Top 15 Games Similar to IQ Booster

Kids IQ EN 1.2.9
This application is designed to develop and enhance childrenI.Q.Ituses an innovative way to teach your child to read, listenandmatchwords with pictures. A child best way to learn is byusingGodgifted senses. Kid's I.Q is designed to enable a child tolearnandrecognise the different Objects, Sounds, Colours,AlphabetandNumbers. The application is designed to developtheintelligenceand knowledge of children in a playful fun wayalongwith enhancingvocabulary. This app is best for pre-schoolandkindergartenchildren. Your valuable feedback will encourage ustobring newfeatures in the free updates.
Preschool IQ Test For Kids 1.0.3
Preschool IQ Test for Kids is new puzzlegamesfor kids fully packed with creative puzzle and answer whichyouwill have never imagine. Each puzzle is unique and shows offyourcreative thinking. The solutions will be simple but areneverobvious. Your stars will be based on number of time taken tosolvethe quiz so let's get started with this intense, mindblowinggame!Features:Different cunning puzzle questionsFun for all agesBest game for all fans of puzzles and riddles with answers!Simple yet addictive
Math Fight -IQ Test Playground 1.0
#1 Math puzzle game in Appstore for allageskids and adults! An math addition game for kids. This is notjust aMathway or mathaway game but more than that. It will allowyouperforming Addition, Subtraction, Division and Multiplicationandpractice them to improve your skills.Get free instant answers to your math problems, or subscribetoinclude step-by-step work and explanations. It’s amathletics.Enjoy multiplication table and multiplication chart foryourpractice. Enjoy this math problem solver and calculator.Do you like playing with numbers and Addition,Subtraction,Division and Multiplication problems? Then this is thevery rightplace for you!“Math Fight” is an SUPERB mathematical game that will make youanexpert in the basic calculation from your brain.Don’t miss this math drills app for your android device; itdoesn’trequire any internet connection to play. Try this andincrease youmath dictionary. Get mathematics answers using thismathbluster.How to Play?Super easy to play this game!- Answer will be given for you in the top of yourgameplayscreen.- Choose the numbers given below to get the given result.- Follow anyone from four basic rules of math;Addition,Subtraction, Division and Multiplication.- Never forget to come up with the result within given time oryouwill lose!App Features:- Awesome gaming idea with math learning.- Training mode for learning before you start.- Leaderboard multiplayer supported.- Addition Learning- Subtraction Learning- Division Learning- Multiplication Learning- Suitable for kids and adults!It’s an AWESOME brain training game for all! Don’t be late!Getthis game right now!Remember this is not a photomath game but a splash math gameforall. This math tutor will allow you to solve your any typeofsimple math through practice with it. It has flash cardssupportslike multiplication flash cards, multiplication facts etc.It alsoworks as a simple math equation solver.
Cute IQ 1.2
IQ questions and answers. Many levels andkindsof IQ question.
IQ Test 1.0.4
In five games Let's try the limits of his brain power.
IQ Foundation 4-5 Tahun 1.0.1
Edu-Games adalah games yangberisimateripendidikan dan disajikan dalam bentuk permainaninteraktifuntukmelatih kreatifitas dan meningkatkan kecerdasananak-anakUntuk anak umur 4-5 tahunIngin anak anda punya IQ yang tinggi ? PersiapkandariSEKARANG!Edu-Games Seri IQ Foundation ini dirancang khususuntukmemberilandasan cara berpikir yang kuat untuk anak 4-5tahun.Meliputipemahaman Logika, Problem Solving, Matematika, DayaIngatdanKreativitas. Disajikan dalam bentuk permainandangambar-gambaryang pasti sangat menarik bagi si anak, sambilbermainkemampuanotak anak anda akan dirangsang untuk dapatmenalar,merencanakan,dan memecahkan permasalahan-permasalahanyangdihadapinya.Edu-Games IQ Foundation akan menjadi fondasi kuatbagikecerdasananak anda.Fitur :- 10 games pilihan yang sesuai dengan umur anak- Dirancang khusus untuk memberi dasar kecerdasan anakusia4-5tahun- Dua pilihan Bahasa - Indonesia dan Inggris- Animasi dan Grafis yang sangat menarik bagi anak-anakMateri Pelajaran :- Melatih Logika- Melatih Memecahkan Masalah- Melatih Memori- Belajar Matematika- Belajar KreativitasEdu-Games aregamesthatcontain educational material and presented in theformofinteractive games to practice creativity andimprovechildren'sintelligenceFor children aged 4-5 yearsWant your child has a high IQ? Prepare from NOW!Edu-GamesIQFoundation Series is designed specifically to provideastrongfoundation for the way of thinking that children 4-5yearsold.Include understanding the logic, Problem Solving, Math,MemoryandCreativity. Presented in the form of games and images mustbeveryinteresting for the child, while playing ability ofyourchild'sbrain will be stimulated to be able to reason, plan,andsolve theproblems that it faces. Edu-Games IQ Foundation will beastrongfoundation for your child's intelligence.Features:- 10 games option that suits the child's age- Designed specifically to give the basic intelligenceofchildrenaged 4-5 years- Two options are English - Indonesian and English- Animation and graphics are very appealing to childrenSubject matter :- Train Logic- Train Troubleshooting- Memory Training- Learn math- Learning Creativity
Nursing IQ 1.1
What's Your Nursing IQ?NursingIQ is a time based trivia game fornurses,nursingstudents, and other healthcare workers.With over 40 levels to play, this game testsyournursingknowledge while helping you learn and/or re-learngeneralnursingconcepts.This app was made by nurses for nurses. It is aneducationalgameto help sharpen your nursing skills while havingfun. This appis byno means an exhaustive picture of nursing butcovers themostgeneral themes of med-surg nursing.Please remember; even the best of nursing instructors canbewrongat times (because of the ever changing scienceofnursing).If you disagree with an answer we ask that you would letusknowin an email, not in our app review. Enjoy!Disclaimer: Due to the nature of healthcare, the humanbody,andthe ever changing medical treatments, diseasesandmedications;please refer to the latest text books andmedicaljournals utilizedby institutions and educational facilitiesforsafe patient careand medical treatment. The informationpresentedin this app mayconsistently need to be changed and updatedtoreflect currentevidence based practice. Always refer toyourfacilitie’s protocol,your specific textbooks utilized byyoureducational facility,and/or your physician and his/hercurrentorders. The itemspresented in this app may be need to beupdated atany time and themakers of this app are not liable foroutdatedinformation asmedical science can change on a daily basis.This issimply aneducational game.
CDC Health IQ 2.1.7
Challenge your Health IQ in this fun and educational healthtriviaapp.
Math IQ Games
Math IQ Games ( V 1.0.1 )New updates, changes and features.- Re-design for better user-interface.- Adding some ads to support our contribution on developingbetterapps.- Setting , very COLORFUL . Change color of background and fontthatyou like.- Always auto-save your current progress.Next Update , we will consider to add other features.- Set question difficulties.- Remove ads- Keep your marks- Reminders- In-apps purchases
Toddler IQ Puzzle 1.0.1
The game offers three types of puzzles:1. Animal shapes: with this puzzle game your toddlerwilllearnthe names and sounds of lots of animals as they matchupimages totheir outline.2. Basic shapes: this puzzle game uses mathematicalbasicshapeslike triangle, circle and square to name but a few.Yourtoddlerwill hear the name of the shape when he starts draggingthemandwill be rewarded with funny sounds when he or she matchesuptheshape to its outline.3. Colour matching: recognition of colours is averyimportantstep in the development of your child; the purpose ofthispuzzleis to match up two circles that have the same colour. Aswiththemathematical basic shapes, your toddler will hear the nameofthecolour and be rewarded with funny sounds when hematchesthecorrect colours.Moreover, it comes in three languages (Soon French willbeaddedtoo):1. English2. Dutch3. AfrikaansThe educational aspect:The game is meant for tots and toddlers as an aid tothecognitivelearning process that every child naturally goesthrough.It is aboutrecognizing of matching shapes, very similar tothewooden puzzlesthat we have been using for decades and whichyourchild enjoys somuch.In the present day, technology can help in expandingandimprovingthe benefits of these puzzles, that have proventheirusefulness overthe years! Just remember though that thesewoodenpuzzles, because oftheir tangible nature, are still veryimportantin the development ofyour child. They teach differentfeelings oftexture among otherthings.The word 'cognition': involving consciousintellectualactivity,means that any action needs to be accompaniedwiththought. A newlybought wooden puzzle does this perfectlybecauseyour toddler needsto think and search for the correctshapes. Soonthough, the puzzlebecomes a part of their routine; yourchild knowsthe position ofall the shapes and places them frommemory ratherthen from activethought. This is still a very goodexercise, butthe cognitiveaspect of the puzzle has been mostlyspent.An electronic puzzle board can change continuouslyandthereforecan keep the cognitive aspect relevant for a longertimeand yourtots and toddlers will be able to keep theirinterestvested in thegame for a longer period of time. Byconsistentlyrepeating thenames of the shapes and colours the gamewill alsostimulate theauditory subconsciousness. We believe thismakes senseeven formore difficult names like rhombus orheptagon.The game works best with the help and supervision oftheparents.Playing and learning is something a child doesbestunderstimulation of love and patience; nothing is moreenjoyablethen acuddle or an enthusiastic cheer of mommy and daddywhentherelittle treasure does something great!
Math for Kids 2.0.6
GAV Apps
Math for kids is a great game where you can test yourintelligence.This is a logic game where some knowledge aboutmathematics andalgebra are required. Also you can train your brainand increase IQplaying and trying to solve each level. This gamewas created forchildren of all ages but it is interesting and funfor everyone.The game is simple. You will have some objects (balls,animals,fruits, etc.) descending from the heaviest to the lightest.Therewill be some rules to help you find this order. This is whereyourbrain will be required. The rules are of two types: the firstoneis based on a comparison. Some objects are smaller or equalorgreater than other objects. The second one is an equality. Alistof objects will be equal to a quantity. This game is nottimedepended. There will be a maximum number of moves to solveeachlevel. There are seven seasons available. Each season haveadifferent degree of difficulty of math equations. Your brainwilllove all of them. The first season is where you have to ordersomeballs based on your knowledge of logics and mathematics.Nothing todo with reality so the tennis ball will not be alwayslighter thanthe basketball ball. There are six types of balls:soccer ball,basketball ball, tennis ball, football ball, pool balland volleyball. Each of these balls can be heavier than the otherballs. Theseason with balls is great for kids to test theirintelligence andsome math skills. The second season is aboutfruits. Same type ofmath equations. Here it starts to getcomplicated. Kids with greatIQ level can solve these exercises. Youwill have to order thesetypes of fruits: apple, kiwi, grapes,orange, strawberry or melon.Each one of these fruits could beheavier than another one. Theequations with fruits are of type:equal, greater than or smallerthan. So it will be only equationswith comparison between fruits.In the third season you must arrangevegetables. These are greatexercises for everybody. Maybe toocomplicated for kids orchildren. But the vegetables season couldreally test your IQ andtrain your brain. The equations withvegetables are getting verycomplicated. There are of course sixtypes of vegetables: tomato,onion, broccoli, capsicum, eggplant,and pumpkin. And also theweights of these vegetables are not as inreal life. This isimportant so kids or children do notmisunderstand the logic andmathematics behind this. The fourthseason is with animals. This isnice for children of all ages. Thekids will for sure love it. Nicegraphics with animals are availableas in all the other seasons.Great to test the skills in mathematicsof your kids, theirintelligence and IQ. In this exercises there aresix types ofanimals: elephants, hippopotamus, pigs, owls, penguins,zebras.Here you will have a type of scale where a quantity isavailable.So other math skills are required. So from theseexercises you canfind out a value that is the weight of theanimals. With thisweight you can than order the animals and finishthe level. Forthis you need some basics of mathematics and algebra.It is likeyou gave three equations with three variables. Or fiveequationswith five variables and so on. The fifth season is withgems. Alsohere it will appear some weights that are a constantvalue that youhave to use in your equations. The sixth season isalso withanimals and the only difference is that all values arewith highnumbers. So the calculation is somehow more difficult. Theseventhseason is with fishes. Here you will have divisions. Sotrain yourbrain in seven seasons with 25 levels each. Graphics arenice andfun and children will love it. Test your IQ and get 3 starson eachlevel. Please send feedbacks for improvements and bug fixingtoimprove this board game. This game is playable on allresolutionsand we recommend it on any devices. Have fun!
Logic for kids 3-7 years old 1.5.2
Irina Marina
Educational games for preschool IQtraining(age 3 and up)
IQ Friends 1.2
IQ Friends is a personalizedself-improvementapp specially designed to train your mentalfitness. IQ Friendshelps you train your brain through fun games,personalized trainingprograms and exciting challenges with yourfriends.✓ Strengthen your memory✓ Make faster decisions✓ Make calculations more quickly✓ Reinforce your focus and multi-tasking skills✓ Increase your intelligenceIQ Friends enables you to train your brain the fun way. Themoreyou play with IQ Friends, the more you’ll improvecriticalcognitive skills that are proven to boost productivityandself-confidence.Never train alone again! Challenge your Facebook friends orotherIQ Friends users to a brain game to get that extramotivational pushand keep your discipline.RESEARCH BEHIND IQ FRIENDS BRAIN TRAININGIQ Friends’ brain games were developed in collaborationwithbrain researchers from the University of Coimbra and theUniversityof Osnabrueck to make your brain training moreeffective.CONTACT
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Java Script-LENQ FREE 1.1
Java Script-Learn Easy and Quick- Get set with JavaScript.OnlineTest with Discussion. Check how good you are by takingup thetestonline, the questions are randomly picked online and100sofquestions are updated frequently. Discuss on importanttopics.Bethe highest scorer and make your name come on the homescreen!FEATURES• Learn Easy and Quick provides you with randomquestionsonlinewhere you need to answers them in the giventime.• Full version gives you solution for the test youhaveattendedand remove all the ads from the app• You can add your score to the scoreboard and be onthehomescreen by scoring the highest• The questions will be updated frequently so thatyoucanpractice with new and different question each time.• And much more...WHERE ELSE CAN YOU FIND US?On the web: www.learneasyandquick.comOn Twitter: @LEARNENQOn Facebook: Email:
Java Programming-LENQ FREE 1.3.0
Learn Easy and Quick- Get set withJavaProgramming. Online Test with Discussion. Check how good youare bytaking up the test online, the questions are randomly pickedonlineand 100s of questions are updated frequently. Discuss onimportanttopics. Be the highest scorer and make your name come onthe homescreen!FEATURES• Learn Easy and Quick provides you with random questionsonlinewhere you need to answers them in the given time.• Full version gives you solution for the test you haveattendedand remove all the ads from the app• You can add your score to the scoreboard and be on thehomescreen by scoring the highest• The questions will be updated frequently so that youcanpractice with new and different question each time.• And much more...WHERE ELSE CAN YOU FIND US?On the web: www.learneasyandquick.comOn Twitter: @LEARNENQOn Facebook: Email: