Top 20 Apps Similar to Egg

EI国际 1.0.4
EI国际有限公司(Early Infinity HoldingSdnBhd)是由英国上市公司(EEQP)大股东组成的专业团队,注入巨资成立的趋势平台。EI控股于2015年1月在马来西亚实达沙亚南以4层高半独立式办公楼设立总部,以整合资源、『共创同享』企业理念开创趋势商机,展开了企业的全新篇章。EI领导团队由各领域精英组成,并拥有卓越的管理与拓展的实力。我们管理团队实力涵盖金融界风险管理、电子商务运作、国际连锁经营及保健网络营销等。除此之外,企业旗下还拥有专业的理财和投资专家,并多次成功把国内外公司包装上市,不论是后台管理还是客服都使用电脑化网络系统管理以达至全球通联的平台。EI国际以【网络行销结合资本市场】的独特商业模式,推广新颖的营销概念,让消费创业者以小资本加盟获取倍增的收入及建立永续经营的事业。EI控股企业宏愿是透过新颖的商业模式,让所有追求健康、年轻、美丽的消费创业者,拥有高收入并同时共享资本市场的财富,实现非凡自由的人生。EI控股以强大的管理团队为根基,“共创同享”的理念、“换个品牌,换个未来”的使命及网络行销结合资本市场独特的商业模式,立足大马,放眼全世界。
Биология - 5-11 класс ЕГЭ, ОГЭ 2.6.0
Study Apps
The best crib in biology! It contains material on all sectionsofthe school course
University of Oklahoma 2023.08.2800 (build 11512)
The official app for University of Oklahoma.
B ou D 1.0.0
Cuca Games
Jogo educativo para criançascomdislexia.Educational gameforchildren with dyslexia.
Magical Egg 1.0.6
Rara satarin
Eggs, also known as eggs, are birds,reptilesand amphibians born, with hard shell eggs, fertilizedafterhatching small animals for human consumption has been forthousandsof years. Eggs are protected by eggshells, while proteinsand eggyolks are wrapped in a variety of films.Egg yolks and whole eggs store large amounts of protein, cholineandother nutrients. Therefore, the US Department of Agriculturewill bethe egg in the diet pyramid defined as meat.The most commonly used human eggs are eggs (aka chicken), theothermore common for eating eggs are duck eggs, quail eggs, gooseand soon.* Egg shell * Protein * Egg yolkYou have to spend a lot of time trying to click on onemillioneggs.Very simple fun games, crazy and addictive surpriseschildren'ssimulated egg games.Adults, children, boys, girls are like to play with toys orpuppets,and so special mysterious surprise, you will want todownload.-------------------------This is a very educational game, the egg is one of the veryhealthyfood, when you play this application, but also to understandtheimportant value of eggs, as well as for us to grow thenecessaryfood , We have to eat in addition to outside, but alsotounderstand how the egg is generated, this game with educationandthe merger of the application, just what you need, please hurrytodownload and play, and all, there are special surprisespreparedfor you It! . .Play Description:* Keep clicking the eggs* Collect all the different images* Get the best surprises
Cerita Anak: Angsa & Telur Emas
Educa Studio
RIRI (Cerita Anak Interaktif)berusahamenghadirkan sebuah aplikasi buku cerita anak dan dongengyangmenarik dan interaktif. Dikemas menggunakan bahasa yangringan,sehingga mudah dimengerti oleh anak-anak. Aplikasi inidilengkapidengan animasi, suara serta musik pendukung yangmenjadikan lebihmenarik.RINGKASAN CERITAPada zaman dahulu, ada seekor angsa ajaib yang dipeliharaolehseorang petani miskin. Angsa Ajaib ini bisa bertelur emas!Betapagembiranya sang Petani. Ia kemudian mengumpulkan telur-teluremasitu dan menjualnya. Tak lama kemudian, sang Petani miskinberubahmenjadi orang yang sangat kaya. Namun sayang, ia berubahmenjadiorang yang serakah. Ia bahkan memperlakukan angsa ajaibnyadengankasar. Bagaimana kisah selanjutnya? Apa yang terjadi pada siangsaajaib ini? Ayo baca kisah lengkapnya hanya di RIRI - KisahAngsadan Telur Emas.RIRI (Cerita Anak Interaktif & Game Edukasi) hadir dengankisahbaru : RIRI - KISAH ANGSA DAN TELUR EMAS.Tidak hanya ceritanya saja yang menarik, buku cerita anakinteraktifini juga dilengkapi dengan animasi yang sangatinteraktif. Sertaberbagai macam permainan edukasi yang sangatmenarik untukdimainkan. Baca ceritanya, nikmati animasinya danmainkan serunyapermainan edukasi! Hanya ada di Riri - Legenda BatuMenangis.FITUR APLIKASI1. Buku Cerita dengan Narasi Otomatis2. Buku Cerita dengan mode Baca Sendiri3. Animasi yang menarik4. Game edukasi yang mendidik (belajar warna, berhitung,puzzle,labirint, ketangkasan,)5. Musik dan Audio yang membuat cerita menjadi lebih hidup6. Cocok untuk anak-anakAplikasi ini dapat digolongkan ke dalam aplikasi DongengAnak,Cerita Anak Interaktif, Cerita Rakyat, Asal Usul Daerah,CeritaDaerah. Sangat cocok untuk anak-anak :)Mengenai RIRIRIRI merupakan serial buku cerita anak interaktif yangmengusungtema cerita-cerita rakyat asli dari Indonesia sertadongeng dariseluruh dunia. Semua cerita rakyat dan dongeng inidikemas secarainteraktif, disuguhkan dengan nuansa khas Indonesia.Buku ceritaanak ini dapat digunakan oleh anak-anak yang belum bisamembacamelalui narasi dan animasi otomatis. Untuk anak-anak yangsudahbisa membaca dapat menggunakan mode Baca Sendiri. SelainBukuCerita Anak Interaktif, setiap seri disediakan permainanedukatifuntuk anak yang mendidik seperti Warna, Angka, Berhitungdan masihbanyak lagi yang lainnya.KRITIK SARANKami mengharapkan kritik dan saran dari anda, jangan raguuntukmengirimkannya ke :#Email: support@educastudio.comInformasi lebih lanjut mengenai Buku Cerita AnakInteraktif(RIRI):#Website: @educastudioBagi yang suka berburu buku cerita anak ataupun buku dongeng,RIRImenjadi pilihan yang tepat. Downlaod sekarang juga, dantemukankeasyikan didalamnya.RIRI(InteractiveChildren's Story) trying to present an application anda children'sstory book tale interesting and interactive. Packagedusing mildlanguage, so it is easily understood by children. Theapplicationcomes with animation, sound and music supporters whomade moreattractive.STORY SUMMARYIn ancient times, there is a magic swan reared by a poorfarmer.Magic goose can lay golden eggs! How excited the farmer. Hethencollect the golden eggs and sell. Shortly thereafter, thepoorfarmer turned into a very rich man. But unfortunately, heturnsinto a greedy person. He even treated harshly magic goose. Sowhathappens next? What happened to the goose this magic? Let's readthefull story only in RIRI - Story Goose and the Golden Egg.RIRI (Children's Interactive Stories & Games Education)comeswith a new story: RIRI - GOOSE STORY AND GOLDEN EGG.Not only the story are interesting, interactive children'sstorybook also comes with a highly interactive animations. As wellas awide range of educational games that are very interesting toplay.Read the story, enjoy the thrill of the animation andplayeducational games! Only in Riri - Legend of the StoneCrying.FEATURES APPLICATIONS1. Narrative Story Book with Automatic2. Story Books to Read Alone mode3. Animation interesting4. Game educate education (learning colors, counting,puzzle,labyrinth, agility)5. Music and Audio which makes the story come alive6. Suitable for childrenThese applications can be classified into the applicationTaleChildren, Children's Interactive Stories, Folklore, OriginsofRegional, Local Stories. It is suitable for children :)About RIRIRIRI a series of interactive children's book on the themeoffolklore native of Indonesia and fables from around the world.Allthis folklore and fairy tales packaged in an interactive,servedwith the feel of a typical Indonesia. This children's bookcan beused by children who can not read through narration andanimationautomatically. For children who can read can use the ReadAlonemode. In addition to the Interactive Children's Story Book,eachseries is provided for educational games that educate childrenlikeColors, Numbers, Numeracy and much more.CRITICISM ADVICEWe expect criticism and suggestions from you, please do nothesitateto send it to:#email: Support@educastudio.comFurther information about the Interactive Children's StoryBook(RIRI):#website: Http:// Https:// @educastudioFor those who like to hunt a children's book or a book offairytales, RIRI be the right choice. Downlaod now, and find thefun init.
Farm Games Animal Kids Puzzles 1.4
Eggroll Games
Puzzle Farm features delightful interactive animal puzzles foryourtoddler.
親子で作ろう!ふわふわたまごクッキング 1.1.0
このアプリは3歳でも「簡単に遊べる」をコンセプトに開発しました。子供向けの卵料理キッチンごっこ遊びアプリです。親子で楽しく、「オムライス・親子丼・卵焼き」を作って、美味しく食べよう!対象:2~6歳くらい(※3歳位の子は親子で一緒にお楽しみください)【遊び方】 1.作る料理を選ぼう!2.食材を指でトントンしたり、ご飯を炒めるよ。 オムライスはケチャップで仕上げ!かわいいイラストを描いてもいいよ!3.美味しい卵料理のできあがり!タップして、パクパク食べよう!おうちの人と一緒に仲良く楽しみましょう!※広告はTOP画面右上の「広告非表示(歯車アイコン)」ボタンを押すと非表示(有料)にできます。【ゆめあるアプリの制作ポリシー】1.安全に小さな「成功・失敗体験」を経験する 2.親子のコミュニケーションを大切にする3.優しさを大切にするアプリ童謡がいっぱい親子向けサイト「ゆめある」
OppiaMobile Learning 7.3.12
OppiaMobile: delivering content, quizzes and video contentwhilstoffline.
The Strongest Egg 1.1.3
Itsuka Kotori
Can you crack all the eggs it? Eggs areveryhard and very expensive especially great too!A total of six eggs, you have to Yiyi crushed, what willitlast?Even I do not know, I only know that the egg is very strong,youhave to beat him.You knock up to 24 hours continuously, it may also not enoughtime,because the back of the eggs will be more powerful, morerigid,more particularly it.Are you ready? With your fastest hand of God, constantlyattackingthe eggs directly to the split, the replaced an egg, beatuntil allmay play a dislocated hand, but we will not be responsiblefor,very sorry, in short, hard hitting egg!Desperately trying to re-take the time to spend energy, thereisalways broken off day, the egg is very strong, but the effortisdefinitely not inferior to the genius type egg yo ~When can knock eggs:★ attending a lecture, they can secretly mad knock click XD★ bored, you can pass the time chirp Mi ♥★ killing and students chatting★ in the back and when reading text★ As long as you are willing, when no problemAfter all your Qiaowan broken off, want to be able to comment,forus it is the greatest support and help.Thank you! !
Love Egg 1.0.9
Itsuka Kotori
Ready to enjoy this egg has a feeling it!Thisis among the couple gave birth to the egg, which contains allthefeelings crystallized, touch the heart, allowing the eggshatchout, u will get the expected situation in love yo ~Touch one egg, showing a relationship, will wipe out the sparkoflove yo ~This is to make girls and boys especially love eggs surprisegame,feel the love plot egg inside it!Like pink eggs do? There will be representatives of the new peachyo~Spend much time playing love egg, will increase their lovestory,play longer the more romantic encounters more and more chancetofind a new partner boyfriend girlfriend playful love story. Donotbelieve this application will have to play romantic encountersyo~
Learn Spanish with MosaLingua
MosaLingua Crea
★ Learn Spanish in no time!MosaLingua'seffective and addictive teaching method will help youmemorizeloads of vocabulary, key phrases and conjugations in recordtime.★By using the dialogue exercises, you'll be able to improve bothyourSpanish comprehension and your speaking skills at thesametime.MosaLingua was designed by a Spanish professor and a teamofpolyglots who actually use MosaLingua on a daily basis.Learn the essential 20% that will apply 80% of the time.Afterwardsyou can choose an area of focus that is relevant for you(travel,sports, business, technology...). Spending just 5 minutesper dayfor two months will allow you to memorize 600 words andkeyphrases!Whether you are starting Spanish from scratch or you alreadyknowthe basics, MosaLingua is adapted to suit your language needs.It'slike having your own private tutor in your pocket!Whether your motivation for learning Spanish is for school(diploma,class, course, SAT, GCSE), vacation, business purposes orsimply forthe joy of learning, MosaLingua will have you speakingSpanish in notime:MOSALINGUA CONSISTS OF:- 3000+ flash cards of vocabulary and phrases, includingaudiopronunciations by native speakers- 14 diverse categories (e.g. Accommodation,transportation,shopping, tourism, social, emergencies...)-more than 100 sub-categories (e.g. At the restaurant, at thehotel,buying and negotiating, sports, partying, flirting...)- Up to 10 levels to complete, from the basics to morespecializedvocabulary- 17 dialogues presenting common situations that come up onvacation(or when traveling)- Study lessons and language tips that will aidyourprogression- More than 100 bonus materials to unlock as you progress- Online dictionnary- Possibility to create your own cardsLEARN THE ESSENTIAL 20% THAT WILL TAKE YOU 80% OF THE WAY:- Learn the most useful/most used vocab (and the mostsimple)first- Learn only the most useful phrases for your studies, foryourtravel, or for Spanish SAT or GCSEHIGHLY EFFICIENT AND PROVEN LEARNING METHOD:MosaLingua uses the Spaced Repetition System (SRS), the productofseveral years of scientific research- Calculates review dates for the flash cards according tohowdifficult you find each one, to encourage efficient and longtermmemorization- Spend time learning what you find useful, not what youalreadyknow- MosaLingua constantly adapts to your needs and pace (likeaprivate teacher)- Use both audio and visual memory- Sustained learning (long-term memory)LEARN SPANISH ON THE GO- You get to decide how long each lesson will be (it doesn'tmatterwhether you have only 2 minutes or more than 30 minutestospend)- Automatically adapts to your needs and pace- You can stop a lesson and then pick up where you left offwheneveryou want- You don't need an internet connection, all the lesson andcontentis available OFFLINEFUN AND ADDICTIVE- Unlock bonuses as you progress (dialogues, jokes, funfacts,sayings, tips)- Learn from dialogues based on realistic situations that youmayencounter on vacation- You'll be amazed at how quickly you will learn new words andhowaddictive it becomes- the App keeps track of your progress giving you the motivationyouneed to succeedThe app is constantly being improved. We take user feedbackintoaccount. Free and regular updates are in the works!If you have a suggestion or need assistance, please click onthecustomer support link or at - youareguaranteed a reply!Note: All the content listed in this description is alreadyincludedin the application at no extra cost (in-app purchases areavailableshould you wish to purchase optional content).
Toca Life: Farm 1.4.1-play
Toca Boca
Work and play the farmer's way!
Moose Math by Duck Duck Moose 1.3
Build your own city while mastering early elementary math! Ages3-7.
OU Syllabus 1.3
This app features simple and bold ideology of the materialdesign.This app has synthesized the entire Osmania UniversitySyllabusinto a simple and handy app, perfect for use as analternative toyour syllabus copy.
Mo'ui Fo'ou Youth Int'l 3.4.2
Welcome to the Official Mo'ui Fo'ou 'iaKalaisiFellowship (New Life in Christ Fellowship) Youth App. Ourgoal is toconnect our young people globally and help them growthlocally, bothspiritually and intellectually.We promote bilingual content (English and Tongan) to developandfoster cultural awareness and education. But above all, we seektoreclaim and reestablish the Lordship of Jesus Christ inusindividually and corporately and this app is one of the toolsbeingused to that end.For more information about Mo'ui Fo'ou 'ia KalaisiFellowship,please visit: http://www.beta.mouifoou.comThe Mo'ui Fo'ou Youth Int'l App was created with theSubsplashApp Platform.App: © 2017 Subsplash, Content: © 2017 Mo'ui Fo'ou 'iaKalaisiFellowship
SAE RA EI 5 anos volume 1 1.0.1
PENSADO PARA VOCÊCom o App RA SAE Digital, desenvolvido pelo SAE Digital,vocêtemacesso a diversas atividades virtuais de estudo por meiodoseucelular ou tablet. São atividades interativas,jogos,vídeos,animações, textos e imagens diversas que ampliam oestudoque vocêestá realizando em seu livro. Para isso, vocêdevedirecionar acâmera do seu celular ou tablet para a página dolivroque tem oícone de RA e, em alguns segundos, a atividadeaparecerána suatela.SISTEMA DE APOIO AO ENSINOEste app faz parte do SAE - Sistema de Apoio ao Ensino,umamarcaeducacional presente em instituições de ensino de todooBrasil commaterial de aprendizagem abrangendo desde o Infantil,FI,FII,médio, pré-ENEM e extensivo.Para mais informações sobre o sistema deensino,visite:http://sae.digitalTHOUGHT FOR YOUWith the App RA SAE Digital, developed by Digital SAE,youhaveaccess to multiple virtual activities of study throughyourphoneor tablet. They are interactive activities,games,videos,animations, text and several images that expand thestudythat youare performing in your book. For this, you must directthecameraof your phone or tablet to the page of the book that hastheRAicon, and in a few seconds, the activity will appearonyourscreen.EDUCATION SUPPORT SYSTEMThis app is part of the SAE - System Support Education,agifteducational brand in educational institutionsthroughoutBrazilwith learning material ranging from the Children,FI, FII,medium,pre-ESMS and extensive.For more information about the educationsystem,visit:
Цитология. Белки. 2.1
Представляем Вам справочник по основным белкам клетки,разработанныйстудентами Факультета Фундаментальной МедициныМосковскогоГосударственного Университета имени Ломоносова в рамкахкурсацитологии. (Лечебное дело) Приложение содержит: - Всеосновные белкицитологии с описанием. - Присутствуют иллюстрации -Интегрированудобный поиск по всем белкам. Приложение будет полезнодля всех, ктоизучает цитологию, гистологию на профессиональномуровне. База будетобновляться и пополняться новой информацией.Вопросы и предложенияразработчику: Просветов Андрей
Eggbun: Learn Korean Fun 4.11.3
Learn Korean with Eggbun! Practice speaking, reading, listeningandwriting!
Imitator Egg 1.0.8
Eggs, also known as eggs, are birds,reptilesand amphibians born, with hard shell eggs, fertilizedafterhatching small animals for human consumption has been forthousandsof years. Eggs are protected by eggshells, while proteinsand eggyolks are wrapped in a variety of films.You must keep clicking on the eggsShake the eggs, will slowly crackThere are toys, puppets, small fairies, etc., you can likeNai Wan, lasting, 100 is not greasy gameKids, girls, adults all love the surprises fun game!-------------------------This is a very educational game, the egg is one of the veryhealthyfood, when you play this application, but also to understandtheimportant value of eggs, as well as for us to grow thenecessaryfood , We have to eat in addition to outside, but alsotounderstand how the egg is generated, this game with educationandthe merger of the application, just what you need, please hurrytodownload and play, and all, there are special surprisespreparedfor you It! . .Play Description:* Keep clicking the eggs* Collect all the different images* Get the best surprises