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Jaci Agustin 8
French Novelist Gustave Flaubert oncewrote,“The most glorious moments in your life are not the so-calleddaysof success, but rather those days when out of dejection anddespairyou feel rise in you a challenge to life, and the promise offutureaccomplishments.”I’ve had many glorious moments.When I was six, my single mom, sister Alyssa and I werehomelesson the Big Island. We had just moved there from Montana andmy momwas trying to make a better life for us by enrolling incollege.Unfortunately, with two young children and no steady sourceofincome, she struggled to make ends meet and we ended up living inaVolkswagen van on the beach.I knew we were poor. We relied on food stamps. And thereweretimes I was so worried about my mom getting enough food thatIwould save my school lunch for her. But I didn’t let thisdefineme. I didn’t allow for any negativity. I took it as anopportunityto rise to the challenge and today I feel very fortunatethat I canshare this experience with others and show them that nomatterwhere you come from, you can always reach for higher rungs intheladder of life.My promise of future accomplishments has manifested itselfinmany ways. Working for seven years at one of Hawaii’slargestnonprofit organizations, I was able to serve over6,000underprivileged youngsters on a weekly basis. I’ve helped feedthehomeless as the organizer of Christmas Eve Under NimitzViaducts.As Mrs. Hawaii, I broadened public awareness of healthynutritionfor all, but especially for low-income populationsthroughout theIslands. As a wife to my husband, Chad, a Honolulupolice officer,and mother to my three-year-old son C.J., I upholdtraditionalfamily values based on those of our parents andgrandparents.I’m saddened to see residents living on our streets anddecisionsbeing made at our State Capitol based on self, notservice. And, Ifeel compelled to rise to the challenge once again.I truly believewe can eliminate homelessness by putting ourcommunities’ bestinterests ahead of our own. I’m ready to makethis one of myglorious moments on the next rung on my ladder oflife. I am hopefulyou will share this moment with me.Aloha,Jaci Agustin