Top 16 Apps Similar to Рус тилидан тестлар

Русский язык. Диктанты, упражн 6.7
Spelling: exercises. Class 4 - 8. Preparation for the exam
Россия для всех (Узбекский) 1.0.2
The course of the Russian language, the history and basicsofRussian legislation in the Uzbek language
Справочник по русскому языку 1.2
Это объемное собрание правил русского языка. Справочникподойдеттем,кто не уверен в своих знаниях русской грамматики,поможетразобратьсяв правописании слов и пунктуации. Справочниксостоит из3 частей. В1-й части содержится информация по разделам:фонетика,графика,орфография, морфемика, словообразование,морфология.Описаны все видыразборов: фонетический,морфемный,словообразовательный,морфологический. Часть 2 "Синтаксисипунктуация" посвящена правиламразбора простых исложныхпредложений. В части 3 "Русский язык икультура общения" вынайдетеинформацию о следующих понятиях русскогоязыка: -Орфоэпическиенормы - Морфологические нормы - Синтаксическиенормы -Социальныеварианты русского языка - Стили русскоголитературногоязыка -Точность речи и лексика русского языка - Тексти егоосновныепризнаки Упражнения ко всем темам справочника и ответыкнимсмотрите на сайте вразделеОнлайн-библиотека/Русскийязык.
Русский язык - тесты ЕГЭ, ЦТ 1.4.1
The best simulator for preparing for exams, CT, Unified StateExam,ZV in Russian!
Russian noun declension (Paid) 1.25
Look through all grammar cases forms of Russian nouns offline!
Фразеологический словарь
Russian phrasebook offline dictionary with easy andfunctionalinterface.
Strsses of Russian language
The stress in the Russian language. Correctly to put an accentinaword is sometimes a difficult task for the media, notonlyforeign,but also native Russian language. However, ineveryday,andparticularly business communication is extremelyimportant,becausecorrect speech is the key to successfulcommunication. Howoften doyou hear the wrong accent in such wordsas "cakes","beautiful","directory", "quarter", "contract", etc.?Tofacilitatethe searchof answers to the questions such as Where isthe accentin aparticular word? this application has been created.This topicisquite difficult to grasp, because the samples of thesound ofwordsa person perceives on hearing and copies them from thespeechofthe people around him. It is therefore very importanttoprovidethe opportunity to hear the correct accent, andwhatdistinguishesthis application from many peers. Also intoday'sreality, thetheme "Stress" is relevant for all studentsbecause itis found inthe exam on the Russian language. It wouldseem thatthere isnothing easier than to put an accent, and everyonecan saytoyourself, "I Decide use, at least, the task 4 tests theexam ontheRussian language is very easy". However, aspracticeshows,orthoepic norms are not learned by all the graduates.Thisapp isto help all those who prepare for the exam 2017: testswithanswersin the appropriate format is a great opportunity topracticetask 4the exam on the Russian language. This program: -designedforlearning the correct production of the stress in wordswhichareoften pronounced by native Russian speakers incorrectly.-allowsyou to prepare for the task 4 of the format of the examontheRussian language, tests for which are fully basedonPronouncingthe exam at least 2017; - contains audio files,offeringsamples ofpronunciation of words; - involves passing anumber oftests, eachof which consists of 10 tasks and is evaluatedon ascale; - givesthe opportunity, after passing the tests to knowthetime spent forthe decision of tasks and the average result;-developed using thefollowing sources: 1. Efremova T. F.Newdictionary of Russianlanguage. Sensible-word-formation. 2.OzhegovS. I., Shvedova N. Yudictionary of the Russian language.3.Reznichenko I. L. Orthoepicdictionary of the Russianlanguage:Pronunciation. The emphasis. 4.Ushakov D. N. Explanatorydictionaryof the Russian language. 5.Philosophical encyclopedia :in 5volumes / chapters. edited by F.V. Konstantinov. Every monththereis an application update thatenables users to constantlyimprovetheir knowledge.
Linguist spelling of the Russian language in tests
Linguist: orthography.Russianlanguage.    Correctly to write a wordissometimes adifficult task for the carrier not only foreign,butalso nativeRussian. However, the ability to write correctlyisextremelyimportant for any person, regardless ofprofession,because it isan indicator of a person'soverallculture.    How often do you askyourself, howdo youspell this or that word? To facilitate thesearch for answerstothis question, this application was created.Spelling is studiedinschool from the 1st to the 9th grade, but inthis case many ofusalways write correctly? Of course not, but weall learnthroughoutlife, so this application will be useful to anynativespeaker ofthe Russian language who wants to improve hisknowledgeofspelling.     Also in modernreality,everyschoolboy encounters OGE and EGE in Russian. It wouldseemthatit's so simple - to choose the right spelling fromtheproposedoptions and everyone can say to themselves "I decide ontheUnifiedState Examination perfectly, because tasks 8-14 in thetestsof theUnified State Examination in the Russian language areverysimple."However, practice shows that spelling norms are notadoptedby allgraduates of the school. This application is to helpallthose whoprepare for OGE and EGE 2018: tests with answersandexplanation ofthe rule, as well as vocabulary dictation isanexcellentopportunity for all schoolchildren to prepare fortheexams inRussian with pleasure. This program: - designed tostudyspellingnorms in Russian; - allows you to prepare for OGE andEGEinRussian; - contains a lot of tests on certain spellingtopicswithan explanation of the rules for writing words; -givestheopportunity to learn not only spelling rules, but alsotogetacquainted with the writing and meaning of a setofvocabularywords; - provides for the passage of a certain numberoftests,each of which consists of 10 tasks and is evaluated onafive-pointscale; - gives an opportunity after passing the teststofind outthe time spent on solving tasks and the averagefinalresult; -developed with the help of the following sources: 1.TheGreatSoviet Encyclopedia. 2. Bulyko AN A large dictionaryofforeignwords. 3. Efremova TF New Dictionary ofRussian.Interpretative andword-building. 4. Kuznetsov S.A. GreatDictionaryof Russianlanguage. 5. Ozhegov SI, Shvedova N. Yu.Explanatorydictionary ofthe Russian language. 6. Rosenthal D.E.Collection ofexercises onthe Russian language. 7. Ushakov D.N.Explanatorydictionary of theRussian language. Every month, theapplication isupdated, whichmakes it possible users constantlyimprove theirknowledge.
Bilimdon - Rus Tili 2.2
Bilimdon - Rus Tili dasturi yordamida rus tilini osono'rganishmumkin.
Dal Dictionary 1.21
V.I.Dal. The Explanatory Dictionary of the Living GreatRussianLanguage
Learn Russian Phrasebook 2.5.06
Over 3500 Russian Words and Phrases. One of the mostcomprehensivephrasebooks available. Are you planning a trip toRussia? Are youliving in the country? PhrasePack Russian has beendesigned to helpyou interact with the locals. From ordering food ina restaurant,asking for directions or to be in an emergency, thisapp helps youto be understood by the locals in many situations.HIGHLIGHTS +FREE Version already contains more than 1000 phrases! +Upgrade toaccess 3500+ Russian phrases + High quality recordingsfrom nativespeakers + Choose between male and female voices +Switch betweenformal and informal language + Add commonly usedphrases to yourfavorites + Search for specific words + No InternetConnectionrequired PhrasePack's specially designed sentence builderallowsyou to construct your own sentences without the need to lookup foradditional words. You need a plane ticket to Moscow? Selectthebase sentence and the location and PhrasePack will build andspeakthe complete sentence automatically. Are you ready for a quiz?TryPhrasePack's Russian Language Quiz and learn some essentialphrasesin a fun way! CATEGORIES All phrases and words areeasilyaccessible within our categories or you can use the simplesearchfunction. PEOPLE - Conversations - Hobbies & Sports-Communication - Romance - Weather TRAVEL - Getting around&Cities - Border & Airport - Countries & Languages-Directions & Places - Accommodation FOOD & DRINKS -Foodand Local Dishes - Drinks - Restaurant - Spices SIGHTS &SHOPS- Tourist Attractions - Shopping - Purchase & Bargaining-Colors HEALTH - Emergencies - Pharmacy and Hospital TIME&NUMBERS - Days & Months - Time & Appointments -NumbersPhrasePack is developed by a team of language learningexperts withten years of experience in developing language learningsoftware.GET IN TOUCH PhrasePack is continuously being developedand we lovehearing from you. Please send us your feedback,suggestions andcomments to If you likethis app,please give us a rating!
Russian noun declension 1.25
Look through all grammar cases forms of Russian nouns offline!
Lugat 1.5
Crimean Tatar dictionary
Орфография: Диктант PRO 1.3
Game - test "Spelling: Dictation PRO" in the subjects:Russianlanguage and literature
Энциклопедический словарь
Free offline Collegiate Dictionary with easy, functional interface
Маҷмӯаи тестҳо 1.1.4
Ibtido Tech.
Testҳo Baro talabagon dovtalabon Islands (Malvinas Machmuaitesthotestҳoi MMT)