings you the starting of a new era.Itis a symbol of discarding old times and having a fresh newstart.New Year is the epitome of beginning. We welcome every NewYearwith a new found enthusiasm as we know that this is thestarting ofthe era. This is a chance for us to do things in a newway, to havea different perspective of looking at things and tostart thingswith a new light.Set a Happy New Year message, disable it or a countdown toNewYear with a 2017 full of sparks on a scene with lot ofcolorfullights and fireworks.Our apps include:Happy New Year 2016 HD WallpaperHappy New Year 2016 WallpaperHappy New Year 2017 HD WallpaperHappy New Year 2016 ThemesHappy New Year 2016 SmsHappy New Year 2016 quotesHappy New Year 2016 messaagesHappy New Year 2016 greetingsHappy New Year 2016 wishesHappy New Year 2017 ThemesHappy New Year 2017 SmsHappy New Year 2017 quotesHappy New Year 2017 messaagesHappy New Year 2017 greetingsHappy New Year 2017 wishesnew year wallpapernew year themesnew year photo framesnew year wishesnew year smsnew year imagesnew year messageshappy diwalihappy deewalihappy new year songsnew year fireworksnew year calendar2017 calendarnew year live wallpapernew year greetingsnew yaer greetings cardsnew year 2017christmas 2016new year wallpapernew year 2017 wallpapernew year 2017Happy New Year Live WallpaperNew Year Fireworksnew year 2016happy new year wallpaper 2016happy new year sms 2016new year wishesNew Year Countdownnew year 2017 greetingshappy new year 2016new year smsHappy New Year Greetingsnew year's day!! happy new year !!!!! happy new year !!!!!! happy new year !!!!new years fireworks 2017 live wallpaper2017 countdownlive 2017 countdown,new year's eve 2017.eve by eve's.2017 new years hd wallpaper2017 new yearswallpapers for new years 2017share new yeard 2017 wallpaper in snapchatshare new yeard 2017 wallpaper in wathappshare new yeard 2017 wallpaper in facebooknew year 2017 new year's day in 2017new year wallpapers hd 2017. sharmussharmus 2017 new year2017 new yernew year's daynew year's day live countdown! happy new year !Happy New year text too. decorations like rope photo,animatedphoto, animated new year text, animated 2016 text orfallingsnowflakes included in this new year wallpapereve by eve's! happy new year !chinesse new yearschina new year'sNew Year Photo Frames let you feel the spirit ofChristmaswhenever you want to remind yourself of happy holidays!You willexperience a winter wonderland when you enter our “photobooth” andyou won't leave it! Decorate and edit photos with thebeautifulChristmas tree or any other ornament! Your “beautifulpictures”will mark a “New Years countdown to 2016” so get ready fortons ofphoto fun! Our pic editor wishes you Merry Christmas andHappy NewYear, so download it now and be jolly! Take a picture andstart theholiday season in a great mood! This “picture editor” canbeperfect free pic frames for kids as well! Just let your kidsputyour “New Year images” into photo frames and they willbeentertained in no time! Our image editor will help you capturethe“New Year's day” magic! So, make some funky pics with yourselfiecamera and prepare for the craziest night of the year! GetNew Yearphoto frame and have a “Happy New 2016”!DISCLAIMER::we respect the privacy policy, trademark rights,intellectualproperty rights, here we mentioned the guide for thirdpartyservices. if you feel anything wrong, misuse, copyrights.plzinform us by emailIf you have problems contact
150 Frases de Año Nuevo 2020 1.7
Sé el primero en enviar una frase de año nuevo 2020, enviándolaatus familiares y amigos. Tienes la opción de elegir la frasemásemotiva y descriptiva de tus sentimientos para memorizarlaoenviarlas por tu red social favorita, o en escribirla entustarjetas de regalos, o detalles en la fiesta familiar de añonuevoy desde luego, nunca olvidar a tus amigos o seres que te amany queapreciarán que no te olvides de ellos en esta ocasión tanespecial.¿Aún no estás preparado o mejor dicho no te sientesinspirado (a)para compartir esa emoción? No necesitas para nadaestarinspirado(a) para enviar una hermosa y elegante frasedefelicitación, ya que solo escoges la que más te guste y esté atonocon la emoción personal del momento y ¡eso es todo!....Estaaplicación contiene una selección exclusiva de 150 Frases deañonuevo que te facilitará elegir la frase que más te guste o mástelata, para enviársela a tus amigos, familiares o a esa personatanespecial para ti, y que puedes compartir por medio de lasRedesSociales que conoces y utilizas. Encontrarás aquí, unaampliavariedad de frases de felicitación, desde las más comunesotradicionales, hasta las frases más elegantes e inspiradas ypodrásescoger la tuya. Comparte esta aplicación con tus amigos ycon tufamilia. Características de la aplicación: Una selección delasmejores 150 Frases de Año Nuevo 2020. Sin exceso de informaciónode funcionalidades para evitar recargar innecesariamentetudispositivo móvil. Estimula positivamente el estado de ánimo aldary recibir reconocimiento de las personas. Aplicación gratuitayfácil de instalar y de usar. Esta aplicación puedepresentaranuncios de interés. Está completamente en español.Contiene ademásuna función llamada Grabar, que te sirve para grabarmensajescortos de audio y enviárselos a tus familiares y amigos,por mediode las redes sociales y correo electrónico de tupreferencia.Instala esta aplicación gratuitamente y compártela através de lasredes sociales que tengas en tu móvil, celular oSmartphone. Si teagrada esta aplicación, vótanos o calíficanos, conel fin deayudarnos a mejorarla y de actualizarla. ¡Muchas Gracias!
2017 Happy New Year 1.1.4
New themes
2017 Happy New Year is our latestfreethemewith beautiful 2017 Happy New Year HD wallpapers and2017Happy NewYear lock screen. The 2017 Happy New Year theme ispackedwith HD2017 Happy New Year wallpapers and exquisite 2017Happy NewYearapp icons, designed for mobile theme fanatics. Want tomakeyourAndroid phone smoother and smarter? Please download the2017HappyNew Year theme now, more surprises are waiting foryoutodiscover!Apply the 2017 Happy New Year theme to enjoy more FREEWallpapersandThemes! Make your phone stylish!Wanna give your phone some style? Come and download the2017HappyNew Year theme for free and make your Samsung, Huawei andanyotherbrands of Android mobile stylish.Things you can enjoy with 2017 Happy New Year:Cool themes and HD wallpapers- High quality Images specially designed for your phone- Brand new beautiful themes updated every day3D themes and live wallpapers:- Add 2017 Happy New Year theme to your 3D theme- 2017 Happy New Year dynamic wallpapers with a varietyoftouchgestures, so you can feel the beauty of 2017 Happy New Yearatyourfingertips.- More 3D themes and dynamic wallpapers with fluid3Deffects,experience today's cutting-edge technology.Live Wallpapers- Different live wallpapers, including the gold rose,waterfallandmany more.- You can also add gestures and particles to the wallpaperstomakeyour phone look coolOther benefits:- Different variety of themes, wallpaper, app iconsanddailyupdates.- We provide special designs during festive periods,whetherit'sChristmas, Halloween and other holidays, we will have athemeforyou and everyone, so you can feel the festive atmospherethatyoulove.- Like football, basketball and other sports? Findyourfavoritesports theme here, along with your favoritecelebrities,cartoons,and anything else.- Experience smooth 3D and HD themes and wallpapersregardlessofwhat phone model you useApply the 2017 Happy New Year theme now, to makeyourphonefaster and organized. The original app icons, clockandweathertheme of your phone will be replaced by the 2017 HappyNewYeartheme.Just install the 2017 Happy New Year themeandstartpersonalizing your phone!
Happy New Year In Spanish 1.0
To congratulate in an original wayallyourfriends, friends or whoever you want.Be the first to congratulate your family,boyfriend,girlfriend,friends or anyone you love completely in atotally freeway.Demonstrate to your friends that you think of them, happyusingourselection of funny, romantic and beautiful phrases.All your creations will be stored in the categoryYourpostcardswhere you can send them, use them as a background,savethem in theSD or delete them.The best selection of phrases to share in yoursocialnetworkswith whoever you want or use them in our editor andevensend themas an instant message with your favoriteapplication:happy New Yearhappy New YearEnd of year cardsNew Year's cardsHappy 2017 year- Congratulate that special day, and send them usingthesocialapplications installed on your device facebook,twitter,whatsapp...- Simple, fast, intuitive, choose and share.- Send free text to your friends, contacts and family.- Click on the share icon to send SMS throughanysocialnetwork.- This application contains advertising.- This application is totally free
Feliz año 2017 1.4
Esta App está creada para felicitar elnuevoaño2017. Se han realizado postales nuevas para laocasión.Puedes personalizar tu tarjeta con un selfie o no,atuelección.Puedes enviarla por whatsapp, email. line, hanguts o colgarlaentusredes socialesFeliz 2017!!!This App isdesignedtocompliment the new year 2017. New cards have been madefortheoccasion.You can personalize your card with a selfie ornot,yourchoice.You can send it by whatsapp, email. line, hanguts or hang itonyoursocial networksHappy 2017 !!!
New Year Clock 1.0
New Year Clock is an elegant clockgadgetmadeto make your phones look pretty for “New Year 2017”!This“digitalclock widget” is perfect for this holiday seasonbecause ithas a“New Year theme” and skins. If you like how NewYearfireworkslook, you should download free this “beautiful app”tomatch yourfireworks live wallpaper! You can choose differentstylesandsizes: a big clock, a night clock or a small digital clockforyourhome screen. Customize your device and install thisfestivedigitalclock and weather app which is very similar to anydigitalwatchwith seconds. If you want your display to look niceandcute,there's no doubt that you should get this Christmas clockappwith“HAPPY NEW YEAR THEMES”. Don't think about it anymore, tryoutthisbest alarm clock!This superb “digital widget” is fun and easy to installonyourphone! ✩Use the following instructions to install “New YearClock”:★ Add widget to your home screen.★ Go to the menu and press the 'Add' button or, dependingonyourdevice, tap empty space and hold your finger untilthepop-upmenu-window labeled 'Add to home screen' appears. Youmightneed tofind the + button, or the option 'Widget' to add ittohomescreen.★ New Year timer lets you choose from ten designs, skins,handsanddigits.★ Long tap and hold the gadget in order to scale, moveandresizeit.★ Set the digital alarm clock faces by swiping through thedigitsonthe screen and tap on the 'set alarm'Features for New Year Clock:☆ You can install new clock themes or a dynamic themewithneatskins of New Year's pictures!☆ Cute alarm clock and weather widgets for Android™.☆ Amazing digital functions to match your happyNewYearkeyboard!☆ With this digital timer you can choose a large clockdisplayandenjoy your new big digital clock.☆ It also has a “digital clock showing when screen off”.☆ Select the best skin for you!This is a digital clock and date fun app, and asimpledigitaltimer as well and this is what makes it perfectforeveryone! Ifyou search for “digital time widget” that has NewYearpictureswith fireworks, champagne and New Year ornaments,youshould choosethis one! This is not a New Year countdownwidget,it's evenbetter!While waiting for a New Years countdown to 2017, enjoy thetimeyouhave left in this year with this useful digital watch.Makeyourphone festive for the next year with digital watch onlockscreenthat looks like the best happy New Year app. Enjoy theNewYearcelebration with these “new clock skin” in our newclockwidgetthat has a lot of New Year photos!We all want to be a star for New Year events and NewYear'sEveparty. We want to feel attractive and special for thebestNewYears Eve parties and now our phones can be ouridealaccessorieswith this interesting watch widget.Have fun and free download one of the best timer app freeonthestore! While you are counting how many days till Christmasinthiscold temperature, enjoy every minute, second and hourwiththisholiday clock skins like no other Christmas widget!Whensomeoneasks you if you can tell time, do it with the new goodtimeronyour smartphone. Continue the fun and festive mood andinstalltheapp which is just as nice as the previous ChristmasappsandChristmas widgets clock! Be prepared for theChristmascountdownwith this pretty alarm watch! If you are a gadgetnerd,and youlike holidays and holiday spirit, you have to get thisappfree ofcharge! Even though it might not have a stopwatch ora“clock timerstopwatch alarm”, it will make up for it with it'scoollooks andit's interesting design! This great gadget app issuitableforeveryone, it's just like watches for men, watches forwomen,forkids, for teenagers. The time for Xmas countdown is over,nowyoucan modify your cellphone for the upcoming daysof“Winter2017”!HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!*Android is a trademark of Google Inc.
Happy New Year 2017 HD Images 1.2
★ ★ ★ Happy New Year 2017 HD Photos ★ ★ ★Happy New Year 2017 is the time when a new calendar yearbeginsand the count of the calendar year is incremented. The newyear ofthe Gregorian calendar now in use around the world, fallsonJanuary 1, as was the case with the Roman calendar. It wasonlyrecently that 1 January is returned on the first day of thenewyear in Western culture. Up to 1751 in England and Wales (andallthe British dominions). Since January 1 was the first day oftheNew Year and celebrated as the day.Whispered a prayer, for someone so dear. wishing peace&hope, and a happy new year 2017Dear God, my prayer for 2017 is a fat bank account and athinbody. Please don't mix these up like you did this year.Out with the old, in with the new, may you be happy thewholeyear through. Happy New Year!Here is a wishing that the coming year is a glorious oneThat rewards all your future endeavors with success.The most striking advantages of Images with phrases.New year greetings: Wish your friends and loved ones a HappyNewYear with these Festive New Year Cards! New Year / HolidayCardsare a popular and affordable way to send somethingpersonalized anda lot special to your family and friends. So today,we’d like toshow you a series of New Year Cards/ Holiday Cards. Ihope you likethese new year messages and wish greeting cardsdesigns / 2017 newyear greeting card designs..Its time to say goodbye to currentyear. Another year is here at our doorsteps. New Yearis a time forfresh start and new beginning. Embrace the New Yearwith a new viewon life. Welcome 2017 with hope and optimism.Wishing you thebrightest New Year ever.Choose from the collectionof 2017 New Yeargreeting cards and New Year wishes given below andsend New YearSms and Greetings images to friends and relatives orshare new yearwishes on Facebook or other social media.. Celebratethe arrival of2017 and wish everyone a Happy and Prosperous NewYear. Send NewYear wallpaper and Messages to your friends to wishthem a HappyNew Year 2017.New Year is celebrated all over the world with great funandenthusiasm. It is a special day for the people and they wellcomeupcoming year in their own way. People buy new clothes, giftsanddifferent things from market. Shops are full of crowd onthesedays. !st January is Celebration of New Year in India is a funfullof food, frolic and rituals. People celebrated it with musicanddance. Children are very happy on this day as they get giftsandgood food to enjoy. In India, different community celebratestheirnew year on different date according to their calendar. Butoverallit is a festival which shown happiness in people and spreadjoyeverywhere.★ 100 Wallpapers you can set on Mobile Screen.★ It's totally Free.★ You Can See photo of Happy New Year 2017 HD Cards QuotesPhotosand HD Images 2017.★ Bookmark favorite of Happy New Year 2017 HD Images WishGreetingCards Sms Quotes Wishes Wallpaper And Full HD Images inapp.★ Share picture via-Instagram/Facebook/Twitter/Email/Messages★ Most important is internet connectivity is required for usethisapp.★ Choose your favorite photo Share via email, Social Media&networks.If you are like our app therefor send your friends, this isthebest app for that.So enjoy with the app and please give me suggestions to improveitby sending me email.
SMS Bonne année 2017 1.0
Voulez vous des meilleur message debonneannéeon forme de texte voeux et carte bonne fête pourfélicitervos amiset souhaiter bonne année ,Cette nouvelle annéeVous netrouverez pasle problème de souhaiter une bonne année parcequeNous vousfournirons les voeux de bonne année qui est desbonmodele de voeuxou bien modele carte de voeux pour vousutilisereux message devoeux.vous sera capable de edit carte bonne fete et fairevoeuxdanniversaire ou bien cartes voeux gratuites sansbesoind'achetercarte virtuelle anniversaire notre applicationcontienttous ca ,contient : carte de bonne fete,cartefete,voeuxanniversaire pourvivre bonne fete. tant que utelise cetteapp serapuisssance defaire voeux de nouvel an formidable et voeuxde bonneannée ou bienvoeux nouvelle année;voeux nouvelleannée.À l'occasion de nouvelle année nous souhaitons avec messagedebonneannee et vos lettre de voeux et texte carte de voeuxetfinalementnous souhaitons bons voeux; Nous vous souhaitons unbontemps feuxd'artifice heureux. Cette application estpourFélicitations vousamis .Сatégories:calendrier chinois,nouvelanchinois2017,Anniversaire,nouvel an,carte bonneannée,nouvelleannée,msg denouvelle année,Joyeux Noël et BonneAnnée!,texte bonneannée,Do you wantbettermessageHappy New Year is formed greeting text and rightcardcelebration tocongratulate friends and wish good year thisnewyear you will notfind the problem to wish a good year becausewewill provide you thebest wishes for good year that is therightgreeting model or modelgreeting card for you to usethemcongratulatory will be able to edit bonne fete card and make wishesforbirthdayor Free greeting cards no need to buy virtualbirthdaycard appcontains all our ca contains: bonne fete card,festivalcard,birthday wishes to live bonne fete. As utelise thisappwillpuisssance to greeting new year greeting and great goodyearorgreeting new year greeting new year.On the occasion of New Year we wish with message of goodyearsandyour letter and greeting text greeting card and finallywewishgood wishes; We wish you a good time happyfireworks.Thisapplication is for you Congratulations friends.Сatégories: Chinese calendar, Chinese New Year 2017,anniversary,newyear, happy new year, new year card, new year msg,MerryChristmasand Happy New Year text good year!
2017 New year Happy 1.1.5
New themes
2017 New year Happy is our latestfreethemewith beautiful 2017 New year Happy HD wallpapers and 2017NewyearHappy lock screen. The 2017 New year Happy theme is packedwithHD2017 New year Happy wallpapers and exquisite 2017 NewyearHappyapp icons, designed for mobile theme fanatics. Want tomakeyourAndroid phone smoother and smarter? Please download the2017Newyear Happy theme now, more surprises are waiting foryoutodiscover!Apply the 2017 New year Happy theme to enjoy more FREEWallpapersandThemes! Make your phone stylish!Wanna give your phone some style? Come and download the2017Newyear Happy theme for free and make your Samsung, Huaweiandanyother brands of Android mobile stylish.Things you can enjoy with 2017 New year Happy:Cool themes and HD wallpapers- High quality Images specially designed for your phone- Brand new beautiful themes updated every day3D themes and live wallpapers:- Add 2017 New year Happy theme to your 3D theme- 2017 New year Happy dynamic wallpapers with a varietyoftouchgestures, so you can feel the beauty of 2017 New year Happyatyourfingertips.- More 3D themes and dynamic wallpapers with fluid3Deffects,experience today's cutting-edge technology.Live Wallpapers- Different live wallpapers, including the gold rose,waterfallandmany more.- You can also add gestures and particles to the wallpaperstomakeyour phone look coolOther benefits:- Different variety of themes, wallpaper, app iconsanddailyupdates.- We provide special designs during festive periods,whetherit'sChristmas, Halloween and other holidays, we will have athemeforyou and everyone, so you can feel the festive atmospherethatyoulove.- Like football, basketball and other sports? Findyourfavoritesports theme here, along with your favoritecelebrities,cartoons,and anything else.- Experience smooth 3D and HD themes and wallpapersregardlessofwhat phone model you useApply the 2017 New year Happy theme now, to makeyourphonefaster and organized. The original app icons, clockandweathertheme of your phone will be replaced by the 2017 NewyearHappytheme.Just install the 2017 New year Happy themeandstartpersonalizing your phone!
GIF New Year Collection 1.1
Vision India
GIF New Year Collection app isspeciallycreatedwith nice realistic and Beautiful animated NewYearbackground; ithas a huge collection of New Year GIF, so wishyourfriends &family on this New Year 2017 using GIF NewYearCollection. New Year is the time at whichanew calendaryear begins and thecalendar's yearcount incrementsby one. Many culturescelebrate the event insome manner. The NewYear ofthe Gregorian calendar, todaymostly in use, falls on1 January(New Year's Day), as was the caseboth in theold Romancalendar (at least after about 713BCE) and inthe Juliancalendar that succeeded it.Check out the Best collection of free happy New Year2017HDGifs.Features:*This app includes New Year GIFs which can be use asNewYeargreetings, new year cards, e-cards 2017*Nice collection of New Year GIFs*Save & share new year GIF greeting to youfamilyandfriends*You can choose your card from varieties of GIFs from thescrollviewof thumbnails*It's time for fun; spread the joy with fabulous Happy Newyear2017GIFs. *You can send GIFs to your friends, family, love,brother;sister,wife, husband, boss, uncle and aunt or you can send e-card to someone special.*High Quality collection, this is an absolutely free app.*Fully supports horizontal orientation*Fast speed*Share via social networking sites like whatsapp,twitter,hike,instagram, facebook etc.Use this awesome GIF New Year Collection app for NewYeargreetingand wish your loved one a happy new year.Thanks for using this app, leave us your feedback andwewillconsider them for future updates!Write us suggestions and rate this app to encourage us.Thank you.Happy New Year!!!